• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 4,187 Views, 120 Comments

Alien: Twilight Signing Out - TwiRaptor

"Space travel is all we know. Some of us are engineers or pilots. Except for me. All I am is a common civilian along fro the ride......... Now there is some organism its aggressive...mean and its killing ponies." -Twilight Sparkle

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Level One Infestation

Sunset pushed Twilight and Lighting into the room, looking up Twilight gasps seeing she is in the hanger of the Station. A large ship sits on the floor taking up most of the landing area of the hanger. There were lots of ponies in here, walking around the ship and writing on clipboards. Looking around the room her ears then pin back when she sees the dome head of Gash. The Xenomorph had its head looking to the floor as it was in the trap. Its arms in a shackle mechanism extended in front of creature and legs pulled back in a shackle mechanism as well. Sunset put her pistol away and got Twilight up on her hooves, Twilight was confused as her friend began to push her further into the room. As the alicorn was moved she noticed Silverstar and the fillies were here. Gash was hissing but was relatively still, there were ponies around the Xenomorph and they were writing things down and looking at its body structure.

"Keep moving Twilight, try not to look at anything. I don't wanna kill a friend today dear." Sunset said bluntly before stopping Twilight, "Stay here, my superior will speak with you shortly" Sunset walked off and Twilight reached out to her and a tear formed in her right eye before falling off her face.

"Sunset! WHY!? You were one of them the whole time! Why did you not tell me your real job here, what did you know that you kept a secret!! You lied to me!" Twilight lowered her hoof but Sunset just kept walking, the stallion from before walked up and smiled at the alicorn. He pulled out his pistol and chuckles at her.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle, its good to see you again and that you have complied with us. You succeeded to do what no pony else could do, you even took a blow from the creature. Nasty little bite that thing gives out, hmmm?" he walks a circle around her and presses the gun on the back of her head bringing her to a kneel. "One thing we at Weyland forgot to mention to you, we don't leave survivors. However...I am not going to kill you, Sparkle" he removes the gun motions Sunset to come back. "I will leave that to you Sunset, deal with her as soon as you can" Sunset nodded and got Twilight up on her hooves and forced her to start walking, as they walked Twilight looked around, she noticed something odd. there were a large row of glass containers containing crab like creatures. They had long thin tails and were slamming themselves up against the glass and rubbing against it as ponies walked by their containment jars. Twilight tried to steer towards the containers but was stopped by Sunset.

"Don't think about it, last thing we need is another Xenomorph. That and we don't need you too die that way, painful death carrying the alien parasite!" Sunset stopped Twilight near Gash, the creature still shackled and snarling. Twilight looked to the creature, it was so still as it was now captured by Weyland. Sunset walked over and placed her hand on the creature and quickly removed her hoof when the Xenomorph roared from her touch.

"Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends and now your going to kill me! WHY!?" Twilight looked over with tears and noticed Silverstar and White being brought over to the area. Sunset smiled seeing them, White growled with hate in his throat wanting to come out and scream but he kept mostly quiet.

"You! Silverstar, help them move the creature onto the ship for extraction" Sunset said blankly holding her gun up, Silverstar stood there confused. "NOW!!!" Sunset stepped forward and Twilight teared up more looking at her friend. The Unicorn moved Silver up to the creature and smiled. "Come on start pushing" Silverstar did exactly that trying to move it. "Hurry up" Silverstar pushed and managed to move the trap forward slightly. With a smile Silver looks over to her boyfriend with a blush. They both lock eyes and Silverstar stopped pushing the cart. Sunset slowly raise her gun walking over to the pegasus. Twilight reaches out and cries.

"NO!!!" A loud gunshot was fired and Silverstar falls to the ground a hole in the back of the ponies head. Whites eyes fill with tears and he falls to the ground. Shaking he holds back the urge to murder Sunset knowing he was out gunned. Twilight screamed and got up onto her hooves. "I loved you!! I loved you and now your killing my friends!! THATS WHY I CAME TO THIS STATION!!" Twilight screamed louder as the tears streamed down her cheeks. Sunset looked over and shock filled her eyes momentarily hearing the alicorns confession finally be present. She had know idea these feelings for here were possible that Twilight was the pony who was feeling them. Twilight bolted up to Gash and placed her hooves on the creatures head. A loud hiss came from the mouth of the monster and Twilight closed her eyes slowly sliding her hoof on the dome of the creature. "Worst of all....you used me to capture this monster. This thing! IT has been killing everypony and you want it for what? Self gain!!"

"As a weapon" the stallion from before walked up and moved Twilight away from the Xenomorph. "A weapon to better kill those who oppose us, nopony would dare threaten our society if we could control these things!" The stallion looked at the dead mare on the ground. "Huh, what a shame. She was pretty, an item even" White growled again and got up hearing his dead marefriend being talked about that way from a sick perverted, power hungry, asshole. "Kill them, Sunset~" Twilight was up by Gash again her hoof on the shining dome again. "Do it now"

"Hey fuckhead" Twilight said bluntly, he turned around and Twilight had her hoof on the backplate of the trap, "Go fuck yourself!" she slams her hoof on the plate and dives away. The Xenomorph falls to the ground and quickly sprints away from the trap before slowing to a stop. Turning around it lets out a loud scream and sprints at the group. Everypony begins to scatter and the soldiers who were unprepared tried to get their weapons. Gash lunged and grabbed one of the ponies and its tail slammed up his rear and shot out the front of the stallions face. Sunset Shimmer unloaded her rounds trying to hit Twilight as the alicorn was running away. Two of the bullets smash into a glass container and a crab creature rolled out onto the floor wiggling and squealing. Sunset Shimmer looked at the thing and a stallion who was running in that direction.

"Facehugger!! Don't go that way!! Its a facehugger!" Sunset screamed and the creature she was screaming about stopped squealing and got on its legs and jumped up into the air. Its long tail moved like a hook and intercepted the stallion who was trying to get away. Latching onto the ponies face a last breath was heard before the stallion stopped moving falling onto the other glass containers and more facehuggers were now set free. Sunset quickly got ready and sprinted across the room after Twilight. "You get back here!! You little bitch!"

"Sunset!! Get that pony, hurry, there can be no witnesses" the lead stallion turns away after hollering to Sunset. He was met by the shiny teeth and gashed head of the once trapped Xenomorph. With a loud scream the creature shoved both hands into the stallions chest pushing him to the floor and it started to rip open his ribs as it pulled outward. Ponies running and screaming as facehuggers began to quickly intercept them bringing them to the floor. That was when the quarantine lights began to go haywire.

"Warning, quarantine levels indicated. Please evacuate station, i repeat please evacuate station" a robotic voice began to echo throughout the ship and the Xenomorph rushed to a closed vent before ripping it open. Gash stood there as facehuggers ran into the vent first, then the creature followed the little into the vent.

Author's Note:

Next is the final chapter, that will be the longest and most conclusive and even surprising chapter. The ship is now being flooded with Facehuggers and Gash is free to kill again. With Sunset Shimmer hot on Twiligths tail and armed to kill, the remaining cutie mark crusaders who's location is undetermined right now are going to be plunged into a world of nightmares. I hope you enjoy and the next chapter will either tear at your hearts and make you cry, or make you beg for more. We will see when the time comes