• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 4,187 Views, 120 Comments

Alien: Twilight Signing Out - TwiRaptor

"Space travel is all we know. Some of us are engineers or pilots. Except for me. All I am is a common civilian along fro the ride......... Now there is some organism its aggressive...mean and its killing ponies." -Twilight Sparkle

  • ...

The Crazies

Twilight slowly opens her eyes, Silver and Sunset were sitting over her. Sunset was looking off to the side and Twilight could hear allot of muffled voices as she was waking up. Rising up to a sitting position the alicorn rubs the back of her head with a slow groan escaping her lips. As her vision cleared she saw that Silverstar was now in her face looking in her eyes and even feeling her vitals on Twilights neck. Slowly smiling the pegasus moves her hoof away and gives a nod to the unicorn Sunset Shimmer.

"What happened? My head is pounding...." Twilight said looking around, they were in a small room with one window that gave them a view into a much larger section of the area. On the other end was a group of ponies who were laughing and enjoying themselves. They were eating food, drinking wine, playing card games, and there was even a mare and a stallion who appeared to be getting close as they were making out on a couch. Sunset shook her head and growled at the window in anger looking at them.

"What happened, these bustards attacked us and stuck us in here like prisoners! Now they are having a wonderful time laughing it off" Sunset got up on her hooves and paced back and fourth in the small room. There were other ponies in the room with them, they were quiet and most of them had the look of extreme fear in their eyes as they just stared at the newcomers. Twilight rubbed her head more before looking out the window. Her eyes filled with shock as she saw the actions that were going on the other side. "I have tried to get answers from these ponies but they seem brain dead or in shock. I am trying to figure out why"

"Maybe they will let us out? Maybe they are just scared and want to make sure we are friendly" Silverstar spoke quietly and lowered her head in doubt of her own words.

"Well we could hope that is the case but with how bad my head hurts, they must have attacked us hard. Planned it out too because we did not see them coming" Twilight said as she removed her hoof from the glass of the window. One of the stallions on the other end of glass separated them picked up a shotgun using his magic and began to laugh heading over to the door that kept Twilight and the others separated from the laughing, happy group that the stallion was with. The door opens and he points the shotgun at everypony in the room. Twilight moved away from the glass and Sunset moved away as well.

"What the hell is going on here? What is your problem locking us up here" Sunset said to the stallion with a glare, the stallion walks up and presses the barrel on the unicorn as he looks at a stallion that sit in the corner of the room.

"You, get up! Get out of here, your free to go" the stallion said softly with a grin on his face the entire time. The scared pony shook his head as two other ponies entered the room to take him out of the small room. "Take him, he is ready" the two ponies grab the pony and immediately the stallion begins to kick and scream trying to break free. Silverstar placed a hoof on her own muzzle in shock that the pony was upset that he was free to go. Why would he be scared or upset about that? The stallion was quickly out of view as he took the pony out of the room. Twilight tried to see where they took him but the stallion and the 'free' pony were out of site.

"What was that all about?" Twilight said as she began to look around still trying to find were they went, even if it was impossible to do. Sunset and Silver were both equally as confused and the other ponies were still brain dead, zero help to them. Sunset growled and glared out the window at their equipment that was taken from them. Their communication, tools, and Twilights revolver were all confiscated after the attack and out on the table the ponies were drinking around. Silverstar was thinking to herself, raising her hoof in the air as counting as she spoke to herself. Biting her lower lip from time to time before continuing with counting. Twilight moved away from the window and decided to take off her saddle bag. "No need for this, i have nothing to carry anymore"

"Oh but we will need it when we get out of here, I promise you that we will be out of here too" Sunset moved the bag aside with her hoof and blushed at the Alicorn. "We will figure out what they want and be out of here in no time at all" Twilight nodded and flared her wings to stretch them, she was stressed from all the things she had been doing for the past few days. All the lights were dim and flickering still, the generators must have still been down. "Twilight, while we have this time. There was something you wanted to let me know....about why you really came to the station to see me" Twilight looked into Sunsets eyes at that moment and frowned remembering she never got to tell Sunset the truth.

"Sunset...I want to tell you but, I don't know if you would understand" the alicorn moved a hoof up onto the unicorns chest and smiled, "However I guess it would be right to tell you the truth. I came here to fix our friendship, that much was true! I never lied about that much but I did leave out the biggest detail onto why i was excited when i got your invite~" Twilight bit the bottom of her lip and was once again interrupted as Silverstar got up and squeaked.

"I GOT IT~!!!" both mares moved away from each other and looked to Silverstar, Twilight smiled and leaned in over to Silver. Silverstar smiled and got up onto her hooves. "It is clear these ponies aren't okay in the head, no pony in the right mind would be partying in a situation like this. I don't think they were going to let that stallion free. I have a plan to avoid them however"

"What? What are you talking about. Are you saying these ponies want to hurt us?" Twilight said quickly not wanting to believe that yet, Sunset raised a hoof to silence her friend agreeing with Silverstar.

"Whats your idea Silver, you have my attention" The unicorn lowered her hoof and sat down looking over at the mare as they all spoke softly to avoid letting the party ponies from hearing them. Silverstar gulped and then grinned pointing up on the ceiling. Above them was a grate for vent access.

"Thats the only way to avoid them completely, we find a way to remove the grate and climb inside when they are all asleep. Then we move quickly to the next vent access and exit from there" Silver said quickly and quietly to further avoid a conflict that would happen if the ponies outside heard. Twilight backed away shaking her head.

"No, no, no, that is a horrible idea!" Twilight spoke louder now as she was opposed to going up there. Sunset shook her head and put a hoof on Twilights muzzle to bring down her volume shushing her. Groaning under Sunset's hoof Twilight closes her eyes and shakes her head again.

It was dark and Sunset had Silverstar on her back to reach the grate. Twilight was pacing still hating this idea, they managed to find a way to get the screws to loosen using Silverstar's diamond necklace, somehow it was working and they were working on the last screw so the grate would come down. Twilight shook her head and looked out the window at the asleep ponies, shaking her head faster she looks up at Silverstar.

"No, this is a bad idea. We don't know why they stuck us in here. Maybe they were trying to make sure they were not going to get hurt by us and doing this will totally break their trust or any trust they might have gotten from us being calm" Twilight was trying to make the situation of them being stuck in the small room less suspicious and creepy. "Like we should give this a chance maybe?" Sunset shakes her head and looks over to her friend Twilight.

"I doubt they could be nice after they had a gun to my chest and that pony freaked out a major storm by them taking him away" Sunset said as Silverstar stopped what she was doing to but into the conversation.

"Which is exactly why i started to think about it, I figured we would figure out eventually why that pony was scared to go with them. I don't want to figure that out so i then thought of a way out" Silverstar began to work at the bolt again and let out a long sigh, "The only way i could think of is the way Gash always escapes fire, the vents..." Twilight shook her head harder and looked up at the two again.

"So we are going to shove ourselves into our own death by going up there! Wonderful!" Twilight grunted and the power in the room shoots on, all the lights on the station light up as a loud hum rings everywhere from the jolt of energy. The generators were now back online. This sudden burst of light caused the ponies on the other end to start waking up. Twilight looked to the window once the lights turned on. It was hard to see because it had been awhile sense the station was this bright, the shotgun stallion who had entered the room before was now entering the room they were in. Twilight tried to get out of the way as the door opened and the stallion entered along with a couple other ponies. "Sunset!!!"

"Get them, they are trying to escape!!" The stallion screamed and pumped his shotgun as three ponies rush in the room, one tackles Twilight as the other two begin to hustle with Sunset and Silverstar. The stallion with the gun quickly moves the pony off of Twilight and moved her out into the big room. "Perhaps we were to kind with you three! Now its time for you to see the light, to be cleansed!" the stallion began to shout at Twilight and he tossed her in front of a windowed door , the door lead to a room that was much like the one she was just taken out of but there was allot of blood on the walls. "Show her! Grab one of the old un pure ponies! Show her what the great lord has sent us to do with ponies like her" Sunset and Silverstar are thrown next to Twilight and are all forced to look into the bloody room. A random mare is taken from a room and brought to the bloody room being tossed inside as another pony tosses a object with two speakers attached to it inside the room. "This is the gift that we were given! The creature, the beast was sent here to us! To be pleased as it cleanses the ship" the door closes as the device begins to make allot of loud buzzing noises, at the very second it started a loud thumping was heard in the vent going towards the room the mare was thrown into. Twilight , Sunset, and Silver were all still forced to look. From the already broken off vent access , Gash lowers its tail down into the room before entering it, immediately lunging at the mare pinning her up against the wall with a roar. Its dagger like tongue launches out and impales the mare in the face. Gash then sprints to the vent access and lunges inside.

"You monsters!!! What is wrong with you!" Silverstar screamed, "Your crazy!! That thing will kill you too if it got the chance!!" She screamed louder and the stallion bashes her in the back of the head knocking her out.

"Shut up!! We are not crazy!!" the stallion walked behind the mares and chuckles evilly, "You are next!" he pushes Twilight on the ground. Immediately Sunset begins to scream at them.

"NO!! No you leave her alone! No!! Stop!" she wiggles as she was held in place pleading for Twilight not to be sent in there. "You let her go! Please!" The stallion ignored the pleading and moved Twilight to the door and pushed her inside, Twilight heard the sound of another door opening in the room. She was unsure what it was but somepony had entered the area. The crazy ponies seemed to not notice as they all were occupied with a task. As the stallion placed his hand on the door ready to throw the noisemaker into the room with Twilight something interrupted.

"Let me help you~" a robotic voice spoke from behind the shogun stallion. The android quickly turns the stallion around and begins to strangle him. Twilight was on the ground as she looked out the doorway. The only other stallions rushed over to their friend as the mares began to scream in horror of the robotic pony strangling one of their friends. "Your acting hysterical, please calm down~" tightening his grip the android pushed the stallion against the wall as the other two stallions began to beat on the back of the robotic pony. The noisemaker hits the ground and begins to hiss Sunset kicked the noisemaker away from her and it rolls over to the center of the room where the mares were screaming. The vent begins to rumble and the choking stallion begins to speak again but to the robot.

"It's coming, you will end as it saves me from your evil~!" confidence lingers in his voice as Gash slams down from the vent running right past Twilight who lay in the room of which the creature entered. Gash headed towards the noise and stopped roaring at the mares. The mares stood there surprised as the creature hissed at them. Gash lunged at the mares pushing one of them off the couch they sat on. They all got up an ran as the creature put its hands around a mares head kneeling her down by force before shoving the end of its tail into her skull. The stallion lets out one last scream seeing this, "NO!! No this isn't right, we serve you! Noooo!!!" the android then breaks the stallions neck and turns to Sunset slowly moving towards her. More androids begin to enter the area preventing the crazies from leaving. Twilight got up and Sunset began to crawl away from the approaching android. One of the mares picks up the revolver that was confiscated from Twilight. Shaking with the revolver armed the mare stares as the creature lets go of a lifeless body with a loud roar. Sprinting at her now growling the mare places the gun to her own head quickly pulling the trigger. Her head peals open on the temple and she falls to the ground, blood pours from her head.

"Sunset!! Run!!" Twilight bolted for her friend and helped Sunset onto her hooves. "Help me get Silverstar!!" Twilight moves to Silverstar as the Android was right next to them reaching out.

"Let me help you~" the android reaches and grabs sunset but soon after he does a tail smashes through his chest and white blood oozes out of the androids mouth. Gash hissed and removed the tail placing a hand on top of the androids head. "You shouldn't be here" the androids said in a gargled tone from the blood oozing out. Gash raises his tail up into the air before swinging it into the side of the androids head. Twilight and Sunset began to pull Silverstar to the exist of the room, Gash ripped the end of the tail out of the android and moved to look in the direction of twilight and Sunset. Spit dripping from its mouth Gash charged. Twilight closed her eyes before she heard the unexpected. Gash lunged up into the vent with a roar moving fast through the ventilation. Opening her eyes she sees a familiar face, White lightning was now helping the two mares drag Silverstar out of the room as he held a lit flamethrower.

"We have to go now, we are taking this to the captain! I am done here" White yelled as the remaining androids started towards them with red eyes. Thats when the emergency lights began to flash, orange flashing lights began to flash throughout the station as they exited the room.