• Published 23rd Dec 2015
  • 2,596 Views, 14 Comments

Tactics of Chaos. - Selene Moonlilly

The tactician from Fire Emblem: Awakening finds himself in Equestria.

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Chapter 3: As the Snow Falls.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony SilverBlaze0ne here and I just wanted to take the time to let you know that words apear crossed out like this is stuff that Checkmate hears in the waking word that is affected by Discord's curse.
And the segments that appear in italic like this are memory's. just wanted to let you know to maby stop any confusion:pinkiehappy:

When do we get to my part? You think that I'm just sitting here eating bon bons and drinking coke?

Hey no fourth wall breaking Grima, thats pinkies' thing.

"He's not waking up! It has been three days, yet he still won't regain consciousness. Are you sure there is nothing you can do Doctor Blood Flow?" I heard Berry Shine's voice say as I started to come to.

"Yes, I'm afraid that all we can do is wait. If it wasn't for Discord destroying all of the medical journals and research in the old city of Arcadia on a whim, we would be able to help more ponies. But as it is, we have to rediscover medical science and magic all over again." A deep voice said that I figured belonged to the doctor. 'Wait, what name did he say destroyed the medical knowledge? Why can I not remember?! ' I asked myself while I try to open my eyes, but a sudden onslaught of memories make me close them again. ' Damn that is not the way that Henry said that the memory hex works. It is supposed to recover the memories of the subject through their dreams anywhere from two to six weeks depending on the amount lost, wait, I remember who I was!' I thought excitedly before I remembered that I was currently in the body of a young six legged pony. 'Well this is worse then when Tharga miscast that love curse and made Frederick fall in love with me for a week. I'm just glad that Gaius isn't here to see this, I'd never hear the end of it. He would probably come up with a new nickname for me, never did find out why he called me bubbles.' I thought to myself as I felt my consciousness fade away again. ' Come on I just woke up!!!!!'

I found myself laying down on a mound of snow in a cave of ice. I could hear the wind coming from the entrance and see snow falling outside. As I was looking around, I noticed that there was a number of stalactites and stalagmites on the ceiling and floor of the cave in patterns that do not happen in nature. Surprisingly, I did not feel cold in the slightest despite my surroundings. While I was pondering that my eyes fell on the only other pony in the cave. She had fur as white as snow with a light blue mane and tail. When I saw her I instantly know that she was my mother. Upon noticing that I was looking at her she smiled at me. “Good morning Snowfall.” She said to me as she went over to locked chest where she kept the food. The chest being enchanted to keep things inside from freezing or at least that's what dad told me. She unlocked it and lifted the lid. As she put her head into the chest I made my way other to the raised bit of ice that formed our table. I sat at my customary spot and waited for the mare to come over with breakfast. Soon enough she walked over from the chest and put some white colored berries in front of me and then went to the other side of the table with berries of her own. ‘Snowberries my favorite!’ I thought as I proceeded to practically inhale the berries. ‘If only daddy were here to enjoy these with me this would be the best morning! Wait when is daddy coming back?’ I asked myself as I looked up at my mom to see her eating at a much slower pace than I had.

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?" I asked the mare in front of me in a worried, high pitched tone. It had been about three weeks since dad had left to talk to the unicorns, and he still hadn't came back. My mom stopped eating and looked at me with concern.

"He should be back any day now my little snowflake. I am sure that he is just spending a couple of days looking for a gift for your birthday like he promised you." My mom told me, while looking at the entrance of our cave home. I heard hoofsteps coming from outside of the cave. 'Maybe that's dad!' I thought excitedly, and rushed outside to greet him. "Snowfall get back here!" Mom yelled at me as I exited our home. I looked around outside but was only greeted with the sight of a dark blue furred stallion with a sky blue mane and tail.

"Oh, it's just you uncle Frostbite." I said dejectedly, disappointed that it had not been my dad.

"Is that how you greet your favorite uncle, squirt?" Frostbite asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"You are my only uncle, and I'm sorry. I was just hoping that dad was back." I apologized to him. I looked down at the snow, ashamed of my lack of greeting. I suddenly felt a hoof on my head ruffling my mane. I looked up and saw the smiling face of my uncle.

"That's okay squirt, I understand. But do you think you can go in and get your mom for me?" Frostbite asked me.

"Ok." I answered him and turned back to my home and ran in to tell my mom. "Mom, uncle Frostbite is here and wants to talk to you." I said to my mom who looked extremely mad. I looked at her and tried to figure out what I did to make her so angry. 'Oh, I went outside without permission.' I realized after a moment. "Sorry mom, I was just thinking it might be dad and just ran out there." I apologized to her in hopes that she wouldn't punish me for disobeying the rules.

"While I am glad you realized your mistake, I still need to punish you, so no friends over for the next week." My mom told me with an authoritative voice, as she looked at me sternly.

"But mom, my birthday is in two days! What about my party?" I asked with worry in my voice. "You've already invited all my friends and their parents. Isn't it too late to cancel?"

"You should have thought of that before you ran outside of the cave. Now, stay here while I find out what your uncle wants." Mom said as she left the cave. 'This is not fair! I only went outside for a couple of minutes, and it's not like I would get hurt. Nothing else except the yaks live up here and they mind their own business.' I pouted to myself.

All of a sudden I heard another voice. "I am trying to get into his dream sister, but somepony has put wards around his psyche. This is not chaos magic but actual dream magic and of a kind that makes me look like a rank beginner. Yes, I know we don't have time and that the room and his body is rapidly losing heat, but this will take a bit more time to get through." I heard the voice say from a long way off. I kind of recognized the voice, but I could not think of where I had heard it before. I looked around and only saw a black void.

"What am I doing here, last I remember I was with mom back in the cave." I started to wander around the empty void when I suddenly heard a sound from behind me. As I turned to try to find where the noise is coming from, I find myself back in the cave.

"What do you mean that my daughter is now engaged with the leader of the unicorns' son? I tell you Frost that for your sake that this had better be one of Glacier's jokes!" I heard my mom shout as the wind and snow picked up outside.

"I wish it was one of my brother's jokes, but the unicorns won't help protect us from the winter wolves without this." I heard uncle Frostbite tell mom.

"You know as well as I do that they just want to control the elements of wind and water so they no longer have to rely on the pegasus, that's the only reason they would demand my daughter. If we send her to Arcadia we won't see her again! I won't lose my baby!" Mom yelled back.

"We are between a couple of icebergs in the ocean here and we have no room to deny their demands. Not if we want to live through the next season." I heard my uncle's voice shout over the increased volume of the wind. "Now calm down Snowflurry, you're causing a snowstorm out here and we don't need to worry Snowfall any more than necessary."

"So this is why we couldn't find your parents. Discord dragged you from the past and transformed you into a unicorn colt. But I see now that you are one of the fabled snow ponies that disappeared shortly before the unification of the three tribes." I heard the voice say once again. As I turned around and I saw Luna there, I came back to my senses. "I see you are finally free from the grip of the memory, Checkmate, or should I say Snowfall. It is time to wake up, you have worried everypony." Luna said as her horn lit up and a light filled the void.

"So, you're saying that this is her true form and Discord transformed her into a six legged colt?" I heard Celestia say as I came back to the waking world. 'Okay, this is getting annoying, why can't I remember that name? I have trained to remember everything I see and hear. Wait, did she say her?.' I think to myself as I opened my eyes. I looked down at my front hooves and saw snow white fur.

"Can I get a mirror please?" I asked the room full of ponies around me in a much higher pitch voice then the one I have had for the last four months. Everypony looked in my direction in relief. I waited for a good fifteen minutes in silence for an answer. With no answer was forthcoming I decided to try again, "Can I please get a mirror?"

" I am not sure that's a good idea. You just woke up from a four day coma. The stress for seeing yourself could send you back into one." A brown unicorn stallion with a short green mane answered my question. This all but confirmed that something definitely has happened to me.

I gave the stallion my sternest gaze and angrily asked, "Can I please get a mirror so I can see what happened to me?" The stallion looked about ready to deny me but then Luna placed a hoof on his withers and shook her head. She then levitated a small hoof mirror in front of me. The face that greeted me was completely different the one that I had been seeing these last four months. Snow white fur covered a face that was more angular and softer at the same time. Eyes of ice blue stared back at me from the mirror, and a light blue mane with soft purple highlights draped over my right eye. I looked back and forth between the ponies in the room and the mirror a couple of times all the while I swear that I could hear laughter in the back of my mind. "Well fuck my life!" I exclaimed to the startled gasps from all the adults gathered around the room.

Comments ( 6 )

So the main character is going to be female now?

7766339 Only for a little bit. He is not just going to roll over and accept it!

[Pokes the story with a stick] Is it breathing I can't tell it might be twitching a bit but can't tell if it's dead.

Not dead but on life support. Real life has been kicking my butt. I am working on the next chapter though.

Okay, I thought I would check been re-reading some stories in my tracking.

need more

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