• Published 23rd Dec 2015
  • 2,595 Views, 14 Comments

Tactics of Chaos. - Selene Moonlilly

The tactician from Fire Emblem: Awakening finds himself in Equestria.

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prologue: Self-sacrifice (Rewrite)

"Now Crow! This is our chance! I'm going to finish it!" I heard from the person next to me. I looked at him as he readied his sword to strike the world ender to cause him to sleep for another two thousand years. I then looked at our foe and saw my own face staring back at me. All of my memories and mistakes from both time lines flashed before my eyes. I then recalled what Naga the dragon of light said before we she sent us up onto Grima’s back, ‘The only thing that can destroy Grima for good is his own power.’

‘I will not let this so called god destroy this world again, even if I have to sacrifice myself to do so. I gladly give me life so the people who took me in when I had nothing but my name are safe from this monstrosity for ever.’ With this thought in mind I started to charge my dark energy into a Flux spell.

"Crow?! Wait, what are...", my friend stuttered.

"...What...What are you doing?",asked my future self with a trace of uncertainty in his voice.

"For once, I'm glad that we are the same person. Now I can give my life to save my loved ones."

For a minute he looked at me with doubt in his eyes then says, "You would not dare!"

"I would and I will. The evils you would visit upon this world are unspeakable... In some way I share the blame. It's only right we go together!" I stated as I attacked him with my spell.

As I watched him fade away I felt myself slipping away from reality. "Crow! No!" I heard my friend cry.

“Thank you for everything, let the others know that my last thoughts were of them... may we meet again in a better life."

Just before I faded from conscious I could have sworn I heard Naga’s voice say, “This one failed like all the rest. Collect the soul and get everything ready for the next cycle. This time we will make it a female manakete. Maybe that will free my brother from his curse.”

Darkness, nothing but darkness and emptiness all around me. I couldn't even move and the the only thing I felt was an agonizing cold. 'Is this it? Is this what the afterlife is? Just nothing for eternity?' I thought.

"Well that was a fine piece of chaos if I do say so myself. I mean, how many other people can say that they were the destruction and salvation of their own world multiple times. Bravo. Such chaos deserves to be free from the restricting bonds of order that is an universal time loop. Yes I do think I will take you off Naga's hands." A voice that came out of the darkness said accompanied by clapping. I tried to sense where the voice was coming from but to no avail.

"Who's there!" I yelled into the void.

"Who me? Well I'm the the god of chaos. The one, the only Discord!!” The voice bragged to the sound of trumpets and oddly enough a chime at the end. “Now I bet you're wondering what a god of chaos like me wants with you? Well, I've gotten bored with the ponies in my home reality. I mean none of them would know a good joke if it bit them on the flank. So I’m going to set you loose on your fellow ponies and see what chaos you create."

"ponies... don't you mean people?" I asked confused. "Besides, what makes you think I would help you; I've spent all of my life fighting against tyrants!"

"That's the fun thing about it, you won't have a choice. See I can alter your mind and flip your personality to its opposite. Now this is going to hurt, but try to bear through it." Suddenly I felt a lot of pain, after what felt like an eternity I last fell into unconscious.

" So he started out in the body of the six legged Sleipnir, well nuts. I was hoping he would end up a siren, oh well. Now let's see, what shall I do with him?" I heard the voice that identified itself as Discord ask as I started to come to. I slowly opened my eyes to see an unusual creature made up of different animals sitting on a throne. "Ah I see that you've woken up. Now, proper introductions can be made. I am Discord and you my little example of murphy's law are Crow, the avatar of Grima the dragon of destruction yadda yadda yadda. Now before you say anything I've got to ask why the long face?" He asked while holding up a mirror while trying to hold in a laugh. As I look in the mirror, suddenly I notice a bizarre, young, silver pony with a black curved horn sticking out of it's forehead and a flowing red and purple mane.

"What the..." I squeaked out in a higher pitch voice. I tried to back up but I only managed to trip and fall backwards. I looked around to see what tripped me and I noticed that I now had six legs instead of two that I was use to or the four that a normal pony would have. By this point, Discord was rolling on the ground laughing.

"You should see the look on your face, it's priceless!" As he was laughing, I got up on all six of my legs and took stock of my surroundings.

I saw pink clouds that were leaking some kind of brown liquid to the ground, just like rain. There were weird rabbits with long legs wandering around, while trees were hanging upside down. Suddenly I heard fingers snap, I turned towards Discord just to notice that he's walking towards me. "I've got it! I'll just take away your memories of your past life and make you a chaos lord like me. Watching you make the transformation to a true being of chaos might just be interesting enough to stave of my boredom. Now get over here!" 'Oh dung' I thought as I tried to get away, only to trip in my haste.

"Gotcha, now this won't hurt me a bit." Quipped Discord, as he put one of his talons on my forehead. I began to feel agonizing pain as I felt my memories fade away and something else taking their place.

"Discord, let go of that colt this instance!" While the pain slowly faded, I looked in the direction of the new voice and gasped. There were two large ponies standing in the distance, one had white fur and a long flowing mane with multiple shifting colors in it that seemed to move in the wind, while the other one had dark blue fur and what looked like the night sky including the stars in her mane, both had horns jutting from their heads and wings on their back.

"Oh, if it isn't the two baby alicorns.” Discord responded to their demand. But as he uttered those words both alicorns were instantly dressed in baby bibs and had pacifiers in their mouths. “How long has it been, twenty or thirty years? What are you two doing here?" Discord asked the two. “ No wait let me guess, You are here to avenge your mother whom I sent to another dimension. What makes you think you can succeed where old Ink butt couldn't? Are you under the impression that she will come back if you defeat me? That's the best joke I’ve heard all month and I heard the one about the shark, the anchor and the bowl of pudding so that's really saying something. Now why don't you go and do whatever it is that alicorns do when not bothering little old me.”

"No we are here to put an end to your tyranny!" The white one declared.

"Oh very well. I will humor you but first you will have to get past my son. Can you bring yourselves to hurt a little foal?" Discord stated as he disappeared and then reappeared on his throne with a bag of seeds in his claws and started eating seeds. He then snapped his finger again. At that moment I was suddenly filled with a need to protect him and a burning hatred for the two alicorns in front of me. I took another look at the alicorns and activated my Tactician’s eye ability to get an idea of just what I had to deal with. The moment I used my ability my head was flooded with a lot of information.

‘Ok so only two enemies and one ally in a ten mile radius. Enemies are alicorns named Celestia and Luna. Celestia, the white one is fire specialist and is proficient in spear warfare. Luna, the blue one is a master at conjuring and mind magic. She also seems to be good with a sword. Neither of them are wearing any kind of armor which means that they will be faster at moving being unencumbered by weight. They both have three necklaces that radiate magic power of unknown origin. The necklaces may give some type of damage resistance or power boost to those who were them, which would prove quite troublesome. That’s it for information of my foes. I appear to now have full knowledge on how to move in this body and I also seem to generate lighting type magic naturally and don't require any spell books or chanting to cast it. I also seem to be getting mana directly feed to me from Discord. I can’t sense anything else about him which means that he has some kind of ability that prevents me from getting information from him. Back to the matter on hand as I am a smaller target I will be harder to hit but at the same time this body of mine doesn’t have any protection so one hit and I’m done for. So that means I have to go with a aggressive fighting style and keep them on the defensive to live through this.’ I thought to myself in the fifteen seconds after I got the information from tactician's eye.

“We are not going to fight a young pony! How dare you suggest tha…” Luna started to say before being blasted back a couple of yards by the bolt of lightning that I sent at her while she was distracted. She fell on her side with traces of electricity running over her body causing her mussels to spasm uncontrollably.

“Luna!!!” Celestia cried out in worry.

“Never underestimate an opponent based on looks alone.” I snarled at the alicorns as I charged lighting directly into my body increasing my speed and reaction time. “ Also If you are going to step on a battlefield you should be ready to do whatever is necessary to win.” I yelled as I charged at Celestia at lightning speed. But just as I was about to hit her with my lightning charged hoof she moved to the left dodging my strike. ‘Ok she reacted before she even saw me, which means she either has had years on the battlefield or she somehow can predict my movements.’ I thought to myself as I continued to attack her but she still dodged my every strike.

‘She must have a weakness. What is it. It's like she can see the future the moment I make a decision to attack it seems that her style of combat is defensive. She has also been dodging my attacks rather than blocking and why hasn't she pulled out a weapon it’s like she doesn't want to hurt me.’ I mused as I continued to attack, I then noticed that Luna was getting back up. ‘Wait, what if I put her in a situation where she has to at least block my attack? Then I can at least gage her damage resistance and spot any weaknesses.’ I then charged up my horn and rushed at the still somewhat dazed Luna. Just as I was about to hit the blue alicorn a spear shaft surrounded by a golden aura blocked my hoof. Celestia who was now in front of me holding me back with her conjured weapon. She opened her mouth to say something, probably to reprimand me for my lack of honor or something. But she never got the chance as I released the energy in my horn in the form of a giant lightning bolt right on all three of us. In the second before the bolt hit us I saw her eyes go wide. I smirked and said “Checkmate.”

When the flash of light from the lighting faded I saw that I was in a twenty foot wide, five foot deep crater. I could not see anything of my foes but I doubted that they were destroyed by that blast. As I looked around for the alicorns I noticed a steep raise in temperature. The amount of light around me was also increasing, and as my shadow was directly under me that meant that the source of light was above me. I looked up and felt my ears flatten against my head as a giant fireball was bearing down on me. “Oh, well crap!” I said in surprise. ‘ Ok so the fireball is to close for me to dodge even with my enhanced speed. But I can't just let it hit me, I'd be dead before I could say charcoal. The only thing I can think of is to overpower the spell with a direct and powerful blast of my lightning .’ I quickly deduced and started to charge all the mana that I had to my horn and fired a red colored lightning bolt directly in the center of the fireball. The bolt pierced through the fire and caused the fireball to lose its shape and for the fire to follow the path of my lighting.
‘I can't believe I forgot that they had wings. Of course they can fly and cast spells from the air.’ I berated myself as I took a deep breath at how close that on was. It was at this time that my legs decided to give out on me and I fell over onto my side. ‘No, my body can't give out on me now! I have to protect Discord. Get up now!’ I thought harshly to myself as I struggled to get up. After about five tries to get back on my hooves I finally managed to stay up. Then I scanned the area but didn't see anyone but Discord, who was still on his throne eating. ‘Where are they?’ I asked myself.

As I continued to scan the area for them I smelled a calming rose scent and started to feel sleepy. My eyes started to close as I struggled to stay awake to no avail. Just as I lost consensus I heard Luna say, “ Rest my little pony, and when you awake this nightmare will be over.”

As I started to awake I heard two voices talking. “ well we have to do something sister. The spell was not supposed to last this long.” one voice said.

“ Well what do you suggest we do? If we try to wake him magically it might react poorly to the chaos magic still in his body.” A second voice answered. At this time I tried opening my eyes and saw a two ponies talking back and forth.

“Well I don’t know but we can’t just leave him here.” the blue pony said.

‘Wait why does this seem familiar? Have I been in this position before? It feels like I've been through this multiple times.’ I thought as the two noticed that I was awake.

“Ah I see that you are awake. How are you feeling?” The blue horse asked me while holding her hoof out for me to take. When I lift my front left leg to take her hoof in mine I noticed a strange purple six eyed symbol on my hoof.

“I feel decent enough. Thank you for asking Luna.” I answered back. ‘Wait why do I know her name? I don't think I've ever seen her before.’ After hearing my say her name the blue horse shared a look with the white one.

"Excuse me young pony, but do you know where your family is?" The white one, whom my brain assigned the name Celestia to asked me. As I think about it, I realized that I didn't have any memory's before seeing them.

"No, I don't remember anything before you two showed up." I said with a noticeable amount of apathy. ‘Why don’t I care about losing my memories? You'd think that I would at least panic about not knowing anything about myself but I can’t seem to care. Maybe it has happened to me before?’ Celestia and Luna both looked at me with worry cleary on the faces.

"My name is Celestia and this is my sister Luna. Do you remember your name?" Celestia asked. I thought about it really hard but the only word that came to mind was checkmate.

I looked at her and said, "Checkmate."