• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 986 Views, 9 Comments

Kim Possible Meets Equestria Girls - aerotendo

Applejack is losing her friends and only one team can help her!

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Chapter 2

KP Meets Equestria Girls

Chapter Two: True Friend

"So where was the last place you saw your friends? Were there any eye witnesses?" Kim says, going right to the point.

Applejack tips her hat back as she scratches her head, "The last place Ah'm seeing any of them was in the school on Friday. Ah haven't seen them all weekend, and we be having made plans and all. Now I can't even be getting a hold of any of them except from Fluttershy who be hiding something fierce from whatever be spookin' her."

Kim thinks that there might be a connection and says to Applejack, "Have you tried to ask her if she knows what happened to the others?"

Applejack shrugs, "Tried that, but the calls are either too short or she is speaking a mighty bit too soft for mah ears to be pickin' up."

Ron steps up and says, "Why not ask her in person then?"

Applejack shakes her head, "I'd love to sugercube, but Ah have not a clue where she be hidin' and believe me, Ah've been looking."

Kim pulls out her Kimmunicator, "Wade, we need a trace on a phone to locate someone. Can you do that?" Wade nods to Kim as he says, "Easier than falling off a log for me Kim. What's the number?"

Applejack tells Wade the number and within a few moments of some typing Wade says, "Well, you're not going to believe this but..."

A arriving at where Fluttershy is hiding, Applejack says, "Ah can't believe that she is hiding out here." Looking at where the gerbils and hamsters that Fluttershy loved to take care of normally lived.

Ron smiles as he says, "Hey, it could be worse. She could be hiding out in the monkey house at some abandoned Zoo."

Applejack looks at Ron with some confusion while Kim just rolls her eyes as she remembered that mission and says, "C'mon Ron, let's find our missing witness." Not wanting to think about that mission with Yori and how she felt then.

The three of them walk into the building and go right to the room where Fluttershy is feeding the hamsters and Applejack runs up to Fluttershy the moment she sees her friend and says, "Fluttershy! You had me really worried about you! What in all of tarnation are you doing here if you're hidin' out?"

Fluttershy lowers her head shyly and says softly, "Oh, but I couldn't just leave the animals, it is my turn to be caring for them and they might starve if I'm not here to care for them. No matter what is going on, they don't deserve that." She picks up a hamster and brings it up close to her face for emphasis, to which the hamster shows its gratitude by turning and nuzzling her cheek.

Applejack didn't know what to say, she knew her friend was the most shy and timid girl she ever met but at the same time, when it came to her animals or friends, she could be the most fearless person she ever met but this just left her speechless.

Ron could see the bond Fluttershy had with the hamster and steps forward as he says, "You're right! Someone should be caring for them and if you're not here for them, who would be? Why, my buddy Rufus is like family to me and I'd never let him starve."

Fluttershy starts to back away in shyness and nervousness about being around such an energetic individual and saying at almost whisper-level something to him until Ron then pulls Rufus out of his pocket to show her his buddy. She immediately perks up and zips close to Rufus and loudly says, "OH! You have a naked mole rat! I've never met one before! He is so cute!"

Applejack was rather repulsed by the sight of Rufus and thinks, "He had that in his pocket the whole time? I guess you never know with some people what yah'all can expect."

Kim saw an opening with Fluttershy even as she started to ask questions and quickly says, "Flutteredshy is it? Applejack is missing some friends and we believe you may know what happened to them, can you tell us?"

Fluttershy was still in discovery mode over Rufus and says as she pets Rufus on the head, "It is Fluttershy, and they were kidnapped by some scary people because of our ponyness." She then says in a cutesy voice, "Aren't you just the cutest naked mole rat? Yes you are!" To which Rufus smile and makes a happy sound as he gets petted more by Fluttershy.

Ron smiles at the way Rufus is acting, "You really have a way with animals don't you? I can tell Rufus likes you."

Fluttershy looks up at Ron with a smile, "You've taken such good care of him. I can tell by how his strong and healthy he is, and his happiness just radiates from every pore on his body.

Ron reaches up with his other hand to rub a cheek on Rufus, "Like I said, we're family, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my family..." He then looks at Kim, "Or my best friends." And with that, something occurs to Fluttershy and she straightens up, "You know what? You're right, my best friends are in danger and here I just hiding! I need to help them!" She turns to Kim and says, "I'll tell you everything I know."

Kim couldn't help but smile inwardly with a bit of pride at how Ron was able to use his Ron-ness to bring a very shy and scared girl out of her shell to help them find the missing people. Outwardly, she was all business and starts to ask some questions.


Applejack looks at the cave, scratching her head in confusion as she says, "Ah wonderin' why anyone would say they'd be bringing mah friends here?"

Kim starts to move forward as she says, "I don't know but that's what we're here for." She then stops and turns to Applejack, "This could get dangerous. Perhaps you should stay here until we find out for sure if they are even in there."

Applejack shakes her head, "Not happening sugah, if mah friends need me. I am comin' along and don't think you can stop me."

Kim is about to say something when Ron speaks up, "C'mon KP, let her come. She's family and just think how you'd feel if someone told you it was too dangerous to go where I might be." All the fight for her argument was washed out of her as she thought about Ron's words and knew that there would be nothing anyone could do or say to stop her too if her best friend was in trouble. "Uggh, Fine but if there's any kind of danger Applejack, I want you to get some cover. Do we have a deal?"

Applejack nods and then on reflex brings her hand up to tap back her hat, "Ah Promise to try and stay out of your hair, but if my friends need me, Ah'll be going to them."

Kim sighs as she had a feeling that Applejack would say something like that. "Fine, now follow us and try to stay quiet. We don't want the kidnappers to know we're coming."

The three of them then move forwards as quietly as they can into the cave, going slowly deeper with the rocks starting to glow brighter green as time went by, making it easy to see where they were going. Applejack says as they walk along, "Seeing these here rocks glowing makes me think of Rarity. I'd wager that she could tell us just what they are and why they're glowing."

Kim pauses and says, "I've been wondering that too." She activates her Kimmunicator and says, "Wade, I am sending you a scan of something and need you to tell me what is causing it to glow."

Wade mods on the screen to Kim and says, "I'll analyze it and get back to you as soon as I can."

Kim turns off the Kimmunicator and resumes with the others into the slowly brightening cave. It seemed that the deeper they went, the brighter it got until it got to a point where it was almost like daylight in intensity and they were coming up to a cave opening where it seemed the brightest. She was the first to hear it being in the front, and holds up a hand before whispering, "Hold on, I hear something." Taking a few quiet steps forward, she peeks around to see what the source of the sound that she'd heard was and her eye widen briefly before they narrow in focus.

Kim continues to watch as she mentally plans what she needs to do before she steps around the corner and sees what appears to be steps leading up to an arch that bore a resemblance to a horseshoe with what looked like glass but it was glowing like the rocks in the cave. Standing next to it was some MonkeyFist and it looked like he was talking to the arch.

MonkeyFist has his knuckles on the ground in his monkey at rest pose and says, "Remember our agreement! As soon as I finish delivery, you will give me what I want!"

Kim turns her head to whisper to Ron and Applejack, "It is MonkeyFist and he's talking to a glowing arch."

Ron whispers back, "Aw man! I bet it is another monkey plan again!"

Applejack whispers to Kim, "Who is this MonkeyFist? Do y'all think he might have something to do with mah missing friends?" She moves to get a peek at MonkeyFist.

Kim frowns a bit and whispers, "This doesn't make any sense, what could he possibly want with your friends? What would make them special enough to..." She is cut off by Applejack as she whispers, "magic!"

Kim blinks and whispers, "What?" She glances at Ron to see if he had any idea if what Applejack was talking about but just then MonkeyFist shouts loudly enough to get everyone's attention, "Monkey Ninjas! Bring forth the newest captive!"

The trio wait to see who it is when finally monkeys, dressed in black ninja outfits comes through another cave entrance with an unconscious form of Fluttershy with MonkeyFist immediately saying to the arch, "I believe we only need one more before you have all that you need."

Applejack couldn't believe her eyes as funny monkey-looking man and his band of furry critters carried Fluttershy towards the arch. She was about to make a move when she saw a blur at the edge of her vision and saw Kim moving with incredible stealth, ducking behind stalagmites to get closer without getting noticed before seeing that her cuz was doing the same thing, even takin' the same breaths in sync. She continues to watch this for a few more moments before snapping out of it. She tips her hat forward as she whispers to herself, "Focus, Fluttershy needs yah now and best Ah'm stopping them from doing whatever they did to the others." As soon as she took one step forward a hand on something really long reaches out through the arch and grabs Fluttershy, pulling her through it with the both of them vanishing in a small flash. She cries out, "Fluttershy!" which catches the attention of everyone in the room and almost immediately, MonkeyFist shouts to his monkey ninjas, "Get her! She's the last one we need!"

In a blink of an eye, Kim and Ron put themselves between Applejack and the monkeys as they approached her. Kim narrows her eyes in a silent challenge before she says, "Whatever you're planning MonkeyFist. It won't work!" Ron then quickly adds, "Yeah! What she said monkey dude!" before he makes some kung-fu like moves.

Kim doesn't look at Ron as she says, "Ron, go check out the arch that Fluttershy went through." with a cheerful answer from Ron reaching her ears, "You got it Kim!" She knows that Ron is already on the move as she kicks a monkey ninja back into two others when it tries to leap at her.

Applejack looks at the strange sight before her and cries out, "What in the tarnation is going on here? Why in the heck do they want me? And just where did they take Fluttershy?"

Kim grabs another ninja monkey and tosses it at another pair but they dodge being hit even as Kim calmly says, "I don't know Applejack but I promise we'll get to the bottom of this. The most important thing right now is keeping you safe because, I can tell you this... whatever MonkeyFist wants you for, it won't be good. He wants to rule the world and will use any means he can."

Applejack sees a monkey ninja approaching her and is extremely frustrated in trying to understand everything at this point. "Ah'm used to magical villains trying to take over the world, but they're usually from another pony-based world. Not our world!" She punches the monkey ninja that got too close, and with her strength from working on the farm. She sends it flying through the air to the far wall of the cave, knocking it out instantly.

Kim saw the instant K.O. and makes a mental note not to get on her bad side before she says, "You're used to villains from another world? Do you think it could be one of them at work here?"

Applejack kicks another monkey ninja across the room before answering in a frustrated voice, "Ah'm not sure! Mah friends and I had already defeated and befriended the first one, powered down the second ones. So if it is a mystical villain, it is ah new one for me!"

Kim was a bit surprised to hear about the action Applejack had seen. She had thought of Applejack as just another country girl whose mission would be easy but apparently there was far more to Ron's cousin than she had given her credit for. She promises herself that she wouldn't do that again even as she does a kick at a monkey ninja.

Applejack looks around and doesn't see her cousin anywhere, "Where is mah cousin? Do you suppose he's ok?"

Kim hadn't heard Ron's traditional cry for help so she figures Ron and Rufus were just trying to stay out of sight in order to find out what happened to Fluttershy. She spots a bit of blond hair by the arch and says, "Yes, he's fine."

Applejack wishes she could feel as secure as Kim seemed to but then she figured that they were more used to this kind of thing than she was. She manages to kick another monkey ninja but notices that they seemed to be pulling back and not coming as close as usual which started to make her suspicious.

Ron sticks his head through the arch along with Rufus before they pull back their heads and he cries out, "Kim! You're not going to believe this!" This immediately catch the attention of some monkey ninjas and three immediately pounce on him.

Applejack sees this and cries out, "Cousin!" Before she is immediately scooped up by two big monkey hands from above. She looks up and sees the one that Kim had called MonkeyFist as he cackles, "I've got you now! Finally I will have what I desire!" She struggles as he starts to grab the stalactites with the hands on his feet and move her towards the arch. Looking down to cry out for Kim, she sees that Kim had problems of her for as many as six of those monkey ninjas seemed to tackle her and roll with her, and that's when she knew she was on her own. She shouts up at the monkey man, "Let mah go!!" She struggles hard and can feel him loosing his grip on her.

MonkeyFist growls for a moment as he tries to hold onto the strong girl, "Quit your struggling! I will have what I want!"

Applejack shouts, "Not if Ah'm having anything to say about it!" She swings herself back and forth in MonkeyFist's already loose grip until she can put both her feet on the arch and with one might thrust, she pushes back hard and rockets herself upwards into him, knocking them both down to the ground with her on top of him. Turning around quickly she grabs him by the collar and shouts at him as she rocks him back and forth, "What have yah done with my friends yah crazy monkey man?!"

MonkeyFist grabs her by the wrists to pull her hands off with great difficulty as she was stronger than the others had been and shouts to his ninjas, "Get this country girl off of me!!"

Applejack is grabbed almost instantly from behind by two monkey ninjas and pulled away from MonkeyFist, moving towards the arch as she shouts, "Yah haven't seen the last of me! I will find mah friends and rescue them!"

MonkeyFist snorts derisively, "Foolish girl, you're about join them in captivity!"

There is a muffled sound from under the monkeys on top of Ron which no one notices before there is a glow from under the pile and just before Applejack is about to be thrown through, the monkeys on Ron go flying through the air with two knocking hard into the ones holding Applejack, freeing her arms.

Applejack doesn't see her cousin glowing right away as she uses her freed arms to punch the ones holding her legs until she hears Ron shout, "No one's taking my cousin anywhere!" She looks up to see him glowing, with her eyes growing wide in shock as she says, "C-Cuz? Is that you?"

Before Ron can answer the group of monkey ninjas that had tackled Kim go flying past her and slamming into various points on the wall with Kim leaping to Applejack's side, arms up and ready for the next monkey to try anything.

Kim quickly says, "Ron, I'll get MonkeyFist. Protect your cousin!" as she punches a monkey ninja away from Applejack.

Ron shouts, "Got it KP!" He then leaps as the glow fades and lands next to cousin with a small flash of monkey aura as he lands.

MonkeyFist growls in frustration before he shouts, "Monkey Ninjas! Retreat!!" He then quickly leaves with the large group of monkey ninjas making their monkey screeches, sounding like they were repeating his retreat order. They all rush off into one of the other many tunnels connecting to that cave and vanish.

Ron relaxes once they're all gone and sighs, "I'm glad they're gone." before he is grabbed by Applejack and spun towards him, "Yah have powers?" He nods, "Yeah, didn't I tell you in a letter about my Monkey Kung Fu?"

Applejack releases Ron as she remembers the letters, "Oh yeah, Ah recollecting you telling me about it and the time you saved the world from those aliens but ah thought you kidding!"

Kim smiles at Ron, "No it is all true, he saved the world and saved me." She walks over and gives Ron a hug and quick kiss on the lips before he says with a smile, "I'd do anything for you Kim."

Applejack could see the love between them but she was still worried about her friends and says, "That's really touchin' yah'll but what about mah friends? Fluttershy was probably taken through that portal to..." her eyes shoot wide as she realizes, "Equestria!"

Ron looks at her with confusion, "Uh cousin, why would they need a portal for that?"

Applejack shakes her head, "No! Ah'm talking about another world. A world of magical ponies and other magical creatures!"

Kim says, "Great, another mission with magic." She turns to Ron, "I don't suppose you know what she's talking about?"

Ron nods a bit, "Uh yeah... heh... She kinda told me about how her friends met this magical pony princess from another world that came through their portal at the school statue." He then stops and says, "Hey wait! We're nowhere near your school Applejack!"

Applejack tilts her head forward as she turns to look at the arch that, as she stared at it, looked more and more like a horseshoe done in a crystal look before she says, "Yeah, ah was thinking the same thing just now. Ah'm guessing that the bad guys found another portal to our world."

Ron walks over to the arch and touches it, but nothing happens. He sighs a bit, "Looks like they closed it when MonkeyFist retreated."

Kim aims her Kimmunicator at it and scans it, "I am going to scan it and I will need to see the one at your school Applejack. Maybe we can find something that will help us tell where they went."

Applejack looks down at the ground sadly as she says, "Ah sure hope so Cuz, they're all my very best friends and Ah'm worried about them something fierce. Who knows what their evil plans are for mah friends."

Kim puts a reassuring hand on Applejack's shoulder, "Don't worry, you heard MonkeyFist. Whatever they are planning, they will need you to finish it. So your friends will probably be all right as long as we keep you away from them."

Ron quickly speaks up, "Kim is right! The bad guys don't like to move forward with their plans unless everything is just right for them. Trust us, we have lots of experience in this."

Applejack knew from both news and her own letters from her cousin, that she should listen to them but in her heart, she was afraid that time was running out for her friends whether they kept her safe or not from their clutches. "Forget that! Ah'm saying we should take it to them instead of waiting! Mah gut is telling me that time ah running out for them either way! If Rainbow Dash was here, she would be sayin' the same thing!"

Ron was moved by his cousin's speech, "C'mon Kim, let's go get her friends back. I know if I went missing, you'd move heaven and Earth to find me. Uh, right?"

Kim closes her eyes as the seasoned part of her was telling her to wait, let the bad guy make a move and fight them that way but then she remembers how she felt when Yori came into the picture and she thought she was taking him away from her and though the situation was completely different than what was going on now, she knew she couldn't argue with Ron's words. "Alright Ron, but we need to get to the other portal then and see if we can find them." She turns to Applejack, "But since you know about the portal, you can guide us once we're on the other side, right?"

Applejack scratches the back of her head, "Um, about that..." She then tilts her head forward as she sighs, "Tah be perfectly 'onest, Ah've never been through it. Mah friends Twilight and Sunset are the only one who've been through it."

Ron says, "Well, then let's talk to them!"

Applejack sighs again before she says, "Twilight lives on the other side of the portal and she only comes through whenever we need 'er help."

Kim says, "And let me guess, we can add Sunset to the list of missing people?"

Applejack shakes her head, "No, we haven't spoken since before Ah'm coming out here with you two. Probably should give her ah ring and ask her if she can help us." She pulls out her cellphone and dials it, "Sunset? It's Applejack and Ah'm wondering if ya can contact Twilight" She takes a deep breath, "All our friends have been taken to Equestria and Ah'm wondering if you can ask her to find them." She pulls the phone away from her ear just in time as an extremely loud "WHAT???" comes from the speaker.

Author's Note:

AN: I hope that you enjoyed the second chapter. It looks like things are starting to more crazy now doesn't it? Did anyone see MonkeyFist as the villain who was behind all the kidnappings? I'm sure all MLP:FIM fans know who he's handing them all to but the million dollar question is WHY? Any thoughts? What do you think will happen next? Well, leave some cool reviews and you may see another chapter sooner!

Comments ( 5 )

This ain't time for monkeying around!

6850309 Thanks! Keep an eye out for Chapter 3 and even more surprises! :)

6850257 Monkeys are great henchmen! :) Just as a certain wicked witch! :)

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