• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 986 Views, 9 Comments

Kim Possible Meets Equestria Girls - aerotendo

Applejack is losing her friends and only one team can help her!

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Chapter 1

KP Meets Equestria Girls

Chapter One: Meeting Applejack
One day Kim is visiting Ron over at his house who is playing with his little sister when the doorbell rings. So Kim goes to answer the front door and a teenage girl about Ron's age with bright green eyes, pale yellow skin, long blonde hair to her waist and dressed in full country clothes that she'd seen her own cousin wear around the working ranch is revealed, she says, "Um is this the right place?" She says as she looks down at a paper in her hand.

Kim opens the door wider as she says, "Who are you looking for?"

The blonde girl says, "Sorry hon, I'm Applejack and Ah'd be mighty grateful to y'all if you could tell me where Ah might find cousin Ron."

Kim opens the door wider to get a better look at her as she did look like she belonged in Ron's family, especially with the matching three, triangle-shaped freckles she had. "Ron? Ron Stoppable? Oh he is..." She says to Applejack when Applejack suddenly spots Ron coming up to see who was at the door. She bolts past Kim and scoops up Ron in her hands, lifting him up off his feet and shouts, "Cuz! Ah do declare! It is so good to finally meet ya in person!"

Ron wasn't used to being lifted up into the air by strong people, and the times he had, it usually wasn't a good thing since it usually meant they were about to hurt him. He does the first thing he can think of and cries out, "KIM! Help!"

Applejack looks hurt and says as she puts him back down onto his feet, "Sorry about that cuz. Ah just got excited and all."
It was then that Ron got a chance to look at her without cringing, "Cousin? Wait... is that you? Applejack! Boy you sure look exactly like your picture! Why didn't you tell me you were coming by?"

Kim has shut the door and rejoined her boyfriend Ron at this point, she had figured that Ron was overreacting to his cousin's sudden appearance when he called out.

Applejack steps back and sighs, "Ah, there is a reason for that. Ah'm kinda in a bit of a fix and was wondering if your stories about you and your friend travelling around the world and helping people were really true."

Ron smile big and proudly as he reaches out to grab Kim by the hand and pull her up to his shoulder, "Oh you bet it is! We're Team Possible! We can do anything!"

Kim could see that Applejack was happy to hear the news but still nervous about asking, so she steps forward and says, "What is the matter? What do you need our help with?"

Applejack takes a moment to collect herself, "Well then, Ah was wondering if you'd come back with me to help with a little bit of a fixin Ah'm having. Y'all can say no right now if ya'd like but my friends are missing and I'm not sure what to do. Swearin' something just dudden add up right and when Ah got your most recent letter. It gots me to figgerin' that there is something wicked done happening in Equestria."

Kim is about to say something when Ron steps up and says, "Sure thing! We'll help you cousin or my name isn't Ron Stoppable!"
Applejack relaxes a bit visibly and smiles, "Ah'm most pleased to hear that cuz, because I've been worryin' mahself sick over my friends."

Kim went into mission mode and says, "So what's the sitch? Where and when did you last see your missing friends? Who is exactly missing?"

Applejack raises her hands, "Whoa there, sugarcube. That's a-mighty lot of questions to be answering right away but I am having one of my own, like what's exactly a 'sitch'?"

Ron quickly says, "Oh, that is Kim-speak for "What is the situation?" She did it when we were in pre-k and I thought it was so cool and she's done it ever since."

Kim smiles a little at Ron as she thinks, "Ron noticed! How sweet of him."

Applejack nods to them, "Ah get it. Anyway, to be getting back to the questions. I last be seeing them all in my town of Ponyville. I saw them just last weekend. Mah friends Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie are missing."

Kim nods as she takes in the information, "Then we need to start there."

Applejack smiles in relief, "Ah was hoping to be hearing s'mething like that to be honest." She turns to the door, opening it and reveals Big Macintosh sitting in a truck, bringing a hand up to wave as he smiles at the sight of Applejack, Kim, and Ron.
Kim looks at the old truck with mud on the wheels and fenders, leftover hay strands sticking out of the back and signs of rust on a few corners and the bumpers. It sat just a few feet behind Kim's car and she wonders how long it would take for them to get to wherever Equestria was in the truck.

Kim turns to Applejack, "If time is of the essence, then maybe we should go in my car. It can get us anywhere we want at supersonic speeds." She waves to Big Mac as she turns to look at her car.

Applejack frowns as she didn't think her truck was all that slow, despite how it looked. "Ah don' know. Wait, are you putting mah truck down?"

Ron shakes his head as he backs up Kim, "Of course not cousin, Kim isn't joking about how fast the car is. It really can fly, again I'm not kidding. It really can fly."

Applejack scratches the back of her head, making her country hat bounce on her head, "Uh, okay... Ah'm not really following you cuz, but if you really think we can get there sooner, then ah'm up for trying your car."

Applejack walks over to the truck and says to him, "Hey Mac, do you mind takin' the truck home? Ah'm going to catch a riding home with these two. They seems to be thinkin' that I can be ah getting home faster in their car."

Big Mac nods as he says, "Ee-Yup" and then he starts the engine. As he starts to drive off, Applejack can hear the recording of her and the others from her family singing, "Apples to the core" with him just starting to join in with his own deep voice. Applejack smiles as she knows that as long as she has her family to support her, she can get through anything and so when she turns to see her cousin Ron, she gives him a genuine smile as she knows that as family Ron would support her and that helped ease her worries.

Applejack smiles at Ron, "Ah'm rarin' and ready to go now cuz. Now why don't you be showing me this fancy car of yours?"
Kim is standing by her car and clears her throat, "The car is right here Applejack and we're ready to go."

Applejack notices that both Kim and Ron have changed their clothes while she was at the truck, "Did y'all change clothes or am I going insane?"

Ron chuckles, "Naw, we just changed into our mission clothes. We go on missions so much, we keep them handy at all times."

Applejack didn't really understand but having been around Pinkie Pie taught her that there were some questions you didn't want to ask because the answer would be more off than the question or situation would be, so she just does a nervous smile and nods.

Everyone climbs into the car with Kim in the driver's seat, Ron in the passenger and Applejack in the back. It was then that it hit Kim, "Um, Applejack. I've been all around the world but I haven't been to Equestria or Ponyville, where is it?"

Applejack leans forward from her middle seat, "Ah'm sure I can guide you to there. Do y'all have a map handy?" Kim shakes her head no before she says, "No, but I've got the next best thing." She then pushes a button on the dashboard, causing it to flip the most of the dashboard over, turning it into a screen to reveal a short, black boy wearing a light blue shirt.

Kim leans forward, "Wade, this is Ron's cousin Applejack and she needs our help. Can you find out how to get to Ponyville in someplace called Equestria?"

Wade waves to Applejack in greeting before he says to Kim, "Sure thing Kim, give me a sec." He then types rapidly and pauses to see what the results are. He raises his eyebrows in surprise, "I've got the coordinates and uploading it now, but are you sure you want to go there?"

Applejack taps the front of her hat, "You're rootin' tootin' that she wants to go there! My cousin and I are havin' a crisis that needs a'fixin!"

Wade backs up, "Sorry! Just checking." He then looks at Kim, "Kim, I know you probably won't get a chance while you're there but do you think you could get me in touch with Twillight Sparkle?

Applejack tilts her head in confusion, "When mah friends are back, Ah'd be more than happy to sugarcube but we really ought to be skidaddling along now."

Wade presses a single key and says as he stares at his computer screen, "Your gps is all set Kim."

"Thanks Wade" Kim says before the connection closes and then she announces, hang on to something. We're going fast any moment!" She then presses a button, flips three switches and a moment later the trunk opens up with three large rocket engines coming out to immediately blast at high speed to launch them high into the sky until they were feeling the lack of gravity.

Applejack cries out, "Tarnation! What just happened?!"

Ron looks back at Applejack and says, "You better hold onto your hat cousin, we're not done yet!" Causing Applejack to take him literally and so she brings both hands up to her head, getting a firm grip on it just as Kim turns the car and they rocket back towards Earth at high speed.

"Applejack cries out, "Ain't we going a mite bit too fast? The Earth is comin' up awfully fast!" as she sees the Earth rushing up at them.

Before long they are on the ground in Equestria, with Applejack kissing the ground out of gratitude.

Just then a familiar horn honks behind her and Applejack turns to see Big Mac driving up. "Well, what do you know, we did beat the truck here. That there car is pretty fast, did you really need tah send us up to orbit to get here?

Ron looks around and says, "Hey KP, isn't this..." with Kim immediately recognizing the area. Kim sighs, "Yeah Ron, this is a city near my Uncle's ranch. "Well, at least we beat the truck here Kim." Ron says as Rufus then pops out and says, "Oh boy..." while Applejack is over at the truck, telling him about how the car just flew up into space and back to Earth. Rufus goes back into Ron's pocket before Applejack turns around to face Ron and Kim.

Applejack is all excited as she shouts, "Whoowee! Do you two always be riding around like that? And here I thought Rainbow Dash was fast!" She then has a second thought about what she had just said, "Ah, would be appreciating if you never tell mah friend Rainbow Dash I said that, ok cuz?"

"Sure thing, she won't hear it from me." Ron says to Applejack before whispering to Kim, "I don't even know this Rainbow Dash anyway." Making Kim just roll her eyes as she had a feeling Ron would just blurt it out when he did Rainbow Dash.

Kim looks around once and says to Applejack, "Ok, now that we're here. Let's get started on finding your missing friends!"

Author's Note:

Well everyone I hope that you liked the start of this little crossover story. Now, I don't know the name of the city that had the Canterlot High School from the Equestria Girls movie but if you know, I'd be happy to learn it. For now I'm calling the city Equestria with Ponyville a smaller town in the area. Anyway, I was wondering if you can all believe Applejack being a cousin of Ron's. After all they are both blondes with freckles after all! lol! Just you wait and see why, how, and who is responsible for all of Applejack's friends disappearance. Any and all suggestions for who you want to see make an appearance is welcome. Heck, if you want your own original brony self or character to show up, let me know their look and personality. I just might sneak them in as guests or make them a part of the story.

All reviews, thoughts, ideas, advice, and suggestions are welcome.