• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 7,766 Views, 331 Comments

To Save a Life - Infernity Zero

Crushed after the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset Shimmer leaves CHS and ends up falling underground

  • ...

Heartache and Heartbreak

With whirling mind and racing heart, Sunset turned over the crown in her hands. It was definitely Twilight's, she of all people would know more than anyone. Though from first glance, no one else would. The crown was caked in a thin layer of dirt.

She must have fallen down like I did.

It was highly unlikely that Toriel had simply found it on patrol. It wouldn't have been in the tree, for starters. So either Twilight had climbed it, or she'd left the crown there for Sunset to find it.

But why do either of those when she could have just gone inside the clearly marked house instead?

She didn't have an exact answer. But if Twilight had had no idea who Toriel was, she wouldn't be very eager to knock on a stranger's door. Sunset sniffed the crown and retched at the odor of sweat.

She was scared. Panicking?

It wasn't an unreasonable deduction. Encountering a certain Rabid Rhododendron would leave anyone rattled. And unlike Sunset, Twilight didn't have the protection of another Monster to fall back on. If she'd made it this far, that meant Flowey hadn't killed her, but even so.

"Time for you to learn the same lesson as all the others."

Did that mean he'd seen her too? Well even if he had, Sunset doubted the flower would be very helpful. So she turned her mind back to the mystery. Assuming that Twilight had climbed the tree out of fear, that meant someone or something had been after her, and she'd left the crown behind in her haste.

But if that's true, that why was she attacked and not me?

That particular conundrum would have to be resolved later when she had more information. And if Twilight wasn't here nor in the Ruins, then that meant she'd somehow gotten out. But how? Sunset hadn't seen any exits behind the house, and all the other paths she'd found had led back towards the entrance instead of further beyond. Perhaps Toriel knew the way out.

But do I really want to ask her that?

Sunset hadn't been around the Toriel very long, but there was something about the goat that captivated her all the same. If what the Dummy had said was true, then Toriel had had no reason to save her life in the first place. She could have very easily have just let Flowey kill her and be done with it. What's more, if Humans and Monsters were really at odds, then how would the other Monsters react to find out Toriel had saved one of their mortal enemies? She might very well have doomed herself to save a human she'd only just met.

Why would she do something like that? Maybe she's related to Celestia?

If nothing else, she was certainly as motherly. But that only added to the conundrum. If Monsters were really as dangerous as the Dummy had indicated, then she was sure Toriel wouldn't want her going outside of the Ruins at all. But she couldn't just forget about Twilight.

You were the only one who didn't blame me for Anon-a-Miss. I'll bet the others called you as soon as they found my letter. And now you've gotten yourself attacked by Monsters because of me. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. That settled it. She was not going to just stay here and be coddled while her first and final friend was in danger. She had to find her. With that in mind, she headed by inside the house.

The crackling of a roaring fire told her that Toriel had returned, so Sunset turned left from the entrance and into the living room. Just like before, Toriel was sitting in the rocking chair with another book in hand, while the hazy odor of smoke mingled with the aroma of cooking food. Sunset felt her stomach twist as she moved closer and Toriel noticed her.

"Hello again, my child. How was your walk through the Ruins?"

"Great great," Sunset avoided making eye contact. "They're really pretty. I saw a practice Dummy that talked, rocks that could move on their own, and a room full of spikes."

"Oh my goodness." Toriel bolted upright. "I forgot to tell you about that room. Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's all right. I'm okay." Sunset held her hands up.

"Oh good." Toriel sighed. "I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself if something happened to you too."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that now." Sunset gave the biggest grin she could. "I'm perfectly peachy." The goat looked a little confused by that statement but didn't say anything. Maybe now was a good a time as any. "Um hey, Toriel? There was something I wanted to ask you."

Toriel's eyes darted to the side ever so slightly. "Before you do, I have something I want to say first."

"What is it?"

"I just wanted you to know how happy I am to have someone here. There are so many old books I want to share. I want to show you my favorite bug-hunting spot. I've even prepared a curriculum for your education."

"Education?" Sunset spluttered. "N-n-now wait a second--"

"This may come as a surprise to you," Toriel didn't react to the interruption at all, "but I have always wanted to be a teacher. Well actually...maybe that isn't so surprising. Well regardless, I am glad to have you living here."

By now, Sunset's stomach had twisted so badly that she was having trouble breathing. Her breath came in short spurts. Her hands felt clammy. Her hands were shaking.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Toriel leaned down closer. "Was there something you wanted to ask me?"

"Um yeah." She had to force the words out. "How do I exit the Ruins?"

With those words, everything in the room came to a halt. The fire beside them fizzled into ashes. The food on the stove stopped bubbling. Even the lights dimmed.

Toriel stared at the girl, her expression unreadable. "'Leave the Ruins'? Why on Earth would you want to do that? It's dangerous out there. Don't you like it here?"

"Yes I do," Sunset bored a hole into the ground with her eyes. "You've been so wonderful to save my life and take care of me. And were the circumstances different, I'd like nothing more than to stay here. But I can't." Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the crown. "See this? This crown belongs to a friend of mine. I found it hanging off of the tree outside. I didn't see her anywhere in the Ruins or your house today, so that means she must have made it out somehow. I have to find her. Which means I have to leave. Can you please help me?"

The words hung in the air for a while as neither one of them said anything. Toriel looked at the girl, then where the fire used to be, then back at Sunset. "I have to do something. Please stay here." Then she got up and practically sprinted out of the room. Sunset waited only a few seconds before heading after her.

Returning to the foyer, Sunset saw that the locks on the stairs had been opened. One quick glance into the opposing hallway told her everything there was normal, so she headed downstairs into the basement. Unlike the rest of the house, the room downstairs was cold, drafty, and dull. There were no decorations, no lights, nothing remotely resembling architectural flourishes, just a long empty hallway.

Listen to me, I sound like Rarity.

Toriel stood at the end of the hall, her back to Sunset.

"You want to leave the Ruins to find your friend? Foolish child, if your friend has left the Ruins, then she's no doubt been killed already. Every human who falls underground is to be killed."

"K-killed? But why?"

"It is the law set down by the King of all Monsters. If a human falls underground, they are to be killed and their SOUL harvested. If you leave the Ruins, you will be no different. Don't you understand? I am trying to protect you." She walked off further into the underground.

Sunset kept following her. "You need to understand. If you're protecting me, then who's protecting her? If we hurry, we can save her before she gets attacked. She doesn't have to die and neither do I."

Toriel shook her head. "Do not try and stop me. This is your final warning." She walked ahead further. Sunset waited a moment, wrapped her fingers carefully around the handle of the knife, then walked on.

A giant door stood at the end of the next room. It was large, elaborate, and foreboding. Toriel moved in front of it, and finally turned to face Sunset.

"You want to leave so badly? Hmph. You are just like him." She gave a loud sigh before continuing. "If you leave the Ruins, you might find a way to survive. You might even be able to find your way home. But if there is even a chance that you might die, as a mother, I cannot allow it."

"What are you doing?"

"If the exit is destroyed, then no one else will be able to leave. And then the King's law will have to be repealed. All of this senseless bloodshed will end, and both monsters and humans will be safe."

Somehow, Sunset didn't think Toriel was talking to her anymore. But she still moved forward. "I'm sorry, Toriel. But I can't let you do that. If you destroy the exit, then my friends will be trapped on the other side. And I won't allow them to die just so I can be safe. So please, just let me pass."

"Then it appears we are at an impasse. And there is only one option. Prove yourself. Prove to me you are strong enough to survive."

"Prove myself?" Sunset took a step back. "What do you mean?"

Toriel lifted her hands and pointed them at Sunset. Overtaken by instinct, Sunset jumped to the side just in time to avoid a blast of fire.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

Toriel gave no reply and instead aimed her arms upward. Torrents of fire shot into the sky and rained down on Sunset.

"Stop please." Her body moved with a will of its own, back-flipping away from one flame, rolling under another, and finally batting away a third one with the blade of the knife. Running sideways, she maneuvered around the edge of the room, feeling the heat at her back.

The goat seemed to look straight through her as another wave raced towards Sunset. Dodging and weaving was getting her nowhere as every second brought them closer. One struck the ground in front of her, flinging her into the air. Landing on her stomach, she felt the air leave her lungs from the impact. Again, she tried to roll away. But this time, she wasn't fast enough.

"AAH!" Her whole body went white-hot. It felt like someone was trying to tear her skin clean off. Plumes of smoke rose from her scorched clothes. The knife fell from her hands and skittered across the floor. The remaining orbs struck the ground all around her, peppering it with dents. She struggled to stand but gasped as her legs gave out beneath her.

Toriel ceased her assault and lowered her shaking arms.

"Now do you understand? You are not strong enough to leave the Ruins. So please...just go upstairs where it's safe."

Sunset managed to get one leg up. She noticed for the first time that her SOUL had been damaged too. A long, jagged crack lay across the giant heart. Moving her hand to inspect it, she gave a loud hiss when more pain reverberated through her body. With labored breaths, she hobbled forward to pick up the knife and managed to stand up all the way.

"I ca-can't. I have to help them. One way..." she clutched her chest to keep the air moving, "or another."

"You can't even help yourself. One more hit like that and you'll die." Toriel's clenched fist began to shake. "Is that what you want, to DIE?"

"No I don't." Sunset moved forward again. "But I don't want them to die either. So I'm not afraid of what you or anyone else do to me as long as they're okay."

"Then you're a fool." By now, Toriel's back was directly against the exit while Sunset was on the other side of the room. The goat raised her arms once more while Sunset desperately tried to think.

I can't just stand here and take it, but I can't run away either. There has to be something. Her gaze shifted down to the knife. Maybe I can just incapacitate her. One hit should stop her from being able to chase me. But in order to do that, she'd have to charge directly through the line of fire and would need to time it perfectly.

A new wave of fireballs rained down once again. Sunset gritted her teeth and charged straight towards Toriel, knife in hand.

Five steps.

Sunset batted away one flame and sidestepped another. A third struck her SOUL and formed another crack.

Four steps.

Ducking underneath the next barrage, she picked her target. A simple wound across the shoulder would do it.

Three steps.

A larger fireball shot out point-blank. Pushing her arms out forward, she plowed right into it, slashing wildly with the knife.


Two steps.

A glowing red aura emanated from her SOUL and spread to the rest of her body. With a final cut, the sphere exploded into pieces.

One step.

Now within range, she raised the knife high.. Toriel, too busy charging up another attack, couldn't move fast enough. Her eyes widened as the knife came down.


Toriel slumped down to her knees, clutching her wounded shoulder. Flushed from exertion, Sunset stepped back and took a few deep breaths. The knife in her hand was now covered in a thick layer of dust. Along with her cracked SOUL and scorched clothes, she felt like she'd just crawled out of Hell itself. But she had survived. And now there was nothing Toriel could do to stop her from leaving.

Toriel wasn't trying to stop her. In fact, she wasn't doing anything. She just stood there, hunched over and still holding herself. Wary of another attack, Sunset brandished the knife, but the goat didn't seem to even notice.

"Urgh... You are stronger than I thought."

"Uh, thanks, I think." Not knowing what else to say, Sunset shrugged.

Even as she continued speaking, Toriel's eyes glazed over. Tiny little flecks of dust began billowing off of her body. "Listen to me, small one. If you go beyond this door, keep walking as far as you can. Eventually, you will reach an exit. Don't stop for anyone. Don't even pause. Because they'll all be coming for you now that I can no longer protect you."

"'No longer protect me'?" Sunset did a double-take. "What are you talking about? I only hit you once."

Toriel kept going as if the interruption hadn't happened. Already, her voice was so soft that Sunset could barely hear her. "Asgore.... Do not let Asgore take your SOUL. His plan...must not....succeed."

"Toriel!" Sunset ran forward and tried to grab the goat, only for her hands to pass right through her. More and more dust kept billowing off of her. "What's happening to you? I only hit you once!"

"Be good won't you?" Toriel gave one final smile.


And before Sunset's very eyes, Toriel turned to dust. Her SOUL, a small white heart like Sunset's, lasted a few seconds longer before shattering into pieces.

Author's Note:

In case you're wondering, Sunset wasn't attacked yet because everyone saw her with Toriel. And as you see with the Froggit at the beginning of the game, all the monsters in the Ruins are terrified of the Queen's wrath.

So in case it's not obvious, I hit a bit of a snag with the boss fight. Since Toriel only has two attacks, there really wasn't much of a way for me to space this out. I also had to have the fight end in one hit; because unlike Chara, Sunset wouldn't continue to attack a weakened opponent.

With the end of the RUINS, I think this is a good place for Checkpoint Time. That's where I ask you guys a few questions about the progress of the story so far.

How am I doing so far?

Which Ruins chapter is your favorite?

What do you like about my writing style?

Any notable issues you think I could improve on?

What area are you looking forward to for me to write?