• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 7,761 Views, 331 Comments

To Save a Life - Infernity Zero

Crushed after the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset Shimmer leaves CHS and ends up falling underground

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Falling Action

Let it be known that sleeping in the Everfree forest in the middle of a downpour was one of the worst ideas Sunset Shimmer had ever had. The hard bark of a cluster of tree roots had been amazingly uncomfortable, but the mosquitoes were a nice distraction. Yet as she felt each ache and pain tear through her soaked body, she thought to herself that at least it couldn't get any worse.


Correction: Now, it's couldn't get any worse.

With a weary sigh, she forced herself to stand, cracking her spine into alignment. The weather around her had improved; the storm giving way to sunshine, but her spirits had not. Although a night of sleep had calmed her down, she was just as broken as she'd been the day before. Despite the Crusaders confessing that they were Anon-A-Miss, the students were determined not to be fooled twice. Dealing with scorn after the Fall Formal was bad before; getting the silent treatment from EVERYONE was even worse. They treated her like she was invisible. No one spoke to her, looked at her, or even acknowledged her presence at all. And the fact that this had all happened AFTER she helped stop the Sirens and regained everyone's trust was the last straw.

It's unbearable. So I won't.

The Everfree Forest had been her best bet. Finding someone in there would be difficult at best. What she hadn't counted on though, was the darkness. The storm had caught her by surprise, going from slightly overcast to raging squall in mere minutes. Unable to see in all the rain, she'd desperately sought out what little shelter she could find and waited out the weather. Though falling asleep in the middle of it hadn't been part of the plan.


Neither had getting sick. But since she could see again, that no longer mattered. Dripping and shivering, Sunset trudged through the forest anew, continuing her bridge to nowhere.

Someone else had been there. Fresh footprints lined the muddy ground. Bending down close to the ground, she counted the pairs.

"One, two, three, four, five.....six." Six pairs of prints. Did that mean that--?

NO! It wasn't them. It couldn't be them. Those could be anyone's footprints. They weren't looking for her. They lied to her. They betrayed her. They hated her. They abandoned her. They didn't care. They didn't care. They didn't care.

"Someone else just got lost in the forest like I did. They're probably wandering around trying to find their way out." The justification was weak, but it worked. And it was better than getting her hopes dashed again. Besides, she didn't want to see them anyway, not after what they did. She could go the rest of her life without seeing them again and it wouldn't bother her at all. In fact, she dared to say she was better off without them. That way, they wouldn't hurt her anymore, and she would...

She would...


"Be alone again." She nearly choked holding back her tears. "Just like Twilight said. Forever alone." Crying wasn't an option. Not anymore. If the waterworks started now, she wouldn't be able to stop them. Instead of relieving her, that would just make her feel worse. There was no one to comfort her, no silver lining to cling to, and no way to climb out of the pit she was in.

While those thoughts ravaged her mind, her body moved on its own. Mechanically, it followed the footprints, maneuvering her feet to step within them. With each step, her heart quickened, urging her to stop before her thoughts became facts. Delusion and focus blurred together as she walked, bringing her ever close to the inevitable breakdown.

Far too soon for her liking, the trail came to an end. Before her stretched a giant sinkhole, wide enough to have swallowed several trees. Perhaps the rain had weakened the ground and caused it to fall out. She chucked a few rocks into its mouth but didn't hear them hit bottom. The foliage around it was brown and withered, the trees dead or dying. Scuffle marks surrounded it; a struggle had clearly ensued.

Did they fall down here looking for me?

If that was true, then she really did have nothing left. Staring into the yawning abyss, she took a deep breath. This wasn't the first time she'd thought about ending it; in fact, the idea had occurred to her a few times between the Fall Formal and Band Competition. But back then, she had always had someone to stop her before her thoughts got too dark. And lost in grief and pain, she had no comfort now.

She took a step forward, feet halfway over the edge. There was no turning back now.


Then she closed her eyes, spread out her arms, and let gravity do the rest.

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: Humans and Monsters. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground behind a powerful barrier.

Many years later...

The Everfree Forest.

Rumors say that those who enter the forest never return. But some say the monsters still dwell within. They search for something, or someone and wait for the day they can be free.

Welcome to Undertale.

She wasn't dead.

She had a black eye, a twisted ankle, cuts and bruises all over her, a bloody head wound, a dislocated arm, a broken wrist, and what seemed to be a fever. But she was still alive. A bed of golden flowers had cushioned her fall. And as tempting as it was to just lie there and let her wounds finish her off, she wasn't willing to wait that long. So instead, she forced herself to stand and hobbled towards the next room.

More flowers were there to greet her. Including a bigger one with a face on it. At first, she mistook it for decoration, but found herself mistaken when it spoke.

"Howdy. I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower."

"A flower with a face on it? Did I hit my head on the way down?"

"Nope. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm just as real as real can be." It gave her an adorable smile. "You're new to the Underground, aren't you?"

Not knowing what to say, she nodded.

"Well lucky for you, I can teach you how things work around here. Good thing you found me before the old goat found you."

She had no idea what he was talking about but kept nodding anyway.

"Ready? Here we go." There was a quick flash of light like someone had taken her picture. Looking down at herself, she noticed a slight change.

She could see her heart. But rather than the gross, pulsating mass of muscle it was supposed to be, the organ instead resembled the traditional depiction commonly found on Valentine's Day cards. It glowed bright red.

"That heart right there is your SOUL, the culmination of your very being. Your soul starts off weak but can grow strong if you get lots of LV."

"LV?" She tilted her head. "What's LV?"

"Why LOVE of course." It smiled again. Four little white pellets appeared in the air above it. "Down here LOVE is shared through little, white...uhhhhh," its eyes shifted a bit, "'Friendliness Pellets.' Yeah, that's it. 'Friendliness Pellets.'"

If the awkward name wasn't suspicious enough, the pause certainly was. She was instantly on edge but didn't say anything.

"You want some LOVE, don't you? Well, here you go."

With a tiny flick, it sent the pellets in her direction. She waited until they got close before turning aside just enough for them to skirt by.

It paused for a moment before continuing, sounding a bit less adorable this time. "Um, hey buddy. You missed them." More pellets appeared. "Let's try this again." They moved towards her again, a little faster.

And once again, she avoided them.

It looked at first her, then the scattered pellets. Then before she could react, a third set of pellets slammed into her backside. Each strike sent bolts of agony racing through her body. And that coupled with the rest of her injuries made her drop to her knees.

Flowey was grinning again, but this one didn't show a smile, only teeth. "You IDIOT. In this world, it's KILL OR BE KILLED. Time for you to learn the same lesson as all the others."

A giant ring of those pellets bullets surrounded her on all sides. She tried to crawl away but there wasn't anywhere to go.


"N-no. no. s-someone help me." She barely managed to croak it out. Flowey was the only one who heard, and he just laughed while the ring slowly contracted. She closed her eyes.

But right before his attack struck flesh, a second set of projectiles appeared around her, intercepting the bullets and making them explode like popcorn kernels. Opening her eyes, Sunset stared at Flowey who was equally surprised.

"Huh?" Then a tiny fireball appeared next to him. "Uh-oh." The tiny fireball then slammed into him and sent him flying to kingdom come. "WAAAH!"

With that, Sunset's body finally gave out. The last thing she saw before she fell unconscious was a pair of feet moving towards her.

Author's Note:

First off, I didn't want to spend too much time on the surface. Most of the time there spent with Sunset would just be repeating what you already know, so I decided to get to the actual Undertale as quickly as possible

So I wanted to go as far as I could with this without actually using the word suicide. Though that doesn't stop this from getting pretty morbid. Part of this was because I wanted to make Sunset more suitable for the "Spare or Kill" conflict and part of it was just ME projecting the battles with depression and suicidal thoughts I've experienced in the past into the story.

You've never been at your lowest point until you're standing in the kitchen with a steak knife over your lifeline trying to come up with reasons not to puncture it. I'm just grateful I had people to bring me to my senses. But in this situation, Sunset doesn't have that.

It's worth noting that even though she's seeking death, I still had her try and escape when Flowey tries to kill her. That because even suicidal people have a hard time overriding the self-preservation instinct, so any sudden shifts will wreck their mindset however briefly. And there is a difference between killing yourself and someone else killing you.

Good grief this got depressing. Gonna make next chapter a bit of a breather to compensate. I don't want to have to add a Dark tag to this.