• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 9,347 Views, 144 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: Big Sis Best Friend Forever - smxsonic

In a world where Sunset Shimmer did not go through the mirror, she makes a connection with a young Twilight Sparkle

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Twilight Interlude: A Bird in the Hoof

Twilight Sparkle trotted happily down the road to Canterlot’s Palace. Today she would be learning magic from her newest favorite pony in the whole world, Sunset Shimmer. Twilight spent a lot of time reading up on the theory of magic, but Sunset made her apply it. Usually the lessons exhausted the little filly, but she learned more about how magic worked. Sunset was a stern teacher, but that didn’t stop her from giving Twilight positive reinforcement when she did well.

Twilight finally got to the castle gates. The tall regal spires still overwhelmed the filly even though she’s been going there on a regular basis for the past month or so. She walked forward after admiring the castle as she saw her brother walking from the training grounds.

“Twily!” Shining Armor greeted, with a big grin.

“Hi Shiny!” Twilight greeted happily, She adored her big brother, almost as much as she adored Sunset Shimmer. Shining Armor would take her to the amusement park or treat her to ice cream whenever he got a day off, and while that all was fun, learning from Sunset Shimmer was the best fun the filly could think of.

“So, you going up to study?” Shining asked.

Twilight nodded, “I’m going to learn some magic with big sis!”

“Oh,” Shining’s face fell, “Her... Just... be careful, okay, Twily?”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, why did everypony have that reaction when she mentioned Sunset? Sure Sunset was a stern teacher, but she never said anything bad to Twilight.

“Okay, Shiny.” Twilight said automatically as she trotted into the castle. She traversed the halls that she had already memorized in the past month or so. She entered the residential wing of the castle and stopped at Sunset’s open door.

“Big sis?” Twilight called out into the empty room. Twilight walked into it, slowly looking around. Usually Sunset would be in her room, preparing for the lesson, and there would be books scattered around. Twilight had spied a covered bird cage and noticed a note taped to it. She floated it over to herself and read it.


Sorry to be missing the lesson, Celestia had to deliver a speech to the new recruits for the royal guard and I needed to keep an eye on Cadance.

However, there is still a lesson today: You will be taking care of Celestia’s Pet Phoenix, Philomena, until I return. Good Luck!
Twilight uncovered the cage to see a sickly looking bird slightly resembling a chicken. It was molting horrendously, and the cage was lined with it’s slightly warm feathers. It was hardly the majestic creature that twilight read about, but as Sunset Shimmer had usually said, ‘don’t believe everything you read’.

“Well, I guess the first thing to do is to feed you.” Twilight muttered looking for some food.

She found a bag of phoenix feed, which looked less like feed and more like wood chops, behind Sunset’s desk. Twilight took opened the cage and took out Philomena’s feeding tray. She floated it over a scooped up some of the feed and floated it back to the cage, which was now empty.

Twilight did a double take looked into the cage and all over the room to find the Phoenix. Twilight started to look frantically everywhere.

“Philomena!” Twilight called, to an expected silence.

Twilight scanned the room and found a trail of feathers leading out the door. She followed the trail into the hallway. The feathers stopped at Cadance’s room. The filly paused a bit, she didn’t really like the pink alicorn, mostly because she seemed to irritate Sunset to no end. Twilight steeled herself and went into the room.

Cadance’s room wasn’t that bad actually. It was much too pink for any sane pony, the plush carpets were a bit much, but all in all, there was nothing in there that offended Twilight.

The trail of feathers lead to under the bed. Twilight lit her horn and took a look under the bed. She saw Philomena past the the other things that Twilight was too young to understand. Twilight grabbed the bird with her telekinesis and floated the bird with.

“Running away isn't very nice, Philomena,” Twilight scolded while escorting the bird back to Sunset’s room, “I’m supposed to take care of you!”

The bird coughed and hacked in response.

“ And you sound like you need a lot of care,” Twilight added

Philomena sat at a small table in Sunset’s room with a bib around her neck. Twilight floated a bowl of soup over to her.

“I read somewhere that hot soup helps with a cough,” Twilight said as she watched the bird.

Philomena just sat there and stared at something… It was hard discern what exactly, her eyes were looking opposite directions. Eventually, Philomena fell face-first into the bowl.

“Maybe it was a bad idea to have you eat soup…” Twilight concluded.

The rest of the day proved to be difficult for Twilight. For being Princess Celestia’s pet, Philomena proved to be the single most unruly bird Twilight has ever met. Not that Twilight has met many birds, but the ones she usually saw didn’t seem to delight in ponies’ misery.

Philomena refused to eat, which was fine for Twilight, The bird obviously wasn’t hungry. The bigger annoyance was that the bird would keep running away from her. Twilight would remember the layout of the castle inside and out after this. To add to the frustration, Philomena was continuing to molt and she was leaving less and less feathers for Twilight to follow.

Twilight followed the feather trail into the throne room, and saw Philomena perched on Celestia’s throne, devoid of any feathers. Twilight was a young filly, and not a lot actually phased her.

“Philomena, come down here this instant!” Twilight commanded with an adorable stomp from her hoof.

This was phasing her.

“Philomena!I am giving you to the count of five!” Twilight said.

The bird just stood there as uncomprehending as ever.

“One…. “

Philomena continued to stand there, her head tilting limply.


The bird coughed in response.


Philomena wobbled a bit.

“Fo-ur….” Twilight’s voice caught when she saw the bird waver.

Philomena fell off the throne, somehow catching on fire on the way down.

“Philomena!” Twilight ran towards the phoenix only to be met with ash.
“No…” was all that Twilight could muster while standing before the pile of ash. She blinked her eyes, allowing the tears to flow freely.

“Hey, Squirt, We’re back!” Sunset’s voice called, while she entered the room, “I saw the feathers leading here, I hope she’s…”

Sunset paused as she beheld the crying filly in front of a pile of ash. Sunset sighed and walked up to Twilight.

“I-I tried my best, big sis, I really did” Twilight cried.

“Well congratulations, Philomena, you made a small filly cry, I hope you’re proud of yourself” Sunset said to the small pile of ash.

The ash was swept up in an invisible wind and recomposed itself into what looked like a fiery red hawk, something more akin to what a phoenix is supposed to look like. It perched on Sunset’s shoulder, while Twilight looked on in astonishment.

“Now, apologize to Twilight, or you won’t get a treat” Sunset said, and the bird sheepishly cooed an apology.

“Sorry Twilight,” Sunset said, “If I had known she was going through her reincarnation cycle I wouldn’t have made you look after her.”

“Re… In…” Twilight tried to sound the word out.

“Sometimes, Phoenixes burn themselves up, but they get reborn from their ashes” Sunset explained, “Unfortunately, Philomena has developed a habit of messing with ponies when that happens”

Twilight nodded, sure to remember this day for a long time to come.

Twilight walked along the streets of ponyville, fresh off of seeing The Princess off from her visit. She was kind of disappointed that Sunset couldn’t make it, but it was because of Sunset that Celestia could make her visits.

Twilight was making her rounds to her friends, thanking them for making a good impression on the princess, and to encourage them to make a similar impression when they meet Sunset. Although, for some odd reason they would suddenly get nervous whenever she mentioned her ‘big sis’.

Twilight went up to Fluttershy’s house and knocked on the door.
“Hi, Fluttershy! I just wanted to drop by and say thank you so very much for making such a good impression on the princess today,” Twilight said as she let herself in, she paused when she saw Fluttershy trying (and failing) to medicate a red chicken.

You…” Twilight snarled, “What do you think you’re doing!”

“Oh, Twilight, I’m so sorry, she just looked so sick and -” Fluttery tried to say.

“You are not pulling this on one of my friends, especially Fluttershy!” Twilight scolded as she marched up to the chicken, much to Fluttershy’s confusion.

“Now you either leave my friend alone, or I’ll speed up your reincarnation myself”

Philomena promptly ran back to her cage, and cowered before Twilight.

“That wasn’t very nice, Twilight” Fluttershy scolded, “Philomena is very sick!”

“She’s a phoenix, Fluttershy, she’ll burn herself up and come back good as new” Twilight explained, “She also likes to mess with ponies like when she does that.”

“Oh,” was all Fluttershy could say, looking at the floor.

Twilight smiled and put her hoof around Fluttershy, “Hey, don’t look so sad, your heart was in the right place, it’s just a shame that you had to take care of her”

“How do you know so much about Philomena?” Fluttershy asked.

“Big sis made me pet sit her when I was a filly” Twilight Drawled

“Oh… Your ‘big sis’ … That makes sense”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as she grabbed Philomena’s cage and floated it over to Fluttershy.

“Come on, Let’s take Philomena back to Princess Celestia” Twilight said and thus they both exited the cabin with with no other problems. Well, no other problems pertaining to Celestia’s pet phoenix at least.

Comments ( 62 )

You know, the second part makes much more sense then the show. Twilight was under Celestia for 10 years so she should have known about Philomena's nature.

Oddboy #2 · Dec 8th, 2015 · · 5 ·

6669506 I like how you reply with an image that doesn't actually prove anything. All that image shows us is that she had a power up that, AFAIK, might not even be permanent. We still haven't seen alicorn Sunset Shimmer. So no, canon Sunset has not yet achieved her old dream goal. Hell, is that even her goal anymore? Her behavior suggests that it isn't.

And yes, her dream goal is completely unrealistic. Do note that I say unrealistic and not impossible.

Look, if you want to prove my opinion wrong, that's fine, but please use a better argument than a single misleading image that isn't even backed up by any sort of counter-point.

Edit: And yes, late reply is late. The notification got lost in my utter mess of an inbox.

Edit2: Wow, all these downvotes... I see people don't like it when someone has an opinion contrary to theirs, despite it not being phrased in a particularly offensive way.

6712512 Yeah, it really doesn't make a lot of sense, unless she was somehow in on the act (which I doubt).

Twilight was making her rounds to her friends, thanking them for making a good impression on the princess, and to encourage them to make a similar impression when they meet Sunset. Although, for some odd reason they would suddenly get nervous whenever she mentioned her ‘big sis’.

Now I'm curious, why are the girls leery of meeting Sunset? It's not like they already know her, right? The only thing that I could think of is that Rarity, being in with some of the Canterlot social circles, would have heard some negative info about Sunset and relayed it to her friends. You would think that they would at least give her the benefit of the doubt with how much Twilight idolizes her.

Sorry to be missing the lesson, Celestia had to deliver a speech to the new recruits for the royal guard and I needed to keep an eye on Cadance.

Sunset seams to be spending a lot of time with the princess she "dislikes":raritywink:.

Also, love pervy Cadence. This has to be one of my favorite renditions of her to date.

Twilight lit her horn and took a look under the bed. She saw Philomena past the the other things that Twilight was too young to understand.

Remind me why every pony except Twilight is so leery of Sunset?

6712512 Unless of course...


I wonder why everybody is so nervous around Sunset? It's not a big deal at this point. Great chapter by the way.

Philomena is a turd, plain and simple.

Wow I didn't think sunset was so infamous that every pony gets nervous whenever she's mentioned


No, she is what we of the internet call a troll.
Big Sister tendencies. Like Big Brother tendencies but with the female half of the species... which can be rather scary.

:rainbowhuh:Well I've never had that kind of problem meeting a friends older sibling. :twilightsmile:Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Most likely the Trixie fanboys/fangirls.

No, I'm a troll. She's a turd. There's a difference. A troll does things to get a rise out of people, because they can, and they don't care about whether or not they'll be finding it funny later on. A turd, on the other hand, plays practical jokes on people, which is what Philomena does.

I know that but I still think she's a turd for what she did to Fluttershy. There's being a troll and then there is being a turd/a:yay:hole to a person/pony who is trying to help you. If Philomena had done that to Twilight instead of Fluttershy in the Canon I wouldn't of had a problem, but since she did it to the gentle one of the main 6 I am more inclined to think of Philomena as a turd.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, why did everypony have that reaction when she mentioned Sunset? Sure Sunset was a stern teacher, but she never said anything bad to Twilight.

anyone else thinks that Sunset is only nice to her little sis and just tolerates the rest of Equestria? :derpytongue2:
Would love to see what she would do if someone made Twilight cry... :pinkiecrazy:

6712512 Don't try to understand the timeline... only Pinkie or Discord can do that. :pinkiecrazy:
For instance, Twilight was Celestia's student for over a decade, Sunset had never met Twi before she stole the crown so she left to the human world before that time frame... so how is she still in high school after ten years? :derpytongue2:

6715228 well time issues with the portal. Do you really think Sunset is highschool age in her true form?

6715237 Citing the most eloquent of apples, Eenope. :eeyup:

I have a question who would win in magic duel Shiny Armor or Sunset Shimmer?

6715683 Sunset, most definitely.

6715701 Because Sunset has more natural talent and raw power. Shining only specializes in shields.

It's nice to see someone agrees with me about the turd phoenix.


I like how you reply with an image that doesn't actually prove anything. All that image shows us is that she had a power up that, AFAIK, might not even be permanent. We still haven't seen alicorn Sunset Shimmer. So no, canon Sunset has not yet achieved her old dream goal. Hell, is that even her goal anymore? Her behavior suggests that it isn't.

And yes, her dream goal is completely unrealistic. Do note that I say unrealistic and not impossible.

Look, if you want to prove my opinion wrong, that's fine, but please use a better argument than a single misleading image that isn't even backed up by any sort of counter-point.

Your core question was "How is she worse off than canon", which is what that picture was an answer to.

Well first off let's see what she gains, you talk about her having an important position but let's be blunt. Nothing has changed so she's a cipher someone whose life has no importance or relevance or value. Since her presence has not affected the timeline in the slightest.
And for the old Sunset? That is the worst imaginable fate.

But you've taken her friends, that's a pretty hefty thing to lose for who she is.
But you speak of unrealistic but not impossible, But canonically Sunset Shimmer is impossible in her ability to channel the magic of harmony without the elements. Which is pointed out in every EqG movie a thing that you can't do....Unless you are Sunset Shimmer, And she's deeply deeply appreciative of that connection in a way fanfic writers ignore, there's a reason we don't see her personal magic in friendship games. It's how the writers can express Sunset Shimmer's relationship to that power without her actually talking about the fact she's actively you know Religious.
And that Sunset what can she say she's gained? Mentoring Twilight? Well she didn't even help her, and she does far more good for Twilight as an equal than as a mentor.

So she's lost her friends, She's lost her connection to her god, and gained well nothing either her past or present would want.

Indeed. Though, perhaps if you had taken the time to explain the difference between the two, like I did, others would've agreed as well...
And, with that being said, here's the Wikipedia definition of Troll.

Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial.

Now here's the Google definition of the word Turd.

a person regarded as obnoxious or contemptible.

Do you all see the difference now? Yes? Good. Now, with that being said, which of the two am I?

Comment posted by Oddboy deleted Dec 11th, 2015

6721265 OK, my first reply was hasty, badly written and just not good enough in any way. So I'm writing one that hopefully isn't half as shit as that one was.

First off, friends. She is friends to some degree or other with Celestia, Twilight, Cadence and Luna. Sure, it's not the deep friendship she eventually gained in the canonical timeline, but to say that she's entirely friendless is simply not true. And at this point in time, canon!Sunset had no friends at all, just some minions and acquaintances at best.

So no, her friends haven't been taken because she didn't even have those friends at this point.

Her life has no significance or relevance? Sounds like the majority of the population, as well as Twilight and the rest of the would-be Element Bearers right now. Also, at this point in time, neither did canon!Sunset have any relevancy whatsoever. She's actually better off right now.

So yeah, things have changed for the better. It does remain to be seen if it continues to change for the better so that her life will match or surpass her canonical life in the future. Any argument that she has to be worse off is thus entirely theoretical at this point.

As for the Power of Harmony, well, who's to say that she won't ever channel that power in this story? I can't recall that being stated anywhere. And that too is a future thing that canon!Sunset did not have at this point in time. So yeah, we don't know about that either.

And where exactly does religion even enter the equation? This is the first time I've heard anyone say that Sunset is religious in any way, nor do I comprehend what it has to do with anything.

Basically, my point is and was that Sunset Shimmer is better off than her canonical counterpart at this point in time. I do not claim that it will stay that way. Perhaps I could have made that more clear earlier.

6723476 Acutally, It's very much appreciated.


OK, my first reply was hasty, badly written and just not good enough in any way. So I'm writing one that hopefully isn't half as shit as that one was.

Everyone makes them.

Her life has no significance or relevance? Sounds like the majority of the population, as well as Twilight and the rest of the would-be Element Bearers right now. Also, at this point in time, neither did canon!Sunset have any relevancy whatsoever. She's actually better off right now.

You underestimate the impact of regular lives then.
Regular lives have a massive impact in aggregate and in ripples. But Sunset's life is not creating ripples. She's surrounded by people that just the ripples from her life should actually be making major changes, but...it's doing nothing.

And where exactly does religion even enter the equation? This is the first time I've heard anyone say that Sunset is religious in any way, nor do I comprehend what it has to do with anything.

Religion enters into the equation because we are talking about Sunset Shimmer and the fact canon let's her Deus ex Rainbows without the elements. It does have a very real effect on her character.
There's a reason she's never shown using her personal magic in Friendship games, I mean besides being utterly supremely confident. When she uses magic, when her self expression becomes tangible, she expresses not herself but a higher power. What do you call that besides religious?

Also because those powers have less to do with power and more to do with what that power represents.


I see your points, but I don't agree with them. As far as I'm concerned, Sunset is currently better off than her canonical self at this point in time. I freely admit that her life may not become as good as it did there, but right now, it's actually better.

When she uses magic, when her self expression becomes tangible, she expresses not herself but a higher power. What do you call that besides religious?

...Yeah, I guess that's one way you could look at it. I don't, though.

No offense intended, but I'm done with this discussion. I think it's clear we're not going to agree on this so let's stop before it turns ugly.

6767344 Not The entireity, Sunset here has only seen the part where she becomes the She-demon. She doesn't know that Twilight or any of the main six were there, she doesn't know the before or the after, She just knows that she doesn't want to become that.

I would expect that if somepony dare hurt Twi, they would never see the light of day ever again:pinkiecrazy::flutterrage:

I'm really enjoying this story!:pinkiehappy: Continue

Hope to read more soon

Dang... Cadence seems.... uhhhhh..... disturbing????? Yeah, that's the word. Makes me wonder if Shining Armor will get together with her. I can't wait to see how the Gala goes, though I can totally see Sunset trying to spare Rarity from Blueblood's 'affections' and from having her night ruined. By setting him on fire.

this story is awsome update now big sis sunset comands i t

have to read this story, not sure why but I always thought twilight and sunset should have been sister,

just read it and most said give me more chapter. good story though,
though I do think they relaship should at some point go form sister to lovers some how....

This Fic is Awesome! I always wondered what would happen if Sunset never went through the mirror. :pinkiegasp:
I made a cover for this fic:
So it would be cool if you could use it.:pinkiehappy:
~Night F.S

7100839 Nice! Although, I would get rid of Luna there because she is still on the moon.

Oh I know I just thought it would be an alright shipping idea. Maybe something that I might try. Plus I haven't seen any ships with Sunset and Cadence. So if smxsonic decides to put it in this story. It will be interesting to see how it's done.

Sorry for bugging you but do you know when the next chapter will be out

7251634 Working on other stuff at the moment, but I will continue this story. (Also, don't be afraid to PM me if you're worried about story continuation.)

7252057 okay thanks for letting me know

Moral of the story, Philomena's a dick.

This still needs fine tuning. Not quite following yet, but it's an excellent alternate timeline theory.

When you see the end result of your ambition in the very mirror you tried to go through, what else can you do but reverse course?

Nice to see a story where Sunset and Twilight are friends in Equestria. You've given them a lot of convincing things to do as well, really like this story.

Comment posted by sakuralovelight deleted Sep 19th, 2016

So do Twilight's friends think Sunset is a delusion? It seems to be the only thing that makes sense, as they basically have no way of knowing past Sunset and would trust Twilight over rumors. They've never met Sunset, but she has a position of power in Canterlot, so that doesn't work. I hope that the reactions are explained soon as they seem very out of place.

7622811 If you've ever watched Ed,Edd, and Eddy, there was a running gag about Eddy's brother (Who was never seen until the last episode) Where Eddy would refer to him and the neighborhood kids would all have a fearful reaction to him. I imagine that there's a similar thing going on with Twilight in this verse where something would go wrong and Twilight would do what "Big sis would have done" and make it worse.

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