• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 9,347 Views, 144 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: Big Sis Best Friend Forever - smxsonic

In a world where Sunset Shimmer did not go through the mirror, she makes a connection with a young Twilight Sparkle

  • ...

The Nightmare

The Summer Sun Celebration was an odd time for Sunset Shimmer. On the one hoof, it was great to see so many ponies getting ready for the festivities; on the other, it was not great to see the seemingly endless mound paperwork. It’s not like Sunset didn’t like her job; she loved it, running the day-to-day operations of the castle was great for a pony with control issues. It also let her stay close Celestia and Twilight. Of course she still had to deal with Cadence, but Sunset even softened up to the young princess. One thing about being one of the most powerful mages in Equestria was that it made multitasking easy when you were doing menial office work. Sunset was currently working between four different forms from Ponyville all finalizing deals for the Summer Sun Celebration.

“Big Sis!”

Sunset lowered her folder, that was always a welcome break from work. Twilight’s training with Celestia was becoming more hooves on - for what value any training with Celestia could be considered ‘hooves on’ - so Sunset didn’t get to see her as often. As for the purple unicorn, Sunset would always be her big sister.

“Big Sis!” Twilight called again, entering Sunset’s office.

“Hey, Squirt. What’s up?” Sunset greeted, and yes, while Twilight had grown into a beautiful young mare, she would always have that nickname.

“Well, I was in the courtyard studying Equestrian lore and I came across the Elements of Harmony. So while researching further into those, I came across The Mare in the Moon and it said that Nightmare Moon is due to come back at sunrise tomorrow!”

“That sounds serious,” Sunset said, amused.

“So I wrote to the princess, and proposed the most direct solution: to blow up the moon!” Twilight continued, apparently missing the condescension in Sunset’s voice.

“Twilight, thousands of ponies would die,” Sunset droned laconically, her eyes at half lid.

“That’s what The Princess said!” Twilight shouted while pointing at Sunset.

“Did she bring up an alternative plan?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “It’s not so much a plan as a way to keep me busy, but she’s having me go to Ponyville to oversee the celebration and… Ugh… ‘make friends’.”

“Oh, like your friends from school!”

“My what from where now?”

“You know, your friends from school. Like the one that got her head stuck in a flask,” Sunset said slowly.

“Oh, my classmates,” Twilight grimaced, “Yeah, like those guys.”

“Speaking of which, are you going to Moon Dancer’s party?” Sunset asked.

“Why is everypony talking about that?” Twilight replied, causing Sunset to hang her head and sigh in frustration. “I don’t really have time to do anything. Anyway, Celestia wanted me in Ponyville as soon as possible.”

“I’ll make a note of that,” Sunset said, as she floated a scroll over to Twilight. “Here’s the list of things that need to be checked on for the celebration over in ponyville. Have fun!”

“Will I be seeing you there, Big Sis?”

“Nah. I’ll stay here, and watch the sunrise with Cadance,”

Twilight scrunch up her face while raising her eyebrow “You’re getting way too chummy with her...”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Go on, Squirt. It’s not nice to keep the chariot waiting.”

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes as well, as she left the room.

Sunset walked the halls of the castle after Moon Dancer’s party and doing more damage control for Twilight’s social reclusiveness. Sunset didn’t know where that filly got it from; She certainly wasn’t a recluse, she wasn’t exactly Miss Congeniality either but that was neither here nor there. Sunset went to the party and gave Moon Dancer the teddy bear Spike was intending to give her. At least that showed Moondancer that Twilight was thinking of her. Hopefully that would stop the cream colored look-alike from holding herself in her house like a groundhog.

“Sunset~”, Sunset stopped as a pink alicorn with multicolored hair sauntered up to her, “Where were you all day?”

“Oh, You know, working, making sure Twilight’s social life isn’t a giant train wreck,” Sunset said casually, “What about you, Cadance, ogling Shining Armor?”

“Maybe, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” Cadance said with a wink.

“You know Twilight wouldn’t approve,” Sunset said.

“And whose fault is that?” Cadance teased as Sunset sighed.

“So, how're you spending your Sun Celebration?” Sunset asked, diverting the conversation.

“Actually , Auntie wanted to talk to us about that”

Sunset narrowed her eyes when Cadance called Celestia her ‘auntie’, but said nothing; although there would be reports of scorch marks in the carpet as they walked through the castle.

Sunset and Cadance walked past the throne room, causing Sunset to raise an eyebrow, it would stand to reason that Celestia would want to talking to them in the throne room . She looked to Cadance who just shrugged. They entered a wing of the castle that gave Sunset the creeps, In a stark contrast to the rest of the castle this hallway was dark and gothic. For some reason she got a headache every time she stayed in this wing for too long. They saw Celestia looking forlornly at what was assumed to be a door, Sunset couldn’t bring herself to look at it for more than a second.

“Sunset, Cadance, I’m glad the two of you could make it,” Celestia greeted darkly.

“What’s going on, Princess?” Sunset asked.

“All in due time, My Faithful Student”, the way Celestia said that raised a red flag in Sunset’s mind.

Celestia lit her horn for a second and with a pop of energy, Sunset’s headache vanished, The perception magic loosening its grip on her. Sunset could finally confirm that she was standing in front of a door. The midnight blue door was an Imposing sight with large crescents decorating it, and Locking it was a giant padlock with Celestia’s cutie mark on it.

“A magic encoded lock,” Sunset noted to herself.

Celestia lit her horn a second time, undoing the lock, and opening the door.

“Are you girls familiar with the Story of Nightmare Moon?”

“Of Course, Everypony knows about the Mare in the Moon. That’s one of the oldest legends second only to Hearth’s Warming,” Sunset explained.

“There is truth to that story,” Celestia started, “As there is truth to many legends. I believed that my sister and I were best friends, we banished Discord together and ruled as equals for many years. I Should have noticed something,”

“Auntie?” Cadance said, concerned.

“Even if she’s not herself, I’m glad she’s coming back, after all this time I’ve waited, Luna is coming home,”

“Luna?” Sunset raised an Eyebrow

“Which makes it all the worse for when she banishes me, and then it’s up to Twilight to do what has to be done.”

“Celestia, What are you saying?” Sunset stepped closer.

“I do hope she’s made some friends,” Celestia continued, “I know you’ve been trying your best to help her here in Canterlot, Sunset, but Twilight has to make friends of her own accord.”

“What’s going on here? Banish you? Twilight’s doing what she has to do? What are you saying?”

Celestia looked down at her student and smiled sadly. She moved slowly to Sunset and Cadance and nuzzled the two of them. Something that was all but foreign to Sunset.

“I love you both, Goodbye.” Celestia exited the room closing and locking the door behind her.

“What… Just happened?” Sunset asked, sitting next to an equally stunned Cadance.

“I think she put us in a safe room,” Cadance answered.

Sunset looked around the room. Everything was painted in various blacks and blues. The rug underneath them held the pattern of a Crescent on a black field. In one corner was a desk, untouched with an unused composition book. On the opposite corner was a four post bed with the curtains up, on the bed was a stuffed rabbit holding a cute little hammer.

“I think this is her room” Sunset ascertained.

“Hm?” Cadance intoned

“This is Luna’s room,” Sunset repeated.


“Princess Celestia’s sister, before she became Nightmare Moon,”

Cadance looked around the room, “Well that explains the decor, but this castle was built after Nightmare moon was banished!”

“Sentimental value, most likely,” Sunset said.

The Sun was setting, Cadance and Sunset were locked in Luna’s room, waiting for Twilight to do...something, they weren’t sure what. Sunset started to pace around the floor with increasing intensity.

“ Sunset,” Cadance called out, “You’re starting to burn into the carpet,”

“Celestia shouldn’t have to face this alone!” Sunset burst out, “ I know she has a plan, because she ALWAYS has a plan, but… She shouldn’t just sit back and wait for things to work out!”

“Sunset! We need to be here, in case Twilight doesn’t do whatever she’s supposed to do, We’re Plan B,” Cadance said.

“No,” Sunset interjected, “You’re Plan B.”

“Sunset…” Cadance began.

“You’re a princess, Cadance, I’ve made some semblance of peace with that. I’m just a unicorn with a lot of magic. Equestria needs you,” Sunset started charging her horn, “It needs you more than me.”

“Sunset, what are you doing?”

“I’m making myself useful!”

Sunset then teleported out of the room.

“So, you couldn’t even wait until dawn to arrive” Celestia stated.

It was a standoff in Celestia’s throne room. Nightmare Moon had come with no fanfare and the two Alicorns were starting round one of their rematch: the battle of wits.

“Dear sister, I thought you would be glad to see me, it has been a thousand years!”

“Of course I’m glad to see you, I just wish the circumstances would be more desirable,”

“Well, we can’t all get what we want,” Nightmare Moon sauntered up to Celestia, “I’ve learned that lesson well”

“Get away from her!” Sunset’s voice called from the end of the throne room.

Nightmare Moon turned to see Sunset Shimmer, horn alight and a blast mark under her.

Nightmare Moon smiled, “Oh this is just adorable, Tia, one of your little ponies is so devoted to you, they’re willing to fight me.”

“Sunset, What are doing?” Celestia asked, “ You were supposed to stay with Cadance!”

“You know I’m not so hot at following rules, Princess.” Sunset responded with false Bravado.

Nightmare Moon chuckled, as she sauntered over to Sunset “Well, such devotion deserves some kind of reward,” She paused in mock consideration, “I think I’ll give you a free shot,”

Sunset’s eyes went wide, “What?”

“Oh, yes, I’m an honorable ruler, so come at me! Give it your best shot!”

Sunset knew this was a trap, obviously. Nightmare Moon was an ultra powerful Alicorn that was powerful enough to Rival Celestia. Sunset just so happened to be the most powerful unicorn in Equestria, If she let loose a powerful enough spell, then that can at least stun Nightmare Moon and take Celestia to safety.

Sunset’s horn intensified and flames started to form around it. The flames morphed into a ball that was growing in size. Sunset released the spell and shot the fire directly at Nightmare Moon.

The mare in the moon stood still as the fireball headed directly toward her and embroiled her. The flames dissipated as Nightmare Moon stood there with no evidence of damage, laughing.

“Well, that was fun,” Nightmare Moon commented.

“That… Was the strongest spell I had!” Sunset murmured.

“I came here for the express purpose of taking on the Princess of the Sun, a measly fireball spell is easily countered.”

Sunset found herself enveloped in magic and was levitated eye level to the Nightmare.

“ I will admit, that was quite a spell you threw. You’re a special little unicorn, aren’t you?”

“S-so brute strength wasn’t enough, I still have other tricks under my hoof!”

“Oohh, so fiesty, If I were a betting mare, I’d say that this was your champion, right ,Tia?”

Celestia’s silence answered her question. Her estranged sister laughed

“Oh, Well, My Little Pony, I hope you’ve learned a lesson about humility,”

“Let her go, Luna! “ Celestia finally commanded.

Nightmare Moon turned to face her sister, “Excuse me, Sister, but I’m starting to think you're not aware of the situation

Sunset went from being in Nightmare’s telekinetic field to being in a bubble.

“First off, I am no longer your adorable little sister,” a bit of purple smoke then entered the bubble, “Secondly, You do not hold any power over me!”

“Luna! I’m serious!”

“Oh, Look at you with your serious face, I’m not going to kill her,” The smoke then enveloped Sunset, making her feel drowsy, “Rather she, like you, will be made an example of”

Sunset closed her eyes as the magic induced sleep took her over.

Sunset had the presence of mind to know that she was dreaming. Whether that was because of her magical prowess or because that’s how Nightmare Moon wanted it was unclear. What was clear to Sunset was that this was indeed the same place she had visited more nights than she cared to remember. The concrete sidewalk under her hooves seemed to start at a statue of a Horse , and led to a large, symmetrical, three story tall building. Sunset didn’t know what the building was for, but it always served as the backdrop whenever she saw herself turn into that… thing.

Sunset looked around, confused. She took inventory on herself, she didn’t feel like she was transforming, in fact she was still a pony and not the weird ape thing she usually was when she had this dream. Maybe she had more magic resistance than she gave herself credit for.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she spied a tiara in front of the statue. Sunset paused, that was usually what triggered the transformation. It looked innocent enough, just a gold band topped with an amethyst in the shape of a six pointed star. Sunset felt a bit silly having a staredown with a piece of jewelry,but when a specific piece of jewelry haunted one's dreams for the past 10 years, one could be forgiven for being apprehensive.

“Well nothing’s going to happen if you just stare at it,” Sunset’s voice cooed. The Mirror rippled as another Sunset Shimmer came through it.

“Oh no,” Sunset whispered.

“Come on, put it on, it won’t hurt,” The other Sunset command while pawing at the crown.

“Heh, no thanks, I’ve seen what happens when I wear it,” the original Sunset said.

“It’s a small price to pay for the power you’ve always wanted,” The second Sunset’s eyes started to glow yellow.

“Yeah, not interested in that anymore,”

A dark aura surrounded the other Sunset, “Are you now? Are you okay with Cadance calling Celestia ‘auntie’?”

“W-Well, Blueblood does that too!” Sunset said while flicking her hoof dismissively, “It’s not as if that’s a big honor.”

“Oh,” the nightmare Sunset replied, “ Then I guess being an alicorn isn’t that big of an honor, then”

Sunset growled, as the nightmare double circled around her. “All of what you’ve learned, all that you can do, and what do you have to show for it?”


“A job being Celestia’s glorified secretary. We both know you’re more than that,”

“Stop it.”

The nightmare Sunset stood by the real Sunset “You could have been a princess!”

“I wasn’t ready.”

“Weren’t you? Or did the Princess fear you ?”

“I know what you’re doing, I’m not taking your bait.” Sunset stood

The nightmare Sunset just smirked, “What about Twilight Sparkle?”

“You are not, going there” Sunset whispered.

Sunset tried hard to keep the pony she used to be a secret from Twilight. She had been helping ponies wherever she can, apologizing to those she stepped on to get to her position, even inviting other foals to play with Twilight (even if Twilight just spent those playdates reading books).

“You could’ve taught Twilight so much more if you were a princess, she could’ve been your personal student, You were basically her teacher anyway,”

“No! Stop it! I am not that pony anymore!” Sunset yelled.

Nightmare Sunset moved to look in the real Sunset’s eyes.

“Ah, But you are, you are still that same pony that craves power, that craves Celestia’s approval. You know I’m telling the truth.”

“No!” Tears were streaming from Sunset’s eyes, “This isn’t me, and neither are you!”

The dark aura swallowed the nightmare as it’s voice still rang out, “You’re right, Sunset Shimmer would never be this weak.”

The nightmare then morphed into a tall ape-like being with same yellow-orange skin and flaming hair that Sunset had, Crown in her hands. She was clothed in a leather jacket over a maroon halter top with a orange skirt with a vertical maroon stripe.

“ The Real Sunset Shimmer used to seize every chance she got for more power!” The nightmare said, while she put the crown on, “ No matter the price.”

Dark magic emanated from the crown and transformed the nightmare into a red skinned demon woman in a torn yellow dress. Her normally seafoam eyes were glowing yellow and staring right at Sunset.

“Welcome to your nightmare, Sunset, and soon all shall bow before me, and feel! My! Glory!”

Sunset ran, and for the second time of her life, she freely showed fear. Several fireballs were exploding behind her as she looked for someplace safe. She moved behind the building and hid there while the Nightmare ceased her attack.

“Alright, Sunny,” The Nightmare called, “I’ll play this game for awhile, but you know as well as I do that you can’t run away.”

Sunset would normally try to find some way out. Some clever trick or a spell to help her gain the upper hand, but this was a dream. A nightmare crafted specifically for her. This was what happened to ponies who defied Nightmare Moon.

The walls that Sunset carefully built were dashed. There was no need to keep them here. She could feel whatever emotion she wanted right now. Unfortunately the emotion she was feeling now was unbridled fear, fear of that thing she would see herself transforming into every night. If she had told Celestia what she saw, she was afraid that the Princess would do something drastic, maybe even consider her unsound of mind to even continue being her student. The Nightmare was right, she was weak.

“Big sis?”

It was funny, she could swear that she had heard Twilight’s voice.

“Big sis!”

Sunset opened her eyes to see Twilight as a young filly, pawing at her hoof. Sunset smiled, and chuckled at the her own nostalgia. All these years and this is how she still sees the younger unicorn.

“What are you doing here, Squirt?” Sunset asked, it was a dream, she knew that, but it seemed to follow a sort of logic to this point.

“I was trying to find you!” Twilight said as if that explained everything.

Sunset sighed, “Well I guess that’s as logical as it can get,”

Twilight’s eyes went wide and she attempted to hide behind Sunset’s foreleg.

“Oh, that is not a good sign,” Sunset droned, as she looked behind her and saw the nightmare Sunset sitting on the roof with her legs crossed.

“Found you,” The nightmare cooed, “And look, we have a little guest joining us”

“Oh, we both know that you’re only after me! Leave Twilight out of this!” Sunset yelled at the apparition.

“Hmm, You make a fantastic point,” the nightmare said as she formed a fireball in her hand looking at Twilight, “But, I wonder….”

The nightmare threw a fireball at Twilight. Sunset threw herself onto Twilight and braced herself for impact. Only to feel nothing. Sunset looked up and saw herself and Twilight being covered with a magical purple shield and the fireball dissipating.

“Oh, nice shield spell, Squirt!” Sunset commended while patting Twilight on the head.

“Impressive,” The nightmare Sunset said, “But a filly’s shield can’t last forever”

“Leave big sis alone!” Twilight yelled with her horn alight.

“Adorable,” The nightmare said, “Well then, Squirt, give it your best shot”

Twilight started to charge her horn, while sunset turned to her.

“Twilight! Stop-”

Sunset was interrupted when Twilight’s aura doubled in size as six colored gems started to surround her and Twilight. They started to glow, gaining brightness and intensity until they blinded Sunset.

“Sunset~,” The voice permeated the darkness, “Wake up…”

Sunset felt stiff, she willed her body to move, but it wasn’t having any of it, the most she could muster was a groan.

“Oh, good, you’re waking up! Auntie said that it may take awhile for the spell to wear off completely”

Ugh…. Why did Cadance always have to be so cheery in the morning? It seemed like a requirement for princesses. Sunset finally started to get control of her legs, well, her hooves more specifically. She tried to get up but her strength didn’t quite come back yet.

“Don’t force it, everything will come back in a minute.”

Sunset picked herself up and shook her head to get the rest of the sleep off. She opened her eyes to see Cadance staring straight at her.

“Good morning, sleepyhead~” Cadance greeted sweetly, her head bowed down to meet Sunset eye level.

“Cadance, you are waayyy too close and waaayyy too... Cadance this early in the morning,” Sunset groaned sleepily before processing the situation, “Wait, It’s Morning! What happened”

“I guess Twilight did whatever she was supposed to do,” Cadancesaid

Sunset chuckled, “Heh, Good Job, Squirt,”

“By the way, I made a cup of your favorite coffee.” Cadance announced while starting the trek to the dining room.

Sunset followed Cadance, “You don’t really make my favorite coffee, I mean, you just brew it for twelve hours.”

“Oh, I know, But I added some sugar to it.” Cadance said with a smile

“Please tell me you mean actual sugar!” Sunset complained

“Hmph, Auntie said that it would take the edge off the sleep spell” Cadance said as she held her head high.

They both made it to the dining hall. The two talked about the aftermath of the night before.

“So,” Sunset said while looking at her coffee, “ Twilight’s staying in ponyville with her friends…. It feels kind of weird to say that.”

“On the bright side, Luna’s Staying with us!” Cadance cheered.

Sunset lowered her eyelids while looking at Cadance, “Oh, fun, the mare that plunged me into my worst nightmare will be living with me…”

“Be nice,” Cadance chided, “She’s not the pony she used to be.”

Sunset grunted and the two continued to spend their day in the castle making sure that everypony was okay.

Princess Celestia returned late in the afternoon to a waiting Sunset Shimmer and Cadance.The Princess stepped off of her chariot with a smaller light blue alicorn in tow.

“Hello, Girls” Celestia greeted, “I trust you had a good day?”

“Well it was productive to say the least,” Sunset drawled.

“Everypony is safe and sound!” Cadance reported cheerfully.

Celestia chuckled, she cast a sidelong look at the blue pony standing shyly beside her, “Well, I guess we should address the Alicorn in the room,” She paused to chuckle at her own joke, “ Sunset Shimmer, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I would like to present to you, my sister, Princess Luna!”

Luna bowed her head to the both of them, “G-good morrow, to you both,”

“The honor’s all mine,” Sunset drawled sarcastically.

“Hi, Auntie Luna!” Cadance greeted, rushing to face the small alicorn, “My name is Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadance!”

“A-Auntie?”, Luna stammered, “Tia, did you…”

“I adopted her as my niece,” Celestia quickly clarified.

Luna looked at Sunset, “Sunset Shimmer, It’s good to meet you again”

Sunset looked away nervously trying to be a tough mare , “Yeah, good to see you…”

“I would like to apologize for what I did to you under the influence of The Nightmare.” Luna said, her voice was young but authoritative.

Sunset sighed and looked Luna in the eye, “It’s okay, you weren’t yourself.”

Luna looked to the floor, “I may have been possessed, but what I did under The Nightmare’s influence were by my own will. So, I apologize”

Sunset groaned and started hugging the lunar princess, “Oh, I can’t take it anymore! You are so adorable!”

“Well there goes your grudge” Cadance teased.

“Oh, Shush, I can’t help it if she reminds me of Twilight.”

“Speaking of which,” Celestia put in, “Twilight did seem a bit distress when she realized that she would be living away from her big sis, so I gave her a little gift, as a token for saving Equestria.”

“Princess, did you giver her your journal?” Sunset asked

Celestia smiled warmly, “It has been a long time since we used those,”

“Please excuse me, “ Sunset said as she ran to her room.

Sunset arrived in her room, out of breath from the journey, and started rifling through her things. She finally found what she was looking for: A dusty old journal with Sunset’s cutie mark. The mark was glowing, signaling an unread message. Sunset opened the book and the message showed.

Dear Big Sis,

I’ve moved to Ponyville to be closer to my friends, yes, I actually used the word “friends”. Not “colleagues” , “associates”, or “classmates”, just “friends”.

Officially, my assignment is to study “The Magic of Friendship”. Was I really that much of a recluse, Big Sis? I thought I was actually quite personable, but apparently Celestia felt it necessary to make sure I was actually friends with these ponies.

I think you would like them, Big sis, and I really hope to introduce them to you soon because I can’t describe them all in one letter.

I’ll miss you, Big Sis, I hope you’ll visit soon. I’m living in a tree called the Golden Oak Library. I can hear you right now, “Sounds like your dream home, huh, Squirt?” Well you’re right, I’m surrounded by books. It’s right on the edge of town, so I hope you’ll come by when you have a day off.


Twilight Sparkle

Sunset smiled. Her little sister had finally found some friends of her own and she didn’t need Sunset’s help in making them. For all the craziness that happened, this was a pretty good take away from it. Sunset took out an ink pot and a quill and started writing her response as the two would be sure to have more adventures worth talking about.

Author's Note:

.... And Now for the time skip. This was one of my more involved chapters. Also this was one of the only times where I immersed myself into another series to get into the head space of another.