• Published 3rd Oct 2015
  • 4,086 Views, 305 Comments

The Students from St. Everfree - Morex25

Can Canterlot High survive when six of the most infamous troublemakers in St. Everfree history are transferred to their school?

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Chapter 19 - Homecomings part 3

Chrysalis looked at his General Morpho with anticipation, waiting to see if the plan he executed behind her back bear any fruit. “For your sake, this foolish plan better had worked.” Otherwise the consequences would be dire.

“Don’t you worry, Chrysalis. My plan was meticulously designed to be fool-proof.” The Spy boasted arrogantly, something that Chrysalis had always detested about him. “Any second now, the soldiers I picked for this mission will return triumphantly with our enemies completely submitted… or worse.”

The tone he used for that last part, made it quite obvious as to what he actually meant by ’worse’. Out of the other four occupants in the room, the only one with a noticeable reaction was Slash, who smirked eagerly.

Everything remained quiet for a few seconds, everyone waiting to see what the world had in store for Morpho’s declaration. Soon the sounds of incoming steps and a knock on the large metal gate alerted them that news had arrived. If it were good or bad nobody knew, until they allow the messenger to enter.

“Enter!” Chrysalis commanded, impatient to hear the news.

After the gate opened, the messenger stepped forward letting everyone examined his appearance. He was dressed in all black like the rest of their soldiers, but what distinguished this one from the rest was a air purifying respirator that covered his nose and mouth. Still, what caught everyone’s attention was the half of his face stained in dried blood.

“My queen.” The bloodied messenger lowered himself one knee on the ground and bowed his head in reverence, resting one fist on the floor.

“What news do you bring us?” Morpho addressed the mask wearing soldier, recognizing him as the squad leader that was tasked to take on Sombra.

“We suffered heavy losses. Several injured, some were taken by the paramedics and others are on police custody.”

“A shame, but that was to be expected.” Morpho said dismissively, in the end those losses were acceptable if the mission was a success. “What is the status of our targets?”



“The informants reported that all attack squads failed.” The gas mask informed. “Tirek outmaneuvered the squad by entering an Apple Orchard; Sombra proved to be tougher than we expected and had unexpected help; and the hit squad for Discord never managed to engage him.”

“What about the Squad sent against the former School Body President?” Morpho demanded angrily “Did they manage to capture Starlight?”

“According to the informants…um...they…”


“I told you, we gotta go THAT way!” The squad leader insisted by half of his squad refused to listen.

“And I say that your information is wrong! Starlight is not where they say, I just saw her pass by on a scooter.” A dissenter pointed out to the opposite direction they were told to go towards.

“There’s nothing in the briefing that said Starlight owns or even travels in motorcycles.” One soldier that was loyal to the leader’s indications tried to reason.

“I don’t know, we saw very clearly it was Starlight Glimmer riding on the scooter.” Another dissenter said. “We all seen photos of her in the briefing and we are sure we recognize her features everywhere.”

“Yeah! She could’ve just bought it recently.” Explaining why it wasn’t in the reports.

“We have our orders, handed down by one of the Generals! We do not disobey orders or deviate from the plan!” Otherwise the whole structure that was their organization would fall into chaos.

“Why don’t we just split, just to cover all our bases?” The only sensible one on the group suggested. “When whoever group is right, just have to call the other and run back towards Starlight Glimmer really is.”

“IS that acceptable for you three dissenters?” The squad leader asked with plain disdain but he was willing to go along with this thing if it meant they move their asses back into gear.

“Fine by us. But when we find Starlight Glimmer we will take the bike and you won’t be able to ride on it.”

“Like I would even want to ride in a bike for girls.”

‘My god, what are you, Grade Schoolers or something?’ The one who made the suggestion pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance and when he was done, he said. “Ok, so everyone agrees, right?”

“Right!” was the chorus consensus.

“Then let’s go!”

And with that agreement, the squad separated into two.


“After the squad split in two, the informants report that both groups were defeated by Starlight Glimmer and in one of the cases, she was aided by an unknown variable.”

“What? Did she call for back-up or something?” This time it was Arachnia who made the question, interested to know who the former SBP managed to win.

“Apparently it was some guy trying to be a hero after seeing a girl being attacked.” The gas mask explained.

“Lucky her.” The break-in specialist snorted and turned her head away. “There’s always assh*le to bail her out of a pinch, the coward.” Her contempt for the former school president was well-known to everyone. “Anything else? Did they at least get any good punches on her?”

“Actually…” The informant hesitated, unsure if the next piece of info was appropriate to reveal or not. “I was informed that both encounters happened at opposite sides of the district around the same time.”

“What? You mean to tell us that she fought both groups in different locations at the same time?” Morpho questioned incredulous of the messengers words. “Where did you get that information? Who’s the pathetic excuse of an informer that told you such things?! There’s no way for someone to be at two different places at the same time.”

“Two…? At the same time…?” Chrysalis wondered out-loud, getting the attention of his most devoted general.

“My Queen?” Iron Clad turned to his queen eager to hear her input in this puzzle.

“Could it be…?”


Sonata was resting her chin atop the small dinner counter after what felt an eternal working shift. She wanted to nothing more than to sit and relax on the couch, but by now she knew better than to do so, because around this hour either Adagio or Aria would come back from their respective jobs and whole kicked her out the small comfort their old couch barely provided.

Then Sonata heard the loud steps that only Aria’s boots would make when she stomped her way into the house. And soon after, said twin-tailed girl made her usual entrance by kicking open the door, except this time something was off.

“Hey, Aria. How did it go?” Sonata asked curious about what could’ve brought this change.

“Fine.” Aria answered, not sounding the least bit annoyed like she always did when Sonata made her any sort of question.

“Did… something happened during one of your deliveries?” The long-tailed girl asked trying not to show worry in her voice.

Instead of blowing her off, like any other day, Aria dignified Sonata with an actual answer. “Some punkasses jumped at me when after I was finished with my deliveries, probably trying to steal the bike or something.”

“And… that bat?” Sonata pointed at the dented metal bat Aria carried on her hand when she arrived.

“It’s my bat now.”


Starlight Glimmer fought against a smirk from forming in her face. She could barely contain it after all the good luck that was coming her way. Surely the universe was paying her back after she lost everything when Everfree crumbled into the ground.

After earning some brownie points with Curly Winds who invited her to meet some of his friends, she took the opportunity to try and bury some of her seeds into some of the social circles at Canterlot High. And by the end, it resulted to be far easier than she had expected. Those kids at Canterlot High were far too trusting after Curly put up a good word for her. Almost instantly she started talking with everyone she could. She got to know them and some of the other students of importance, and put on a good girl image for herself. Heck they even invited her to hang around a local joint to eat.

Everything was going extremely well for her and after she had waved goodbye to her new ‘friends’ and made her way around and outside the shopping district to try and memorize locations and landmarks for future reference if needed, then that’s when those thugs of Chrysalis attacked.

At the time she cursed at the ill-timed attack, not because she had no access to her Disciplinary Baton or any other tool for Peace Keeping, instead because if anyone saw her take the punks down and punished like they deserved the nice girl image she was trying to cultivate would be severely damage beyond repair. Fortunately for her, luck or fate or whatever, favored her greatly; not only were the hit team sent for her composed of only two thugs, a somewhat hit against her own ego being underestimated by Chrysalis like this, but also there was a guy that decided to play hero and tried to help her. And the person that oh so foolishly came to her rescue was none other than one of the most popular guys at school.

A rocker boy by the name of Flash Sentry.

Thanks to his interference, she managed to injure one of the thugs prompting them to escape, while at the same time making it look like it was Flash’s victory. Of course the price to keep her well-elaborated persona was to let one of the thugs get a hit in. More precise in the face, that way she could wear the injury and gain more sympathy among the students at Canterlot High.

After the fight was over, all that Starlight had to do was feed Flash a sob story and stroke his ego a bit and she had him around her little finger. Now she was riding on the passenger seat in the boy’s car as he took her home as she explained to him the ‘True’ nature of the Delinquents from Everfree.

“I just can’t believe it.” Flash said indignant. “I can’t believe Delinquents like that managed to get away with things like this.”

“It’s true.” Starlight put on her sad face. “The delinquent problem at this city is worse than people imagine.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to want to call the police?”

“They wouldn’t be able to help… they never do.” She sobbed very convincingly. “They don’t want you to know, but some of them have connections with the police. Many officers do not dare enter some of the neighborhood delinquents like them hide in, and those who do are either extorted or bribed to look the other way.”

“What about government officials? They could try and expose those corrupt cops, right?” Flash offer a possible solution to this whole mess, only to have Starlight shook her head.

“Government officials and the police have very strong relations with each other, even familiar ones; they are most likely in cahoots with each of their plots.”

“Damn.” Flash couldn’t help but curse at this whole mess. “But why were you a student at Everfree, why go to such a dangerous school?”

“Because someone had to put a stop to it!” She almost shouted for great dramatic effect. “S-Sorry didn’t mean to yell like that…” don’t forget about the sensible side too. And as predicted Flash put a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

“It’s fine, don’t have to apologize.” Really it was almost too easy.

“St. Everfree was the center of it all; the origin of the disease that is the Delinquency Problem in our city. I fought long and hard to try and change things from the inside. If I… I could teach the students there that there was a better way. That we all could come together, better ourselves and help the community instead destroying it; to teach them that with work and commitment, everything could be better and we all could be one united front, a happy family of sorts where everyone is equal and important.”

“That’s a nice sentiment and a pretty admirable goal.”

“When I became Student Body President, I truly believed I could make a difference and change things for the better. But among the Student Population, there were those who strongly opposed my ideas for a better future. They…” Starlight stopped for a bit to give a nice and effective sob that could’ve won her an acting award. “…they did everything to try and keep things like they were. They were the ones who started a Gang War that destroyed the school. And now… they are at your school too.”

“You mean…!”

“Yes, they are the other students who transfer with me today.” Starlight confirmed the fear into the boy’s heart, now it was time to cement it. “After everything I worked for was lost, I took comfort in the thought that maybe being away from such a bad environment, the others could slowly change their ways. But now I see that they are still up to their old ways… they sent a pair of thugs to beat me up, or worse…” she stopped for a second, letting him imagine what that ‘worse’ could be, “They wanted to silence me, so the truth could never come up and no one stands in their way.”

Flash began to tremble, not out of fear but out of rightful fury. “Then we got to tell Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna about this.”

“No! They could also been compromised!” Starlight stopped his train of thought before he decided to do something that could ruin her plans. “Either by bribery or intimidation even the noblest of people give into their demands. What other reason could there be for them not to put up a fight against the transfer?”

In Flash’s mind Starlight words were starting to make more and more sense and that troubled him. “What can we do?” He turned towards Starlight sounding disheartened, exactly the right kind of mindset she wanted him in.

“If is not public officials, then it is up to the righteous population to take things unto their own hands.” Starlight offered, this time been her who put a reassuring hand on the boy’s shoulder. “We need to unite as students and form a strong front. Show them that were aren’t afraid of them.”

“How do we do that?” Flash asked hopeful seeking answers that only Starlight could provide.

“I know exactly what to do.”


“It seems that your plan was a complete failure.” Chrysalis said so coldly that the room temperature dropped a few degrees.

“Wait, Chrysalis...!” Morpho tried to back away from the cold glare she was sending his direction.

“Not only did you go behind my back to organize this plan of yours, you also managed to loss the few available soldiers we had.” The imposing Queen walk towards him looking down at him as if he were the lowest sort of trash. “Let us not forget that by failing, you also put a target on by back and now they others would try and gun me down.”

“My Queen, it wasn’t my intention…!” He lowered himself trying to appear as small as possible, groveling to earn some sympathy.

“I don’t care what your intentions were, Morpho!” Her clamor showing off just a fraction of the fury she felt towards her general, even so it was enough to make everyone’s spine crawl. “You loaded a gun, gave it to my enemies and help them aim it at me!”

“I…I…” Morpho’s whole body trembled in fear as Chrysalis cornered him. “P-please…”

“To the floor you stupid maggot!” Chrysalis then lifted her leg up almost 180°, displaying an amazing feat of flexibility, before she brought her foot down as hard as she could on top of Morpho’s head, bringing him whole body down where it impacted hard against the floor. It was hard enough to make the general lose consciousness.

Everything remained deatly quiet for a few seconds until Iron Clad began clapping in congratulatory manner. “My Queen! Such a powerful and perfectly executed Ax Kick!”

“He got his ax kicked that’s for sure.” Arachnia couldn’t help but laugh at her own joke as she watched the Spy’s unconscious body on the floor.

“Can I dispose of him?” Slash asked sounding dangerously excited for an approval, his butterfly knife opened and ready to go.

“As much as he makes me mad, the idiot still has some uses.” Chrysalis admitted, putting a stop to Slash’s lust for something to cut.

“If you are so eager to cut something, why don’t you go back the slaughterhouse?” Arachnia suggested to the knife-obsessed orangehead.

“Gave me some days of vacation. Told me I been working very hard.” Slash said, his visage looking very disappointed. “It’s the worst kind of punishment.”

“Speaking of Punishments…” The dark beauty that was their leader said ominously. “All you three are on probation and I want to see positive results in your respective tasks. If not…” She left the threat hanging wanting them to envision their own punishments if they failed. “Arachnia, take Morpho away and take him somewhere.”

“But…” The purple haired girl wanted to protest but Chrysalis cut her off.

“Consider it a penalty for Morpho’s failure. Because if one fails…”

“Others pay the price.” The three remaining generals enunciate with different degrees of feelings.

“Slash you are to work around and make sure to show other gangs don’t notice any sort of weakness! Also collect the protection quotas from those who owe us.” She ordered and received a nod in return looking not so happy to be sent as an errand boy. “And Iron, I want you to train our soldiers harder even if you have to be their damn punching bag! Is that clear?”

“I’ll do as you say.” Iron Clad bowed his white and black stripped head in reverence.

“Good, now get back to work, you three!” She shooed them away and Iron and Slash complied to get on with their respective missions, leaving Arachnia and the unconscious form of Morpho on the floor. “Well…?”

“I don’t even know where this jerk lives, where should I take him?” The infiltration expert crossed her arms in front of her almost like a child who doesn’t want to obey curfew.

“If I may be allowed…” The mask wearing messenger intruded, still in the same place and position since he arrived. “I work under Morpho, I know of a location where we can take him.”

“Fine.” Chrysalis conceded. “You help her take Morpho to that place. Now begone!”

With those new orders, the Gas Mask and Arachnia took Morpho and left Chrysalis to be alone with her thoughts.


Author's Note:

Yay! It's the long awaited return of Chrysalis and her Four Generals! :yay:
And Starlight too!:derpytongue2: Oh oh! She's up to no good! :twilightoops:
Whatever could her plan be? :trollestia:
Also Flash Sentry. :fluttershyouch: For your consideration!

Last but not least, Sonata is here!:pinkiehappy: And Badass Aria is Badass. :rainbowdetermined2: