• Published 3rd Oct 2015
  • 4,086 Views, 305 Comments

The Students from St. Everfree - Morex25

Can Canterlot High survive when six of the most infamous troublemakers in St. Everfree history are transferred to their school?

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Chapter 10 - After Class' Stalking

After everyone else had gone out to their usual hang out, Sunset stayed behind to try and get a glimpse at the newest transfer student that plagued her mind all day. Just to make sure there wasn’t anything afoul going on and maybe get some peace of mind.

Patiently she waited for Discord to be finished with his Detention with Ms. Harshwhinny and follow him around just to get something that could confirm or deny her worries. Stalking the dishevel boy inside and out of the School had been easy enough; with her past of being the Queen Bee of the school, who had gone to extremes to dig up trash or find up the secrets of other students she wanted out of the picture, she had a wide experience in using stealth.

But something that seemed strange, now that she was tailing him, was that he didn’t seem to have any clear path to where he was going. He walked the streets from store to store, entering for less than a minute or two, only to get back on the street and repeat the whole process again and again.

By the looks of things, Discord was in the search for something specific. What it could be Sunset had no idea, but she was determined to find out.


For what seemed like hours, Chrysalis stood inside the damp and barely lighted warehouse listening to her “Generals” their respective reports about the state of their group.

After the “Battle for Everfree”, as people on the street began calling it, the numbers that formed the gang were split up and spread thin. Not only many members were still in the hospital, just released, or recovering home; the decision of sending groups of students towards all surrounding schools made it difficult to manage and regroup. Especially now that was Chrysalis being completely isolated from her generals and soldiers.

Thought nobody dared to say it out-loud, there was a doubt in the back of everyone’s mind about the viability of keeping the whole band together, and Chrysalis wasn’t blind to any of it.

“We should lay low for now.” Chrysalis said after few minutes of consideration. “Let’s try and keep people’s eyes away from us and slowly start recruiting soldiers from the schools you are at.”

“But Chrysalis.” Iron Clad protested. “Would you have time to evaluate the worth of our new recruits?” Though many did swear their loyalty to the Dark Queen of St. Everfree, not everyone was accepted as a member of their group. Though one could enter with good enough recommendations from their peers our one of the Generals, it was Chrysalis herself who determined who stayed or not.

“Unfortunately I will not.” The Leader declared solemnly. “I would have to leave them to your own discretion.” Now this came as a surprise for the Four who didn’t expect their leader to grant them more power so easily.

‘She must be desperate if she’s willing to let power slip out of her grasp.’ Morpho thought while fighting off a smirk from forming on his face. And he wasn’t the only one; The General in charge of their spy network saw that the others also had the same thought as him, well except…

“It would be an honor to be entrusted with such great responsibility, my Queen!” Iron Clad announced as exuberant as ever much to everyone else’s silent irritation. Did he really have to be so loud? “I shall not disappoint!”

“Make sure of that.” Chrysalis said feigning amusement. Though obedient as a loyal dog, Iron Clad could be annoying or foolish in his enthusiasm.


Discord opened the door and he was instantly greeted by the sounds of chimes ringing overhead. Nice little detail that innocently enhanced the experience of the customer. After scanning the place for a bit, Discord finally allow himself a smile before he stepped further into the place, instead of leaving, as a certain little stalker hoped he would.

Yes, Discord was well aware that he was been stalked around by someone who, surprisingly enough, was doing a adequate job at following him around without bringing much attention to herself. She definitely had experience doing this before, she didn’t commit common mistakes that rookies often made when tailing him. Despite of this, she wasn’t good enough for someone like him.

Still, he wondered why this person was following him around. He played with the idea of her being a spy for Chrysalis or Starlight, but upon several minutes and hilarious fake-outs to try and force her to reveal herself, he abandoned the idea; of the many near misses when he managed to get a glimpse of her, he could feel there was no ill intent on her actions. But if she was following him with no ill-intent whatsoever, then why, what was the reason behind her actions?

Although he was curious about the intentions his stalker, he didn’t dare confront her about it. Why you ask? Well, because it was fun! Making her struggle to keep up with him, baiting and faking her out, and seeing how much and for long she was willing to continue with this was extremely entertaining for him; so much so that he almost forgot the reason why he entered the many buildings and store around in the first place.

But now that he finally found what he was looking for, he decided to put his little game he had going with his little stalker and took a seat in one of the tables available. The place was brightly decorated with lots of soft pinks and yellows over white wallpaper with pink flowers on them. All in all, it was a very feminine looking establishment.

As a guy, Discord would’ve felt a little self conscious of being there if not for the fact that some of the customers were guys like him who weren’t accompanying anyone. They came under their own volition despite of the extremely feminine decor. And seeing what he was seeing he couldn’t judge or fault them at all.

“Welcome!” A pretty looking woman with shoulder length moderate tangelo hair greeted him with a smile. “My name is Cinnamon Chai, I’m the owner of this humble tea shop, I hope you enjoy your stay here.”

“I look forward to it.” Discord returned the smile to the owner.

“In a moment, I’ll send someone to take your order. In the meantime why don’t you look through our menu, I guarantee that every tea in it is worth tasting and every treat is freshly made.” Ms Chai suggested. “Now if you excuse me I need to check on the kitchen.”

Discord watched the owner go before he turned his focus on the menu on the table which he brought up to his face. Flipping through it, Discord made a startling revelation. “Wow, that’s some very pricy tea.” All these tea must be made out of very fancy high-quality stuff exported from overseas with a taste beyond of this world to justify these outrageous prices.

Discord pondered the reason why hot leaf water could cost so much until he heard the voice of the waitress. “Good Afternoon and welcome to Cinnamon Chai tea and cake shop, my name is Adagio, how may I serve you today?” She said her rehearsed line like it was second nature by now. Though acting so serviceable was against her nature, a paying job was a job and it maintains a roof over her head and food on the table.

“Well isn’t this a nice change of pace?” Discord lowered the menu and revealed a huge grin causing Adagio to step back a bit in surprise.



“What are you doing here?!”

“My, my, is that the way this little tea shop treats its clientele?” Discord jested, enjoying watching the flurry of emotions that crossed the girl’s face until she settled for resigned defeat. Even though she wished for him to be anywhere but there, he was a client and she was forced to treat him as one.

“What do you wish to taste today…sir?” Adagio asked only to receive a silly grin and an once-over look. “P-Pervert!” she almost yelled while her face turned slightly red.

“I just wanted to say that the uniform suits you really well.” Discord commend, completely ignoring the insinuation of being a pervert. Just what kind of hot-blooded man would he be if he didn’t take a gander at the outfit?

It was a uniform clearly inspired by the classic design of the traditional French Maid Outfit. Except that instead of being mostly black, it was orange, this in Discord’s opinion, really complimented Adagio’s fair complexion. As for the apron, it was slightly unconventional, not really covering the upper part of the body and instead it stop right below the chest and to the side, helping accentuate the waitresses “assets”. And as a final touch a big red ribbon tie as decoration.

“I’ll have today’s special blend.” Discord finally order, not really interested in drinking tea, but he had the courtesy of at least ordering something.

“Right.” Adagio wrote down the order, “Anything else?”

“Nope! That would be all. Thank you very much.”

“I’ll bring your order right away.” Adagio excuse herself and walked back to deliver the order to be prepared. She had no idea what kind of game Discord was playing at, but she found him annoying as hell. ‘Why the hell does Aria and Sonata think he could ever be useful?’

Oh right! Because they’re idiots. She almost forgot.




After the two of them were unceremoniously kicked out from the library by Ms. Cheerilee, Trixie decided to go home and take the book with her, unfortunately for her, he kept on following her insistent in getting the book from her. Not even after walking halfway to her house did the guy ever give up.

“What’s so important about this stupid book?!” It was so infuriating having him following her around, and even more so when he refuse to reveal the reason why he was such an insufferable pest.

“Sombra’s motive does not concern to someone such as you!” Sombra repeated for the nth time. “Stop being so obdurate!” really, he didn’t understand why this Trixie simply refuse to hand over the book he needed. Was homework really more important than complying with his desires?

“Trixie doesn’t know what that word means, but she take offense to that!” Trixie shot back.

“To stubbornly refuse to change one's opinion or course of action.” Sombra actually defined. “Maybe a dictionary would be a better book to take home with you!”

“Why you…” In all of her life she had never met someone as infuriating as the guy following her around. And she had only known of him for about 2 hours tops. “Don’t make Trixie file a Restraining Order on your ass! Because I will.”

“First of all I do not currently own a beast of burden and second of all, filing paperwork on top of one is a terrible idea!”

After he said this it took Trixie a few seconds to process his answer. “…What?” She couldn’t understand, was this an attempt to mock her or was he being unironic? Frankly it was hard to tell.

“Stop this pointless charade and give that the book to Sombra!” Sombra demanded once more. Even to him this thing was getting ridiculous. Of course he could’ve easily taken the book from her by force, but he held back that idea since he, as the revered king that he was, deemed it too brutish of a method. Only cowards used physical force to get something out of a woman.

And before anyone dared to mark his as a hypocrite, Chrysalis didn’t count. She was the only woman he reluctantly admitted to be threatening enough to treat as a man.

“Just get lost!” The platinum haired girl shouted and stormed off.

“Never!” the self proclaim royal declared as he keep on following her.


A few minutes later, Adagio returned with a steaming cup of tea and delicately placed it in front of Discord. “Here you go. Today’s special.” She said holding back her annoyance and trying to do her job.

“Thank you.” Discord answered nice enough. “Would you mind joining me at the table?”

“I do mind!” the reluctant waitress wanted to shout, but with her boss Cinnamon Chai observing from afar, she decided to give a more appropriate answer. “Sorry but I’m on the middle of my shift.”

“Hm? What about them?” The dishevel boy pointed towards other tables where waitresses were sitting and chatting with the customers.

Cinnamon Chai tea and cake shop wasn’t only known for its tea and outrageous prices, but also for its dedication for customer service. Not only did the waitresses have to be friendly and deliver their orders promptly, they also had to make the clients’ experience pleasant and memorable. And that meant that when there were very few tables been served, they could make conversation with the clients. And those who managed to engage the clients effectively often received VERY generous tips.

Sighing in silent defeat Adagio sat opposite to Discord, who had a little grin in his face as a sign of ‘victory’.

“So…tell me a little about yourself.” He said wanting to small-talk a little.

“No.” Adagio soundly refused. She may’ve sat with him but she’ll be damned if she let him had his way. Still this didn’t discourage Discord one bit.

“That’s okay. What do you want to talk about?”

“Why don’t you just stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really want with me.” Though she thought little of him, she couldn’t read his motives. That or he was the worst stalker ever. “Why do you keep following me?”

“Now, now, I didn’t follow you.” Discord shook his head and his index finger side to side. “If you remember I had detention for hours, so I couldn’t possibly follow you.” He declared and there was not much Adagio could say otherwise to disprove it. “I say it was because of fate that I came here.” Now that clichéd line made her eyes roll. “It’s not like I walked up to all the shops I could see just to find you. That would be ridiculous!”

“Is that what you did?” She deadpanned.

“No! And If did why would I brought it up!” he tried to deny.

“Because you’re an idiot.” Maybe he really didn’t have some sort of hidden agenda and he was in fact the worst stalker in the world.

“I’m many things but an idiot I am not.” He said taking great offence in her words; that is if his exaggerated manner in which he said it was to be believed. “I told you, it is fate.”

“Yeah right.” Adagio rolled her eyes again. That cliché line really was the worst one she had ever heard.

“It is true.” Discord insisted before he leaned forward. “Do you wanna know why?” he said as if he was about to reveal a secret. “What if I told you… that a meeting was foretold?”

“Foretold?! By whom?” She almost laughed at his words. Just what was he getting at?

“Some time ago I met this Shaman that could accurately predict the future.” Discord told almost uncharacteristically serious. “At first I thought it was a sham, and let me tell you, I know about shams.” Of that she didn’t have a doubt. “But this was no simple swindle or a trick with smoke and mirrors. This Shaman was the real deal, despite the fact that she rhymed every sentence she spoke.”

“So…?” Adagio crossed her arms in front of her. Although she didn’t want to show it, his tale piqued her interest a bit. She was no stranger to idea of shamanistic rituals and fortune telling, since back in Equestria there was plenty of that going around, especially with the Zebra tribes. But sometime after been banished to this magic-less world she had lumped humans that claim to have “magical abilities” as mere charlatans looking to make a quick buck. Yet, now she knew that magic from Equestria could enter this world and she and her ‘sisters’ weren’t the only ones who could wield it. Who’s to say that more magic couldn’t have entered to this world before she came to this world? The way Discord talked about this person, made it look like he actually believe in their abilities.

“I asked her several little things and all her predictions did come true.” Discord smirked like a kid that was happy that he could share his little secret. “After I was convinced of her abilities, I asked her to tell me something crazy about my future. Never would’ve imagined the sort of fortune-telling she ended up giving me.”

“What was it?”

“She told me that the day two opposites schools come together at last after a great disaster befall one of them, I would meet a person…” he told as he used his fingers as representations for the schools. “A person with a difficult-to-tell past, with a personality both fiery and sweet; two sides, opposites like a coin yet still one individual. That person…” he stopped for dramatic effect. “that person will be the love of my life.”



Everyone was having a nice time at Sugar Cube Corner, despite Sunset not being able to accompany them for some sugary snacks and beverages. They were all talking, thankfully enough, about other things besides the new transfer students.

Currently, Rarity was stalling in telling them about a gossip she heard from Bon Bon who heard from Lyra about something that happened during Physics Class.

“Just spit it out already!” Rainbow said already running out of patience about it. If Rarity really wanted to tell the tale why waste so much time hyping it out endlessly.

“Sorry if I wanted to add a little bit of suspense to the whole thing.” Rarity responded slightly offended by Rainbow’s bluntness. “Alas I can barely hold it any longer.” She said dramatically bringing the back of her right hand up to her forehead. And finally after she ended up posing she revealed the tale.

“Mr. Turner received an anonymous letter from a secret admirer!” The fashionista squealed excited almost as if the letter had been for her. “Isn’t it exciting?”

“Mr. Turner? As in Time Turner, our Physics teacher?” Apple Jack asked barely believing it. “The guy who would always ramble on and on about time space theorizes and how it is all timey-wimey? He got a love letter? By who?”

“I think the whole ‘secret admirer’ thing meant that we don’t know who wrote it.” Rainbow Dash said rubbing AJ’s mistake in.

“You know what I meant.” The country girl answered a little red faced.

“Well, Bon Bon said that Lyra managed to get a glimpse at the letter and it was signed in with a pseudonym.” Rarity further revealed. “It was signed by someone calling herself: Muffins.”

“I wonder who could that be…?” Pinkie said uncharacteristically pensive, that is until she gave up. “I have no idea!” she smiled.

“Whoever she is, I wish her luck. These types of crushes mostly end with a broken heart.” Fluttershy said thoughtfully bringing the mood somewhat down.

“Well, yeah. That’s the case when student-teacher relationships are strictly forbidden.” AppleJack stated. Though she liked to believe that love was a good thing, sometimes it could be confused with infatuation which usually leads people astray.

“I still think it’s romantic.” Rarity stated confidently. “I like to believe that in the end true love conquers all, no matter what.”

“And I think you read an awful lot of trashy romance novels.” Applejack joked before turning towards Rainbow. “Am I right?” Only to find the sportsy girl looking outside the window distracted. “Rainbow? Are you in there?”

“Uh what?” Dash rapidly turned her head back. “Yes whatever you say.”

Applejack didn’t say anything; she just rolled her eyes and carried on thinking that Rainbow tuned the whole thing out when the conversation turned about the subject of love. Similarly the rest also made the same assumption and didn’t make a big deal out of it. Something that Rainbow was glad at, because she wasn’t ready to admit that she got distracted by a guy who happened to cross by the window. A guy that had been on the back of her mind all day.

‘Just where is he going?’ RD thought frankly trying to come up with a clever enough reason to excuse herself from the group and give follow him.


Tirek walked through the streets that were near his new school. It would do him good to familiarize himself with the place and to know where certain stores and buildings were. After all nobody knew when or how all of this information could come in handy; and he liked to be prepared.

It wasn’t like he was killing time waiting to see Scorpan ride the bus towards the city and make sure he made it home. His foolish little brother was old enough to start fending for himself without his watchful eye from afar.

Besides, they weren’t at St. Everfree no more. So there wasn’t anything to be worried about.

So Tirek continue his sight-seeing, absorbing every detail and mapping the whole thing in his head; glad that things were finally going to be quiet for once.


“Are you going to be recruiting at your new school as well, Chrysalis?” Morpho asked with that impertinent attitude of his that Chrysalis didn’t like. Lucky him that he was good at what he did.

“Hmp. That’s so funny I forgot to laugh.” The dark beauty responded unamused by the question or her General’s attitude. Yet she dignified an answer. “Canterlot High is filled with weaklings. Just a bunch of preppie kids with no spine or guts.” Their happy disposition and carefree attitude she observed during lunch made it clear that none of them knew of the hardships that entailed the real world. “Unlike our former ‘School Body President’ I will not lower myself as to try and use any students there.”

“Starlight…” Arachnia couldn’t help but spat that name. “How I hate that b*tch!” It was infuriating how such a nobody could amass such power in so little time. That and the infiltration expert of the group still had the marks of her stupid baton underneath her clothes.

“Speaking of which…” Iron said. “What shall be done about our former School Body President and our other enemies?” He asked turning towards Chrysalis awaiting further orders to carry out obediently. But before the Queen could respond, Morpho answered with a smirk.

“I wouldn’t worry about those pests; not after today.” He said with a small laugh.


Author's Note:

Again sorry for the lateness of this chapter but I've been tired lately. :ajsleepy:
I hope you all like this new chapter.

As for Discord and Adagio's conversation... don't worry there's more to it... next chapter. :trollestia: