• Published 7th Sep 2015
  • 2,231 Views, 25 Comments

Dragon Age: Equestria - OkemosBrony

The Inquisition sails east to discover a new continent ravaged by its own Breach.

  • ...

Chapter 9: No Rest In This World

“Just a little more!” Cadence encouraged Mahanon and Cassandra, who were struggling to hold Shining Armor after a long day’s hike.

“We better be getting close,” Cassandra muttered to herself.

Cadence’s horn powered up, enveloping Shining Armor and pulling the burden off the two somewhat. “I promise, we’re almost there.”

“Canterlot’s pretty far away,” Varric noted, looking back at the city on the mountain, which was glowing a faint red. “And it’s dark now. How far away is this place exactly?”

“It’s right there!” Cadence said, pointing to a farmhouse not far away from where the Inquisition was. They passed through an arch and walked up to the door, which Cadence knocked on.

After a few moments of no response, she went up and knocked again. “Applejack!” she called to the door. “It’s me, Princess Cadence! I need you to let me in!”

“Applejack…” Mahanon whispered to himself. “That’s one of Twilight’s friends, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Cadence confirmed. She knocked on the door faster and louder. “Applejack, please! We need help!”

Mahanon looked at Cassandra, who took the hint and kicked down the door, sending it onto the ground with a loud thud.

“We could have waited!” Cadence yelled.

Mahanon and Cassandra walked in, then looked around. “There’s a table in there we can put him on!” Cassandra said, pointing to a small wooden table in the kitchen. They walked in and laid Shining Armor on the table.

“What in tarnation’s goin’ on here?” they heard a voice cry from behind them. Turning around, they could see an orange pony with a blonde mane looking at them with a mix of confusion and anger.

“Applejack!” Cadence said, relieved. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“Cadence?” the pony asked, looking at her and then the Inquisition. “What in the hay is goin’ on?”

“Shining Armor’s been hurt,” Cadence said sadly.

“And who exactly are they?” she asked, pointing at Mahanon.

“We’re the Inquisition,” Mahanon said quickly. “We’ll explain later. Right now, we need to help him.”

“And why’d you kick my door down?” Applejack said angrily, looking at the door on the ground. “Do you not just knock wherever it is you come from?”

“I’ll help you fix it,” Varric said, stepping forward. “I was never good at playing doctor anyways.”

“I’ll explain everything I can later,” Cadence said, noticing Applejack’s confusion. “But they’re friends of Twilight, and they’re helping Equestria fight against all the monsters.”

“Why didn’t you just take him to the guard camp? Why’d you have to come here?”

“We need to hide,” Cadence said worriedly. “The Crystal Ponies have been driven to madness, and they’re trying to kill us. We can’t risk word getting out that we’re here, so you need to be quiet about this, alright?”

“Alright,” Applejack nodded. “Though how should I explain to everypony else that our door got kicked down in the middle of the night?”

“You won’t need to once we fix it,” Varric said, slightly impatient.

“Fine,” she conceded. “Come help me get my tools, uh…”


“Right. Varric, come help me get my tools.” She shot another look at him. “And maybe tell me what in the hay you’re supposed to be in the process.”

Applejack and Varric walked away, and the rest of the Inquisition turned their focus to Shining Armor on the table. Cadence ran up and put a hoof around one of his, then started stroking his mane.

“We’ll be okay,” she said comfortingly.

“I’m usually the one who needs to convince you of that,” he laughed weakly.

Cadence smiled. “At least your sense of humor isn’t hurt.”

Cassandra laid her sword and shield against the wall, then began running her hands up and down Shining Armor’s body. “Does anything feel broken?”

“Back left,” he responded. When Cassandra moved her hands down to his back left leg, he clenched his teeth together to stifle cries of pain. “Yup. Definitely broken.”

Cassandra felt the rest of his extremities, then took her hands off him. “Everything else seems to be fine.” She turned to Mahanon. “I need you to go get me some wood for a splint.”

Nodding, Mahanon left the kitchen to the family room, where Applejack was walking in, holding a small toolbox in her mouth. “Applejack, I need to get some wood to splint Shining Armor’s leg.”

Putting down the toolbox, she scratched her head. “Wood? We might have some out back, but it probably ain’t in very good shape. We donated most of our good lumber to the Guards once the fighting started.”

Mahanon ran out the hole where the door had been, then around the back of the farmhouse to see a small pile of wood piled up. After he grabbed a few pieces, he looked at the city of Canterlot, far in the distance; the eerie red glow of the red lyrium no doubt plaguing the city clashed with the sickly green of the Breach, giving it an ominous hue, like a beacon of hopelessness across all of Equestria. After glaring at it for a few seconds, he ran back inside, where Varric was crouched down and helping Applejack work on the door.

He placed the wood down in the kitchen, where Cassandra came over and examined it. She picked two pieces, then placed them on the table. “Rope?” she asked Applejack.

“Yeah, just a sec,” she responded, walking up the stairs. A minute later, she came down, carrying a lasso in her mouth which she put on the table before going back to the door.

Picking up the length of rope up, Cassandra grimaced at the pony slobber on the rope where Applejack’s mouth had been. “I always took hands for granted until now,” she whispered to Mahanon before working on untying it.

When the rope was untied, she picked up the wood and tied the pieces together, making a makeshift splint for Shining Armor. “Everything else should be fine on its own,” she said.

“Do you have any rubbing alcohol or bandages?” Cadence called to Applejack.

“Under the sink, on the left,” she replied, hammer in mouth.

Cadence moved to the sink and started rooting around, while Cassandra picked up her weapons and walked to the family room with Mahanon. “Is there anything else we can help with?”

Picking up a screwdriver, she handed it to him. “Just screw those hinges in when we put the door up.” She looked at Varric and nodded, and the two raised the door up.

Looking down at his now wet hand, Mahanon understood Cassandra’s disgust at the rope she was given. Trying to touch as little of the screwdriver as possible, he screwed in the hinges on the top of the door while Applejack screwed in the bottom ones. “Good as new” Applejack said happily. “Nopony will be able to kell you three kicked it down, now.”

“Technically, it was just the Seeker,” Varric corrected, which got him a disapproving glare from Cassandra.

“I can show y’all where you can stay if you want to lay low,” Applejack said, opening the door and walking out. The three followed her, and she turned left. “Hope you don’t mind the barn. Not exactly the best place, but y’all insist on staying hidden.”

“We just need to wait here until Twilight gets back,” Mahanon said.

Applejack unlocked the door to the big red barn next to the farmhouse, and Varric and Cassandra walked in. “That’s what I’ve been meaning to ask. What’s goin’ on, and what’s Twi got to do with it?”

Mahanon walked a few steps away from the barn and looked at the sky, and Applejack followed him. “It’s...a long story.”

“I got time,” she replied, looking up at him.

He looked down at her, and she cocked her head slightly. “It started about a month and a half ago, back in Thedas.”

“‘Thedas’?” she repeated.

“A continent far to the west, where we came from. Some people sailed along the shores of this continent and saw the Breach here, and contacted us since we closed the Breach over our home continent.”

Applejack pointed towards Canterlot. “That thing the Breach?”

“The green part, yes. The red part came earlier today.”

“And what is the red part?”

“It fits in with the story, I promise,” he said dismissively. “When we got here, there were a few ponies that found us, and they contacted Princess Celestia, who sent Twilight to meet us.”

“So that’s why she disappeared mysteriously,” Applejack said, rubbing her chin. “Spike said it was important, but he said he didn’t know what it was.”

“She’s helping us get the Inquisition started here, and she’s been a big help. Saved our lives a few times in Canterlot.”

“And she’s probably being super modest and sayin' it was nothin',” Applejack laughed. “So why were you in Canterlot?”

“We ventured south to recruit the Changelings for our cause. They were helping us close the Breach, but we were attacked by Crystal Ponies who had become infected with red lyrium, the substance Princess Cadence said drove the Crystal Ponies to madness.”

“And where’s Twi now?” she asked hopefully.

“She went back to our fortress in Neighven ahead of us, along with a few others that were with us. She’s warning them.”

Mahanon saw some enthusiasm leave Applejack’s face. “So...she ain’t here with you?”

He shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”

Sadly, Applejack sighed. “Was hoping she was. Everypony’s been leaving one by one, and now it’s just me and Rarity left here in Ponyville.”

“She’ll be back soon,” he said, squatting to her eye level to comfort her. “We’re making progress.”

“Ain’t what it looks like to me,” she replied, looking at Canterlot behind him. “So that ‘red lyrium’ stuff, that what making Canterlot glow like that?”

He nodded as he stood up. “Yes. It has a connection to the Fade, the world on the other side of the Breach. That’s why it started appearing on this continent, and it’s why the Crystal Ponies are trying to stop us from closing the Breach.”

Applejack shook her head and laughed. “I can’t remember the last day that was normal since meeting Twilight. Y’all can stay here as long as you need; any friends of Twilight’s are always welcome here.”

He smiled back at her. “I suppose I should let you get back to bed; it’s getting late.”

“Just no more kicking down the door, okay? You know what knocking is?”

“I promise.” She shot another smile at him, then turned around and walked back to the house.

“Do you have a moment?” he heard Cassandra ask from his side. When he turned to look at her, she was holding her hands nervously.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I just hoped to talk…” She walked to closer to him. “...About us.”

“What about?”

“We stopped seeing each other because of my election as Divine.” She looked him in the eyes. “But now we’re here. And though it hasn’t been long, I am wondering if we made the right choice.”

Mahanon grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes. “I don’t suppose we’ll ever know if we made the right decision. But you’re the Divine now, you need to devote your time there.”

“The Chantry’s not here now, which got me thinking. Do we have to go back?”

“What do you mean?” he asked skeptically.

“We could stay here,” she suggested. “I’m not saying we should right now, but we always have the option.”

“What about the Chantry?”

“They could choose someone else. There are plenty of people out there who wanted the Sunburst Throne more than I, and many I would not mind leading the Chantry.”

“But they chose you, over all of them. They want you to be their leader.”

Cassandra sighed, then pulled her hands away. “You’re right. It was foolish of me to consider leaving, especially when Thedas needs both of us more than ever.”

“I wish we could stay together too,” he admitted. “But we can’t.”

“I suppose we should get some rest,” she said, looking at the barn. “It has been a long day.”

”You guys, I don’t know about this. Didn’t Applejack tell us to stay out?”

“She’s always saying stuff like that! What could possibly happen?”

“Yeah Sweetie Belle, come on.”

“But there has to be a reason she told us to stay out, right? She’s never done that before!”

“It’s a barn! Stop being so chicken!”

Grumbling, Mahanon turned onto his side, hoping to shut out the voices coming from outside the barn.

After another few exchanges from outside, the door opened, pouring light in. He turned over on his side and opened his eyes to three small ponies, staring at him in shock.

The ponies all screamed, then ran out of the barn as quick as they could. As Mahanon jumped off the hay bale he was sleeping on, Cassandra and Varric jumped off their makeshift beds and quickly grabbed their weapons.

“What was that?” Cassandra said, clutching her sword.

“I think our cover might be blown,” Mahanon said worriedly. “Some ponies just saw us.”

“Guess it’s time to pack up and leave before the Crystal Ponies hear, then?” Varric suggested.

“If they’re in the barn, maybe they know Applejack,” Mahanon wondered. “Maybe she can talk them into being quiet.”

“Let’s hope,” Varric muttered under his breath. “Barns aren’t really my kind of place to sleep, but they’re better than nothing.”

As Mahanon looked out of the barn and towards the farmhouse, he saw the three ponies funnel inside quickly while pointing panickedly at the barn. A few moments later, they walked out with Applejack, who looked less than pleased with the issue.

“Put the weapons away,” he ordered back into the barn. When he looked back out, the three ponies were standing behind Applejack, who was walking up to the barn.

“Only you come out,” she said to him through her teeth. “And play along.”

Looking back into the barn, he saw Varric shrug and Cassandra motioning for him to leave. When he walked out, Applejack closed the door behind them and walked back to the ponies.

“First off,” Applejack in a very commanding voice to the three ponies, “What did I tell you about going into the barn this morning?”

The three ponies all looked at each other, then at the ground. “Not to?” the Unicorn answered.

“Exactly,” Applejack responded in a disappointed voice. “And where did y’all go this morning?”

The ponies looked at each other again. “The barn?” the Pegasus answered.

“That’s right,” Applejack said, nodding her head. “Did you ever think there could be a reason I told you not to go in there?”

“We didn’t think you were serious!” the Earth Pony protested. “You’ve always let us in there!”

“I had no reason to keep you out before!”

“What even is that thing?” the Pegasus asked, pointing at Mahanon.

“He’s a friend of Twilight’s,” Applejack answered before Mahanon could. “He came here all alone last night, and he needs to hide. Which is why I didn’t let you in the barn.” She turned around to face him. “Isn’t that right?” she asked, clearly trying to get him to go along with the lie.

“Yes,” he responded confidently.

“Who do you need to hide from?” the Unicorn asked.

As he was about to answer, he saw Applejack mouthing a silent ‘no’ his way. “I...I can’t say,” he responded.

“Why not?” the Earth Pony asked.

“He said he can’t, and that’s final,” Applejack asserted. “Any you’re not allowed to tell anypony about this, alright? Apple Bloom, that includes Big Mac and Granny.” She looked to the Unicorn. “Sweetie Belle, Rarity too. You can’t tell her.” As the two opened their mouths to protest, Applejack put a hoof up. “I don’t want to hear nothing from any of you. No telling anypony, and that’s final. You understand?”

“Yes,” all three ponies mumbled at once.

“Alright,” Applejack said. “You can go.”

As the three ponies dispersed, Applejack turned to Mahanon and sighed. “Sorry about that. That was my sister and her friends, and they ain’t exactly known for following directions.”

“It’s fine,” he reassured her. “How come you told them I came here alone, though?”

She sighed. “I hate to lie, but telling them the truth would’ve made it worse. You gotta stay hidden, and if word does get out, the rest of them will be safe since they don’t know they’re here.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” he said to himself. “So where are Princess Cadence and Shining Armor?”

“I gave them my room. I’m the first to get up anyways for chores, so nopony noticed me sleeping on a couch.” She shook her head. “I hate having to do all this sneaking around. Whatever you do, you close that Breach, you hear? I want my friends back, and I want everypony to be happy again.”

“We’ll try our best,” he smiled. “You know, the Inquisition can use all the help we can get; you’d be a great addition.”

After thinking it over a little, she shook her head. “Nah. I’m needed in Ponyville, and my family needs me more; Apple Bloom’s still too little to help with everything, and Granny Smith ain’t exactly strong enough. And Big Mac can’t do everything himself.”

“The offer’s always open,” he said happily. “I...guess we’ll just wait in the barn for Twilight, then?”

“I guess,” Applejack replied. “I’ll try and sneak y’all some food so you don’t get hungry. You have apples where you come from, right?”

Mahanon stared at the palm of his hand intently. He knew the Anchor wasn’t visible since they weren’t near a Rift, but he kept wondering whether or not it was still there.

When he looked up, he could see Varric and Cassandra suffering through similar boredom; hiding from demons in a defenseless barn on a completely new continent wasn’t fun for any of them.

“The Princess can teleport, right?” Varric asked to break the awkward silence. “Why’s it taking her so long, then?”

“I don’t know,” Cassandra responded, slightly irritated.

“Hey Inquisitor, why can’t you do that?”

“I guess I’ll have to have her teach me.”

Varric groaned. “Man, this is mind-numbing. Gotta admit, I’ll have a lot more respect for the Legion of the Dead after this. Imagine this, but every day.”

The Inquisition went back to silence. When the barn door opened, they all turned towards it and reached for their weapons, anticipating whatever came through the door.

“It’s just me,” Cadence said, walking in and closing the door behind her. “I figured I’d make sure you’re all okay.”

“Bored out of our minds, but otherwise fine,” Varric said, sitting back down and putting his back to a pillar.

“I’m sorry you have to stay out here like this,” she said sorrowfully. “You all deserve much more. You saved us all back in Canterlot.”

“Everybody did their part,” Mahanon said humbly. “Including you.”

“What was that weird shit you did to those Crystal Ponies near the end?” Varric asked. “Should teach that to the Inquisitor.”

“I’d...rather not talk about it,” she replied, almost ashamed of the fact.

“How’s Shining Armor?” Mahanon asked comfortingly.

“He’s doing better,” she said with a small smile. “I just can’t wait until Twilight gets here and can bring us to safety.” She looked up at him. “And I hope you can make something work.”

“We’re doing all we can,” Cassandra reassured her.

The door opened again, and when they all turned to look, they saw Applejack standing next to Twilight, who was smiling broadly and could hardly keep still.

“Hey Twilight,” Cadence laughed. She stretched out her forelegs. “Come on, I know you want to.”

With a joyful squeal, Twilight ran over and embraced the hug tightly. “I’m so glad you’re safe!” she exclaimed.

“Me too,” Cadence laughed back.

“So have you brought a way out?” Mahanon asked, walking up to the hug.

“Yeah,” Twilight beamed, looking up at him. “There are chariots outside.”

Mahanon looked back at Cassandra and Varric, who took the cue and grabbed their weapons. “We’ll wait outside for you, okay?”

“We’ll get Shining Armor,” Cadence said, still locked in the hug with Twilight. “Meet you outside.”

As they got to the door, Mahanon looked down at Applejack. “Thank you for keeping us here.”

“It was nothing,” she said.

Mahanon walked with Cassandra and Varric to one of the two chariots outside the barn and climbed in one, while he saw Twilight and Cadence go into the farmhouse with Applejack. After a few moments, they emerged, carrying Shining Armor in their magic.

“Hey, Inquisitor!” Shining Armor called up to them as he was being carried. “Thanks for what you did.”

“I’m sure you would’ve done the same,” he smiled back.

When Shining Armor was loaded into the other chariot, the Royal Guards looked at each other, then both took off into the sky.