• Published 7th Sep 2015
  • 2,230 Views, 25 Comments

Dragon Age: Equestria - OkemosBrony

The Inquisition sails east to discover a new continent ravaged by its own Breach.

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Prologue: From These Emerald Waters

Author's Note:

Basic information about the Inquisitor you'll be reading about:

Name: Mahanon Lavellan
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Class: Mage
Specialization: Necromancer
Not faithful

Story information:
Recruited all companions
Allied with the templars
Left Stroud in the Fade
Exiled the Grey Wardens, did not exile Blackwall
Confronted Duchess Florianne in front of the court, killed her
Celene remains in power
Completed the elven rituals
Allied with the Sentinels
Fought and killed Calpurnia
Let Morrigan use the Well of Sorrows
Cassandra becomes Divine
Convinced Cassandra to stay with the Inquisition

Companion information:
Completed Blackwall’s personal quest using Josephine and pardons him
Completed Cassandra’s personal quest
Completed Cole’s personal quest and makes him more spirit-like
Completed Dorian’s personal quest and makes him confront his father
Completed Iron Bull’s personal quest and sacrifices the Chargers
Completed Sera’s personal quest
Completed Solas’ personal quest and does not kill the spirit
Completed Varric’s personal quest
Completed Vivienne’s personal quest and gives her the real heart
Encouraged Cullen to stop using lyrium
Completed Josephine’s personal quest by destroying the contract
Completed Leliana’s personal quest
Romanced Cassandra
Convinced Cassandra to remain with the Inquisition for the time being

Knight-Captain Denem - Given to the Templars to be punished
Magister Livius Erimond - Execution
Ser Ruth - Exiled like the rest of the Wardens
Grand Duchess Florianne’s remains - Put her remains to “use”
Thom Rainier - Pardon
Chief Movran the Under - Arm and exile to Tevinter
Mayor Gregory Dedrick - Exile
Crassius Servis - Recruited as an informant
Mistress Poulin - Help to rebuild Sahrnia


Mahanon is not religious, and as such, is sometimes wary of his title as Herald (but does not mind the title of Inquisitor). He is proud of his Dalish heritage, but does not consider it an essential part of himself and associates more with the Inquisition than he does with Clan Lavellan.

He is friendly and open to new ideas. While he believes in forgiveness, he does believe there are points when the chance to be forgiven can be lost (such as with the Grey Wardens and Grand Duchess Florianne). Although apt at The Game, he dislikes politics and prefers a more direct approach. He does not like sacrificing the lives of soldiers when unnecessary, but believes results to be more important than saving lives.

Miscellaneous information:
Captured all 3 keeps
Opened the Solasan temple fully
Killed all 10 high dragons
Established every Inquisition camp
Closed every Fade Rift

Spells used (on the ability wheel):
Winter’s Grasp*
Mark of the Rift
Walking Bomb*
Spirit Mark*
Static Cage*



Twilight Sparkle looked out over the massive glowing hole in the sky over Canterlot. It seemed to grow by the hour, slowly engulfing the whole sky. From it, terrifying creatures of all hideous forms spilled out, infesting everywhere the could reach. Smaller holes had started to appear close to the larger one, but they were mostly in and around Canterlot. None had yet reached Ponyville, but everypony in the town lived on edge knowing that they were next.

To say fear hung over Ponyville was an understatement; numerous houses had been boarded up, anticipating the creatures’ arrivals. Many other ponies bought weapons or trained themselves in combat, and others left the town completely. The Royal Guards patrolled the street regularly, looking for any signs of invasion. Some of the more worried ponies said that the creatures could take over ponies and that unicorns were especially susceptible, but those claims were mostly dismissed as crazy ramblings. Still, what few ponies stayed in the town were put through rigorous psychological evaluations daily, just in case they were not crazy ramblings.

“Twilight!” Spike called out from the ground floor of the castle. “Where are you?”

“I’m up in my room!” she called back down. “I’ll come down to you.” After worriedly looking at the hole again, she walked out of her bedroom and down the the ground floor of the castle, where Spike was sitting in her throne and looking bored while holding a scroll in his claw.

“Letter came for you,” he said, holding it up. “It’s from Princess Celestia.”

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight repeated with excitement. Princess Celestia had been dealing with the hole in the sky for so long that she had not written a letter in months, so Twilight quickly snatched it up with her magic and tore it open.

”My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,” the letter started. ”As you are aware, the hole in the sky over Canterlot has continued to grow and shows no sign of stopping. Every Royal Guard has been tasked with fighting the creatures, but no matter how many they defeat, more and more spill out of the holes. Our most distinguished scholars have been studying the creatures and the holes, but have not yet figured out what they are.

“However, we may have hope. Recently, on the western shore of Equestria, a few small ships landed, carrying creatures never seen before. They claim they know of the holes in the sky and the creatures that spill out of them, but they will only speak to one of the leaders.

“I entrust the task of meeting these creatures to you and you alone. You may be tempted to bring your friends with you, but this is unfortunately a matter that must be taken up only by a Princess. Reports say that most of the creatures that have sailed here are friendly, so you should try and make friends with them and see what they can help Equestria with.”

Princess Celestia

After slowly rereading the letter, Twilight lowered it onto the Friendship Map in the center of the throne room.

“Well?” Spike asked. “What did she say?”

“Princess Celestia has entrusted me to help her!” she replied with enthusiasm. “And I won’t let her down!”

One month earlier

The sun pouring into Mahanon’s private quarters woke him from another night of restful sleep. Before getting out of bed, he smiled; ever since Coryphaeus had been killed, he always enjoyed being able to wake up and not have to worry whether or not he’d be able to go to bed that night.

Putting on one of the numerous identical beige outfits from his wardrobe, he opened his windows and walked out onto the balcony which overlooked the Frostback Mountains in all their splendor. Taking in a deep breath of the cold, clean mountain air, he smiled again. It was a good day in Skyhold.

After taking in the view for a few moments, he descended into Skyhold’s great hall, where Inquisition agents and soldiers were talking and enjoying themselves. “Inquisitor!” he heard call from the crowd. Looking out on the great hall, he saw Josephine, the Inquisition diplomat, come running up to him.

“You seem eager this morning,” he joked. “Did Varric beat Cullen in another game of Strip Wicked Grace again? Are we going to watch another one of his walks of shame?”

“Unfortunately, no,” she laughed. “Come, perhaps we will be able to brief you in the war room.” Gesturing towards the door, the two walked through Josephine’s office and into the war room, where Commander Cullen and Leliana were pointing at a small chart laid on top of the map of Thedas and talking.

“Inquisitor!” Cullen perked up as soon as he saw the two enter the room. “I’m glad you’re here. We have something of dire importance to discuss with you.”

“Oh?” Mahanon asked.

“Some traders from Antiva tried to sail straight east around the world to land on the west coast of Theads,” Leliana said, turning the chart around. “However, it seems they were wrong about the size of the world.” She pointed to the right side of the chart. “They discovered a new land, one where the Fade is still torn open. They say there is another Breach further inland, and that there are rifts starting to appear.”

“How are we even sure that they’re right?” Cullen objected. “For all we know, they landed in Orlais and just saw the Breach before we were able to close it.”

“They mapped out some of the coastline,” Leliana replied, running her finger up and down one of the lines on the right side of the chart. “It doesn’t match anything on Thedas.”

“How soon could we get there?” Mahanon asked.

“Within the month,” Josephine chimed in. “Though unfortunately, we are not able to send a whole army just yet. We do not have the ships to do so, and our allies are wary of these claims of a new continent; until we send scouting parties and validate them, they will not pledge anything to our cause.”

“How soon can we head out?”

“The Inquisition should be able to procure a few ships and a crew in Denerim,” Josephine thought out loud. “It will not be enough to bring an army, but it should be able to bring the Inquisitor and a few small scouting parties.”

“Bring the Inquisitor across the ocean to chase a lead about a brand new continent?” Cullen objected. “Are you mad?”

“Our allies trust the Inquisitor,” Josephine said. “If he goes and sees first-hand the new Breach, they will support him over the reports of a few scouts.”

“I’ll make sure to be careful while I’m there,” Mahanon assured Cullen.

“Excellent!” Josephine said happily. “I’ll start arranging the funds to be brought to Denerim for the ships.”

“I’ll go and notify my best scouts to accompany you,” Leliana said.

“And I’ll get supplies and some men for protection,” Cullen said as he picked up the chart. “Here, you’ll need this; it’s the map the Antivans made to get back to where they landed. And Inquisitor...good luck.”

Mahanon stood in Skyhold’s courtyard in front of his closest companions. “I suppose you’re all wondering why you’re here,” he started.

“Oh, of course not!” Vivienne quipped. “We’re always happy to drop everything to help you.”

“We’ve discovered something big,” he said, ignoring the First Enchanter’s cutting sarcasm. “Far to the east, there’s a whole unexplored continent. And there’s another Breach there. And we need to stop it.”

“Another Breach?” Sera spoke up. “Oh, don’t tell me Coryphy-shit is back. He was a pain in the arse enough the first time, y’know?”

“We’re not sure,” he replied. “But we’re going to set sail soon. I need you all to get prepared and meet here at dawn tomorrow morning. If there is another Breach, we need to act quickly, or it could spread over here. Or worse, it could open up so much that it completely tears open the barrier between this world and the Fade.”

“Getting to kill more shit?” Iron Bull asked excitedly. “This is going to be great! Demons scare the hell out of me though...so not the greatest time I’ll have, but still.”

“Glad to see you’re enthusiastic, Bull,” Mahanon laughed. “I’ll give you all the rest of the day to prepare. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

All of the companions left except for Cassandra, who stayed behind and approached Mahanon nervously. “Inquisitor,” she asked, “Do you want me to join you?”

“I would be delighted if you did,” he replied with a small smile.

“I don’t know if I should, though,” she replied. “I already feel guilty staying here for as long as I have, but the Chantry has not needed me as much as they said they did. If I am an ocean away, I fear that I will be turning my back on them.”

“They’ll run perfectly fine in your absence,” he reassured her. “Besides, Leliana will be in Skyhold and is your Left Hand; she will be able to keep things from falling apart.”

“I hope you are right,” she said, slightly worried. “But I know that I will be able to make a greater difference fighting alongside the Inquisition than deciding the moves the Chantry will take to rebuild.”

Mahanon’s smile grew larger. “I know you will. And if the rumors are to be believed, we’ll need everything we can to stop the Breach.”