• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 9,096 Views, 1,165 Comments

A Change In Fashion - Kevinltk

A changeling finds love in the world of fashion modeling.

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Chapter 7: A Date


Glamour let out a sigh of relief upon hearing Photo Finish’s proclamation, signaling that the second photo shoot was finally done.

She had thought that the second day would be easier than the first, but with everything already set up from the previous day, the photo shoot had started as soon as she arrived at the studio with Coco. Not only that, but Photo Finish had come up with all sorts of new and creative ways to get ze magicks out of her.

At least she did not choke on blush today.

“Another wunderbar shoot, Glamour!” Photo Finish cheerfully praised. “I have more than enough material to send to the publishers now.”

“Wait, so does that mean we’re all done?” Glamour asked.

“Just with this shoot. Don’t worry, I, Photo Finish, have plenty of things planned for you. For now though, I must make sure that your entrance into the fashion world is with a big bang! I cannot wait! You just be ready for when it’s time to make more of ze magicks.”

“Uh, right sure. So, if we’re done for the day, could you maybe—”

“And now, I, Photo Finish, must leave—”

“Um, Photo Finish,” Coco spoke up. “Don’t you think we should get Glamour—”

“—because I, Photo Finish, have art to make! And so—”

“W-wait! Don’t leave yet!”

“I go!”

Glamour and Coco both groaned when Photo Finish and her huge entourage made their usual quick and dramatic exit, leaving them by themselves.

“She’s not very good at listening, is she?” Glamour stated in a flat tone.

“Not really,” Coco replied, looking up at Glamour with her brows furrowed.

“I’m grateful that she’s going to help me become famous, but…”

“It would be nice if she was a bit more careful with you.”


Neither of them said a word after that, letting the fact that they were stuck in an awkward situation sink in. After a few moments, Coco started heading for the door.

“I, uh, I’ll go get a ladder. You just wait right there.”

“Not like I can do anything else,” Glamour mumbled, watching an upside down Coco leave the room. She let out another sigh, hoping that Coco would get back soon.

For the time being, she still had to figure out how she ended up all tied up, hanging from the ceiling.

“You sure know how to pick the weird ones, Coco.”

“Thanks again for helping out, Grace.”

“It’s not like I have anything better to do.”

“But weren’t you complaining earlier about those files Prim wanted you to sort?”

“Like I said, it’s not like I have anything better to do.”

Glamour watched as Coco and Grace moved a ladder under her. After a few moments, Grace made it up the ladder and propped her chin on a hoof resting on the top rung of the ladder, looking straight at the upside down Glamour.

“So… How’s it hanging, Glamour?” Grace asked with a smug grin.

Glamour would have facehoofed if her hooves were not already tied, so she settled for a groan and a flat stare. “Just please get me down now, Grace.”

“You do know you have a horn, right?”

Glamour’s gaze went up to the ground high above her and then back to Grace.

“What?” Grace asked, following Glamour’s gaze. “It’s not that far.”

“Yeah… I would like to not have any concussions today, if possible.”

“Yeah, yeah, excuses. Well, never fear, Grace is here. Now. let’s see here. How about we try getting your leg off your head first?”

“Ow, ow, ow! Stop pulling my leg!”

“Hmm, maybe… Hey, Coco, you think you could find me a hammer?”

“No hammer! No hammer!”

Eventually, after a lot of careful maneuvering, some magic, and a bunch of worried cries from Coco, Glamour was set free and came down the ladder with Grace.

“Glamour, are you alright?” Coco asked as soon as Glamour touched the ground.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just need a bit since my legs kind of fell asleep,” Glamour answered as she tried to shake her limbs back to life.

“I’m doing fine too, by the way,” Grace added. “Thanks for asking.”

“Oh, Grace, I’m so sorry,” Coco quickly apologized. “I didn’t mean to forget you, I just—”

“Whoa, Coco, relax. I was just kidding.”

“Oh uh, right. Regardless, Glamour and I are grateful that you took the time to help us out.”

“Well, when you told me what happened to Glamour, I just had to see it for myself. Kind of wish I had a camera with me. Although, now that I’m here, how about sharing some of the juicy deets about you taking Glamour home again.”

Glamour’s eyes widened. “You know?!”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “Between you acting weird, and Coco looking up your address, it’s not that hard to figure out what was going on. Since Coco already took you in once, I already guessed what was going to happen when you two left yesterday. It also doesn’t help that you two walked in together.”

“Oh, r-right. But could you do me a favor and please not tell anypony else about my housing situation? I don’t want ponies I know getting suspicious of me.”

“Wasn’t planning to. Besides, who’s going to listen to the boring, old secretary anyway?” Grace replied with a shrug before a small frown appeared on her face. “But uh, yeah, so you really don’t have a place to live?”

“Well, I do now. Coco invited me to stay with her for a bit.”

“Seriously?” Grace looked to Coco and received a nod. “Whoa, didn’t see that coming, but I guess it’s good that I have something to put down on your file.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“You never registered an address. If somepony else looked at your record, they’re going to get suspicious and that could lead into trouble for you. Actually, it sort of did happen already since Coco went all stalker on you.”

“G-Grace! I just needed to know where she lived!” Coco protested over Grace’s snicker.

“Not helping your case, sweetie.”

“So, I guess you’re going to put down I’m living with Coco,” Glamour queried, ignoring the whimpering red Coco.

“Pretty much. It might look a bit weird to some ponies, but it’s a lot better than not having anything.”

“Thanks for looking out for me, Grace. Sounds like you saved me from a bunch of trouble.”

Grace shrugged again and headed for the door. “You can sing my praises later. I should get back to the front desk before Prim finds out I’m gone. Catch you two later.”

After Grace left, Glamour stretched a bit, working out the kinks from being tied up. She glanced over at Coco and saw that her face was no longer as red as the flower in her mane.

“So, what now?” Glamour asked. “Photo Finish ended the shoot pretty early today.”

“Hmm…” Coco took a moment to finish packing her bag with her dresses and putting it on. “Do you have anything else you need to do today?”

“Nope, I’m free for the rest of the day. Actually, I’m completely free until Photo Finish calls on me again.”

“Well, if you’re feeling up to it, how about we go and have a late lunch together?”

“Just you and me?”

“Of course, I mean if that’s alright with you. It’s just that all the time we spent together was either work related or the result of something happening to you. I thought that since we’re both free now, we could finally enjoy some time to ourselves as friends without worrying about anything else.”

Glamour smiled. “That sounds really good. It would be nice to actually relax for once.” Her smile faded. “But uh, I still don’t have bits…”

“Don’t worry, Glamour, it’s my treat.”

Glamour frowned. “Are you sure? I don’t mind just sitting and talking while you eat.”

“Glamour…” Coco’s stern look from last night was returning.

Glamour huffed. “Fine.”

“It’s a date then. Let’s go.”

With their date set, the two of them exited the building, making sure to say goodbye to Grace on their way out, and headed for a restaurant under Coco’s guidance.

Coco ended up picking a cafe not too far away that had most of its tables under a large outdoor canopy, and the perimeter of the dining area was lined with tall plant boxes containing assortments of flowers. Even at this late hour, there were still quite a few ponies dining here.

“This is one of my favorite places,” Coco explained after a waiter showed them to a table and left them with two menus. “Not only do I love the decor, but they make all sorts of delicious things.”

“It sure looks like a nice place,” Glamour commented, taking another look around the decorative dining area.

“Wait until you try the food.”

Eager to do just that, Glamour used her magic to open up the menu and see what the place had to offer. While she still had plenty of energy left from the fashion show, that did not mean she could not eat pony food. They might not be very filling for her, but she could still taste them perfectly fine.

However, her enthusiasm was dampened, and a frown appeared when she saw the numbers next to all the selections. While she may not have been to many pony restaurants, she knew enough to know that just about everything on the menu was a bit on the pricey side.

“Glamour, I know what you’re thinking.”

“W-what?” Glamour looked up at Coco.

“You’re looking at the prices, aren’t you?”

“Uh, maybe?”

“Glamour, we’re here to enjoy ourselves, so it’s alright if we spend a little extra. Besides, all you had was a piece of toast this morning. You have to eat.”

Glamour sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. “Sorry, I’m just not used to having a pony do so much for me.”

“I understand. I know you’re still adjusting to your new lifestyle, but just remember that I’m your friend, and I want to help you. So please, order anything you want, no matter the price.”

Glamour sighed and nodded, returning her attention back to her menu. She tried to ignore the prices, but she could not help it. The numbers were right there!

“Hi there, you two!” a peppy pink unicorn mare in a matching pink waitress dress asked, coming to their table with a smile. “How are you guys? Are you ready to order?”

“We’re doing good, thank you very much,” Coco replied with a smile of her own. “And yes, we’re ready. I think I’ll try the vegetable puffs, and I’ll have an iced tea to go with it.”

“Sure thing!” the waitress chirped before turning her attention to Glamour. “And what about you?”

Having to decide quickly, Glamour settled on something that looked tasty and was not too expensive. “I’ll take the chocolate mousse cake.”

“And to drink?”

“Oh, uh, just water.”

“Alrighty then.” The waitress quickly scribbled their orders onto a notepad. “Thanks for coming. I’ll be back soon with your drinks.”

“Cake for lunch?” Coco asked with an amused smirk when the waitress left.

“Is something wrong with that? I like sweets.”

“No, no, I’m just a bit surprised. That’s all. Usually models would not dare eating something like that because they’re afraid of their figure.”

“Well, like you said, we’re here to enjoy ourselves, and I haven’t had something like this for a long time.”

“Oh, right.” Coco’s smile faded away. “I guess that’s because of your um, situation.”

Glamour nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“I still find it hard to believe you were living in such horrible conditions. I mean, you look so beautiful and healthy. Was it tough to live like that?”

“Sometimes, yes. But I adapted and learned all sorts of tricks to survive.”

“I know you kind of just made do with whatever shelter you could find, but did you at least get enough food before we met?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve been able to do that. Sure, there were a couple of times when I was worried about my next meal, but I always managed to scrape something together.”

Coco sighed and shook her head. “That sounds really rough. I hope you never have to live like that again. At least things are going to be better for you now, right?”

Glamour smiled. “It already is, thanks to a really good friend I made, ” she replied, getting Coco to return her smile along with a small blush.

Their conversation was put on pause when the waitress came back to serve their drinks.

As Coco drank her iced tea, Glamour thought about what Coco said about her order. It did not take long before a fun idea popped up in her head, and she could not help but chuckle the more she thought about it.

“What’s so funny?” Coco asked.

Glamour smirked. The one advantage of not being able to efficiently process pony food was that she could pretty much eat whatever she wanted without worrying too much about getting fat.

“Oh, I was just thinking what would happen if I decided to go in front of a bunch of models with a slice of cake and eat it. Slowly.”

“Glamour, that’s just evil!” Coco chastised, even though she was trying to stifle her laugh by covering her mouth with her hoof.

Glamour started giggling upon seeing Coco’s reaction, which caused Coco to give in and openly laugh as well.

For Glamour, it was nice to finally be able to have some fun with Coco. She was growing fonder of her friend the more they spent time together. So this lunch date, without any other ponies or responsibilities bothering them, was greatly appreciated. It felt good not having to worry about anything, even if it was only temporary.

When their laughter died down, Coco’s gaze went down to the table for a few seconds before looking back up. “Um, Glamour, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Is it alright if I ask you about your saddlebag?”

Glamour sighed. “I just have some private stuff I would rather keep to myself. Sorry, Coco.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I know you don’t want me snooping around in there, but I was wondering if I could ask you something about the bag itself.”

Glamour paused for a moment and then slowly nodded her head. “I suppose that’s alright.”

“Did you bring it with you from your old home?”

“No, I actually got it during my travels, not too long after I started my journey.”

“Do you remember where?”

Glamour had to stop and think about it. After a bit, she shook her head. “Sorry, not really. I just know I got it from a store.” She opted to leave out the part that the bag was unknowingly on loan for an indefinite amount of time.

“Oh…” Coco’s ears folded back as she sank down into her seat a bit.

“Did I say something wrong?” Glamour asked with a concerned frown.

“Yes… I mean, no… I mean…” Coco shook her head. “Sorry, I was just asking because I remember that Nutmeg had a bag just like yours.”

Glamour felt a shiver run through her. She gulped a bit of air before replying, “Uh, did she really? But that’s just a coincidence, right? I mean, it’s not like two ponies can’t happen to own the same kind of bag, right?”

“I know, but I was hoping that if you two had the same bags, maybe you got them from the same place. It would be a clue that I could use to find her again. Are you sure you can’t remember?”

Glamour pretended to take another minute to think before shaking her head again. “I’m sorry, Coco.”

Coco sighed, her eyes looking down at the table. “It’s alright, Glamour. It’s not your fault. Thank you for trying though. I guess I’m still a bit worried about her.”

Fortunately, their food arrived at that moment, putting a hold on their talk.

Glamour perked up as a big slice of chocolate cake was placed in front of her. Using her magic on a fork, she cut off a small piece of her cake and put it in her mouth.

A loud moan that would probably be deemed inappropriate by some ponies escaped her as the sweet dessert flooded her taste buds.

During her travels, a couple of her disguises had been treated to various desserts, and she had developed a bit of a sweet tooth over time. Since she was a changeling, the opportunity to enjoy a sweet treat was few and far in between, so being able to have one now after being neglected from it for so long only made it all the more better.

When Glamour descended from her euphoria, she saw that Coco was staring at her with wide eyes. Looking around the area, she saw that the other ponies dining around them were also staring at her.

“Uh, it’s really good cake,” Glamour quietly explained with a sheepish smile.

Slowly, the other ponies nodded and returned to their meal. One pony even flagged down a waiter to tell her, “I’ll have what she’s having.”

After eating another bite of heaven, this time making sure to stay quiet, Glamour glanced at Coco to see that her friend’s mood seemed to have improved with her meal as well. Wanting to make sure they steered the conversation away from dangerous territory, Glamour cleared her throat, getting Coco’s attention.

“So uh, how long have you been a designer?”

“Since I was just a filly. There was an annual community theater event in my neighborhood, and I learned some things from the mare who ran it. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I started to try and make a career out of it. After taking a bunch of classes, I met Suri, and she took me in as her assistant.”

Glamour frowned, remembering the hostile, smug mare. “That’s the other designer who was taunting you back at the show, right?”

Coco nodded. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but Suri is not that bad when you get to know her. I mean, she was still demanding and did work me hard back then, but I also learned a lot from her.”

“So, what made you eventually quit?”

“Not too long ago, Prim held a fashion contest during Fashion Week, and Suri entered it. Now, Suri has always been competitive, but in this contest, she saw one of the other designers as a big threat to her chances of winning. So um, well, Suri got really mean with her and tried to get her to leave. That was when I decided I had enough.”

“And that’s when you started becoming your own designer?”

Coco nodded. “Do you know the Bridleway show, Hinny of the Hills?”

Glamour shook her head.

“It’s a very popular musical, and I’m one of the costume designers. Believe it or not, I got the position because I became good friends with the designer Suri targeted. Right now though, there’s not too much going on at the theater, so I thought I would try getting my work out there. That’s when I entered into the fashion show and well, you know what happens from there.”

“So, who is this other designer friend of yours?” Glamour asked. “Am I going to get to meet her someday?”

“Probably not for some time. She lives in a little place called Ponyville, and she’s quite busy. She’s actually pretty famous and has even designed the bridal gown for Princess Cadance.”

Glamour’s ears perked up. “Princess Cadance? You mean for the Royal Wedding?”

“Oh yes, I heard it was such a grand event. Well, not counting the whole changeling invasion thing.”

Glamour froze, a piece of cake held right in front of her mouth. “Ch-changelings?”

“You know, those bug-like creatures that pretend to be somepony’s loved one, just to feed off their love.”

“Y-yeah, changelings, I know them well,” Glamour replied, struggling to keep a neutral face.

“It was horrible to hear that they made such a mess of things. I don’t know what I would do if I came face to face with one. I know that they were all blown away, but it’s still pretty scary if you think about it. I mean, they can look like anypony they want, and you wouldn’t even know it. I hope I never have to meet one.”

“Right… That would be pretty awful,” Glamour replied quietly.

Fortunately, Coco did not seem to notice Glamour’s discomfort, and she returned to her vegetable puffs, ending their conversation.

Unfortunately for Glamour, the damage was already done. It was a grim reminder of why she had to keep her secret. While she knew perfectly well that most ponies were afraid of changelings, it was still painful to hear that her friend was scared of her, even if Coco was not directly talking about her.

Glamour ate the rest of her dessert lunch in silence, her magic mechanically moving her fork back and forth from her plate and to her mouth. She could barely register the taste of the sweet pastry anymore.

“Glamour. Glamour?”

“Huh? What?” Glamour gave a small start and directed her attention back to Coco.

“Are you alright?”

“Uh, sure. What makes you think I’m not alright?”

“You’ve been trying to eat air for the past minute.”

Glamour blinked and then looked down at her plate. Sure enough, her fork was persistently trying to poke at a cake that was not there anymore. She cut off her magic, letting the utensil drop onto the plate with a clatter.

“Sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts,” Glamour said, giving a sheepish chuckle.

“Do you need to talk about it?”

Glamour shook her head. “No, it’s alright. Nothing you need to worry about.”

“Well… alright. But don’t be afraid to ask me if you feel like talking.”

“I will, Coco. Thanks.”

After Coco settled their bill, they began walking back home, but since it was still early, Coco opted to make a few detours by visiting a few clothes shops on the way.

“Why do you visit these kind of shops anyway, Coco?” Glamour asked when they entered their third one. “Can’t you make your own clothes?”

“I could, Glamour,” Coco responded as she looked over a yellow dress with white ribbons. “But looking at other ponies’ designs can help give me ideas, and it’s always nice to appreciate their hard work.”

“That does make sense, I guess,” Glamour replied as she continued to follow Coco around the store.

“Ohhh, what am I going to do?” came a mare’s voice from the next aisle, followed by a heavy sigh.

To Glamour’s surprise, Coco immediately started moving, and Glamour followed her friend to the next aisle where the voice was coming from.

There, they found a light-brown pegasus mare with a short, cream-colored mane. She was examining a dress and frowned when she looked at the price tag. With a sigh, she put the dress back before repeating the process with another dress.

“Excuse me, is something wrong?” Coco asked.

“Huh?” The mare looked up at Coco with confusion. “Are you talking to me?”

“Yes, it sounded like you were having some trouble.”

The mare cocked her head. “What? Do you work here?”

“Um, no.”

With a shake of her head, the mare returned looking at the clothes. “I’m fine.”

“What are you doing?” Glamour quietly asked Coco.

“She needs help with something,” Coco whispered back.

“Is she somepony you know?”


“So you want to help her, even if you don’t know her?”

“Yes, and I think I know what’s wrong with her.”

“Uh, you two do know that you’re bad at whispering, right?” the mare interrupted, looking back at them with a raised eyebrow.

“Sorry,” Coco quickly apologized. “But are you sure you don’t want to at least tell me what’s troubling you? Maybe I could help. I’m Coco Pommel, and this is Glamour.”

The mare shrugged. “Fine, if you insist. The name’s Cappuccino. The thing is, tomorrow is the anniversary of when I started dating my coltfriend.”

“Oh my, congratulations.”

“Yeah. Sure. Thanks. Anyway, the problem is that he is planning to take me to Le Foin.”

“Le what?” Glamour asked.

“Le Foin, it’s a really nice restaurant in the middle of Manehattan,” Coco informed. “But I don’t see what’s wrong with that. It sounds romantic.”

Cappuccino sighed. “It is. The problem is that I don’t have anything that comes remotely close to fit Le Foin’s dress code. I’ve been searching all day for a nice dress, but…” A small blush formed on her face as she looked away. “I can’t really afford any of them…”

“Oh, I see, that is a problem.”

“Even though we’ve been only dating for a year, we’ve been good friends for a lot longer than that,” Cappuccino continued. “He’s so nice and caring, and I love the way his nose scrunches up when we hug…”

Glamour’s eyes widened a bit when she started to sense a bit of love from Cappuccino as she described her coltfriend.

“Do you mind if I take a look at you?” Coco asked. “I make dresses, and I think I can help you out.”

“Uh, sure. Go right ahead, I guess.”

Coco slowly made a circle around Cappuccino, her eyes scanning Cappuccino’s entire body. “Hmm, it looks like you’ll fit,” she said, a smile emerging on her face when she finished a second circle around Cappuccino.

“Fit what?”

“This.” Coco pulled out a brilliant blue dress from her saddlebag, fully displaying it to Cappuccino.

“Oh, wow.” Cappuccino slowly approached the dress, her wide eyes gazing at it as if it was a valuable jewel. She reached out for the dress with a hoof, but retracted it soon afterwards, and her frown returned to her face. “It does look pretty, Coco, but I can’t afford something like that.”

“Don’t worry, we can work something out,” Coco said, placing the dress in Cappuccino’s hooves. “Go try it on.”

“A-alright.” Cappuccino took the dress into a nearby dressing room.

“What are you planning to do?” Glamour asked when Cappuccino shut the door.

“You’ll see,” Coco replied with a smile.

They waited in front of the dressing room, listening to the sounds of ruffling fabric and Cappuccino’s muttering. Eventually, the noise stopped and was followed shortly by a gasp.

The dressing room door opened, revealing a smiling Cappuccino wearing the dress. “So, how does it look on me?”

“It looks really good on you,” Glamour replied.

“You look beautiful in it,” Coco added. “I’m sure your coltfriend will like it very much.”

“Thank you.” The smile on Cappuccino’s face shrunk a bit. “So uh, what now? I don’t think I have enough to pay for this gorgeous dress.”

“Of course you do. Because I’m giving it to you.”

“What?” Glamour and Cappuccino said at the same time.

“Tomorrow is really important to you and your coltfriend, and if I can do something to help make it happen, then that’s all I need.”

“B-but still, I can’t just accept this dress for nothing,” Cappuccino protested. “At the very least, I could give you what I have.”

Coco shook her head. “It’s alright. You should save it so that you can do something special for your coltfriend. Just knowing that I helped your special night is good enough for me.”

“But… I…” Cappuccino’s eyes started to tear up. Sniffling and giggling at the same time, she wiped away at her eyes with her hoof and gave Coco a grateful smile. “Thank you, Coco. This means so much to me.”

“I’m glad to help. Oh!” Coco went back into her bag and took out a pen and a piece of paper. After quickly writing something on the paper and giving it to Cappuccino, she added, “This is my address. Please come see me if you need any adjustments made to the dress, or just come say hi. I would love to hear how your date went.”

“Of course. I’ll be sure to do that,” Cappuccino heartily agreed with a huge smile. “I really can’t thank you enough for this. Thank you, Coco. Thank you so much.”

Eventually, the three of them exited the store, and Glamour and Coco parted ways with Cappuccino to continue on their way home.

“Coco, I have to ask, why did you give away your dress for free?” Glamour asked.

“Like I said earlier, it was going to be a special day for her, and it makes me happy that I could help her with it.”

“But instead of giving the dress away to somepony you just met, you could’ve saved it to sell it to somepony else.” Glamour looked down at her hooves. “I mean, you do kind of have a roommate that can’t pay for her own things yet…”

“Glamour, it’s alright. I have a good amount of bits saved up, and it won’t be too long before you start getting paid. Besides, it was just one dress. What do you think sounds better, me making a few extra bits, or helping a pony live a night that she will never forget?”

“Well, when you put it that way…” Glamour offered a small smile. “I’m sorry for questioning you, Coco. I’m just used to thinking things in a more um… practical sense, if you know what I mean.”

“That’s alright, and I understand. Just remember that sometimes, you have to listen to your heart, and not your head.”

“I’ll try to remember that. What you did for Cappuccino was really generous of you, and I have to admit it was nice to see you make her smile.”

“Well… there is one other reason I helped her,” Coco added, a blush starting to form on her cheeks.

“Oh? And what is that?”

“It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but I do have a soft spot for romance. Hearing Cappuccino go through so much trouble for her coltfriend was so sweet.” Coco chuckled. “I probably sound silly, but I hope for the one day that I meet my own special somepony.”

“It’s not silly at all, Coco. Love is one of the most precious things in the world. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find somepony eventually. You’re too special, and you’ll make someone a very lucky pony.”

“Aww, thank you, Glamour,” Coco said as she gave Glamour a quick hug. “And I hope one day you find your special somepony too.”

“Um, y-yeah… Me too…”

Later that night, Glamour would stay up, laying on the couch as she mulled over what Coco said.

She was being herself in this crafted form of hers. If she could keep up her charade, she could very well stay like this for the rest of her life. And with that, there was a chance that somepony will try to be her special somepony.

What would she do then?

Despite all the time she spent disguised as a pony and leeching off their love, she did not know what she would do if somepony actually loved her.

Thinking about it, she reasoned that the safest option was to just refuse the advances of anypony who wanted her to be their loved one. Accepting somepony would only complicate things and risk blowing her cover. With all that she had obtained already, nopony would be worth all that trouble.

Besides, how would a changeling ever fall in love with a pony?

Author's Note:

"Le Foin" = French for "The Hay".