• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 9,094 Views, 1,165 Comments

A Change In Fashion - Kevinltk

A changeling finds love in the world of fashion modeling.

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Chapter 30: Reunion

“Then you just press down on the top when it’s done.”

“And how long will that take?”

“Only a few minutes,” Glamour explained. “I’ll tell you when, but let’s check on the white chocolate again while we wait.”

Coco nodded and followed Glamour to the stove.

Glamour grabbed a nearby spoon in her magic and stirred the sweet mixture bubbling in the sauce pan. “This is looking good as well. You did much better than my first time making white chocolate mocha.”

“That’s because you’re here teaching me how to make it.” Coco grinned. “Well, that and I don’t feel like scraping chocolate off the ceiling.”

“You probably would get me to do it anyway,” Glamour joked with a smirk.

Coco chuckled and nuzzled Glamour’s black, carapaced cheek. “Well, you are the one who can levitate things…”

Glamour shot back a wry grin, trying not to show how happy she was that Coco was not bothered with touching her changeling form, and continued to stir the chocolate.

It had been a few days since they had become marefriends again, and to Glamour, things could not be better. They had both made a full recovery from Tirek’s rampage, and their relationship was stronger than ever after all the trials they had endured together. Best of all, Glamour no longer had to hide her true self from Coco anymore.

Glamour had followed through with Coco’s request and had started walking around their apartment home without her pony disguise. Of course, they had to make sure all the window curtains were closed in case of any pegasi that might happen to fly by, but it was a minor inconvenience for Glamour to be able to be herself around the pony she loved.

Coco had a few more days off while the theater finished getting ready for the second attempt of the first show of the season. Until then, they were going to relax and enjoy the fact that they were marefriends again.

They knew that they would have to contact Princess Twilight about the destroyed necklace and the change in their relationship, but they thought that with everything that had happened, they could have at least wait a bit longer so that things could settle down.

“Um, Glamour, where did you get this coffee?” Coco asked.

“Just the supermarket. It’s the same one I always use,” Glamour replied, her attention still focused on stirring the saucepan.

“I think there’s something wrong with it. Coffee is not supposed to move on its own, right?”

Glamour stopped stirring and turned to look at Coco. She was tempted to shift into her pony form just so that she could have an eyebrow to raise. “Uh, what?”

Coco pointed at the coffee press and like she said, the coffee was somehow moving on its own as a stream of the caffeinated liquid jumped out of the spout and into a nearby mug.

Glamour and Coco stared wide-eyed at the stream of coffee until it stopped flowing when the mug was full. They slowly approached the mug, only to back away when it began bubbling. A blob rose from the mug and two tendrils grew from its side, both shooting straight out before bending upwards in the middle to form a ‘L’ shape.

“Is… Is it just me or is it flexing at us?” Coco asked.

“I see it too,” Glamour replied with her mouth agape. “I heard of strong coffee, but this is ridiculous.”

To their bemusement and slight horror, the blob grew bigger and bigger as it continued to perform all sorts of poses to show off its dripping muscles. Before long, the coffee blob had grown far beyond the amount of liquid that was in the mug, and sections of the blob were hardening into distinct features.

Two distinct horns grew on the top of it as a muzzle began to form, and the tendrils began to turn into claws. The blob’s body began to slim down into a long, snake-like form, while one bat and one pegasi wing sprouted from its back.

Glamour growled when she realized what got into their coffee. “Discord…”

“Hello there, you two!” Coffee Discord greeted, still dripping as though he were actually made of liquid. His upper half had fully formed into the shape of his actual body, but his bottom half was still somehow contained in the mug. Pulling off a striking pose, he cheerfully asked, “Aren’t you two glad to see me?”

Glamour gave him a flat stare before picking up the mug in her magic. Interestingly enough, it weighed as much as a regular cup of coffee, so she was easily able to turn the mug over with ease and dump Discord into the sink.

“Nope,” Glamour replied as she watched Discord literally go down the drain, wishing that their sink had a garbage disposal installed.

“Now that was just rude,” Discord scolded as he popped out of the sink in his usual form without a single drop of coffee. “I thought mares like guys that are tall, dark, and handsome.”

Glamour and Coco both shot him angry glares.

“Get it? Dark? As in dark coffee?” Discord pointed out with a broad grin. When Glamour and Coco did not change their baleful faces, he pouted and let out an annoyed huff. “Sheesh, tough crowd.”

“What do you want, Discord?” Glamour asked with vehemence. “You’re not exactly welcome here after what you did.”

There was a flash of light, and Glamour yelped when she found that Discord was now wrapped around her like a snake.

“Aww, don’t be like that, my little buggy,” Discord chastised in a teasing tone. “Is that any way to treat a friend? I just wanted to come by and check up on my favorite—”

“Excuse me, Discord?” Coco interrupted, tapping Discord from behind.

Discord craned his head back so that he could look at Coco upside down. “Yes, what is—”


Glamour was surprised, both by the loud sound and when she was freed from Discord’s grasp after he crumpled to the floor. She turned around to find Coco standing on her hind legs and brandishing a frying pan in her forehooves.

“Uh, nice one, Coco.”

“Thanks…” Coco replied as she took some deep breaths. “Oh my, I can’t believe I did that. Um, is he…” She pointed at the twitching body on the ground.

“I really doubt a single hit on the head with a frying pan will do in the Spirit of Chaos. At best, he’s just unconscious right now.”

“Should we do something about him?”

“Think he’ll fit into a trash bag?” Glamour asked with a devilish smirk.

“A trash bag, really?!” Discord cried out, suddenly sitting upright and throwing his claws into the air in frustration. After his claws came back down and reattached to his body, he folded them across his chest. “At least have the decency to carve out a casket made out of the finest chocolate! Your marefriend could have killed me if I didn’t have such a thick skull. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have some traumatic brain damage!”

“You mean you didn’t have brain damage before?” Glamour asked.

Discord raised a digit on one of his claws as he opened his mouth to protest, but he paused before slowly closing it. “Good point. Still, perfectly scrambled head or not, it’s not fun getting brained by a kitchen utensil. Was that really necessary?”

“Yes!” Coco immediately replied with a angry glare and thrust the pan in Discord’s direction. “Because of you, Glamour was almost killed by Tirek, and I almost lost my special somepony!”

Both Glamour and Discord looked at Coco with wide eyes. To Glamour’s surprise, Discord let out a regretful sigh. “Yes, I do admit that was an… unfortunate effect due to my lapse in judgement. That’s why I’m here. I want to do a little something to make up for my mistake.” A grin grew back on his face. “That’s why I went ahead and arranged a little meeting with Twilight for you two.”

Glamour and Coco blinked several times before they both cried out, “You did what?!”

“In fact, that’s the other reason I’m here! She wants to see you, so I thought I could save you all the trouble of a boring train ride and take you to her right now on the much more awesome and only slightly more dangerous Discord Express.” Discord snapped his fingers, and he was suddenly donning a train engineer’s outfit, complete with a blue and white striped cap and blue overalls.

“Right now? As in this very moment?” Glamour asked with disbelief. Even though she knew Coco would be vouching for her, the thought of visiting the alicorn princess still sent a chill down her spine.

“Yes, yes, right now,” Discord said as he reached out with both arms. Coco yelped, dropping the frying pan to the floor as she was picked up in one arm, and Glamour made the same sound when she was picked up in the other. “Now, please keep all hooves inside the vehicle at all times because I am not responsible for any lost limbs or sanity! Onward to Ponyville!”

“W-wait! We’re not ready! Discord, let us go, or else, um, why are we in front of the refrigerator?” Glamour could not help but ask when they were carried over to the appliance.

“There’s a door, and all doors lead somewhere, don’t they?”

“But that’s just a refrigerator door. There’s only our groceries inside.”

Discord smirked. “Then we’ll have plenty of snacks for the trip.”

Glamour and Coco cried out when Discord kicked open the refrigerator and threw them inside, but instead of hitting a shelf or the back of the refrigerator, there was a flash of light. To their surprise, they found themselves floating in midair as though there was no gravity.

“W-what? Where are we?” Glamour looked around in wide-eyed wonder. She saw that they had emerged from an exact replica of their refrigerator hanging in the air behind them. The sky was a constantly-shifting mess of colors, and there were floating islands everywhere with all sorts of bizarre creatures and plants that defied both the laws of physics and reality.

“Oh, we’re just passing through my neck of the woods,” Discord’s voice replied before the draconequus himself appeared right above them without his costume. “Come now, while I would love to give you two the tour, I do not want to be late for my tea time with Fluttershy,” he said as he grabbed them again and flew towards another refrigerator floating nearby.

As Discord headbutted the new refrigerator open, Glamour yelled out, “Discord, would you at least please not throw us ahhhh!”

There was another flash of light when Glamour was tossed into the refrigerator. For a split second, she saw somebody that was short, purple, and had eyes that were wide open with surprise before they collided with each other and fell to the floor.

Glamour’s groans mixed with the groans of whoever she landed on. She carefully got up to get a better look at who she landed on, and her eyes bugged out at who she saw. “S-sorry, Spike!”

Spike let out an annoyed huff while Glamour scrambled off of him, and he sat up with a flat stare. “It’s a good thing dragons are built tough. Now, who are you and—”

A shriek was heard when there was another flash of light from the refrigerator, and Coco was shot out of it, bowling over Glamour and Spike and knocking them back to the ground.

“Oh my goodness, I’m sorry!” Coco apologized when she saw who was writhing in pain underneath her.

“Oh, you’re Coco, so this changeling must be Glamour. So nice of you two to drop in, but could you please explain why the refrigerator spat out a changeling and a pony in my face?” a grumpy Spike asked. “All I wanted was a snack, not pain!”

“That’s what you get for trying to sneak in some gems before dinnertime, Spike Wikey,” Discord replied, swimming out of the refrigerator with a snicker.

“Oh, Discord,” Spike muttered with a bored tone. “Question retracted.”

“Spike, are you alright? I heard a crash and some yelling,” a familiar voice called into the kitchen as Glamour, Coco, and Spike helped each other up.

“I’m fine, Twilight,” Spike replied. “You’re going to want to come in here though. We have guests.”

“Visitors? I didn’t hear the front door. Who is…” Twilight trailed off when she entered the kitchen and examined the scene before her.

“H-hi, P-Princess Twilight,” Glamour greeted with a feeble wave. She gasped when she saw her changeling hoof, and she quickly changed into her pony form.

Glamour gulped, feeling a nervous tension building up in her chest as she desperately hoped their meeting would go well. As her body began to tremble, she felt somepony brushing her side. A quick look revealed that it was Coco with a comforting smile on her face. Suddenly, Glamour did not feel so nervous.

“Glamour and Coco, this is certainly a surprise.” With a sigh, Twilight turned her attention to the draconequus looking up at the ceiling and whistling an out of tune melody. “Discord, what did you do?”

Discord placed a claw on his chest. “Moi?” he asked in a hurt tone. “Why do you think it’s my fault?”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed into an unamused glare. “Do I have to get Fluttershy?”

Discord defensively waved his claws in front of him. “Alright, alright, sheesh. I was just helping. You mentioned that you wanted to talk with Glamour and Coco, so I did you a favor.”

“You really didn’t have to do that. I was going to send them a letter to invite them over.”

“See? Why wait when the Discord Express, no wait, Discord’s Delightfully Dynamic Delivery can bring your guests to you?”

Twilight facehoofed. “Coco, Glamour, could you two please explain what happened?”

“We were in our apartment, making some coffee, when Discord suddenly appeared,” Glamour paused as she went over her words again. “Wait… Discord grabbed us while we were still cooking.” Her eyes slowly widened. “That means the stove is still on. That’s… That’s bad, isn’t it?”

The pupils in Coco’s eyes shrank. “Oh dear, that could be a problem.”

“No worries! I’ll fix that right up… for a teensy, weensy little favor,” Discord replied with a toothy grin.

“Discord…” Twilight chastised in a warning tone.

“Oh, don’t get your royal feathers in a bunch. I was just going to ask if I could use their kitchen to prepare a few snacks. It’s almost my tea time with Fluttershy, and I owe it to her to bring more than just cucumber sandwiches.”

“Well… I suppose it’s alright if you want to make something for Fluttershy,” Coco slowly responded.

“But you better not make a huge mess for us to clean up!” Glamour quickly added, pointing an accusatory hoof at Discord.

Discord frowned. “But what about my special exploding cupcakes?”

“No!” Glamour and Coco immediately rejected.

“Fine, fine, party poopers,” Discord grumbled. He flew over to the refrigerator and went right inside it, closing the door behind him. A second later, the door opened slightly to reveal Discord’s head peaking out. “Oh, and for the record…” He sighed. “I really do apologize for my part in the whole Tirek fiasco.”

And with that, Discord closed the door.

“Did he actually apologize to us?” Glamour asked out loud, staring at the refrigerator and not quite believing what she had just heard.

“It sure seemed like it,” Coco replied, her gaze also locked on the appliance.

“I know it might seem odd, but he really is genuinely sorry,” Twilight explained, causing Glamour and Coco to turn to her.

“How can you be so sure?” Glamour asked. “And is it really wise to let him roam free after everything he has done?”

“I admit that I am not happy with the choices he made either, but he also played a big part in defeating Tirek. Since then, he has been busy repairing all the damages he helped cause, and I imagine that’s also why he seems so eager to help you too. We’ll be sure to keep a close eye on him, but to me, Discord is finally understanding the magic of friendship. Let me worry about him.”

“If you say so, Princess Twilight,” Glamour said with a shrug.

“He was right about one thing though. I did want to see you two again. He told me that you don’t have the necklace anymore.”

Glamour blanched. “Oh… R-right…”

“Spike, I’m going to go to the study room to speak with Glamour and Coco in private,” Twilight informed.

“Sure, no problem,” Spike answered. “I think I’ll go check up on Rarity in the meantime. See ya later.”

When Spike left, Twilight turned to her guests. “Now, would you two please follow me? The study room will be a more comfortable setting to continue our discussion.”

Glamour and Coco slowly nodded and followed Twilight out of the kitchen. As they walked through the vast hallways, they took notice of their surroundings and realized that they were in an unfamiliar place. Looking around in wonder, they saw that the walls and floor both shone and glistened as though they were made out of crystal and were a blend of white, blue, and violet colors. They passed through numerous, tall double doors, decorative pillars, and other fabulous features that were fitting in a home for a princess.

“Princess Twilight, where are we?” Coco asked.

“Oh, right.” Twilight looked back at them with a small smile while she continued walking. “This is, um, this is my home.”

Glamour remembered from their last visit that Twilight used to live in a huge tree that was hollowed out to serve as both her home and Ponyville’s library. “Then what happened to your old home?” she asked.

Twilight stopped in her tracks and looked forward so that they could not see her face. “It… It’s gone…” She took a deep breath. “Tirek destroyed it.”

Glamour felt a brief pang in her chest, both out of sympathy for Twilight’s loss and guilt over her hoof in mouth question.

“I’m… I’m sorry to hear that, Princess Twilight,” Coco replied with a gasp, a hoof held up to her mouth in horror.

“It’s alright,” Twilight replied, resuming their walk. “My friends and I defeated Tirek with the help of the Tree of Harmony, the birthplace of the Elements of Harmony. After Tirek was imprisoned back in Tartarus, the Tree of Harmony somehow conjured this whole castle. This place is huge and feels kind of empty with just Spike and I, but I’m sure we’ll adjust to our new home… eventually…”

Glamour and Coco glanced at each other, noting Twilight’s hesitance, and decided to let the subject drop.

Twilight eventually opened one of the many hallway doors to lead them into a cozy study room with bookshelves on each wall. In the middle were a small table and multiple cushions surrounding it.

“Please, have a seat,” Twilight offered as she sat down on a cushion. “Now, let’s get right to business. I—”

“Princess Twilight, may I please say something before we start?” Coco interceded.

Twilight’s eyes widened slightly with surprise before she nodded and waved her hoof to tell Coco to proceed.

Coco took a deep breath. “Princess Twilight, I should have never agreed to the whole necklace ordeal. Despite hiding her real identity from me, Glamour has proven that she is a kind and caring changeling. She has put my needs and safety above her own time and time again, but I was too caught up with my own fears to realize that. Because of my weakness, we subjugated an innocent changeling to an incredibly harrowing experience.

“The only reason we lost the necklace you gave us was because Tirek captured me. Glamour tried her best to free me, and she almost died because of it. Even after Tirek moved on, Glamour pushed through her injuries to take care of me. I was a fool to ever doubt her loyalty and dedication to me, and now it’s my turn to do something for her in return.”

Coco bowed toward the alicorn princess. “Please, Princess Twilight, I beg of you. Glamour doesn’t deserve to be put through any more trials or restrictions. I love her very much, and the both of us just want to live peacefully together.”

“Coco…” Glamour’s heart surged with pride at hearing her marefriend speak so strongly in her defense. She could literally feel the love within each heartfelt word.

“So you’re perfectly fine with Glamour as a changeling?” Twilight asked.

Coco nodded and wrapped one hoof around Glamour. “I have even asked her to be herself when it’s just us in our home. It doesn’t matter what she looks like or who she is. Glamour is Glamour to me, and I love her.”

Twilight nodded and then turned her attention to Glamour. “And I assume you’re happy with living with Coco?”

“Of course. I’ve never felt closer to any changeling or pony.” Glamour placed her hoof on Coco’s shoulder. “I have everything I need right here.”

Twilight’s eyes flicked back and forth between Glamour and Coco, closely examining their embrace. A few seconds later, a warm smile blossomed on her face. “Then I see no reason to give Glamour any more trouble.”

Glamour blinked several times. “W-wait? Really? Just like that?”

Twilight chuckled. “To be honest, Discord already gave me a detailed description about what happened when you two went up against Tirek and even recommended that I let you go free. While I imagine that there weren’t as many explosions or lasers like he claimed, the fact still remains that you were very heroic. Like I said, Discord might not be good at showing it, but he is sorry for what he did to you two.”

“So you were already planning to let me go before we got here?”

“That’s right. The main reason I wanted to see you both is so that I could check on Coco. I had already believed Glamour was not a threat to Equestria, but the main issue back at the Crystal Empire was Coco’s well-being. I needed to see you two were getting along again and possibly work out any lingering issues.”

Coco’s smile wilted into a frown. “So it really is my fault that we put Glamour through such a hard time.”

Glamour gave Coco a comforting nuzzle on her cheek. “Coco, it’s not your fault. I kept my secret from you for far too long, and it just so happened to affect you deeply because of your past. Things just spiraled out of control.”

“I still feel awful that you had to go to such lengths to convince me that you loved me,” Coco said, her head bowed.

“Don’t feel too bad, Coco,” Twilight replied. “Given my position in Changeling Affairs, I’ve seen this situation plenty of times, and you are not the only pony who got distraught when they find out a loved one was actually a changeling.” Her smile faded, and she let out a sigh. “Just be glad that things worked out between you two. Some cases don’t end so well, so cherish the fact that you have a bright future together.”

Coco gave a smile and nodded. “I guess you’re right, Princess Twilight. I should be looking forward to the rest of my life with Glamour instead of dwelling on the past.”

“Sounds good to me,” Glamour remarked with a grin, earning her a giggle from Coco.

Twilight nodded in approval before directing her attention back to Glamour. “Now, Glamour, while you don’t have to worry about any more restrictions from me, I’m afraid that you’ll still have to be careful with your identity. I’m sure you very well know how the average pony will react if they do see a changeling walking down the street.”

Glamour’s ears drooped slightly, her mood dampened a bit by Twilight’s warning. “Yeah… I know…”

“It’s really sad that so many ponies automatically assume all changelings are evil,” Coco added. “I know I’m guilty of the same thing.”

“I’m sure given enough time, things will change,” Twilight assured. “Look at me. After the changelings went after my brother and favorite foalsitter during the Royal Wedding, I have to admit that I held a grudge against them. I did not get why Celestia and Luna thought it would be a good idea for me to preside over Changeling Affairs, given my personal feelings.

“But when I started meeting with changelings like Glamour, I realized that not all changelings are bad. I think that’s what Celestia and Luna wanted me to learn, that changelings are like ponies. Some are good and some are bad. It’s something that everypony has to learn before peace between us can be achieved. I’m hoping that one day, we can show that there are changelings like Glamour already living in Equestria so that ponies can let go of their fear.

“Until then, I’m afraid Glamour will just have to be careful. Fortunately, that’s where Changeling Affairs comes in. While one of our main purposes is to help ponies deal with changelings, the reverse is true as well. It’s tough for changelings to fit into Equestria, and we want to help changelings like Glamour. As you can guess, the latter reason is not exactly popular with some ponies, so it’s not something we make well-known. Still, if there’s any help you need, please feel free to contact me, Glamour.”

“Thank you, Princess Twilight,” Glamour said with a bow of her head. “It really is a relief to hear that I have more ponies to turn to. I’ll be sure to keep you in mind.”

A knock on the door caused them to turn their heads.

“Come in,” Twilight beckoned.

The door opened to reveal Spike. “Hey, guys, are you still busy with your meeting?”

“I think we’re just about finished. Is there something you need, Spike?”

“Well, I told Rarity that Glamour and Coco were here, and she wanted me to send them over when they were done with you.”

“Did she say about what?” Glamour asked.

Spike shrugged. “Just that there is a surprise.”

“We’ll be sure to go see her then. Thank you, Spike,” Coco replied.

Spike nodded and exited the room.

“Well then, I think that pretty much covers everything,” Twilight said as they got up. “I’m really glad that we can give this case a happy ending. I wish you two the best of luck, and please feel free to visit whenever you have the chance.”

Glamour and Coco were guided by Twilight to the entrance of her castle. As they waved goodbye to the princess, Glamour got a good look at the castle’s exterior and saw that it looked like a giant crystal tree. In fact, despite seeing only a portion of the castle, Twilight’s new home seemed a lot bigger on the inside than on the outside. Given the fact that it was a giant tree grown by a magical tree, she guessed that the whole space issue was some sort of freaky pony magic thing.

With Twilight’s directions and memories of their last time in Ponyville, Glamour and Coco were able to find Rarity’s boutique without any trouble. Coco went ahead and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Rarity’s voice called back shortly after.

“It’s Coco and Glamour, Rarity,” Coco replied. “Spike said you wanted to see us.”

“Oh, you’re here! Just give me one minute, and I’ll be right out!”

The sound of hurried hoofsteps reached Glamour and Coco’s ears, and after the requested minute had passed, Rarity finally opened the door with a big smile. “Coco, it’s so good to see you again!” She glanced back and forth between Coco and Glamour, and her smile faded a bit. “So, um, Spike told me that Discord brought you both to Ponyville to talk with Twilight. I trust that everything went alright?”

Coco nodded happily. “Glamour is pretty much a free changeling, and we can live together without worry now.”

Rarity’s smile returned. “I take it from that answer that you two are marefriends again as well?”

Coco nodded again before nuzzling Glamour’s cheek. “We are. Glamour had always loved me, and I should have never been afraid of her. It doesn’t matter who she is. What matters is that we love each other very much.”

Rarity chuckled. “A perfect reason for a couple. If you’re happy together, Coco, then I’m happy for you. And I must congratulate you as well, Glamour. Not just for your newfound freedom, but I hope you also realize that you’re lucky to have a mare like Coco.”

“Of course I do,” Glamour replied. “She literally changed my life, and I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her.”

“So, anyway, Spike told us that you had a surprise for us,” Coco remarked.

“Ah, yes. Please, come in, come in!” Rarity stepped to the side to allow Glamour and Coco inside the boutique. “You two actually came to town at a most fortuitous time. You see, I have a special guest that I want you to meet. She was only meant to be in town for a few days, but she was stuck here in Ponyville during the whole Tirek incident. Anyway, I wasn’t sure if you were going to need cheering up in case your meeting with Twilight did not turn out so well, but since it did, let’s call this the icing on the cake.”

“Who is this special guest?” Coco asked.

“Somepony who I think you’ll be happy to see.” Rarity trotted to the back of the room and called up the staircase in a loud voice, “You can come down now!”

Shortly afterwards, hoofsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, and a mare came into view that made Coco and Glamour gasp.

“S-Suri?” Coco uttered. “What are you doing here?”

“Good to see you too, Coco,” Suri said with a roll of her eyes.

“S-sorry, I’m just surprised to see you here. I mean, you weren’t too thrilled by the idea of coming here before you left Manehattan.”

Suri shrugged. “Yeah, well, traveling around has done me good. I guess without the stress of trying to claw my way to the top, I started to relax and think more clearly. Not sure if I was thinking clearly when I did decide to visit Ponyville though. I guess part of it is because I remembered that you were nagging me to try and apologize to Rarity…” She shrugged again. “Since I was close by, I said what the hay and tried talking with her.”

“You… You actually apologized?” Coco asked with wide eyes. Behind her, Glamour’s mouth was also hung open with disbelief.

“Well… not right away…”

“I was certainly surprised to see you when you knocked on my door,” Rarity chimed in. “That was an… interesting visit.”

“Oh yeah, totally not awkward at all,” Suri’s reply came, dripping with sarcasm.

“At least we managed to sit down for some nice tea once you made it clear that you had no ill intentions. I’d say we had a pleasant talk about various stitching techniques before we called it a day.”

“Is that when you apologized, Suri?” Coco asked.

Suri shook her head. “Nope, I ended up trying again the next day… and the day after that… and the day after—you know what, you can see where this is going. Point is, I wasn’t going to apologize to her right away. I needed to spend more time with her. Turns out, she’s not as big of a chump as I thought she was back at Manehattan.”

“Your praise flatters me, darling,” Rarity said dryly.

Suri chuckled. “After a few days, I finally felt comfortable enough to apologize to her about the whole Fashion Week thing. And well… I don’t know. We got to talking about why I did all that junk, and she somehow got me to talk about Golden Thread and the things that happened because of that jerk.”

“Oh dear,” Coco uttered. “Are you alright? I know talking about him is really difficult for you.”

Suri sighed. “Yeah well, after I made peace with you, I started loosening up, and talking about it with Rarity wasn’t as hard as I thought. I also figured it was about time for me to move on. I have to admit, now that I had the time to look back on the stuff I did, I was a really big jerk myself, especially to you. I was planning to talk to you when I eventually returned to Manehattan, but since you’re here, I might as well get this over with.”

Suri closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “Coco, I made you put up with a lot of my crazy schemes and plots, and even though you stuck by my side, I treated you like dirt. I don’t blame you for wanting to go your separate way. I was a real jerk to you, and you did not deserve that.”

“Suri, are you… are you trying to apologize to me?” Coco asked.

Suri slowly nodded. “Pretty much. Despite all the cruddy things I put you through, you still treated me as a friend. Even when you had the perfect opportunity to get some payback, you showed that you were above that. You’re a good pony, and I’m sorry for how I treated you. I promise that I won’t cheat anymore, and if you still want me as a friend, then I promise I’ll do a better job with it.”

Coco’s eyes widened. “F-friends? You want to be friends again?”

“Well, duh. I wouldn’t have said all those sappy things if that wasn’t my intention, and what are you doing?” Suri asked with a raised eyebrow when Coco walked up to her.

“Oh, Suri! I’ve waited so long to hear you say that!” Coco cried out, quickly wrapping her hooves around Suri in a hug.

Suri groaned and made a show of feebly pushing Coco away. “Ugh, hugs. Coco, get off.”

Coco, however, refused to let go while she squealed in delight, much to Glamour and Rarity’s amusement.

“Seriously, Coco, this is getting weird.”

“We’ll leave you two alone for a bit,” Rarity said, covering her mouth with a hoof as she tried not to giggle.

Glamour made no effort to hide the giant smirk she was wearing.

“Yeah, sure. Just bring back a crowbar to pry her off me when you get back,” Suri replied with a deadpan face.

Rarity and Glamour chuckled again while they headed for the front door.

Glamour breathed a big sigh of relief when she stepped outside. She was happy for Coco. She knew how arduous it had been for her marefriend, and she was glad that Coco had finally regained her old friend.

“So, what are you planning to do now that you’re a free changeling?” Rarity asked, grabbing Glamour’s attention.

“Well, I’m technically still suspended from modeling, but Prim Hemline and Photo Finish are planning something for me, so I should be returning to work sometime soon.”

“Oh, so you’re going to continue modeling, even with Coco’s love?”

Glamour nodded. “I’ve taken a real liking to modeling, but a big part of it is because I get to continue working with Coco. Even though I’m not great at making dresses, I can still help her career by letting everypony see the beautiful creations she makes, and I know she really enjoys making them for me.”

Rarity chuckled. “Always thinking of each other. I must admit that you two are a bit of an odd pair, but don’t let me or anypony else make you doubt each other. It’s very obvious how much you two love each other.”

“Yeah, after everything we've been through, I’m definitely not going to let her go.”

“That’s good.” Rarity sighed. “Coco has changed so much from the timid, little assistant that she was when we first met, and I know that you played a big part in making her into the strong, confident mare that she is today. I am very glad that she has a loving po… er, changeling to look after her. I wish you two a long and prosperous life together.”

“Thank you, Rarity.”

The door opened behind them to reveal Coco and Suri standing side by side instead of one pony clinging onto another.

“Ah, done with your little, uh, reunion?” Rarity asked with a faint smirk.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Suri replied. “Look, I’m starving, so I’m going to go and grab a bite.”

“Oh, idea!” Rarity sang. “How about we have a late lunch together, a little celebration now that you and Coco are friends again?”

Suri shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”

“Then it’s settled, and I know the perfect place. Just give me a few moments to freshen up before we leave.”

“I might as well do the same then,” Suri added, following Rarity into the boutique.

“Glamour and I will just wait out here,” Coco replied, moving to Glamour’s side so that they could lean on each other.

“So, did you finally get tired of hugging Suri, or did she manage to escape your grasp?” Glamour asked with a grin.

Coco giggled. “I suppose I did get a bit too excited to have her back.”

Glamour’s grin grew wider. “A bit?”

Coco playfully nudged Glamour in response.

“But in all seriousness, I’m really glad that Suri is now your friend again. I know how important to you that is.”

Coco nodded. “It is, and I’m really looking forward to catching up with her when she does return to Manehattan. She said she was going to travel to a few more places before she finally goes back.”

“Did you tell her about us?”

“She knows we’re marefriends, but I didn’t explain to her about everything that happened to us. Oh, she did tell me to say that she was sorry for being so mean to you as well.”

“Wow, she’s also apologizing to me? She really has changed.”

“She also told me that if you break my heart, she’ll break your legs.”

Glamour frowned. “Maybe she didn’t change that much.”

Coco giggled again.

Glamour cleared her throat. “Are you, um, going to tell her about me? The real me?”

“That’s not my secret to tell.”

“But we should probably tell her at some point.”

“That would be nice, but I can understand if you don’t want to.”

“I’ll tell her when she and I know each other better. We know how much trouble secrets can cause.”

“Thanks, Glamour.”

Coco walked over to sit down on Rarity’s lawn, and she let out a happy sigh. “It feels so unreal. After what seems like forever, I finally got back one of my dearest friends. Not only that, but my career is taking off, and I got to experience so many crazy and fantastic things. Most of all, I have a wonderful marefriend. I can’t imagine my life being anymore perfect.”

Glamour smiled and sat down next to Coco so that they could lean on each other. “Me too. I no longer have to wander around from town to town by myself. I have a home with you, a pony that loves me for who I am, not what I am. I could not be happier. I love you, Coco.”

Coco let out a hum of satisfaction, kissing Glamour’s cheek before leaning into her neck. “I love you too, Glamour.”

Glamour smiled, feeling the love between them coalesce into an unbreakable bond. She might not have changed the world or the changeling race, but she had certainly changed the life of one very special pony, as well as her own. Now, she had a future to look forward to where she did not just take love, but share it with her marefriend.

Author's Note:

And here we are, the end of "A Change In Fashion", or at least the main story. There's still one more bonus chapter that should be coming along. There's also a possibility that there might be one or two more even further down the future.

Thanks to Twilight-the-Pony for drawing a pretty picture for this story, poking me with some edits, and helping me with some of ideas, even if a majority of those ideas would turn this into a clopfic.

Thanks to jeffh4 for commissioning fan art and also for sending in many edit fixes for every chapter.

Thanks to docontra for also sending in a bunch of editing material for almost every chapter.

Thanks to fantazyme, SilverWolfFTW, and Sintakhra for putting in the time and effort to give me pretty pictures about this story. Readers should definitely visit the Fan Art Section if they haven't already.

And a thanks to everypony who has read and commented throughout the whole story. I know I'm terrible at replying to comments, but I am happy to read both praise and criticisms.

Be sure to check this blog post if you are interested in what lies ahead.