• Published 11th May 2015
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Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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46. Priorities, Obligations, and Commitments

Crystal was standing out on the balcony that overlooked Canterlot. The wind was blowing in just the right manner so that had her blonde mane billowed off to the side. Princess Celestia had positioned the sun in the perfect spot to illuminate the mare’s white coat and create an ethereal appearance from behind.

Don’t get me wrong, she always looked good from behind, but this moment was special. It was the sort of moment that encouraged you to just stay in bed, watch, and hope it never ended.

This was my mare. The one that was going to stand by me even as I marched off from challenge to challenge. She was perfect.

Slowly my hooves decided it was time to get up. They took me from the comfort of bed and onto the balcony beside her. “Good morning, beautiful,” I said.

“Good morning,” she replied. “I see you didn’t take me home last night.”

“Princess Luna thought this might be better. I happened to agree.”

Crystal smiled my way. “Any day I wake up next to you is a good day. Doing so in the palace is even better.”

With a gentle bump of my shoulder against hers, I replied, “Don’t get too used to that. I don’t make much in the way of bits.”

“I know, I know,” she whispered before nuzzling her cheek to mine. “We’re getting married soon. Like really soon.”

“Less than two months,” I said.

“Yes. Are you ready?”

I nodded. “Are you?”

She giggled and shot me a coy look through her long lashes. “I’m actually more ready for our honeymoon than the wedding.”

“Yeah, me too.”

The mare shifted her hooves and headed back into the room. “Well, you’re off today. What are we going to do?”

“Anything you want, beautiful.”

Crystal laughed and waved a hoof at me. “Alright, well, breakfast together and lunch. We can linger around the palace as long as you can do so without shifting to work mode. You’re on your own this afternoon, though. I have an event.”

My ear flicked. “I thought you were going to quit that stuff?”

“Not everything. Just the things I didn’t want to do.”

“And what are you doing today that you actually want to do?”

Crystal beamed. “Having tea with Princess Luna to discuss the shower. You’re invited, of course.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, all I can say is that I’ll pick you up after. I’m going to go look at games with Runic.”

“Don’t spend all of your money on airships.”

“We’ll see. Come on, let’s go get breakfast.”

After a light breakfast, Crystal and I wandered the more tourist-y parts of the palace. I didn’t really know much about the historical significance of things, but she seemed content to just look at all the statues and tapestries and paintings. It was nice to just be together.

Princess Luna declined an invitation to join us for lunch. Or, more likely, Willowy had gone to ask her, saw she was still passed out from the Nightmare Night party, and took the opportunity to use the word ‘declined’ to my face.

That was fine. I got to have lunch with the prettiest mare in Equestria, in the nicest dining hall its capital had to offer.

“Be nice,” Crystal chided, somehow reading my mind as I stared smugly as Willowy retreated.

“I am.” I pulled out a chair for her. “I didn’t say anything. That’s being nice.”

Crystal huffed and looked like she wanted to say more, but then a server came with a bowl of strawberries and rose petals as an appetizer, and thankfully that took precedence. I needed to remember that strategy for the future. Just in case.

Three delightful courses later, we parted ways, her to go try to see Princess Luna as they planned, and me to meet up with Runic at the Crystal Delicacy as we planned. When I arrived, he was already waiting outside the door, face pressed up to the window.

“Hey! You made it!” he called without looking back. He had either invented an omniscience potion, or he saw my reflection in the glass. Both were equally likely.

I trotted to the door and pushed it open. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”

Runic shrugged as he followed. “No, I’m just happy to see you.”

“Oh. Well, me too, buddy.”

Ruby Moon smiled in our direction when we passed the counter. “Hey, fellas. I hope you’ve brought a lot of bits. A new month means new games!”

“It is funny how that always works out,” I chuckled as I wandered over to the game area of the store.

They weren’t the only thing Ruby sold, but I had never been that interested in the intricate little crystal figures her partner made. Not that they weren’t amazing. They just weren’t my thing.

Runic was already snout-deep into the Airship Armada boxes. “I need some more escorts,” he said idly.

“The six you have aren’t enough?” I asked, picking up a new card game and looking it over.

“Hush! The stallion knows what he needs,” Ruby called.

“Yeah, I know what I need!” Runic parroted.

That brought a smile to my face. Need, want, whatever. Runic had the bits. Even with all of the lawsuit settlements, he always did well.

“When are you going to bring your filly back? She’s easy to tease,” Ruby said my way.

“You may have scared her, so I’m not sure. She’s having tea with Princess Luna today though, so I think that took precedence.”

Ruby laughed and leaned against the counter. “Oh, of course. So casual! She’s having tea with the princess!”

Ah, right. That wasn’t normal. It was normal for me since I’d been around the princesses for my whole career now. After putting the box down, I shrugged. “Yeah, sorry.”

“That’s okay. I’ve met Princess Celestia a few times. You know I used to be a palace guard, right?”

I did vaguely know that Ruby had been in before I was. She’d gotten out, too, for whatever reason, but that happened a lot. Most ponies had several interests and sometimes they changed. “Yup! Before my time, though.”

“Are you suggesting something?” she asked, coming around the counter.

Runic picked three more boxes of Armada ships and shook his head. “He isn’t. Silent Knight would never suggest that you’re old.”

“Runic!” I barked, looking his way before holding up a hoof. “I wouldn’t, Ruby! I just meant we don’t know the same ponies.”

The mare wagged a hoof at me. “You’re lucky I like you, because those sounded like fighting words.”

“I have a rule about not fighting with other guards.”

“I see, well, I can always fight Runic,” she replied.

I shrugged. “You could, but he is squirrely. You never know what is in that vest of his… or under his hat… or who knows where.”

We both looked at Runic. He smiled. “Today, I’ve got smoke bombs, flash caps, and gluecid.”

My brow raised. “What is gluecid?”

“I got tired of carrying glue and acid, so I made a combination of both,” Runic replied proudly.

Ruby just slowly moved back behind the counter.

I asked, “So… it causes things to stick together while it burns them horribly?”

“Don’t be silly! It sticks things together and then burns them horribly. The acid is delayed.”

“Alright… and if you need to fix something, what happens if you grab the gluecid instead of the glue?”

Runic frowned. “You ruin Miley’s new bookshelf instead of assembling it like she asked, that’s what.”

“Awfully specific there, Runic.”

He sighed. “Yeah…”

It was a few days later when Princess Luna stuck her head into my office. I immediately stood without even a conscious thought.

“As you were,” she said softly before coming in.

I remained standing. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

The princess smiled and settled onto my couch. “You’ve been a little busy as of late, and I was worried you were going to forget our upcoming celebration.”

“I won’t forget my own wedding shower, Princess, you have my word. I’ve just had a lot going on trying to get your portion of the palace finished. The forepony told me this morning that he anticipates meeting all of the revised deadlines.”

Her face lit up and she clapped her hooves. “That means we’ll be able to host the shower in my new throne room after all!”

Sure, my shower would take place in the seat of power for the House of the Night. Why not? That was completely normal. With a smile, I replied, “If that’s your wish.”

“It most certainly is. Why have a throne room if you can’t use it for more than business?”

My ears twitched. “Why? To conduct said business.”

She waved a hoof at me. “Don’t be a wet blanket, Silent Knight. I can’t do business all hours of the day, and I’m not subletting my throne room out to the parliament just to satisfy its supposed purpose!”

That would be a security nightmare. Of course, I knew she was kidding. “Fair enough, we’ll have the shower in the throne room. You realize you and Lady Cadence are setting my marriage up for failure, though, right? I’m just a royal guard, and my wife is rubbing hooves with princesses and other ponies of importance.”

The smile she gave me was full of mischief. “That is your problem, little stallion, not mine.”

I made sure she saw me roll my eyes. “Thank you, Princess, truly.”

“You’re most welcome.” She shifted on the couch and, when she continued, it was in a grave tone. “Now, answer two questions for me.”

The mischief was gone, so I stood to an appropriately official height and nodded. “Of course.”

“First, I’ve been looking at the results of Sunny Day’s investigation into Captain Alastair. It seems that Royal Guard Intelligence made an attempt to capture him via the gryphon authorities. They also made an effort to chase him north but lost him. At that point, he simply disappeared.”

Sunny had done a thorough job. She was an excellent officer for sure, especially now that she had her focus back. In my normal, even tone, I said, “I’m not hearing a question, Princess.”

Her brow furrowed. “How did he disappear? How can a murderer and a band of brigands elude the Nordanver gryphon authorities and our own Royal Guard Intelligence agents so easily? Do you not find that suspicious? I fear our allies were in on the plot, and that unsettles me greatly.”

Of course she’d make that assumption. It was easier to suspect gryphons than ponies. Especially when those ponies included me.

I shook my head slowly. “No, I honestly don’t believe that’s the case. Alastair did appear to be well connected in Nordanver, but it seems almost certain to me that the crown had no association with his plot. He might have had allies, though, that did not represent the king’s will.” I paused, then couldn’t stop myself from adding, “As far as Guard Intelligence goes, they relied on the gryphons too much.”

“You don’t have much faith in them?”

“I won’t speak ill of fellow guards.”

She peered at me. “Not speaking speaks volumes, you know.”

“And so it does. Perhaps Intelligence work should be left to agencies that specialize in it.”

The princess’s head tilted and then she just nodded. “I see. On to my second question, then. What are you up to?”

That was a loaded question. “Could you be more specific? I feel like my mother used a similar tactic on Winterspear and I when we were little to get us to admit to doing things.”

Princess Luna’s eyebrow lifted. “You did things when you were little?”

“No, but Winterspear did and I’m a quick study.”

With a laugh, the alicorn just shook her head, then inclined it to look down her nose at me. “I noticed that there were some ponies at my party that weren’t on my list. Royal Guard lieutenants. I had conversations with two of them myself. What are you up to?”

Without a doubt, I kept my stoic royal guard stance and a blank face. I was not eager to have this conversation at all and certainly not right then. At the same time, I had no intention of lying to the princess.

“They’re my potential successors. I was vetting them.”

The dark alicorn’s ears shot up. “Successors? For what purpose? You told me you turned down Shining Armor’s offer.”

“I did, yes.” I guess sooner or later I’d have to come clean. I removed my helmet and set it on the desk. “Luna, I’m concerned in the event of another emergency, you’re going to risk your safety for mine. That can’t be allowed.”

“This again?” she asked, a bit of annoyance creeping into her voice. “You’re not expendable.”

“No, you’re not expendable. If I die, it’s a tragedy for my friends and family. If you die, it’s a crisis for an entire kingdom. If you die, we’re down to one alicorn, and I don’t see any new ones lying around. We’ve gotten too close, but I don’t regret that. I don’t at all. I just can’t be your House Guard commander if you’re going to try and keep me from being hurt again.”

Princess Luna stood and loomed over me. “Why must you be so frustrating? Why do you have to be so… so… stubborn when it comes to your little rules and regulations! We’re not going to get ambushed again. That was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence!” Her eyes narrowed, and she glared down at me.

I glared back. She was angry because she knew I was right. Unfortunately, being right didn’t make me feel good. It made me feel worse. It gave me the knowledge that I was doing the right thing for the right reason, but not any satisfaction or joy.

“I’m sorry. I really am, but I take your safety seriously. It is the most important job I’ll ever have. It’s the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I consider before bed. Unfortunately, I’m now a threat to that.”

She grimaced and looked away. “What will you do instead?”

“I don’t know… perhaps take over a section in the Palace Guard. Maybe even a company, if I ever make it to captain’s school. I’ll probably be close either way and, if not, I’ll still come to see you. We’ll always be friends.”

Princess Luna nodded and set a hoof on my shoulder. “I make no apology for loving you and wanting you safe, even if this is the outcome.”

“You’ll never have to apologize for loving me,” I replied, my voice cracking slightly.

She held me tightly against her and stroked the back of my head. “Just… Just give me a little longer, Silent Knight. At least until after the wedding. I’m not ready for anypony else yet. Alright?”

It took a moment to find my voice. I brushed my face against her neck, rubbing away the tears. “Of course. We can deal with it after. Just don’t get into any battles before then.”

“I’ll be careful,” she whispered.


Finally, finally, Princess Luna’s wing of the palace was complete. It had been behind schedule, over budget, but without any compromises. It was everything she had wanted it to be and more. It was also the largest expansion of the palace in several hundred years.

A new exterior wall had been built to accommodate the size increase. That gave the architect plenty of room to extend the palace out towards the west. With the two new towers that were included, the skyline of Canterlot had changed. But that was nothing compared to the interior.

The jewel of the expansion was Princess Luna’s throne room. It was not as large or as grand as the primary one, but there was enough seating for two hundred ponies. Despite being smaller, the grandeur and aesthetic would also leave anypony with a lingering knowledge that they had been in the presence of a princess.

It had been built with a pale white marble facade the color of the moon. In contrast, the center of the room and dais were covered in a plush blue carpet that matched the Princess’s coat.

This all did a lot to highlight the throne, which had been made from a darkly stained hardwood and blue velvet. It was also large enough for a proper alicorn. One the size of Nocturna, I’d guess. Perhaps the princess was planning long term.

Of course, I’d also gotten my new office door, for the time I would remain in that office.

“This is really impressive,” Iridescence said next to me.

“Agreed. She can really start doing the business of the realm out of here.”

“Yup.” She shot me an appraising look with her eyes just slightly narrowed. “What are you going to be doing when you leave her?”

I tried not to let my real feelings on the question show and instead shrugged. “I don’t know. We’ll figure that out when the time comes.”

The mare shifted. “And when is that?”

“After the wedding. Princess Luna doesn’t want to deal with it prior to that, and I don’t see a lot of risk coming our way in the next month or so.”

“Good. Plenty of time to change your mind,” Iridescence said before patting me on the back. “Anyway, we need more guards for all this new space.”

What an obvious topic change. I didn’t want to address her remark anyway, so I let it slide. “Yeah, they’re going to spin up another section of palace guards for this wing. Maybe I’ll take that over.”

Iridescence snorted. “Oh, sure. The Palace Guard section lieutenant, who is the old House Guard commander, taking orders from the new House Guard commander. Good luck with that. Why don’t you and Sunny just swap jobs?”


“Just swap with Sunny. You protect Princess Celestia, she protects Princess Luna. Everypony can love everypony and nopony will try to protect a pony they aren’t supposed to.”

I paused to mull it over. Actually, that wasn’t an insane idea. The only problem was we couldn’t just swap jobs like a swapped shift. Command would have a fit; they did unit assignments, not us.

“Okay, sure. I’ll see about that. For now, why don’t we just get to work? We’re going to be thin until we have palace guards to cover all these doors and halls.”

“Sure thing, boss,” Iridescence said before heading out the door and leaving me alone in the empty throne room.

I gave it one longer look. It was going to suck not being here.

There was work to do, however. The shower Princess Luna had planned was in a few days. After that we’d have the wedding, then Hearth’s Warming, then the New Year. The end of the year always felt like a rushed gauntlet of holidays.

When the shower finally arrived, however, I discovered that I wished I had not agreed to one. They seemed to be an awkward affair largely built around teasing stallions. It also forced ponies together that normally wouldn’t be, and that was putting a strain on both Crystal and me.

Nothing seemed more stressful than my mother, Princess Luna, Upper Crust, and Jet Set all in the same room being social with each other.

Add in Winterspear, Iridescence, Dot, Sunny, Princess Celestia for some reason, Radiant Orchid, Mr. Orchid, Orchid’s foals, Azurite, Soarin, Miley, Runic, High Horse, her husband, Velvet, her parents, Red Velvet, Raven, her husband, Willow, the crazy pink love pony, Painted Wave, her husband, Lady Cadence, Shining Armor, additional ponies that Crystal knew that I didn’t…

The whole affair was just exhausting, which was why I had escaped to the nearest balcony the first chance I got.

“Now why is it every time we have a party specifically for you, I find you out somewhere alone?” a familiar voice asked from behind me.

“It was getting stuffy in there, sir,” I replied, turning to find Shining Armor standing nearby.

He chuckled and shook his head. “We’re off duty, Silent. No ‘sir’ necessary.” His head then tilted. “Your mare seems to be having a good time. Why aren’t you?”

“This is more her sort of thing.”

His brow arched. “Since when is spending time with all of your friends and family not your sort of thing?”

“Because it’s not just spending time together,” I tried to explain, waving a hoof towards the door. “It’s all… whatever it is that is.”

He nodded slowly. “I didn’t really enjoy mine either, to be honest. My mother made it a point to embarrass me as much as she possibly could. In front of Princess Celestia, no less. Cadence loved it, though.”

That brought a grin to my face. “I bet she did.”

He came over and rested his forelegs on a railing. “So, what is going on with you? The last letter said ‘come see me.’ Then no more letters. You turn my offer down, but you’re still going to resign?”

My ear flicked. “Who told you?”

“Princess Luna, so I don’t think you’ll have much luck chastising her.”

“I’ve had a rough year,” was all I said.

“Two, I’d say. More than most ponies.” His voice lowered. “You know, it isn’t normally like this. My first two years were nothing but routine. Most of the middle ones, too. These last two, though…” He breathed out slowly. “That’s a lot for anypony. Certainly a lot for a young pony.”

“Yeah. I’m not resigning because of all that, though.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I know. It’s because she loves you.”

Finally, somepony who understood. “Yup.”

He patted me on the shoulder. “You were her first guard, first friend, confidant, and more when nopony else would even look at her. It was bound to happen. There is no shame in that and I have huge respect for you for recognizing it and doing the right thing.”

My ears shot up. “You’re not going to try to talk me out of it?”

He blinked. “Absolutely not. Sometimes regulations exist for a reason, and this is one of those times. Do you honestly think I could protect Cadence? That she’d leave me in an emergency? Hardly.”

I chuckled. “Well, at least you’re on my side on this one.”

“That’s the thing, Silent Knight: I’ve always been on your side. I hope by now you could recognize that.” He leveled a serious stare my way. “Look, I know this has been your whole career, but most of us have to move on. You unfortunately started at the top. That is a tricky predicament. This will be good for you, though, and you can still be her friend.”

He was right about that. I might not be her house guard commander, but I’d still be her friend. I’d always be available to her. “That is true. I suppose now I need to figure out what I’m going to do instead.”

After a moment, he hummed thoughtfully. “Well, Governor Cadence has a security detail. It could use a commander.”

“Pardon? You still want me to come work for you?”

“Well, you’d technically work for her. Obviously, you’d report to me, but we know how it goes with these nobles,” he said with a smile.

“But why?”

He shrugged. “Why not? You’re one of the finest guards I’ve ever seen. The universe has poured challenges on you over and over. Hard ones. Cruel ones. You’re still standing, Silent Knight. There aren’t a lot of ponies like you. Who better to entrust the security of the pony I love the most to?”

To be fair, I hadn’t thought about it that way. He made a valid point. I was still standing, wounds and all. “I’ll have to talk to Crystal first.”

“Obviously,” he replied.

“And it can’t happen until after the wedding and honeymoon.”

“Sure, sure.”

“And I want to keep my armor.”

“You have a Celestia Cross. You have that right.”

“Then tentatively, I accept,” I said, offering a hoof. “Providing I have my mare’s permission.”

He smiled brightly and took it with an enthusiastic shake. “About time.”

Working with Shining Armor and Lady… Governor Cadence would certainly be the next best thing to being with Princess Luna. That could work. “There is one more thing.”

“Pushing that negotiation to the limit after shaking, huh? Do you want a promotion, too?”

My head shook. “No, sir. I mean yes, but that isn’t what I mean. We’re friends, right? Kind of?”

He blinked. “I like to think so. Even if most of our time together has been work-related. Why?”

I swallowed and met his curious look with my own serious one. “My father kind of sucked as a parent. I mean, he did things right when it came to being a guard, but he was never there for me for personal stuff.

“You were my boss, but you always put a priority on my wellbeing. Me taking a day off or having fun. You were there when I lost my first relationship and when I graduated. Other things, too. You know, when I needed a Dad.”

His look softened into a fond smile. “Of course, I was happy to. I saw a lot of potential in you, you just needed to have more balance.”

“I know and I’m not good at that, which is why I want to come work for you. You’re a good influence, but what I’m getting at is that it would mean the world to me if you’d be one of the groomsponies in my wedding.”

“I’d be honored!” he exclaimed before throwing a hoof over my shoulder. “Truly!”

With a sigh of relief, I said, “Thank you.”

“No problem. Now, as my first duty as a groomspony, I’m taking you back to the shower before one of the mares notices we’re gone.”

“I already regret my decision,” I teased.

“Sure, sure. Come on.”

Author's Note:

As the end of the story draws near Shining Armor returns! I always enjoyed the dynamic between him and SK in Memoirs. It was painful for him to have to leave but everything is done for a reason :D

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