• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,110 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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37. A Surprise Package

Saturday nights were, in general, intended to be a date night for Crystal and me. In the past, I’d missed several due to my evening activities, but now that the mission was complete, I was free.

However, Crystal wasn’t free, and that was frustrating. She was out somewhere being a Canterlot socialite and I was home alone.

When Winterspear and Iridescence realized I was unfortunately available, they had begged me to watch Dot so they could finally have their own date night. I’d agreed because I’d have been a monster not to. What was I going to do? Besides, I was sure I could handle one filly.

As the evening wore on, I wasn’t sure I could handle a filly. Fillies are scary on a good day.

Dot whined and looked up at me with a pout. “You’re doing it wrong.”

“I’m coloring in the lines,” I replied.

“Yes, but you’re using blue! She’s supposed to be green. Haven’t you read the books?”

What books? “Oh… I like blue, though. Does she have to be green?”


I set the blue colored pencil down and picked up the green one.

“No!” Dot chimed.

I tried not to frown. “But it’s green.”

“Not that color green!” She took that pencil from me with her levitation spell and slipped a different one into my hoof. “Now do it right.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I mumbled before starting to carefully color the pony with the appropriate color of green.

Dot was working on the pony’s mane. It was grey. She looked up at me for a moment before looking back at the book. “So, you’re going to marry Crystal Wishes?”

“Yup, I am.”

“Do you have a flower filly yet?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t suppose we do.”

“Can I be the flower filly?”

Iridescence had been working on this with Dot. Not the flower part, the difference between may versus can. “I’m sure you can do the job, yes. I think you meant may you be the flower filly.”

Dot groaned. “May I be the flower filly?”

“You’ll have to ask Crystal. I think that’s a fine idea, though.”

“So she is the boss?”

“Uh-huh.” When it came to the wedding, she sure was.

“Are mares always the boss?”

“Usually. At least in my experience. My bosses are all mares.”

Dot nodded thoughtfully. “Who is the boss with Winterspear and Iridescence? They’re both mares.”

That was not the question I was expecting. Filly sitting was turning out to be more perilous than I’d guessed. “I think they’re partners.”

“Oh. That makes sense. So, if I marry a stallion, I’ll get to be the boss?”

“I have no doubt that you will be,” I replied while I hid a smirk.

After a moment of thought, Dot declared, “I guess I’ll marry a stallion. Since I like to be the boss.”

My ear flicked. “Just because you want to be the boss?”

“Yes. No.” Dot sighed. “I don’t know.”

I set my pencil down and peered at her. “What does that mean?”

Dot peered at me like I was an idiot. Maybe I was. “Luminescence likes mares. Opalescence likes mares. Iridescence likes mares. They all like mares. I like mares, too, but just as friends. I’m weird.”

“I don’t think you’re weird. You’re still pretty young. Maybe you’ll grow up to like mares?” That was probably the stupidest thing I’d ever said.

Dot set a hoof on my nose and shook her head. “That is sweet, but no. I know I’m weird.”

The conviction in her voice made me a little sad. “I don’t think you’re weird. It is perfectly natural for a filly to like colts. Crystal Wishes likes stallions. My mother likes stallions. My friend Miley likes stallions. Remember her from Runic’s birthday party?”

“Yes… Yes, but my sisters don’t.” Dot’s gaze dropped to the page. “That makes me different. I’m different enough from them already.”

“Dot… I—” That hit me right in the gut and my heart ached. What do you say to a filly that feels like that? This was out of my league. “Dot, have you told Iridescence about this?”

She shook her head.

“You should, that is what sisters are for. For what it’s worth, I like you just how you are. Whether you like colts, fillies, or both.”

Dot smiled and hugged me tightly around the neck, momentarily cutting off the oxygen to my brain. Her technique was surprisingly good. I looped my hooves around her and carefully repositioned the filly so that I wouldn’t pass out.

She nuzzled me and said, “You’re awfully nice for a pony that looks grumpy all the time.”

“Why does everypony say that?” I asked.

“Because you look grumpy. Don’t you look in the mirror?”

I shook my head. “I try not to.”

“Oh… well maybe if you did, you’d know. I like it when you smile.”

“I suppose I would.” I looked down at our half-finished work. “Would you like to finish the coloring book?”

Dot shook her head. “No. Not really. Can we go fly?”

I gave a pointed look. “‘Can’ we go fly?”

“May we go fly?” she asked with a roll of her eyes.

I stood up, a hoof still around her. “Yes we may!”

I stood out on the palace lawn watching work ponies carefully refurbishing the outside of Princess Luna’s wing. There were all sorts of plans for the inside. New stained glass, bigger quarters, and even a small audience chamber. That way the princess would have her own throne room.

It was fitting for a princess even though I was still cross with her. The rational part of me knew I’d earned my bar, but the other part had doubts. Was I really the right stallion for the job?

“Sir! Sir! Sir!” Miley shrieked as she galloped across the lawn towards me.

My heart sped up and adrenaline surged into my system. I fell into my combat stance and looked around for signs of danger. None seemed evident, but Miley was not a pony to cry timberwolf.

Miley slid to a stop right in front of me. “Sir! I… I—achoo!” She sneezed right into my face. All over my face!

“Miley!” I shouted.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” She started wiping my face.

I swatted her hoof away. “What is the alarm? The job, Sergeant!”

The little brown mare shifted and flushed. “Oh! Right. Orchid is in labor. Her foal is coming. We have to go. We have to go right now.”

I blinked and then wiped myself off with a hoof. My heart was still racing in my chest and I knew I had to stay calm. Miley was just excited and yelling at her wasn’t the right thing to do. I forced a smile and nodded. “That is good news. We can’t just go, though; we’re on duty. When Mountain Stone relieves you, we’ll go. Alright?”

“Aww… but the foal could come any minute!” Miley whined. When I glared her, she squeaked and held up a hoof. “Okay. Can I at least go tell Princess Luna?”

“Yes, but if you sneeze in her face, I’m busting you down to guard 3rd class. Next time use a tissue or something. Were you raised in a barn?”

Miley huffed. “If I knew it was coming, I wouldn’t have sneezed on you, sir! I’m sorry. I’m going to go tell the princess.”

“Dismissed…” I said to her flank as she galloped off. So much for discipline. I turned back to where the ponies were assembling what would ultimately be a crane. It was going to be really tricky to secure a wing with holes in it. Iridescence and I would need to talk about that.

To nopony’s surprise, as soon as Miley delivered the news, Princess Luna ordered her entire House Guard to the hospital. There was some surprise, however, when Princess Celestia did the same.

Not every house guard could just up and leave, but it sure felt like every single one of us was packed into the Canterlot Hospital maternity ward’s waiting room. Somewhere in the room was Mr. Orchid, or so I was told.

Miley’s armor rattled as she practically vibrated with excitement. I set a hoof on the top of her head to keep her still. “Easy there. We’re going to be here a while and you’re still on duty, Sergeant.”

There were two entrances to the waiting room and one back into the medical area. Storm Rider had stationed two guards at each door. So had Iridescence. That meant four ponies, two in gold and two in violet, securing each door.

Beyond that, each princess had two guards lingering within hoof’s reach. Add in both commanders, both section NCOs, and every other random guard, and this would either be the best or worst possible time to attack.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia seemed to be amused by the whole situation. They were sitting on the floor playing Go Fish. I guess Princess Celestia wasn’t as big into games as her sister.

Sunny pushed her way through the sea of gold and violet armor to stand beside me. “This is ridiculous.”

“Yes, yes it is,” I replied.

“Have you seen Milton?” she asked.

“Who’s Milton?”

Sunny blinked and then rolled her eyes. “Her husband! Mr. Milton Orchid!”

Milton was his name? What kind of name was that? I’d always called him Mr. Orchid. I shook my head. “No, but word around the potted plant is that he is here somewhere.”

“Unbelievable. He must be livid,” Sunny said before turning towards the door to the medical area.

It opened not long after and a pony wandered in wearing scrubs. “By Celestia!” he exclaimed when he saw us all.

“I’m here!” Princess Celestia chimed cheerfully.

The doctor froze. His forelegs twitched and it seemed like he was trying to decide whether or not to bow.

Sunny waved a hoof in front of him. “Doctor. Focus.”

He blinked and then shook his head. “Yes. Sorry. I’m thrilled to announce Equestria has its newest citizen. Both mother and foal are well.”

The room erupted in cheers and hoof stomps.

Miley bounced up and down eagerly. “Yay! Can we go see them?”

I held up a wing between her and the door. “Maybe we should let Mr. Orchid go see them first?”

The doctor nodded. “That would be customary. Although, I’ve never had a princess in the waiting room before.”

“Two princesses,” Princess Luna corrected as she stood up.

The doctor paused before responding, “A new record, then.” He looked around the sea of armored ponies. “So… where is the father?”

“Here! Over here! Excuse me, please.” It was faint and very little progress seemed to be made in him getting across the room.

I just chuckled, stood to my full height, and shouted, “Make a hole!”

Almost immediately the guards cleared the way between me and Mr. Orchid. We’d never met before but, considering he was the only non-princess pony without armor, I assumed it was him. He was a fit-looking earth pony with a greying blond mane and light brown coat. All in all, fairly plain.

He made his way over and nodded. “Thank you. I’ll just go check on Radiant. I’m sure she’ll be excited to hear that the entire Royal Guard is here. Thank you all for coming!”

“Right this way,” the doctor said, leading Mr. Orchid off.

Miley squirmed. “I want to go first! I love foals. I was there when three of my sisters and three of my brothers were born!”

Sunny snorted and looked over at me with a brow raised.

I took the cue and suggested, “Perhaps we should let the princesses go first, Miley?”

“Aww… I guess so. I’m just so excited! I… ah… I… ah—”

Sunny grabbed my shoulders and shoved me between herself and Miley. Her reaction was lightning fast.


I’d been used as a shield just as the small earth pony sneezed… right on me… again. “Miley!”

“I’m sorry, sir!” she squealed.

“Get a mask!” I shouted. “Don’t you dare go sneeze on that foal!”

“Yes, sir! I’m sorry, I’ll get a mask,” she said hurriedly before disappearing into the sea of armor so I couldn’t yell at her anymore.

My glare shifted to Sunny. She shrugged and grinned. “Better you than me.”

“Thanks, partner. Good to know you’re looking out for the right pony,” I groused.

“You’ve got a better constitution.”

Sure I did. I turned to the sea of ponies and called, “Listen up, everypony. I realize you’re all excited, but I don’t want to overwhelm Radiant Orchid. We’re going to visit her in shifts. The princesses and their personal guards will be after Mr. Orchid—”

“Milton,” Sunny corrected.

“After Milton. Then me, since she was my section sergeant. After that, we’ll work down the list. Lieutenant Day will go last so she can ensure the Princesses return safely to the palace. Right, partner?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at her.

“Captain-select Day, and yes, that is fine,” she replied before poking me with a hoof.

“I want to go fourth,” I heard Miley squeak from the ground.

“Not without a mask!” I practically yelled back.

The door behind me opened again and the doctor poked his head out. “With all due respect, could you please keep it down out here? You’re upsetting the foals and parents. They’re not used to royal guards shouting in the hospital.”

My ears pinned back. “My apologies.”

“Quite alright,” he said. “The family is asking for the princesses.”

“That’s us!” Princess Celestia called cheerfully before Princess Luna slapped a hoof over her mouth and hissed, “Shhh!”

The two then trotted through the crowd and back past the door. They had four guards with them, but at that point I couldn’t tell which ones.

It wasn’t long after that my turn came and I was ushered back to visit Orchid and her newest foal. She was sitting up in her hospital bed, holding a bundled-up colt in a blue blanket. From what I could see, he was the spitting image of his father. Other than the eyes. The eyes were all Orchid.

“Well, it is about time Mr. Orchid got a colt. Where is he, anyway?” I asked softly, looking around.

“He was pretty spun up having sat in the waiting room with two princesses and a small army. I sent him to my mother’s to get the girls and come back a little later.”

“Ah, smart. What did you decide to name him?”

The mare stroked the foal’s mane and replied, “Star-Lavender Storm. We’re going to call him Star.”

The breath I’d been taking caught in my throat and it felt like somepony hit me in the gut. I just nodded a moment and smiled, doing what I could to remain neutral.

Orchid reached out and set her hoof on mine. “It’s okay. I think about them, too. This is one way I’m dealing with it.”

“Yeah…” I whispered, closing my hoof around hers. “He’s beautiful.”

“He is. He’s going to be just like his father, though. I just have a feeling. Which is good. We don’t all need to be guards. How’ve you been?”

“I’ve been well. Busy, but well. Things have slowed down dramatically. We still haven’t found a new sergeant and, by we, I mean Iridescence. Maybe give her some sage advice when she comes through?”

The mare chuckled softly and lightly poked my nose. “I don’t work for you anymore.”

“No, but I’d consider it a favor.”

“Sure, sure. Do me a favor?”

“Anything for you, ma’am,” I said teasingly.

“Come visit me at work. I get lonely there. It isn’t like being in a protection detail; I spend most of the day alone in an office. I could use the company.”

That was an easy favor. “Absolutely. When do you start back?”

Orchid settled back on the bed and pulled Star closer to her chest. “In a week on light duty. I’ve got some important cases that I don’t want to reassign. Pony resources is all about relationships, especially in my department.”

My brow arched. “How so? Aren’t you working the City Guard files?”

She shook her head. “No, there was an opening here. I’m a caseworker for the Guard. It’s emotional, but I really feel like I’m making a difference.”

Caseworker for the Guard? All of my muscles went momentarily tense. “Seems right up your alley.” Was she going to try to get me to talk to her? No, she wouldn’t do that… would she? “Well, I’ll come see you soon. As much as I’d like to stay awhile tonight, there are a lot of ponies waiting.”

She grinned. “So I’m told. Alright, come see me sooner than later, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied before heading out.

Princess Luna sat across from Willowy Tempest in silence. The two had not spoken in an hour, too consumed with the game of chess they were playing. The princess had summoned me an hour before that and had yet to tell me why.

Willowy, conveniently, had distracted her. The joke was on her, though; I liked standing guard. I liked standing guard a lot. So I did, which was clearly making Ironclad a bit uncomfortable. It wasn’t every day that your commander stood guard next to you.

Princess Luna shifted her unicorn priestess. “Check.”

That seemed to frazzle Willowy. She blew a few strands of her mane out of the way and quickly moved a pegasus knight to block the path between her princess and Princess Luna’s priestess. It was a foolish move. A stop gap in the best of cases.

The princess shifted a rook down the board. “Checkmate.”

“How did I not see that!” Willowy protested, then scrunched up her nose. “Shall we play another round, Princess? I’m getting better at this.”

Princess Luna’s horn illuminated as she started moving the pieces back. “Your instinct was to defend from the immediate threat instead of the looming one. I suppose we have time for another game.”

“Great!” Willowy replied, getting her side of the board ready.

Ironclad and I briefly exchanged glances, and I shrugged before turning my eyes forwards to look off into nothingness.

I wasn’t sure how long I continued to stand there, but they were several turns into the second round when the door opened and Princess Celestia came through. “Luna, a minute if you please.”

From her chair, Luna looked up and nodded, “Of course. We can play again later, Willow.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I just received the most curious of letters,” Princess Celestia started. The letter in question was levitating in her golden magic. “It is from King Kronson of Sudramoar. It seems his grandson Garrard has gone missing. He was last known to be working in Nordanver. He wanted to know if we knew about him as, evidently, he feels he is not receiving much help from King Ranald.”

Princess Luna’s head tilted. “Garrard? He is asking us about Garrard?”

“Captain Alastair,” I blurted from my spot near the door. I’m not sure why. Guilt?

Princess Celestia turned around in surprise. “Silent Knight! I didn’t see you there.” It seems I still had the ability to blend in. She fell silent and looked to Princess Luna, the surprise shifting to concern.

“How do you know the association between those names, Silent Knight?” Princess Luna asked, looking my way.

What a stupid thing to have said. I took a deep, measured breath. “I used my favors to get a look at the Guard Intelligence reports after the incident. I was… I guess you can say aiding them. At least, until they threw me out for being overzealous about it. Forgive me, Princess, but I have not found it easy to let bygones be bygones.”

Princess Celestia rolled the letter up. “I’m not certain how to respond. This complicates matters dramatically. The reports heavily suggest this gryphon is one and the same, and that would make him a criminal.”

“Agreed,” Princess Luna said. “Perhaps respond that we do not know the whereabouts of this Garrard but may use our influence with Nordanver to urge their authorities to find him?”

“They’re not going to find him,” I thought—no, wait, I said that. Aloud. Shut up, stupid honest mouth!

All eyes fell on me and Princess Celestia’s brow furrowed. “Why do you say that?”

“The intelligence work I saw was exceptionally thorough. Alastair is wanted for acts of war and the murder of gryphon soldiers. Presumably, the Nordanver security forces have been looking for him for quite some time and have failed in that pursuit. If they can’t find Alastair, they can’t find Garrard.”

Princess Luna’s eyes never left mine as I spoke and it was a struggle to keep my composure. My stomach was churning with a mix of trepidation and anger.

Silence filled the room a moment before she responded, “I cannot fault this logic. Does King Ranald know of this connection?”

“I cannot say, Princess,” I replied. “It was deemed better to deny him the knowledge so that he may have plausible deniability. I’m uncertain what occurred after I was removed from my position.”

Princess Celestia shook her head. “This is a dangerous topic. If, and I must stress, if, Alastair and Garrard are one and the same for certain, then that casts blame on his king. Would a member of the royal family act so foolishly on his own for financial gain? That makes no sense.”

She was right: it didn’t. Garrard had probably acted on orders. I’d left all of his papers in the drop for Maya. I’m certain she and I would have some idea of what was going on soon, but we couldn’t share it.

“Silent Knight, you have clearly followed this,” Princess Celestia said. “I think a further analysis must be done. You will be the liaison between Guard Intelligence and the crowns. I don’t want this to turn into an even more sensitive international incident.”

That was a situation I couldn’t get myself into. “Princess, I don’t think that I can do that objectively. I have already been thrown out once and my personal feelings will impact my work. You need a pony with better clarity for this.”

Both princesses looked at me curiously. I took a deep breath and kept still. That was a good enough reason to bow out of this, right? Better than the truth that I didn’t want to put myself in a position to commit fraud. If the princesses were following this, then I needed to fly very, very low on the radar.

Princess Luna finally looked to her sister. “Perhaps he is right. Silent Knight is already biased by what he has read and seen. There is also likely animosity between him and the Intelligence section. Anypony that was there that day would be equally biased. Sunny Day would be better suited to this.”

“Very well,” Princess Celestia replied. “I’ll respond as discussed. It is time that you and I looked even closer into this incident.”

“Agreed,” Princess Luna replied.

Princess Celestia nodded and turned to leave. She paused to look at me. “You look comfortable standing there.”

“Life is simpler here, Princess.”

She smiled and nodded. “Indeed.”

Once Princess Celestia was out of the room, Princess Luna stood up. “Willow, I think a rematch shall have to wait. Would you be a dear and round up all of my notes for the shower and then take them to Crystal Wishes?”

Willowy Tempest looked uncertain, but she nodded. “Of course, Princess. Please excuse me.”

“Ironclad, make sure she gets there safely,” the princess added.

“Princess?” he asked in confusion and then looked at me.

She was clearing the room. I looked at him. “See to Willowy Tempest’s safety. I’ll take over here. I still remember how to stand guard.”

“Yes, sir,” he replied before moving to the door and opening it.

Willowy looked from me to the princess, sighed, and walked out.

As soon as we were alone, Princess Luna said in a low voice, “You’ve been a busy little stallion.”

“I was, yes.”


I took my helmet off and set it down on the secretary desk. “Princess, I haven’t been honest about everything. I kept after him because I thought that would let me… I don’t know, get out of it.”

Her head tilted. “What do you mean get out of it?”

“Some days I’m still living in that gully. With the guilt of my failure to save my ponies, with the anger for what he did to me, and with the—” My mouth finally closed before I spouted off about Crystal. I just shook my head. “Doesn’t matter.”

She blinked before her expression softened. “You’ve said nothing this whole time?”

“I couldn’t… I didn’t want to seem weak or that I couldn’t protect you. I’m supposed to be strong enough to do that and protect my ponies. I should have been faster. I should have seen it coming. I got sloppy.”

The princess crossed the room and stood in front of me. Lightly her wing brushed my breastplate. “No. Silent Knight, you couldn’t have. You saved me. You saved many ponies. You’ve felt like this the whole time? You think you’re weak and actually blame yourself?”

“Yes. I kept it to myself. It was foolish and of course I blame myself, I was in command. They all died while I was in command.”

“No. Russet Rook was in command,” she replied.

She was wrong. Anger flared inside me without warning. “Russet was just some officer that Command stuck me with! They were my ponies! This is my command! It always has been! At least, I thought so until you told me I got it because you wanted to protect me,” I shouted.

Wait, did I just shout at the princess?

I covered my mouth with a hoof. “I… I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, Princess.”

Princess Luna’s head tilted and she settled down in front of me so that we were eye to eye. Not that I looked at her. Lightly her wing pushed my cheek so I had to. “You’ve hidden this for so long. How could I not notice?” She shook her head softly. “I deserved that. I shouldn’t have meddled but I was so upset about your injuries.”

“It isn’t your fault,” I said. “You’ve been busy. It was important that you learned from Moonlit Star. I… I just kept going. There were things that needed to be handled. I handled them, and I do understand why you did what you did. I just… it upsets me. I’m questioning that I deserved this position.”

“And now you’re shouting at me, too,” she pointed out. “This is unlike Silent Knight I’m familiar with.”

The words cut deep and my head dropped. “This is why I hid it. It seems pretty clear that that Silent Knight didn’t make it back from Nordanver.”

The princess looped her hoof around me and drew me in close, crushing me against her chest. “That is not true, little stallion! He did come back. Perhaps you thought that Silent Knight didn’t have feelings and found out he did. I noticed the change, but thought you needed space. Clearly, you needed me.”

It was a nice feeling. The anger started to drain from me and I sniffled. “When you say that… do you mean you’re not going to let me go?”

“I will not.”

“Then we’re going to need a larger bed at home.”

Princess Luna leaned back and glared down at me. “You dare jest at such a time?”

“It’s better than yelling at you, isn’t?” I replied.

She sighed and squeezed me again. “I guess it is. We need to talk about this, though. There are ponies that can help with your anger. I think you’re going to have to make arrangements to see one.”

That sounded an awful lot like an order. “Yes, Princess,” I said, knowing better than to argue.

Author's Note:

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, Q&B AU wiki, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon. We have monthly art give aways, a Q&B Discord RPG, a several other fun gifts for patrons.

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