• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 3,853 Views, 166 Comments

Team Harmony - Norwegian boy

What would happened if there had been more then 6 elements of harmony?

  • ...

Friends and Family

The conductor was sitting in the cart closest to the locomotive, waiting for the train engineer to tell him that they are approaching Ponyville so he could tell the passengers like they always do. It wasn’t a perfect system, but it was a system.

The door open and the train engineer pop his head out. “We are approaching Ponyville, about five minutes to arrival.” He told the conductor who got up, nodded and went to tell the passengers.

Arriving at the first cart, he could see around ten ponies, it was early in the day so there’s not that many passengers. “We will be arriving at Ponyville in five minutes.” That got the passengers who were getting off at Ponyville to gather their stuff.

While they were doing that, the conductor was walking to the back of the cart, there a pony was who sleeping there, his head was resting towards the window while sleeping peacefully, the conductor then put a hand on the pony’s shoulder who was a stallion.

“Sir, we will be arriving at Ponyville soon.” He said while shaking the stallion.

The stallion began to stir, he opened his eyes and decided to stretch his arms. The stallion had black fur, tail, mane and even his eyes were black, he was black from top to bottom.

“Thanks.” He rubbed his eyes, he got up and grab his bag which was lying beside him.

The train stopped at train station and some ponies walk of while other got on the train, the stallion step of the train and look over the town. “So, this is Ponyville. It’s a lot smaller then Manhattan, that’s for sure.” He started to walk towards town. “Time to find out where Pinkie work.”

It was easy for the stallion to fin where Pinkie work, he just ask ponies that lived in town and they said Sugarcube corner. When he arrived at the building he saw that it look giant gingerbread house. “Huh, I didn’t expect that.” He just shrugged his shoulder and walk in.

Once he step inside was bombarded by all kind of smells, cake, muffins, all of them right in his face. “Holly crap that smells good.” He look around in the store and saw that a few ponies there, it was still early in the day. He walk over to the counter and saw mare with blue fur and her mane was pink, she was currently siting behind the counter reading a newspaper.

He coughed to get her attention, she look over the paper and smile when she saw the stallion, she put away the paper. “Welcome to Sugarcube corner, my name is Cup Cake, but everyone calls me Mrs Cake, what can I get you.” She ask the stallion with a smile.

“I am looking for a pony by the name of Pinkie Pie.”

Before Mrs Cake could answer him, they both heard something in back, like someone dropped something on the floor. Then they heard footsteps and before they knew it, Pinkie was standing in the door way. “Cousin Obsidian.” Before the stallion could react, Pinkie was on him giving him a hug. “It’s so good to see you.” She almost knock him over.

Obsidian return the hug. “It’s nice to see you to Pinkie.”

Mrs Cake, who had seen it all just look clueless. “Pinkie.” They let go of the hug. “I didn’t know you had a cousin.”

“You never ask.” Pinkie said with a smile.

Mrs Cake opened her mouth to answer that, but nothing came out. She then smiled. “You have pointe there.”

Obsidian offer her a hand. “Hey, I am Obsidian Twilight and I am Pinkie cousin from Manhattan.”

Mrs Cake gladly shock his hand. “Hello Obsidian, you already know my name, but everyone calls me Mrs Cake and I am Pinkies boss.”

“Nice to meet you and thanks for giving Pinkie a home and a job.” He said with a smile which made Mrs Cake to blush.

“Hey, Mrs Cake. Is it ok that I take my break now? I want to catch up with Obsidian.”

“Tell you what Pinkie, take the day of. It’s Tuesday after all and it’s usually a slow day.”

That made Pinkie smile. “Thanks, Mrs Cake. Let’s sit outside Obsidian.” Before even one of them could blink, she was gone.

Obsidian couldn’t help but smile of her behaviour. “She hasn’t change that’s for sure.” He followed her outside.

Once outside, he sat down by the table that Pinkie was sitting, then he was bombarded with questions. “So, how are you? How are the family? Are you sister’s dating anypony?”

“Slow down Pinkie and I will tell you I am fine, my family is fine, and my sisters are not dating anypony, considering only two of them are old enough and that my father won’t let them date. What about you? How’s my cousin?”

“I am great, I have many great friends, I have great job and I am also dating a pegasus stallion named Arctic Ace.”

“That’s great, where is he?” Obsidian ask while looking around.

“He’s currently at work, he works with the weather team.” Obsidian just nodded.

Before they could say something ells, Mrs Cake came out with two milkshakes. “Here you two go.” She placed the milkshakes on the table.

Obsidian was just confused while Pinkie gladly started to drink her milkshakes. “Huh, we didn’t order anything.”

Mrs Cake just smiled. “This is on the house, considering you are Pinkie’s cousin.” She then walk back in.

Obsidian look at the milkshakes not sure what to think, the ponies in Manhattan is never this nice. He eventually shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from drinking straw, his eyes widen when he tasted it, it was good.

Pinkie couldn’t help but smile that her cousin like the milkshakes. “Good, huh?” Obsidian just nodded. “That’s what I thought, we make the best milkshakes in town.”

He stop drinking. “I can taste that.” He said while liking his lips.

Then Pinkie decided to ask a question. “So, how’s the rock farm?”

“It’s going good, many ponies want’s use to buy diamonds and other’s stones from us, which remind me.” He pick up his bag and placed on his lap, he then started to search through it. “Where did I put it?” Pinkie watch in suspense Obsidian was looking through his bag. “Ah, here it is.” He took something out from his bag.

Pinkie’s eyes widen when she saw what he took up from his bag. “Is that…?”

It was a pink sapphire that was as big as his hand. “A pink sapphire, found about a week ago and thought to myself, this would be a perfect gift for my cousin Pinkie.” He then handed the sapphire to Pinkie. “Here you go.”

Pinkie hesitated. “Are you sure you want to give that to me? Don’t you want to sell it? I bet you can make a lot of money with it.”

“True, but I love my family more than money and I want to give this to you and beside I will be really sad if you don’t accepts it.”

Pinkie just look at the sapphire, still not sure if she should accept it. She loved Obsidian as much as she loved her sisters and parent, but this was a little too much. She also knew that Obsidian would not take no for an answer.

“Alright, I’ll take it.” She took the sapphire from his hand.

Obsidian couldn’t help but smile. “That’s warms my heart, you were think about not taking it?” She nodded. “Why? It’s a gift from me.”

“Come on Obsidian, I know how much this is worth and…”

“Oh, my Celestia, that is beautiful.”

Pinkie and Obsidian look at who the new voice and what Obsidian saw was the most beautiful pony he had seen. She was a unicorn with white fur, her mane and tail was purple, and she was wearing a white dress. Obsidian couldn’t take his eyes of her.

She was walking towards them, she stop right beside them. “Pinkie dear, what is that?” Rarity ask while pointing at sapphire.

“It’s a pink sapphire, my cousin gave it to me.”

Rarity tilted her head to the side. “You have a cousin?”

“Yes.” She look over to Obsidian who was still glaring at Rarity. “Obsidian, are you ok?”

Pinkie shook him, making him blink his eyes a few times. “What? Is there something you want Pinkie?” He ask her.

“Yes, I want you to meet one of my friends.” Pinkie gestured to Rarity. “Obsidian, this my friend Rarity. Rarity this is my cousin Obsidian from Manhattan.”

Rarity. “A pleasure.”

Rarity she held out a hand, Obsidian got up and kissed Rarity’s hand. “The pleasure is all my lady Rarity.”

That made Rarity blush.” Oh my, what a gentle stallion.”

“My mother told me to threat mares with respect if I didn’t, she would probably ground me for months.”

“That’s sounds a little extreme.”

Obsidian just shrugged his shoulders. “It’s true, just ask Pinkie.

Rarity look over to the pink pony who just nodded. “If you say so, but you have to tell me where you found that sapphire, I have never seen one before.”

“I found it while digging in the quarry that my parents own, just outside Manhattan. We find them and sell them to those who want to buy it, it’s mostly ponies from Canterlot.”

“Sounds exhausted.” Rarity said while shaking a little.

Obsidian just smiled. “Not really, I have been doing it as long as I can remember, and I love it.” He then look to his bag. “Should I?” He look at Rarity who was confused. “You know what? Screw it.” He started to search through it again, he eventually found what he was looking for. “This is for you lady Rarity.”

Rarity gasp when she saw what was in his hand, it was a white sapphire. It was a little smaller then Pinkie’s, but it was shining in the sun.

“What…? Your giving this to me?” Obsidian nodded. “Why?”

“Why? Aren’t I allowed to be kind? You are one Pinkie’s friends and I want to give it to.”

Rarity just started at the sapphire in his hand and this was very weird for her, usually she was the one who is generous not the other way around.

“I can’t take this you probably work hard to find it.”

Obsidian just snorted. “Oh please, I have found four of them before so I can afford to give one or two of them away.”

Rarity was still not sure. “You should take it Rarity Obsidian won’t take no for an answer and it will hurt his feelings.” Pinkie told her friend.

Rarity let out a defeating sighed. “Very well, if it means that much to you, I will gladly take.” She took the sapphire from his hand and place it in her purse. “Now, if you will excuse me, I have to buy more fabric. It was nice to meet you Obsidian.”

He bowed. “The pleasure is all mine lady Rarity.” Again, Rarity blushed. She said good bye to both of them and left. Obsidian couldn’t help but help but watch her go, he then look at Pinkie who had a goofy grin. “Not a word Pinkie.” He told her while sitting down, he then drank from his milkshakes.

“You like her, don’t you?” She said in a teasing voice.

Obsidian just rolled his eyes as he placed the milkshake on the table. “Oh please, I just meet her.”

“Don’t try and denied it, you like her. You were flirting with her just a few seconds ago.”

“Even if I did like her my parent would never approve it, you know how they are especially my mother.”

“Right, I forgot.” Obsidian’s parents was or the old sort, he could only date mares that approved by them and it should be a female earth pony.

Obsidian let out a sighed. “Can we please talk about something ells.”

Pinkie tap her chin. “I got it, are you still good when it comes to destroying big boulders?”

Obsidian raised an eye brown by the question. “Yes, why do you ask?” He was now curious.

“There’s a big boulder on my friends Applejack’s farm and she had no luck in removing it.”

“And let me guess, you want me to destroy it?” Pinkie nodded. Obsidian shrugged his shoulders. “Why not, it’s been a while since I've have destroyed a boulder, let’s do it.”

That made Pinkie smile. “Great, follow me.” She got up and started to bounce towards town. Obsidian stood up, grabbed his bag and followed his cousin.

They eventually arrived at Applejack’s farm, it read Sweet Apple acres on the sign that was the entrance. Obsidian look around and the first thing he saw was apple trees, many of them.

“Wow, that’s a lot of apple trees.”

“Of course, there’s apple trees, their name is Apple.” Obsidian couldn’t argue with that. “Come on.” They walk towards the main house. “Hey Applejack, are you around here.”

It didn’t take long before they got an answer. “I’m here Pinkie, you don’t have to shout.” Said a female voice that was coming from the barn, out came a pony with orange fur, har tail and mane was yellow, she was wearing some sort of working cloths and she had a hat on her head. “Is there something you want?” The new pony then notice Obsidian. “Who is the stallion?” She ask while walking towards them.

“Applejack, meet my cousin Obsidian Twilight from Manhattan, Obsidian this my friend Applejack.”

“Nice to meet you Applejack.”

They shock hands. “You too.” Then they started to test their strength with their handshake, Applejack actually had some trouble standing up, Obsidian was actually strong than her. “Quite the grip you have there.” She told him once they let of, she had to rub her hand.

Obsidian just smile. “Years of living on a rock farm and working in a quarry.”

“I felt it. So, Pinkie. What brings you two here?”

“Well, I know that you had problem with a giant boulder ever since this farm was found and I have your solution.” Pinkie but and arm around Obsidian. “My cousin.”

AJ just gave her a blank look. “Are you telling me that you cousin is capable to remove the boulder in south field? The very same rock that none of us has managed to move?” Pinkie nodded her head. “I don’t believe you.”

“Then you are in for a shock.”

Applejack look over Obsidian who actually look bored, she knew that he was strong considering their hand shake but she didn’t believe that a pony couldn’t move that boulder, not even Sunset managed to move it and she is one of strongest unicorns on town. “Alright, if you think that you cousin can do it then I will give him a chance. Follow me.” All three started to walk towards the south field.

When they arrived there, Obsidian could see a stallion with red fur, yellow mand and tail picking up some rocks. He then saw the boulder and it was big and hug, it was bigger than Obsidian that’s for sure. He walk over to the rock he placed his bag on the ground and started to study it.

Mac watch as a black stallion walk over to the boulder and started to study it, he then look over to his sister for answer. “Mac, this is Pinkie’s cousin Obsidian and apparently he is our solution to when it comes to the boulder, which I still don’t believe.” Mac just nodded.

Pinkie gasp when she heard that Applejack didn’t believe her. “How dare you Applejack? Obsidian knows what he is doing.”

“How can I believe you Pinkie when even you can’t remove it or destroy it and you live on a rock farm and what is your cousin doing?”

They all look at Obsidian who had put his ear against the rock, he then started to move around it while tapping it with knuckles against it. “Have you found it yet?” Pinkie ask him.

“Not yet.” Was his answer.

Applejack just stood there, confused. “Found what?”

“The boulders weak point, silly.” Applejack just look at Pinkie and Obsidian in disbelieve, she didn’t know what to think at the moment.

Obsidian walk around the rock with ears still against the rock while tapping the boulder with his knuckles, he went almost an entire round before he stopped. “Found it.” He took a few steps back and got ready to punch it.

Applejack and Mac just stood there, confused. While Pinkie had smile on her face. “This is going to be good.”

Then Obsidian punched the rock as hard as he could, then nothing happened. “There, that should do it.” He pick up his bag and walk back to Pinkie.

Applejack look at Obsidian, then boulder and the back to Obsidian. “Do what? You didn’t do anything you just punch the…” Then they started to hear something crack.

All four ponies look at the boulder and saw that it started to appeared cracks where Obsidian had punched it, then more cracks started to appear on it and before they knew it, the entire boulder was covert with cracks. Then to Applejack and Mac shock, the entire boulder collapsed on the ground in pieces, then the siblings mouth feel to the ground.

“It’s easy to destroy a boulder when you can find it’s weak spot.” Obsidian said in a calm voice while looking at two shocked ponies. “Now, you can just collect the rock, or in the case, rocks.” He then look at his cousin. “Care to give me a tour of Ponyville.”

Pinkie gave him a smile. “Sure, follow me. See you later Applejack and Mac.” They didn’t answer, they just stood there with their mouth open.

On the other side of town, two pegasus mares was walking through town. One had brown fur with black hair and tail. She was wearing a purple suit, a cray jacket and around her neck she had green scarf, she also had a pair of pink gloves on her hands.

The other pegasus was white from top to bottom, she was wearing a light blue suit, a cray jacket and around her neck a red scarf, she had a pair of pink gloves.

“Are you sure this is the town Miyu?” The white pegasus ask her friend.

“For the last time Fay, yes. This is Ponyville and it’s where Fox’s lives. We also bought a house here remember?” Myiu told her friend with annoyance, Fay just rolled her eyes of her friend behaviour. “You have been asking me ever since we landed here and beside, you were the one who saw Falco at the young flyer competition.”

“No, I thought I saw a pony that look like him, not that I saw him.” Fay told her.

Myiu tried to argue with her but nothing came to mind. “You have pointe there, let’s just try and find Fox, just how difficult is to find a 6 feet fox in this town?” She said while throwing her arms up in frustration.

“Maybe we should ask someone, like her.” Fay said while pointing at someone.

Myiu look in the direction where Fay was pointing and a mare came out of a house, the mare had cray fur, yellow mane and tail. The mare than bump into her own mailbox as she walk out of her house.

Miyu shrugged her shoulders. “Sure, why not.” Miyu walk over to the cray mare. “Excuse me miss, can you tell me…what the hell is wrong with your eyes.” The mare had turned to look at Myiu and then he saw the mares eyes, one was looking up and the other was looking down. Fay then slap Miyu in the head. “Ow, why did you do that?” She ask her friend while she was rubbing her head.

“You shouldn’t had said what you said about her eyes, you could hurt her feelings.” Fay scolded Miyu.

“It’s not my fault her eyes is like that, they took me by surprised, that’s all.”

“Either way, you should watch what you are saying."

Derpy wasn't listing to Fay and Miyu, she was trying and remember where she had seen them before, they look so familiar to her, then it dawn on her.

“Oh, my Celestia, you are Fay and Miyu, Wonder…” That was all she could say, Miyu but a hand over her mouth.

“Shh, we will sign ever poster you have just don’t tell others who we are, the less ponies know that we are here the better. Got it?” Derpy nodded. “Good, I am going to remove my hand so we can talk.” She removed her hand.

Derpy couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t believe I am talking to ‘you know who’ right know, this is the best day of my life. I’m Derpy and I am a big fan.”

“Hello Derpy, my name is Fay and this grumpy pony is my friend Miyu.” She said while pointing her thumb at Miyu.

“Hey, I am not grumpy.” Miyu didn’t like to be called that.

Derpy couldn’t help but giggle. “Anyway Derpy, we are looking for Fox McCloud and we were wondering if you knew where he was living.” Fay ask her.

“Why are looking for Fox?” Derpy ask them.

“We are old friends.”

Derpy blink a few times. “I didn’t know he had friends before he got here, there’s Falco.”

Fay look over her friend. “Told you I saw a pony that look like Falco.” She said with a goofy grin, Myiu just rolled her eyes.

“Wait, you know Falco to?” Derpy ask them.

“Yes, he is also an old friend.” Fay told her.

Myiu was now getting impatient. “Look Derpy, as much as I like to chat, is it possible you can tell us where Fox is living? We have bought a house here and we like to unpack before it gets dark.”

Derpy look between them. “Sure, just keep going down the street and look for number 64, it isn’t far. He is probably in the back yard with his daughter.”

Fan and Miyu eyes almost pop out of their skulls when they heard that. “Did you just say that Fox has a daughter?” Myiu ask her, Derpy just nodded.

"Yes, he adopt her a few months ago." She told them.

That warmed both of the girls heart, they always knew that Fox had a good heart. They still can't believe that Fox has a daughter. “Thanks, Derpy. Will come back later to sign some autographs later.” That made Derpy smile. She then watch them go. “I can’t believe I got to meet Fay and Myiu from the Wonderbolts before Dash she is going to be so jealous.”

“I’m not sure if I can do this dad.”

Shadow was currently lying on her stomach on the grass in back yard, why? I am trying to teach her to fly but first she need to build up her strength in her wings, she hasn’t used them, and I told her that she need to work on her muscles in her wings before she could start flying.

I bend down. “Listen Shadow. You haven’t used your wings and that means your muscles has become weak, if you try and fly now you will fail. I no it’s not what you want to hear but it’s the truth.”

“You should listen to you dad, he’s right.”

I look in the direction of the voice and I could see two pegasus, one had brown fur, the other one had white fur, they were both female and they look very familiar. Before I could say anything, I heard a gasp coming from Shadow and the she ran inside the house.

“Shadow, where are you going?” I got up and look at the newcomers. “Alright, who are you two and where I have I seen you before? You look familiar.”

“Aw, you don’t recognize us. I’m hurt.” The brown said in a dramatic tone, while the white one just rolled her eyes.

“There’s only one person I know that has that attitude but it’s not possible considering she is dead and it’s my fault.”

“We never blamed you Fox.” Said the white one.

As soon as I heard her voice it all dawn on me but before I could say anything, Shadow came out from our house and ran straight up to them while holding a poster in her arms.

“You are Miyu and Fay from the Wonderbolts, can I have your autograph on this poster?” She ask them both.

Miyu just smiled. “Sure kid, but let’s go inside first.”

Shadow just smiled as she led Myiu inside while Fay walk towards me. “Fox? Are you ok?” Was I? I wasn’t sure, here was two friends I thought was dead but they were alive and well. I did the first thing that came to mind and that give her a hug, she was surprised.

“Oh, I didn’t expect this.”

“Just shut up and return it.” She did. We eventually broke the hug. “How?” Was all I could say.

“Maybe we should talk inside with Myiu, I also have to sign a poster.” I just nodded.

Once inside we saw Miyu and Shadow by the table in the living room, Miyu was signing the poster that was lying on the table while Shadow was grinning like a maniac. I know one should write that about his daughter, but she was grinding like maniac.

Myiu heard us walk in. “Your turn Fay.” She told her while handing her the pen she was using.

“I didn’t actually agree to this, but I’ll do it anyway. Considering it’s Fox’s daughter.” She took the pen and sing the poster.

When she was done, Shadow pick it up and studied the signatures. “This is so cool I have to show this to Dinky and Ruby.” She folded the poster and ran out the main door.

Fay and Miyu watch as she ran out. “She can’t sit still, can’t she.” Said Miyu. Then Fox suddenly gave her a hug which surprised her. “Uh, what did I do deserve this?” She ask me.

“Just shut up and let me do this.” I broke the hug and look at her. “How are you two alive? I thought you were dead.”

“We thought that as first when we woke up in a park in Cloudsdale, that was seven years ago.” Said Fay.

My eye widen when I heard that. “You have been here seven years?” They both nodded. “What have you two been doing this time?” I ask them as I sat down in my chair, they sat down in the couch.

Fay started first. “Well, after we awoken we both thought it was some sort of dream considering we were both pegasus and that we could walk on clothes.”

“Now, that was surprise.” Said Miyu, Fay nodded in agreement. “Then we found out that it wasn’t a dream.”

“Where did you two live? You both were in a different world after all and had no place to live.”

Miyu. “We actually lived on the street for a while until a mare named Dawn Star took us in, she gave us a home until we could find a job. Then we decided to learn everything we could about Equestria.” She laugh a little. “I still think that name sound stupide.”

Fay continued. “Anyway, after we had leaner about this place and learned to fly we decided to join the Wonderbolts, we flew with them for seven years, we became very popular and now we have retired, then we decided to buy a house in Ponyville and here we are.”

I nodded. “I guess that’s the short version, which one of you saw Falco at the young flyer competition?”

Myiu pointed her thumb at Fan. “That would be me, Soarin had eaten to many pies before the competition so I decided to step in for him. It was my last thing for the team. I swear, that idiot care more about pies then his health.” Fan told him.

Then Miyu snorted. “That idiot, knew that those pies would be the end of him.”

Fan look at Miyu with an angry look. “He is not dead yet.”

“Maybe, but it will be his death if he dosen’t stop."

I was going to ask them more but then the door open, I look over my shoulder and saw Shadow walk in with her hanging down. “Hey kid, weren’t you supposed to meet your friends?” Then I saw something missing. “Where’s your poster?” She didn’t have it with her.

She look up at me with tears in her eyes. “Diamond Tiara took it.”

That got my blood to boiled. “What happened?”

“After I left the house, I was stop by her and Silver Spoon, they then saw my poster and took it from me. After they saw that it was signed they said that a filthy bat pony didn’t deserve a poster with Wonderbolts signatures, then they pushed me into the ground and walk away with my poster.” She said between crying. She wasn’t lying, her clothes was dirty.

I got up and gave her a hug. “I’m sorry to hear that Shadow, I am going to get back your poster.”

“But, you know who their father is.”

I broke the hug and look her in the eye. “I am fully aware who he is and right now I don’t care, no one steals from my daughter.”

Then we heard a bang and I saw that Miyu was now standing and she was angry, very angry. “Where does this Diamond Tiara lives?”

Fay got up and place a hand on her friend shoulder. “Miyu, calm down.”

Miyu swapped away the hand. “I am not going to calm down Fay, that poster was for Shadow and I am not going to let some bully steal it. Fox, either show me where this Diamond Tiara lives, or do I have to knock on every door in this town?”

I had better do as she said, there’s no stopping Myui when she is angry and set her mind to something. “I will show you.”

I showed Miyu and Fay where Diamond Tiara lived, their house were a little fancier than the rest of houses in Ponyville but that because Diamond Tiara’s father, Filthy Rich was very rich. I had told Miyu that, but she didn’t listen considering she went straight to the door and knock so hard that she almost knock down the door.

It didn’t take long before the door opened and Filthy step out. “Who in Celestia’s name…” That was all he could say.

Miyu grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him against the wall. “Where is that daughter of yours?” She ask him with venom in her voice. It didn’t face Filthy, was as calm as ever.

“Do you know who I am?” He ask Miyu.

“No and I don’t care but something tells me that you know who I am.”

Filthy nodded. “Yes, you are Miyu a former Wonderbolt.”

“That’s right and your daughter stole a poster from Shadow that me and Fay a signed and I would like it back.”

Filthy raised an eye brown. “Is that so.” He look over to the rest of us, he wasn’t happy to see me, long story. “Is this true Fox?”

I was a little surprised that he ask me. “Apparently your daughter and Silver Spoon took my daughter’s poster, they called her a filthy bat pony then they push her into the ground.”

Filthy was as calm as ever. “I see, do you have any proof that this happened?” I am not surprised that he said that, but it pushed Myui over the edge, she was about to punch him.

“What’s going on her.” We all look over to the new voice, it was Abyssal Shield.

Filthy smiled when he saw him. “Abyssal, I am really happy to see you. I would like to arrest this mare for assaulting me.”

“If there’s anyone who should be arrest it’s your daughter for theft.” Miyu said with anger in her voice.

Abyssal walk over to Miyu. “I don’t know who you are, but you can’t go around threating ponies.”

She didn’t look at him. “I don’t really care all I want is the poster that his daughter stool from Fox’s daughter.

Abyssal look at Filthy. “Is this true Filthy?”

“I don’t know, I never got the chance to find out thanks to this mare.”

I grabbed Miyu and pried her of him. “Can you calm down Miyu, You aren’t making this easy.” She was breathing heavily when I got her to let go of Filthy.

Then Abyssal spoke. “Alright, can someone tell me what this is about and maybe we can come to a peaceful solution.” I decided to tell him what Shadow told me. “I see, does Fox tell the truth Filthy?”

He straighten out his jacket. “There’s no way that my daughter would steal something from anyone, and I will prove it, Diamond Tiara.”

It didn’t take long before she showed up and she wasn’t happy to see us, especially me. “Daddy, what are they doing her?” She asked him while pointing at us, I really don’t like her.

“Fox here said that you have stollen a poster from his daughter, is this true.”

I could see that it surprised her a little, but she recover quickly. “I have no idea what they are talking about.” She told us while pointing her nose up in the air.

“Why you little…” Miyu went on the offence again, me and Fay had to hold her back and it was not east, she as very strong. Diamond Tiara back away in fear.

Then Abyssal stood between them. “Can everyone calm down I really don’t want to arrest anyone.” He look over to Filthy. “Is it ok for you that I search through your daughter room? Too see if she stole the poster or not.”

Filthy thought for a second. “Go ahead, I am certain that my daughter is telling the truth.” Diamond was about to argue but Filthy gave her a look at made her shut up. “It’s up the stairs and the second door to your right.” Abyssal nodded and went in.

“Who is that unicorn?” Fay ask me.

“His name is Abyssal Shield and he is this town’s guard.” She nodded in understanding.

While we were talking, Diamond Tiara was complaining to her dad. “Daddy, you can’t be serious? You actually believe them?” She said while pointing at us.

“A pony would not threaten me like that and make falls accuses, if you really didn’t steal Shadow’s poster as you said, then you have nothing to worried about.”

It didn’t take long before he came back out with a poster in his hand. “Tell me Filthy, have you ever bought you daughter a Wonderbolt poster?” Filthy shook his head. “Then your daughter is a thief.” Abyssal folded out the poster and it was the same as Shadow but there was one different, she had used black marker over the signature. Abyssal used his magic on the poster. “The writing says; To Shadow, aim high and your dreams will come true, the signature is from Miyu and Fay.”

We all look over to Diamond Tiara who was now very nervous. “You little brat.” Myui went to attack her again, me and Fay had to hold her back again.

Filthy closed his eyes and started to rub his forehead. “Why Diamond? Why did you steal Shadow’s Wonderbolt poster?” She didn’t answer. “Answer me.” He said with some more force in his voice.

“I took it because she doesn’t deserves it, she is nothing but a filthy bat pony.”

It took ever will power in my body not to attack that little piss of shit, if you think that Sunset is dangerous when she is angry, then you haven’t seen me angry, very angry.

Filthy let out a disappointing sigh. “I am very disappointed in you young lady, I thought that me and your mother had raised you better than this, I guess I was wrong.” He opened his eyes and look her straight in hers, which made cover in fear. “You are ground for a month, that’s mean you have to come straight home from school. You are not allowed to speak with Silver Spoon.”

“But daddy.”

“And if I find out that you have been bulling other in the school or on the way home, I will extend your house arrest a week every time you are bulling others. Do I make myself clear?”

Diamond Tiara look down on the ground. “Yes daddy.”

Filthy nodded. “Good, now go to your room and think about you have done today.” We all watch as Diamond Tiara walk back inside, then Filthy look at me. “I promise you Fox that my daughter won’t bother Shadow anymore.”

I didn’t believe him. “You words don’t mean jackshit to me Filthy, but they are I have right now, so I take it.”

He nodded and then look at Abyssal. “Thank you for resolving this without any violence.”

“Sure, it’s my job after all.” Filthy said nothing after that, he just walk in and closed the door.

We then stop the in silence, until Miyu said something. “What a jackass.” She had point.

“He’s rich, that’s why is like that and his daughter.”

“It’s no excuse to act like that.” Said Miyu, she then took a couple of breaths. “Fay.” She look at her friend. “Do you think you can move some out stuff into our house by yourself for a while.”

“Sure, where are you going to do?”

“I am going to visit someone.” Before we could ask her she spread her wings and took off.

“I really hope she isn’t going to do something stupid.” I said while watching her fly off.

“Don’t worry, I think I know where she is going.” Fay said with a smile.

Then Abyssal spoke. “Well, this have been fun but have to get back to my job.” He handed me the poster. “I don’t know if Shadow will have this back, but I think you should have it.”

I took the poster. “Thanks for getting it back Abyssal.”

He smiled. “No problem, are we still up for poker this weekend?” I just nodded. “Great, I’ll see you, Ace and Mac then.” He then walk off.

“Well, I better head to out new house and start unpacking.” Said Fay.

“I can come by and help you if you want.”

That made her happy. “That would be great, it’s not far from the library, you can probably see thanks to all the boxes that’s outside.”

“I’ll be there after I have deliver the poster to Shadow and told her what happened.”

Fay smiled and walk off to her house. I couldn’t help but smile too, it was good that Fay and Miyu is here. Falco is probably not like it, he and Miyu never got along. I decided to head home.

On the other side of town, by the train station was Pinkie and her cousin Obsidian Twilight. Pinkie wasn’t very happy at the moment considering that Obsidian had to go home.

“Do you really have to go?” Pinkie ask her cousin.

“Unfortunately, yes. You know how my parents will react if I am not home today.”

Pinkies ears dropped. “I understand.” She then gave him a hug. “I am going to miss you.”

He return the hug. “And I am going to miss you to Pinkie.” They broke the hug and he look into her eyes. “I promise that I will return, you have some interesting friends to bad I couldn’t meet them all and that coltfriend of yours, you better take good care of him.”

That made her blush. “I will. I am sorry you couldn’t meet Fox, he said he was busy, and he would not be disturbed while training his daughter, which I would honour.”

Obsidian was surprised when he heard that, he never thought that Pinkie would do that. “Wow, I never thought I would hear you say that Pinkie. I can see that you have grown since the last time I saw you.” That made Pinkie blush again. Then they hear the whistle to the train. “I guess that’s my cue, it was nice seeing you again Pinkie.” He walk on to the train, when he sat down he waved to Pinkie as the train left the station and she waved back.

Pinkie watch as the train diapered into the horizon. “I’m going to miss him.” She the turned towards the town. “Well, time to invite the two new ponies to a party.” She then bounce towards the town.

Author's Note:

If you all are wondering why it took so long, I have been busy with other stuff.

Now, let's get down to business.

Apparently there are some who are confused about who are dating who, here is the answer.
Fox is dating Fleur
Mac and Sunset
Pinkie and Arctic Ace
Falco and Octavia

If you guys are wondering who Miyu and Fay is, they are character from a game called Star Fox 2. That game was supposed to come out in 1995 but then the SNES died and the game never came out, you could play it online. Now, you can play the game on the Super Nes Classic Edition or Nintendo Switch Online.

Also, Fay and Miyu is the last Star Fox character in the story, no more.

One last thing, this was supposed to the Cutie Mark Chronicles chapter but that will come later, when the main 6 memory is back to normal.

Obsidian Twilight belongs to ScarletRhine
Abyssal Shield belongs to Shadow Hero