• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 3,854 Views, 166 Comments

Team Harmony - Norwegian boy

What would happened if there had been more then 6 elements of harmony?

  • ...

A New Day

I was awakened by a rooster, a freaking rooster. If I had had my blaser I had shot the rooster. I could barely open and an eye se the clock that stood on the nightstand, 06.15 am. It is too early for my liking, I just laid back in bed and ut the pillow over my head. But it did not last long because suddenly someone opened the door.

"Rise and shine Fox."

"It is too early Applejack."

"That's what happens when you are on a farm you're up early."

"Okay I am up."

I could barely get up in a sitting position in the bed. Yep, I 'm still in the same room that I slept in last night and thought it was a dream.

"Is there a reason that you are waking me so early?"

"Thought you might want some breakfast."

"Breakfast sounds good, where is the bathroom? I need a shower."

"The bathroom is the next room on your right."


After that she went out of the room. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at my legs, no change. I put on my pants and boot and went into the bathroom. After a quick shower, I went back to the guest room and took on the rest of my clothes. I hope it is a tailor in town because if I can not get back to Cornelia, then it is wise and get more clothes.

When I came down on the first floor Granny Smith was in the kitchen while the rest were in the living room. AppleBloom was the first to notice me.

"Hallo Mr. Fox, did you sleep well?"

"I sleep well until I was awakende by a rooster and your sister, and stop whit that Mr. nonsense I 'm not that old."

"How old are you?" That did not Applejack like.


"It's okay , I'm 35."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door Applejack went to see who this was. "Who could this be so early." I did not follow what happened after that, I just stood there in my own thoughts it was until I felt someone who was breathing down my neck. I turned cautious around and what I saw was a pair of blue eyes and pink.

"HI. That made me lose my balance and I fell on my ass.

"Hello my name is Pinkie Pie what are you are you a fox who can talk you must be new here because I know everypony if you are new so that means that you have not had thrown you a party yet."

And with that it was gone. I think my brain turned off because I did not know what to think about what I saw. I sat there until someone poked me on the shoulder.

"You okay there partner?"

"Applejack who or what was that?"

"That was Pinkie Pie this town party pony, so you have to expect a party tonight."


"Because you are new here in Ponyville."

"So let me see if I got this right, she is going to throw me a party because I'm new here? That does not make sense."

"Well thats Pinkie, sometimes she needs no reason to throw a party."

I do not think anymore right now becasue breakfast was ready, during breakfast I asked AJ if she could show me where we met yesterday and she would. After breakfast, we went out in orchard I still don't understand how she knows where to go. It took no more then 10 minutes to get to the tree where we met.

"Here is where I tried and kill you, again sorry."

"Just forget it." Then I noticed the forest. "I suppose that is the Everefree Forest." She look at the forest.

"Yep, but we never go into it because it is too dangerous."

That last part I did not hear because I started and go into the forest.

"What the hay are you doing? I just said that it is too dangerous to enter."

"I heard you but I woke up somewhere in the woods and I will find out why."

"You're crazy but so am I'm, because I'm coming with you."

And with that we went into Everefree. It took about 30 minuutes before we came to where I woke up.

"I do not understand why you are so afraid of this place."

"There live many dangerous animals here Timberwolf, manticore and many more." Timberwolf?

"Serious Timberwolf? You're not going say that they are made of wood."

She just looked at me, seriously they are made of wood. This world is getting weirder and weirder. Finally we came to the opening where I woke up.

"What do you expect to find here?"

"I do not know but there has to be something here that explains how I got here, let's look around."

And so we did. To be honest I did not know if we could find anything but I saw something lying in the grass, no it can't be. It's was my blaster. I picked it up, checked if the crystal had power and it worked.

"I found something Fox."

I turned to AJ stood and I could not believe what she had in her hand it was my father's sunglasses.

"Are these your?"

"They belonged to my father."

She gave them to me, I just looked at them I could not believe what they were here.

"Where is your father now?"


"Sorry to hear that."

"Well it's in the past now, let's get back to the farm I can't come too late for my own party."

I put the glasses in my jacket pocket and began to walk out of the woods. When we were out we went towards the house.

"What have you got in your hand?"

"Well since you ask. This is a blaster and it is a weapon."

"A weapon? Why do you need that?"

"I came from a world that is violent, so I need something to protect me. And if the Everefree is as dangerous as you say, then it's good to have it. But do not worry I will not use it on the farm."

We had a lot of time to party so I helped around the farm, thanks to my legs I had no problem bringing down the apples from the tree. Applejack was very surprised. During lunch they said I could stay here as long as I wanted, as long as I help them on the farm. I said yes to the offer.

After lunch we sat on the terrace's and just talked about things. The clock began approaching 17:00. That meant the party would start soon, I went up to the room I use and put my blaster under my pillow.

When I and Applejack arrive at Ponyville was it like to arrive at a ghost town. Nobody was out. They was either afraid of me or everyone was at the party. When we arrived at the building where the party was, I did not know if I could eat it or not.

"Sugarcube Corner. AJ Is it a building or a cupcake?"

"Do not ask me why they made it that way."

When we entered was it very dark.


Suddenly, it was very bright and the first thing I saw was the pony from earlier today.

"I knew you would come becasue evertpony comes....."

I stopped and listen to her because I got a look around the room and what I saw was ponies who was afraid of me.

"I'm leaving."

I did not get far because the pink pony was suddenly in front of me.

"Wait, you can not leave the party just started."

"Listen, Pinkie was it?"

"That's me."

She just smiled. What's wrong with this pony.

"I want you to take a good look around the room and tell me if you se something wrong here." She look around the toom.

"I see nothing wrong here."

I slap a hand over my face. Is she lacking a brained.

"You know what I see?" She just shook her head. "I see ponies who are afraid me, you did not tell them what I was."

"I told them that it was a new pony in town."

"But I not a pony and thanks to that you gave them wrong information."

And with that I walked toward the door, I stopped just before I opened it and turned to the all that was in the room.

"I know you all are afraide of me but I'm not dangerous. Do not judge a book by its cover."

With that I walked out of building and walked toward the farm. When I was at the farm I was not in the mood to talk to anyone so I took a walk around the farm. I found hill and the view was spectacular.

"I see you found my favorite place."

I turned your voice came from it was AJ.

"I usually come here when I need to relax."

We just stood there and watched the sun.

"What happened after I walk out of the party?"

"Not much Pinkie was upset that you left, I think a lot of thought about what you said."

"I will talk to her tomorrow, just hope that they're not afraid of me then."

We stood there for a while more then we went down to the farm to eat. Let's hope it gets easier to stay here.