• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 9,408 Views, 486 Comments

The 7th Element. Season 1: The Magi-Tech Pony - Rojack79

Follow Gadget, a changeling who is actually a human, as he sets out on a quest to live his new life in Equestria to it's fullest.

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Chapter 12: Darkest Just Before The Dawn.

6:40 A.M. Everfree Forest, Castle of The Royal Pony Sister's.

"Warning! Power Level at 50%" The Suits voice chimed into Gadget's ears. Oh Great. Blocking all of that debris must have taken a toll on the battery Gadget managed to dodge another barrage of magic projectiles Nightmare had aimed at him. Despite him having the edge in technology he knew he couldn't keep this up forever. Thankfully it looked like Nightmare was tired out as well. Gerrrr!! How is this simpleton able to keep up with me! I am Nightmare Moon, Lunar Fury incarnate! She dodged a bolt of magic from Gadget and deflected another into a wall. I will not be beaten by a peasant in fancy armor! Nightmare's aura flashed into existence once more.

"Well my little knight it has been fun playing games with you but this is were our fight ends!" Nightmare used her magic to conjure up a storm overhead. With the amount of power she had at her disposal the storm grew so large it soon filled the hallway with wind and lightning. It did not stop there however. Soon it drifted outside into the open air were its form began to change. Gadget looked on in horror as the storm became a raging tornado, one full of lighting and thunder.

"That's not fare." Gadget wined out loud. He nimbly dodged a bolt of lightning but soon more of them came raining down. He was using his jet pack to boost his jumping and maneuvering ability's to there absolute limit, swerving, somersaulting, and sliding around the battlefield doing whatever he could to escape the deadly bolt's of light.

"HAhahaha!!!! Yes my knight fight! Fight with everything you have left! It will make victory all the sweater when i finally kill you!" Nightmare screamed as she directed the storms fury upon her foe. Gadget however was running out of options, time, and energy, both magical and electrical. I.. have... to find... a way.. to end ..this. He looked around his surrounding's. There wasn't much he could use. The hallway was almost completely non-existent now. But his mind always had a trick up its sleeve. He spotted an opening in the roof. There's my chance. He revved his engine and gunned it for the sky's.

"And just were do you think your going!?" Nightmare shot into the air after him. Gadget looked around for any signs of the girl's. He spotted some light coming from a nearby window and he dived for it.

"Not so fast my knight!" Gadget looked back to see Nightmare hot on his tail. CRAP!! Girls you better have those ancient relics activated!!! Gadget put all of his remaining power into the engine's and he rocketed off to the light. Nightmare had had enough play time. Using the full extent of her magical powers she focused her storm from a tornado and turned it into a single bolt of lightning.

She roared in triumph as the bolt hit home. Gadget screamed as he was struck with the full fury of the bolt. His engine was overloaded and blew up sending him hurdling through the window and smashing him into a pillar. Really of all the things to hit. His suits circuits were fried beyond repair. The only part of the suit intact was his helmet. He got to his feet and with a hit to the emergency release the suit was discarded. He felt like crap. He was covered in bruises, and blood. He reached of sweat. I need to take a shower.

Nightmare moon sailed gracefully through the window to see gadget still standing if barely. They both stopped however when they heard somepony speaking. They both knew who it was. Gadget turned to the source of the voice's. They were coming from behind a thick door. The throne room. Sluggishly he made his way over to block the entrance.

"And so my knight it ends."

"Ya i guess it does."

"Any last word's?"

"No. Not word's." Gadget looked to the door leading to the other's. Then back to Nightmare moon.

"Just one last ditch effort to stop you." He smiled. Surprisingly Nightmare did as well. This one wasn't evil, malicious or vile. It was a genuine heart felt smile of compassion. It made him pause for a second. But then his steel face came back.

"By all means. Give it your best shot." Nightmare stood there ready to met him head on.

And so Gadget used the last bit of magical energy he had to charge up his horn once more. Then he broke out into a gallop. Nightmare was puzzled at this, but stood her ground. Gadget let out a fierce cry as he sprinted towards Nightmare Moon determined to stop her before she could hurt his friends. He was only a few meters from Nightmare now. Then he let his spell go to work. He lowered his head as if to charge her.

"Huhuhu you must be joking?" Nightmare stood her ground looking at the pony as if he had lost his mind. For all she knew he had. Then Gadget's spell flared to life. His horn was engulfed with all of the magic he had left. He then shaped this magic into a spear using the force of his charge to add to the damage it could do. That part would not have worried Nightmare had she thrown up a shield. But his magical lance was to long and to close for her to counter. Gadget's blazing lance of magic struck home hitting the Alicorn right in the chest. Instead of piercing her flesh however the attack passed though her very being. Nightmare was confused. What was the attack supposed to do?

Gadget ran headlong into Nightmare and when his head connected with her body she was thrown back violently smashing onto the hard marble stone.

"Now...it...is...over." Gadget slumped down onto the floor exhausted beyond all measure. His gaze never left Nightmare. She was still for a second and then she began to stir once more. She got her feet which were shaking uncontrollably. Her face was twisted into a wide range of emotions from fear, to pain, to anger, and even confusion.

"W---What have you done to me?" She asked her high and mighty voice gone. Gadget chuckled feebly.

"As i battled you i sensed your emotional state." He sucked in a lungful of air and continued. "When i did so i brushed up against two very distinct emotional body's within you." He got up to his hooves. "And so that attack that i did just now gave the good side of you all of the love i had left infused with my magic." He chuckled and then fell to the floor to week to hold himself up any more.

Nightmare screamed in anger. She then tried to use her magic on Gadget but found that she couldn't. Something was holding her back. She searched her mind and found to her horror that Princess Luna was regaining control. No! This cannot be! How could i outwitted by fool! She snarled at Gadget, her hatred building by the second. From her hatred she drew strength.

Soon she had enough magic left to ensure he would not make out of this castle alive. But there was still the problem with her other half. Reluctantly she made the choice to take this chance to kill her foe her and now. Wrenching up the last bits of anger she had she used her telekinesis on Gadget's now defenseless and frail body. She picked him up and brought him forcefully down to the ground. He let out a scream of pain as his body impacted the hard cold surface. She then repeated this several time's each one causing Gadget to moan in pain. Then she spotted some pillar's. Those will do nicely. She took aim and ruthlessly shot Gadget at the nearest pillar. There was a sickening SNAP and Gadget fell to the ground writhing in agony.

Nightmare walked over to the fallen stallion and looked him in the eye's as he wheezed for breath. "You have fought and lost oh noble knight. Now you die" Nightmare's horn illuminated as she charged up a powerful spell to kill Gadget. "Fer thy well oh knight" Nightmare began to laugh. But then SMASH!!! Nightmare was blindsided by a powerful hit to her head. The attack sent her sailing through the air before she once again found herself antiquated with the cold stone floor. Her body was at it's limit now. She couldn't take much more of this. She looked up to see that last group of pony's she expected.

"Your rain of terror ends her Nightmare Moon." The Main Six stood there proud as they could with the elements of harmony around there neck's.

6:50 A.M.

"Well you all took your sweat time!" Gadget wheezed out in pain. He looked over to see the girls in all there glory. Well all except for Rainbow Dash who was reeling back to punch Nightmare Moon again.

"Well we ran into some trouble along the way." Twilight replied. Gadget just laid there trying not to move. He was curtain that his ribs were broken now. As he looked on at the rest of the girls trotted up to Nightmare Moon.

"It's over for you Nightmare Moon." Twilight said.

"Hahahaha and just who are you to stop me?" She said pulling herself up to her hooves. She was visibly shaking now. Gadget judged that she did not much energy left. Good. Hopefully those element's can end this.

"Were the bearers of the element's of harmony." Rainbow said smugly. She decided to not hit Nightmare again and joined her friends who were advancing towards Gadget.

"Girls i'm not in the best of shape. Just take care of Nightmare and come get me later." Twilight stopped in her track's.

"But-" "No but's. alright i'll be fine just hurry up and take care of Nightmare." Twilight looked to Nightmare. She really did not look good. She was wobbling and her eye's were becoming unfocused. Honestly she looked like she was about to pass out from fatigue at any moment.

"All right." Twilight said as she and the girls readied there element's.

"OK girls lets do this!" The group all nodded in approval. Gadget meanwhile was trying not think about his impending death. He had lied when he said he was not in the best of shape. In truth he couldn't feel his leg's and his lungs were punctured. He would drown in his own blood before the girls could get him back to ponyville. But hey he gave them the chance he needed to defeat Nightmare Moon. That was worth dying for. As his life's flashed before his eye's he was reminded of his parent's. He hoped that they would be proud of him. He remembered the last thing they gave him. The amulet.

It was still around his neck. He reached for it with a heavy hoof and brought it up to his face, one last time. He read the inscription on the back again and his heart swelled with the love they felt for him. Yes this is ok. He could die in peace. He began to cry, out of hope, fear, love, and happiness. He was barely conscious now but he was able to see the light of the elements as they charged up there power to defeat Nightmare Moon. Then he felt a worm feeling in his chest. He new what it was. His love for them, for rainbow, for his parent's and his town. He would miss them and they in turn would miss him.

"I really wish i didn't have to go." He mumbled to himself. He cried. With the elements all charged up they released there magic upon Nightmare Moon. As the literal rainbow of power washed over her Gadget felt something odd. He felt Nightmare's emotion's. They were a storm of confusion. Everything from sadness to anger and even happiness was mixed up and blended all together. This isn't right. He had no idea were that thought came from but he felt it as well as thought it.

The rainbow swirl almost engulfed Nightmare now. And he felt more raw emotion from her. This time he felt fear and helplessness. This isn't right! Then he felt something else. A new sensation began to flood through him like a river. He opened his eye's. He hadn't even realized he shut them. He tried to look around but found himself blinded by a light directly in front of his face. As he shielded his eyes from the light he saw the amulet around his neck was the source of this new disturbance. What in the hey is going on? He did not have much time to ponder this as his amulet suddenly fired off a beam of white light that joined that instead of joining the rainbow of the elements it circumvented them altogether. It made a beeline right for Nightmare Moon. As the white light engulfed her the rainbow wrapped around the now white cocoon Nightmare found herself in.

Then there was only a bright flash of light and everything went dark.

7:00 A.M.

Princess Celestia made it to the old castle in the everfree forest with only one thought in mind. Did they defeat her? She entered the old ruins from the broken ceiling and made her way to the throne room. She could feel the residual magic left over from the elements of harmony and she used that to find the girl's. Well them and Gadget. She walked through the now broken door's of the royal chamber's and her breath was taken away. Laying there before her was her sister, Princess Luna. She wanted so badly to go and envelop her sister in a hug but she heard somepony groaning. She looked around and saw a black unicorn, laying a a pool of his own blood. OH NO!

She ran to his aid and began to scan him with her magic. She saw that he had multiple broken bones and even a punctured lung. He was inch's from death's door, but if she hurried she could heal him. She began to cast the spell and she heard some more moans. She concentrated on her spell first. As her horn lit up she began to weave the magic though out Gadget's body healing any wound she came across. As she heeled his wounds she felt something off about him. She couldn't put her hoof on it but something was not right about this unicorn. His eye's began to open and he was breathing normally again.

"P-p-princess?" He asked. She looked at him with a friendly smile. He gave it right back and slumped down resting his body while his mind processed his situation. He was not dead. he came very very close to death. But he was alive. All thanks to the Princess. His eye's shot open and he leaped up stifling a scream of pain.

His sudden action startled the princess out of her spell. Gadget felt very weak but he had other issue's to attend to. Namely to see if his friends were OK. He scanned the room for them and saw them all in a heap. They were awakening from there slumber. He breathed a sigh of relief and slumped down the the floor. His coat felt sticky and when he felt what is was with a hoof he knew he would have to go and take a nice hot shower.

"Great blood. That'll take awhile to get out of my coat. Thank's a lot Nightmare." He spoke.

"Don't...thank...me...just...yet!" Gadget spun around looking for the voice that most defiantly belonged to Nightmare. But all he saw was a pony that looked liked it had her color scheme but it was shorter than he. He looked at the pony and just could not fathom what he was looking at. WHAT THE HAY IS GOING ON HERE? His thought's were interrupted by the sound of a lot of hooves moving all at once and very fast.

He was soon joined in his study of the strange pony by all of the other pony's present including Princess Luna, who looked like she had seen better day's.

"What is she still doing here!?" Twilight exclaimed. The whole group was wandering the same thing. How was Nightmare moon still alive.

"I just don't get it?" Celestia said.

"She should have been destroyed when the element's hit her." All of the pony's present were lost, all except three.

"Uh Princess." Gadget said raising his hoof in the air. "Yes little one?"

"I think i might know what happened."

"Please do tell."

"Well as i was passing out from blood loss--"

"What!?" The girls all screamed at once. They gave Gadget a look of both worry and anger.

"I'll get to that later but right now." He said pointing a hoof at Nightmare who growled at him. He retracted hoof instantly.

"Any way the last thing i remember seeing was a white light." He snickered at this.

"I-i-i'm sorry. I know its poor take to joke about death but i can't help it." He said chuckling. After he calmed down he continued his explanation.

"Well that light came from this." He said pointing to the amulet around his neck. The girls were stunned. Twilight was the first to speak.

"B-b-b-but i thought there were only six? The book only said that there were six elements of harmony?" She pointed to Gadget's amulet. He cradled it in his hooves like she was about to steal it from his neck and stomp on it.

"How it this possible?"

"My little pony's this is all something for another time." Princess Celestia addressed the group.

"For now we should figure out what to do with Nightmare Moon." She said directing her gaze to the little dark blue pony who was scowling at all of them.

"You will do nothing with me!" She barked.

"You are in no position to threaten anyone Nightmare!" Celestia shouted. The little tyrant shrank back visibly shaking from the loud voice. A thought then came to Celestia.

"You will accompany my sister and I back to canterlot were you will be judged according to your crime's." Celestia's stern look silenced any opposition Nightmare had. She stood there looking like some pony had slapped her.

"Now my little pony's shall we get back to ponyville?" Celestia asked the group. They all nodded.

When all was said and done the group had went home for a much needed rest. Gadget went home to his clock tower. Pinky went back to her bakery. Rarity went back to her boutique. Apple Jack went back to her farm. Rainbow went back to her Cloud Home. And Nightmare went back to Canterlot With the Royal Pony Sister's.

Author's Note:

Well guys this will be the last part for this Saga. The next few Chapter's will deal with the aftermath of these event's and the events of the show. Tell me how you like it. If my skills are slipping let me know.

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