• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 9,407 Views, 486 Comments

The 7th Element. Season 1: The Magi-Tech Pony - Rojack79

Follow Gadget, a changeling who is actually a human, as he sets out on a quest to live his new life in Equestria to it's fullest.

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Prologue: End of The Road.

October 9, 2015, Earth.

Axle drove down the lonely desert highway with only one thought on his mind.

Home. I can't wait to get home to mom and pop's.

Axle continued on his drive down Interstate 19 toward Tucson, his radio was the only companion he had. Turns out blasting 102.1 Kfma was a good way to stay awake on long treks like this. Right now he was running on several hours of sleep and a few gallon's of coffee. His eye's were still glued sharply to the road as he starred ahead.

2:00 p.m. and this highway is like the mall on a sunday. Not a soul in sight.

He looked into his rear view mirror and saw only darkness. A sudden flash brought his eye's back to the road in front of him. He didn't see anything but he was even more awake now, on the look out for anything on the road ahead.

Can't keep making these nonstop trip's like this. Starting to see..

His thought's were forcefully interrupted by the sound of his tire's grinding to a screeching halt upon the black asphalt. Good thing to because not 10 feet in front of him was a deer. His heart threatening to burst out of his chest like an alien as he took in deep breath's to calm himself down. As he was coming down from his adrenaline rush he saw why the deer was in the middle of the road. A small fawn came scampering after it's mom.

"Damn that was way to close." Axle rested his head on his steering wheel, his heart getting back to normal. He simply sat there his feet on both the brake and clutch. He put the little Subaru Baja in park in order to give his twitching leg's a rest from his adrenaline high. His rest was short lived tho because his car suddenly gave a soft sputter before it went dead.

"The hell?" He tried to start the ignition but all he got was the sound of silence. He tried starting his car but got nothing. Fed up with his new situation he undid his seat belt, got out of his car flash light in hand, and popped the hood. He looked at the gut's of his vehicle. Nothing appeared out of place. He checked his oil.

"Full." He checked his battery. He got a zap of approval from his battery telling him that it was still working. He sucked on his finger and pondered his dilemma.

OK so everything appears to be in working order but the car won't start? What kind of crazy shit is this?

He double checked his car's engine and everything checked out. He closed his hood and was about to get back into his car when his flashlight began to go berserk.

"OK now what?" He hit the demented strobe light with his palm a few time's before it to went dead.

"Well that's just--" His speech was cut off as he began to see something that frightened him to no end. His car or more precisely the road underneath his car was glowing an ominous green color.

What the fu---!?

His uncouth language was cut short as he jumped back a few feet as the color suddenly flared up. He then starred in utter horror as his car was set ablaze in a flash of light.

THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE??!!! His brain shouted in anger. He didn't have much time to ponder any answer's to his own question's. As suddenly as it come the dull green light was gone.

"What the fuck just happened?" He starred at the flaming wreckage that was once his car, now a twisted metal inferno tinging the darkened highway a sick green color. His face was the very definition of the word downcast. His normally cheery feature's were cast in sadness at the loss of his most prized possession.

"Oh man. I don't think the insurance agency is going to cover spontaneous vehicle combustion." Numb from grief he sat down, put his head in his hands and sat there thinking of what to do. He sat there for awhile but his brooding was interrupted by the sight his tormentor coming back. His covered with his hand but he saw a faint green light outline his hand's.

He sighed, "What now." He unclasped his head and paled at what was happening literally right underneath his nose. The green light was back except now it was circling him tracing an outline in the very asphalt he was now sitting upon.

Oh great how could this possibly get any worse. His brain shouted, sarcasm oozing through his vein's. Axle got up looked around for a way out of this green ring. He only saw the faint green outline in the ground. Cautiously he inched his foot towards the edge of the circle. He jerked it back as pain surged through his toe's.

"OK what kind of weird ass twilight zone did i get sucked into?" As if to answer his question the circle suddenly flared to life. Green flame's erupted from the ground creating a curtain of fire that Axle would not survive if he tried to jump through them.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He shouted in surprise as the flame's roared all around him.

YOU. The voice snapped Axle out of his fear induced stupor and he quickly spun around hunting for the voice's owner.

"Hello! Is anybody out there?" He shouted trying to project his voice through the flames.

You will be perfect for my plans. The voice continued seemingly oblivious to Axle current situation.

"Wha--p-plans? What the hell are you talking about?!" He shouted back.

Yes you will do just fine.

"Who are you!?" The voice didn't respond. Instead the only answer he got was the circle heating up. Axle looked around frantically searching for a way out of his situation. He was so preoccupied with escaping he didn't notice the circle closing in on him.

"AHHH!" He screamed pulling his hand in close to his body. His eye's lit up in horror as he finally saw what was going to happen.

Oh no! His mind did not want to admit defeat but seeing as there was nothing to be done Axle just broke down. He curled into a little ball and cried as the flames got closer. His childhood flashed before his eye's. His first birthday, His first pet, His first crush. He could feel the heat on his skin now. Then his teen's were next down memory lane. His first bike. His first after 8:P.M. Party. His first ki--.

His memories were swept away with the surge of pain now cursing through his body as the flames now engulfed his form. His scream's of agony filled the night as his flesh began to burn, the water in his body began to boil and his blood began to cauterize in his vein's. Before his eye's burst from the pressure and heat the last thing he saw on this earth was green flame's.

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