• Published 15th Nov 2014
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Son-In-Law of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Daughter of Discord." After living with the Discord family, Mothball thinks he is ready to take the next step with Screwball. Their plans are put on hold when the changelings want Mothball for their king.

  • ...


"I should've guessed!" Trixie shouted as she tried to pinpoint the source of the earthquake. "These places are always guarded by monsters!"

"What kind of monster is it?" Moonbeam asked excitedly.

"Whatever it is," Screwball said, "I'm sure we can take it. I'm good with monsters."

"She really is," Mothball nodded, though he was still nervous.

"Yes!" Mantis yelled. "But this monster was chosen specifically for…"

He was interrupted as something burst out of the ground behind him, sending him and the other soldiers hurdling forward. Everyone gazed up in awe at the giant purple worm with a pink head.

"Whoa!" Moonbeam grinned. "A giant worm!"

The worm looked down at them with its beady black eyes and opened its head to reveal black tendrils coming out of a three-way mouth. Everyone covered their ears as it let out an ear-piercing scream.

"Don't worry, guys," Screwball said as she approached the worm. "I've got this."

"Screwball, no!" Twilight protested. "That's a Tatzlwurm!"

"I don't care what he is. I'm sure he's not that bad."

"How do you know it's a him?" Moonbeam called.

"Intuition." She patted the worm's purple scales. "It's okay, buddy…"

"Screwball!" Twilight shouted again. "Don't get too close!"

High above, the Tatzlwurm sniffed.

"Aw, see?" Screwball said. "He's just cranky 'cuz he has a cold."

"Oh no," Twilight uttered. "Screwy! Get away before he…"

The Tatzlwurm sneezed downwards, covering Screwball in green snot.

"Blech!" she gagged as she tried to wipe the mucus off. "Okay, I admit that was rude, but that doesn't mean…"

She trailed off as her face suddenly became hot and she gripped her stomach as it churned. Mothball gasped as he watched his fiancé turn green, spots appearing all over her body.

"Ugh," she grunted as she started to wobble. "I don't feel so good."

Mothball rushed to her side before she could make contact with the floor.

"You alright?" he asked.

"I feel…sick," Screwball coughed. "But I never get sick!"

"I tried to tell you!" Twilight yelled. "Tatzlwurms carry a virus that is contagious to all magical beings, including chaotic ones!"

"The only creature Chrysalis could find that could incapacitate Discord," Mantis explained. "She especially didn't want him snooping around."

"How'd she even get ahold of a Tatzlwurm, anyway?"

"Well, you know how changelings can manipulate creatures with…"

"Ahem!" Captain Acari coughed. "Shouldn't we concentrate on the beast here?"

As if on cue, the enormous worm screeched in their faces, showing off his tendrils.

"I may be sick," Screwball wheezed, "but I can still…"

She clapped her hooves, but nothing happened.

"It's the sickness!" Twilight exclaimed. "It blocks your magic!"

"Oh, poo," Screwball grunted.

The Tatzlwurm screamed again, demanding to be acknowledged. Mothball levitated Screwball out of the way while Trixie moved in front of Moonbeam.

"Okay," Trixie said. "We've got seven…" She glanced at the sick pony. "Sorry. Six magic users here and one giant worm. It shouldn't be too hard."

They jumped as something else emerged from the ground behind them. They turned around to see another Tatzlwurm.

"There are two?!" Twilight hollered.

"What?!" exclaimed Mantis, who was equally surprised. "That's impossible! The queen said there was only one!"

"Looks like he found a mate," Acari observed.

Suddenly, a third worm sprang up besides Screwball and Mothball, this one half the size of the other two. Mothball quickly rolled his fiancée into the far corner.

"And they got busy!" Lieutenant Bombus marveled.

"We're screwed," Trixie murmured.

"Maybe not," Twilight said as the gears in her head went to work. "If we all work together, we can take them out. General, you and I will take the alpha male, Captain Acari and, uh…" She paused at the lieutenant. "I didn't catch your name."

"Lieutenant Bombus, at your service, your highness!" Bombus saluted.

"Okay. You and Captain Acari will take the female. Mothball will handle the baby, and Trixie, you keep Screwball and Moonbeam out of danger."

Normally, Trixie would've objected to being given the babysitting job, but since the task involved protecting her daughter, she was more than happy to oblige.

"Are we agreed, then?" Twilight asked.

Mantis nodded and shook the alicorn's hoof. "Agreed."

"Alright!" Bombus cheered as he slapped Acari on the back. "Go Team Dynamo!"

The captain growled. "Call us that again and you'll be incinerated along with the worms!"

"Focus, you two!" the general commanded. "Move out! Now!"

Twilight and the changelings flew to their perspective Tatzlwurms while Trixie hurried Moonbeam over to where Screwball was huddled. Twilight shot a beam at the alpha male to press him back into the ground.

"You said Chrysalis was able to manipulate him?" she asked the general.

"With mind control, yes," Mantis said as he dodged the tendrils. "I could cast it on him if he'd stay still long enough!"

"Where's Fluttershy and her Stare when you need her?"

Meanwhile, Acari and Bombus were calculating their attack on the female.

"So what do you think?" the lieutenant asked. "You take it from the left and I'll take it from the…?"

"I've got this," the captain grunted as she charged forward.

"Hey!" Bombus called. "What about the whole 'teamwork' thing?"

Acari zapped the Tatzlwurm, who roared in response. She shot out her tendrils with lightning speed and caught the captain. The worm pulled her in while Acari fought against the black coils.

"Hey, back off, lady!" Bombus shouted.

The captain watched in awe as the incompetent lieutenant shot a series of beams at the Tatzlwurm's tendrils. She cried out in agony and released Acari. Bombus smirked at her.

"You were saying?"

"Um," she murmured. "Thanks."

"Ah, well," the lieutenant said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You know. I have my moments."

"Shut up and help me finish this beast."

"Oh. Right. Gotcha."

In the farthest corner of the castle, Moonbeam and Trixie were tending to Screwball, who was coughing, sneezing, wheezing and shivering. Trixie took off her cape and draped it over the sick pony.

"Thanks," Screwball sniffed. "Though that's oddly out-of-character for you."

"What can I say?" Trixie shrugged. "My compassion's back."

"I like this new you, Mom," Moonbeam said with a smile.

Screwball groaned as she tried to sit up. "I feel so pathetic! I should be helping!"

"You're in no condition to fight," Trixie said as she lay her back down.

"Besides," Moonbeam said, turning to the battle, "it looks like they've got it under control. And check out Uncle Mothy's moves!"

They watched as Mothball fearlessly faced the smaller Tatzlwurm. He was attempting his mind control spell, but the baby kept wriggling its head out of the way. The only decent shots he could get were to the lower half. After a while, the baby dove back into the ground. Moonbeam cheered and clapped her hooves.

Then it reappeared through the wall behind Mothball, knocking him to the other side of the castle.

"Mothy!" Screwball cried as the smaller Tatzlwurm slithered towards him.

Trixie narrowed her eyes in determination. She was just starting to like her younger brother. She wasn't going to let him get eaten by a giant worm.

"Moonbeam, take care of Screwball for a sec," she commanded. "Mummy's gotta help her brother!"

The filly nodded and stood protectively in front of the sick pony. Trixie didn't feel comfortable leaving her daughter practically unprotected, but she had no other choice. The others were too busy with the parents, and Mothball was barely conscious.

She sprouted wings and flew to her brother's side.

"Hey, ugly!" she shouted, shooting at the baby Tatzlwurm's head.

Unfortunately, all that did was provoke the young monster. It opened its mouth and grabbed Trixie by the neck. The unicorn choked as the coils crushed her throat, cutting off her breath.

Moonbeam gasped when she saw that her mother was about to become worm chow. Without thinking, she raced over to the baby Tatzlwurm and started shooting random beams at it.

"You leave my mommy alone!" she cried.

One beam hit the worm square in the eye, catching its attention. It let go of Trixie and turned to the filly. Moonbeam cowered in fear. It lashed out its head and smacked her across the room.

"Moonbeam!" Trixie cried.

The filly landed on the floor with a thud. She lifted her head weakly as the baby Tatzlwurm towered over her. It opened its mouth and was about to bring it down on the filly when Trixie slid between them.

A change had come over the unicorn. Her coat was darkening and her eyes were literally blazing with green fire. She growled, showing her pointed teeth.

"Big mistake."

Moonbeam screeched as her mother spontaneously combusted into a pillar of green flame, which made everyone, even the Tatzlwurms, turn their heads in shock. Mothball had regained consciousness, and his eyes were widening at the spectacle before him.

They watched as Trixie grew in size, until she was at least fifty feet tall. Her blue coat burned away into black scales, her silky tail hardened into flesh, green spikes sprung up her back, her horn transforming to match them; her neck became long and slender, her muzzle stretched into a mighty snout, bones grew along her translucent wings, the pupils of her eyes shrunk into slits, and toes and claws grew from her hooves.

When the fire faded away, in the place of the unicorn was an enormous, black and green dragon. Every pony and changeling gaped in astonishment.

The Tatzlwurms were confused, but shook it off and roared at the large reptile. Trixie the Dragon responded with a roar of fire breath. Twilight and the changeling soldiers quickly flew out of the flame's path.

The fire had singed the Tatzlwurm family, but Trixie was not done. She lashed out her claws and scraped them all across the middle. They cried out in pain, but Trixie ignored them. She flapped her wings and rose into the air. When she came down, the Tatzlwurms found themselves beneath her feet.

"No one," she snarled in a deep voice, "I repeat! No one hurts my daughter! Got that?!"

The Tatzlwurms whimpered like puppies.


She lifted her feet and the giant worms slithered back into their holes.

"And don't come back!" the dragon snorted, smoke coming out of her nostrils.

Green flames engulfed Trixie again, though not as elaborately as before. This time, she took her changeling form. She glanced around at all the flabbergasted faces.

"What's everyone looking at Trixie for?"

"M-Mom?" Moonbeam uttered.

Trixie turned to face her daughter, and frowned to see that she was just as confused as the others.

"Honey? What are you…?"

Then Trixie caught sight of her back and noticed her green shell and wings. She stared down at the rest of her body.

"When…did I…?" she stammered. "What just happened?"

Moonbeam jumped up and exclaimed, "You turned into a mega, fire-breathing dragon! And it was awesome!"

"No kidding!" Bombus cheered. "I've never seen a changeling turn into a full-grown dragon before!"

"That's because no changeling has ever succeeded in doing so," Mantis explained, still in a daze. "And that truly was…remarkable!"

"Eh," Acari shrugged. "It was alright."

"B-but," Trixie stuttered. "I've never done anything like that before! Never! I can barely change into anything outside of a pony!"

Mothball, who had risen from his place, approached his sister with a smile. "Maybe you just needed the right motivation."

Trixie turned to her daughter, who had her hooves wrapped around her foreleg.

"It was incredible!" Moonbeam piped. "You're the coolest mom in the whole wide world!"

"You've certainly grown, your highness," Mantis complimented.

"Well," Trixie chuckled as she brushed her mane to the side. "The Great and Powerful Trixie practices."

"No. You've grown in height."

Trixie glanced down at her long legs and then around her, only now noticing that she was a few inches taller than Twilight.

"It's taken a while," the general said, "but it seems you've reached your full potential." He bowed his head. "You are truly the next ruler of the changelings."

Acari and Bombus bowed too, which made Trixie blush.

A groan from Screwball interrupted the moment. Mothball rushed to her side.

"We have to get her out of here," he said.

"We have to get back to the hive," Mantis argued as he levitated the box containing Chrysalis' heart.

"But Screwy's sick!"

"And so is the queen!"

"We won't be able to make it to either places quick enough," Twilight said. "We're too far away, and my magic can't teleport all of us, and Screwball's too weak."

Screwball lifted her heavy eyelids and called out in a raspy voice, "Dad…help."

Instantly, Discord materialized at her side.

"What happened?! Screwy?! Oh my gosh! You're green!"

"Tatzlwurm," Screwball grumbled.

"Tatzlwurm?!" He glared at Mothball. "Why was she around a Tatzlwurm?!" He turned and finally noticed the group of changelings. "And who are these guys?"

"No time to explain," Twilight said. "First we need to get Screwball taken care of."

"Of course," Discord said as he gently took his daughter in his arms. "Come on, sweetie. We're going home."

He teleported them all to Screwball's room in the Castle of Chaos.

"Fluttershy!" he called as he set Screwball in bed. "Come quick!"

Fluttershy fluttered into the room and gasped. "Screwy! What happened?"

"Tatzlwurm flu."

"Tatzlwurm flu?!"

"Long story," Screwball coughed.

"Oh, you poor thing. I'll get you some…" She paused when she saw the changelings. "I'm sorry. We weren't properly introduced."

"These are soldiers from the hive," Mothball said, gesturing to the three changelings. "And this," he grinned at Trixie, "is my big sister."

"You know me better in this form," she said as she took her pony form.

"Trixie!" Fluttershy exclaimed, rushing to give the unicorn a hug. "It's so great to see you! Screwy told me who you really were." She glanced down at Moonbeam. "Is this your daughter? She's adorable, but…why is she disguised like that?"

"Her dad's Iron Will," Screwball grunted.

The pegasus' eyes widened at Trixie. "The Incredible Iron Will? The minotaur?"

"Hey, don't judge Trixie," the unicorn said, pointing at Discord. "Your taste in mates isn't exactly orthodox either."

"While I'm interested to hear this story as well," said Mantis, "we must get the princess back to the hive at once."

"Discord, can you teleport us there?" Twilight asked.

The draconequus turned to the changeling soldiers. "Only if you let me come too."

Mantis shook his head. "That is out of the…"

"I'm coming." He turned back to his daughter. "You just rest now, sweetie. Daddy will be right back."

Screwball grinned. "Thanks, Daddy. Gee, I guess I might still need you after all."

Discord returned her smile. "I'd kiss you on the forehead, but you know."

"Get better soon," Mothball said, taking his fiancée's hoof.

"I'll take care of her," Fluttershy assured them. "You boys go ahead."

Discord nodded and raised his claw. With a snap of his fingers, he, the changelings and Twilight were transported to the hive, startling several changelings.

A nurse changeling rushed out of the queen's chamber. "General Mantis! Thank the heavens you're back!"

"We have the princess," Mantis declared, "and the queen's heart. How is she?"

The nurse's face grew grim. "She's fading fast. If it wasn't for the heart in there, you would've already been too late."

Author's Note:

Well, it couldn't have been just any monster. Otherwise, Screwy would've taken it out in a jiff. Then I realized one Tatzlwurm wouldn't have been hard enough for six beings with magic.

We're almost at the end. Just a few more chapters, and they are going to require a lot of attention.