• Published 15th Nov 2014
  • 26,693 Views, 1,486 Comments

Son-In-Law of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Daughter of Discord." After living with the Discord family, Mothball thinks he is ready to take the next step with Screwball. Their plans are put on hold when the changelings want Mothball for their king.

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"So is it true that changelings came from a magic bug-eating tree?" Moonbeam asked Mothball as they leaned on the deck rail.

"Nah," Mothball said, waving his hoof. "Mother just tells that story to scare ponies."

"Then where do they come from?"

Screwball laughed and patted her on the head. "You'll find out when you're older, kid."

They'd been flying for a while now with Twilight at the head of the ship. She had cast a spell to bind the brush to the ship so that it could pull it along. It seemed to have the heart's trail, as it didn't point below deck. However, every now and then Twilight had to recalibrate it so it could cover a wider radius. She had a map open in front of her so she could keep track of where they were going.

Moonbeam had been conversing with her uncle and future aunt with great alacrity, asking questions about the hive, how the two of them met and when they were getting married. That last question was met with blushes from both parties.

As they passed over the Drackenridge Mountains, Moonbeam leaned over the rail and gazed down at the landscape in wonder.

"Wow!" she shouted. "I've never seen Equestria from above! What a view!"

"Careful," Mothball warned. "Don't lean too far."

Suddenly, a gust of wind came and blew Moonbeam's cap off her head.

"My hat!" she cried.

She reached out her hooves to grab it but all that did was cause her to fall over the rail. Mothball caught her in time and Screwball used her magic to bring the hat back.

"Don't worry, I got it," she assured the filly.

"What did I tell you?" Mothball said as he brought his niece back on deck. "You should really be more…"

He trailed off when he caught sight of her horn and tilted his head curiously at it. Trixie had said there were some things Moonbeam couldn't hide in pony form, but he had assumed they were changeling parts. This horn was gray and had no holes in it.

"Hey, neat horn!" Screwball complimented.

"Oops!" Moonbeam exclaimed. She grabbed her hat and was about to put it on when she paused. "Wait. You think it's neat?"

"Of course. Very unique."

Twilight, who had overheard Screwball's praises, turned her attention away from her map and went to examine Moonbeam's horn herself.

"How peculiar," she marveled. "I've never seen a unicorn horn, let alone a changeling horn, that was a different color from the rest of the body. Is this a part of your disguise?"

Moonbeam hung her head. "Not really. It's always there."

"But it's perfectly solid and straight! Very unusual for a changeling."

"I think it rocks," Screwball declared.

Moonbeam smiled. "Really? You don't think it's weird?"

"Have you seen my eyes? Besides, what makes you weird also makes you special."

This filled the filly with a great confidence that made up her mind on something she'd been thinking about all day. "Well, if you think this is cool, wait until you see this!"

She sat down and tried to pry off her boots with her magic, but they were stuck again. She looked up at Screwball.

"Can you lend me a hoof?"

The chaotic pony nodded and the boots popped right off. Twilight gasped in amazement.

"Are those hooves…cloven?"

"That's not all! Get a load of this!"

As she began to slide off her pants, her mother was coming up the stairs. Trixie gasped when she saw her daughter stripping down, already more than half out of her disguise.

"Moonbeam, stop!"

Startled, the filly looked up and accidentally tore the pants down the rear. Her tufted tail flicked out for everyone to see. This was the most surprising discovery for the adults, who all gasped. Trixie quickly moved in front of her daughter and tried to block her from view.

"Don't look!" she cried.

"Mom, it's okay," Moonbeam tried to say.

"Look away! There's nothing to see here!"

Trixie was without her cape at the moment and her tail brushed by Moonbeam's nose. The filly sneezed into her changeling form. The horn, hooves and tail remained the same, though the tail's cord had gone black like the rest of her body. Screwball levitated Trixie to the other side of the boat so they could all get a better look.

"What in the world?" Screwball uttered.

"Most curious," Twilight said, rubbing her chin.

"Was her father a cow or something?"

"Technically, he'd be a bull."

"That explains why she smells like bull," Mothball muttered.

"Mothy!" Screwball exclaimed.

"He wasn't a bull," Moonbeam said. "He was…"

"Don't!" Trixie bellowed, tramping over to her.

"Mom, what's the point? They've already seen me."

"Shut up! You've done enough damage as it is!" She used her magic to grab her daughter by the ear. "You're staying in your room for the rest of the trip!"

"But Mom!"

"No 'buts!' You and I are going to have a long talk, young lady!"


Trixie shrieked and dropped her. She glanced around nervously at the other adults. Mothball had his nose scrunched and Screwball had her brow raised.

"A minotaur?" she said with a smirk.

"Well," Twilight shrugged, "that's one I've never heard before."

Trixie blinked. "That…doesn't weird you out?"

"Girl," Screwball said, narrowing her eyes. "I'm half draconequus, I'm getting married to a changeling, my brother's best friend is half dragon, one of my best friends prefers other mares to stallions. Unconventional romances aren't exactly new to us."

"See?" Moonbeam huffed.

Trixie looked at everyone and sighed in defeat. There was no point in hiding now.

"Yes, Moonbeam's father was a minotaur."

Screwball tapped her chin. "By any chance was this minotaur named Iron Will?"

Trixie looked up in shock. "Uh…yes. How'd you know?"

"Just a hunch. He helped my mom become more assertive. He was this big, tough guy, kinda show-offish, always referring to himself in the third-person…" She trailed off in thought. "Yeah, I can sort of see it."

"I told you they'd be okay with it!" Moonbeam exclaimed as she stretched out her hooves. "Now I don't have to wear those stupid pants and boots anymore! I still like that hat though."

"I hear ya," Screwball giggled as the cap floated onto the filly's head.

"Come on, Uncle Mothy! Wanna see my room light up?"

She grabbed his hoof before he could reply. Trixie looked on in bewilderment.

"So," Screwball whispered smugly. "What was it like sleeping with a minotaur?"

The unicorn scowled. "I am not answering that."

"Oh, come on!" Screwball called as Trixie stomped away. "We're future sisses-in-law! We're supposed to share embarrassing stories!"

Mantis continued to pay vigil to Chrysalis as she lay in bed, patiently awaiting the end. She seemed to grow paler by the minute, and her eyes were so clouded, one would think she had gone blind. It wouldn't be long now. Arachne had barely been bedridden for a day before she passed.

"It's quite amazing how long you've lasted," Mantis accidentally said aloud.

Her head snapped towards him. "What?"

He jumped back. "S-sorry, your majesty. It's just that your mother didn't even last a day when she… You must be more resilient."

Chrysalis looked down at herself. "I think I know why."

She gestured for him to lean closer.

"My heart," she whispered. "The nurse changelings said the Royal Illness makes its way to the heart. That's why I'm not gone yet."

The general's eyes widened. "So…if the sickness never reaches your heart…does that mean…you'll live?"

"Maybe. But with no cure, I'll be in a state of endless suffering." She sighed. "That means there's only one thing to do now."

She pulled him closer. "Mantis, go to the vault."

The general's eyes fluttered in shock. "My queen?"

"Go to the vault. Bring back my heart. You're the only one I trust with it."

He stared at her for a long moment and nodded slowly. She released him and he saluted.

"I won't fail you, my queen."

"You can't go alone," she said before he could march away. "Take Acari and Bombus with you."

His jaw dropped. "Bombus?!"

"You know what you need to enter the vault."

"Yes, but Bombus?! Acari, I understand, but Bombus?!"

"Please!" she groaned. "He's been trying to cheer me up all day!"

The door swung open and the topic of their discussion hovered in the doorway with a bowl of green blob in his hooves.

"Look, your majesty!" the lieutenant chirped. "I made you a snot fudge sundae! Using my own mucus!"

Chrysalis gritted her teeth at the general. "Just get him out of here!"

Mantis nodded and flew past Bombus. "Lieutenant, I need you for a special mission."

Bombus dropped the sundae as he saluted. "Sir, yes sir!"

"Acari?" the general called out.

A slim, female changeling in light blue armor buzzed in front of the general.

"Captain Acari, reporting for duty, sir!" she said with a salute.

Mantis grinned in approval. At least I'll have one soldier who's disciplined.

"Come along, you two. We have a long way to travel."

"Can we get a snack on the way?" Bombus asked.

Acari and Mantis rolled their eyes.

"A very long way, it would seem," the captain grumbled.

Author's Note:

This is very short, but the next few chapters are going to be monsters.

If you haven't figured out who this lesbian friend of Screwball's is, I'm surprised you didn't catch it in Chapter Two.