• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


C ag lonsa od ag el...


Journal Entry #1

If you're reading this, HELP ME!

I have no idea how this happened, but I've been transported to a land of pastel colors and little horses. If I didn't know any better, I would have normally assumed this was a psychotic over reaction from a bad mushroom I might have eaten out of desperation. My memory, however, tells me it was my own stupidity and curiosity that brought me here. After Jackie Estacado (my employer and Don of the Franchetti crime family) disappeared, the Brotherhood staged a second raid at his penthouse through a portal that ripped open in the middle of the foyer. Jackie's goon squad was able to hold them off well enough (being a bit more prepared after the first attempt at a raid) and even used that portal to their advantage. To put it short, grenade went in, screams of horror and death came out. The portal remained though, and they requested that I find a way to shut it.

Well, I would have, but I wanted to know how the Brotherhood even managed to do something like this. Honestly, I should have focused more on finding a counter to it, but access to a portal was simply too sexy to pass up, and I've been on blue balls over anything new in the occult since Jackie fished me out from under the bridge. One thing led to another, a bright flash happens, and I end up on a grassy hill in the middle of god forsaken nowhere... with more vibrant colors than a little kids' show. Oh, and, I turned into one of those freaky colored horses. Screaming for three hours straight really did a number on my throat, too. Don't even ask how I was able to figure out how to write. I'll just take it as a sign that the universe doesn't COMPLETELY hate me.

I have decided to dedicate whatever little time I have of surviving this candy coated nightmare to studying any possible way of returning home and becoming human again... and studying any objects, locations, or beings that might pique this occultist's interest. For research purposes only, of course.

Once again, if you are reading this, for the love of god. HELP ME!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 11 )

"The McGuffins to end all McGuffins."
Already in love with this story!

This guy is fucking crazy and paranoid, and that's why I love him.
Please continue this, I love the way he describe all those things.
My favorite was 'Jesus fucking tap-dancing christ', it was genius.

Yo! Whose the bitch nugget who disliked this? I demand a reason or Jackie Estacado might give me the honors of breaking someone's kneecaps.

It makes me rather disappointed that two people have thumbed this down and did not even bother to say why. I don't even care if it's something petty or stupid, TELL ME WHY YOU THUMB IT DOWN! At least then I can have some context behind the rating

Well, he is going better than I expected.

What's this a crossover of?

A cup cake= minny cake so texnicly you sead the cake is a lie

I'm really liking this so far. Keep up the good work! :D

6476173 That's the joke. Thanks for liking it so far.

6609620 Thank you very much. I hope to get back to this story in the near future

Woohoo, Update :D
Please, continue this, pal.

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