• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Final Battle 2 - Koros, Mylon 1

As the trio arrived on Koros, the Bio-bliterator was plainly visible in the sky. "Look, there it is!" Ratchet pointed out.

"But how are we supposed to take it out?" Twilight asked. "The guns I have that could damage it don't have the range..."

"Then we need a bigger gun," Clank suggested, turning towards a massive ion cannon atop a nearby base.

Seeing it, Twilight's eyes lit up. "Can I supercharge it?" she begged.

"Only if the first shot doesn't do it," Ratchet cautioned.

"If you two can get me inside," Clank explained, "I can override its targeting controls and take control of that ion cannon."

"Then let's waste some baddies!" Twilight said eagerly.

As they progressed through the city outside the base, the major new threat was small robots that had hand-held ion cannons. These did quite a bit of damage when the shots hit, and because of how fast they moved and how rapidly they fired, it was hard to lock onto them. Twilight settled this by launching barrages of magic fireballs and throwing things at them with her telekinesis. It was still a difficult fight, though, as she couldn't duck out from cover to aim.

"Third person cover-based shooters have lied to me," she grumbled when she had to duck back behind cover before she could get a shot off for the fifth time.

Ratchet took a quick scan of the next one they faced. "They don't have much health," he pointed out. "Still got the Rynocerator?"

"Afraid not," Twilight called out. "I cannibalized it to make the RYNO IV."

"Damn," Ratchet replied. "It would actually come in handy here."

"Perhaps a Heavy Bouncer fired at a high angle?" Clank suggested. "The Mini-bouncers released automatically home in on targets."

Twilight grinned as she hefted the weapon. "Good idea!" she said, pulling the trigger.

As the plan worked flawlessly, the trio was able to move onward. Other high explosive weapons - such as the Nitro Eruptor - worked just as well, as the explosive could be lobbed to take out large groups. It seemed the best way to deal with the smaller bots was to use area of effect or auto-targeting weapons...or use the Infecto-Bomb to infect one of the giant mechas that backed them up.

The occasional heavily armored soldier also held them up somewhat, as they took several hits from even the heaviest of weapons. Twilight began using the strategy of flying ahead to infect the heavy mechs to clear the path for them. When they reached the entrance to the base, they began encountering heavily armed carrier ships. The first time Twilight saw one of those, she grinned widely. "Draw its fire!" she yelled out, spreading her wings.

Curious, Ratchet did as he was instructed. "Yo, bug ugly!" he shouted, waving his hands at the carrier.

Once its attention was fully on Ratchet, Twilight flew up to the side, used her Splitter Rifle to shoot the pilot through the window on the door, dove in through the broken glass, and used her Pilot's Helmet to seize control of the ship. "Now this is combat firepower!" she shouted as she began blasting the enemies.

Unfortunately, robotic opponents both on the carrier and off it locked on as soon as she started firing on them, which meant she didn't keep control for long before she had to dive out after setting it on course to blow up a large portion of the enemy force. "Well...that was fun while it lasted," she admitted sadly.

"That was awesome!" Ratchet praised, making her blush in pleasure.

Eventually, the trio was able to fight their way through to the control center for the Ion Turret. Once there, Clank took the controls.

Nefarious' face appeared on the comscreen. "Agent Clank?" he demanded as Clank manipulated the joystick. "What is going on here?" As the cannon locked onto the Bio-bliterator, he added, "What do you think you're doing?"

"After all those holo-films, there is one thing you should know by now," Clank pointed out. "Do not mess...with Agent Clank!" With that, he opened fire.

In one shot, the Ion Turret obliterated the Bio-bliterator.

"CLAAAAA-" Nefarious began to shout.

Clank cut him off. "Incoming call from the Phoenix."

Sasha appeared on the comscreen. "Nice shooting, Clank. There's no telling how many lives you've just saved." She hesitated.

Twilight sighed. "How many backups did he have?" she asked.

"From what the Data Disc said, just the one, thank goodness," Sasha explained. "But this one is even more powerful and dangerous than the one you just destroyed."

"Where is it?" Ratchet demanded.

"Nefarious has a master control center on Planet Mylon," Sasha explained. "We believe the last Bio-bliterator is there now, guarded by an entire robot army."

"Just robots?" Twilight asked. Grinning widely, she pulled out her Gadgetron Uplink. "Hey Eiken? Can you put Dr. Ivanna Splodya on? There was a project idea she had, and I was wondering if she'd done any more work on it..."

"Whatever your plan is, be careful," Sasha warned. "This time, they know you're coming."

As they arrived on Mylon, it became plain that, indeed, all the opponents were robotic. "So what's your big plan, Twilight?" Ratchet asked. "That new weapon doesn't look very impressive. Looks a lot like the old Bomb Glove."

Twilight grinned widely. "When Dr. Splodeya was first working on the Tesla Claw, an error in production caused it to constantly explode, releasing an EMP. She was considering changing the design to an EMP Mine until I showed her how to fix it so it would work properly. As it turned out, though, she did successfully create an EMP Mine Glove, which I'm now going to be testing."

"I fail to see the advantage," Clank pointed out.

"I talked with Al about robo-Skidd," she pointed out. "It turns out the circuitry of these organics turned robots..." Lobbing an EMP mine forward, it landed between two large robo-Noids. When it went off, both fell down out cold. "...aren't hardened," Twilight finished.

A grin slowly split Ratchet's face. "And the entirety of the defense force here is robo-Noids?"

"According to scans," Twilight agreed eagerly.

"I am glad my circuitry is shielded against EMP," Clank mumbled.

The EMP mines proved excessively effective in infiltrating the base. While there were only 50, Twilight was able to position them remotely with her telekinesis, setting them up at huge range to take out large groups of Robo-Noids, clearing the path long before they were in weapon range. Twilight's telekinesis also allowed her to open force fields from the far side, negating a need for the Tyhrra-guise. Between Twilight's flying and the new Swingshots, they were able to skip over most elevators and other similar segments as well. The only problem they came across was three groups of ion gun wielding mini robots like those on Koros - whose circuitry was hardened against EMPs - but one Nitro Eruptor shot took each group out.

However, despite their speed, they reached Nefarious and Lawrence just as they teleported onto the Bio-bliterator, which promptly took off.

"Damn! We're too late!" Ratchet swore.

Nefarious' maniacal laughter echoed.

At that moment, a dropship docked right in front of them. "Get in!" Sasha ordered from the pilot's seat.

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