• Published 21st Aug 2014
  • 14,590 Views, 275 Comments

Alicorns taking a vacation with Anon! - Molesterino

Three alicorns are sad, hurt, lonely and broken because of their subjects. All they seem to do is to bow and complain. Celestia, Luna and Candence are tired of this and they make a wish. Little did they know that the wish came true.

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Chapter 4: Shopping! (edited and rewritten)

Location: Earth, Norway.


As I looked up from the PS VITA, which I borrowed from Anon, I looked to my left, where Luna was on her 46th killing streak. Standing up from my sitting position, I made my way over to where Anon was driving. As I was standing next to him, I nudged him with my wing to get his attention. As he looked away from the road and onto me, he politely asked me what I needed.

"Well, um... you see, is there anything else we do? Don't take this the wrong way, but we are kind of starting to get bored. I have played almost every game, and now I don't know what to do..." Looking down and afraid that I insulted him, I expected some yelling at, for being ungrateful. He kept us fed, entertained and safe. As his hand moved towards my head, I shut my eyes tightly. I was sure he was going to hit me for being so ignorant. But what happened next surprised me.

His hand gently touched my head, and scratched me behind my ears, (Which felt really good.) Looking up at him, I smiled at him. 'His hands are really nice...' Smiling, I leaned into his touch.

"Heh. Why didn't you just tell me that you guys are bored? It’s not like; I'll get mad at you." He chuckled and took his hands away from my ears. I gave him a little pout, to make him continue. "Don't do that. Stop. Please! In the name of that is holy! I can't take it!" He was clenching his chest rather tightly.

"What happened? Are you alright?!" Panicking and afraid that my friend is hurt, I was trying to find something that will help him.

He just chuckled, and patted my head. Looking at him, I asked; "What happened?"

"The pouting that you did was so adorable and cute, that it hurt." Hearing that made me blush. 'He thinks I'm cute...'

He started tapping on his map-screen thingy. And spoke up. "Ok, I got some 'fun' for you guys. We'll be there in a little while."

Happy and giddy, that he is doing this for us, I gave him a quick hug and a thanks. Happily walking back to the chair I sat in earlier, I continued my little game on the PS VITA.

About an hour later...

As I felt the RV slowing down, I curiously looked out of the window where I saw a really big building. Curious as to what purpose it served, I made my way to Anon to ask him about it. Just as I reached him, he stopped the RV and pulled out some keys out of a keyhole.

"Where did you take us?" I asked him with a bright smile with Luna and Cadence behind me.

"You three," he said pointing at us, "Are going to go to do some shopping, cuz ladies always do that." He said with a smile of his own that I got so used to.

"Really?!" we all said in union. It has been centuries since I last had time to myself to buy some things. With gigantic grins, we all tackled him on the ground where we gave him a group hug and some nuzzles. But that happiness quickly disappeared as I remembered something.
"Um, we don't have any money..." Looking down, like Cadence and Luna. What happened next was something that I did really not expect.

"Who said your money?" Looking up at the human with a raised eyebrow, I did not understand what he meant by that. Did he want us to steal?

"Here, take this. This is all my money. I don't really use it nor need it." He said with a shrug, as he put a wallet in my hooves.
'...What. He is giving us HIS money? But he only knew us for about two days.' Looking down at his wallet and then back at him, I wondered where he actually got his money.

"Anon... we cannot take this. This is your mo-" I was cut off as two of his fingers held my lips together.

"Shh. Think nothing of it. Just take it. I trust you guys with it." He said with a bright smile. "Oh wait. You are ponies... There are no ponies that can talk on this planet. So I don't think that it’s such a good idea to let people see you." He said.

"We have an idea!" Luna said suddenly causing everyone to look at her. As she looked at me she spoke up again. "Sister, does thee remember when we mastered changeling shape-shifting spells after the invasion?" Luna said with a big smile.

'Of course! When we took hostages after the attack, we learned how to shape-shift and transform!' Well we were not really "masters" at this, but it can work! Hugging Luna, I told her how smart she was.

"Ok, who goes first?" I said to Luna and Cadence.

"US SISTER! WE WILL GO FIRST!" Luna said a 'bit' too excited. Nodding to her, I charged up my horn and pointed it at Luna. Anon and Cadence were backing away from us so that they would not get affected by it. As I fired my magic at her, there was a blinding flash, where Luna once was. Anon thinking that she got hurt, quickly ran over to where she once was. Where once Luna stood, there was a little filly Luna in her spot. As Anon saw her, his eyes widened.

"Luna? Is that you?" He asked and he looked over the filly for any injuries.

Luna quickly responded to not make her friend panic more. "Yes Siw Anon. It is Us Pwincess Woona." She answered adorably.

Anon just looked at her and suddenly dropped her. We all gasped as he dizzily started to back away, all the while clenching his heart, and giving out gasped breaths. Suddenly he froze for a second, and then fell over.

We all rushed over to him and checked over. Luckily he was breathing, but his heartbeats were not even. It was not even; it suddenly became fast, and then slowed critically down. We waited for about 3 minutes, before he groaned and rubbed his head.

"Man... what happened?" He asked, with his eyes shut.

"Anon, are you alright?" I asked as I nuzzled his hands. "You fainted a little while ago." I said to him.

"Um, yeah. I'm ok." He got into a sitting position and used me as support as he stood up. "Go do you magic, but don't fail this time."

Nodding quickly, we all got into position and used our magic on each other. Me on Cadence, Cadence on Luna, and Luna on me. As the spell took effect on each of us there was a flash again, but this time it worked! We successfully transformed! Luna had a nice pale skin with shorter Light blue hair. Cadence had a normal skin colour with a shorter version of her normal mane. And lastly, me. I had a nice light strawberry coloured hair with a pale skin colour.

We all looked at Anon, who had his head in his palms for some reason. "Anon what is the matter?" I asked him. Instead of answering us, he just pointed at the bedroom and muttered something about 'wardrobe' and 'get some clothes.'

Al three of us walked inside of his room and took some of his clothes. After a while we were finally dressed up, we walked out where we were met with a red faced Anon. As he saw us, he quickly walked over to us, and handed us his wallet. After he gave us a little demonstration on how to use his bank card, we began to walk out, only to be stopped by Anon who handed us each some hats, or as he called it; Baseball caps. We all gave him a hug and a quick bye and with that we all ran into a gigantic shop. He told us to use as long as we wanted to and to remember where he parked.

I must say. It is pretty hard to walk on two legs, but whatever. It’s time to go do some shopping!

About 5 hours later...

As we heard a loud voice around us that said that it is soon closing time, we all made our ways back to the RV, with about a hundred bags with us. Cadence bought herself some candy and a lot of clothes. Luna had about 5 full bags of games and some last gen consoles. And I had bought myself about 6 cakes and a lot of sweets! Oh and even some new make up!

As we finally saw the RV, we ran up to it and knocked on the door that was quickly opened up by Anon. As we all packed out our stuff in the bedroom, we told him about our day, which he was really interested in. After we were done with telling him about our day, I asked him where he got all this money from. Eventually, he told me that this is the money that his parents gave to him after they passed away some years ago. And this is the RV that they used on vacations and on road trips. It was really sad.

When we were done with that, we stood ready to transform back to our original forms. I used the reverse spell on Luna, Luna on Cadence and Cadence on me. As the spell ended, there was a little side effect. We all turned into fillies, but what was worse, we could not transform again because of the "cool-down" that this spell needs. So we were stuck as this.

As we went to bed we all gave him a little peck on his cheek as a sign of our gratitude and for his kindness and generosity.

Author's Note:


Chapter is edited and rewritten by danielhe1

D'aww. Hell yeah! So as promised, here is the next chapter!

looks like things are warming up between the princesses and Anon.
Anyways, Like and favorite the story if you haven't allready!

Stay awesome!