• Published 21st Aug 2014
  • 14,578 Views, 275 Comments

Alicorns taking a vacation with Anon! - Molesterino

Three alicorns are sad, hurt, lonely and broken because of their subjects. All they seem to do is to bow and complain. Celestia, Luna and Candence are tired of this and they make a wish. Little did they know that the wish came true.

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Chapter 3: Gamer Luna (edited and rewritten)

Location: Earth, Norway.

ANON POV. 2nd person

Waking up, you opened your eyes to the sounds of something moving behind you, you turned around slowly. Your eyes found where the sound came from. The bedroom. ‘Why is there sounds coming from there?’ you asked yourself quietly. Even if your brain is not working at a 100% speed in the morning, (More like 10%. Just saying,) you slowly got out of the driver seat. As you walked towards the bedroom, you picked up your baseball-bat, just in case there is a burglar in there.

Sweat dripping down your forehead, you slowly reach for the doorknob. You turn it around, and open the door to the bedroom. As you look in, your eyes are caught on the horses that you put in there earlier. There is the white one. There is the pink one, with bed hair. Just as you are a lot to look for the third one, your eyes snap back to her hair, (or mane, in this case). It’s multicolored, just as the one on the white one. Looking at the pink one’s hair you notice it even matches her coat colour. ‘Heh cute.’ You say to yourself. As you look for the third horse, you find the source of the noise that woke you up, the blue one was thrashing wildly around in your bed. Just like you on a Sunday morning, when you wake up and try to find a comfy spot in your bet to get to sleep for a few extra hours.

Anyways, you start walking out with your baseball-bat. That is until an unfamiliar voice reaches your ears. “Hello? Is anypony there?” Your head snaps back towards the sound of the noise, with a speed that caused you to hurt your neck.

“Who is there? Show yourself!” you whisper/yelled, so that you don’t wake up the horses. As you look around for the source of the voice, your eyes look down on the white horses face that was looking in your direction. It’s looking right in your eyes with her creepily huge ones. Feeling bad that you woke her up, you go kneel down next to her and pull the blankets over her. “Hey, I’m sorry for waking you up. Try to go to sleep.” You whisper to her sweetly. And ruffle her mane a bit.

As you look up from her, you try to find the intruder. As you looked around the room, you did not find any humans. Shrugging you turn to leave, only for the voice to speak up again. “I’m not tired, thank you very much.” As you slowly turn around your eyes are caught on the white horse that was looking straight at you, with a smirk on her face.

‘Smirk? Horses can’t smirk… I think.’ You lean in closer to her. “What…” you whisper to yourself. Yup, the horse was smirking. When you gave her a curious look, her smirk grew a little bit. “That can’t be right…” you whisper to yourself. But what happened next caught you completely off guard.

“What is not right?” The horse asked. A horse. Talked. Really!

“…” you just look at her. Mouth wide open in shock. You just witnessed the impossible. “Did you just talk?” You asked her.

“Of course I can talk! Why, what did you expect?” she chuckled at your facial expression. But before you could answer her she asked one more question. “What happened earlier?” she asked, looking at you.

Shaking your head, deciding to not question reality right now, you answer her. “Well the three of you were chased be a pack of wolves, lucky for you that I showed up when I did, because you guys looked like you just had run a marathon. Ok you three ran up to me, fainted, I picked you up, cleaned you up and put you in a bed, like the other two-“ But before you could finish, you were pulled into a teary, bone crushing hug.

“Thank you.” She whispered to you, while nuzzling your head. Deciding that you had enough hugs that morning, you tried to escape her death-grip that she had on you.

“Ach! I can’t breathe!” you say to her. With a gasp she releases you immediately. As you stand up again you smile down at her. “Do you have a name?” you ask her in a friendly manner.

“Yes I do have a name. My name is Pr- …Celestia” Celestia smiled back at you. “Can you tell me what your name is, and what you are? She asked you, rather curiously.

“Um… Ok, my name is Anon, I’m a Human, or in another name; Homo sapiens.” As you finished talking, a loud rumble was heard from Celestia’s tummy. With a slight blush she looked up to you with a nervous smile.

You just chuckle at her. ‘She is so cute when she is blushing!’ you think to yourself with a smile. “Are you hungry?” you ask her. She nods to you. You walk over to her and help her out of bed. Seeing her like this makes you laugh out. She was a mess. Her mane stood out in every direction, every feather bent. It just looked hilarious. Now as she stood up you saw that her mane was flowing. Deciding to ask her later about it, you make your way quietly out of the room, to not wake up the other two.

As you two walked out, you closed the door quietly. As you turned back around, you saw a curious Celestia looking at your big Plasma TV. “Pray tell, what is this? Is this some type of picture frame?” she asked you.

“That’s a TV, and no, it’s not a picture frame.” As you turned back to look at her she was already tapping the TV with her hooves, accidentally touching the power button. As it turned on, it showed a space battle, because you watched Star Wars and didn’t turn off the DVD player. Celestia just stood there, with wide eyes and opened mouth looking at the TV. She looked intensely at the TV. Gigantic battleships, destroying each other with laser weapons.

She eventually looked away from the TV, and looked at you. “W-what was that?” she fearfully asked you.

“That,” you said, as you turned off the TV, “was the greatest movie ever made. Don’t worry, it’s not real. Now come here, let’s get you some breakfast.” Celestia snapping out of her shock followed you to the little table that was next to the wall. There were two double sofa/chairs facing on both sides of the table. “Go get yourself a seat while I make you some food, ok?” Celestia happily nodded to you and hopped into one of the seats, watching you make her some food.

“So what do you want to eat? I can make you some pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast with some juice. How does that sound to you?” Her mouth watered at the little list, even if she did not know what bacon was. She nodded furiously with a great smile.

As you started cooking, you asked her if she could wake up the others so that they can get some food too. As she left you to your own devices, you started cooking.

About 5 minutes later the food was starting to be done and you were just about to call out to her as the bedroom door opened, revealing Celestia followed by the pink one and behind the pink one came the blue one. Celestia sat down into the seat nearest to the window. The other two just stood there looking at you intensely and curiously. Eventually they broke eye contact, and sat down in the seats that were facing Celestia’s. The blue one was sitting nearest to the window, and the pink one sat next to her.

Just as you were done with the food you opened one of the cabinets and pulled out 4 plates, 4 glasses and 4 knives and forks. As you were done setting the table, you pulled the frying pan to the side so that the pancakes won’t get burnt. Opening another cabinet, you pulled out some syrup, salt and pepper. Setting them on the table, you turn around picking up the frying pan; you bring it to the table, and set a pile of pancakes on each horse’s plates. Turning back, and bringing the cooked eggs to the table, you set it in the middle of it, in case someone wanted some.

As you sat down into the open seat that was next to Celestia, you looked up to see 2 horses curiously looking down at their plates.

“Um, sir, what is this?” asked the pink one, looking up at you from her plate.

“What was that? I think I didn’t hear you right.” You say to her, with a smile.

“I asked you, what this is.” She pointed at her plate with a hoof. That one question. It caused your eyes to twitch. ‘Did she just ask me what pancakes are?’ you though to yourself.

“That there,” you point at her pancakes, “I the 2nd best food in the entire universe. Try it.” You say to her as she looks down at her plate, giving her pancake a few experimental sniffs.

‘Well it did smell good’ she thought to herself as leaned in to take a small bite, but was stopped immediately as you shouted at her to stop.

“I won’t let you have your first pancake without it being perfect!” you say as you pour some syrup on it. Satisfied, you motion her to take a bite.

CADENCE POV. 1st person

As I looked down at the “pancake” that was in front of me, I could not help but let my mouth water at the sight of it. Some sweet and nice smelling, soft, bread like things covered in something that looked like honey. I leaned in to take a small experimental bite. As I took one little bite, I savoured the taste. The only thing that was in my head then was; ‘Best bucking thing ever!’ and with that I happily began to attack my plate of pancakes. Not caring how silly I looked, I continued eating my newest favourite food.

CELESTIA POV. 1st person

‘Finally… after so many centuries, I get to try a new cake. An alien “Pan-cake”. Back in Equestria, the best chefs could not create any new cakes. I have tried, every, singe, one, that was created through the millenniums. I knew how every cake tasted, looked like and smelled. Eventually I got sad that there would be no more new tastes for me to try. But now… I’m looking right at the newest one.’ Looking up from my untouched plate, I looked over to my niece who was devouring the Pancakes. 'I have known Cadence since she was a little filly. She never liked cakes, I made her try every single one. She literally hated cakes.’ Still looking at my niece who was eating like no tomorrow, I can’t help but wonder how this new “cake” tastes like.

Looking down at the plain pancakes, I look over to Anon, who was grinning towards Cadence.

“Um, Anon, can I have some of that liquid too?” I said to him giving him the puppy dog eyes, while pointing at the stuff that he put on my niece’s pancakes. Happily smiling he reached out for the liquid, and poured and nice portion on my pancakes. Squealing in delight and glee, I clopped my fore hooves together and took a smaller experimental bite. Just as the taste reached my taste buds, my eyes widened at the taste of it. ‘This is the best thing I’ve ever had!’ I thought to myself as I began to inhale the pancakes. “Twish ish exhelempf!” I said through a mouthful of pancakes. He just laughed at this and patted my back.


Looking at the friendly creature, I can’t help but wonder why my sister and niece are acting like this around him. They are supposed to act like Princesses. Not like foals! With a sigh I realized that I’m rather hungry. Looking down at my plate, and then up to look at my niece who was licking her plate clean and my sister who had a nice mouthful of this “pancake”. I let out a sigh. ‘Well why not try it?’ with a simple flick of my magic, I levitated the liquid that Cadence and sister had on the food. As I levitated it over my plate of pancakes, I poured a bigger portion of the honey-like liquid. It did smell nice. Leaning in, I took a bite. I loved it. Then I started to devour the rest of it.

ANON POV. 1st person

‘Did that syrup just fly?’ deciding to question that later, and acting like it was normal I looked over to my two guests that had finished their meal, and looked like they would kill for a little more. I decided to be nice with them. “Hey, you two still want some?” I asked them. Both nodding furiously, I cut my pancakes in three pieces. Putting one on Celestia’s plate that was instantly eaten up, one on the pink one’s which was also eaten up, and one on the blue ones, which instantly disappeared as an open muzzle slammed down on it.

Laughing at the silliness of it all, I grabbed a few eggs and started eating them.

After we all finished our meal, we all went inside of the area where there was a gigantic TV facing a nice sofa, and next to the sofa a nice and comfy reading chair. As everyone took a seat we started chatting about this and that. Even the blue one started to open up a bit to me. Learning a bit about their history and names, I asked them about the butt tattoos that they all had. They were called cutie marks, finding it funny I gave them all nicknames, there was; Sunbutt, Moonbutt and Lovebutt. They all tried to give me a nickname too, but they failed miserably.

A little while later, I told them to find something to do because we were going to start to drive towards the south, and it was going to take a long time. Eventually all three stood in front of me telling me that they weren’t able to find anything to do. They could not read the books. They did not understand the comics, so that left me to my good old friend. The PS4. Telling Luna to choose a game, she chose Cod Ghosts. Celestia went over to play with my PS VITA. Cadence went away to watch some movies on my laptop.

Well let me tell you this, this here RV is pretty sweet. It got its own travel-internet, a smaller bathroom and a travel TV.

Anyways. After teaching Celestia, how the various button works. And teaching Luna how to shoot and stuff, I went over to Cadence and told her to where I had my movies on my PC downloaded. She told me that she would find a movie to her liking.

With that done you sat down in your driver’s seat and started up the engines. Everything was peaceful. Luna was playing with a nice headset on her head, while Cadence watched a movie while hugging a pillow close to her. Celestia was playing Persona 4 Golden. She had a tongue sticking out in concentration, and got really pissed when she died.

1 hour later…

The peaceful silence was interrupted as I felt the ground shake. ‘Earthquake in Norway?’ I slowly stopped the RV, and turned the engines off. Cautiously you step outside to check out if you really were right. But the shaking did not come from outside. About a minute later I went back inside the RV. Walking over to where the others were, I found the reason for the ground shaking. There was Luna sitting on the sofa. She was shaking in rage, her eyes were dilated and there was foam coming out of her mouth.

I slowly made my way over to her. As I looked at the TV I saw the reason why she had a rage meltdown. On the TV I saw that every time she spawned and walked for about 5 seconds, she got either knifed or quick-scoped. With her magic she lowered the microphone to her mouth. With some of her magic, she made a soundproof barrier around herself. As the slightly blue barrier surrounded her, she went over to ‘Options’ then ‘Audio’ then ‘Microphone settings’ seeing that she was turning up her microphone volume I smiled proudly at her. ‘Luna is turning into a real gamer now.’ With that last thought she turned her microphone on, and started yelling into it with her so called “Royal Canterlot Voice.” She gave me a little demo when we were talking. My ears are still ringing from that a little. Looking back at the raging, foaming and at the same time epic Luna. Her enemies were seriously PWN’d by her.

With a proud smile I went into the little kitchen, opening the fridge I pulled out a Coke. Filling up three large plastic cups and putting a straw in each of them, I made my way towards the galls. Knocking on the Raging Luna’s barrier, she quickly disabled it so that I could give her the drink. She asked me what it was; I only told her that she would like it. Taking my word for it Luna pulled it into her magic and began to drink it. Celestia was fighting the first boss. Waiting patiently so that I would not mess up her concentration, I waited. While waiting I learned that she was really good at this. After she beat the boss, I gave her the Coke.

With that done, Cadence was next. Seeing her quietly sniffling and nuzzling the pillow, I walked over to check out the reason behind it. She was watching Titanic. Understandable, I gave her a calming hug which she happily returned while soaking my shoulder with tears. Patting her back a few times, she told me how sad it was. After that I gave her the Coke. She loved it too. After her little episode, I decided it would be wise to put in some comedy. Finding a good Jackie Chan, Action and Comedy movie, I put it on for her. With a little mane ruffling and with her in a better mood, I went back to driving.

Author's Note:

WOO!!! chapter three is out! ok things are starting to get a little interesting here...
in the next chapter you will understand why anon has his own RV, and how he has money for food and stuff.

Anyways, Thanks for reading! like and favorite it. *if you don't, then I'll ask Luna, to give you wet dreams about Blueblood*

Chapter is edited and rewritten by, danielhe1.

allright take care, and stay awesome.
I'll see you all in the next chapter! :D