• Published 16th Apr 2012
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Halo: Ponies and Clouded Pasts - Blazer

2022 Rewrite in Progress... The wreckage of Forward Unto Dawn lands in Equestria. Separated from Cortana, John is forced to deal with the consequences.

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Chapter 4: Prison Break

Applejack watched passively as the human pressed a button at the base of his neck, a hiss accompanying the gesture. A loud click could be heard as the human jerked the helmet to the left, then slowly raised it above his head.

She was slightly surprised to see the face of the human, although she didn’t know why. Her best guess was the outward appearance being much like some sort of Flim and Flam mechanized scam.

His long, greasy hair hung down to his jaw; it remained flat against his scalp from what Applejack assumed was from wearing the helmet for long periods of time. His skin was almost a ghostly white; possibly due to the same reason. His skin was almost transparent, veins and arteries appearing at certain intervals. The dark-red blood that caked the side of his face provided a stark contrast, almost giving him a healthy tone where it ran down his cheek. Grizzled stubble coated his wide jaw and rose up to meet his developed cheekbones, which bore ragged, ugly scars that crossed over his nose and mouth. Her eyes traveled up the smooth ridge of his nose, eventually stopping at his twin jade irises. They locked eyes for several moments, Applejack slowly finding herself lost in his pupils. She felt a strange comfort staring at them, the dull sheen of the jade bringing a sense of serenity and security. However, the longer she stared, the more a horrifyingly raw sense of fear began to build in her stomach. Stories of unimaginable tragedy, courage and sacrifice almost began to seep from them, consuming her, snuffing out her own memories with an overpowering veil of—

She broke eye contact, gasping quietly in shock. To her relief, the human replaced his helmet with obvious alacrity, not exactly comfortable with showing his face. “O-okay, Ah believe you.” She stood back up to her full height, looking up confidently to the soldier. “Apology accepted.” She paused, kicking at the ground again. “A-and Ah’m sorry for suddenly assumin’ that you were only out to hurt mah brother. I shoulda’ put myself in yer hooves before I start jumpin’ to conclusions..” She mumbled dejectedly.

John simply nodded. “Care to pass the sentiment to your brother?”

She nodded back, trotting back to her brother, a smile replacing the angry expression from before.

John couldn’t help a brief smile before turning back to the Princess. “There. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a rendezvous.” He started off towards the west, eyeing the pillar of smoke that was supposedly rising from the Dawn’s wreck. He had given up too much to these ponies (for lack of a better word). He should have left when he gave them his real name; he wouldn’t have had to take off his helmet.

He felt a tug on his hand stop him. “Wait!” He recognized the purple one’s voice. “Can’t you stay for a bit longer?” John glanced back at his hand, the glove enveloped in a purple aura of sorts.

I just beat one of your friends into near death, and you want me to stay..? This place is weird… John pulled his hand away from her magic’s grasp. “As I said,” He said sternly, “I need to go home.”

The cool touch of liquid mercury filled his ears. “A rendezvous with who? You told me you came alone?”

John cursed under his breath. “Unfortunately,” he said, in a louder voice than last time “That information is classified.” John stated flatly, pulling the card ONI always did to him. He figured out why ONI had always liked using the phrase.

Unfortunately, this ended up piquing the princess’s interest. “So… You’re not alone?”

John frowned. “Yes and no.”

The Princess looked up at the moon. To John’s relief, her interest was waning with her waxing fatigue. “Well, it’s getting late… I think I’ll head back now.” John was about to sigh with relief before the Princess gave him a disapproving stare. “But at any rate, I can’t have a lethal soldier from space wandering Equestria.” She gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry, it’s not like I don’t trust you…” She said, shrugging her wings.

John scowled underneath his helmet.

“That’s why I’m entrusting you to Twilight and her friends. They’ll keep an eye on you for me while I’m away.” She explained.

John’s heart sank. Dammit, why can’t she just let me go?! John thought furiously, his irritation slowly escalating into anger.

His self-control battling his emotions, he was silent for a time. He finally spoke once he knew he could keep his voice level: “If you insist, ma’am.” He replied, his emotions silently screaming obscenities at the Princess.

“Good. Glad to see you’re cooperating.” The Princess sighed, turning to leave. “Good luck, Twilight. I trust you’ll keep an eye on him.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll keep two.” She said, her voice trembling.

John looked down at her curiously. Is she okay…?

As soon as the Princess left, Twilight leapt up with joy. “Wow! Finally, I can ask you some questions!” Twilight squeaked happily.

John took a step back from the purple pony, unnerved by her excitement.

Fluttershy cleared her throat. “Well, first, we need to figure out where he’s going to sleep.” She cut herself off when the group was staring at her expectantly, including John. She lowered her head, batting her eyelashes nervously. “Um, unless you guys would rather set that aside for now..”

Rainbow Dash yawned cavernously. “It was late when you guys invited us to see the meteor shower to start with.. I think I’ll have to head home before I’m too tired to fly there.” She glared at the Chief briefly before taking off. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow! Bright and early!”

As Rainbow flew out of earshot, Applejack chuckled. “Knowing her, that’s probably not true.”

Rarity started off, Pinkie close behind. “I think we’ll have to turn in as well.” Rarity sighed, struggling to hold down a yawn. “Pinkie, care to walk with me? The Boutique is on the way to Sugarcube corner.”

Pinkie bounced off soundlessly, a smile pasted on her face.

Fluttershy frowned. “Wait, we never figured out where he’s gonna stay…” She trailed off as Rarity and Pinkie disappeared over a hill.

Twilight blinked. “Well, he’s too big for the treehouse. The door’s probably a good four feet too short for him!” She said.

Fluttershy nodded. “My house is even smaller than Twilight’s, so I don’t think he’d fit here either.

Applejack remained silent for a few seconds before speaking up. “Well… he can sleep in the barn.” She said, almost sounding disappointed. “Should be plenty big enough for ‘im.” She sighed.

John flinched visibly. Now he had to steel himself for a long, awkward walk with that farmpony.

Applejack smiled sheepishly. “Ah’m sorry to ask you this, mister, but… Could ya carry Big Mac for me?

John finally let out a sigh. The walk just became a mental marathon.
After for what had seemed like an eternity, a bright red barn came into view. Rows of apple orchard seemed to extend off towards the horizon under the gentle vibrance of the harvest moon. Or what he thought was the harvest moon.

He immediately noticed how many similarities this “Equestria” had to Earth. Moon, stars, normal-looking trees and landscape. Even the wildlife was similar to Earth’s organisms. There were green planets such as Reach, but the native life was always alien to newcomers. However, this place shared many characteristics with Earth.

A polite cough broke John out of his pondering, turning his attention to the stallion tossed over his shoulder like a rug. “Y-you can put me down. Ah think Ah can walk from here.” He managed to wheeze.

Feeling somewhat awkward now that he was awake, John eased the red stallion onto the ground, stepping away. He watched as the large workhorse trekked back to the farmhouse, his sister at his side, supporting him up the hill. John blinked as the red stallion was replaced with Sam, and the farmpony with Kelly.

John shook his head, dispersing the memories springing unbidden to his mind. The last thing he needed right now was to lose it in front of complete strangers.

Applejack returned, a smile gracing her features. “Big Mac’ll be alright; he’s pulled through much worse.” She nodded towards the barn. “Well, I s’pose ya got barns back where ya live?”

John simply nodded.

“Well, same thing. Jus’ head inside an’ pick a spot ya like.” She said simply as they approached the red door. She nosed it aside, nodding for John to step through.

The interior was surprisingly spacious, the barn coming close to normal dimensions of an officer’s meeting room. The roof was at least six feet from John’s head, which worked well enough for him. He would be laying down, anyways.

Applejack indicated a large pile of hay in the corner. “You can jus’ pull out the pitchfork an’ it’ll make a fine bed. I’ve slept on it plenty of times, so no worries. It’s about as comfy as it gets. Least ya got yer armor to keep the itchy hay off yer skin.” She said, yawning. “Well, I think I’ll hit the hay, too. C’ept it’ll be back at the farmhouse,” She quipped, chuckling at her own joke.

John watched her go, his eyes following her as she entered the house, the porchlight snapping off after the door closed. A grin tugged at the side of his mouth. At least I can leave now. Too bad these creatures are a bit too trusting. Closing the barn’s door, John quickly snapped on his armor’s headlamps, removing his ammunition pouches and emptying their contents on the floor. He frowned at the lone combat knife joined by a few stray bullets that had fallen out of their magazines. Stuffing the combat knife into its holster on his chest, he replaced the bullets into the ammunition pouch, standing up and looking around for anything that could be used.

His eyes fell on a trough full of what appeared to be clean water. John’s dry throat ached just looking at the water’s inviting surface. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get hydrated before I leave… John absentmindedly ran his hand across the air filters that were situated on the helmet’s mouth guard. Maybe even shave.

After making a quick check around the barn to make sure no one was around, John removed his helmet, setting it to the side so the headlamps still shone light on the trough. The Spartan gazed at the clear water, his reflection wavering in the ripples and the blue-white lamplight. Without hesitation, John pressed his cracked lips to the water, taking a grateful sip.

The water wasn't ice cold, but it was cool from sitting outside during the night, which was enough for John. After he had drunk his fill, he set about washing his face, rubbing off the dried blood and rinsing out his shoulder-length hair. Once it was justifiably less-greasy, he started shaving his face with the combat knife, reducing the prickly stubble to a smoother, more manageable surface. After momentarily admiring his own handiwork, he replaced his helmet, dumping the trough out in the corner of the barn.

He took a final look around the interior before sighing. Time to move. He pushed the door open, mumbling a silent thanks to Applejack before sprinting away towards the pillar of smoke that was still rising in the distance.
John slowed to a walk. After a twenty klick sprint, he felt that there wouldn’t be anybody following him.

He glanced back at the now-distant town that was merely a speck between the distant rolling hills. They’d probably be finding the empty barn right about now. A near-indiscernible pang of regret flitted about in John’s chest cavity before he pushed westward, hoping to reach the desert soon.

However, he stumbled on a small incline, suddenly realizing his legs weren’t agreeing with him. A wave of fatigue washed over him, threatening to make his knees buckle. John cursed at himself; it was practically his own fault for not giving himself ample time to slowly work his muscles back up to their previous capacity after being in cryo for so long. Nothing seemed to be working in this place.

Desiring somewhere out of plain sight, John searched the horizon, spotting a sparse forest ahead. He jogged up to it, passing through the skinny trees. He needed a larger one that would be easy to lean up against and become invisible from any oncoming equines. Or whatever else lived on this planet.

He spotted a wide oak, giving a rare smile. He sagged against the bark, his armor scratching the tree’s rough exterior as he sat down. His eyes fluttered closed as another wave of fatigue hit him like a tsunami. John sighed in relief. Time for some R&R… He thought, his consciousness quickly swept under the blanket of complete blackness.
The lazy buzzing of a bumblebee coming through John’s helmet speakers woke him up. Waving the insect away, John blinked away tiredness, arching his back and stretching out his arms, shivering as the feeling flowed back into his extremities. He gave another smile as his back cracked satisfyingly. Relaxing, he moved his leg to stand up… However, something was holding it down.

John’s head turned slowly; he didn’t want to make any sudden moves. His eyes widened when he noticed a purple hoof resting on his shin. His eyes followed the foreleg attached, his eyes resting on the purple unicorn from before, sound asleep. How…?!

He tried to move again, slowly moving his leg out from underneath her hoof. He winced as the hoof collided with the ground with a dull thud. To his dismay, her eyes slowly opened, and she flashed a weak smile. “Heh. Caught you.” She mumbled.