• Published 16th Apr 2012
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Halo: Ponies and Clouded Pasts - Blazer

2022 Rewrite in Progress... The wreckage of Forward Unto Dawn lands in Equestria. Separated from Cortana, John is forced to deal with the consequences.

  • ...

Chapter 17 (Part 2): Third Floor. Guns, Crystals, Epic Boss Fights

“Rainbow! Now!”


The speedster began making rapid circles, stirring up a powerful dust devil around the Archmage with the remaining ceiling debris.

“Great work, Rainbow! Keep it up! We’ll need those winds fairly strong if this is going to work!” Twilight turned to the rest of her friends. “Alright, everypony, he’s blinded and trapped! Get to work!”

The five mares began kicking and pounding at the smooth plaster beneath them, chipping the paint and breaking larger chunks out of the floor. With a little help from Twilight and Rarity, they were able to move them closer to the swirling dust devil.

“Rainbow! Break off! Now!” Twilight cried.

“Hit him hard, girls!” Rainbow pulled away, leaving Twilight and the others standing behind a few dozen large chunks of floor.

“Okay! Hit him with a volley!” The unicorn barked. They lined up their rear legs with their target: The dust devil. With a quick pulling back of their hindquarters, they lashed outwards with all of their might, sending the chunks flying into the swirling cloud of dust and debris. With every THUD of each chunk sent flying came another satisfying CRACK as each piece collided with something solid within the storm. After two more volleys, they ran out of ammunition.

Fluttershy collapsed, panting heavily. “Did… did we get him?”

Applejack grinned. “Darn tootin’. Nice work, gals!”

“Hold up. Let’s see the results of our—”

“I told you it was useless, didn’t I?”

Everypony froze in place except for Rainbow Dash, who was still circling back around to rejoin them. The settling dust bulged outward as an unseen breeze pushed it away, dispersing the disturbed sediment. In the middle was an unharmed Archmage. “You forget that I can use magic as well, Miss Sparkle. Conjuring barriers is something that I’m a little rusty at, but I think I’m getting the hang of it again, thanks to you.”

Twilight cringed. “Shoot! I thought we had him!”

“It’s been in my favor since the start, Miss Sparkle. You, of all ponies, should know this,” the colt tutted. “Obviously, none of you are exactly high-caliber magic users, with the exception of yourself, of course.”

The purple unicorn ignored his compliment. “But we’ve still got numbers, Snowflake!”

“Ah, my dear, numbers in this sort of fight doesn’t really mean much.” He took a step forward, while Twilight instinctively took a step back. “Because in this case, this just gives you more ponies to protect from my magic.”

Twilight’s mouth opened slightly. The colt grinned. “Glad you’ve finally realized it. Now, if you don’t mind,” his horn glimmered with violet energy. “It’s my turn.”

Before anypony could react, he vanished, reappearing before the group. With a flick of his head, a powerful shockwave of magical energy burst forth from his horn, knocking everypony back.

Upon colliding with the ground, Twilight scrambled to her hooves, wincing as her back screamed in protest. “E-Everypony! Move towards my voice and stick together! Don’t let him single you out!”

A bruised Applejack and Fluttershy limped back towards the unicorn, both shaken but their resolves still intact. Pinkie Pie emerged from a cloud of dust she had kicked up upon impact, shaking the bits of plaster from her hair. Rainbow Dash appeared leaning against a battered Rarity, who had bumped her head from the fall. A small cut above the fashonista’s eye was the only evidence of the injury.

“Ah, so quick to flee to the comfort of each other. Afraid to face me alone, eh?”

“We ain’t afraid of you, Snowflake! What kind of a name is Snowflake, anyways?” Rainbow taunted.

A purple missile materialized out of the dust surrounding the mares, aimed for the Pegasus responsible for the insult. With a deft flick of her head, Twilight’s horn flashed, sending the projectile went flying towards the open hole in the ceiling.

“Let’s leave petty insults out of this, before somepony does something they’ll regret,” Snowflake replied.

“Angsty, aren’t we,” Rarity teased.

“No, seriously? What kind of a name is Snowflake? Kinda sad name for an evil guy,” the Pegasus mused, pushing her point.

“If you’re done arguing over there…”

The boom of thunder surrounded the mares, causing them all to jump at once. A crack appeared between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, spreading rapidly. The six fillies sped away from the schism, which continued to spread outwards, bringing the floor with it. In seconds, a massive chasm split the group, trapping Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight on one side, while Applejack and the others on the opposing cliff.

“Quick, grab a hold, girls!” Twilight cried. Pinkie and Rarity rested a hoof on the unicorn’s back, gazing at Twilight expectantly. The lavender unicorn bit her lip, making mental connections with the ley lines around her and resting her intense gaze on the opposing cliff, near Applejack and Fluttershy.

The three disappeared, reappearing on the other side of the fissure, now reunited with the others. “Whew… There,” Twilight mumbled, panting slightly.

The dust was split by a conjured breeze, which would’ve been pleasant had it not been terribly cold. “Oh, dear. Getting winded, are we?”

The unicorn stiffened. “I’m just getting warmed up.”

“Well, then; I’ll have to pick up the pace. I can’t keep going easy on you, now can I?”

The six mares charged while an impassive Archmage looked on. His horn flashed.
Ejecting the spent magazine from the MA5D, the Spartan removed a fresh one from his ammo pouch, pausing only to bash the encroaching golem with a nasty flourish of the rifle’s stock before slapping the magazine into the bullpup.

After hosing the remaining golems down with a withering hail of gunfire, and a final visual sweep of the hallway, John moved forward, quickly stepping over the bodies. His eyes flicked to the ammo counter before fixing on the corridor laid out before him. Shattered crystals and piles of crumbling sandstone littered the hallway, marking where the golems had fallen. Paying no heed to the equines following him, the Spartan doubled his pace, only pausing to replace the half-spent magazine before turning the next corner.

A single red arrow filled his lower peripheral vision. Instinctively, his gaze drifted downwards. The white lettering stood out in stark contrast to the rich mahogany arrow, reading, “HANGAR.” Looking up, he noticed a single closed doorway blocking any forward progress, about twelve meters away. Numerous crystal facets jutted out in various angles from the door, pulsing and flashing randomly.

John’s gloved hand moved to one of the ammunition pouches strung on his waist, removing a fragmentation grenade. The dull sheen of its exterior caught the Princess’s eye.

“What is that?”

The soldier’s finger thumbed the primer, pressing it firmly. “Improvisation.”

John’s fingers grasped the spoon, immediately releasing it and flicking it away. “Cover your eyes and look away,” he commanded.

The mares obeyed as John drew his arm back, lobbing it at the foot of the door with some effort. Just as he turned away, an explosion rang out in the close space, small bits of crystal bouncing off of his armor and skittering around him. After everything fell silent, he risked a glance to inspect the damage.

The door had been blown backwards, its middle torn to pieces by the explosion. The crystal, which had left dozens of punctures where it had once occupied, was now cracked in several places, but hadn’t budged much at all.

The Spartan frowned. If a fragmentation grenade wouldn’t do the trick, he realized he didn’t have anything in his arsenal that possibly could break it down.


Everybody ducked instinctively, narrowly dodging a sky-blue blur that passed overhead. It smashed through the crystals, shattering them on impact.

John slowly stood, shock momentarily overpowered by thought. So explosives are effective… John suddenly regretted his decision to not bring the rocket launchers.

“Hey, yall! Sorry we’re late!”

A familiar farmpony brought up the rear, looking beaten and bruised but very much alive.

“Applejack! You made it!” Pinkie exclaimed.

The orange mare spit on the ground, flashing a weary grin. “O’course! Can’t leave mah friends to fight on their own!”

The speedster reappeared in the shattered doorway, waving them on. “Hey! Let’s get a move on! There’s something up ahead!”

Without delay, all eight of them pressed forward, carefully stepping through the shattered crystal. Fluttershy hovered near Applejack as she ran. “Are you two all right? How did you escape the golems back there?”

“We didn’t escape, really. They just stopped attackin’; they just retreated out of sight and left us alone,” AJ explained.

“After seeing about a couple hundred of their comrades bein’ totally annihilated by me and Applejack, here, they probably wet their crystal undies and turned back. I mean, I can understand; I’d be afraid of me, too!”

John’s brow rose as he ran, glancing back at the Pegasus. For a strange reason, the saying sounded familiar. Immediately shaking off the nostalgia, his focus returned to the widening corridor, which eventually ended in a door held ajar by crystal formations partially blocking the doorway.

Several hexagonal rods pushed out from the sides, blocking the progress of the blast door and preventing it from closing. They glowed brightly, humming gently unlike the ones they had seen before. Another red arrow was partially obscured by the aforementioned formations, the four letters visible reading, “H-A-N-G.”

The Princess’s jaw set. “This must be the place. I can detect a powerful magical entity past this doorway.”

The Spartan cocked his head. “You can sense other magical presences?”

Princess Celestia nodded. “Of course I can. It’s how I sensed the Archmage was in Ponyville, although I had no idea what it was until I heard from the Royal Guard just what was transpiring there.”

“Would’ve been helpful if you’d used that earlier,” John muttered.

“It’s hard to detect anything in this place, as it’s brimming with dozens of magical crystals storing quite a bit of energy. I need to be very close to whatever’s generating a presence to sense it in a place like this,” she explained.

Breaking his frustrated stare, the soldier advanced, MA5D at the ready. Easing himself through the door, he swept the room with the barrel of his rifle, his eyes searching for any movement or figures in the spacious chamber. His sights lingered on a beautifully carved stone formation that jutted out of the floor of the hangar. His brows raised when he noticed that there were words—words that he could read—inscribed on the side, spiraling around the stone. Ignoring the babble that they dictated, he followed them up until he noticed they were cut off at the middle. The ship had broken off the front of the formation, which was left in multiple pieces at the base of it.

The Spartan turned back to face the group, flicking the safety on the assault rifle. “We’re safe for now, although I believe I found the totem you were talking about.”

When the Princess fixed him with a curious gaze, he pointed to the formation. Her eyes widened momentarily before nodding. “You are correct; so our suspicions were rightly placed. The Archmage may be close by…”

Rarity glanced at the crystal formations that littered the room, which filled the chamber with their quiet humming. “It would explain the differences in these crystals that are lying about. They actually resonate with magical energy, rather than just glow.”

“So… The Archmage is nearby…?” Fluttershy asked.

“Right you are, my dear.”

The poor Pegasus nearly leapt out of her skin, while everypony else crouched low, suddenly on guard. What truly frightened them was how familiar the voice sounded.

“I don’t know whether I should be impressed or upset at your progress, but, then again, I haven’t really been giving you much thought until now; hard to be trying to convert minds and keeping you away at the same time, you know.”

John’s head swiveled left and right, his MA5D following his gaze. An irked Rainbow Dash shook an offending hoof at the empty chamber. “Come out and stop us, then! We’re not afraid of you!”

“Oh, but you will be, very soon, my dear.”

“Ephemeral Snowflake!”

Heads turned to face the Alicorn princess, whose expression was one of anger.

“Ah, well, if it isn’t Princess Celestia,” the voice spat venomously, dropping the name as if it were a poisonous snake. “I’d say it is good to see an old face again, but, to be honest, I can’t say that I’m truly glad to start, milady.”

“Return my student at once, Snowflake! This does not involve her!”

“Oh, but it does, Princess. It’s all a part of my lesson, you see.”

“A lesson?!”

“I just thought I’d give you an idea of the feelings I experienced one-thousand years ago: The utter helplessness I felt while watching my wife die, the frustration I held towards you when you withheld the immortality spell from me, the thirst for revenge after you committed such an unfair act against me.”

“Snowflake, you know that I cannot—!”

“YOU WILL BE SILENT!” A horrible BOOM echoed around the chamber, stunning the Alicorn. “I have waited for a thousand years for this day. Listening to you preach your ‘lessons’ to my replacement about idealistic rubbish about the importance of having friends. Now, I shall do the talking!”

When the Alicorn obeyed, the voice continued. “You knew of the spell. You could have given it to me so that I could save the one pony I cared so much about. You had the potential to prevent death. You… You could have saved her. And yet, you chose not to. You did not think that I could be entrusted with such knowledge, and so you refused.”

“…And what lesson do I learn from this, Snowflake?” The Princess’s voice lowered dangerously.

A smirk could be discerned in the voice’s speech. “Those who do you harm, do harm in return.”

“I see you’ve twisted the meaning of revenge to your benefit,” Celestia growled.

“Where’s Cortana?” John asked, his voice thrumming with irritation.

“Ah, greetings, Sierra-117.” The Spartan twitched involuntarily upon hearing an enemy use his call-sign. “Serving as the Princess’s pet super-soldier, I see. How adorable.”

“Cortana. Where is she?” he asked again, gripping his rifle tightly.

“Oh, she’s with me. She’s told me so much about you, John,” the voice chuckled.

“Give her back.”

“And why would I do such a thing, Master Chief?”

“You don’t have to see what happens if you don’t.”

A brilliant flash appeared behind the group, turning everypony’s heads to the source. A purple unicorn, eyes awash with an angry red. “Show me.” Twilight’s face curved into a contorted grin.

Before anypony could react, the floor shook violently, nearly throwing the group off of their hooves.

The Spartan dropped to one knee, bringing up his face just in time to see a flash of purple. A magical bolt collided with his visor, snapping his head back and sending him somersaulting backwards several feet.

The six mares began to move into a semi-circle, hoping to trap the unicorn. To their surprise, Twilight turned on her hoof, blasting them with a powerful gust of sand. The mares crouched low, covering their eyes and momentarily stunned.

Just recovering from the impact, John rose to his feet, raising his rifle to shoot.


The Spartan hesitated temporarily, giving Twilight enough time to notice him. She lowered her head, knocking him down with a stream of lavender energy. The assault rifle tumbled from his hands, skittering to a crystal formation and stopping underneath it.

Cursing himself for not taking the chance, John rolled sideways to avoid a conjured whip of magic. Pressing two hands to the ground behind his head, he brought his knees to his chest, quickly kicking out and hopping upright. His gaze locked onto the MA5D in the distance. Automatically, his legs started pumping, covering a meter with every stride.

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

Upon hearing the words, the Spartan dove for the rifle—only to come up a few inches short, held back by an unseen force. He struggled wildly against it, but it gave him no reprieve. In an instant, he felt himself flying backwards, the rifle growing smaller in his vision. John landed on his back, sparks scattering around him as metal met metal, a horrid screeching invading his ears as he ground to a not-so-gentle stop against another one of the crystal formations.

Instinctively, Twilight’s five friends charged, pushing through the waning sandstorm with little difficulty. Unfortunately, it wasn’t hard for the Archmage to hear them charge—especially when they all began to yell.

“Time to dance, my dears!”

Applejack stopped just short of being impaled on a vertical crystal formation that emerged from the ground several feet in front of her, smacking against it instead. Pinkie somehow managed to dodge numerous formations springing out of the ground around her, taking a large leap and twisting her body in midair. Rainbow Dash struggled to anticipate when the next formation was going to appear, zig-zagging her way towards the unicorn. Her progress was stopped when she made the mistake of drifting too close to the wall. A large spike sprang out of the metal plate nearby, clipping her wing and narrowly missing her midriff.

Rarity and Fluttershy were faring the worst—they had been forced into a corner by the formations, now back-to-back. “H-help! Somepony!” Rarity squealed.

In desperation, Fluttershy embraced Rarity, struggling to fly out of the corner and back into the open area of the hangar.

“A big mistake, Miss Fluttershy.”

A massive pillar appeared out of the ground, rapidly rising. It caught the pegasus and the unicorn by surprise, pushing up from underneath them and accelerating their upward progress—straight for the ceiling. With a terrible THOOM, the pillar crashed into the ceiling, sending dust and metal raining down on the group. John felt his stomach twist with horror while a piercing cry rent the air.
“NO! Fluttershy! Rarity!” Rainbow reached towards the pillar, her eyes tearing up and her nose already burning. “N-no! No…”

“Rainbow…” The pegasus turned to the source of the voice, finding a gaunt-looking Celestia. “They’re… They’re going to be okay,” she sighed, collapsing next to a frightened cream pegasus and a startled alabaster unicorn.

Rainbow sped over to the two, embracing both of them. “Sweet Celestia! I thought you two were goners!”

“A teleportation spell, eh? Wouldn’t expect any less for the Princess of Equestria to be able to use one despite all of these muting crystals laying around,” Snowflake mused.

“Muting crystals..?” Pinkie ventured.

“These c-crystals drain enormous amounts of spell power from any cast nearby, p-preventing anypony with a low level of magical output from attempting to use a spell. In other words, I-I was lucky to have moved your friends this far away,” the Princess stuttered.

That crystal from the library, and the crystals outside… Rarity thought.

“But why isn’t the Archmage affected?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s a complicated process to become immune… N-normally, crystals form near crossroads of magical ley-lines, b-but there is a way to tap into their power and control them. Y-you have to b-bind a part of yourself to the ley-lines to bend their natural abilities to your will, and after much practice, you eventually learn how to c-conjure more of these crystals…” Celestia’s gaze locked onto the smug lavender unicorn watching them. “I just have no idea how he harnessed these powers so quickly. Normally, it would take weeks.”

“Ah don’t think we should underestimate him, then…” Applejack advised.

“H-hey… Where’s the Chief?” Rarity mumbled, glancing around the room.

A distant THUD drew everypony’s attention to a figure laying in a smoking crater on the far side of the hangar. “Question answered.” Rainbow replied dully.

“H-he’s too powerful… We can’t win this…” Fluttershy squeaked, her voice trembling pitifully.

“And without Twilight, we can’t use the Elements…” Rarity added.

“Even if we did use the Elements, we’d end up doin’ goddess-knows-what to poor Twilight!” Applejack exclaimed.

“All of you, please, calm down.”

The five mares turned to face the Princess, who eyed them with a serious gaze. “You cannot always rely on the Elements of Harmony to fix everything, as there will be situations like these where they will be rendered useless. As hopeless as it may seem right now, you can’t give up.”

“We know, but what’re we supposed t’ do? He can hit us, but we can’t hit him back without runnin’ the risk of hurtin’ Twi!” Applejack inquired.

“Twilight may be under his control, but she can still hear you, as she shares a body with the Archmage. They occupy the same consciousness, which means they share the same senses. It’s possible that you can rile up Twilight to push out the Archmage.” She forced a grin. “He may be powerful, but he’s still only one pony. If we can get Twilight fighting back, he doesn’t have the mental agility to go toe-to-toe on two fronts.”

“But what good will that do? He’ll just occupy somepony else!”

“Not if I can rebuild that totem over there.” The Princess nodded towards the shattered stone. “It’ll draw him back and seal him within, and we’ll have our Twilight back.”

A quiet collection of gasps and murmurs followed. Emboldened, Celestia continued. “You see, there is still hope for us. However, I must ask you to distract him from me. Although the last spell I used did have some effect on my store of magic, it was mostly a feign to make him think I’m drained. But if he sees me working on the totem, he’ll know that the totem still has the potential to seal him away, and he’ll make sure we don’t get near it again.”

Rarity tapped her chin. “Hmm… I suppose it’s possible. As long as you keep up the act, Princess. I’d help you with the ‘helpless damsel’ act if we had more time…”

“Nonsense, Rarity. I’ve had plenty of practice.”

“What’s that supposed to mean…?” Applejack began.


“P-Princess? Something the matter?” Fluttershy ventured.

There was a short pause before the Princess dismissed her. “Oh, it’s nothing, Fluttershy. I’ll be fine. Just keep him distracted, and I’ll stay down until he’s focused on all of you.”

“Seriously? Hah! Do you really think I’ll give it to you that easily?!”

Six heads turned to watch the Spartan sail over their heads and into the wall opposite the totem. Another hideous cackle followed the impact.

“So much for the super-soldier! Hahaha!”

“I think we’d best get working! John’s given us this time to work on a plan—now it’s time to execute!” Rarity exclaimed.

“What she said!” Rainbow Dash added, propelling herself upwards with a powerful flap of her small wings.



“Party time!”

The five mares, despite being unsure as to what they were going to do, immediately charged, finding themselves caught in the heat of the moment. Twilight’s mouth curved into a crooked grin.

“It’s almost time…” she whispered in a voice that was not her own.

Author's Note:

The chapter is so damn huge, so I split it in two. The final part may come out this weekend or next weekend, depending on the homework loads (which are tapering out as the preliminary exams roll by). Figured out a way to get past all this crap, so here's some stuff for yall to chew on.

Also, YES. How wouldn't explosives be effective against these things? John, you tool.