• Published 26th May 2014
  • 75,012 Views, 2,905 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

In the eye of the beholder

Anon looks over his shoulder as Luna and Celestia follow his lead. The smile he had before walking out of the dining hall returned to his normal neutral look. Let’s face the facts. Anon didn't have a plan for what to do or where to take the princesses. He just wanted to leave that room they were in. If he had to stay in there any longer, he was going to lose it. Too many emotions for him to handle in one sitting. He found it in his best interest to get out while he was ahead.

Now that he is walking in the halls of the castle, he feels as if all that pressure from earlier has lifted from him. He still knows that Celestia would keep her word about going after Twilight. He will admit that it kinda makes him happy to hear that she would get her comeuppance. However, it is a double-edged sword. This also means that he will have to be present, maybe even defend his case. Not to mention he doesn't know how the ponies of Ponyville will take the news. Not like it matters. They don't like him, anyways.

Anon doesn't like complicated. Complicated things are usually bad things. He faces forward as he rubs the back of his neck. He doesn't know what to do now. Everything is so different for him. Not only on the outside, but the inside as well. He can still feel his body tremble slightly at the thought of trusting those two. He knows they are probably the only things he can ever trust in this world. That still doesn't mean he isn't weirded out by this entire thing.

Celestia looks to her friend with some worry. She can tell that Anon is still trying to process everything that just happened a few moments ago. She, too, is having a hard time trying to think over everything that was revealed to her. She knows that Anon is at a delicate point in his life right now. It’s why she came up with a rather nice plan. She’s going to have him stay and relax here for a few more days. When he returns to Ponyville, well, she will be sure to go as well. Many things need to be fixed and she no longer trusts her friend alone with those ponies.

Luna keeps her emotions behind her princess mask, her gaze never looking away from Anon. How much of a foal has she been to have not seen this?! All the pieces were there and yet she was too blind to see it. She has failed her friend, that much is clear to her. However, the time of failures will soon perish. She’s made a promise to herself to watch over Anon for as long as she can manage. He is her friend and it’s high time she protects him like one.

Anon jumps a little in shock as he feels something press against him. He looks to his left and finds Luna pressed firmly against his side as they continue their walk. He notices a certain steely determination on her face as she scans the area they are walking down. Rather than feel weird about her being so close, he actually feels a sense of ease. Knowing that she's by his side, and based on her look of being ready to attack at a moment's notice, Anon feels rather protected.

He then feels something press against his other side. He looks over this time to find Celestia. She gives him a gentle smile. One that he returns, however briefly. He can start to feel a certain swell in his heart at the actions of these two. A feeling that he has not felt in a very long time. He feels… safe. Perhaps thinking on it will ruin the moment for him, so he just faces forward and leads his party on.

They continue down their path. However, Anon catches sight of someone he knows. In fact, he feels his spirit lift more than before. Walking down the hall toward them is Blueblood. Anon lifts his hand and gives him a wave.

“Hey, Blue,” Anon says with a brief smile.

Blueblood looks at Anon and then to his aunts. They all have different expressions on their faces, but Blueblood has the feeling that Anon looks better than he did a few hours ago.

“Hello,” Blueblood says as he looks at them all. “Are you going somewhere?”

Anon gives a nod. “Yup. Want to join us?”

Blueblood will admit that he does like the idea of joining them. Perhaps they are going out in town today? He’s never seen his aunts go out into Canterlot, with the exception of parades or a celebration of some kind.

“Sure,” Blueblood answers as he steps next to his aunty, Celestia.

Celestia gives Blueblood a quick nuzzle as he joins her.

Luna looks up at Anon.

“Where is it that you plan to take us?” she asks Anon.

Anon shrugs. “I have no idea. I thought we could walk around and kinda just stumble into a restaurant or something.”

Celestia feels her nerves start to kick in. The memories of her getting food poisoning that one time coming to the forefront of her mind. She wants to speak out and tell Anon how badly this could end, but she holds her tongue. Perhaps she is overreacting? Luna on the other hoof actually feels her mask slip some. She feels her heart fill with a feeling she has never felt before. Anon wishes to go out in public with her. No one, pony or otherwise, has ever taken her out into Canterlot.

In fact, she still doesn't know what Canterlot looks like. Her sister rarely leaves the castle, something that shocked Luna. Before her banishment, they both went out and walked amongst the ponies on a regular basis. When Luna came back, she tried to get her sister to show her around, but she never did. Luna tried to go out by herself, something she did many times before in the old kingdom, but the ponies fled in fear of her. So she, too, decided to stay in the castle.

Now, here came Anon. He simply wishes to walk the town with her, her sister, and Blueblood. She feels a bit of excitement build in her at the thought of going out on the town with her close friend and her sister. While she does talk to Blueblood from time to time, she will admit that she isn't as close to him as her sister is. The more the merrier, right?

Here they are. Out and about in the streets of Canterlot. Anon isn't surprised at all by the looks they are getting. Here is Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Prince Blueblood. Then, there’s Anon. A rather odd sight to many of the high-class ponies that walk the streets. Anon pays them little attention, though, as he looks around at everything. All the different buildings and stores.

“I gotta say this place is nice,” Anon says to break the tension.

Celestia gives him a nod. “This city has stood here since…” She stops as she looks at Luna. A certain pain still in them. “Well, since my sister left.”

Anon understands that she is referring to when she banished her sister. He knows that staying in the same castle would’ve been hard. Hell, he couldn't even stay in the same room after their little talk. He can't even imagine what she felt about that place after their fight.

“I must say that it is a little slice of heaven,” Blueblood says in his Canterlot voice.

Anon can't believe how different Blueblood is in public. He could swear that he is looking at a different pony entirely. Rather than walking in a more slouched and slow pace, Blueblood keeps his head up high and each step is made with practiced grace.

“We count many a fortnight since we’ve walked amongst our subjects, ” Luna says without a waver in her voice.

Anon can see she is nervous. Beyond nervous actually. The fact she is speaking in her “royal we” means that she is too emotional to notice. He decides to let it slide for now. They are out in public; no need to correct her on her speech in front of all these ponies. Anon is going to say something. However, his eyes spot something out of the ordinary.

“Is that what I think it is?” he questions to himself.

“What are you looking at?” Celestia looks at Anon.

A small grin can be seen on his face. Well, it’s the best place he could imagine. Anon walks toward the place in mind, his entourage not far behind him.

The four of them stop in front of the place that’s before them. Celestia feels one of her brows raise as she looks over this store.

“Here?” She looks at Anon who gives a small nod. “Are you sure? We could head back to the castle for a meal instead.”

Anon shakes his head as he gives a once over to this old school donut shop. The sign hanging over the building that says “Donut Joe’s.” Well, this day can't get any weirder, so might as well embrace it. He walks into the store. An old timey bell rings as the door hits it. The fresh scent of donuts fills the air.

“Be with you in one moment!” Anon hears someone shout from the back.

He looks around to the empty store and gives a shrug as he walks over to a booth. He waves for Luna to take a seat. She gives him a nod. Blueblood takes his seat on the opposite side of Luna. Anon sits next to Luna as Celestia sits across from him, next to Blueblood. If anyone were to walk into this place and look over at them, they would admit that it is a strange sight to behold.

Donut Joe, on the other hoof, feels a smile on his face at the sound of somepony entering his store. Despite being in Canterlot, he mostly gets tourists and royal guards coming around, rather than the locals. His donuts aren't refined enough for those stuck up ponies. He doesn't complain. He makes a decent living and is doing what he loves.

He wipes the sweat off of his brow as he quickly grabs a pad and pencil. He walks out of the back and looks around for whoever came into his store. His mouth drops, the paper and pencil he held fall to the ground. He quickly takes a seat on his rump and rubs both of his eyes. Is he seeing things? Sitting at a booth is not one, but both Princesses, Prince Blueblood and, and.. Well, he isn't too sure what the other thing is, but it must be important if it is with all three of them!

He regains his composure. Alright, this isn't the time to gawk or get nervous. He needs to take their orders. He walks up to them and forces his body still. He doesn't want to shake like a filly in front of them.

“Hello, I’m Donut Joe. What would you like?” He asks.

Anon rubs his chin some. He looks over the large display that hangs over the register. It has pretty much everything that is offered here. He knows what he wants.

“I’ll have the glaze,” Anon answers.

“Jelly filled for mine,” Luna comes in.

“Sprinkles on mine,” Blueblood adds.

Celestia looks to her companions unsure how they all ended up here. Well, no need to worry now, seeing as she is already here. She wouldn't want to be rude and leave before even giving this place a try. She looks over at the large sign with a large variety of items on display. One does catch her eye.

“I would like to try your thousand cake donut, please.”

Donut Joe gives her a nod as he quickly takes their orders.

“Is that everything?” he asks.

“Glass of milk for all of us,” Anon adds.

“Of course.” Joe quickly leaves to make their orders. He will make double sure that everything is perfect for them.

Celestia looks out of the corner of her eye and spots a few ponies gawking at her through the window at their booth. She knows that it'll only be a matter of time till this ends up in the press. Luna uses her magic to quickly shut the blinds. Even though she knows that it will not stop ponies, it should give them a semblance of privacy.

Celestia looks over at Anon as he looks around the store. He definitely looks far more relaxed than he did before..

“What made you come here?” Celestia grabs Anons attention.

He shrugs. “It kinda reminds me of a few places from Earth. Equestria varies in similarities, this one being rather pleasant,” he admits.

Anon has told her many times about how things were familiar, yet so different compared to his world. She remembers the time he told her that the weather moved on its own. She often thinks that’s why he likes the Everfree so much. A chaotic place to her, as well as her ponies, but not to Anon. It’s just normal to him.

“I see,” Celestia says calmly.

Anon faces Celestia and gets a good look at her. That mask of hers is pretty good, but still not that great. He can see small twitches on her face that tell him she is nervous. His eyes drift over to Blueblood as he uses his magic to play with a fork and spoon. He then looks over to Luna who is looking at the top of the table in a blank stare. Well, this certainly won't do.

“So, Celestia.” Celestia looks up at Anon. “I was wondering what things were like before Canterlot existed. What was the old kingdom like?”

A spark of nostalgia comes to Luna as she hears Anon’s question. To remember those times gives her mixed feelings. It was a time where she truly fit in and also a time where she made her biggest mistake. Celestia on the other hoof feels herself calm a little more as a genuine smile rests onto her muzzle.

“What would you like to know?” She asks.

Anon scratches his chin in thought for a few minutes. Then the perfect idea comes to him. Perhaps a little revenge on Luna’s prank this morning is in order. He looks to Luna with a devious smile as he faces Celestia again.

“Tell me about your sister when she was a teenager.”

It all started as a little payback for what Luna did, but soon it turned into a lively exchange. Everyone at the table has smiles on their faces as they shared stories. Anon could only sit there and feel an odd feeling inside of him as he watched the two sisters talk about a certain story they shared. Each one gaining a laugh from Anon at how over the top some of them were. For the moment, they were no longer princesses. They were simply two sisters enjoying the memories of their youth. They ruled no kingdom, they had no responsibilities. Even if it was short lived, they were truly free.

Their donuts came long ago when things started to pick up. They simply ate without much thought and kept talking. However, the sun was long gone by now and the store probably open longer than what is normal. A short pause came into their conversation and Anon found it right to take advantage.

“Well, ladies. I think we should head on back to the castle.” He looks over and spots Blueblood asleep as he leans against the wall. “Yeah, definitely that time it seems.”

The two sisters looks over and see Blueblood. Celestia chuckles some as she moves the excess mane hanging over Blueblood’s eyes with her hoof.

“Yes, I think it is time for us to call it a night.” She looks at Luna. “Do you mind taking Blue to bed, sister?”

Luna shakes her head. “I do not mind, sister. Teleport?”

Celestia nods. “Teleport.”

Luna nods as she covers both Blue and herself in her magic as they disappear with a brief popping sound. Celestia looks over to the counter where Joe stands patiently. To be honest, Joe is rather proud to have seen his Princesses in a different light. Whoever that thing is, it must be very important to both of his rulers. Celestia levitates some bits to the counter where Joe is.

“Thank you. There’s a little extra for the trouble.” Celestia says in her sweet tone.

“No need, Princess. It was a pleasure.” He tries to offer back the bits.

She shakes her head. “I will not take the bits you have worked for. Thank you.” She gives him a nod of her head.

“You are too kind,” Joe says as he accepts her bits.

Celestia walks back to the table where Anon is sitting in wait.

“Care to join me for a walk back to the castle?” Celestia asks.

Anon smiles at her. “You seem rather happy,” he points out.

She doesn't even put her mask back on as she smiles brightly at him.

“I am.” Is all she says as she starts her gait towards the door.

Anon silently chuckles as he rises from his seat and follows her, stopping briefly at the door as he gives Joe a wave.

Celestia and Anon are walking down the main street of Canterlot in the dead of night—a statement that is more literal than not. It seems so different from just a few hours before. Only a few ponies can be seen here and there as they walk about. Anon looks over at Celestia and notices she is looking up at the sky.

“You know, I never told my sister how much I loved her sky,” Celestia says in a voice that holds so much pain. “My sun does not hold a single candle to the masterpiece she brings every night. Maybe if I told her, things would’ve never happened like they did.”

Anon feels her wing wrap around him as she pulls him close.

“You alright?” Anon asks.

“Surprisingly, yes,” she says, looking at him with a smile. Even as a thin trail runs down her cheek. “Better than ever, actually.”

Anon reaches up and clears away her tears.

“A princess should never cry,” Anon says.

She chuckles at him. “I don't feel like a princess right now, Anon.”

That gains a small smile from Anon. “I guess I’ll allow it.”

Celestia leans her head down to Anon as she nuzzles him gently.

“Thank you for this. I haven't had a night like this in a long time.”

“No problem.”

The two of them just continue down the road. Enjoying the night sky for all its worth.

Finally, the two of them make it back to the castle. Anon and Celestia stand before the doors to her room. Anon is just about to leave, but hears Celestia call to him.

“Anon, would you please join me?” Celestia asks as she stands at the front of her door.

Anon shrugs. “Sure.”

He walks past both the guards as Celestia turns to face them.

“You two are relieved. I wish to have some privacy.”

They both give each other hesitant nods as they give their leader a bow in compliance.

“As you wish,” one speaks as they take their leave.

Celestia enters into her room and closes the door behind her. She looks over and finds Anon standing in front of the balcony door as he looks outside. Not having opened it, just standing there looking past the glass. Celestia walks over to his side.

“What are you thinking about?” She asks.

Anon is thinking about the meal they had here. How his emotions deliberately turned on him as the night went on. How he ended up leaving, getting drunk. Pretty much everything about that night.

“Just thinking about how so much has changed in a few days. Hours, even.” He gives a weak chuckle. “Seems so different.”

Celestia extends her wing and lays it gently onto Anons back.

“Life is full of surprises, Anon. Do you regret what has happened?” she asks.

Anon thinks back to a few hours ago. How he listened to the two sisters share their fondest memories. It was at that moment Anon felt a change inside of him. Something he would’ve never thought possible before.

He shakes his head. “I know it’s for the best. My mind is telling me that I will regret this, but,” he looks over to her, a faint smile on his lips, “I don’t think I could’ve picked better friends to trust my life with.”

Celestia thought she would feel happy at this moment. To finally hear Anon admit that he trusts them. Yet, he took it one step further. He actually trusts them with his life? She feels as if her heart is hurting but in a good way. A certain twinge she isn't familiar with. It must have been very hard for Anon to admit this to her, he is trying so hard and that is what matters. She would’ve easily accepted him as he was before, but now he seems so much happier.

This makes her think. How much does she trust Anon? Now that she thinks of it, she trusts him a great deal. He is one of only two others that have seen the real Celestia. She hangs on every word he says and feels every pain he has felt. She trusts him, that much is clear. Does she trust him with her life? She feels her heart ache horribly at that thought.

The only pony she ever trusted was Luna. It hurts her to admit it, but after the Nightmare incident, she never allowed herself to trust ponies with her life. Even as Luna came back, she still feels a certain wariness about her. She hates herself for feeling that way, yet she cannot deny it. A small voice in the back of her head that tells her to keep a close eye on her. She has a feeling Anon has felt this way for a very long time about her ponies, which hurts her all the more.

However, here he is now. Trusting in not only her but her sister. The pain in her heart lessens as she remembers this fact. As she looks at Anon now, she honestly does believe she can trust him with her life. Yet, she feels a large sense of guilt. There are many things she has never told Anon. Perhaps now would be the time to show him the real Celestia.

“Anon, I trust you as well. More so than even my sister.” She flinches some as she hears this leave her mouth. “Would you, join me in a more personal talk?”

Anon gives her a small nod. Showing no reaction to her previous statement.


Celestia lowers her wing and slowly walks over to her bed. Anon watches her with a raised brow as she climbs into bed. Celestia looks at him with a gentle smile, patting the empty spot beside her.

“Come. It’s getting late and I don't wish to be alone after we talk,” Celestia says with a sad look.

Well, a lot of weirder things have happened for Anon before. Getting in bed with Celestia is actually rather tame. He walks over to the opposite side and climbs into bed with her. It’s because he trusts her that he shows little to no concern. He lays on his back to get more comfortable. Celestia then cautiously works her way closer towards Anon. If Luna was bold enough to ask him to snuggle, well, Celestia could be just as bold.

As she finally gets closer. She gently rests her head on Anons chest. She feels her nervousness die away as he rests his left hand behind her. He gently strokes her back in an absentminded way. Celestia’s never been this close to a pony in many, many centuries. She gets comfortable and tries to organize all her thoughts.

“I’ve been alive for a very long time, Anon,” Celestia starts. “A very long time.”

Anon can tell just from her tone that whatever she wants to talk about is deep. So he decides to stay quiet and gently stroke her fur.

“These days, we don't see much trouble. A few things from the Everfree come too close to pony settlements. A villain or two try to take over Equestria. I know that may sound bad to some ponies, but not to me, though they are something I do not take lightly, believe me. Yet, they are nothing compared to what my sister and I faced before her banishment. Wars, countless wars. More bodies than I could ever imagine once lay upon this very land.

“Ponies don't know it now, but the very ground they trot is covered in the blood of their ancestors. This place was not always peaceful, Anon. I had to fight and ponies had to die to get to where we are now. I sent families, young colts even, to their deaths.”

Anon feels his shirt slowly becoming wet. He doesn't say a thing about it. Being here is exactly what his friend needs right now.

“Believe me when I say that if I had any other choice I would've taken it. I did what I did to try and make a better tomorrow.” Celestia clenches her eyes shut. “What I'd seen was not even half of what my sister had. Ponies wish to believe that I am the strongest. My sister, she is on a different level than I am. She lead armies in our name to the battlefront. She fought hoof in hoof with those colts. She has seen the horrors eye to eye.

“My sister never enjoyed what we had to do. However, she adapted to it far easier than I could’ve ever hoped. It’s also the reason ponies started to fear her night. She became known as the dark creature that stole lives in the darkness. A being of pure hate and malice. I knew these things were wrong, yet they hurt my sister deeply. She fought for our subjects and they feared her because of it. Even went so far as to shun the very gift she brought them every night.

“It wasn't long until things escalated. My sister slowly became jealous of my day and it started to brew inside of her. I tried to speak to her, tell her that everything they were saying was out of fear. She did not listen, though, and soon became something else entirely.”

Celestia uses her wings to pull Anon a little closer.

“That day is still burned into my memory. One moment my sister, little Woona is standing there. Then, just like a nightmare, another creature stood before me. I had no choice. I knew I was never as strong as her. She spent more years in combat before her banishment than I have to this very day. I used the Elements against her and they locked her away in the moon.”

Anon isn't too sure what to say. Is there even anything to say? He just holds Celestia a little tighter to let her know that he is there.

“I’ve been alone for so long, Anon,” Celestia says as her tears come through in full force. “My one and only sister was gone. There was nothing I could do to bring her back. After that day, I promised myself to never let any creature get close to me in such a way.” She slowly tilts her head up to look at Anon. “I am no goddess, Anon. I, too, have weaknesses. As the years went on I felt that promise weaken as my heart started to ache.

“Then I found Twilight. A small hope that never came to be. I told you that story before.” She says with a sad chuckle as she goes back to her position on his chest. “What were the odds that you would appear in our world? What were the chances that we would meet? What were the actions that made us friends? It all seems so perfect, yet at the same time, not.”

There is a long silence that build between them as no one says a single thing.

“Anon, you said you trusted me with your life, right?” Celestia continues.

“I did.” He says without hesitation.

“I haven't trusted another pony with my life. The only exception was Luna, before her banishment. It hurts to admit this, but a small part of me is still afraid of her. Wondering if she may turn on me once again if I were to open myself to her. I hate it so much it!” She then quickly sits up so she can properly face Anon. “Anon, what you did today means more to me than you will ever know.

“As we sat there and talked about the good times we shared, I slowly realized that I have no reason to fear her. That mare at that table was my sister, little Woona, not Nightmare Moon. The small voice that whispered fears into my mind is gone, and I only have you to thank for that. I no longer need to fear my own flesh and blood.”

Celestia chuckles as she nuzzles him gently.

“Thank you. Thank you for everything.” She pulls back to face him. “I trust you, Anon. With my life and so much more.”

Celestia is leaning over Anon some as she looks down at him. She can't really tell what is going on in his head right now. He seems to be processing what she just said. Anon slowly gives her a small smile as he extends his hand to her. Celestia raises a brow unsure what he is doing.

“My name’s Anonymous. Nice to meet you,” he says with a grin.

Celestia finally understands what he is doing as she clears a few threatening tears from her eyes. She lays her hoof gently into his hand as he wraps his fingers around it.

“I’m Princess Celestia, Co-ruler of Equestria, alongside my sister. However, you may call me Tia.”

Author's Note:

I've never written a fic like this before. I mean, so much of it is screaming at me to make it a romance. While the other part is liking the foreplay too much. The foreplay being the "Oh come on!" feeling you get when you know something should happen and yet it doesn't.

P.S: Check my message in the comments below for a little surprise.