• Published 15th May 2014
  • 39,071 Views, 3,425 Comments

Dexter's Lab: Equestria - RenegadeAlias

Doom and Gloom while things go Boom in . . . Equestria?

  • ...

A Sad Error In Judgement... (part 2/2)

Author's Note:

As I said yesterday, I will post the 2nd half of the chapter today. So here it is. This half of the chapter picks up immediately after where the last half of it left off.

Again, a big THANK YOU to the proof-readers/editors/pre-readers for this chapter: Aburi, A Drunk Soviet, Astromormy, Hawksfive, Heidao, Stelarwand030, Wysteria, and Ultimaexe24.

I know this chapter is a lot of talking, and the typical silliness and comedy are absent. However, several plot threads are coming to a crunch, and I couldn’t find a place to add comedy that would feel natural. I’m still working on those blog posts for you who are interested.

Enjoy, leave a comment and feel free to help out by pointing out any mistakes/typos you find! I’m off to write the next chapter.

“Quadraplex, how many guards are in this library?” Dexter whispered to himself. However, his question was rapidly answered by a monotone voice filtering in through his earpiece.

“Fifteen, with another thirty-five outside.” Quadraplex answered.

“How many changelings?” Dexter rubbed his head. Internally, Dexter scoffed at the idea that he had PTSD.

“Three. Two impersonating guards, One masquerading as a box of books on the second floor.”

“Whatcha sayin’ Dex?” Applebloom cut in, approaching Dexter with the other fillies. “Yer muttering ta yerself.”

“Just thinking out loud, Applebloom.” Dexter lied. However, he quickly spotted a smirking Spike standing just adjacent to the fillies. His arms were folded as he fixed Dexter in a confident gaze.

“What are you grinning about, you underdeveloped saurian?” Dexter asked, casting a glance toward the baby dragon.

“OOooooo, he called you a…” Scootaloo paused her taunt. “sorry’an?” “

Dexter merely glanced as Scootaloo, resisting the urge to facepalm.

“What, Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. The unicorn filly tilted her head after looking at Scootaloo. “Saurian just means large reptile… and Spike is a reptile.”

“That’s not what I heard it meant!” Scootaloo countered in her own defense. “Besides, we can’t all be a walking dictionary!”

“Oh yeah, then what do you think it means?” Sweetie Belle challenged.

“Who cares?” Applebloom shrugged between them.

“I… uhh…” Scootaloo began to stutter, trying to think up something.

“See, you have no clue!” Sweetie smirked, knowing she had her friend pinned.

Scootaloo frowned. “Well I’d look it up if your sister hadn’t stolen all of the dictionaries in Ponyville!”

“Yeah, I’d better get Rarity to give them back otherwise you’ll be illiterate forever!”

Scootaloo growled a response, lowering herself and leaning forward aggressively. However Dexter didn’t bother to pay attention to Scootaloo's reply, turning away silently as he made his way deeper into the library.

Initially, he didn’t want to be here. But now he definitely didn’t want to be here.

Moreover, Dexter didn’t expect such a quick response from the Changeling Queen. She must have really wanted to talk if they were willing to risk exposure in order to pass off that message. It didn’t surprise Dexter that a changeling infiltrator had managed to get inside the library, despite all the hard work the guards and Princess Luna had put into securing it. However, he had to admit he didn’t know how adept the changelings were at infiltrating the guard; for all he knew it was trivial for them.

Another mystery for him to deduce at a later date.

“I’m watching you…” Spike interrupted Dexter’s chain of thought. The baby dragon had followed Dexter away from the now arguing crusaders. “Don’t try anything funny.”

Dexter turned his head to look behind him, annoyed to find Spike still smiling. “Leave me alone.” Dexter’s tone was awash with restrained frustration.

Without a second thought, Dexter proceeded through the bottom floor of the library, eventually finding his way to the library’s back door. It was when he heard Spike speak up again that he realized the infuriating lizard was following him.

“Hey,” Spike walked past Dexter’s side, stepping into the colt’s path. “Where are you going?” Spike locked eyes with Dexter.

A part of Dexter wanted to yell at Spike, but he felt drained and more than unwilling to spend the energy. “Just get out of my way Spike…” Dexter sighed. “I just want to go somewhere quiet…” He shook his head.

“Why?” Spike asked. Dexter turned once more to look at the dragon. The previous confident grin had been replaced with a frown. The baby dragon’s eyes narrowed in frustration. “Why won’t you just tell the truth and come clean to the Princess?”

Dexter rolled his eyes before tiredly uttering his response. “I have been completely honest with-“

The pedantic lie had hardly escaped his lips before Spike interrupted. “Princess Luna, Twilight, the girls, they’re all good ponies! Why won’t you tell us the truth? From what I saw, you’re not on the changelings’ side. We’re the ‘good ponies.’”

Dexter merely stared at Spike for a moment. The colt’s gaze betrayed a moment of thought, though it wasn’t because Spike was finally getting through to him. For a moment Dexter wondered if he had ever been naive enough to believe that the world was so black and white it could be easily broken down into ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys.’

If he could only tell Spike what he saw in the past; of how he saw the ‘good guys’ act in a different era.

“Spike…” Dexter began cautiously. “Without admitting to anything, because I know this place probably has ponies watching and listening to everything I say or do, I’ll answer your question with one of my own.” He locked eyes with Spike. “What if I’m one of the good ponies in all this? What if things are complicated, and that getting what you asked for might hurt more than help? Like, what if the changelings were threatening to hurt innocent ponies if I talked?”

Spike raised an eyebrow, returning Dexter’s gaze with a look of confusion. However, as he contemplated Dexter’s words, his grimace shifted toward a more thoughtful one.

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out…” Dexter said, pushing forward and past Spike.

Dexter only made it a few more steps before the band on his foreleg started glowing a bright blue. Not a second later, a loud pop and blue flash of light appeared before Dexter, placing a new obstacle in his path.

Princess Luna loomed over Dexter, glaring at him with what Dexter could also assume was restrained contempt.

However, despite the fact that he very much returned the sentiment, a part of him wanted to panic at the sight of the Dark alicorn. However, thankfully for his composure, he could feel his anger and contempt for Luna start to rise much more quickly than the fear; allowing him to glare back at the Princess.

“My sister summons you.” Luna’s voice was icy cold, all traces of her previous gentleness were completely gone. “I will escort you upstairs.” She pointed with a hoof back toward the way Dexter had come.

Dexter stepped aside, motioning with a hoof to let the princess go first. “After you…”

“Turn around, and start walking.” She ordered.

“I won’t turn my back on-“ Dexter was cut off by Luna using her magic to trap and lift the colt in an aura of blue.

“WE SHALL TOLERATE NO FURTHER INSOLENCE FROM THEE, NOW MARCH!” Luna commanded in the Royal voice, at volumes loud enough to make Dexter wince in pain and penetrate every part of the library. However, Dexter couldn’t fulfill her command; for at this point Luna simply grasped the colt in her magic and held him aloft before proceeding.

Somewhere upstairs a white alicorn smiled.

As the pair reached the base of the library stairs, Luna stopped to address the Element of Harmony that had apparently noticed Luna’s and gathered in the Library’s main room. “Our sister has a matter to settle with this foal,” She motioned toward Dexter with a forehoof. In response, the colt merely crossed his forelegs as he floated in Luna’s magical grasp. “We are not to be disturbed until Celestia has concluded her business. We shall also be casting a soundproofing spell, so do not be alarmed if we are silent. Celestia does not wish for what we say to be heard by the changelings we hunt.”

When they got to the upper level of the library, Luna shut the door behind them before sealing it with her magic. She then took several paces into the room before unceremoniously dropping Dexter. He hit the floor with a thud, however he didn’t betray any visible or audible wince. His own anger was already burning at his insides.

Much like the main floor of the library, this room was filled with guards. Most of which flanked every door or window in the room. They stood silently, as usual, content to merely watch the colt. On the far side of the room, Celestia and Twilight sat on a pair of large pillows, talking softly enough Dexter couldn’t make out their words. Aside from Twilight, none of the other elements were present.

According to the blip that appeared in his vision, none of them were changelings. However, his glasses did indicate that a box, which was tucked away on the top row of a bookshelf in the far corner of the room, was a changeling in disguise. Dexter would have been fascinated, as it was the first time he saw a changeling impersonate an inanimate object.

“Sister,” Princess Luna greeted as approached Celestia, taking up a place by her side. “I present to you Dexter, as summoned.” Luna didn’t bother motioning toward the colt, merely stepping aside for Celestia to see. “I have also cast a sound-blocking spell over this room, for your privacy. Now I will take my leave.”

“Stay Luna,” Celestia glanced up from Twilight to meet Luna’s eyes. “You’re going to need to know whatever we learn. You’re also owed an apology, you should be here to receive it.” Luna didn’t respond, merely lowering her head in a brief nod. Celestia lowered her magic, setting aside the tea cup and saucer she was holding before turning to face Dexter.

The moment Celestia laid eyes on the colt, she was hit with a slight sense of familiarity. Although she couldn’t pinpoint from where. Fixing him in her gaze for a moment, Celestia racked her memory. She focused her mind on the past decade, as Dexter couldn’t have been more than ten years old. Perhaps she had seen a close relative of the colt, to which Dexter bore a resemblance.

Dexter, however, was waiting with baited breath to see if Princess Celestia would recognize him. Despite a thousand years having passed, Celestia had not aged at all.

The white alicorn was the tallest pony Dexter had ever seen, utterly dwarfing the colt when she stood at full height. Her coat was snow white with a slight pink hue. Celestia’s multicolor mane and tail still waved in a non-existent breeze, imbued with the considerable magic she possesses. Everything about her appearance was exactly as Dexter remembered, even the anger behind her magenta eyes.

Despite the fact Dexter saw Celestia only a few days ago, a thousand years had gone by for the alicorn. He hoped it was long enough for her to forget his face. He knew she never had the opportunity to see his cutie mark during his trip to the past; but from what he could recall, alicorns were supposed to have an extraordinarily accurate memory, much like his own.

He would have hell to pay if she did recognize him.

After a momentary pause Celestia pulled away from her thoughts.

“So, you are Dexter?” Celestia asked, though it sounded more like a statement than a question. Her tone was cold, fully displaying her disdain. “You’re the recalcitrant, contemptuous, captious foal that thinks he has the right to judge my sister?”

“I… am Dexter.” He replied hesitantly, hoping his voice wouldn’t trigger the alicorn’s memory either.

“Well?” Celestia asked coldly, standing as she expected Dexter to correct his faux pax. “I do not know who failed to teach you this, but one usually bows when summoned before Royalty.”

“I’ll stand.” He answered, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding. However, not a second after his reply registered, did Celestia’s horn light up. Dexter’s body was suddenly surrounded by a golden aura which promptly pushed his chest to the floor with a thump, before pulling him back up into a standing position.

“See?” Celestia released her magical aura which held him. “It’s not hard to pay a Princess the respect she is due. While my sister may have overlooked your impertinence, rest assured, I will not.”

Dexter felt the familiar burn of his rising anger.

“Was that necessary, Celestia?” Luna asked, frowning. However her words surprised Dexter, given her anger toward him.

“You do him no good by failing to correct him. He must learn how to behave properly, just like any other flippant colt his age.” Celestia remained fixed on the colt. “Do you know why I am here today, Dexter, visiting Ponyville?”

“No.” Dexter replied candidly. Holding the Princess’s ire may have been a boon toward his efforts to keep her from recognizing him.

“I am here to escort the changeling prisoners to a more secure location. Specifically, the Canterlot’s dungeons.” Celestia explained. “You will be coming with me. Whether or not you end up joining them in the dungeon is up to you. From this point on, you are no longer under Applejack’s care.”

Now Dexter had a reason to get upset. The idea that Celestia was just going to remove him from the care of the only pony he had come to trust and respect, without either’s consent, was more than enough to spark his temper. However, he gritted his teeth and bit back any response he had for the Princess. She was, after all, the Princess. She had the power to do what she wanted, even if it was far from respectable.

“You will speak when spoken too, Dexter.” Celestia ordered sharply. “You have nothing to say?” Celestia asked. Though Dexter suspected she was trying to leverage his fear of being taken away as a tool to get him to talk.

He wasn’t going to bite.

“I didn’t hear a question, Princess.

The room went dead silent upon hearing the condescension in Dexter’s use of Celestia’s title.

Hundreds of years of practice as a politician is the only thing that kept Celestia showing surprise at that verbal slap to the face. No one, ever, talked to her like that.

Celestia took several steps toward Dexter, the room apparently jumping several degrees with each hoof-fall. The magenta of Celestia’s eyes were replaced by a golden hue. “Do you think your impertinence is funny? Does this seem to be a joke to you?”

“This seems to be a waste of my time.” Dexter sneered, surprising the solar alicorn for the second time in a row. Celestia’s growing fury actually paused for a moment while she processed Dexter’s words. Then the room spiked several degrees upwards once more.

Celestia glared at the colt silently for a whole ten seconds, her now golden eyes burning into his own. “This is your last warning; choose what you say carefully or there will be consequences. Know this, I am already very upset with you after what you did to my sister.”

Again, Dexter didn’t respond. He forced himself not to smile, pleased with the fact that Celestia apparently had not recognized him at all.

However, the silent tension in the room didn’t break until Celestia spoke again a few moments later. “I take it back, Luna.” Celestia commented, still standing over the colt and staring down at him. “I see what you meant.” Celestia stepped back before lowering her wings, taking on a less dominant stance. The room lowered back to a more normal temperature as the glowing in her eyes receded, allowing them to return to their normal magenta color.

“You’re not the first… malevolent foal that I have met; but like the ones before you, I sincerely hope you are the last.” Celestia went on. “And I will do what I can to steer you on a different path.”

Dexter couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Celestia, momentarily imagining how different their encounter would be had he truly been as malicious as she apparently believed. He had to fight back a scoff, but failed to hold back a slight shaking of his head and repressed grin. Had he been evil, or had he been replaced by a villain such as his rival Mandark, Celestia would either be dead or in a whole lot of pain right about now.

“What, Dexter?” Celestia asked. “You doubt I would try to steer you on a better path?” She eyed the colt. “Or are you under the delusion that you’re not, in fact, evil?”

When Dexter remained silent, Celestia pressed him. “Answer my question,” She ordered.

“Your assessment is incorrect. I am not evil.” Dexter answered curtly. A torrent of dark thoughts passed across his mind, begging the question of how much easier his life would be right now if he were evil. “You do not possess an understanding of my motives, and wouldn’t believe me even if I told you what they are. Now, if you would be so kind as to skip the theatrics and get to the poi-”

Celestia’s horn flashed, and Dexter felt his body seize up as a golden aura surrounded him and hugged his fur, effectively silencing his words. He felt hot, as if he had been suddenly locked into a microwave oven set to its highest setting. The magic Celestia had used wasn’t so much painful, as it was uncomfortable, seemingly paralyzing the colt for a moment.

“I told you there would be consequences if you continued to be disrespectful.” Celestia declared icily. “And next time, I will flank-zap you.” Dexter merely answered her with a glare. It wasn’t the first time a pony threatened to spank him with magic.

“But getting to the point, Dexter, enough of your motives are revealed by your actions. You’re not evil because you lied, nor because you managed to make my sister cry. You’re evil because at every opportunity you had to do good for another pony, you chose not to.” Celestia accused. “Even when those closest to you stood to gain the most, you chose not to help, letting them suffer needlessly. The only thing you did right was revealing the fact that Cheerilee had been taken by the changelings, allowing for her rescue.” Celestia walked back to stand beside Luna, both now facing the colt. “But even that seemingly good deed was only done out of self interest, since you would have been attending the class with her imposter had you not seen to her rescue…”

Dexter ever so slightly shrunk back for a moment, catching himself in his effort to keep up a strong poker face. Celestia’s assured tone and body language set alarm bells off in Dexter’s head; prompting him to actually worry. She must have proof of some kind, and she wanted him to know it.

“But what’s worse, Dexter, is that you willingly corrupt the good within you.” Celestia, using her magic to pull the colt’s head back up, allowing her to lock eyes with the colt. Dexter quickly wished she hadn’t, however, as something snapped behind Celestia’s eyes. Anger, fury, a profound yet well controlled rage, both intensely hot and deadly cold, stirred in the alicorn’s features. “You are clearly a smart child. You possess intelligence well beyond your peers, and well beyond your years.” Again the temperature in the room spiked upwards. “Yet, you use that intelligence to bring forth an unmitigated malice. No child, no pony so new to life as you, would easily discern the source of pain and suffering that makes immortality nigh unbearable! The fact we will lose nearly everyone we come to know and love!” The intensity of Celestia’s magically enhanced voice shook the room. It was so much as loud as it was concussive. Dexter could feel each word within his chest and legs.

Small parts of Celestia’s mane and tail started converting into flame, as if a few strands here and there spontaneously combusted. The gouts of flame would race down her mane before extinguishing at their end. However, with Dexter’s eyes still locked with Celestia’s, he could see her irises started to glow golden.

“Yet you did discern it… and in your genius chose the best words to hurt Luna the most. You so gleefully delighted, celebrated, my sister’s suffering! And unjustly linked her guilt to the cursed side of her immortality… Trying to frame the mercy she was given by the Elements of Harmony as some new twisted form of punishment!”

“Our bodies may not keep scars, but our hearts do! And my sister will carry the one you gave her yesterday forever. She never hurt you. You never saw Nightmare Moon. You had no right to say what you did, nor to judge her. What you said to her, which wounded her, was just a pathetic attempt to distract from your failing lies…”

“You are evil, Dexter. And a genuinely evil child is truly a repugnant thing to behold.” Celestia hissed, punctuating the end of her speech while glaring down at the child she dwarfed. Her wings were extended from her sides, and were tense like the rest of her body. Dexter had seen Celestia this angry before, during his trip to the past.

He didn’t exactly enjoy the experience, as Celestia was much more physical with her displeasure then.

“Well, don’t you have anything to say for yourself?” Celestia sneered in disgust; the question itself almost being a reflex from centuries of dealing with foals.

“Yes…” He started, narrowing his eyes at Celestia. He wasn’t unafraid, and he didn’t care if Celestia knew it. If she was surprised, she didn’t show it. “I apologize.” Dexter curtly directed toward Princess Luna, breaking eye contact with Celestia. “What I said to you, Princess Luna, was wrong; and I should not have said it.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “I do not make this apology in an attempt to reduce any punishment your sister intends for me, I am not afraid of her. Nor do I anticipate your forgiveness. But rather because you should have no doubt that what I said was both wrong and incorrect, and that you should not suffer any more anguish over it.”

The room hung in silence once more as Dexter finished. The stillness of the room was only broken by Celestia turning her head to glance at her sister. After another moment, Luna’s face scrunched into a scowl. “Why? Why should I believe this apology is genuine? You made it clear that you hate me.”

“That’s why,” Dexter responded again, quickly and curtly. His stern expression didn’t waver the whole time. “Hatred is why. But not mine… yours.”

“If you’re afraid I have come to hate you, Dexter, don’t worry.” Luna interrupted. “When I leave Ponyville, I shall not give you a second thought; and hopefully we shall never cross paths again. You’re not worth my time and energy to harbor hatred for.”

“You don’t hate me Princess,” Dexter shook his head. “You hate yourself.” At those words Luna froze in place, as if she had turned to stone. “Self-hate is hidden in everything you do; in every word you speak, every smile or frown you give, in the way you carry yourself. It’s as if you are cursing yourself for every second that you live while your victims lay cold and still.” Luna’s scowl faltered, turning away from Dexter before shutting her eyes. Dexter paused, half expecting Luna to come back with a denial of his accusation.

Celestia noted when such a denial didn’t come, before turning to Dexter with a newfound glare.

A warning.

However, Dexter didn’t pay it any heed and simply continued.

“Nightmare Moon was a creature born of your jealousy and hatred; and fed off the pain, suffering and fear of those around her.” Dexter shifted as the memories of his trip to the past were still fresh within his mind, and still so very disturbing. He fought to keep his neutral expression. “And to prevent a resurgence of Nightmare Moon within you, you have every duty to fight all forms of hatred you harbor. Yet, you don’t fight the hatred you have for yourself, because you think you deserve to be hated.”

“But whether or not you deserve it is not the point. You must keep even the faintest hints of Nightmare Moon at bay.” Dexter urged. “And that is the reason why I apologize. My words yesterday served only to feed your self-loathing, and for that reason alone they were clearly wrong. I am sorry. I don’t expect you to forgive me; I don’t even expect you to forgive yourself – unless that is necessary for you to stop hating yourself. But whatever the case is, please, you must stop hating yourself.”

Again the room was filled with silence, for what felt like hours. Luna’s face betrayed her internal monologue, shifting from hurt, to fear, to guilt, and then back into a scowl. However, her anger gave way to a passive and cold grimace. “No Dexter. You were right in the first place, and that’s why it hurt so bad; it was true.” Luna retorted. “I deserve to suffer given what I’ve done.”

“Luna, no-” Celestia interrupted, shaking her head before taking a step toward the other alicorn. Celestia was instantly silenced when Luna’s gaze snapped toward her older sister, threatening her to not say another word. It actually caused Celestia to stop dead in her tracks, before taking a hesitant step back.

“My… self hatred is part of a well deserved punishment.” Luna picked up a forehoof and started to inspect the blue shoe attached to her hoof. “I hate myself as much as everypony else should hate me, since nopony other than you seems willing to.” She put her hoof down to meet the colt’s sight. “But do not fear, I will never become Nightmare Moon again. I. Will. Not. Let. It. Happen. So your apology is both unwarranted and without purchase, and I am free to hate myself as much as I deserve.”

It was Dexter’s turn to scowl in frustration. “You owe it to your victims to make absolutely sure, and the only way to do that is to let go of your hate.”

“I am absolutely sure, Nightmare Moon required my assent. She shall never have it again.” Luna bit back. “Now all my victims are dead. Either by my hoof, or by the passage of time. You can’t speak for them.”

“Wrong,” Dexter countered, “There is a victim of Nightmare Moon, alive, in this room.” Dexter paused. “And she’s standing right beside you.” He motioned toward Celestia with his head. “And something tells me that she agrees with what I have been saying; stop hating yourself.”

Luna’s scowl returned. Celestia would forgive her for anything, unjustly so. “Enough!” Luna hissed at Celestia, the room around the dark alicorn seemed to darken as shadows became more intense. “This diversion has gone on for too long, and we have more pressing matters to attend to. Now do what you came here for sister, we have changelings that must be dealt with…”

Celestia regarded the other alicorn silently for a few more moments, much to Luna’s annoyance.

“We will talk more about this later.” Celestia said, her look of concern was met with a cold stare from Luna. After shaking her head, Celestia turned back toward Dexter. “Nor am I finished with you in this matter.” She remarked much more coldly. “However, Luna is right. We have wasted enough time, Dexter. The purpose of my journey here was to assist in the changeling situation plaguing Ponyville, including your role in it. We know that you have been deeply dishonest with us Dexter.”

Dexter drew in a breath to respond, but Celestia continued before he could. “We know you have knowledge of the device from the Ponyville clinic that could detect changelings, which has since been destroyed. We know you have a means of detecting changelings, despite the fact that you are no unicorn and cannot perform magic. And we know for certain that you were the one who revealed to the guard that your school teacher, Cheerilee, was actually a changeling imposter.”

Dexter couldn’t help but look away. Celestia’s once hostile glare and tone shifted more toward one of judgement. However, it wasn’t Celestia that bothered Dexter. He felt a pang of sadness shoot through him, followed by a tightness in his chest.

He knew this moment, or one like it, would eventually come. A point of no return.

“By withholding this information, or by lying to conceal your possession of it, you have impeded Luna’s investigation into the changelings here. Doing so has put countless innocent ponies at risk, and allowed the changeling enemy to operate freely and unopposed in our homeland. My subjects, and your neighbors here in Ponyville, have been subjected to martial law. All of which could have been avoided had you been honest.” Celestia paused for a moment, letting her words hang as she momentarily hesitated. However, she frowned briefly before staring at Dexter resolutely. “Dexter, you have knowingly aided our enemies, both directly and indirectly. You have sided against us. You have committed treason. You are a traitor.”

“However, it is not too late for you to undo the harm you have done.” Celestia’s cold tone warmed slightly. “Tell us, now, what you know. How did you build that device in the Ponyville clinic, and what about it allowed it to detect changelings? And by what means do you now detect changelings? There is still time to catch the changelings in Ponyville that remain at large, and to uncover their undoubtedly sinister plot before it comes to fruition. But for that to happen we have to be able to find them.”

Celestia stopped, letting Dexter have a chance to respond. She gazed down upon him expectantly, trying to see past a well practiced poker face. She could tell he was troubled; and hoped now he would come clean.

“I don’t know.” Dexter replied curtly, dashing Celestia’s hopes in an instant. In frustration she turned away from the colt, pacing across the room while Dexter finished his denial. “I don’t know how that device in the hospital was made, and I don’t know any reliable method for detecting disguis-”

“DEXTER!” Celestia turned on the colt, her fury returned in full force. “I KNOW YOU’RE LYING, WE ALL KNOW YOU’RE LYING!” She stomped a forehoof, cracking the floor in a similar manner Dexter had seen Luna do before. “Don’t you care about the ponies out there who are suffering?! I know a part of you does, otherwise you wouldn’t have helped your teacher Cheerilee get saved! There are a hundred Cheerilee’s out there suffering right now, why are you lying?” Her eyes narrowed, scanning the colt for any sign that his resolve was going to break. “Don’t you understand…” Celestia's voice faltered. “The position you’re… putting me in?”

“I don’t have the information you seek.” Dexter replied resolutely.

“Dexter, listen to me carefully…” Celestia began again. “There is magic, long since outlawed and all but forgotten, which allows a magic wielder to pry open the minds of others; and forcefully take knowledge from their victim’s mind, or even to dictate their thoughts and actions…” Celestia paused to suppress a shudder, all the while earning a worried glance from Luna. “I hate that I even consider using it, this magic disgusts me…“

“It doesn't sound all that different from Luna’s dream walking,” Dexter remarked, motioning toward the other alicorn with his head. “Why is it any different than what she does on a regular basis?”

“Because this is a different type of magic. It doesn’t simply allow two beings to commune, it dismantles the mind of the victim before the caster.” She locked eyes with Dexter again. “And although it does not cause any lasting damage, it is a violation of the most heinous kind.”

“So, magical lobotomy?” Dexter asked.

“No,” Celestia shook her head, before looking around the room. “No were nearly as damaging, but just as reprehensible in my opinion. Dexter… I beg you… tell the truth.” She turned back to the colt. “If not for your own sake, then at least for mine. As a Princess of Equestria, it is my duty to protect my subjects… it is my duty to extract from you the information which will save their lives. But if I use this heinous magic, I will regret it for well beyond your lifetime. Whatever secrets you are keeping, they’re going to be exposed. There is no reason to keep lying, it will only make me hurt you in a way I hoped never to. Again I beg you…”

Despite his resolve, Dexter was feeling regret for the first time during his meeting with Celestia. His gaze drifted toward the floor. Of course, he wasn’t going to change his mind. He still believed that talking to Celestia would induce a war between the changelings and Equestria, and possibly the destruction of the changeling species.

And Dexter would not be responsible for a war, nor the resulting madness and death therein; and especially not a genocide, even if it was accidental byproduct of the ponies defending themselves.

“Please, please don’t lie to me.” Celestia pleaded. “Tell us what you know.”

“I’m sorry, but I simply don’t know anything-” Dexter began, but he didn’t get far.

“CURSE you and your STUBBORNNESS!” Celestia stomped a forehoof again, this time she knocked a bigger hole in the library’s floor; causing a large chunk to fall through to the floor below. Her irises shifted back toward the color of flames while she spoke through gritted teeth. “You… you… I have not seen such foolish stubbornness in a colt in over A THOUSAND YEARS, you’re even more stubborn than… that…”

At that moment, Dexter looked up to lock eyes with the princess once more. The sense of familiarity she had with the colt surged within her once more. She had met Dexter before today, and now she knew exactly when. The memories struck Celestia like a tidal wave, transporting her to the distant past.

[A thousand years prior.]

“You are the most stubborn child I have ever met.” Celestia sighed in frustration, taking a moment to glance out a gigantic hole in the wall. She had a clear view of the forest in the distance, which was bathed in an orange hue as she pushed the sun into its setting phase. Thick clouds in the distance hung low, hinting at a coming rain.

However, Celestia was brought back by Star Swirl stomping the floor with a fore hoof. “Half an hour of trying to get him to talk and we don’t even have his name.” Star Swirl said before shaking his head.

“Look, it’s not my fault that I have no idea what you’re talking about…” The mystery colt lied. Did he really think he sounded innocent, or that Celestia would believe him?

“Then why won’t you at least tell us your name?” Celestia challenged, lower her head to eye level with the colt.

He merely looked away.

“Listen, young colt.” Star Swirl began sternly. “Clover is like a daughter to me, and every second she is suffering is like a knife in my side. Now I know you know something more about Nightmare Moon, or at the very least you can tell me where you got that prophecy from. I need to know whatever I can, as any small detail about Nightmare Moon could prove useful in undoing her indoctrination magic.”

Celestia could help but agree with the aged wizard. However, her main concern was with finding a way to retrieve Luna from the moon. She loved her little sister after all, despite everything that happened.

The idea of losing Luna terrified Celestia to the core; and in ways far beyond that which normal siblings would experience. As Celestia watched the centuries pass, so too did she watch countless friends pass on. The loss of each one built up over time, creating a mountain of anguish that threatened to crush her every time she thought about it. However, it was all made more bearable by the fact that at least one person would be with her; that there would be at least one person she didn’t have to watch pass away.

But now, it would seem that might change; and the despair she harbored at her new reality threatened to crush her composure even now. Distracting herself with the mystery colt in front of her was all she could do to stop herself from completely breaking down into tears.

“I never said anything about a prophecy.” Again, the mystery colt lied. Star Swirl’s jaw tightened.

“Prophecy?” Celestia raised an eyebrow at Star Swirl. “What prophecy did he speak of?”

“During the first hours of Nightmare’s uprising, he helped Clover and I escape from Nightmare’s guard. That’s when he spoke of a prophecy which stated that Nightmare was to escape from her imprisonment in a thousand years before bringing about another eternal night.”

“What? The Elements said the same thing to me just as Luna was banished.” Celestia’s gaze darted between the colt and the wizard. “A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria,” Celestia began to recite. “Defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal.”

“That’s it,” Star Swirl shot an accusatory hoof at the colt. “He said those words exactly, less than an hour after Nightmare Moon attacked!”

That was more than enough for Celestia. Somehow this child knew a prophecy from the Elements of Harmony before the elements had even given it to her.

“How did you know this prophecy before the Elements gave it to me?” Celestia pulled the colt forward with her magic before lifting him to eye level. “Do you know anything else about my sister’s fate? How will the stars aid in her return? Will Luna’s mind survive her banishment? Will Nightmare consume her?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I never-“

“Please, please don’t lie to me.” Celestia begged, her eyes starting to tear. She didn’t care if her composure was starting to crack. “I’ve been with my sister for a very, very long time. She is the only one I have. I must know if the prophecy will come true. Will I ever get my sister back? I have to know. When exactly will she come back? How will she come back? Is there anything I can do to bring her back sooner? Is she being… tormented by that ‘Nightmare Moon’ thing right now?”

She needed to know, every fiber of her screamed that she must know; when Nightmare Moon returned, would Luna come back as well - or will her little sister be consumed and destroyed by the monster that had taken over her?

“I’m sorry, but I simply don’t know anything-“ Celestia didn’t let the colt finish his repeated lie, as she finally felt her composure break under the weight of her anguish. However, it was all replaced by a torrent of unrestrained anger.

What this little foal knew could bring Luna back to her side, yet this stupid mortal thought he could deny her this knowledge.


“DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME!” Celestia felt the familiar burn of uncontrolled magic surge through her. The air around her had gotten much hotter, hot enough to be painful to the average pony. But she didn’t notice. “I LOVE MY SISTER MORE THAN ANYTHING. I’VE WATCHED OVER HER FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. I WON’T LET SOME STUPID COLT WITHHOLD WHAT I NEED TO BRING HER BACK TO ME!

She shook the colt in her magical grasp, tightening it with each passing second. “TELL ME WHERE YOU GOT THAT PROPHECY! TELL ME WHAT ELSE YOU KNOW ABOUT MY SISTER! TELL ME HOW TO BRING HER BACK!”


She felt her magical grasp on the colt dissolve as a counter-spell from Star Swirl’s horn struck the colt from behind. Almost instantly the child was pulled away by a green aura of magic belonging to one of the guards.

“Celestia!” Star Swirl’s horn was still lit, evidently charged for whatever Celestia had planned next. She couldn’t blame him. Her old friend had already seen one alicorn lose her mind, and doubtless he questioned her own mental state now.

And he’d be right to.

“Get out… all of you…” She declared quietly. “But keep a close eye on him...” She pointed to the unnamed colt.

She swore to herself, she would get the information she needed from him. Whatever the cost.

Yet, it was the last time she would ever see him.


Not half an hour later, was Celestia’s mourning interrupted by the sound of pounding on the door of her personal chambers. A cynical part of her mind remarked on how useless knocking was, given that the battle damage from her sister’s rebellion left half of the door missing, along with an entire wall and a good portion of the room’s ceiling.

“What is it?” Celestia asked tersely, though part of her was grateful for any distraction from the roiling storm of emotions within her.

“Your majesty!” One of her solar guards approached. “The prisoner and the captain of the traitorous lunar guard have both disappeared! We cannot find them anywhere in the castle!”

“WHAT?!” Celestia was on her hooves instantly.

“We are sweeping the castle, but I believe they have already escaped the castle.” The guard continued. “Two guards watching the bridge to the east were found unconscious. I’ve sent trackers, along with a flight of pegasi, into the forest to pursue them.”

“I will join the chase, myself. Send another flight of Pegasi, and whatever other troops you can spare. We cannot fail to retrieve them. And inform Star Swirl.” Celestia spread her wings, and with a few powerful beats, flew through the hole in the ceiling and into the sky.


[A month after Nightmare Moon’s Banishment]

“The armor and equipment he had with him was… incredible. I had never seen anything like it.” Star Swirl said, looking down at the small set of notes he had managed to take during his brief opportunity to examine Dexter’s gear.

It had been a month since the banishment of Nightmare Moon, and the disappearance of the strange colt. All efforts to find him had proven utterly fruitless. The only object the colt left behind was his helmet; which had since been burned by someone that Star Swirl suspected was trying to further sabotage all attempts to find him. But what infuriated Star Swirl was the fact that the sabotage denied him of any clues or technological insights he might have gleaned from the helmet itself.

“Even what is left of this helmet defies my understanding.” Star Swirl went on, looking up at the white alicorn before him. “Despite the sabotage, I cannot identify the substances or alloys used in the helmet’s design. Replicating them is well out of the question. Of course, I had a very small amount of time to examine the helmet before it was damaged.” Star Swirl began to explain.

Of course, Celestia already knew what Star Swirl meant. Taking the helmet off the colt had proved to be surprisingly difficult. When they discovered he was still alive, both she and the old wizard went to work immediately trying to heal the colt with their magic. However, the suit the foal wore appeared to absorb magical energy at an astonishing rate, almost completely foiling their attempts to scan him and determine what his injuries were. What’s more, the suit was nearly completely sealed. It took Star Swirl and Celestia over two hours to break the seals fastening the foal’s helmet to his suit, revealing Dexter’s face for the first time.

“You misunderstood why I gave this to you, Star Swirl.” Celestia replied. “That is not to say I do not appreciate your efforts, but I was hoping you could use this to find a way to locate him. A way to trace the material used in its making,” Celestia motioned toward the charred piece of gear. “Discern some hidden markings, or even trace the minute magical connections between it and its owner.”

“I am sorry, Princess.” Star Swirl shook his head. “I’ve tried every spell I can think of, and I am experimenting with new spells and magic that I am developing. But my efforts have been less than successful.”

“Perhaps you’re not properly motivated…”

With those few words the atmosphere of the throne room darkened, along with Star Swirl’s demeanor. “Princess, I understand that the loss of your sister has been difficult.” Star Swirl frowned. “But it has been over a month, and Clover has hardly recovered at all. Yesterday marked the first day where she was able to go a whole hour without that… thing that’s inside of her rearing its ugly head! Believe me, I am more than sufficiently motivated to find our missing friend. But if the sophistication of his equipment is any indication of the resources he has access to, we need to prepare ourselves for the reality that we may not find him for a very long time, if ever.” Celestia’s eyes drifted away from her old friend, slightly ashamed of the insinuation of her choice of words.

“There… must be something we can do?” Celestia asked. “If your team requires more funding…” Star Swirl silently shook his head. “I refuse to just give up, Star Swirl. And you’re not the type to just give up either.” After a moment's thought, her eyes narrowed at the old stallion. “You’re not… withholding anything from me are you?” She asked.

Star Swirl shifted uncomfortably, recalling the last thing the colt had said to him. However, his body language was enough of an answer for Celestia, and she merely waited for him to reply. “Just a wild theory, your majesty, from something he said. But truth be told, given our young friend’s habit of lying, I doubt I should place any stock in it…”

“And yet you mention it.” Celestia pressed.

“Well, it's just that if there is any merit to my theory, it would require years of magical research and spell crafting before I could gain a hint as to my theory’s merit.” Star Swirl replied. “I’m afraid it might be a waste of time.”

“If all other avenues are exhausted…”


[Eight hundred years ago, two hundred years after Nightmare Moon’s banishment]

“Respectfully, Princess, I’m not certain what you expect my guards and I to find out there.” A noble white unicorn in resplendent platinum armor protested. He was one of the few honorable nobles the princess knew, genuinely caring for the wellbeing of the guards under his command. Such was the reason that he now confronted Celestia. “We have searched high and low all over this continent, from ocean to ocean and from the wasteland deserts of the south to the frigid and lost remains of the crystal empire in the north. We have even searched within the boundaries of every nation that would permit us entry. But we have had no sign of any kind…”

“I am aware of the casualties your unit has suffered, I will see to it you are given worthy replacements.” Celestia regarded her captain with a stern and unmoving gaze, entirely unsympathetic to his concerns.

“This is not about replacements; I’m not asking to be reinforced.” He threw up a forehoof. “This crusade you have us on… to search every corner of the world for a pony long dead has proven to be both dangerous and reckless! I always expected to lose some of my guards at one point or another. That’s simply a reality of command, and I can respect the need to take risks, but not pointless ones! This search of yours has no end, and some of my guards have given the better parts of their lives to this… obsession of yours.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. Nobles never changed, no matter their training and no matter their rank. They only complained when they wanted something. “What do you want, Blueblood? Do you require a promotion? An increase in pay? An exception to our latest tax? You’ll have it, if get back out there. You’ll have much more if you find anything substantive.”

“This isn’t about money, or noble privileges!” The armored stallion replied, his lip curling in disgust. “I read the history of this crusade of yours, including the parts you didn’t want me to. I know this little pony hunt of yours started over two hundred years ago with Star Swirl the bearded, and you have combed over every inch of the known world. You even sent several expeditions into the frozen wastes of old Equestria, all of which never returned from such an obvious death sentence!”

“Silence,” Celestia ordered, shutting her captain up instantly. “We may be friends, and your elevated station may grant you certain privileges, nephew; but I will not tolerate reproach from you.” She stood up from her throne to tower over the unicorn. “Yes, I have searched for your target for the past two hundred years, starting long before you were born. And though he may be over a century dead, having expired from old age, he still may have left a clue behind. What remains of him is out there, he did not simply vanish off the face of Equis without a trace. I will NOT stop until I find what I need, now you can either fall in line or stand aside, but I will crush you underhoof if you dare to get in my way.”

“I know how long you have searched, Auntie. I do, and I know what it means to you.” The stallion hesitantly started again. “But you haven’t found a single hint as to where he went in twenty decades, what makes you think that will change now? Not a trace of him has been found by any means, neither magical nor mundane. And even if you did find him, he was working against you. He would have made sure to leave no clues behind.”

Celestia’s glare did not lift, her frown deepened. “Your fore-fathers would not have questioned me. They were more loyal. Perhaps Princess Platinum’s bloodline has diluted too much and grown thin…”

“They also had a chance of finding your target alive!” The captain countered, shifting in his platinum armor. “Now you have us searching for clues in insanely dangerous places. Just last month you ordered us to search the horde of an ancient dragon just because the dragon ‘may’ have been near the Everfree forest the night your target disappeared. I lost three recruits that day and-“

“Enough,” Celestia repeated more forcefully. “My dictates are not requests, they are orders! They are not appeals, they are commands! Now you will do as I say!”

After a moment of silence, the captain slowly started to reach toward his helm. Celestia was expecting for the captain to salute, before turning to depart for his next mission. However, the unicorn instead reached up and took off his helmet. Like the rest of his armor, his helm was platinum with crimson trimming.

“I…” He hesitated. “I cannot stand by and watch as more young lives are sacrificed at the bloody altar of your obsession in chasing a pair of ghosts…” He placed his helm down on the floor before him, before removing his badge of office and laying it on the floor as well. Such was a traditional symbol of a captain’s resignation. He turned tail and left without another word.

He didn’t see the tear rolling down from Celestia’s eye as he departed. She knew he was right. Ever since that colt disappeared like a phantom in the night, she had never found a trace of him. Searching was futile. “Luna… I’m sorry. But he’s right…” She whispered, looking up at the moon hanging in the night sky. She would have to wait for another eight centuries to see Luna again.

Back in the present, Dexter watched the odd display of Celestia going from white-hot-fury-of-the-sun mode to complete disbelief. The glow in Celestia’s eyes, and the heat she gave off, seemingly vanished in an instant as the white alicorn stood silently with her jaw hanging wide open.

It left everyone else in the room utterly bewildered.

However, for Dexter, it was all the confirmation he needed. The worst he feared had come to pass, Celestia had recognized him.

Initially he was hoping to block any magic from prying open his mind, as the princess had threatened, by use of his magic cancelling technology. And once Celestia had given up on her attempts to use magic to read his mind, she would confine him to a dungeon somewhere. After which he would simply escape.

Unfortunately, now he was certain he was going to have to fight his way out. By recognizing him, Celestia now knew he was a lot more than a simple earth pony colt. He couldn’t risk her finding a way to successfully capture and hold him.

“Quadraplex, set condition one. Prep contingencies one and three.” Dexter stated simply. He didn’t bother to hide it or mutter it, earning a strange look from Princess Luna. A symbol flashing in his glasses confirmed his command had been done.

Luna stepped forward, eyeing Dexter for a moment before turning toward Celestia. “Sister?” When Celestia didn’t respond, still staring dumbfounded at the colt, Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Sister?” She asked more forcefully, pushing the other alicorn. “Celestia?”

“Y-y-you… y-y-you?” Celestia worked her jaw for a few moments, causing Dexter to raise an eyebrow. “Y-you… i-it’s you!” She declared in total disbelief. “Your name is… Dexter?”

“Correct.” Dexter replied with a grin. “It’s me, the one that got away…”

“Sister… what is this?” Luna asked in confusion, eyes narrowing as she turned back toward Dexter briefly.

However, Celestia appeared to not even hear her. “H-how… how is this possible?” Celestia asked. “I searched everywhere for you… for two centuries! Even when I thought you had grown old and died, I was obsessed with finding you… in hopes of finding a grave or something… anything…”

“It would be a sad error in judgement, Princess Celestia, to mistake me for a corpse.”

Celestia blinked, while Luna slowly recoiled. “Sister… What is this? What is happening?” Luna asked more forcefully this time, instinctively adopting a defensive stance.

“Luna, it's him!” Celestia managed to blurt out, shaking off her stupor. “From the night you were banished.”

“What?” Luna’s gaze darted back and forth between Dexter and Celestia, before she shook her head in confusion. “Sister, I don’t understand.”

“For the sake of brevity, allow me to explain while Celestia composes herself.” Dexter interrupted, drawing Luna’s attention. “What your sister is trying to say, is that I am one of the many ponies you tried to murder a thousand years ago. You came close too, you managed to break my ribs, puncture my right lung, fractured my spine; and nearly killed me four separate times. Though I was far luckier than your other vict-“

“Silence!” Luna hissed, seething. “You’re an eight year old foal, there is no way you were alive then! I’VE HAD IT WITH YOUR SICK LITTLE GAMES-“

“Remember your first petitioner?” Dexter continued despite Luna’s outburst, however his words managed to pause Luna’s tirade. “The first pony to recognize Queen Moon’s rule outside of the lunar guard? It was a little colt…” Dexter gave a nonchalant glance over his forelegs. “Of course, I was colored brown at the time with a gray mane; an illusion cast by a friend to prevent you from recognizing me right away.”

Luna’s memory from the night of her banishment was fragmentary, however she did recollect enough to recall the exact moment Dexter spoke of.

“Do you remember what I said to you that set you off?” Dexter looked back up at Luna. “The moment you decided to kill me? I told you that ‘you don’t deserve to have a dog, let alone a child.’ You then threw me across your half destroyed throne room, where I bounced off the stone floor.” Luna froze in place, her fury giving way to a mixture of disbelief and astonishment. “No? It’s okay, the suit I was wearing at the time recorded everything.” Dexter stepped aside from where he was standing. “Quadraplex, if you would be so kind, establish a holographic display and play my mission recording at the relevant time point.”

What happened next was something neither of the two sisters had seen before, which was a rarity for them given their age. In the place Dexter had left, what appeared to be a floating glowing glass seemingly phased in from nowhere. However, less than a second later an image appeared on the floating screen, accompanied by sound.

“There shouldn’t be any ‘children of the night’ because you shouldn’t be a mother of any kind! Even if you were to have a foal of your own, it should be taken from you because you’d end up abusing it!”

Nightmare shook the colt furiously. “I COMMAND YOU TO BE SILENT!

“You’re a monster! And you don’t deserve to have a dog let alone a child!” Dexter nearly shrieked the last of his words, finding himself now unable to speak due to Nightmare’s tightening grip. Her forelegs’ grasp on his barely had become so hard he was starting to have trouble breathing, despite the added protection his hidden suit provided.

Nightmare, however, continued to tremble in sheer fury, scowling at the colt in the mercy of her grasp. She brought the colt’s face close to her own. “I think I see the problem now. You have a sun-loving face!” She sneered, violently throwing the colt across the throne room. He bounced across the stone floor a few feet before finally skidding to a halt.

By the time he could look up, Nightmare had already risen from her seat and was descending the stairs before her. The air around her seemed to darken as the air in the entire hall dropped to freezing. Celestia too had risen from her seat, now looking more panicked than ever.

“Luna, you’d never hurt a child, no matter how angry you got!” Celestia pleaded.

We’ve already hurt many children. You may have spared them from the nightmares, but we have orphaned all those whose parents couldn’t become children of the night.” Nightmare stomped, leaving a crack in the stone floor. “Why not just take the next step?

“I won’t do this; I won’t let you do this.” The other voice countered, straining as it fought back. “If I hurt him, it would only prove everything he said was right!”

He will never be a child of the night,” Nightmare shouted. “And when he grows up, I will torture him to death in his sleep.” Her furious glare shot toward the colt. “Why not let me get started early and save us all some time.

She ripped her head back towards the window, glaring into her reflection. “I will NOT be a foal-killer!”

“You can’t make me do this, Nightmare.” She declared, wrestling against her trembling fury. Nightmare lashed a hoof at the window, shattering it with a crash. “I don’t want this, which is why you cannot get me to do it. I truly don’t want this…”

Celestia rushed to Luna’s side.

“Luna,” Celestia placed a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. “Luna, please listen to me.” She pleaded. “I don’t care who is better, I don’t care about whatever differences that have come between us. I love you, please stop this.”

However, the more Celestia spoke the colder the dark alicorn’s gaze became. Eventually Luna closed her eyes, starting to tremble as a scowl grew on her face.

That’s when Dexter remembered: Celestia was the focal of Luna’s hate.

“Celestia, you moron, shut up!” he pleaded.

Unfortunately, his warning came a little too late. Luna had opened her eyes once more to reveal a set of cat-like slits for pupils. “Yes sister, do as the little colt says and stop talking.

Nightmare turned to the white alicorn, grasping her head in an aura of magic before slamming it into the stone floor. The impact left a small crater which grew with repeated blows. “Fight me,” Celestia had slammed into the floor again. “Or be silent.” Another slam. “Don’t talk.

Nightmare released the white alicorn, allowing her to fall to the floor where she would writhe in pain as he wounds healed.

Flee.” Nightmare commanded, facing the colt with a deadly glare.

It was now Luna’s turn to stand silently in shock and disbelief. “You’re… alive…” she said breathlessly and wide-eyed. “ How? It’s… impossible…”

“That was your…” Dexter paused to remember, seemingly counting on his hooves. “I believe it was your second attempt of four to kill me. I apologize for playing such a long recording, however I wanted to select something I knew you had the best chance of remembering…”

While Luna and Celestia still stood dumbfounded, Dexter chanced a glance over toward Twilight. The unicorn was also staring in disbelief, however she appeared much more collected than the two alicorns. “Oh, and by the way, Twilight.” The sound of her name seemingly pulled her from her stupor. “You weren’t abducted by changelings the other night; I was the one who took you. You don’t have to wonder if you were brainwashed, hypnotized, or otherwise violated by the changelings. You and I simply talked. I apologize for drugging you, and the other steps I took to prevent you from remembering, but they were necessary.”

“It was you?” Twilight asked befuddled. “But Spike saw-“

Dexter scoffed, recalling the confusion of the absent baby dragon with a smug and self satisfied grin. “Spike saw exactly what I wanted him to see. Those changelings aren’t the only ponies capable of manipulating your perceptions.” He turned back to Twilight. “But considering the circumstances I have a favor to ask you. Please tell Applejack the next time you see her, that I release her from her promise to me. She may tell you and everyone else whatever she knows, because at this rate my secret is blown and her silence doesn’t matter.”

“Applejack knew?!” Twilight asked in disbelief. “About everything? That you foalnapped me?!”

“Not until early this morning, Twilight.” Dexter replied. “And there wasn’t much she could do about it anyway. Though, she was fiercely protective of you, as she is for everyone she cares for.” Dexter hesitated for a moment. “Don’t let anything damage the friendship between you two, especially because of me.”

Dexter turned back toward the Princesses. Celestia seemingly had overcome her stupor, and was now regarding Dexter with a carefully measured grimace. He couldn’t outright tell what she was feeling, hundreds upon hundreds of years as a politician made her very good at hiding her emotions when she wanted to.

It was a good sign; she was no longer displaying what she felt openly. It meant she no longer felt that she was in control of the situation.

“I’m sorry if you feel uncomfortable now, Princess.” Dexter couldn’t help but grin at Celestia. “You may have felt like you were in control. But the reality is, you never were. It’s good you now realize it.” She merely narrowed her eyes at him.

Luna, however, was staring at Dexter with an expression the colt couldn't quite place. The disbelief she held had seemingly passed, and she was now standing with perfectly straight posture directly toward Dexter. Her face was no longer scrunched in its scrutinizing glare, nor did it hold the familiar scowl of animosity she had worn toward him so frequently these past few days. However, Luna’s unwavering stare directly at Dexter set off alarm bells in the back of Dexter’s mind.

Something was very wrong…

“Excuse me while I... put on something more functional.” Dexter turned his head away before briefly muttering. “Quadraplex, phase in my new power armor immediately, then enact contingency four.” A moment later, Dexter’s form shimmered as he apparently grew a whole inch in height. The white fur of his coat immediately disappeared underneath a black metallic fiber mesh, while metal plating appeared across Dexter’s body. The plating itself was also black in color, with occasional dim light around the armor’s lining. The metal plating was shaped to minimize the gaps around Dexter’s joints, but didn’t go so far as to be large enough to inhibit his full range of motion. The armor covered every part of Dexter’s form, with only his head and face exposed. A helmet with a dull blue visor now hung from his chest.

Despite any doubt having long since left Celestia’s mind, now there was no way for it to return. The armor Dexter wore was very much similar to that which he had a thousand years ago. Yet there were differences. This armor was clearly heavier, and more oriented toward fighting than what he wore a thousand years ago.

“Dexter, that isn’t ne-“ Celestia was cut off by the sound of the library door bursting open. A pair of solar guards in golden armor hurried into the room, one of them was a pegasus who was sucking down air as if he had just sprinted a marathon.

“Your Majesties!” The breathless guard saluted. “The changeling prisoners have escaped, and we have reports that as much as a third of the guard forces in and around Ponyville have just vanished!”

“What?!” Celestia turned toward the newcomers. “How did this happen?”

“We don’t know, your majesty.” The guard panted. “We’ve gotten reports that say both the changeling prisoners and the missing guards disappeared in flashes of white light, which occurred nearly simultaneously across all of Ponyville! There are rumors it was some sort of teleportation magic, and that several civilians have disappeared too; but I was dispatched to report you before anything else could be confirmed.”

“Were the prisoners not secured with anti-teleportation magic?” Celestia asked, causing the guard to nod.

“The anti-teleportation magic, and other countermeasures were cast by her majesty Luna, and were validated by our security teams.”

“And how many of the guards are missing?” Celestia pressed.

“Approximately four hundred.”

“That’s impossible,” Twilight said, shaking her head. “If somepony used strong enough magic to teleport four hundred troops complete with weapons and armor, we would have sensed the magical discharge!” Twilight turned toward Celestia. “It has to be an illusion or something...”

Celestia nodded, turning toward another one of the guards in the room. The purple trim on his golden armor indicated he was an officer. “My student is correct. Lieutenant Breaker, get out there and investigate what’s happening. I need to know where my ponies have gone!”

“What about the prisoners, your majesty?” The officer asked.

“My guards come first, find out what happened to them. We can worry about recapturing the changelings later, let's not lose anymore ponies! Unfortunately, I cannot come with you at the moment.” He saluted before rushing out of the room.

However, despite the apparent urgency of the situation, Celestia turned back toward Dexter.

“I… know what happened to your guards.” Dexter admitted cautiously.

“I suspected as much,” Celestia turned to face Dexter with wings out, a clear warning.

“Listen, Princess Celestia, as a show of good will, I am willing to explain some things. In fact, that’s the only reason I’m still here.” Dexter offered, shifting under her new scrutiny. “I have to admit that I am in no small part responsible for the current situation in Ponyville. I don’t want there to be any more trouble for Ponyville, and if I explain-“

‘Where are my missing guards?!” Celestia snapped.

Dexter stopped, staring at Celestia with unrestrained contempt. “Interrupt me again, and you get nothing.” Dexter paused for emphasis. “The missing ponies were not your guards, they were not your subjects. In fact, they were not even ponies.” Celestia merely continued to watch Dexter. “As I was saying, I have decided to help alleviate the changeling problem in Ponyville.

“Now, had your annoyingly persistent student simply left me alone,” Dexter glanced at Twilight before returning to Celestia. “Or had you chosen to not to try to mind-rape me and accepted my silence, I would be in the process of negotiating a de-escalation with the Changeling Queen. Unfortunately, your discovery of my… identity, for a lack of a better term, has diminished my ability to negotiate with her. Predictably she would believe that I have been swayed to your side, rather than be an impartial third party…”

“So you’re not on our side?” Celestia pressed. “Then whose side are you on?”

“I am not on any side,” Dexter shrugged. “I’m on my own. And no changeling is going to attack Ponyville now. Since the chance of coercing Chrysalis into backing down is no longer an option, I activated a contingency plan. It took a few moments for Quadraplex to set up, which is why I bothered distracting you with the video of Luna here trying to kill me. However the plan has come into effect and every changeling within thirty miles of Ponyville has been teleported beyond Equestria’s eastern border. Which is why you’re now missing four hundred guards. They were changelings.” Dexter explained. “So congratulations, the changeling situation in Ponyville is resolved. The town can be free of the terror that once gripped it, and you can go home now...”

“Wait…’ Twilight interjected. “Four hundred of the guard were changelings?! How is that possible?”

“Clearly, our security measures are far more lacking than we could even predict.” Celestia remarked grimly.

“Well, for whatever reason you only scan ponies when securing a room.” Dexter remarked in condescension. “You completely neglect the changeling ability to disguise themselves as inanimate objects. Celestia could be wearing a changeling right now and not even know it,” He motioned toward Celestia’s golden regalia. Every guard in the room wearing golden or blue armor became visibly more tense. “Relax… I teleported all the changelings away, remember?”

“They can pose as objects, not just ponies or another creature?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Yes…” Dexter replied slowly. “Wait… don’t tell me you didn’t know…”

“No, we didn’t.” Celestia replied. “This explains how they’re able to get just about everywhere without challenge! We thought they could only take on the form of another creature… Luna and I are going to spend days re-securing the Canterlot palace alone. ”

Dexter face-hoofed, which was slightly painful due to the armored hoof he had brought down on his face. “Stupid…” Dexter cursed at himself for the information he let slip.

However, the value of that information was not lost on Celestia. Dexter proved to have way more than she could have reasonably hoped for, both knowledge of how to detect changelings as well as possess the means to subdue a small army of them. She signaled to the remaining guards to flank Dexter, who surrounded the colt cautiously. “Dexter,” Celestia adopted a less confrontational stance, folding her wings before releasing the tension in her body and standing tall. “I am glad to see that you’re well, after all a thousand years is a long time.” Her horn flashed, and the air in the entire room instantly lit up with a faint golden glow. “I have been, well, waiting for the chance to talk to you for a very, very long time. Truthfully, I had given up hope. I wish Star Swirl was here to see this…”

Dexter’s earpiece came to life. “Celestia is emitting some sort of magical energy field.” Quadraplex declared. “It’s interfering with my ability to teleport you, it will take a few minutes to clear it.”

He wanted to curse. Dexter had met the ancient wizard for only a brief amount of time, but judging from the old arcane practitioner’s reputation, he would have undoubtedly studied what little he could of Dexter; and taught Celestia a trick or two.

One which she was now using to stop him from teleporting away.

“Be careful what you do here, Princess Celestia.” Dexter warned, however his words did nothing to phase the look of determination Celestia held him in. “You may have learned a trick or two from Star Swirl, but I too have had ample time to prepare…”

“What are you… Dexter?” Celestia asked, challenging yet not confrontationally. “What being lives for a thousand years, yet stays in size and appearance of a foal? Not immortal, yet still young. How old are you, a thousand years, two thousand years?”

Dexter couldn’t help but grin. “I am just eight years old…”

“I saw you a thousand years ago.”

“Yes you saw me,” Dexter replied simply. “But I built a device that allowed me to travel through time. The whole… Nightmare Moon incident a thousand years ago, from my perspective happened three days ago.” Dexter reached down toward his side. “That’s why the doctors at the Ponyville clinic found out I had broken ribs, and that someone with powerful magic healed me…” Dexter smiled. “If they had the means to detect your residual magic, they might have discovered-“

Another flash from Celestia’s horn, and Dexter felt a twinge in his side and back. Celestia had called to her magic, and was shocked to find a faint resonance of her own power coming from Dexter’s body. It was residual magic from her efforts to heal him. In utter bewilderment the white alicorn took a step back, jaw dropped.

“Now you see why I didn’t give you the information you were looking for a thousand years ago?” Dexter pressed back. “I knew Princess Luna was going to return to you…” Dexter took a step forward, taking the ground Celestia had given up. “And I wasn’t willing to screw up the series of events which would lead to that outcome by telling you what you did not need to know…

“But of course, that knowledge won’t sway your mind.” Dexter went on. “You’ll still demand information from me, information that you don’t need to know...” He pressed. “So know this, if I am smart enough to build a time machine to travel over a thousand years into the past… imagine what I can do to an alicorn that decides to do something stupid?” He let the threat hang in the air. “So I remind you again, be careful what you do here.”

Celestia, having regained her composure, resumed her full height to dwarf the colt. “I will not be intimidated by a child. The last time you faced an alicorn in a fight, you were instantly defeated by a single kick and simple telekinesis.”

Dexter had to admit, she was right. But then again, on that day he hadn’t been planning on a fight. In response he merely grinned. “Yes, I was nearly killed.” Dexter retorted. “But that was only because you refused to fight. So many of your guards, ponies you claimed to care about, died horrible deaths while your maniac sister dove ever deeper into madness. I nearly died putting an end to it. I saved this world from an unending night and ultimately a mass extinction event. So who is in the right, here?”

“I regret my mistake,” Celestia admitted. “And even alicorns change over the course of a thousand years. I know now that I should have- “

“I don’t care.” Dexter declared flatly, causing Celestia to recoil slightly and pin her ears back. “Princess…” Dexter stared at Twilight. The mare in question had stood captivated by the scene before her, having not moved the entire time. “You’re big on friendship, right? Would you like for us to be friends?” Dexter motioned toward himself then back to Celestia. “If I offered it?”

Celestia’s eyes again narrowed, tracing Dexter’s gaze from herself to her student. “Yes… I would.” She answered guardedly.

“Here is my one-time-only expires-immediately offer of friendship…” The colt extended a hoof. “You agree to stay out of my way, to keep your sister out of my dreams, and to keep your student out of my hair; and we can be friends. The type of friends that never speak, never write, never meet, and never have any contact of any kind; but also… aren’t enemies.”

“Do you really expect me to accept that?”

“Well, one can hope; and you don’t want me as an enemy...” Dexter sighed. “What about you, Princess Luna?” He said, turning his extended hoof toward the darker alicorn. However, the moment he looked at her he wished he hadn’t.

The dark alicorn was still staring at him, not having moved a single millimeter since she last spoke. However, now she was silently crying. Two streams ran down her face, despite her eyes being firmly and resolutely set on Dexter.

“Umm… Celestia?” Dexter said, turning his hoof to point at the other Princess. “I think your sister is having a psychotic break… again.”

“Luna?” Celestia reached out a hoof to touch Luna’s shoulder. Luna did respond to the touch, merely continuing to stare at the colt. “Luna… say something...”

Celestia shifted, standing right up next to Luna before shifting to sit on her haunches. She pressed a hoof to her smaller sister’s shoulder. “Luna, forgive me for this…” A pulse of magic from Celestia’s horn struck Luna in the side of the head. It was strong enough Dexter could feel the magical discharge from across the room, as though a soundless thunder had cracked within the room.

Luna collapsed from the magical pulse, instantly falling unconscious as Celestia reached out to catch Luna before she could fall. “I’m sorry, we will talk again when you wake.” Celestia whispered. Celestia hugged the other alicorn to her chest before softly lowering Luna to the floor, gently placing her on her side.

“Offer has expired, Princess.” Dexter was unmoved by the display. “I’m leaving.”

“Seize him.”

Instantly, the closest guards were upon Dexter. They surrounded the colt, and were in the process of pouncing upon him when Dexter uttered one single word. “Quadraplex.” Instantly the guards around him vanished in a white flash. The remaining guards in the room stopped, hesitantly looked at one another before looking to the princes for orders.

“Celestia,” Dexter began, forgoing her title. He slowly turned back toward the princess. “How do you think this is going to end? You're going to demand that I answer questions. I’m going to refuse. You’re going to try to convince me with your reasons, I’m going to reject those reasons. Eventually, we’ll reach an impasse. Then we shall come to blows.” Dexter reached to his face and pulled off his glasses while pulling his helmet up from where it hung on his chest. Pushing the helmet onto his head, his suit sealed with a hiss. His face disappeared behind the visor as it shifted from transparent to an opaque blue. “If it’s all the same to you, I would prefer to save time and skip to the end…”

“I will not let you get away a second time…” Celestia declared. “Not again…”

“I expected as much.” Dexter declared, his voice now distorted by the suit’s synthesizer. Celestia recognized one of his rifle-type weapons as it phased into existence on the back of his armor. He slid it off his back and held it in a foreleg.

“This doesn’t have to happen, Dexter.” Celestia declared pleadingly, as she stepped forward and ignited her horn once more. The glowing aura shone brighter than the sunlight streaming in from the windows.

“Of course it does…” Dexter sighed. “You’ll never leave me alone, not while you think you can control me; and not while you think I have information you want. I have to show you that you can’t control me, nor pry answers out of me…”

With a thought, Dexter activated his suit’s combat systems. “Now… shall we begin?”