• Published 15th May 2014
  • 39,130 Views, 3,432 Comments

Dexter's Lab: Equestria - RenegadeAlias

Doom and Gloom while things go Boom in . . . Equestria?

  • ...

From the Past, Broken.

Author's Note:

I apologize because I know some of you like to just skip the author’s notes, but there are two things that need to be addressed.
1) If you have NOT read the side story about Dexter’s trip to the past, I strongly recommend that you do so before continuing with this chapter. It is NOT required to continue with this story, but this chapter will contain spoilers for the side story. If you haven’t read it first you’ll seriously miss out.
2) Do you want Dexter to be caught by the ponies and his secrets revealed? Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/11988128
3) Lastly, as far warning this chapter contains little to no humor. Please remember Dexter is an eight year old child who has gone through a relatively traumatic experience in Nightmare Trip, and is bound to be upset with princess Luna.

Twilight glanced toward the library’s clock, preparing to turn in for the night early. Normally she would stay awake well past eight o’clock, but she did have an appointment in the dreamscape.

However the lack of sleep over the past few days would make the appointment easy to keep.

“Alright, Spike. It’s nearly eight and I am going to bed.” Twilight declared to the baby dragon as she began ascending the library’s stairs.

“Already?” Spike asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m meeting Princess Luna in the dreamscape, remember? To view Dexter’s memories in his dreams.” Twilight answered, using her magic to dim the light by her bed. “She’s expecting to meet me in my dreams in just a few minutes.”

“Oh yeah,” Spike scratched his head. “Can I come too?”

“Mmmm, I’m not sure about that Spike.” Twilight tilted her head in thought for a moment. “Luna was concerned about invading Dexter’s privacy, I don’t think she wants to bring anypony into his dreams that she doesn’t have to.”

“I guess that makes sense... Just make sure you catch him!” Spike nodded. “Oh, and one more thing!” Spike turned away from Twilight, pulling a scroll off a nearby shelf. He pushed it toward her. “This came for you a few minutes ago.”

Twilight eyed the parcel for a moment before using her magic to open it. She could already tell it wasn’t from Princess Celestia.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I must say I was very surprised by the contents of your previous correspondence with me. Moreover, I find myself extremely skeptical in regards to your claims about the origins of the solution to Clover’s conundrum. Quite frankly, I think it is absurd to even suggest that an earth pony, who cannot perform magic, was in any shape or form responsible for discovering the solution. Moreover, you claim that an eight year old, who has had no formal education, no possible experience with magic, no special talent in mathematics, and no prior discoveries, somehow possessed and expressed the mathematical ability to solve something that many generations of unicorn mathematicians could not (Even though some of them possessed special talents in mathematics).

This is, quite frankly, absurd.

But to humor your claims for a moment, if this ‘Dexter’ is in fact responsible for finding the solution to Clover’s conundrum then I would suggest that you keep that fact to yourself. I am not going to claim that the scientific establishment of Equestria is completely without tribalist prejudice, but the last thing this solution needs right now is to be cast aside and rejected for the next decade or two because of the doubts and challenges raised by well-established unicorn scientists whose ego would be bruised. As far as everypony is concerned the narrative for the discovery of this solution is already perfect: Princess Celestia’s personal student and Element of Magic discovers the solution to an age old problem, producing the largest advancement in magical theory in a very long time. So, even if your claims are true, do yourself and all of science a favor and just claim it for yourself. We don’t need these types of advancements held up because of frivolous social problems.

Now I think I know what is happening here. Twilight, you’re young. You’re of the age, like most college aged unicorns, where you want to do your part to conquer society’s ills. But you’re not going to help this issue of tribalism by giving the credit for your work to an earth pony, especially if you concoct a bogus story like claiming a foal did it. In fact, you might make the situation worse. Tribalism has endured Princess Celestia’s disapproval for the past thousand years, and will likely continue to endure forever. This isn’t because unicorns or pegasi are bad ponies, but simply because there is truth to be found in the tribalist rational. When you’re older you will understand, and you may even regret trying to give certain disadvantaged ponies false hope. Beings incapable of performing magic cannot make any real contributions toward the study of magic nor toward the study of any fields of science. It’s not their fault, it’s just the way things are.

Now, I would appreciate it if you kept this discussion between us, and not just for the sake of keeping your wild claims a secret.

Moreover, I will not sign this letter but I am certain you know who this is from. I do not want the academic institution which employs my group in Canterlot to be bothered by ‘politics’ should this letter fall into the public consciousness.


“That’s a load of garbage!” Twilight had to fight back a sneer of disgust. She couldn’t believe what she had she’d just read. “Are you kidding me?!”

“Uhh, Twilight?” Spike’s head recoiled. “It can’t be all that bad…”. However, Twilight continued to scowl at the scroll, failing to respond to the baby dragon. “What does it say?”

“It is essentially asking me to plagiarize something,” Twilight explained. “While also condoning tribalist attitudes. It’s also calling me young and naïve in a blatantly obvious manner.” However, what made Twilight the most uncomfortable were the points within the letter that she couldn’t reasonably refute. Telling the truth might actually impede the acceptance of the solution, and prevent scientific progress that would yield real, tangible benefits.

However, there were no benefits that would make doing what the letter suggested worth it. Not only did she know claiming credit for the solution would be wrong, she had hardly ever felt as shallow as she did when Dexter accused her of trying to steal credit for the solution. The idea of stealing credit for the solution made her feel dirty, and she was not going to live with that.

Besides, she already had her own accomplishments.

“Plagar- Plagiarizing?” Spike scratched his head in confusion. “Isn’t that like lying?”

“Close, it’s more like stealing something and lying about it being yours in the first place.” Twilight answered, rolling the scroll up before placing it back on the shelf. The writer of the letter was wise not to include her name, without her signature it would be difficult for Twilight to prove who it came from.

“Well that just doesn’t seem right.” Spike folded his arms with a frown.

‘”It isn’t.” Twilight confirmed. “Unfortunately she did make an uncomfortable point. Is preventing an injustice worth scientific stagnation?” Twilight shook her head before returning the scroll to its place on the shelf. “Leave that here and do not touch it.” She turned to glance at the scroll. “We’re going to see what the Princesses have to say about it.”

“Uh, okay.” Spike nodded before Twilight turned away, walking up the staircase toward the library’s bedroom. “Good night! I really hope you find out what Dexter is hiding.” Spike called.

“Good night, Spike.” Twilight answered. “And be in bed by nine!” Twilight instructed, causing the baby dragon to sigh as he rolled his eyes.

A few minutes later, Twilight crawled into bed. Unfortunately, sleep didn’t come quickly. Her mind kept going back to the letter she had just read, dredging up a number of negative feelings. She eventually found herself standing in the middle of the library once more, slightly confused as to how she got there. However, the confusion evaporated the moment she spotted Princess Luna.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle.” The princess began. “We are –er, I am glad that you could join me.”

“Hello Princess Luna,” Twilight bowed. “Sorry I’m late, I had a little trouble falling asleep.”

“No apologies are necessary, Dexter has not gone to sleep yet. Therefore you have not missed anything.” Luna answered. “Though I am curious, you are typically a sound sleeper. Was something bothering you?”

“It’s just a stupid letter, and nothing that can’t wait until morning your highness.” Twilight replied.

“Nonsense,” Luna declared eagerly. “Part of my duties in the dreamscape is to help all my subjects with whatever troubles their sleep. Besides, we have nothing else to do until Dexter goes to sleep.”

“Well, if you insist.” Twilight relented. “But how do I…” Twilight trailed off as Luna pointed to the scroll in question, it was sitting on the shelf were it could be found in the waking world. She levitated the scroll toward the princess.

Now Twilight wasn’t exactly sure how reading in a dream was supposed to work, as she had heard it was not possible in dreams. However, the growing frown on Luna’s face seemed to indicate she understood exactly what it was supposed to say.

“Well…” Luna began, letting her words hang for a moment. “A certain somepony needs to learn a few lessons…”

“I was going to send it to Princess Celestia,” Twilight offered. “Though, if she is asleep then maybe you could contact her now?”

Luna shook her head. “Sister doesn’t want me to enter her dreams. She’s never given me permission to do so.” Luna shrugged. “Which is something I can understand, I suppose. Entering the dreams of somepony you know personally is a bit different than it is for random subjects that might as well be strangers.”

“As for that letter, it might be more effective if you let me handle it.” Luna lowered the scroll with an almost sinister smile. “Tia tends to be too… patient with these matters. As royalty, we cannot punish a subject simply for holding a belief, no matter how it may offend us. Every subject has the right to believe what they please. The most we can do while respecting the law is to investigate the author of this letter for misdeeds like plagiarism. Given the ethics she displayed in this letter, I don’t think anypony would have grounds to object. But an investigation is a lengthy bureaucratic process. I prefer a more… hooves on approach.”

“Uh…” Twilight let out a nervous chuckle. “What are you going to do to her?”

“I’ll just pay her a visit in her dreams…” Luna rolled her eyes. “Just to give her an idea of how displeased I am by her lack of ethics. We alicorns possess all of that which is unique to each tribe, and to disparage one of the tribes disparages us alicorns as well. I am sure she will be shocked to find out how she has made an enemy of royalty.”

“I know each tribe of pony has their unique magical attributes which you inherit.” Twilight began. “But do you also receive their passive magical attributes as well?”

“Yes, alicorns do.” Luna answered with a nod. “For example, we inherit formidable strength and coordination from earth ponies, along with their intuitive abilities to sense magic as well as their other passive magical abilities. From the pegasi we inherit sharper vision and hearing, resistance to cold, and the superior reaction speed; along with their magical abilities like manipulating the weather. As for unicorns, well you already know that.”

“Wait,” Twilight tilted her head with a frown. “Pegasi have faster reactions?”

Luna nodded. “When your friend Rainbow Dash is flying ten hooves off the ground at the speed of sound, she has to react quickly to any obstacles in her path lest she hurt herself.”

“I suppose that makes sense.” Twilight answered.

“What’s more, for us alicorns, having these attributes simultaneously seems to amplify them greatly.” Luna went on. “Which is why I have a faster reaction time than any pegasus. It’s also the reason I was able to see your diagrams being stolen when nopony else could.”

“That’s another thing,” Twilight pointed a hoof toward Luna. “I want to know why Dexter stole my diagrams of the changeling detector.”

The eight year old is clearly a super genius of some sort, a fact which he had proven to her when he solved Clover’s Conundrum right in front of her. However, that little performance allowed her to catch on to the fact that he was the only explanation for a number of strange occurrences.

Though, matters were complicated by the appearance of changelings. Twilight wasn’t kept in the loop whenever an incident involving changelings occurred within Equestria, but she knew the changelings were experts at deception and misdirection. Which explained why her mentor was a little skeptical about Twilight’s initial suspicions.

“But tell me, do you really believe that this mere foal solved Clover’s Conundrum?” Luna asked the unicorn. “And that he was not merely recalling it from somewhere he had seen before?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I am certain he solved it. I watched him do it. But even he didn’t invent the solution, his mastery of the mathematics in the solution has provided insights that we will need him to elaborate on.” Twilight stated. “His solution to Clover’s Conundrum is a revolutionary answer to a classical conflict between the observations regarding magic and fundamental universal laws of energy. It has served to explain observations which have baffled us beforehoof.” Twilight began to lecture. “Moreover, his answer will cause a massive revision in how we model the energy dynamics of magic, ultimately allowing us to find ways to better cast spells, as well as allowing us to cast experimental spells that were only theory up until now.”

“The solution also seems to indicate that matter does not exist as simple particles,” Twilight went on, going into full nerd mode. “But that matter possesses a wave-particle duality. Our scientists have suspected something may be wrong with our perception of subatomic particles. This solution will confirm it if it continues to hold up to scrutiny.”

Luna stood silently for a moment, regarding Twilight's words. However, the unicorn didn’t seem to notice, continuing to rambling on before Luna chose to speak up. “Forgive me, Twilight.” Luna interrupted. “But if all that is true, what is he still doing on a small town farm?”

Twilight stopped, processing the princess’s words. Twilight glanced toward the letter Luna had stopped reading a few minutes ago before looking back up at the princess. “I don’t think he likes our scientific institutions very much.”

“I see…” Luna eye’s narrowed as she moved to sit on her haunches.

“He also ‘pranked’ me the last time I tried to bring him to you.” Twilight went on. “Though I’m pretty certain it was actually a threat. Do you think he could be convinced to come to Canterlot and explain his solution more thoroughly?”

“We shall find out shortly.” Luna replied, however she quickly frowned.

“What is it princess?” Twilight tilted her head.

“It’s nearly midnight, and Dexter has yet to fall asleep.” Luna replied. “He has yet to appear in the dreamscape.”

“It’s past eleven already?” Twilight asked in confusion. “It was just eight o’clock a few minutes ago.”

“The passage of time is variable in the dreamscape.” Luna answered before shaking her head. “The colt should be in bed by now, I do not believe the Apple family would allow a foal his age to stay up very late.”

“Well, what can we do about it?” Twilight asked, taking a step forward.

“Nothing,” Luna shrugged. “He has to be in the dreamscape before we can ask him questions. I am going to wait a little while longer…”

There was a moment of silence before Luna’s frown deepened.

“Something’s not right.” Luna declared moments later. “It’s already two in the morning, and Dexter should be asleep by now. Yet he still has not appeared in the dreamscape.”

“You’re sure he isn’t in the dreamscape?” Twilight pressed, trying to contain her frustration.

“I’ve been doing this for a very long time, Twilight.” Luna answered, her gaze seemingly miles away. “If I can’t find him in the dreamscape you can be certain he isn’t there.”

“The only foals who are not asleep at this hour are insomniacs or are very sick.” Luna finished.

“No,” Twilight shook her head. “I don’t believe it. I don’t believe this is a coincidence: that the one night we go to meet him in the dreamscape he just so happens not to go to sleep. I don’t buy it.”

“I concur, Twilight. But how could anypony know we were planning to view his dreams this night?” Luna squinted. “I have told no pony of our plans.”

“I… might have told Spike.” Twilight replied after a moment’s hesitation.

“That should be of no consequence…” Luna tapped her forehooves together, retreating to her thoughts.

“The only way to know what is happening is to go to Sweet Apple Acres and find out.” Luna declared.

“Then let’s go!” Twilight agreed immediately.

“Nay, I cannot come with you.” Luna answered. “This would be the perfect diversion for getting me away from the changeling prisoners. If the changelings wish to rescue their captured kin, an absence on my part during the darkest hours of the night would present the perfect opportunity.”

“I understand,” Twilight responded. “I’ll go there myself and get the answers we need, your highness. You can count on me.”

“No. You’re not to go alone.” Luna pointed a hoof at the mare to emphasize her directions. “I am sending guards to accompany you.”

“When will they get here?” Twilight answered.

“It will take them ten minutes, but for you they’ve just arrived.” Luna waved a fore hoof. Immediately Twilight felt herself jolt awake, a sense of fatigue rolling over shoulders and into her legs.

Twilight sat up, spotting Spike tucked away beneath the sheets of his own bed.

“Well, there goes the hope of a full night’s sleep…” Twilight yawned drearily, rising to her hooves as she heard a knock at the front door.


Personal Log: Dexter, Boy Genius, Scientist.

[1:18 AM]

I have just returned from my trip to the past, and I really don’t know where to begin. The trip was supposed to last a few hours, but it ended up lasting days. A lot happened, and to be honest I am still processing it all.

I suppose I should start by saying that I’ve attached a file to this log entry. It is the recording my suit made from my trip to the past. My suit’s sensor suite allowed me to record every moment of my trip.

[Attached File: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/295960/nightmare-trip]

In truth Quadraplex was right about the dangers of Nightmare Moon, and she was right to ask me not to go. Looking back, I should have listened to her. However, I am encrypting the recording and blocking her access to this log for the time being. I don’t want Quadraplex to have another fit right now.

My mission was simple; to prove that Nightmare Moon did not exist.

Well, Nightmare Moon is CERTAINLY real. That’s why the mission went so horribly wrong and I had to spend much more time than anticipated in the past.

To summarize what happened, Nightmare Moon attempted to take over Equestria and bring about what she called ‘Eternal Night.’ However, we were fortunately able to stop her.

That reminds me, I still need to work out how they control the movement of these Celestial objects.

It all started when I was discovered while surveilling Princess Luna. I barely managed to get away without her seeing me. However, I could no longer assume that the timeline would be preserved. Therefore, I intervened in what ways I could in order to make sure Nightmare Moon was defeated. Of course, I judged this to be an appropriate action as Nightmare Moon’s ‘Eternal Night’ would likely result in the extermination of all life on this planet.

Luckily, despite all that happened, Luna didn’t see my face – which would explain why she doesn’t recognize me. However Princess Celestia did see my face. As did the queen of the changelings, Star Swirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever. I also ended up having a few discussions with Discord.

I expect Star Swirl and Clover to have long since passed away, and Discord is probably still a statue somewhere right now.

Celestia should believe I have long since grown up and died of old age. She probably wouldn’t believe I was the colt she saw a thousand years ago, even if I came to her and claimed as much. But, I am not going to risk it. I would expect Luna to hold the same belief as well… that is if she doesn’t still believe she was successful in her attempts to kill me.

I hate Luna. She’s a monster.

I don’t just say that because she was nearly successful in one of her four attempts to kill me. I say it because of what she tried to do, and what she did do, to everyone else.

Princess Luna IS Nightmare Moon, they’re one in the same. That murdering lunatic wasn’t satisfied at just killing everyone who disagreed with her, she had to ‘indoctrinate’ everyone else who she didn’t kill. Nightmare Moon would indoctrinate a pony by torturing them in their dreams until their mind shattered, allowing her to re-educate her victim before they woke up. The subjects of her indoctrination would wake up as one of her brainwashed murderous fanatics. However, anyone that successfully resisted indoctrination would be continuously tortured in the dreamscape until they died from a fear/pain induced cardiac failure. No one who resisted indoctrination would ever wake up, you either became a child of night or died.

Yeah, I’m going to have nightmares about that. For a land of sunshine and rainbows, Equestria has rather dark moments in history.

Though, this explains why the summer sun celebration had everyone stay up all night. Celestia must have engineered the celebration that way, and then planned for it to coincide with the night of Nightmare Moon’s return. With everyone awake, Nightmare Moon couldn’t use the dreamscape to indoctrinate anyone else.

But despite this, my opinion of Celestia is not much better.

Celestia had refused to fight her sister at virtually every turn, even when her subjects were suffering and dying. She would rather watch the world freeze over than fight her precious little sister. I eventually came up with a plan to force her hand, pushing her to use the Elements of Harmony. Luckily it was successful, although I cannot imagine that she is happy about it – even if she said she didn’t blame me. I think a part of her does.

You know what, to heck with this place. I quit! I’ve had it! I want to go home! I want to see my parents! I want to fight Mandark! I want Dee Dee to destroy my lab by stupidly pushing random buttons!

Before her defeat Luna managed to break three of my ribs, fracture one of my vertebrae, and nearly indoctrinated me in the dreamscape. I was luckily saved by the Elements of Harmony at the last moment.

However, meeting the Elements of Harmony in the past was a rather… strange experience. I learned that they are somehow sentient apart from the bearers, despite supposedly sharing their bearer’s existence. They claimed it was a requirement of their nature. I suppose what the Element of Honesty said makes sense though; how can she be the embodiment of a personality trait without possessing a personality? How could an inanimate object like a gem be ‘honest’ or ‘kind?’

However, I am a bit skeptical about them. Honesty declared she would use Applejack to make sure I told the truth by letting Applejack know whenever I lied in her presence, and motivating her to ‘teach me to be honest.’

Quite frankly, I don’t think these Elements of Harmony are all that they are cracked up to be. They’re supposed to operate off the “Magic of Friendship”, but trying to force me to be honest doesn’t seem like a good way to make a friend out of me.

However, I found it strange that the Elements were bound and determined to get all the bearers they could. I thought they’d be more selective, but apparently they work by molding potential bearers into expressing the attributes they represent before recruiting them as-

:::[Log Paused]:::

:::[Log Resumed]:::

It seems that Quadraplex has discovered that I encrypted the recording of my mission to the past, as well as this log. I believe she is currently attempting to break the encryption. Sooner or later she’ll succeed, so I’d better deal with her now before she has the chance to go haywire.

End Log.


“Quadraplex?” Dexter began, pushing back the desire to hesitate as he looked up toward the oversized computer he had been typing upon moments before. Having only arrived to his lab less than half an hour ago, and he still had on the suit he wore during his trip to the past. The damage the suit sustained was plainly visible, and something told the colt that Quadraplex had picked up on it.

“Yes, Builder? How can I assist you?” The computer quickly responded.

“Stop attempting to break the encryption on my mission recording.” Dexter answered directly.

“Are you going to give me access to the cipher so I may decrypt it?” Quadraplex asked in her usual monotone voice.

“Yes,” Dexter nodded after waiting a few moments. “Yes I am. I want your help, and given what happened in my trip to the past it would be best if you knew the details. But I need to know you won’t… overreact.”

“I was never programmed to overreact.” The computer replied simply.

“Yet you’ve demonstrated the ability to do so.”

“My response will be logical, and suitably proportional.” Quadraplex stated simply. Dexter’s deadpan was lost on the A.I., but something told him Quadraplex knew why he was concerned. That, and he was certain they disagreed on what constitutes as ‘suitably proportional.’

“Quadraplex, I want you to promise me that you will NOT do anything in response to what you learn from this mission recorder without consulting me first.” Dexter asked firmly. There was a few moments of silence before the computer eventually responded.

“Very well, Dexter.” Quadraplex agreed. “I will not proceed with a response before informing you.”

“No,” Dexter countered. “You will not proceed with an action without consulting me and gaining my approval first.”

“…Very well. I will not act without your permission.” Quadraplex answered.

“Good,” Dexter opened a compartment in his suit, removing what appeared to be a thin hard drive. It was about the size of a card. “You can find the cipher under file K17, in the cipher library subfolder Tau-49.” Dexter hesitated before finally inserting the card into a port on the terminal. Having observed her increasingly overbearing behavior, he knew she would react badly to what she was about to see. But the truth was, he felt a responsibility toward the A.I. She was only a few weeks old after all. She was bound to have some personality quirks.

“Understood, Dexter… Download complete.” Quadraplex answered simply.

“Are you aware of everything that happened in the past?” Dexter asked hesitantly.

“Yes, I reviewed the logs and conducted an analysis of the mission recording.” Quadraplex answered, seemingly content with her response despite her monotone voice. “And I have reached a single conclusion: Nightmare Moon is still a threat at present and should be neutralized.”

“Wait, hold on a second. What do you mean by ‘neutralize?’” Dexter reproached, lashing a hoof toward the computer.

“You already know.” Quadraplex answered, despite her monotone voice her statement came across with a certain finality Dexter was not willing to tolerate.

“No computer, we already discussed something similar to this.” Dexter scolded. “I will not kill anyone, and you know that. I try to avoid violence where I can use science as the answer. I expect nothing less from myself, and I will absolutely not accept anything less from you.”

“You can’t just go around killing people.” Dexter finished.


“What do you mean, ‘why’?” Dexter threw his forelegs up.

“Why?” The computer repeated simply, her tone almost demanding.

“You can’t. It’s wrong.” Dexter’s ears folded against his skull as he pointed at the computer.

“Princess Luna tried to kill you three times!” Quadraplex countered. “You know the concept of self-defense.”

“Well… actually it was four times.” Dexter corrected, letting his eyes glance around the lab for a moment. “The recorder couldn’t pick up the few moments she tried to invade my dreams to… torture me to death in the dreamscape.”

“I see…” Quadraplex replied slowly. “How do you purpose we deal with this threat then? Nightmare Moon and Twilight Sparkle both are presently waiting for you to go to sleep so they can infiltrate your dreams again. Her attempts to kill you persist. Will you not make an exception to your rules for self-preservation?”

“Quadraplex, I believe killing in self-defense is only acceptable when there are no alternatives. But you’re forgetting two things.” Dexter explained, motioning with a hoof to emphasize his words. “One, we have other options available. And two, Nightmare Moon and Twilight Sparkle are NOT trying to kill me tonight. If you recall correctly, they’re just after information.”

“I don’t want to be a killer, Quadraplex.” Dexter declared. “And that is an intrinsic goal you should hold as well. Now, I know your existence has been short, and that you might not truly understand morality. But I think I now know why you do not completely understand.”

“And it’s because you cannot feel pain.” Dexter went on. “I built you in such a way that you couldn’t feel any form of pain. Without knowing what pain is, you’re incapable of empathizing with others, which is probably why it’s taking you a long time to learn the differences between right and wrong.”

“But I want you to know, killing someone would cause both me and others a great deal of pain.” Dexter explained. “I know you don’t understand but I need you to trust me on this…”

“You asked for my trust before you left, and how have I been rewarded?” Quadraplex answered. There was a moment of silence as Dexter processed her words. “You were wrong when you denied the changeling’s existence, and for it one of them attacked you. You were wrong about magic controlling the sun and moon, and for that you went crazy. You were wrong about the existence of Nightmare Moon, and for it you set out on a trip that nearly got you killed. For all your intelligence, you have proven to be hasty, reckless, and arrogant. Your unrelenting skepticism and inability to consider possibilities outside your own beliefs has thus far been the chief source of injury and trouble.”

“I might not fully comprehend right and wrong, but you’ve proven to be just as immature.” The computer finished, leaving the lab to hang in silence.

Dexter drew a quick breath, scowling as he prepared to lash back at the computer. However, when he opened his mouth to speak he hesitated. Despite his anger, a part of him forced himself to admit that she was right.

He left another moment of silence before hanging his head. “You’re right Quadraplex.” He looked back up at the computer. “You are right, I was arrogant and reckless. The whole reason I traveled to the past was to prove myself right about Nightmare Moon and everyone else wrong. And given what I knew at the time, whether or not I was right or wrong should not have even mattered. All the consequences of my trip to the past were due to my own ego. I’m sorry.”

“Apologies are irrelevant.” The computer declared. “What matters is if you will modify future behavior.”

Dexter sighed as he placed a hoof on his face. “That’s what an apology means in this context, Quadraplex.” Dexter droned. “I’ll try to be less arrogant and reckless in the future, okay.”

“I will immediately inform you if you are relapsing into arrogance and recklessness.” She replied.

“I’m sure you will… but I will hold you to your promise, you will not do anything without my permission.” Dexter rolled his eyes. “Now, the first thing I want you to do is get this suit off of me. I’ve been wearing it for days, and I think the internal cleaning functions broke. I’m also going to need a bath and a-“

“Perimeter warning.” Quadraplex cut off the colt.

“What?” Dexter looked up at the computer’s oversized monitor. “What is it?”

“The security sensors which monitor Sweet Apple Acres and the surrounding area have detected possible intruders.” The monotone computer answered. “Five ponies are approaching the orchard, if my scans are correct it is Twilight Sparkle and four lunar guards.”

“Show me.” Dexter ordered, causing a video feed to appear on the computer monitor. The video revealed the forms of Twilight Sparkle and four guards walking through the dead of night. They were definitely on the path headed toward the apple orchard. One unicorn guard in front lit the way with his magic, while the others flanked Twilight Sparkle.

Dexter frowned. “She must be coming here in response to Nightmare Moon’s inability to infiltrate my dreams.” Ever since his return, Dexter had been worried by Luna’s intent to visit him in the dreamscape that night. A part of him regretted his decision to simply put off dealing with it, it was naïve of him to expect that dodging Luna’s attempt to enter his dreams wouldn’t provoke a response. He just didn’t’ expect it to be so immediate.

The last thing he needed was Twilight Sparkle knocking on Applejack’s door in the middle of the night with a load of accusations. It would raise a bunch of questions he was unwilling to answer.

Given what the Element of Honesty told him in the past about making Applejack bound and determined to call him out on every lie told, no amount of lies would get him out of this. He would have to find a way to deal with Applejack, but he needed to stop Twilight first.

However, Dexter wasn’t entirely regretting his decision to avoid Luna’s dream magic by staying awake. There was something Dexter needed to do, and present situation was a great opportunity.

“I want to speak with her,” The colt reached over his shoulder, retrieving the futuristic rifle slung over his back. He hadn’t taken it off since his return from the past. Dexter checked it to make sure it was still on the stun setting before looking back up at the computer. “Wake up our resident changeling, and bring me another helmet...”


The walk from town to Sweet Apple Acres was silent, though Twilight didn’t mind.

The air was cool, but not unpleasantly so. The night itself was peaceful, only disturbed by the occasional breeze.

Sources of light became scarcer as Twilight and the guards pressed past the edge of Ponyville, pressing on to the orchard. Only their magic and the pale moon above lit the path. Three of the lunar guards flanked Twilight, while the fourth walked a few lengths ahead, casting more light than the rest.

Their walk was proceeding at a smooth pace until the lead guard suddenly stopped, causing the ponies behind him to halt as well.

“There’s somepony on the path ahead of us,” The lunar guard in front turned his head. “I believe it’s a unicorn, and they are approaching us.” He turned to face forward once more. It was odd to find a pony walking along the path to the orchard at two thirty in the morning.

“That’s odd…” Twilight remarked to the guard beside her. “Nopony in the Apple family is a unicorn.”

“You! On the path!” The lead unicorn increased the amount of light cast from his horn. “Step into the light and identify yourself!”

What came next was an uncanny sight for Twilight. The light from the guard first revealed a set of lavender forelegs, eventually revealing a completely lavender mare. Twilight instantly recognized herself, or at least her own image.

However, this new Twilight’s mane was messy, and she bore an expression of anxiety and confusion.

“Thank goodness, the guard!” The new Twilight declared. “Quick, I need your help. Changelings foalnapped me from the library a few hours ago and brought me-“The new Twilight pretended to just notice the original, taking a step back. “Oh no, look out, she’s an imposter!”

“What, no! I’m the real Twilight, she must be a changeling!” Twilight charged her horn, producing a lavender glow.

However, the guards responded by turning on both the new Twilight and the one they had been escorting, surrounding both the mares with their magic charged.

“Cease the charge in your horn.” One of the guards ordered Twilight, causing her to hesitantly stop the flow of magic to her horn. It quickly stopped producing light.

“What do we do now?” One of the guards asked his fellows.

“We take them both back to Princess Luna, let her sort out the imposter.” Another guard, the ranking sergeant, answered.

“No,” The new Twilight answered, shaking her head in urgency. “That won’t work, that won’t work!” She paused for a moment, scanning both sides of the path as if searching for something before taking another few steps toward the guards. “We won’t make it that far! The changelings planned this. They’re really after me because I studied the changeling detector that appeared in the Ponyville clinic!”

If her goal was to agitate the guards further, it was working. However, the new Twilight’s demeanor slowly shifted away from that of a panicking mare. Soon enough she donned a smug grin, letting her eyes pulse green. “You should have known better than to come out here in the middle of the night…”

Twilight barely had enough time to process the imposters words before a blue bolt of energy erupted from the tree line, striking one of the guards in the side. Charging her horn, she turned her head just in time to see another blue bolt just before it struck her in the chest.

The energy blast caused her body to seize up, making her drop to the ground. It was a strange sensation, causing her to feel numb all over while leaving a sharp sting of pain in her core. It was powerful enough to stop her from hearing the remaining guards fall to the ground.

Fighting to regain her strength, or at the very least, draw a breath. She barely managed to peek her eyes open, spotting her imposter standing over her.

“She’s still awake.” The imposter announced, her voice sounding muffled and distant to the stunned mare. Twilight ear’s barely caught the sound of capacitors charging before another blue flash of light made everything dark.


“Ah!” Twilight abruptly woke to a painful stinging sensation in her flank. It felt as though something were stabbing into her just above her cutie mark. The pain was enough to get her to jump before rolling and bolting onto all fours. She flared her magic, attempting to push away whatever was causing the jabbing pain. However, her magic seemed to drain away fruitlessly. “The hay?!”

Luckily though, the sudden pain ended just as quickly as it had begun.

She blinked several times, trying to bring the world into focus. Everything was a blur. All she could tell was that she was in a well-lit room, with a figure standing nearby. However, she could tell this figure was short. Short enough to be a child in fact.

“Don’t worry, Twilight.” Came a familiar voice, however it was distorted in a way she couldn’t describe. “You are not going to be hurt.”

Dexter’s new helmet completely concealed his face, replacing the former mask with a full visor. Unfortunately that made speaking rather difficult, which is why it had a vocalizer to transmit his voice out of the mask. It was also able to distort his voice.

His suit still bore the damage it obtained from his trip to the past. He had yet to take it off.

“Your sight will return momentarily.” Dexter declared. After a hesitant moment Twilight sat on her haunches in order to rub her eyes with the knee of her foreleg. Blinking a few more times, she discovered he was telling the truth. Her vision began to slowly come into focus.

“Who- who are you?” Twilight demanded, attempting to flare her magic. However it drained from her horn before she could form the energy into a spell. “And where am I? Where did you take me?”

“Calm down, Twilight.” Dexter instructed again. “You’re safe here. I only brought you here to ask you a few questions.”

“W-where are we?” Twilight repeated, in a much more demanding tone. She quickly looked around the room, trying to gather where she was herself.

However, what she saw was something she really didn’t understand. The walls were mostly made out of metal, while the floors were made of tiles with a blue-grey metallic sheen. The walls were littered with devices, the likes of which she had never seen

“Twilight, listen,” Dexter began again. “I have some very important questions, and we do not have a lot of time. I need you to come with me a-“

“No, I’m not going anywhere until I get some answers!” Twilight made an aggressive stomp. Trying once more to use her magic, again she was met with the same result: nothing.

Dexter, however, merely sighed. He reached up to his helmet, pulling it off and sliding it back onto his shoulders.

Twilight merely stared at the colt for a few moments, stunned silent. She suspected the colt of many things, but she couldn’t help herself but to be surprised anyway. “D-D-Dexter?”

“Yes, it’s me.” Dexter nodded. “You’re safe. You’re in my secret lab.”

“Secret lab?!” Twilight repeated, fighting the impulse to drop her jaw as she looked around the room. “You have a secret lab?!”

“Yes, I built it.” Dexter sighed, letting go of the unreasonable hope that she would simply answer his questions. “But all that is beside the point, we don’t have much time and I need you to answer some very important questions.”

“No no no! Wait.” Twilight waved before pointing a hoof at the colt. “What the hay do you mean you built this? You built a secret lab? You are responsible for all of this?” Her words elicited a nod from the colt. “I knew it! I KNEW IT! You were hiding something, and this explains EVERYTHING! You were behind ALL OF-“

“TWILIGHT!” Dexter shouted, cutting the mare off. “We do not have time for this. Now I need to show you something, and ask you a few questions. This is very important, and we do not have time for you to indulge your curiosity, or for you to gloat. Now you can either follow me to see what I have to show you, or you can stay in here and do nothing.” The colt turned away. “Quadraplex, door!” he commanded, leaving through a nearby door which seemed to open on its own. It evidently lead to a much larger room of some sort.

After a moment of contemplation, she hesitantly followed after the colt. The larger room was actually quite massive, possibly extending under a large chunk of the orchard. It was also tall, large enough to house some devices big enough to be their own structures.

Twilight actually froze when she first saw it, almost unable to believe her eyes.

“Over here!” Dexter called in annoyance, eliciting a jump from the mare. He beckoned her toward what appeared to be a large, flat glass surface with a large cluster of buttons at its base. The buttons themselves were massive, almost comically so. Clearly they were designed for hooves.

“D-Dexter, this is incredible.” Any traces of Twilight’s confusion gave way to amazement and curiosity. “Did you really build this all by yourself? Is this your special talent?!”

“Please try to contain yourself, Miss Sparkle. Getting excited and increasing your heart rate will only decrease the amount of time we have to talk.” He turned away from the mare, facing the computer. “Quadraplex, please bring up my mission recording.”

“Specify time index.” Quadraplex answered, summoning the appropriate file. The sudden monotone voice caused Twilight to jump.

“What- who was that?” She began looking around the room, specifically trying to see behind the computer. The direction of the voice made her think someone was behind the gigantic panel of glass.

“That was Quadraplex,” Dexter answered, motioning to his computer. “I suppose, for her sake, I should introduce you to her. You are the first person other than me… sort of… that she has met. I really don’t think the changeling counts.”

“What…” Twilight paused. She decided to ignore the part about the changeling until she could see who she was meeting. “Where is she? I can’t see her.”

“She’s right here.” He tapped the computer. “She’s the computer… er, the large device in front of you. Quadraplex, meet Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, Quadraplex.” Twilight opened her mouth to speak, to ask another question. However she was cut off by the colt, who had predicted her question. “Yes, she is a machine. She is an artificial intelligence, I built her. No, she does not possess magic and her existence uses no magic.”

Twilight’s brain froze again. She knew what an artificial intelligence was, but she knew for a fact that they have never been created – at least no such construct had ever occurred without magic. They were only a theory to Ponykind, and supposedly were entities that were made of and constructed through carefully forged spells. Though the spells were also only a theory, way too advanced and way too far off to even by a possibility. “YOU BUILT A PONY?!”

“Say hello, Quadraplex.” Dexter turn backed to the computer, ignoring her outburst.

“Greetings, lavender equine.”

“H-Hello?” Twilight stuttered.

“Do me a favor, Twilight, and watch what you say around her.” Dexter glanced at the mare. “She’s only a few weeks old and, well, doesn’t know how to react proportionally to certain things people say.”

“Dexter,” Quadraplex began. “The changeling is demanding your presence.”

Dexter let out a frustrated sigh. “Why?” he asked.

“Changeling?!” Twilight locked her eyes on the colt, her tone filled with both surprise and anxiety. However, her outburst was ignored by Dexter.

“She wishes to speak with you,” Quadraplex answered. “I believe you should grant her request if you wish to further elicit her cooperation.”

“Where is she?” Dexter asked, clearly letting the fact he was annoyed seep into his tone.

“After the ambush, I teleported her back to the cryo-room.”

“Tell her she’ll have to wait.” Dexter answered. “As for the recording, there is no specific time index. Scan the recording and bring up images and video of Nightmare Moon.”

“Nightmare Moon?” Twilight asked, her tone becoming more serious. “Dexter, what’s going on?” However, she let her question hang when several images of the dark alicorn appeared on the computer screen.

To be honest, she hadn’t seen anything like a computer screen before. She would be more amazed if it weren’t for the content of the images. Several of the images depicted Nightmare Moon acting violently, including more than one where her coat was stained with blood.

“This is what I need you to answer, Twilight.” Dexter replied. “It’s very important. I know for a fact that you are indeed the Element of Magic, and you were present during Nightmare Moon’s defeat, correct?”

“Yes, Dexter. I saw Nightmare Moon’s second defeat. I was one of the ponies responsible for it.” Twilight’s gaze shifted between the images on the screen and the colt. “What in the world is this about?”

“Bear with me, Twilight.” Dexter motioned toward the monitor again. “Nightmare Moon represents the greatest danger to life on this planet, and I need to know if she is still a threat. You were present during her second defeat, after her return from the moon. Are you certain she was defeated?”

“Yes, yes!” Twilight declared. “Nightmare Moon was defeated by the elements, she’s no longer a threat of any kind. And Princess Luna would NEVER allow herself to fall under Nightmare’s influence again.”

“Are you certain? Are you absolutely sure?” Dexter stared at the mare, his expression unreadable. “Because if she is still a threat in the slightest way, I will see to it that she is dealt with.”

“Permanently, if necessary.” Dexter added.

“Yes, I’m certain.” Twilight affirmed, nodding vigorously before looking back up at the images. “I don’t understand, there is no way you could have seen Nightmare Moon. Luna would never let Nightmare take control of her again!”

“I’d- I’d stake my life on it.” Twilight declared before pointing a hoof at the screen. “This can’t be real! I don’t believe it.” She finished, leaving the lab to hang in silence for a few moments.

“Relax, Twilight.” Dexter turned away from her, glancing at the images himself. “These are from Nightmare Moon’s first defeat, over a thousand years ago. As far as I can tell, nothing has changed since her second defeat by the elements that you were involved in.”

“…What?” Twilight tilted her head in confusion, though her tone still held concern. “You’re telling me these images are from a thousand years ago, from Nightmare’s first defeat?”

Dexter nodded. Pushing a few buttons on the computer, causing one of the videos to scroll toward a scene where both Celestia and Nightmare Moon could be seen. The image affirmed the fact for Twilight, as Celestia was not present for Nightmare’s second defeat.

“How in the world did you get them?”

Dexter glanced at the mare for a moment before turning back to the screen. “I… built a time machine and travelled to the past. To see if Nightmare Moon was actually real.” He motioned toward the screen. “These… were my findings.”

The lab hung in silence for a moment as Twilight stared at the colt, her body and expression unmoving as she processed his words repeatedly in her head. It was almost as though she became a statue for a moment.

Twilight began shaking her head. “I’m not sure I can believe this. Being a super smart colt that can detect changelings is one thing… but…”

“Computer, scroll to the time index approximately eighteen hours and thirty seven minutes.” Dexter ordered, returning his gaze to the monitor. A video appeared, showing the final stages of Nightmare’s defeat. Specifically, it showed the few moments Nightmare grasped him with her magic before throwing him through a stone pillar.

“You see that? That was her third attempt to kill me.” Dexter pointed to his now prone form on the monitor, before motioning to the damage on his suit. “This all occurred twenty four hours ago from my perspective.”

Twilight’s eyes switched from the screen to the colt once more, her gaze lingering on his suit’s damage.

Twilight shook her head repeatedly before pressing a hoof to her face. “Okay… putting aside the fact this all may be a changeling induced hallucination, and factoring in the possibility you may have overcome the technical hurdles that hindered Star Swirl’s research and come up with a time travel spell…” Twilight let the disbelief linger for a moment before speaking again. However, Dexter did take note of what she said about Star Swirl’s research into time travel. “I have only one question to ask…”

“Are you cracked?” Twilight lowered her hoof to frown at the colt. She grabbed him with her forelegs. “Are you INSANE?! You went back in time to MESS WITH NIGHTMARE MOON?!? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!”

Dexter frowned before drawing a breath, however he was cut off before he could speak.

“I like the purple equine,” Quadraplex declared. “She has reacted the same way I did in response to your mission. I predict the two of us could readily form consensus on numerous issues.”

“That was fast.”, He grumbled to the computer before turning back to the mare. “It wasn’t intentional, Twilight.” He pushed the mare’s legs off of him. “I didn’t think I would get noticed. I underestimated Nightmare Moon’s perceptiveness.”

“Why in the world did you go in the first place?!” Twilight reprimanded. “Risking your life just to prove yourself right or wrong on some historical event just sounds like a really stupid thing to do! And even if you had a good reason, an eight year old child shouldn’t be the one taking such a risk!”

“I concur.” Quadraplex added. “I believe her response further adds legitimacy to my earlier statements regarding your trip to the past, Dexter. I’m glad you refused my suggestion to lobotomize her.”

The lab hung in silence for a few moments before Twilight slowly turned her head towards the computer. However, Dexter face-hoofed.

“Shut up Quadraplex…” Dexter droned before looking up at Twilight. “I don’t intend on visiting Nightmare Moon again.”

Twilight opened her mouth again, trying to find the right response. However, she only felt a wave of fatigue crash over her. The lack of real sleep must have been getting to her. However, this train of thought eventually gave way to her curiosity.

“Dexter, I…” She began. “You have to tell us everything! How were you able to go so far into the past? How did you create an A.I.?” She pointed a hoof at the computer as the torrent of questions began to pour out. “How were you able to produce these images? How come Luna doesn’t remember you? How were you able to-“ She was forcibly stopped by Dexter’s hoof landing on her mouth.

“Twilight, pick your questions carefully. I am willing to tell you whatever you want to know, but you don’t have much time left.” He warned cryptically. “And to answer your last question, Luna doesn’t remember me because she never saw my face. Also, a thousand years is a long time.” Dexter added.

“What do you mean, I don’t have a lot of time?” Twilight asked, trying to shake off another wave of fatigue. However, Dexter merely looked over the mare before turning back to the computer.

“Quadraplex, release the changeling from the cryo-room and direct her here please.” Dexter asked.

“Dexter!” Twilight said firmly, using a hoof to push his shoulder such that he turned toward her. “Why don’t I have a lot of time? And what was that about a changeling… I knew it! You can detect them, can’t you?!” Twilight stomped. “Are you helping them?!” She accused.

“To answer your questions,” Dexter drew a breath. “One, yes I can detect them, in fact I know exactly how many changelings are in Ponyville and where they are right now. Two, no I am certainly NOT helping them. That changeling in my cryo-room tried to abduct me and has been my prisoner ever since.”

“And three…” Dexter let his words linger for a moment, before reaching into a compartment of his suit. “I had to find a way to prevent you from yapping away about everything you’ve seen here while I questioned you about Nightmare Moon.”

“If you think you can threaten me into keeping this a secret…” Twilight shook her head. “You got another thing coming.”

“No, I don’t plan on doing anything of the sort.” Dexter rolled his eyes. He produced a used syringe from a compartment in his suit. “You may have recalled a jabbing sensation above your cutie mark as you woke up?” He said, holding the used syringe at eye level. The needle reflected the light from the computer monitor.

“What… what did you do to me?” Twilight voice was filled with concern as a wave of dread washed over her.

“I gave you a benzodiazepine.” Dexter answered. “An extremely potent one I might add.”

“Don’t worry, it’s a common sedative that pony doctors use all the time and are completely safe. But it does have a special side effect.” Dexter eyed the needle before putting it down. “Benzodiazepines function by potentiating a receptor in the neurons of your brain, causing your brain cells to hyperpolarize.”

“This prevents the affected brain cells from working for a short period of time.” Dexter went on. “Don’t worry, it only affects about forty percent of your brain cells. Particularly the part of your brain that is responsible for converting short term memory into long term memory – inducing anterograde amnesia. You won’t remember anything from the time of the injection until you wake up tomorrow, including this conversation.”

“No...” Twilight shook her head, taking a hesitant step away from the colt.

“Considering the dose I gave you…” Dexter produced a small grin as he checked the computer’s clock. “Your body should have metabolized and activated most of the drug by now. You’ll fall asleep in a few minutes. You’ll wake up tomorrow, and the last thing you’ll remember is the sight of a changeling imposter standing over you just after your guard escort was ambushed…”

The lab hung in silence as Twilight processed his words.

“One heck of a misdirection for Luna if you ask me.” Dexter added. “Especially after your guard escort wakes and reports they were attacked by a changeling pretending to be you, they’ll think changelings ambushed you and took you last night instead of me.”

“Well, looks like you got me Dexter…” Twilight declared, a tired yet smug grin on her face. “It looks like all that’s left for me to do is… fall asleep.”

“If you’re thinking about talking to Princess Luna in the dreamscape before you forget everything, it won’t work.” Dexter rolled his eyes. “You think I’d be dumb enough to forget about that? I was, after all, aware of your plan to infiltrate my dreams tonight.”

“But another side effect of benzodiazepines is that it blocks R.E.M. sleep.” Dexter returned the smug grin as Twilight’s faded. “You won’t be having dreams, which means you won’t be seeing Luna…”

“Dexter… no” Twilight shook her head, another wave of fatigue washing over her as her eyes became heavy. “You, you can’t do this!” Twilight protested, though it sounded more like pleading. She knew what Dexter said had to be true, she could feel it throughout her body.

“I already have.” Dexter answered. “Don’t fight it, Twilight. There’s nothing you can do. There is no way out of this lab, your magic has been blocked, and… well, this suit amplifies my strength by a factor of one hundred, making me far stronger than you.”

Twilight shook her head again, her anxiety growing as she could feel her fatigue spike. Her mind felt foggy as she searched for the right words to say. “Dexter, please. You have to come to the Princess and tell us everything. If you know how to detect the changelings, you have to tell us! We’re not going to do anything to hurt or punish you, and all we want to do is help ponies defend themselves from changelings. You need to come out and tell us everything!” She motioned to the lab.

Dexter nearly deadpanned, holding back a scowl. “Your Princess broke my ribs, punctured my lung, fractured my spine, and tried to kill me four different times. Why in the world would I trust her, you, or anyone else?”

“Dexter, she’s not Nightmare Moon anymore.” Twilight was pleading now, her eyes beginning to droop. However, she reached over and held Dexter with her forelegs. “Please, please don’t do this to me Dexter. Don’t make me forget and then hide all this away”

Dexter eyed the mare for a moment, surprised to find himself actually considering her pleas. However, the silence was broken by a newcomer.

“Ah, there you are.” A familiar changeling declared, approaching the two ponies. Her gaze drifted between Twilight and the colt. “Am I interrupting something?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Dexter turned his head, despite Twilight’s grasp. “I’m releasing you,” He answered the changeling. “Once you do a few things for me, I’ll let you go.” He glanced at Twilight for a moment before looking back at the changeling.

“You… you’re working with changelings?” Twilight asked, the distress in her voice was mixed with fatigue. Her speech began to slur as the drug in her system continued to work its way through her body. She was fighting for every moment to stay awake. “Dexter you can’… you can’t… you can’t trust them!”

“You don’t understand, Twilight.” Dexter shook his head. “I’m not working with them. I simply have an agreement with their queen.”

“You… you can’t trust them Dexter! You can’t make an agreement with them!” Twilight pleaded, losing the battle to her fatigue as he head drooped. “You can’t trust them… You can’t trust them-” With those last words, Twilight collapsed. She fell atop Dexter, unmoving and silent.

“Don’t worry, Twilight.” Dexter replied, patting her head before slowly pushing the sleeping mare off of him. “I don’t trust them.” He turned to the changeling, who greeted his gaze with a grin.

“I’m glad to finally see what it’s like outside of that box you kept me in,” The changeling began. “Though, this is a lot more than what I expected.”

“As I said, I’m releasing you.” Dexter declared curtly, reaching into one of the drawers underneath the computer’s keyboard. He retrieved a printed photograph before slamming the drawer shut, placing it on the desk before pushing it toward the changeling.

“You’re… just letting me go?” She asked skeptically, her eyes darting to the photograph before returning to the colt. She was hoping this wasn’t another one of the colt’s games. However, she was intrigued by the photograph. It was a picture of Dexter, seemingly wearing the same suit of armor he was now. Except his helmet was missing.

“Yes,” Dexter replied. “But there are three conditions. One, you take that message to your queen.” Dexter motioned toward the photograph. “Make sure she gets it and no one else.”

“A picture of you?” She asked, before turning it over. The words ‘So long as you behave’ were written on the back. “What does it mean?”

“She’ll understand,” Dexter nodded, reaching for something else inside the counter drawer.

“And the other conditions?” She asked, watching the colt as he turned away.

“Two, I want you to return Twilight Sparkle to her library home.” He motioned toward the unconscious mare. “Make sure you’re seen doing so, it will further misdirect Princess Luna’s attention toward you changelings, and hopefully draw her focus away from me.”

“Why us?” The changeling asked skeptically.

“You’re already Equestria’s boogieman.” Dexter explained. “No one will think twice about what happened here tonight if they see a changeling returning her to her home. They shouldn’t suspect me of doing anything to make her disappear for the night…”

“That’s a good point,” The changeling nodded.

“Lastly, I’m going to inject you with a harmless radioactive isotope.” Dexter answered, revealing another syringe. It had a rather hefty needle, earning a grimace from the changeling.

“Why?!” The changeling protested.

“It’s so I can find you later”


“Those are my terms,” Dexter said simply, taking a step toward her. “Of course, you could just go back to sleep” He motioned toward the cryo-room, eliciting a sigh of defeat from the changeling.

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” Dexter declared a moment later, drawing the empty syringe away from the changeling. “Though it’s difficult to get past that carapace of yours with a needle.”

“I’m sorry that my body inconveniences you,” She replied sarcastically.

“Hey, you could have made it easier by turning into a pony or something softer.” Dexter retorted with a grin.

“I can’t! Not with your magic-stopper things!” The changeling countered.

“Oh, right. Forgot about that.” Dexter rolled his eyes sheepishly as he scratched his head. “Well, it was nice… learning about you.”

“You’ll excuse me if I don’t compliment your hospitality.” The changeling deadpanned. “It’s not like you didn’t freeze me every night.”

“Well, what did we learn about attacking me?” Dexter replied curtly.

“I didn’t attack you, I was just trying to scare information out of you.” The changeling defended. “And you’re the one who hit me with a falling rafter.”

“After you chased me through the whole school!” Dexter countered.

“After you hit me with a chair!”

“After you scared me by throwing that desk against the wall!”

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry- I hope the desk is okay!” The changeling quipped sarcastically. “Maybe I deserved to be kidnapped and frozen five million times for my crimes against carpentry!”

Dexter deadpanned. “Get out of my laboratory.”

The changeling merely watched Dexter with a grimace. However, after a few moments her frown softened. “Listen, Dexter. If you need help keeping your secrets from the ponies, you can always blame us.” The changeling advised. “I believe they are going to question you soon. They’ll want an explanation for everything they suspect you of, but I am sure you’ll be able to find a way to keep your secret. But always remember, when they question you, you can always just blame us.”

“Hmm…” Dexter rubbed his chin before turning away from the changeling. “Something to think about.”

“Though you should know,” The changeling went on. “Attacking an Element of Harmony will provoke a large response, especially this one.” She motioned toward the sleeping Twilight Sparkle.

“I expected as much. But the town is already in lockdown by the Solar and Lunar guard.” Dexter took a moment to look back at the computer monitor. “When you are finished returning Twilight to the library, find a secluded place. I’ll then have you teleported outside of the guard perimeter. From there, you’re free.”

“Easy enough,” The changeling replied, seizing the picture with a hoof before sliding it under one of her wings. She then walked over to the slumbering form of Twilight, reaching down to sling the unicorn over her back. “Somepony going to show me the way out?”

“Quadraplex…” Dexter motioned with a hoof. Less than a second later the changeling disappeared in a flash of white light.


A loud thump roused Spike from his sleep, causing him to jump before looking at the bed beside him. The form of an unconscious Twilight was sprawled haphazardly over the other bed. It looked uncomfortable, and there was no way she could sleep like that. “Twilight?” Spike rubbed his eyes drearily.

“Go back to sleep, Spike.” Came the reply in Twilight’s very own voice, though it didn’t come from the mare that was thrown onto the bed.

Turning at the motion he saw in the corner of his eye, Spike spotted another Twilight standing at the foot of her bed.

The sight caused the sleepy dragon’s gaze to dart from the prone Twilight to the imposter and back again several times. Eventually, the imposter let out an exaggerated sigh

“Oh Spike…” The other Twilight sighed, rolling her eyes slowly as her irises faded from lavender to a vibrant green. Eventually they locked back onto the baby dragon. “This would have been so much easier if you had just gone back to sleep.”

“Ch-Changeling!” Spike shouted, trying to jump to his tiny feet. However, an aura of green magic seized the blanket off his bed, causing it to wrap around him. It covered his entire body and face, cocooning spike before he could let out another word.

“Teleport her away now, Quadraplex.” Dexter instructed, watching the monitor as the changeling slowly turned away from the baby dragon. After a quick flash of light on the screen the second Twilight was gone.

A second video appeared on the computer monitor, revealing that the second Twilight had been teleported to a distant and empty field. She merely checked her surroundings as a wave of green light washed over her. An unfamiliar pegasus was now standing where the fake Twilight was moments before. Taking one last look at the picture of Dexter she had, the pegasus leapt into the air, disappearing from view.


Of course, the following morning was rather eventful.

After seeing the changeling off, Dexter returned to his room in the apple family’s house. He had left his holographic replacement running all night, just in case anyone came looking for him. It was actually writing out a book report on Nightmare Moon, directed to do so by Quadraplex no doubt.

However, it was nearly 5am when he got a knock on his bedroom door. It was big Macintosh, he had noticed the colt’s light was on.

“Dex?” The stallion pushed into Dexter’s bedroom. “What are ya doing up?”

“I, uh, couldn’t sleep,” Dexter answered, before motioning to the stack of paper in front of him. “So I worked on my report.”

“Why didn’t ya say something, Dex?” The stallion tilted his head. “We coulda gave ya warm cider er somethin.” Before Dexter could reply, big mac’s head tilted toward the window behind the colt. “What is that?”

Dexter turned, peering out of the window for himself. Two columns of guards were approaching the orchard. Several more pegasi could be seen flying in formation overhead.

“Looks like they’re sending in the clones.” Dexter quipped sarcastically.

“Wait here.” The stallion instructed before quickly leaving the room. Soon enough he was outside, approaching what appeared to be the leader of the guards. Their conversation was muffled by the glass, and ended quickly enough. Dexter didn’t have the chance to focus on listening. The lead guard had said something to Big Mac, before waving his hoof and shouting a command to the guards. They immediately broke formation and formed several small groups that proceeded to move throughout the orchard.

The intent of the guards was made clear soon enough, they were going to search the entire orchard for any sign of changelings. Dexter had expected such a response, and prepared for it. The entrance to his lab was properly concealed.

It wasn’t long before the guards rounded up the entire Apple family. To say the Apple family was upset by the farm being scoured would be an understatement. However, their confusion quickly evaporated once the guards began to explain the reason for their visit.

Needless to say, Applejack was more than concerned to learn that one of her good friends had been ambushed by changelings last night while trying to make her way to the farm. Not only was she now concerned about her friend’s well-being, but she worried that the farm might not be safe for the rest of her family.

“Do you think there are any changelings on the orchard?” Big Mac asked a unicorn guard, echoing Applejack’s concerns. The guard in question had been the one explaining the situation to the Apples in their home’s kitchen. “Is mah family safe?”

“That’s what this search is aimed to determine,” The guard replied simply. “Guards were also sent to the homes of the other elements to make sure they were safe.”

“Where is Twilight now?” Applejack pressed.

“She’s at the Ponyville clinic.” The unicorn answered. “From what I was told, she was found unconscious and we have been unable to wake her. They transported her to the clinic for evaluation.”

Applejack hardly needed to glance at her brother to convey what she was thinking. “Go.” Big Mac motioned with his head, knowing nothing could stop Applejack from checking on her friend.

The guard seemed to pick up on it as well. “Actually, we have orders to escort you to the clinic as well.” The guard replied, before scanning the room to lock eyes on Dexter. “Along with the colt named Dexter.”

“What?” Dexter feigned confusion. “Why me?”

The guard glanced back at Applejack. “I wasn’t told the reason we are to bring the colt, just that the orders came directly from the Princess.”

The trip into Ponyville was short and quiet; the streets had yet to be filled with the typical morning activity. It gave Dexter time to think about his actions of the past night.

Being honest with himself, Dexter felt guilty for putting the Apple family through all of this. When he ambushed Twilight Sparkle and framed the changelings for it, he knew guards would likely respond by searching the farm.

But he had to be sure that Nightmare Moon had been truly defeated on her return to Equestria. Fortunately for him, Twilight Sparkle was one of the few ponies that were uniquely qualified to answer that question. Twilight had personal experience with Princess Luna, was present during Nightmare Moon’s second defeat, and was also an expert in magic. That, along with the fact that Twilight was the Element of Magic, could guarantee she would be both accurate in her assessment of Luna and free from any forms of magical manipulation.

All in all, Dexter felt justified in his decision. Despite feeling guilty, if his trip to the past taught him anything it was that he couldn’t take chances with the likes of Nightmare Moon.

However, the group of ponies had just entered the town when Dexter was drawn from his thoughts at the sound of his name.

“Hey Dex,” Applejack began, prompting the colt to look up at her. “Do you know why the princess wants ta see ya?” Dexter remained silent.

“Does it have something to do with what you lied to the guards about?” Applejack pressed sternly, her words earning the attention of the escorting guards as well.

“No,” Dexter lied flatly, eliciting a frown from Applejack as she stopped in place. When he noticed she had disappeared from his side, he glanced back over his shoulder before coming to a stop. Applejack’s reproachful grimace caused Dexter to let out an exasperated sigh. “Can you please just drop it, Applejack?”

“Do ya really expect me ta do that?” Applejack approached Dexter, rounding him to stand in his path. “Ah want ta know what you lied ta the guard about, and I want ta know the truth right now. Ya understand?”

“Nothing has changed from our previous conversation. I have nothing to say to you, to the guards, or the princess.” Dexter shook his head, attempting to sidestep the mare and press on. However, he had only gotten a few feet before he felt himself being picked up.

Applejack had sat on her haunches, grabbing the colt with her forelegs before sitting him down on the ground in front of her. Much to his annoyance, there wasn’t much he could do to resist the motion. He was always small, but he was starting to get tired of it.

“Talk. Now. Dexter.” Applejack ordered, keeping her hooves on Dexter’s shoulders. However, Dexter merely responded by returning Applejack’s gaze while folding his forelegs. That’s when Applejack’s ears pressed back against her head. “I ain’t playing around, Dex. Now tell me what ya hid from that guard when you lied to em’.” She raised her voice a little.

Dexter let out a sigh, letting his gaze fall. He didn’t know why, but a part of him felt rather guilty for having tricked Applejack in the past. He felt even worse now as he sought a way to trick her again. Of course, he couldn’t outright lie to her. The element of honesty made a point to him that it wouldn’t let him lie to her anymore.

That didn’t mean he couldn’t withhold information from her.

A part of him felt like he should be willing to trust her with the truth. If there was one pony he was starting to trust, it was her. But trust was a luxury he couldn’t afford.

“Applejack, do you recall what I said last time you asked me that?” Dexter looked back up at the mare. She was still frowning.

“Yes, an’ I don’t care.” Applejack replied. “I want the truth, now.”

“You should care-”

“I don’t.”

Dexter sighed before speaking again, the stern tone of his voice matching hers. “Remember that I said I wasn’t going to talk because it might draw the attention of the changelings? And that they might hurt you, or a member of your family in their effort to find out what I know?”

Applejack watched at the colt, letting him continue.

“Well, you might not know this. But Princess Luna already confronted me with the same question that the guards asked when I lied.” Dexter explained.

“Then why does she want to talk to you now?” Applejack tilted her head in surprise, eliciting a nod from the colt. “When didja’ speak with her?”

“Yesterday, when I visited the library for a book on Nightmare Moon to use in my report for Ms. Cheerilee.” Dexter went on. “She was in the library, and she asked me the same question those guards did.”

“Did you tell her the truth?” Applejack locked eyes with the colt.

“I am not going to discuss any detail of that conversation with you Applejack,” Dexter refused. “Ms. Sparkle was present when Princess Luna asked me questions. Then that very night she gets ambushed.”

“Now you’re the element honesty, so you should know what I am saying is the truth; and I can tell you for certain that the ambush of Twilight Sparkle occurred as a direct result of her hearing what I had to say.” Dexter went on. “So in the end, nothing has changed. If I talked to you or the guards it would still put you and your family at risk.”

Applejack continued to eye the colt as her grip remained firm. There were a few second of silence while she seemingly processed his words. “Yer not being honest with me, Dexter.” Applejack eventually declared. “Yer hiding something from me that ya should be tellin’ me, an’ yer usin’ that tired argument as an excuse not to.”

“Yes I am keeping things from you, Applejack,” Dexter rebutted. “I said so to your face just a moment ago. But regardless of my personal reasons for doing so, my ‘excuse’ is still true. You or your family could get hurt if I gave you information that the changelings might want.”

“Like it or not, Applejack, you’re the Element of Honesty.” Dexter went on, returning Applejack’s frown. “That makes you indispensable to Equestria. You’re needed in case Discord or Nightmare Moon start causing problems again…”

“Besides… I,” Dexter hesitated for a moment. “I genuinely don’t want to see you, or Apple Bloom, or Big Mac, get hurt.”

“So I am not going to give you any information that will make you a target for changelings.” Dexter finished, attempting to push Applejack’s hooves away. However, she merely tightened her grasp on him.

“I’ll risk it.” Applejack declared. Dexter’s words didn’t seem to alleviate Applejack’s frown, it fact they seemed to make it worse. As far as she knew, the changelings had already attacked one of her friends, and she wanted some answers.

“I won’t.” Dexter refused.

“That ain’t for an eight-year-old foal like you ta decide!” Applejack raised her voice, it was the first time Dexter had actually seen her do it out of anger. “Now quit stonewallin’ me.”

“Look, Applejack. If Princess Luna wanted you to know what I told her and Twilight Sparkle, she would have told you by now.” Dexter replied. “She asked me the same question the guards did, and I answered her. Is it difficult to assume that Luna hasn’t told you anything because it’s better that you do not know?”

Applejack bit her lip, getting fed up. “Alright, fine.” Her response was quick, clearly masking her frustration. “We’ll just have ask Princess Luna about it. If she says so, I’ll drop it.”

“Can’t you just… drop it without asking her?” Dexter asked sheepishly, realizing he may have just made his predicament a little worse.



The rest of the trip to the Ponyville clinic was uneventful. Applejack was quickly separated from Dexter upon their arrival. The guards were expecting both of them, but only Applejack was permitted to proceed to the room where Twilight was sleeping.

The heavy presence of guards was the only thing out of place for the ordinary hospital room Twilight was kept in. Applejack arrived to find her four other friends were already at Twilight’s bedside, accompanied by the princess and one of the hospital’s doctors. A few of the ponies turned to Applejack before nodding, acknowledging her arrival. Princess Luna, however, took a moment to scan the farm mare with her magic before nodding; satisfied that Applejack was not a changeling.

“Do you know when she will wake up?” Fluttershy asked, her voice filled with concern as she glanced at the doctor. The butter-yellow Pegasus sat at Twilight’s beside along with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie had taken up a position at the foot of Twilight’s bed.

“It’s hard to say,” Doctor Band-Aid replied. “She will probably wake up in the next hour or so.”

“But she’ll be alright?” Rarity asked.

“She should be, yes. Physically she is healthy.” He answered, attempting to reassure the mares.

“And I found no magic cast upon her.” Princess Luna added.

“However, the reason we cannot wake her is that she has been drugged; with a benzo to be specific” Band-Aid went on.

“Then she’ll be okay.” Fluttershy muttered.

“That’s correct.” The doctor replied. “Benzodiazepines are a very common sedative, we use it here all the time. The dose she received was high but still safe.”

“However, we cannot assess her mental health until she wakes up.” Band-Aid finished. “Which is always a question when dealing with changeling victims.”

“That will be all, thank you Doctor Band-Aid.” Luna dismissed, causing Doctor Band-Aid to nod before leaving the room. “I’m such an idiot, Tia’s going to kill me.”

“Ah beg yer pardon?” Applejack asked, blinking in confusion at Luna.

“I said Tia’s going to kill me.” Luna repeated before letting out a huff. “Not only did I get her personal student hurt, I put an Element of Harmony at risk.”

“What do you mean, Princess?” Rainbow Dash asked, furrowing her brown in confusion. “This wasn’t your fault, the changelings are the ones who attacked Twilight.”

“I was the one who sent Twilight out last night,” Luna explained. “She was investigating a lead for me.”

“It was so stupid of me.” Luna went on, resisting the urge to kick herself. “Twilight was an obvious target for the changelings.”

“She knows everything we learned about the changeling detecting device we found,” Luna went on, listing what came to mind. “She knows about our plans to prevent the escape of the changelings we have as prisoners; and she knows about our plans to catch other changelings that may be hidden in Ponyville. In fact, Twilight even has personal information regarding my sister that might be of value to an enemy.”

“And what do I do?” Luna stomped. “I sent her out in the dead of night with only a few guards for protection!”

“I should have seen it coming. I would have ambushed her if I were in the changeling’s position.” Luna finished, heaving a sigh of disappointment.

“I… was told she was coming ta mah farm last night.” Applejack began. “Does it have something to do with Dexter?”

“Yes, actually.” Luna replied, a note of surprise in her voice. “Yesterday I asked the colt for what he knew regarding a device found in this hospital, as well as a number of other things for which he has earned suspicion.”

“After some persuasion, we indeed got an answer from him.” Luna went on. “But I doubted his honesty. He proved to be… less than forthcoming with his answers.”

“I decided to question him again in the dreamscape,” Luna explained. “But he wasn’t asleep last night. Which prompted me to send Twilight out to investigate.”

“I wish to question him again.” Luna glanced at the sleeping form of Twilight before turning back to Applejack. “He is not allowed to leave until I see him.”

Applejack nodded in agreement, no shortage of frustration with the colt threatening to boil up within her. “He’s down the hall, Ah can go get him.”

Luna shook her head. “Soon, but not yet. I have to be here when Twilight wakes up.”


“I don’t see the need for these tests, Ms. Aura.” Dexter complained as the unicorn in question used her magic to place small sensors over various parts of him. The colt was seated at a table, which was completely clear save for one picture book. He had to push away the wires attached to the sensors on his forehead to prevent them from getting tangled with his glasses. “And I also do not have the time, I am already missing enough school as it is.”

Avid Aura had to suppress a chuckle as she plugged the wires into a nearby wall port. The psychologist had seen many reluctant patients, but children who got to skip school typically didn’t complain. “Nonsense, Dexter.” The unicorn replied. “You have plenty of time, in fact we both do given that no one is currently allowed to leave.” She motioned toward a guard stationed by the door.

“Do you even have permission to run these tests?” Dexter challenged with a frown, folding his forelegs.

“Yes,” Aura replied. “Princess Luna wanted you examined, and Applejack had already agreed to bring you back here for a follow-up after that little incident a few days ago, when you got high off that herb from the everfree.”

“Which is why you’re getting a complete work up. The physical we just gave you was at the request of Princess Luna. But while we wait on the results, I’m giving you the psychological exam Applejack and I agreed upon during your last visit.”

“Though I would already be working up a psyche profile on you had you been honest on your questionnaire, but now we have to do this test instead.” Aura added, pointing at the sensors placed across Dexter’s body.

“I didn’t lie, and Luna has no business having me examined.”

“You don’t say ‘no’ to the princess,” Avid answered. “And you did lie on your questionnaire, it was meant to gauge your emotional state and you scored as perfectly balanced.”

“So what’s the problem?” Dexter refuted.

Avid rolled her eyes. “What would be the emotional state for an eight year who has been separated from his parents, lives in a town in the middle of a changeling scare, had his teacher foalnapped by a changeling, and has been dragged into a hospital in the early morning by a bunch of royal guards?”

Aura finished by stopping to look Dexter in the eye. “Scared? Confused? Maybe a little angry? But certainly not ‘normal.’”

“All that means is that I have a strong emotional constitution.” Dexter frowned.

“Oh, so you’re a just little ‘tough guy?’” Avid rebuffed, translating his verbiage. “Well, if that’s the case then this test will just confirm it. But I think it is more likely that you’re a very smart little colt who intentionally skewed his answers to the test in order to manipulate his results.”

What followed was a rather simple test. Dexter was instructed to flip through a book which contained a series of pictures. He was supposed to ‘linger on and contemplate’ each picture for a few minutes before passing onto the next.

Avid Aura then quickly left the room before reappearing in an adjacent room. The wall between them was mostly glass, which she tapped on in order to instruct him to begin looking at the book.

Dexter knew she was using some form of magic to record his emotional responses to each picture as he started flipping through the images. Unsurprisingly, the images ranged from pictures of fierce dragons to puppies with pleading eyes.

“Hey wait a second, the test is not finished yet-“

Dexter’s concentration was broken by the sound of someone opening the door. He locked up to spot Princess Luna pushing into the room. She fixed the colt in a stern gaze. “Dexter.” Her tone matched her expression, letting the colt know she was not going to tolerate any lies or deceit on his part.

Dexter, however, didn’t hear his name. The moment he caught sight of Luna his blood shot to a boil. His breathing became slow and heavy as he fought to keep his composure. He had to press his forelegs against the table in front of him to prevent them from trembling in his anger. He was dreading the moment he would come face to face with Princess Luna. After seeing her as Nightmare Moon during his trip to the past, he had come to hate her.

However, Dexter was not surprised by how much anger he was feeling. He knew he hated Luna for what she had done to him and everyone else as Nightmare Moon.

Dexter felt something break. It came just in time though; he had an outward façade to maintain. The events of Nightmare Moon that he experienced were a thousand years ago after all, but those dreadful nights was less than a day old for him.

“I’m sorry, what was that Ms. Sparkle? I didn’t catch that.” Dexter asked politely, maintaining a voice devoid of anger. Somewhere in his attempt to reign in his emotions, he noticed Twilight had entered the room behind Princess Luna and said something. Though he didn’t catch what it was. “I’m glad to see that you’re well.” He added.

“Thank you, Dexter.” Twilight nodded, appearing to be genuinely appreciative. “And I said that I’m glad to see you’re fine. After being ambushed on my way to Sweet Apple Acres, I was afraid the changelings might have done something to you or the Apples.”

“We’re all fine,” Dexter answered, before glancing at Luna then back at Twilight. The princess had taken to sitting on her haunches on the opposite side of the table to Dexter. She was tall enough that she sat over Dexter, despite the fact she didn’t have a chair and he did. “But why in the world were you on the way to the farm last night?”

“We’ll be the ones asking questions, Dexter.” Luna spoke, causing Dexter to turn back toward her.

Dexter frowned at the princess. “What the heck do you want?”

“You will address me with respect, whelp.” Luna ordered sternly, her scrutinizing gaze was intended to let the colt know she was in no mood for any games. “And you will answer my questions directly and honestly.”

“Or you’ll threaten me again?” Dexter rebutted. After a few seconds of silence Luna’s gaze drifted downward.

“I did not threaten you, Dexter. But I do apologize for scaring you yesterday at the library,” Luna replied. “It was a mistake to be sure.” She looked back up to colt to meet his eyes. “But it was somewhat justified, I needed to know what you were withholding from me, and you weren’t being honest.”

“And you still haven’t been completely honest with me, Dexter.” Luna went on. “However, to make it clear that I do not intend to scare you again, I am extending the offer I made to you yesterday.”

“You can tell me anything, right now, and you will not get in trouble.” Luna offered. “Even if you have done something against the law, I promise you there will be no penalty if you are honest and tell me now.”

“There is nothing to tell, princess.” Dexter folded his forelegs.

“Are you sure that is what you want to tell me?” Luna asked, her tone was that of a warning. Dexter didn’t respond. “My offer of amnesty expires the moment you tell a lie or withhold something relevant from me. Now, can you honestly tell me that you know nothing of importance; that there is nothing you have held back from me?”

“Yup,” Dexter had hardly finished uttering the word before a loud sound of tapping on glass reached his ears. He turned toward the glass window to the observation room, only to find Applejack glaring back at him. Her ears were folded back as she wore a frown, clearly not happy with his answer.

“It seems that Applejack would disagree,” Luna noted. “The reason she isn’t in here already is that I wanted to give you the chance to explain yourself willingly. Are you sure you don’t have anything to tell me?”

“Of course I am holding some things back from you, Princess. There are plenty of private things I do not want to share with you.” Dexter began, irritation filling his tone. “If you want an explanation for something I’ve done, or think I’ve done, then please ask more specific questions.”

“Very well,” Luna glanced at Twilight before turning back to the colt. “For starters, where were you last night?”

Dexter sighed. “From the time you let me leave the library to this morning when your guards dragged me here, I was only at the Apple’s farm.” When the colt finished he glanced at Applejack.

The farm pony clearly wasn’t happy with that answer, but she didn’t respond to it. Dexter silently recalled what the Element of Honesty had told him during his trip to the past; that it would guide its future bearer to make him more honest. Which probably meant that Applejack could tell that his answer was technically truthful, though still meant to conceal something from Luna.

“Why couldn’t I find you in the dreamscape?” Luna pressed.

“What?” Dexter titled his head as he furrowed his eyebrows, feigning ignorance. “What were you doing looking for me in the dreamscape?”

“Answer the question, Dex-“

“No!” Dexter pointed an accusatory hoof at the princess. “Not until you tell me why you were trying to snoop around my dreams!”

“You lied,” Luna answered simply. “Yesterday when I asked you about the changeling detecting device, you wouldn’t cooperate with me until after I scared you; and I suspect you still withheld something from me.”

“So you decide to violate my dreams based on your suspicions?” Dexter accused.

“Only to view your memories.” Luna clarified.

“You. Had. No. Right!”

“I have every right,” Luna countered. “Both in my duties as princess, and to forward my investigation here. Now answer the question, why weren’t you in the dreamscape?” Luna ordered.

Dexter merely glared at the princess for a few silent moments. “You already know why,” The colt turned his saddle bags, which were resting against the chair he was sitting on. Soon enough he produced at stack of paper, pushing it onto the table. “Cheerilee punished me by making me write a report about you.”

“I spent all night, or at least the majority of it, researching you.” Dexter finished as Twilight used her magic to retrieve the stack of papers. She wasn’t surprised to find it was in fact a historical report about Nightmare Moon.

“How convenient,” Luna replied, only glancing at the paper in Twilight’s magical grasp. “A perfectly innocent explanation.”

“Hey, that is the truth, everything I did last night was to learn about you.” Dexter replied, pointing at the paper. “If you don’t believe me you can ask your resident lie detector.” He pointed at Applejack through the glass window. She was still frowning. “Happy now?”

“I think you’re not telling me something,” Luna replied instantly.

“In fact, I think there is a lot of things you need to explain.” Luna went on, starting to list off the mysteries around the colt in her mind. “To begin, before two weeks ago there is essentially no record of your existence, anywhere.”

“No hospital records, no birth record, no school records, no records of any kind.” Luna approached the colt once more. “It’s almost like you didn’t exist. Your appearance here seems to be just as sudden and mysterious as the changeling detector found in the hospital room you stayed in.”

“On top of that,” Twilight began, approaching Dexter. “Spike says he saw you fighting the changelings that infiltrated your surprise party at the Cake’s bakery.”

“Spike should have his eyes examined,” Dexter rebuffed.

Luna frowned, disapproving of the colt’s persisting flippant attitude. “That isn’t all Dexter, a little over a week ago I saw a colt with a white coat and an orange mane steal the diagrams Twilight made of the changeling detecting device. This colt also left us with pictures, pointing out that Cheerilee had been replaced with a changeling…”

“Do you know how many colts in Ponyville fit that description exactly?” Luna returned her gaze to Dexter. He offered no reply. “One.”

“And then…” Luna stood before approaching the colt. Her height reminded him how much bigger she was than he. “The one night I decide to visit you in the dreamscape, you are nowhere to be found. When I send Twilight Sparkle to find you, she gets attacked by changelings.”

“And all you have to say is, ‘I was writing a book report.’” Luna finished. “Is that about right?”

“Yes.” Dexter answered, however after a moment of silence he noticed Luna was still casting a stern gaze toward him. “This is insane…” Dexter put a hoof to his forehead, seemingly trying to rub away a headache. “And I suppose you have some brilliant theory to explain HOW I did all of these things you are accusing me of?”

“Simple, you are a magic user.” Twilight answered.

“I cannot perform magic, Twilight.” Dexter replied with a frown. “And even if I could, from what I understand, it takes years to master. There is no way I could have possibly used magic to do all the things you’re accusing me of.”

“That is true. Even I have difficulty believing that a foal as young as you could ever possibly master magic enough to perform feats we have witnessed, or that you have allegedly performed.” Luna admitted. “But during the many years of my life I have seen many strange things. I’ve learned not to exclude any theory when more sensible ones have been exhausted, including the possibility that a smart, clever little foal might be able to figure out how to do some extraordinary things. Especially one that has a masterful understanding of magical principles.”

“Oh, so now I am a master mage?” Dexter scoffed. “This is crazy. I believe the phrase is, ‘have you been hanging out with Lyra or something?’” He took a brief moment to glance at the window, only to find Applejack and Avid Aura missing.

Despite the colt’s façade of ignorance, a part of him was nearly boiling over with rage at the sight of Princess Luna. However, he managed to keep a lid on his emotions. Barely. He just hoped Avid Aura’s emotional monitoring device wasn’t able to see through his façade.

“No,” Twilight smiled, using her magic to put down Dexter’s report before retrieving her own stack of papers. Dexter recognized them instantly, it was the solution to Clover’s Conundrum. “You already proved that you have the potential to master magical principles when you solved Clover’s Conundrum.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Dexter raised an eyebrow. He feigned ignorance as he took and examined the paper Twilight had produced. They let him look at it for a few moments in silence.

“Dexter,” Twilight spoke up once more. However, this time her tone was less confrontational. “I wanted you to know I told the scientists examining your solution where it came from. Even after some… resistance, I insisted on making sure you got credit for your solution.”

“What are you talking about, Twilight?” Dexter feigned confusion, glancing up at the mare.

“Your solution.” Twilight answered, motioning toward the papers. “To Clover’s Conundrum; I told everypony that you were the one who found it. And I just wanted you to know, I always intended to be honest about it… I just got lost in the excitement.”

“I see you’re more delusional than I thought.” Dexter quipped.

“What?” Twilight shook her head.

“I’ve never seen this before in my life.” Dexter replied simply.

“Dexter, what are you talking about?” Twilight replied, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“This isn’t mine,” Dexter retorted, pointing to the solution. “I never wrote this. I did not solve Clover’s Conundrum.”

“Yes, it is Dexter.” Twilight reproached, casting an accusatory hoof at the colt. “I saw you write it out. You solved the entire thing right in front of me.”

“I… think you should have your head examined,” Dexter shrugged. “The changelings might have done something to it to get you to say this. I’ve never even attempted to solve Clover’s Conundrum.”

“You… you…” Twilight began to tremble as he voice became strained. “After you accusing me of stealing credit for it! After lecturing me and calling me tribalist! You won’t even tell the truth to claim credit for yourself!?”

“Do you really think an eight year old child like me could solve that? When the best scholars in all of Equestria could not for nine centuries?” Dexter pointed. The truth was, he could think of a better counter-argument over that tired cliché of a response, but a part of him enjoyed watching Twilight melt down.

“Dexter!” Twilight was grinding her teeth now. “I told the truth! And when I did, I got major resistance from scientists in Canterlot! But I insisted on the truth anyway! I stuck my neck out for this! I went out on a limb for you, to tell the truth like you demanded!”

“If you deny solving this, they’ll dismiss the claim out of hoof!” Twilight fumed. “And then they’ll never believe any claim I make again! My career as a scientist will forever be tarnished!”

“Well…” Dexter fought the urge to grin. “I’m glad to see the scientists in Canterlot have some sense on this issue, but I suggest you immediately write a retraction and an apology as soon as-“ However, Dexter never got to finish. Twilight had reared up on her hind legs before stomping back down onto the ground. However, the instant her hooves returned to the floor, something Dexter had never seen before occurred.

Twilight’s coat seemingly turned white as her mane exploded into flames. At first, Dexter was so surprised by the display he could only recoil, nearly falling out of his chair.

The fireworks lasted only for a few moments, but longer than a few seconds. The fire disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving an overcooked lavender unicorn behind. Despite being slightly singed, the mare was fine.

“That’s it, I quit.” Twilight collapsed to the floor, slumping in defeat. “I give up.”

Dexter merely watched the mare for a few seconds. “Cool!” The eight year old blurted out.

“No… twas not cool but rather heated, did you not notice the flames?” Luna replied, tapping her chin as she glanced over Twilight.

“How did you do that?!” Dexter asked the slumped unicorn, noticing she had not used her horn during the display. Dexter was already hypothesizing on ways he could make the unicorn equivalent of a magic generating potato battery.

Twilight, however, responded with nothing more than a defeated sigh.

“Back to the matter at hoof…” Luna cut in. “Dexter, you need to explain a few things. You need to be honest with us now.”

Dexter frowned once more as he turned his attention back to the princess. “I maintain what I told you at the library yesterday, princess. But I would like to add that I have never used magic.” Dexter emphasized.

Luna maintained her stern gaze on the colt.

“Look, if you don’t believe me you can get the element of honesty in here right now to ask me the same question. Applejack will know I am telling the truth.” Dexter answered, motioning toward where the farm pony was standing. “I can tell you with one hundred percent honesty that: I. Have. Never. Used. Magic. Ever; at least to my knowledge. And I most certainly didn’t use magic to fight changelings at the bakery, to steal diagrams, or anything else you think you saw me do.”

“Now the little fact that I have never used magic should not only allow you to conclude that I didn’t do any of these things you think I did; but should also allow you to safely conclude that I couldn’t have possibly done them.” Dexter stated. “Unless you truly believe that someone could do these things without the use of magic?”

The room hung in a silence for a few moments as Luna continued to watch the colt. He was right about one thing, she couldn’t conceive of anyone accomplishing the feats she and the town had witnessed without the use of magic. Of course she knew that Dexter’s explanation was playing toward her preconceptions about magic, and what one could and could not do without it. However, she couldn’t entirely dismiss what he was saying.

“But wait a minute,” Twilight spoke up, choosing to rejoin the conversation. “The changeling detector device we found didn’t use any form of magic.”

“Correction,” Dexter turned toward Twilight. “You don’t THINK it used magic, but you don’t know for certain.” He turned back toward Luna. “You never fully deciphered how that device worked. For all you know it could have used magic, just a form you were unfamiliar with or simply didn’t detect. Same goes for all the other gadgets you found.”

Luna continued to watch the colt, deep in thought as she considered his words. Of course, she thought a large portion of his argument was irrelevant. The cannon recovered from the fight at the bakery indicated that the user did not use magic, as a unicorn would have likely used spells to combat the changelings and would not have required a cannon or any other weapon.

However, what she couldn’t get over was the fact that the same cannon had been teleported right before her eyes. The very thought of teleportation without magic was inconceivable. And if he wasn’t the one responsible for teleporting the cannon away from her, then at the very least someone else was involved.

“I cannot dismiss the fact that some of the things I’ve witnessed would undoubtedly require magic,” Luna eventually replied. “But that does not mean you are uninvolved. Perhaps someone is aiding you.”

“I do not have a magic wielding accomplice.” Dexter replied.

“Twilight,” Luna’s glanced at the unicorn. “During the thousand years of my absence, has there ever been an instance were teleportation was achieved without the use of magic? Is there a way anypony could have teleported that cannon we had secured from the bakery without the use of magic? Is teleportation without magic possible?”

“No, your Highness. I can’t think of any.” Twilight admitted. “I do not believe teleportation without magic is possible.”

“Okay, if you didn’t do these things, then why does it look like you did?” Luna pressed. “Why does Spike say he saw you fighting the changelings at the bakery? Why did I see a colt with your exact coat color and mane color?”

“If I were innocent, if you finally believe I didn’t do those things, do you really think I would have an explanation for that?” Dexter answered sharply, letting his frustration into his tone. He was smart enough to know that a normal eight year old child in his position, and who was actually innocent, wouldn’t have an explanation. Luna was just baiting him with the question, trying to see if he would offer up some information he wasn’t supposed to have.

The princess was fishing, and gave the colt enough rope to hang himself with. Of course, he wasn’t going to take the bait.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Dexter. I don’t believe you.” Luna answered back. “But you’re a smart colt, why don’t you speculate an answer for me.”

“I don’t know, maybe a changeling was impersonating me...” Dexter shrugged.

“So a changeling decided to impersonate you,” Luna pointed at the colt. “In order to reveal another changeling impersonating your teacher, to beat up a bunch of other changelings at the bakery, and then convenient leave us a cannon only to steal it away later?” Luna listed.

“Hey, it’s your job to figure this stuff out. Don’t blame me if you’re not smart enough.” Dexter shrugged. Luna frowned before letting out a huff of annoyance.

“I grow tired of this, and my patience is spent.” Luna leaned her head toward the observation room, a glow building in her horn. A quick flash of light removed Applejack from the adjacent room and teleported her to Luna’s side. “Applejack?”


Several minutes earlier.

“Applejack?” Avid Aura approached the farm pony, who appeared to be intensely focused on the exchange going on between Twilight, Luna and Dexter. Other than a pair of royal guards standing by the door, the farm pony was alone. She didn’t respond until Avid Aura tapped her with a hoof, causing her to instinctively turn away from the display unfolding in the other room.

“Yeah, Doc. What is it?” Applejack asked, turning back to watch Dexter and Princess Luna once more.

“We need to talk.” Avid Aura replied.

“Can it wait? The princess asked me ta-“ Applejack began, only to be cut off by the unicorn.

“No,” Aura interrupted, earning Applejack’s gaze once more. “The results from Dexter’s physical just came back.”


“Somepony broke Dexter’s ribs.” Avid Aura answered.

“What?” Applejack recoiled in surprise. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Avid Aura answered. “Two of his ribs on his right side were broken, and recently. We know for certain it happened within the past few days, as his broken ribs weren’t present during his last physical” Avid Aura explained. “Which was only a few days ago, when you brought him into the clinic because he was acting strange due to the plant from the everfree he had eaten.”

“Also, judging from the bruising pattern, it would appear that his ribs were broken because somepony kicked him.” Avid Aura finished.

Applejack, having been completely distracted from what was going on inside the other room, glanced back at Dexter with a look of concern. “Why doesn’t he show any signs? Why hasn’t he complained?”

“It also appears somepony used a large amount of magic to try and mend the wound.” Avid Aura explained, turning to observe the colt herself. “Furthermore, judging by how well the ribs have been healed, it must have been a very powerful magic user who did the mending, one who was also extremely skilled.”

“Which means, somepony else knew about Dexter’s broken ribs.” Avid Aura went on. “Has anypony said anything to you about this?”

“What, no.” Applejack shook her head. “I have no idea how this could have happened, and no pony told me anything!”

“I believe you, Applejack.” Avid Aura replied. Just from reputation alone, Avid Aura knew Applejack would have done anything possible to protect a child she was caring for. That reputation also made Avid Aura feel slightly worried about what Applejack would do to the pony responsible for breaking Dexter’s ribs when she found out who did it.

“Do you know who did this?” Applejack asked, a hint of anger hidden in her voice.

However, Avid didn’t reply immediately. Her attention was drawn to a device tucked into the corner of the room. It was the machine she had set up to monitor Dexter’s emotions, and worked by drawing several lines being drawn on a roll of paper, which was continuously spewed out an ever growing sheet. “No…” Avid Aura replied curiously as she approached the device. “I don’t know who kicked him.”

Applejack had turned back toward Dexter, watching him with a mix of concern. However, she quickly frowned as she heard Dexter state a lie.

“This isn’t mine,” Dexter retorted, pointing to a piece of paper. “I never wrote this. I did not solve Clover’s Conundrum.”

“Why can’t he just be honest?” Applejack sighed in frustration, noticing how silent Avid Aura had become. Giving the unicorn a glance, Applejack noted another look of concern on the unicorn’s face. “Something wrong, Doc?”

“He’s… a sociopath.” Avid Aura noted in concern, reading the data the device was spewing out.

“A what?” Applejack turned back toward the mare.

“His emotional responses are consistent with an individual in the middle stages of acquired sociopathy.” Avid Aura replied more loudly, looking back up at the colt. However, noting the equally concerned grimace on Applejack, she decided to explain. “There are two types of sociopathy, innate and acquired. Innate sociopaths are born that way. However, individuals with acquired sociopathy are typically transformed into sociopaths by their environment. Usually it involves some form of prolonged abuse and possibly neglect.”

“From these readings, Dexter appears to be in the middle of acquiring sociopathy.” Avid Aura went on. “Initially he showed all the normal signs of an emotionally healthy individual, with the ability to empathize.” She pointed at the machine that will still spewing out paper. “However, something triggered a sociopathic response in him.”

“Can you... fix him?” Applejack asked, glancing at the doctor once more.

“Yes,it’s not too late” Aura noted sadly. “But it will take time…”


“I grow tired of this, and my patience is spent.” Luna leaned her head toward the observation room, casting a spell to teleport Applejack into the room. “Applejack?”

“He lied about not solving Clover’s Conundrum,” Applejack began, turning to face the colt. Her words were to Twilight’s relief. Applejack was clearly angry with the colt, although her grimace also revealed an air of disappointment. “However, he did tell the truth when he said he has never used magic, and that he doesn’t have a friend doing magic for him. But he is definitely hiding something, he is not being completely honest with us.”

“Dexter, what are you not telling us?” Luna turned back to the colt.

“Like I said, there are many things I am not telling-“The colt was cut off by Applejack, who had approached him before pushing him on the shoulder. Her shove turned him toward the farm pony.

“Quit fool’n around, Dex.” Applejack locked eyes with the colt. “Yer gonna answer the princess’ questions directly an’ honestly, got it?”

“Now answer directly, either yes or no.” Applejack pressed. “Do you know where that changeling detecting thing came from? Were you the one who stole Twilight’s diagram?”

Dexter was ready for Applejack. With the Element of Honesty letting her know if Dexter was telling the truth or not, the only way he could prevent her from knowing the truth would be to refuse to answer.

The colt folded his forelegs as he returned Applejack’s glare. He sat silently for a moment before returning his gaze to the princess. “I’m not answering any questions while Applejack is here.” He turned back to the farm pony. “What I told you earlier this morning, Applejack, hasn’t changed.”

“Enough!” Luna stomped, her own emotions threatening to boil over. “I have had enough of your games, Dexter. Now we have been far more patient than you deserve, but I have reached my limits. The safety, and maybe even lives, of my subjects are at stake; and every moment you delay us is another moment the changelings have to forward their goals unimpeded.” Luna’s magic flared once more as she cast another teleportation spell, this one took Dexter from his chair and deposited him on the table. He now sat directly in front of the alicorn. “You will answer our questions truthfully, now. And this is your last chance, or there will be consequences.”

For a few moments Dexter sat in silence, returning the alicorn’s glare with an unyielding glare of his own. “Remember that offer of amnesty you gave me, that promise that I wouldn’t get in trouble?” Dexter asked, getting Luna to give a curt nod. “I think that was the sound of it expiring.”

“Do you really think it wise to test me?” Luna seethed, her voice was echoed with the royal Canterlot voice. Luckily for everyone else’s eardrums, it was still at room volume. “I could have you thrown in a dungeon, exiled, or both if you prefer.”

Dexter stood up, continuing to return the Alicorn’s glare. Even though he stood on a table, Luna easily stood over him. “I am not afraid of you anymore, Nightmare Moon.” Dexter declared, feeling whatever restraint he had holding his anger back snap.

Luna’s anger flared once more, at least until Dexter’s word’s fully registered. He had called her ‘Nightmare Moon.’ The name caused Luna’s heart to skip a beat as the anger that was welling up inside her took a heavy blow, much of her anger being replaced with guilt and even shame.

Luna pulled away, turning away from the colt. She couldn’t exactly tell why being called ‘Nightmare Moon’ by this colt provoked such a response in her, she had been called it many times before by her other subjects. However, it was a surprise to hear it coming from Dexter. After all, he told her that he wouldn’t judge her for the actions of Nightmare Moon. Something which had made Luna genuinely happy.

But there was something else. For a moment, Luna couldn’t help but realize a part of her was acting like Nightmare Moon. She had been on the verge of letting her temper take control again. After Nightmare Moon, it was something she had vowed to never let happen again so much as she could help it. It didn’t matter how angry Dexter made her, just knowing that her temper could still reach such heights made her feel ashamed of herself.

Luna took to pacing, forcibly quelling her temper. As she did so, another wave of familiarity with the colt hit her. She couldn’t place where, but she knew she had met him well before a few days ago.

“Dexter!” Twilight chastised, approaching the colt. “That was out of line, Princess Luna is not Nightmare Moon and you can’t just call her-“

“SHUT UP!” Dexter shot toward the unicorn.

“Hey! Don’t you tell anypony to shut up.” Applejack interjected.

“You just don’t get it, do you Twilight?” Dexter sneered. “The whole reason the Elements of Harmony banished Luna to the moon a thousand years ago, instead of removing Nightmare Moon from her then, was because she is just as guilty as Nightmare Moon.”

“Now you might be naïve enough to believe that Nightmare Moon and Luna are different individuals.” Dexter went on. “But that is not a belief I share.”

“You come in here asking for answers? You want the truth? Here it is: I am not giving you answers because I do not trust any of you, in more ways than one!” Dexter shoved a hoof in Luna’s direction. “But I trust her least of all, and there is nothing you can say or do that will get me to trust that murdering psychopath!”

The room fell silent. Twilight and Applejack where either too shocked or confused to speak. Either way, they were at a loss for words. Luna, however, was still facing away from the colt. He couldn’t see the expression on her face. However, it didn’t take a genius to notice how still the alicorn was.

Eventually the silence was broken as Luna slowly turned back toward the colt. “I thought… you said you were not going to hold the actions of Nightmare Moon against me.” Luna began, trying to hide the emotion in her voice.

“Correction, I said I would judge you based on what I directly observed.” Dexter refuted. “And researching you for Cheerilee’s report has opened my eyes to several things. I’ve seen enough to know what you’re about.”

“And what have you seen?” Luna asked.

Dexter opened his mouth, only to quickly bite down before letting any words come out. He was more than willing to lay out all the things he had witnessed during his trip to the past. But he couldn’t very well admit that he had built a time machine and actually traveled into the past.

“What I’ve seen is someone who has not fundamentally changed from a thousand years ago.” Dexter eventually began. “Just like Nightmare Moon, you’re primarily motivated by the desire to earn the love of your subjects and for everyone to love the night. And just like Nightmare Moon you’re willing to abuse your powers in the dreamscape to get what you want.”

“You’re motivated by the same desires, and you use the same tactics. You’re just less brutal… but there is nothing stopping that from changing.” Dexter went on. “And for the record, you are to NEVER enter my dreams!”

“I am nothing like Nightmare Moon.” Luna countered. “If you had spoken to her with such a tone, there wouldn’t be anything left of you.”

“And that’s why you’re worse than the changelings, isn’t it?” Dexter challenged. “They don’t kill, they can’t feed off of corpses. However, the same cannot be said about you.”

“Dexter, you’re not being fair-“ Twilight tried to interject.

“Shut up!” Dexter repeated, turning back toward Luna. “You told me yesterday you’d never hurt a child. Can you say you never have?”

Luna didn’t answer, standing silently as her gaze drifted toward the floor. Of course, Dexter didn’t need her to speak because he already knew the answer.

“And that’s your problem, isn’t it?” Dexter continued. “Deep down you know there is a part of you willing and able to do terrible things just to satisfy your desires to-”

“Never!” Luna shouted back, cutting the colt off. She paused once more, looking back down at the floor as she wrestled the flood of emotions insider her. “Never, Dexter.” She repeated, more quietly this time. “I admit, a thousand years ago I did some very bad things. Terrible things that I cannot forgive myself for. Things I may never be able to forgive myself for. But I have changed since then. Every night I guard my heart against my negative emotions. I stamp out any traces of hatred, anger, jealousy, and everything else that would tempt me down that path again. I would rather die than be in that place again. I would rather die than be Nightmare Moon again.”

“Would you kill?” Dexter replied, almost instantly. The question caught Luna off guard, causing her to look back up at the colt. “That’s more to the point, isn’t it? Would you kill someone in order to prevent yourself from becoming Nightmare Moon again?”

The room fell silent once more. It was so quiet one would wonder if any of the ponies were even breathing.

There was no good answer to the question, and Dexter knew it.

“You don’t have to answer that princess,” Applejack declared, being the first one to recover. She quickly turned to the colt, locking eyes with him. “What in the world is the matter with you Dexter?”

The answer was simple, he hated Princess Luna.

From the colt’s perspective, it had only been a few days since the alicorn had: broken his ribs, punctured his lung, fractured his spine, tried to torture him, and nearly ended the world. Of course that was over a thousand years ago for everyone else, but that didn’t matter as far as he was concerned.

“If you’re so different from Nightmare Moon, then why aren’t you back on the moon?” Dexter challenged, ignoring Applejack. “Your punishment was eternal banishment to the moon. If you really cared about things like justice, and doing good, you would finish your justly awarded punishment.”

“Dexter that is NOT fair, Luna has changed. She doesn’t deserve to be banished to the moon.” Twilight countered.

“Of course it’s fair! When a criminal breaks out of prison, just like she did, they’re original sentence is not voided.” Dexter rebuffed, turning back to Luna. “Especially when the first thing they do is try to commit the same crime again, just like she did! Normally, justice would see the criminal sent back to prison with an even greater punishment!”

“Which means, in more ways than one, she deserves to be on the moon right now!” Dexter pointed an accusatory hoof at Luna. “Whether she has ‘changed’ or not!”

“DEXTER!” The colt found himself being pulled across the table by Twilight’s magic. It wasn’t until now that Dexter noticed how livid the unicorn had become. “You’re a piece of work you know that? How dare you say something like that to the Princess! She doesn’t deserve that and you know it.”

“Do I?” Dexter challenged, only serving to anger the unicorn further.

“You… may be right, Dexter.” Luna finally spoke up, earning the attention of the other ponies. “I might… deserve to be on the moon.” Luna’s voice trembled slightly. “But I couldn’t bear it…”

“I’ve always struggled with loneliness,” Luna went on, she tried but failed to suppress the pain in her voice. “Even before I was sent to the moon, the bitter pain of loneliness was a constant companion. It is somewhat like a curse of immortality. I cannot form friendships like you do, I cannot have a family like you mortals do. Everyone I meet, I know I will one day lose. The pain of losing friend after friend, century after century, becomes too much; and it is easier to believe that it is best to never have true friends at all. But that becomes unbearably lonely, and being on the moon, alone, was the worst loneliness I have ever experienced…”

“Being trapped on the moon, alone…” Luna paused for a moment, trying to put into words what she was trying to say. “It was like dying of thirst in a desert, yet being immortal I was unable to die. I couldn’t go through that for another millennia, let alone an eternity.”

“I am so sorry for what I’ve done… and you may be right, I might deserve to be on the moon.” Luna shook her head. “But I couldn’t bear that.”

The room fell silent once more. Applejack and Twilight seemed to be stunned into silence, processing what Luna had said while being frozen into silence.

Looking up at Luna, Dexter was surprised by the appearance of the princess. The expression on Luna’s face was clearly one of sadness, mixed with desperation and even a little fear. However, Dexter didn’t care.

All he could hear was Nightmare Moon’s laughter, as his hatred for her surged. He had never felt such a level of hate before in his life.

“Water, water, everywhere, and so the boards did shrink.” Dexter recited. “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink.” Luna eye’s widened in response, however Dexter couldn’t tell if she knew what he was getting at. He had to admit she was smart, and probably understood.

“I now see the wisdom of the Elements of Harmony in allowing you to stay. They did administer a worse punishment to you during your second attempt to bring about eternal night, by letting you stay here.” Dexter went on, noting a look of confusion from Twilight and Applejack. “The only thing worse than dying of thirst while stranded in a desert, is dying of thirst while stranded in the middle of the ocean.” Dexter explained.

“By letting you stay, the elements took you straight from the desert and dropped you in the ocean.” Dexter pointed out in realization. “Now you get to see every one of us mortals happily make friends, have families, and even grow old and die together. Its all around you. But you don’t get to participate, do you? Because of your immortality, you’d be forced to outlive any friends and family you ever had. You’d get anguish over watching them die, leaving you forever.”

“You’re just like the person dying of thirst while stuck at sea.” Dexter continued. “You long to take a drink more than anything else, yet you know the moment you do the taste will turn bitter, and ultimately cause more harm than good.”

Luna’s breathing shook.

After another heavy pause followed before the colt let out a huff. For a moment, the colt really questioned himself as to whether or not anyone could ever deserve such a punishment. However, he didn’t have to wonder for long. His near perfect memories conjured up pictures of those who had suffered under the original Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago.

“I’m glad.” He declared. “I hope you live forever, princess.” Dexter sneered. “I hope your suffering never ends, you deserve it.”

“Dexter!” Applejack and Twilight cried in unison.

“Long live the princess!”

“Dexter, how could you be so horrible?” Twilight pulled the colt back toward her, her voice on the verge of trembling as well. “How could you say something like that?”

Dexter opened his mouth to reply, only to hesitate due to a strange sound.

Princess Luna’s breathing had become labored. Dexter returned his gaze to the alicorn to discover tears streaming down her face. She quickly pulled her fore hooves to her face before letting out a sob.

However, the sight of Luna crying didn’t last for long. A pulse of blue magic had the alicorn disappear from the room entirely.

Twilight shook her head. “No princess, wait!” She called out. A purple flash of magic had her disappear from the room as well, leaving Applejack and Dexter alone.

“What screwed you up so badly to get you to be so cruel?” Applejack shook her head, almost at a complete loss as what to say next. “You're broken, Dexter.”

A part of Dexter had to admit, maybe he had taken things too far.


Twilight would spend the next few hours searching from Princess Luna. Of course the unicorn knew it would be a futile attempt if Luna didn’t want to be found. She wanted to tell the princess not to place any stock in what Dexter had said. The child had proven to be the biggest jerk she had ever met. So much so, she almost wished she had never met him.

Eventually Twilight had to give up her search, returning to her hospital room. However, by the time she got back it was nearly evening.

She was pleased to find Spike in her room, diligently waiting for her return.

“Hey Twilight, where have you been?” Spike asked, standing when he saw her enter the room. “And what’s going on? Did you bust Dexter?”

“No, Spike. And it’s a very long story.” Twilight replied tiredly. No small amount of anger for Dexter resurfaced within her after thinking about the events of the past day.

“Well, some letters arrived for you.” Spike said, pointing to a few scrolls stacked beside the bed. “They’re from the princess, and marked for you only. So I didn’t read them.”

Twilight sighed, approaching the bed before tiredly falling onto it. “Just open them up and read them to me.” Twilight answered.

“Uh, okay.” Spike replied, reaching for the first letter.

“The first one says,” Spike began as he started to read. “Twilight. What on earth is going on down there? Princess Celestia.”

“What?” Twilight’s head shot up. “Is that all it says?”

“Yeah,” Spike shrugged, turning the letter toward Twilight so she could see for herself.

“What does the next one say?” Twilight asked, causing Spike to open the scroll.

“Twilight, what happened with Princess Luna?” Spike read aloud. “I’ve received word that she’s extremely emotionally distressed. However, she isn’t answering any of my messages, and none of the guard seems able to find her. If you see my sister tell her to contact me immediately. Princess Celestia.”

Twilight shook her head in worry. “I haven’t been able to find her either.” Twilight told Spike.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked, confused.

“I’ll tell you in a minute, just read the next letter.”

Spike nodded, unfurling the last scroll. However, he recoiled in surprise at the sight of the letter.

“Oh wow, Princess Celestia is super angry.” Spike declared, looking over the scroll.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“You know how Princess Celestia tries to hide her emotions when she is writing a letter?” Spike began. “And she tries to conceal her emotions by making her penmanship really precise?”

“Yes, Spike. Everyone knows the angrier princess Celestia gets the better her penmanship is.” Twilight huffed impatiently. “Historians have used that for centuries to gauge the princess’s mood over any given topic.”

“Well,” Spike turned the letter toward Twilight, revealing the most perfectly written letter she had ever seen. It had such perfect calligraphy, it felt like it belonged in a museum.

“Oh, wow.” Twilight said nervously. “That might be the angriest I’ve ever seen her.” Twilight went on hesitantly. “What does it say?”

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,” Spike began. “My guards tell me that you haven’t replied because you have been out searching for my sister. Needless to say, I share your concerns for my sister and I appreciate your efforts to find her. However, you need not search anymore, I was able to get in contact with Luna. She will be fine.”

“However, my guards inform me that the cause of my sister’s distress was a conversation she had with a young colt there in Ponyville with you.” Spike continued. “Some of my guards have relayed to me some of the things this insolent little brat said to my sister.”

Twilight raised both her eyebrows in surprise. “Wow, she really is upset.” Twilight declared, eliciting a nod from Spike.

“How dare this child judge my sister.” Spike went on reading. “He wasn’t there a thousand years ago. He has no idea what happened, or the pain my sister and I suffered through. He is no judge of what happened, and has no right to lay anything at the hooves of my sister. My sister has done nothing to him, and when she bears her heart to this child, what does he do? He drives a stake through it.”

“First, I want you to write me a transcript of everything that was said between my sister and this impertinent child. Then I want you to set up a meeting between me and this Dexter, but do not inform him I am coming. I will arrive in Ponyville in two days. Until then, you are not to speak with him if you can avoid it.” Spike finished. “Signed by ‘Princess Celestia.’”

“That… can’t be good.” Twilight eventually replied.

“Dexter’s finally going to get it.” Spike declared with satisfaction.



Now some of you might be very upset with the way Dexter acted toward Luna in the second to last scene. However, before you go on a tirade there is a piece of information you need to have.

For those of you who have read the side story, I have dropped several hints to explain why he was so cruel – even if it was out of character. The biggest hint was probably the line:

All he could hear was Nightmare Moon’s laughter, as his hatred for her surged. He had never felt such a level of hate before in his life.

For those of you who have NOT read the side story: See the spoiler below.

During Dexter’s trip to the past, he discovered that Nightmare Moon turns ponies into ‘children of the night’ by contaminating their minds in the dreamscape. This was actually a process of indoctrination. Dexter was exposed to Nightmare Moon in the dreamscape for a very brief period of time. It was not long enough for him to be indoctrinated, however it was long enough for his mind to be infected by Nightmare Moon. Also, in the side story Nightmare Moon manipulates others by amplifying feelings of hatred and anger. This is the true source for his unrelenting hatred for Luna at present, and thus the cause of his behavior.

Thank you to the pre-readers and proof-readers: Mac349, Malozi, TheLolzKnight, stephen51991, HopeForTheFew, Everglue horace, Starbuck-the-Pegasus, Heidao, Balewood, Blueswat, Hardcore, golarala, and HatePlow.