• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 20,657 Views, 941 Comments

My Little Villains - HiddenUnderACouch

It was supposed to be a normal day in Ponyville. But, as it is known, there are no normal days in Ponyville. Due to Twilight's failed expirement (another one), Fluttershy has to deal with a problem. Three of them, to be exact.

  • ...


"Tum-tum-tum...du-du-dum," Nightmare Moon sung a merry tune to herself, happily prancing in the moonlight. Everypony had already fallen asleep, but she, due to her nature, stayed awake to wear her new clothes a bit longer.

Though, it was a little uncomfortable for her to keep her wings wrapped around the body under the hoodie, it was but a little inconvenience. She didn't really need to fly when playing with Sombra; he was the very definition of a ground dweller.

Moonie sat down, still whistling the happy tune, and thinking of what game she and Sombra should play tomorrow. She would even go for a game right now, but Moonie didn't want to wake up the colt.

The night alicorn looked towards the three camp-cots, carefully positioned near each other: two of them were empty, as Chrysalis still hadn't come down from her hiding upstairs. Moonie's bed was empty for an obvious reason: the filly demanded more than a petty sleep!

"Trum-dum-dum..." Moonie sung, treading to the kitchen. Even though she was happy, her mood was still darkened with the memories of Chrysalis' unladylike behaviour.

The little alicorn couldn't understand that holey pony at all. Everything she did was to hurt someone, destabilize, destroy. What's the point? What was she trying to accomplish thereby?

Chrysalis was a pony—if a pony at all—beyond Moonie's logic. And maybe that was for the best. After all, who would want to understand the logic of an evil bully?

After trotting another circle around the couch, Moonie finally decided to take off her clothes and do something else. The night was in its prime, and it took her just a few moments to drag the hoodie and pants off herself, fold them together carefully and then put them away in a safe corner, using her magic. It really bothered Moonie that she couldn't use her magic during the day, but that was a problem to be resolved sometime else. Right now: the secret cookie stash.

"Nom-nom!" Moonie licked her lips and smiled when she approached the cupboard, where the cookie jar was, waiting for her queen to open and devour its insides.

Tonight, Nightmare Moon decided, I shall eat all the cookies! Maybe save some for Sombra... Likely... Maybe... Possibly... But none for that meanie Chrysalis! Not even a crumb!

Moonie climbed the jar and started lifting the cookies using her magic, like she was fishing at a lake. Sticking her tiny tongue out of the side of her mouth, with great care, she manipulated the cookies to float from the bottom of the jar right to her nose. After every eaten cookie, she licked her lips for any remaining crumbs, ensuring there was nothing left.

One by one, the cookies disappeared, and soon, there were only a few left on the bottom of the jar. Moonie lazily looked down into this abyss and yawned. She would quite love if those cookies would just float themselves right into her mouth. She felt too full to neither move nor use magic.

"Come here, little cookies! Come to Moonie!" she sung and leaned over the edge of the jar, figuring out the distance between her and the cookies. It didn't look too far; she probably could reach it with her hoof if she tried.

Two feelings were at conflict inside her: the laziness and the desire to eat all the cookies. Needless to say that the cookies won.

"Come hither, little cookies!" Moonie carefully shoved her head inside the jar, the air heavy with the smell of cookies, and carefully stretched out her hoof, trying to reach for the small, crumbly treats. "Grrr, how dare ye disobey the Queen of the Cookie La-"

Her sentence was cut short when she lost balance and fell into the jar. Before the ground of the jar could decide that it was terribly in love with her face and wanted to kiss it, she felt the pressure on her waist and discomfort in her back.

"Ouch!" she murmured and sighed. Well, she fell, after all. At least the cookies were in her reach at last. She quickly grabbed the cookie with both of her forelegs and dragged it to her mouth.

The jar was finally empty and Moonie felt the victorious satisfaction, accompanied by a victorious burp. How unladylike of me, she thought, but quickly excused that with a good reason: she’d won a struggle, after all. Not many ponies could eat a whole jar of cookies all by themselves.

Now, that her mission was complete, she was free to go to sleep. With a gentle flap of her wings, Moonie-

-didn't go anywhere. It surprised her. She tried flapping once more, even thought it was quite tight inside the jar, but still, nothing happened. She tried using levitation to get herself out, but the pain in her waist made her reconsider.

With great horror and despair, Moonie realized that she was, indeed, stuck in a cookie jar, or more precisely, her butt was stuck at the jar’s entrance.

No matter how much effort she put in rocking the jar, no matter how much she tried to push herself out, nothing helped. Moonie started to feel scared and lonely in the jar, as she succumbed to the centuries old habit that she thought she had abandoned: sucking on her left hoof. She couldn't remember where she got this habit from and why she’d tried to abandon it, but it was back, and her left hoof was being sucked on furiously.

"Hmm, so there is someplotty here after all." Moonie's blood turned cold, when she heard Chrysalis' voice. She could almost feel that poisonous smug on her face. "I knew those sounds weren't in my head!"

Moonie wanted to reply, forgetting that she still had her hoof in her mouth, so at first all she could mutter were muffled groans.

"Blah! Chrysalis? Why art thou here?" She finally got her hoof out of her mouth and was able to speak properly.

"Oh, my... In all the years of my life, I would've never thought that I'd meet a talking butt." Chrysalis said with notes of fake amazement in her voice. "Wow, meseems I’ve discovered a new species!"

Chrysalis graciously approached the jar and grinned, looking at Moonie's round bottom. "Pray tell, Nightmare Plot: how does it feel to be a part of the most annoying pony ever?"

"Chrysalis! Cease thy vulgar jokes now, thou foul demon!" Moonie cried, trying to somehow change her position or make the jar fall, but nothing helped.

"What's this? Did I hear a voice from inside? Aww, it's not a new species! It's just my old 'friend': Nightmare Moon, the butt-head," Chrysalis said, looking at Moon's rump. "Usually figuratively, but now, quite literally."

Chrysalis grinned, circling around the jar like a hungry vulture. Her vengeance was so close, so close!

"Chrysalis, thou’st made enough mistakes already! Please, do not make another one! Mocking a pony in need is beyond mean. It’s evil!" Moonie exclaimed, flailing her forelegs around in the jar. "Don't descend into the depths of evil!"

"Eh... You're right, Nightmare Moon. I really should change." Chrysalis' reply shocked Moonie. If she could see the alicorn's widened eyes, Chrysalis would die of laughter. "I... did some pretty bad things."

"R-really? Thou agreest with me?" Moonie asked, thinking for a moment that Chrysalis finally had a moment of realization of how mean, how bad she was.

"Yes, Moon. I do agree with you," Chrysalis hiccupped as if on the verge of tears. Then, she used her magic to apply pressure to Moonie's behind. "I'll help you in."

"Oh, I thankee! I thought you would never see the wrong of your ways and- Wait... Hast thou said I-" She couldn't finish her sentence as the two long-divided lovers that were her face and the jar’s ground collided in a fiery kiss.

"Yep. I said exactly that." Chrysalis guffawed at the sound. "Now, do you feel what it's like? To be trapped? Unable to move? Huh?! You feel it?!"

"Th- thou meanie," Moonie said in a sobbing voice after hitting her nose. In addition, she was now fully inside the jar. There was no way she could get out.

"I know, I know. I'm a meanie, I'm a bad pony, yatta-yatta-yatta. Learn something new, you lame-o!" Chrysalis sung and bared her fangs, probably just for the dramatic effect, since Moonie couldn’t see her. "I've heard words much worse than that. Now, let's go outside."

"W- wait?! Why go outside?" Moonie exclaimed, worry building up inside her.

"Because I don't want you inside this house. C'mon, don't be shy," Chrysalis said, and turned round swiftly, knocking the jar down with her rump. Moonie emitted a stoic 'ouch' when it hit the floor. Using her toxic green coloured magic, Chrysalis pushed the jar outside of the cupboard on the kitchen floor.

"Now, let's take a stroll or two around," the changeling decreed, jumped on the jar and tried rolling it forwards and backwards by running in the respective directions.

"Chrysalis! Don't do this! Do not do this!" Moonie pleaded, but Chrysalis only chuckled.

"Let's go!" she exclaimed and started moving the jar forwards, by running backwards. Using her awesome moving tricks, she managed to turn around the corner and continue moving towards the couch.

"Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'," Chrysalis sung, trying all kinds of tricks: running on her two hindlegs; running on her two forelegs. She giggled and smirked, knowing well that neither Sombra or Fluttershy would disturb them. They were both fast asleep, treading too deep in the realm of dreams to hear what was happening around them. "You alright in there, Moon?"

"Why... do... you... have... to... be... so... eeevil!" Moonie cried, getting tossed from side to side in the jar.

"I'm not evil, Moonie! I just want to show the world where it beloooo—" Chrysalis cried, turning to the window, noticing that it was open, and using a very complex trick to make the jar jump into the air, onto the windowsill, and then roll outside.

"—ooongs!" Chrysalis finished her battle cry, quickly jumped off the jar and used to magic to stop it from rolling forwards. "The world belongs to be in front of me, not behind a metal grating, not obstructed from my view by anything. I want to see the world in front of me, and there's nothing that can stop me!"

"But what does that have to do with me?!" Moonie cried, her head spinning around after such a trip.

"You? Hmm... As far as I recall, you said that you're not even sure that I am a pony, correct?" Chrysalis said, waddling towards the jar, grinning.

"Umm... But you don't look like a pony. You have insect wings, holes in your le-" Moon was interrupted by Chrysalis angrily hitting the jar, the tremor forcing the alicorn to stay silent.

"If I put some holes in your legs, will you stop being a pony, too?" She switched from her usual sly voice to an angry hiss. "I am a pony, and that's final!"

Chrysalis felt anger rising within, but a deep inhale helped her cool off. Besides, her vengeance was complete.

"Fluttershy will not help you now, Nightmare Moon. And, heh, a little advice," Chrysalis licked her lips and leaned on the jar, "don't trust adults. Ever. All they want is to shove you in a cage and keep you still. All of them. They're all the same."

"Fluttershy is not like that!" Moonie cried but a slight kick into the jar silenced her.

"They're all the same. One day you'll see that. And for now, nice to have known ya!" Chrysalis finished her speech and trotted back into the house.

Moonie scowled angrily and tried to free herself once more, but to no avail. Growling and mumbling bad things about the accursed changeling, she switching her position so that she would look outside of the jar, instead of staring at its bottom, but it wasn't wide enough for her to pull that out. Finally, she had decided to use the only remaining option she had available and use magic. Even though she had no idea what to actually do, she still tried using magic.

Maybe if she forced her way out of the jar, or somehow widen it, she would be able to get out. However, all hopes were crushed into dust when her horn spew out a couple of sparks and stopped responding.

"Oh no! Chrysalis! Chrysalis! Don't leave me! Please! It's almost dawn!" she started shrieking, trying to reach out to Chrysalis, but the changeling was far from her reach now. "No! Not the sun!"

The light changing from dim to dim-crimson made her aware of the rising sun. Moonie felt her blood turn cold and tried to curl up as much as she could, hoping that the sunlight wouldn't reach her deep inside the jar.

All she could do, trapped inside this prison of clay and sunlight, was sob bitterly and pray that somepony would come to her aid.


Fluttershy opened her eyes to the pleasant sight of two birds chirping their pretty songs and flying under the ceiling. Cottonwood fluff was floating in the air, probably because Fluttershy forgot to close the window in her room. The pegasus heard pleasant songs and the chatter of the insects from outside.

Getting up right now seemed like such a bad idea. She wanted to stay in her bed, wrapped up in her puffy blanket, while the songs of the birds lull her back into sweet dreams, but as big as the temptation was, she had things to do, animals to feed, little foals to take care of. So, Fluttershy flapped her wings, rising into the air, took a deep breath of sweet, warm morning air, spread her forelegs wide and greeted her room with a sweet loving imaginary hug.

She carefully made her bed, making sure there were no crinkles left and hurried downstairs, eager to share her good mood with the little villains. And also to make them breakfast.

Flapping her wings vigorously, Fluttershy swiftly flew downstairs. It felt like nothing, nothing could disturb her on this faithful bright day. She woke up so nicely, so the rest of the day should go just as nicely as well.

Avoiding collision with the walls, she landed by Sombra's camp-cot and tapped him on the cheek, to wake the sleepy foal.

"Wake up, sleepy head. Time to get up," she quietly cooed, while Sombra slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to her.

"Oh...is it morning already?" he muttered. "Can I sleep some more? Pleeeease?"

"If you want to miss breakfast, then okay." Fluttershy said, and Sombra was up in half a minute. They were starting to develop a connection, she thought. The little colt started to understand her quite nicely.

Then, Fluttershy turned to Chrysalis, who lay spread-eagled on her camp-cot, the blanket barely covering her frail body. Fluttershy felt a little ache in her bitten foreleg and cringed a little. But, at least, Chrysalis was back in her bed, and not hiding somewhere upstairs. Fluttershy had even been afraid she would run away into the woods, so it was relief to see she was here.

She wanted to wake Chrysalis up as well, but felt a little guilty for the incident that happened yesterday. After all, had Fluttershy not tried to grab the little changeling while she was so agitated, nothing would have happened. But, if she hadn't grabbed her, Chryssie might have done something stupid.

In any case, it was all in the past. The wound wasn't that serious at all. Sombra dealt with it swiftly and efficiently. Fluttershy poked Chrysalis on her belly several times before the changeling finally opened her eyes.

"Ugh... hi," Chrysalis muttered, blinking, desperately trying to drive away the sleep and dizziness that came from a disturbed slumber. "Err... whazzup?"

"It's... morning. Breakfast is... soon." Fluttershy stammered, unsure what to say. "If... you're hungry... that is..."

"Ugh... okay... thanks," Chrysalis replied. They stared at each other for a few moments and then looked away. Fluttershy tried her best not to worry, not to panic around Chryssie. What happened, had happened, there was no changing it. Finally, after a minute of consideration and awkward silence, Fluttershy decided to just forget about what happened and act as if nothing happened. That was a good solution. She would avoid a conflict with Chrysalis and wouldn't have to make her even more uncomfortable.

Finally, Fluttershy trotted to Moonie's bed, eager to wake up the little alicorn, dress her up in her fashionable clothing and come up with some fun and addicting game for all three of them to play, when she suddenly noticed that Moonie was missing. Fluttershy looked underneath the camp-cot, under the blanket, under the couch, but Nightmare was nowhere to be found.

"Sombra, did Moonie go outside?" Fluttershy asked, peeking at the drawer, where she noticed a patch of familiar clothing hanging. "But it's already sunrise. Where would she go without her clothes?"

Sombra just shrugged and so did Chrysalis. Fluttershy felt uneasy. Where would Moonie be without her clothes during the day? Did she run away? Or...was she foalnapped by evil cultists?

Fluttershy turned pale and started trotting back and forth, shivering at the images that were coming into her head. What could an evil cultist do to a poor filly? Torture her? Turn her evil? Or turn her evil while torturing her? The horror was unspeakable and unending!

Fluttershy quickly ran outside, looked to the left, to the right and then felt so lonely, so scared that she quickly lost her conscience and collapsed on the ground. The world was whirling around her like she was riding some crazy merry-go-round, and she felt sick in her stomach.

Horrible, horrible, horrible! How could she let Moonie run away? She was in her responsibility, Fluttershy was supposed to guard her, watch over her like the apple of her eye. And yet, she still lost her. Let her escape. She was such a bad, bad, bad Element of Kindness. So reckless, so irresponsible!

The Elements should have been another pony... like Cheerilee. She's pretty kind. Or Raindrops. Anypony but Fluttershy! Anypony!

Suddenly, in the fading image of her yard, she noticed a detail that just didn't belong. A small, minor detail that shouldn't have been there at all.

Why was her secret cookie stash lying in the middle of the yard?

The confusion and dizziness went away, and Fluttershy slowly got up, still reeling from side to side. Carefully and slowly she approached the jar, looking at it with care.

She held her breath for a moment, and, to her horror, heard quiet, muffled sobs from inside the jar. Those sobs she would recognize anywhere. No doubt, it was Nightmare Moon.

"Moonie! Moonie, are you in there?" Fluttershy immediately leaned towards the jar and put her ear to its rough surface. The reply she got were the same muffled sobs and a quiet 'yes'. The instant Fluttershy's suspicions were confirmed she grabbed the jar and carried it back to the house, trying to come up with a way of safely getting Moonie out of this disaster.


"It's all over, Moonie. Just relax, calm down," Fluttershy tried to comfort the distressed alicorn, while Nightmare Moon reached for the cup filled with hot cocoa with her trembling forelegs.

Half an hour had passed, but Fluttershy still couldn't get Moonie out of the state of shock. She’d tried everything: talking to her, shaking her, giving her belly rubs, tickling, feeding her, and now hot cocoa, but Moonie kept silent, the colour of her face, usually so dark blue, now ash pale, her eyes looking slightly shifty and muddy. Moonie almost spilt the cocoa while moving her shaking hooves to her face and Fluttershy tried her best to support her.

"You're safe now, Moonie. It's all good," she whispered, and Moonie looked at her, water gathering in her eyes and tears sparkling on her pale cheeks. Fluttershy gulped nervously and dropped another cube of sugar in the cup. "Just... relax."

"What... what happened to her?" Sombra asked, looking at the filly. Fluttershy turned to him and sighed.

"I found her in the empty cookie jar, trying her best to stay in the shadow. Had the jar been tilted even a little bit more, a little part of her body would have been exposed to the sun and... you know..." She sighed once again. "How did she get stuck inside a cookie jar? Just... how is that possible?"

"She wanted all the cookies for herself, obviously!" Chrysalis, who’d perched herself upon the couch, said. Moonie took one look at her and shrunk.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "You... know something about this?"

"Of course I do. I put her in that jar." Chrysalis stated matter-of-factly and dozens of shocked glances, Fluttershy's and Sombra's included, stared at her, in addition to all the animals that were inside at the time. The changeling smirked, noticing just how many eyes were staring just at her now.

"Yep. Let me tell you the whole true story of what happened this night," Chrysalis said, trotting towards Moonie, who quickly tried to back away. "The whole, ugly truth."

"So, after at least three hours of minding my own business upstairs, I started feeling sleepy. Without hesitation I went downstairs, expecting a good, healthy rest. I got in my bed, closed my eyes, and then suddenly..." Chrysalis put her hooves together. "Suddenly I heard the sounds of greedy munching and sinful satisfaction of gluttony. I decided to investigate, because it seemed strange to me that somepony would be eating at this hour. I followed the smell of murdered cookies and found Moonie, her butt sticking out of the jar. Most likely, she was eating and couldn't reach the cookies at the bottom. So, I... helped her out, because you cannot leave a dish unfinished once you start it, right?"

Chrysalis continued telling her side of the story, hiding nothing. She was completely honest, knowing well that no punishment would await her. When she was finally done talking, she wrapped Moonie's cup with her magic and levitated it to herself, taking a big sip.

"And that's how you solve this jarring mystery!" she finished, and put the cup on the table, baring her fangs at the ponies staring at her.

Fluttershy stood up on her hooves and looked at Chrysalis. Her cheeks turned crimson, her body shook and her eyes focused solely on Chrysalis's eyes.

"I can put up with many things,” she began her voice devoid of any emotion. “I can put up with you lying to me right in the face. I can put up with you causing damage to my house and belongings. I can put up with you causing harm to me, disrespecting me, completely ignoring all my effort to approach and help you—"

"Err... There were attempts?" Chrysalis interjected, but Fluttershy kept on talking no matter the cynical jokes.

"—but never, never in my whole life, never in my whole existence shall I let you threaten somepony's life! Especially if that's the life of a foal!" Fluttershy finally lost it, unleashing all her frustration in the angry, loud voice. "How dare you put Moonie in danger?! Because of you, she could have gotten injured... or worse!"

"You! Have! No! Shame!" She finished her angry speech in a loud scream, glaring at Chrysalis with fury in her little kind eyeballs.

The changeling looked quite shocked, her eye and left ear twitching from shock. Fluttershy took a deep breath and looked around. All the animals were gone, scared of her wrath, Moonie seemed to have reassumed her normal colour, and Sombra had disappeared, only the tip of his horn visible from under the couch.

"I admit: I've made too many mistakes ever since you arrived here. I ignored everything you did, thought you were just adapting to your new environment. But I was wrong. You are just a cruel child!" Fluttershy said in a firm, serious voice. "I admit: I am a horrible caretaker, and there's nothing more I can do."

Those words sounded like proclamation of her defeat, and Chrysalis slowly recovered from her shock, realizing that she had finally accomplished what she planned for so long.

"There's nothing more... but one thing!" Fluttershy exclaimed, looking at Chrysalis. She returned the glace, her eyes filled with resolve.

"Go ahead! Do your worst!" she taunted Fluttershy, grinning. Finally, she’d forced Fluttershy to drop the facade of a kind, loving pony and reveal who she was in reality: just another adult, hungry for control over the youth. And what was the best way to ensure control over the little ponies than...

"I'm taking you to Applejack's farm." Fluttershy declared.

"I- I beg your pardon?" Chrysalis's jaw dropped. She honestly did not expect that turn of events. "Taking me... where?"

"Applejack's farm. Since I'm no good at keeping you in line, maybe my friend can help me," Fluttershy said, her face finally turning kind again.

"She'll take good care of you, but will also discipline you, unlike me," she finished her speech. "Now, follow me. It’s a long walk between my house and hers."

Chrysalis followed Fluttershy angrily, and they both stopped in front of the door. The pegasus looked at her as if expecting something.

"What?!" Chrysalis asked. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow.

"You can disguise yourself, right? Assume the forms of other ponies?" She tilted her head. "You can't really walk around like that..."

Chrysalis gritted her teeth and turned away. "Yes, I can. But I’m not gonna." Her cheeks bloomed with colour as she spoke. Fluttershy tapped her chin, trying to connect the clues together.

"I guess you're too young," she murmured, and Chrysalis blushed even more. A quiet snicker reached the changeling's ears, coming from the recently restored-to-full-sanity alicorn. "But no worries. I've got just the solution."

Soon, Chrysalis was dressed in your typical 'clothing-for-a-pony-who-doesn't-want-to-be-recognized', complete with a fake nose, sunglasses and a trench coat that covered her entire body and legs. Fluttershy opened the door and went outside, expecting Chrysalis to follow her.

The changeling turned around and looked at Sombra and Moonie. She squinted her eyes and bared her teeth in expression of anger and fury.

"I'll be back soon. And you," she pointed at Moonie, "better be ready for me. Because when I return, there will be no mercy."


"Is it always so crowded in the plaza at this time of day?" Chrysalis asked, leaning over Fluttershy, who desperately wanted to obstruct her view of Ponyville. "Wow, that's a lot of ponies. Are they all just as annoying as you?"

"Umm... no." Fluttershy thought if she was annoying. Nopony seemed to call her annoying. But maybe they didn't say so to spare her feelings. Was she really annoying or was Chrysalis playing with her mind again?

"You... you think I'm annoying?"

"You wouldn't be annoying if you just get your tail out of the way!" Chrysalis grumbled, grabbing Fluttershy's tail and biting it. "Grrr! Nrrrghr! How do you like that, hmm?! I'm Sombra now!"

"Chrysalis, you should stop! We could be spotted," Fluttershy warned, trying to wrestle her tail from the angered changeling.

"Good morning, Fluttershy!" A pegasus flew by, waving her hoof at her. Fluttershy jumped in place, turned to Chrysalis and, before she could say anything, hugged her tightly, whispering "Stay still!" into the changeling's ear.

"Good morning, Cloud Kicker!" She smiled, her cheeks turning crimson and her heart pounding like the Friendship Express’ engine during peak hour.

"Oh, what do you have there?" Cloud Kicker landed in front of her and looked at Chrysalis, who displayed a retarded smile and stood completely still. She’d even stopped breathing.

"It's a plushie!" Fluttershy blurted out, her teeth chattering and sweat running down her brow.

"Oh... I've never seen this plushie before! What line is it?" Cloud Kicker hummed, touching Chryssie's exposed cheek. "Wow, whatever line that is, it's awesome! Feels like she's alive."

"Umm... It's the line... err... Don't-Want-To-Be-Recognized-Pony... You know, with fake nose and glasses... and stuff..." Fluttershy muttered and suddenly felt Chrysalis's chest trembling. It looked like the little changeling was about to move, or, even worse, scream. Without a thought, Fluttershy hugged her even tighter, squeezing the air out of her lungs.

"Oh... I've never heard of that line of toys. But still, it looks awesome!" Cloud Kicker exclaimed and tapped on the tip of Chrysalis's horn. "Oh, pointy. Foals might hurt themselves."

"Thanks... I guess... I really have to go now, bye!" Fluttershy cut Cloud Kicker short and hurried towards Applejack's farm, still holding Chrysalis's with her hoof.

"Fluttershy... please... let... me... go," Chrysalis uttered, slowly turning her head. "P-Please..."

"I know you want freedom, Chryssie! I know how badly you want it, but I ca—"

"Can't breathe, you numb...skull!" Chrysalis managed to pronounce and Fluttershy, once they were out of range of Cloud Kicker, let Chrysalis go. The little changeling collapsed on the ground, gasping for air like a fish outside of water.

"Yes! Yes! Air! I missed you so much, buddy!" Chrysalis yapped, filling her lungs with fresh oxygen. "Please, never leave me again! Ever!"

"S- sorry..." Fluttershy mumbled, and Chrysalis gazed at her angrily.

"Next time you need a plushie, buy a real one. Don't use me as such!" She huffed, swiped the dust off her coat and cleared her throat. "So, shall we continue our way to the place of my unfortunate and totally accidental demise?"

"Um... yes," Fluttershy said and resumed trotting towards AJ's place, Chrysalis trailing not far behind her.

"Um... Chrysalis... I hope... you're not angry with me... because... I didn't want to do this... you forced me to... I really didn't want to do this..." Fluttershy tried to resume the conversation. The guilt inside her was eating away at her and she could not not talk about it.

"Y'know, constant apologies are not making it easy. Now I feel like I'm being escorted to execution. Like, some super unicorn is going to fry me alive or something." Chrysalis sighed. "Truth, justice and the Equestrian way, after all."

Fluttershy gathered all of the courage that resided in her soul, or, more precisely, scrapped its pieces out of the corners, and knocked on the door. She waited for a moment, and then knocked again.

"Hmm, nopony's home. Probably for the best. Let's go back," Chrysalis blurted out, turning around, but Fluttershy stopped her by carefully turning her around.

"No. Applejack's home, I know that." She gulped, unsure of the truth of her statements. After a brief moment, she knocked again.

Finally, the sound of hoofsteps reached her ears and the door emitted a satisfying creak as a certain big, red pony stood before the frail pegasus.

"Oh, hello, Big Mac. Nice morning, isn't it?" Fluttershy smiled, when the huge stallion looked at her.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded and turned his attention to Chrysalis. Thankfully, the attire worked, and Mac didn't try to smash the little filly, instead tilting his head in confusion. Chrysalis tilted her head, just in the opposite side.

"Oh? This? This is... err... Applejack will explain. Can I talk to her now?" Fluttershy decided to get straight to the point. Big Mac hummed a bit and then replied with a positive 'e-yup', stepping out of the way to let the two pass. Measuring Chrysalis with a suspicious glance, he walked out and closed the door from the outside.

Walking quickly, Fluttershy quickly trotted to the kitchen, where she found Applejack performing her Applejack magic over an apple pie. The ingredients were flying in the air as if Applejack was a unicorn and manipulated them with simple nods of her head.

"H- hi, Applejack," Fluttershy mumbled. Applejack quickly turned around and gracefully caught the bowl with the fresh batter with her rump.

"Howdy, Flutters!" Applejack joyfully said, balancing the bowl. "Ya came at just the wrong moment. Ah was about to make an apple pie, so sorry, no treats for y’all."

"No, I'm not here for pies, I... err... it's... about... umm..." Fluttershy stumbled, took a deep breath and started her speech again. "I'm... not alone."

"Ah noticed," Applejack stated, raising an eyebrow when Chrysalis turned around, her mouth smeared in strawberry jam that Applejack had so carelessly left on the table.

"Not me!" Chrysalis exclaimed, jumping away from the bowl, now without the jam and tried to make the most innocent expression she could muster. It looked like horror crossed with nightmare fuel.

"So... Ah take it you finally made up yer mind?" Applejack hummed and Fluttershy nodded.

"I wouldn't have done this if I was absolutely sure I could handle her... Sorry, Applejack..." Fluttershy sighed, and AJ smiled, jerking her rump and sending the bowl flying into the air, before swiftly landing on the table.

"It's 'kay, ‘Shy. Ah'll handle everything from this point," she smiled. Fluttershy felt a little nervous.

"Won't your family mind? I mean... she's a changeling..." Chrysalis cringed at those words, but remained silent.

"It's okay, ‘Shy. Little changeling is going to fit right in!" Applejack exclaimed, approached Chryssie and swiped the jam off her lips. "Yummy?"

"Quite." Chrysalis replied. "Could use some more strawberry and less apples, though."

"Funny one, ain't ya?" Applejack noted and turned to Fluttershy again. "Ya can leave now. Ah'll handle your little menace."

"Th- thank you, Applejack, you're a real friend!" Fluttershy said and hugged Applejack tightly, burrowing her muzzle in her mane. "Thank you so much."

"Ya never change, sugarcube." Applejack hugged Fluttershy back.

"Ha! That's so ga—" Applejack quickly shoved her hoof into Chrysalis' mouth, muffling her speech completely.

"Oh, no-no-no. No more witty comments. Yer going according to my rulebook now."

"You have a rulebook?" Fluttershy wondered.

"It's a metaphor, hun." Applejack sighed, broke the hug and then turned to Chrysalis. "So, little troublemaker, say goodbye to Ms. Fluttershy, and I'll introduce you to the family."

"Meh. Bye." Chrysalis murmured in Fluttershy's general direction and she sighed.

"Bye, Chrysalis. I hope you'll have great time and make friends here..." Fluttershy slowly trotted to the exit, Applejack escorting her.

"Applejack, one more thing. Do not hurt her, okay?" She stopped in front of the exit and turned to Applejack. "Violence will not help. It never does."

"Don't worry, hun. Ah won't whip her... as much as Ah do Apple Bloom," Applejack snickered, but instead of a friendly giggle, she got an angry gaze. "Relax, suga'cube. Do Ah look like Ah can hurt a foal?"

Applejack opened the door and watched Flutters step outside.

"In all of mah years, Ah've never hit Apple Bloom once! Not even thought about it. So, relax and keep teaching your little villains," Applejack smiled and Fluttershy finally calmed down.

"Thank you again, Applejack... I'll go now. I hope I am not causing you any trouble by this request."

"Not at all, o'course. Have fun, sugarcube!" Applejack watched Fluttershy slowly trot away into the distance, closed the door and returned to the kitchen where Chrysalis, surprisingly, didn't eat everything that was left.

"So, little fella, yer in mah caring hooves now," AJ clapped her hooves together for emphasis. "Follow me and Ah'll introduce you to the family. Ah'm sure you'll make nicest of friends!"

"Oh I'm already ecstatic. Can't wait. Boo-hoo. Wow-wee." Chrysalis murmured in a dull voice and sighed heavily. This was going to be one long week. Or a month.

Or a day. Depending on how long Applejack could stomach her. Maybe even an hour.

Or a whole minute.