• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 20,658 Views, 941 Comments

My Little Villains - HiddenUnderACouch

It was supposed to be a normal day in Ponyville. But, as it is known, there are no normal days in Ponyville. Due to Twilight's failed expirement (another one), Fluttershy has to deal with a problem. Three of them, to be exact.

  • ...

... And I didn't want it

Fluttershy opened her eyes to find herself face to face with Twilight Sparkle. The yellow pegasus was confused at first. What was Twilight doing in her house? And why did she look so messy?

"You're finally awake, thank Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Twilight, I’m so glad to see you... I had this... dream..." Fluttershy said, slowly rising from the couch.

"Dreams? I like dreams!" she heard the childish voice of Nightmare Moon from behind, and Twilight hissed an angry 'shoosh' in her direction. Fluttershy flapped her eyelids in confusion and finally remembered that strange ‘dream’, which had been quite real.

"So... not a dream?" Fluttershy asked helplessly.

"Nope," Twilight replied and Fluttershy dropped unconscious once again. "Argh, come on! Not again! Spike!"

"Yes, yes, just wait a second!" The dragon threw away the broom and dashed to the kitchen. He quickly poured a cup of water into the mug and brought it to Twilight. "Here you go. It's a bit cold, so be careful drinking it," Spike said and the mug turned purple when Twilight wrapped it with her magical aura.

"Thanks," the alicorn replied and splashed the cold water all over Fluttershy's face. The yellow pegasus jerked awake, almost throwing Twilight into the air, and gasped loudly.

"Wha—" she gasped, looking around. Her cheeks turned pale as she beheld the devastation in her house. The table she had so carefully set was turned over, all the dishes smashed and in pieces, the salad she had so carefully cooked and sorted for her little critters to enjoy was mixed with shards of glass.

In the middle of the room, there was a huge hole in the floor, half covered with boards. Right beside it, a hammer and several nails were lying, with Spike looking at all of the tools.

"Oh, my..." Fluttershy gasped. "My house.... my dishes... my everything!"

"Relax, Fluttershy. Relax," Twilight touched her shoulder and gently massaged it. "Take a deep breath. A deep breath."

Fluttershy breathed deeply for a few minutes, and then finally seemed to have cooled down. Her face assumed its normal colour again and she didn't seem to be as nervous as before.

"Now, Fluttershy, let me explain," Twilight said. "Yes, I made huge.... colossal mistake and summoned three of our worst enemies to Ponyville, but—" She moved a little closer to Fluttershy and spoke the rest in a whisper, "—they don't remember a thing from their adult lives. Also, they don't seem to be as near as powerful or malevolent."

"O- okay, I get it... You don't have to come so close... It's uncomfortable," Fluttershy said, clearly confused since Twilight's muzzle was almost in her face.

"Oh... sorry," she apologized and moved away. "So, I need your help. I can't work in the library with them around. If they stay with me, it will take ages for me to make a counter-spell. But if they stay with you, I'll make it much quicker!"

Fluttershy thought about it for a second. Chrysalis, Sombra and Nightmare Moon: three of the most dangerous and evil ponies in existence. They had caused so many tears, spread fear across the land. And she would have to stay alone... with them.

"No! No-no-no-no-no! Never! Not in a million years! Not even in two!" Fluttershy burst out, flying into the air. "Twilight, I'm sorry, but I can't help you! They are... they are..."

She looked at the wagon and little Chrysalis noticed that and smiled at her, showcasing her mouth full of sharp teeth plus two fangs. They sparkled in the light and Fluttershy felt her heart rate speed up thousandfold. She was so close to fainting once more. The most deceitful pony in the world had just smiled at her.

What a nightmare!

"Fluttershy!" Twilight quickly lifted herself into the air, put her hoof to Fluttershy's lips and started slowly and carefully pulling her down on the couch.

"Listen to me: you are my only hope. You are the kindest, most friendly pony in Equestria, and you are the only one who can handle them," the alicorn tried her hardest. She forced Fluttershy to focus solely on her eyes.

"Please, Fluttershy. I'll provide all the help I can. Just help me correct my mistake," she begged. "I need you for this!"

The poor pegasus staggered for a moment, clearly indecisive. On one side, she had her own fears, on the other, there was the fate of her best friend, maybe even the fate of the whole Equestria at stake.

"Okay, Twilight. I will try!" Fluttershy said and Twilight encased her in a warm hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you my life," the purple alicorn said.

"Heeey! Maybe thou shouldest stop fondling and give us food at last. I am hungry!" Nightmare Moon rudely interrupted their little tender moment with her irritated voice.

"Remember, Fluttershy: nopony is to know about them, okay?"

"Okay. I'll do it," Fluttershy assured and Twilight smiled.

"Listen up, kids, you'll be staying here in the house of this good pony, who kindly allowed you three to stay at her house," Twilight turned away from Fluttershy and faced the three. "You will do as she says you will follow her rules and there won't be any trouble. Got it?"

The three little villains looked at her with frowns. They noticed how easy it was to scare Fluttershy. They could escape at any time and she wouldn't lift a hoof to stop them. That was what Twilight read in their eyes.

"If my friend reports about trouble with you, I'll make sure you regret that!" Twilight announced immediately. The three quickly turned gloomy.

"Party pooper," Chrysalis grumbled.

"Fluttershy, don't mean to be rude, but could you help me out here?" Spike asked. "I think the candelabra fell down all the way to the basement."

"But that's not a basement. It's a special section for my furry friends. Those who are carnivores," Fluttershy said, blushing.

"Agh, perfect. Just magnificent," Spike grumbled. "If anything goes south, tell Rarity I loved her," he said and looked down into the hole, preparing to jump.

"Thy name shan't be forgotten!" Nightmare Moon encouraged him.


"Ouh... oooouch..." Spike grunted through his teeth as Twilight pulled the needles out of his backside.

"Why did you think sitting on a hedgehog was a good idea?" Twilight looked at him cynically as they walked towards the door.

"It was dark; I mistook it for a pillow!" Spike grumbled in reply and the aforementioned hedgehog poured out an angry tirade, shaking his paw at Spike.

"Oh, Mr. Sonic, for shame! That's some very bad language!" Fluttershy berated the disgruntled hedgehog. "Don't say that, especially in front of me."

"I'm sure he has his reasons. Spike did go rather heavy on the rubies lately," Twilight said, looking at her assistant while she pulled out yet another needle from his behind.

"Hey, cut me some slack! I bet if thousand needles got stuck in your soft, royal rump, you would be talking differently!" Spike replied angrily. "Aaah... I don't think I'll sit anymore. Ever."

"Don't worry, cry baby, you'll be sitting in no time at all," Twilight told Spike and turned to Fluttershy before leaving. "Thank you once again, Fluttershy. I knew I could count on you!"

"Please, Twilight, don't take too long," Fluttershy bade, carefully pointing at the three kids who were sitting on the rug and stared at a patch on the floor that consisted of several boards hastily put together with long nails.

"It won't take long, just stay calm, Fluttershy!" Twilight promised and she and Spike left, closing the door behind themselves. The yellow pegasus took a deep breath and turned around to face her little fosterlings.

"Uhm.... uuh... Hi..." Fluttershy raised her hoof and waved it as a greeting. "I don't believe we... were introduced to each other properly. My name is... Flu- Fluttershy."

She was stuttering, swallowing most of the words. Her heart was beating like a war drum, and she couldn't control her own limbs, for they were shaking uncontrollably. As soon as Twilight left her house, she started to feel unsafe with the three little villains around.

"Hello, Fluttershy," Chrysalis stepped forth, beating Nightmare Moon to it. "My name's Chrysalis—" She put her hoof to her chest, "—this is Nightmare Moon—"

"I can introduce myself just fine!" Nightmare groused, but Chrysalis ignored her.

"—and this is Sombra," she pointed at the dark unicorn, who blushed a little.

"Hi... Sorry about the table," he said, rubbing his ankle.

"It's...alright," Fluttershy relieved the tension a bit. She needed to establish at least neutral relationships with the kids; they looked like they could read her very easily and her shyness and softness could play a major role in her losing this 'fight'.

"Good. But, I implore thee, can we get some food now? My stomach demands for some fresh hay!" Nightmare Moon announced loudly and the rest nodded thereto.

"Yes... I guess some hay is on order," Fluttershy figured. "Just wait till I set up the table.” And then a bit quieter, “Please... don't flip it again."

"He-he... Heh... Aren't they adorable?" Fluttershy addressed her bunny friend, chuckling and blushing.

Angel's left eye was twitching, and he seemed to have lost interest in the carrots with salad, which were lying in his dish. That was completely understandable: the three ex-villains had a rather healthy appetite, somewhat shocking, even.

"’Tis just magnifecent! I had never tasted such perfect foods before! ‘Tis a blessing!" Nightmare Moon sung, shoving one hayburger after another into her mouth. It was inconceivable how she was able to fit it all inside herself.

"Hey, don't be so greedy!" Chrysalis grumbled, trying to mug some from Nightmare's dish, wrapping the soft, crumbly burgers into her brilliant green magical aura, and slowly levitated them to her mouth.

Before she could eat it, however, Sombra jumped in between the two fillies and gobbled up the burger quickly. Even though Fluttershy had asked them all to sit, Sombra couldn't stay in one place. He was constantly moving, changing seats, or stealing food from his companions' dishes.

Angel looked at the little tyrant with something resembling pride, as if he wanted to say: "Even I don't do that." Barely a second had passed since the bunny said it in his mind, and Sombra suddenly hid himself under the table.

"Wha- Sorry, So- Sombra, you can't eat under the table!" Fluttershy exclaimed, leaning down and looking under the table. "Civilized ponies eat at the table."

Sombra was far too quick for her to notice, thus the dark coloured foal had already dashed to Angel's chair as Fluttershy looked under the table. The bunny looked at him with his round eyes, filled with confusion, and a little bit of terror.

Sombra gazed at Angel, then at the food he was supposed to eat. Fluttershy felt a chill run down her spine; the way the underage king was looking at the bunny was... unsettling.

The red eyes, the red horn, the sharp fangs: it all added up. Sombra was hungry and he wanted to eat Angel. That was why he needed to enslave the empire! He wanted to eat his subjects.

Sombra was a carnivorous dictator!

Before Fluttershy could even move a muscle to save Angel from his imminent demise, Sombra dashed to Angel's plate and quickly gobbled up the carrots along with the salad, leaving only a clean dish. "Shis shtuff ish sho gooowd!"

Fluttershy sighed with relief. She was so glad she’d been wrong.

Angel the Bunny, however, wasn't too happy about it. He started jumping in place, squeaking angrily. His language was... far from polite to say the least. Fluttershy turned red as a ripe tomato.

She couldn't stop Angel, for her flow of thoughts was interrupted by Nightmare Moon, who smashed her forehooves into the table.

"It does not suffice! I demand more of this delightful treat called hayburger!" she loudly announced. Her lips still had a few crumbles of bread on them, and her dark blue energy mane fluttered in the air menacingly.

"I pray thee, fair jailer of my kin, bring me more of these treats!" Nightmare Moon said, pointing at the empty dish. "Methinks my comrades wish not to share!"

"Hey! Sombra ate most of them, not me!" Chrysalis grumbled, deeply offended by that remark.

"They were just so crunchy," Sombra said in a downed voice. He seemed to have shrunk a bit and turned sad. All the glee and joy disappeared from his face in a second.

"You could have shared, you know! We helped you with that Spikey-dragon, and in return you eat all our hayburgers!" Chrysalis continued to scold him.

Fluttershy didn't listen to their quarrel. She had only heard one word, said by Nightmare Moon, which made her feel incredibly... horrible. One word she had never thought to hear with her own name in the same sentence: Jailer.

It had hurt to hear it. She wasn't a jailer, not at all. She didn't even look like one: she was a simple yellow pegasus.

Besides, what would make Nightmare Moon say that? It's not like they were... stuck in her house, with Fluttershy watching over them, making sure they wouldn't escape?

I am a jailer...

And a jailer for kids, no less! They were her friends' most terrifying enemies but... they were but children right now! Twilight's spell had changed them beyond recognition: Chrysalis wasn't cackling and speaking in evil monologues, Sombra was no cloud that flew around, growling, "Slaaaaaaves", and Nightmare Moon...

Nightmare Moon wasn't evil, at least. Fluttershy couldn't even imagine that Nightmare Moon had ever been a filly. Could Princess Luna feel her alter ego’s presence in this world? Or were all of these three completely independent? They didn't seem to remember anything of their evil deeds.

All this made Fluttershy's head hurt. However, one thing was clear to her: she wasn't a jailer, and she was going to prove it right now!

"Don't quarrel, children. Please!" Fluttershy exclaimed, stopping their conversation. "I can make more, don't you worry, just give me a minute."

She stood up from her chair and walked quickly to the kitchen. Fortunately, many of her little critters had taken quite a liking to her hayburgers, so she had learned to make them quickly and efficiently.

She bit her lips as she performed truly magical things with a knife, bread, and piles of hay. In just a matter of minutes, she was holding a tray full of the delicious food.

"Here we go, my little ponies!" she said, putting it on the table and sitting down.

"Yay!" the three exclaimed, and immediately got to eating.

They ate with incredible vigour, and quite messily too. Crumbs of bread were flying everywhere and the floor quickly became covered with the remains thereof. Angel couldn't help but cringe at this. Fluttershy chuckled a little bit, Look who's talking.

One by one the hayburgers disappeared, but Fluttershy still felt uneasy. She was supposed to watch over them, but that didn't mean she was a jailer! A stay at her house could always be a pleasure, too!

The yellow pegasus gulped and mentally prepared herself for an oncoming conversation. She wanted to explain to these little kids that this wasn't a prison and that they would enjoy their stay here. Maybe, who knew....

They might become friends.

Fluttershy looked at the dishes whereupon only piles of crumbs and a little bit of hay remained. Some sweat ran down her face and wettened her mane. Her wings ached from exhaustion. Her mind quickly brought back the image of the furniture she would see when travelling to the kitchen since she had memorized it better than her own mane.

"More?" she asked, holding out her hoof, aiming to move the empty dish towards herself.

"No..." Chrysalis barely managed to pronounce, crossing her hooves over her belly, which seemed to have grown threefold. The same change had happened to the rest of this gang.

"I don't think I can walk anymore," Sombra uttered, carefully getting off the chair and trying to stand, but being immediately brought down by the weight what was burdening his stomach.

"Thou poor soul," Nightmare Moon said somewhat mockingly and tried to lift herself off the ground and take flight. Though, no matter how hard she flapped her wings, she couldn't fly.

"If only... thou hadest... wings... like... I do!" she grumbled, flapping her wings harder and harder. "Argh, curses! Why won't they work?"

"Ha! Loser!" Chrysalis exclaimed and started flapping her insect wings. "My wings, unlike yours, are functional."

Her wings, as expected, weren't strong enough to lift her up into the air with all that food inside. No matter how she swung her fragile, transparent wings, her body wasn't rising into the air.

Fluttershy looked at this picture and couldn't help but chuckle: three balloons tried so hard to fly or even move, but all tries were in vain. Their hopeless tries made her chuckle as Sombra tried to lift Nightmare Moon into the air with his magic. The little alicorn filly, engulfed in the red aura, tried to use it to her advantage and started flapping her wings, finally starting to gain attitude.

"Hey, ‘tis working!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed, before her horn hit the ceiling. She shrieked, but Sombra seemed ignorant of her pain and continued holding her aloft.

Even though Nightmare had stopped moving her wings, she was still rising.

"Stop it! Stop it!" She tried to signal Sombra to stop, but he mistook it for her wanting to gain more altitude.

"Don't worry, I got this!" he exclaimed, and applied some more pressure, making Nightmare Moon hit the ceiling with her head.

"That’s not... funny... thou sadist!"

"It's alright, I'll help you fly, don't worry!" Sombra continued to assure her, hitting the ceiling with Nightmare Moon continuously.

"That's... not... how... flying... works!" Nightmare Moon shouted, and Sombra finally stopped.

"It doesn't?" he asked just as the red energy around his horn dissipated suddenly.

"No, it doth no—" Nightmare Moon screamed as she fell. She quickly flapped her wings, but that didn't help at all.

Fluttershy was too slow and couldn't save Nightmare from smashing her backside right into the table. The poor filly gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and took the impact.

"Ouuuuch... it is good that I'm invulnerable to pain," Nightmare Moon said, extending a hoof to her backside.

"Moon, are you hurt? Does it hurt?" Fluttershy jumped from her chair and flew closer to Nightmare Moon. The proud alicorn dismissively waved her aside.

"No assistance is needed! I'm absolutely fi—" Suddenly, the sound of cracking wood filled the room as the table fell apart in two. The left side of the table acted as a catapult, sending one of the dishes up into the air. It performed a semicircle during its flight, landing promptly on Nightmare's head.

The sight made Fluttershy shiver in fear and worry while it sent Chrysalis into a laughing frenzy. Even though overstraining her belly caused her pain, she laughed loudly and cheerfully.

"Nightmare!" Fluttershy exclaimed as Nightmare Moon's eyes filled with water and her eyelids quivering.

A second later, she filled the room with the sound of her cries. Like two fountains, tears were pouring out of her eyes and she sobbed constantly. Her cries were even louder than Chrysalis's laughter.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy said, approaching the poor filly and wrapping her forehooves around Nightmare's surprisingly soft body. Her wings had a quite soft and tickly plumage and her coat felt warm and furry. The filly responded to this outburst with burying her muzzle in Fluttershy's fur and sobbed quietly thereinto.

"There, there," Fluttershy said. "Where does it hurt?"

"Ev...everywheeeere!" Nightmare Moon cried, her voice muffled by Fluttershy's fur.

"Oh, you poor thing," Fluttershy whispered and looked out the window.

By Celestia, it's so dark outside! It had to be midnight, no less!

"I should get you to bed, filly. Don't cry, I'll make it stop hurting soon!" Fluttershy flew up into the air, holding the filly, and carried her over to the upper floor. "Just don't cry, my little pony, it will be alright."

After she left, Chrysalis finally stopped giggling.

"Oh, my, that was hysterical! Hey, Sombra, did you see the dish go 'whoosh' and then 'whoom' and then 'bam'! Right on her head, ha-ha!" she gushed, each sound effect followed by a gesture describing the situation. "Ha-ha-ha... Sombra? Sombra!"

Sombra was sitting on his chair, appearing to have shrunk. His face looked as red as a ripe tomato and his hooves were crossed over his chest.

"Hey... Sombra? Are you alright?" Chrysalis asked, whereto Sombra only mumbled something in return. A wide grin crossed the filly changeling's face; the poor unicorn was feeling that little worm in his soul, which woke up when one made somepony cry, writhe and bite. He felt incredible guilt.

"Aw, come on, that wasn't your fault. She ate too much and that's why she couldn't fly. Big deal!" Chrysalis tried to calm him down, but Sombra wasn't looking at her. He just stared at the broken table and seemed to be suppressing tears.


Fluttershy gently nudged the door leading to her bedroom and it creaked a little before opening, revealing a big, comfortable sleeping room. The walls were decorated with the pictures of her critter friends, and also a photo of a group hug with the rest of her friends. There were some cupboards by the left and right walls as well as a big cabinet, wherein Fluttershy kept all the dresses made for her by Rarity.

When everything was done in the yard and Fluttershy felt lonely, she often put on the dresses and pranced in front of the mirror. Often, birds came to peek through the window.

Fluttershy's bed was made out of materials produced purely by nature. Her pillow contained only the softest feathers, willingly and happily donated by Mr. and Mrs. Guffaw, the geese that lived with her. Not only was it very soft, it was also very warm during cold nights.

Fluttershy approached her bed and carefully placed the crying filly on it. The little darling reluctantly let go of her, but her face became less saddened when she felt the soft blanket under herself.

"Now, Nightmare Moon, tell me: where exactly does it hurt?" Fluttershy asked, caressing the filly's cheek. One tear got on her hoof and Fluttershy was surprised at how cold it was: like a drop of molten ice.

Nightmare Moon only sobbed quietly, but pointed at her head. Fluttershy got closer to examine it.

"Tell me when it starts to hurt, okay... Oh, no..." Fluttershy immediately noticed a tiny patch of Nightmare's usually dark blue mane that was crimson.

"What 'oh, no'?" Nightmare Moon hiccupped.

"You're bleeding," Fluttershy told the filly the truth, and immediately saw her turn as pale as chalk. "Not seriously, of course! This is just a little scratch; I can fix it in no time, just let me find iodine and some clean bandages."

Fluttershy quickly dashed to one of the cupboards and opened it, noticing the box with a red cross on it right away. She always kept her med kit close, because... who knows, maybe she would need it.

Inside, she quickly found a bottle of iodine and some clean and white as clouds bandages. She grabbed the roll of bandages into her mouth and flew back to the bed.

"Uuugh... It hurts.... it huuuurts..." Nightmare Moon moaned, touching her head, and when Fluttershy arrived and put the bottle of iodine on the cupboard right beside the bed, she quickly shifted her sight on that.

"Is that iodine? What does it do? Is it an ancient medical brew to cure all ailments? Be thou a healer-jailer?"

"Well, first of all," Fluttershy had more courage when she was alone with the child, "I'm not a jailer. My house isn't a prison."

"I see thy logic... it hath no gratings on the windows," Nightmare Moon said.

Fluttershy rolled out the bandages and poured a few drops of iodine on them.

"Could you help me a little?" she asked, after putting the bottle on the cupboard. "I have a teeni-tiny problem with using my hooves."

"O- okay," Nightmare Moon said, and used a little bit of magic to help Fluttershy bandage her head. The yellow pegasus took great care when covering Nightmare's wound, so the iodine would hit right on the spot.

"Now be patient, it's going to bite a little," Fluttershy warned.

"Bite? ‘Tis alive?!" Moon panicked for a moment, but when Fluttershy finished bandaging, she realized that she’d meant. "Yiif! Ouch! ‘Tis biting! ‘Tis biting!"

Fluttershy stood by the bed until the biting subsided and Nightmare finally stopped murmuring something to herself and seemed to relax a bit.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes... But..." Nightmare Moon looked at Fluttershy. "Why dost thou help me? Did thy purple friend — the one hight Twilight, I believe — not advise thee to stray clear of any of us?"

"I can't stand by and watch when kids are hurt!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Thou dost not appear to be a jailor... But why art thou so nice when Twilight isn't?"

"Well... It's difficult to explain... but I'll try," Fluttershy moved closer and leaned on the bed. "You see, you and your friends downstairs are a lot... different from other ponies around here. For example, there are so few ponies that have both a horn and wings."

"Twilight is such a pony. Why doth she not hide herself?"

"Well, she’s gained wings a while ago. You, however, came here just recently.... today... and that would surprise many ponies. Maybe scare some, even," Fluttershy tried to be as tactile as possible and reminded herself not to tell Nightmare the whole truth. She wouldn't like it at all.

"Scare? I don’t want to scare ponies!" Moon replied. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel somewhat distressed at such an irony. Irony was never a good sign, never.

"Ponies around here get scared very easily," Fluttershy went on and put her hoof to Nightmare Moon's forehead.

"I see. Thou’st fainted when first thou saw’st me. Have I... afeared thee?"

"What? No, not at all," Fluttershy replied maybe a tad too fast. Sweat started to appear on her forehead and she prayed the child wouldn’t notice. She opted to reply with a little white lie: "You scared my pet rabbit, though."

"Oh, sorry. I’ve had no intention to, really." Nightmare said. Fluttershy felt incredibly warm, even despite the fact that she was talking to a demigod, who had wanted to bring about the eternal night...

These kids were different from their adult counterparts, completely different. Nightmare Moon had proven that to Fluttershy.

"It's pretty late. You should sleep now," Fluttershy informed, but the dark filly suddenly puffed up.

"Why do I have to sleep during the night and during the day? What do I look like, a demon of sloth?"

"Sleep is important for your health. You should sleep a lot — and you will be very healthy and beautiful later!" Fluttershy informed and Moon graced her with a doubtful look.

"Alright... I shall sleep... for this time!" she yielded. Fluttershy smiled at her and left the room when the little alicorn wrapped herself in the blanket and closed her eyes.

Wow, this is really turning out better than I had expected, Fluttershy thought. The little villains weren't really villains. Though... maybe Nightmare Moon was the single case, an exception. Though, Sombra didn't look that menacing at all — he couldn't deceive her.

Deciding to brainstorm the thought later, Fluttershy hurried downstairs where the rest of the kids were waiting for her. She had to get them to bed as well, after all.


I should consider getting more beds, Fluttershy thought to herself when she had finally finished putting the camp-cots, and brought some bed linen. Thankfully, all the mattresses, blankets and pillows Fluttershy had were natural and fluffy — one could sink your face into them and sleep for hours straight.

Chrysalis quickly made herself a comfortable dimple into the mattress and curled up into a ball, covering herself with a puffy, pink blanket. She burrowed her head inside the pillow and put her horn in such a way that it wouldn't damage her bed in any way.

"Sleep well, children," Fluttershy said. "Sorry, that you have to sleep in the camp-cots... I don't have any more beds, and my own bed is... occupied."

When Sombra heard that word, he dragged his blue blanket with butterflies on it closer to himself and turned away from Fluttershy as if he wasn't listening. Chrysalis, on the contrary, looked at the yellow pegasus and made a thoughtful expression.

"Is Nightmare hurt?" she asked and Fluttershy shook her head in denial.

"Nothing serious, just a little scratch. I already patched her up and she's already asleep. Would you—" Fluttershy suddenly froze, as Chrysalis stared at her with her huge, green eyes. The poor pegasus was literally paralyzed as the young changeling looked at her.

"Go to sleep? Okie-dokie, I was feeling sleepy anyway!" Chrysalis said, and turned her sight at Sombra. "Sombra can prove that, eh? Hey, Sombra! Are we sleepy or not?"

"Yes..." Sombra grumbled angrily and covered his head with the blanket. He clearly didn't want to be disturbed.

"He's cranky about the table. Don't mind him," Chrysalis told Fluttershy. She didn't believe her, however, but it was too late in the night to try to talk to anypony and Fluttershy decided to put it off till tomorrow.

"Oh, don't be so worried. I have a lot of tables," Fluttershy said, trying to touch Sombra but he emitted a quiet growl when she tried to touch him, so she backed away.

"Sleep well, ponies... and please... don't try to run away. I'm—" Fluttershy stuttered for a moment before she gathered all her courage. "I'm going to make sure your stay here is comfortable and pleasant, you'll see! My home is no jail at all!"

"Yeah, yeah," Chrysalis yawned, revealing her little sharp teeth and two big fangs.

"Oh, sorry... I'll take my leave now... Have fun... sleeping," Fluttershy said, backing away until she hit her rump against her own bed for this night: the couch.

Sleeping in one room with the two villains didn't scare her anymore as they were clearly children. She still felt a little uneasy about this. Deep inside, she wanted Twilight to finish the spell as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow.

Fluttershy dropped a pillow and a blanket on the couch and quickly made herself comfortable under the cowl of cloth. The warmth made her feel sleepier than any hot milk with honey and she quickly drifted away to the land of dreams.

Today had been a hard day. She better made sure she had a good rest. Tomorrow, she had a lot of explaining to do: telling them some small, tiny rules and explaining why her house wasn't a prison. Again.

"Psst... Sombra. Hey," Chrysalis hissed at the dark-colored unicorn, who obviously didn't want to hear the sounds of the world around him. When the little changeling called him again, he just covered his ears with the pillow.

"Grr, don't ignore me!" Chrysalis whispered, and put her blanket away, exposing her frail body to the rather chilly air. She shivered a little, but quickly got used to the cold night air.

Chrysalis had waited just long enough for all the candles to go out, so she would know for sure that Fluttershy was asleep as long as her little friends.

Now, it seemed that the whole world was asleep: Animals, ponies, only the little changeling was awake, ready to attempt her escape.

"Pssh! Sombra, you lazy butt! Stop ignoring me!" she approached Sombra and nudged him slightly. The unicorn didn't even react.

"Sombra, I'm warning you! If you ruin my perfect escape plan, you will regret it. No, you will start regretting right now, if you don't stop ignoring me!" Chrysalis raised her voice, trying not to talk too loud, so the sleeping pegasus wouldn't hear her, but Sombra kept quiet.

"You asked for it." Chrysalis said and walked away from Sombra, towards the kitchen. Half a minute later, she returned with a glass full of water. With an emotionless face, she turned the glass over right above Sombra.

The poor unicorn immediately jumped from his bed and fell on the floor when he felt the water wash over him. He seemed to have really fallen asleep, but it didn't matter: he was awake now.

"What the—" he couldn't finish his sentence as Chrysalis shoved her hoof into his mouth. He mumbled something angrily, tried to express his anger and irritation, but to no avail.

"You done?" Chrysalis asked and Sombra nodded in reply. After that, she slowly moved her hoof away from his mouth.

"Was that necessary? I was sleeping, you know!" Sombra exclaimed, keeping his voice down.

"You were ignoring me. I didn't like that too much," Chrysalis snarkily replied. "So, we going to getting out of here or not?"

"Out of here... but... what about Nightmare Moon?" Sombra mumbled, turning a little pale. Not that it was noticeable, it was too dark.

"Oh, yeah... It is too dangerous to walk upstairs. and we don't know for real where she is. Maybe this Fluttershy locked her up in some kind of a secret room, where she would cut out her organs and make pies out of them." Chrysalis said, feeling satisfied as Sombra shuddered at her assumption.

"Re- really?" he asked and Chrysalis barely saved herself from bursting into laughter.

"No, of course not, silly. Though, I still advise against looking for her; we might wake somepony up. So come on, let's get out of here while we still can."

"No," Sombra said firmly. "I'm not leaving without Nightmare Moon. Not after what I've done."

"Urgh, don't be overdramatic. She's just a cry-baby. Let it go already," Chrysalis retorted, but Sombra was persistent.

"No. I said no!" he replied angrily and Chrysalis uttered an angered growl.

"Fine, then! Stay here, and enjoy yourself! I'm getting out of here," she said and started sneakily moving towards the main door.

Sombra wanted to go back to sleep, but he didn't feel tired at all. Even the soft bed and warm blanket didn't do anything to make him sleepy. He got back up from bed and decided to do the craziest thing: he would apologize. Right now!

Without delay, he walked to the stairs. He was preparing himself for the upcoming conversation and, though he really wanted to avoid it, knew that it would be right to apologize. There was nothing that could prevent him from doing that.