• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 3,715 Views, 117 Comments

Pirates of Equestria: Dead Stallion's Chest - The Phantom Joker

Captain Rainbow Dash must seize the fabled Dead Stallion's Chest or else be sent to Spike Jones' Locker. Meanwhile, Shining Armor must find Rainbow Dash or else he and Cadence will be hung.

  • ...

Search for Rainbow Dash

Shining Armor, now garbed in a white shirt with a buckled strap across it, a navy blue overcoat, a belt with a sword and pistol hanging from it, dark blue pants, and black boots, entered the prison of Port Royal.

A prison guard moved to try to stop him. "Hey, you can't be here!" he said, quickly drawing his sword and pointing it towards the intruder.

However, he was quickly stopped in his tracks as Governor Mi Amore entered behind Shining Armor. "Actually, I think you'll find he can," he said in a clam tone to the guard.

"But, Mr. Mi Amore-" protested the guard, nervously looking between the governer and Shining Armor.

Mi Amore glared at the guard. "That's Governor Mi Amore to you, still, I thank you very much for your dedication to your job. Now be on your way." He said and he motioned towards the door, through which they had just entered, with his head.

"Yes, Governor," said the guard, placing his sword back in its scabbard and leaving Governer Mi Amore and Shining Armor alone.

Shining Armor quickly found Cadence and knelt in front of her. "Trixie wants to me to try and find Rainbow Dash and get her compass off of her," he told Cadence, inspecting her body for any forms of harm.

This greatly intrigued Cadence, who raised an eyebrow and asked "Rainbow's compass? What on Equestria does Trixie want with that?"

Shining Armor shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I'm to find Rainbow and convince her to return to Port Royal. In return, the charges against us will be dropped and we'll be free to go."

Governor Mi Amore shook his head. "No. We must find our own route to secure your freedom, we must not bend to the will of that repulsive mare." he said.

Shining Armor looked towards Governor Mi Amore. "Is that a lack of faith in Rainbow I hear? Or in me?" He growled.

"Just because you would risk your life to save Dash's, does not mean she would do the same for anypony else," said Governor Mi Amore. "Now, where's that dog with those blasted keys?"

"Well I for one have faith in you... both of you. So where will you find her?" asked Cadence.

Shining Armor thought about it for a moment, before answering. "Tortuga most likely. I'll start there and if I don't find her, I won't stop searching until I do! Then I intend to return here and marry you," said Shining Armor.

"Properly, this time?" asked Cadence.

"Eagerly, if you'll still have me," said Shining Armor.

"If it weren't for these bars, I'd have you already," said Cadence coyly, leaning towards the cell bars.

She and Shining Armor kissed. "Keep a weather eye on the horizon," he said, before getting up leaving her, beginning his search for the illustrious Captain Dash.

At the docks...

"Captain Rainbow Dash? She owes me 40 bits... I heard she was dead," said a middle-aged brown unicorn stallion with a gray mane and tail, whilst he unloaded his fishing boat.

On a beach...

"Lingapore, that's what I heard, drunk with a smile on her face. Sure as the tide, Rainbow Dash, turned up in Lingapore," a bearded pegasus fisherpony told Shining Armor as he finished off his bottle of cider.

At a bar in Tortuga...

"Ah, yes, Captain Rainbow Dash... I saw her down in South Equestria with a stallion half her age and twice her height. Sorry, I can't tell you anything more than that," said a young unicorn mare with a light amber coat and a red mane and tail with yellow stripes, who was wearing a black leather overcoat as she drank a glass of hard cider

That night...

"Rainbow Dash?" said a Pegasus stallion wearing a filthy business suit

"I haven't seen that crazy idiot in a month," said a unicorn stallion, also wearing a filthy business suit.

"If you find her, will you give her a message?" said the First stallion, just before punching Shining Armor in the face, giving him a black eye and swollen lip in the process.

The next morning...

"Okay, what are you talking about?" said Shinng Armor as he tried to talk to a gray pegasus mare with a blonde mane and tail, which was easier said than done, seeing as she was clearly cuckoo.

"You'll have to forgive Ditzy Doo, she hasn't been the same since she was hit in the head with two coconuts,after falling out of a tree of course, we're not really sure which caused the damage." said the unicorn mare from the day before. "But, I believe she said that Rainbow Dash was caught and ready to be hung at Port Royal, but escaped and fought off 100 soldiers, then she grabbed a couple of parrots and flew off a cliff... why she would need parrots when she has wings is beyond me. Oh, Sorry I never did tell you my name, did I? It's Sunset Shimmer, pleasure to meet your acquaintance," Sunset said, nodding her head in a stiff manner.

Down by the docks...

"Can't say anything about Rainbow Dash. But, there is an island just south of the straits where I trade spice for some delicious fruits and flowers. Now I'm not saying Rainbow Dash is there but, you'll find a ship there... a ship with black sails," a tan Earth Pony told Shining Armor.

"Can you take me there?" asked Shining Armor, finally getting a lead after hours of searching.

Author's Note:

I'd like to give a BIG thanks to my new editor, Rainbow87Dash. A link to her profile will be avalible. So, please drop a comment, fav, follow, and drink up, me bronies yo ho!