• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 3,720 Views, 117 Comments

Pirates of Equestria: Dead Stallion's Chest - The Phantom Joker

Captain Rainbow Dash must seize the fabled Dead Stallion's Chest or else be sent to Spike Jones' Locker. Meanwhile, Shining Armor must find Rainbow Dash or else he and Cadence will be hung.

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Abandon Ship

Back on The Pearl, all was chaos as the Kraken tore apart the ship and grabbed crew members, all while Shining Armor and the net full of cider and gunpowder was lifted higher and higher.

“Clear?!” called Cadence.

“Higher!” yelled Shining Armor.

The Kraken seemed to have been listening, as it sent one of its larger tentacles down upon the pulling mechanism, which caused the net to drop a little bit and causing Shining Armor to get one his hoof stuck in the net.

Shining Armor grabbed Twilight’s knife and began to cut the ropes so he could get his hoof out.

There’s no time! thought Shining Armor. “Cadence! Shoot! Do it now!” he yelled.

As Cadence took aim at the net, a tentacle grabbed one of her hind legs and began to drag her.

Diamond, however, had an ax and managed to free Cadence.

As another crewpony took aim at the net, the Kraken grabbed him and hauled the poor pony off the ship, sending the rifle flying onto the helm. As Cadence went to grab it, someone put their hoof on it.

“Get off, you idiot!” growled Cadence.

“I think I’d better do it,” said a wonderfully familiar voice.

Cadence looked up to see Rainbow Dash, who grabbed the rifle and took aim at the net, just as the Kraken grabbed the net and Shining Armor fell out.

The resulting explosion made several hunks of the Kraken fly off, and damaged part of the ship.

Applejack, Scootaloo, Cotton Fluff, Silver, and Diamond poked their heads out of the rubble.

“Did we kill it?” asked Scootaloo as she looked over the side of the ship.

“No… we just made it really angry. We’re not out of this yet! Captain! Orders!” said Applejack.

Making her way down the the stairs, Rainbow said, “Abandon ship, into the the longboat.”

Applejack couldn’t help but express her shock. Rainbow loved The Black Pearl, almost as if it were her foal. “But, Rainbow… what about The Pearl?” said Applejack.

“It’s only a ship, mate… just a ship,” muttered Rainbow.

“Rainbow’s right, we have to head for land,” said Cadence.

“That’s a lot of open water,” said Silver.

“Yeah, it’s a lot of water,” said Diamond.

“What choice do we have? We can get away as it takes down The Pearl,” said Shining Armor.

Applejack nodded. “Abandon ship. Abandon ship, or abandon hope,” she said.

And with that, everyone went to the longboat… except Rainbow and Cadence.

“You came back,” said Cadence.

Rainbow, who had been running her hoof along the railing, turned to face Cadence. “We’re not free yet, Cadence,” she said.

“I always knew you were a good mare,” said Cadence, her horn glowing.

Rainbow saw Cadence’s horn glowing, but wasn’t sure why she was using her magic. Until, that is, she heard the clink of a cuff on her right arm.

“Rainbow, it’s after you not the ship. It’s not us… this is the only way any of us are going to make, you do see, don’t you? I’m not sorry, by the way,” said Cadence.

Rainbow smirked. “Pirate,” she said as Cadence went to the longboat.

As Cadence climbed into the longboat, Shining Armor looked Cadence in the eye. “Where’s Rainbow?” he asked.

“She… elected to stay behind and give us a chance,” said Cadence. With a meaningful look at Scootaloo, she added, “Go.”

Their hearts heavy, the survivors of The Black Pearl left the ship and their beloved captain…

Back with Rainbow…

“Bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger,” Rainbow growled, before she caught sight of a lantern. Drawing her sword, Rainbow grabbed the lantern and smashed it over her cuffed arm. With a little more effort, she managed to pull it free.

It was then she noticed a really bad smell.

Rainbow turned around and faced the Kraken, which let out an almighty roar, spitting out Rainbow’s hat and covering its owner in slime in the process.

Rainbow wiped the slime off of her. “Well, that wasn’t so bad,” she said, before noticing her hat, which she picked up, shook the slime off it, and put on her head. “Hello, beastie,” said Rainbow, drawing her sword.

The longboat a safe distance away, the surviving crew members watched as the Kraken pulled the ship beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, on The Flying Dutchman

Spike Jones watched through a spyglass as the last sails of The Black Pearl sank beneath the waves.

“Rainbow Dash… our debt is settled,” said Spike.

“Captain goes down with the ship,” said a lizard-pony.

“What do you know? Not even Rainbow Dash can beat Hades,” said Komodo.

“Open the chest,” said Spike.

The crew looked at each other, confused.

“Open the chest, I need to see it!” yelled Spike.

As it turned out, although Rainbow didn’t beat Hades, Hades certainly didn’t make it look like Spike had won.

“Damn you, Rainbow Dash!!!!” yelled Spike, a jet of green flame issuing from his mouth as the crew backed away from him and the empty chest.

Author's Note:

Only one chapter remains... drop a comment, and drink up, me bronies, yo ho!