• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,285 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Chapter 22 - Welcome to the Family

Chapter 22

Welcome to the Family


“That should do it," Applejack said, smiling as she looked around the room.

It wasn't a big room, in fact, til now; it was just one of the spare rooms for when they had guests over. But, despite it not being big, it would do. It hadn't been furnished with much, just some sky wallpaper and a red carpet on the floor. Two beds had been placed in the room, taking up a bit of space, but not so much that the room felt like there wasn't any room around the beds. There was a dresser table and a walk-in closet.

Big Mac stood next to her on her right, Granny Smith on her left. "Are you sure puttin' those two in the same room is a good idea?" the elder mare asked, glancing at her granddaughter. "There's gunna come a time when those two won't wanna be together."
Applejack nodded. "Trust me, Granny. While normally havin' a filly and a colt stayin' in the same room might be a bad idea, Ah know those two will much happier stayin' together, than stayin’ apart. They always were in the orphanage and Ah know they'd feel anxious, bein' in a new place without each other."

It had taken them a fair amount of time, but they’d gotten the room ready for the two newest members of the Apple Family.

Applejack grinned and turned to head out, stopping and thanking the two for helping her.

Granny just grinned. “Ah wish Ah could see their faces when ya tell ’em. Ah may have been hesitant ’bout this, but Ah know yer doing somethin’ good, AJ.” She chuckled. “An’ Ah get ta be a great grandmother while Ah’m still young. He-He!”

Applejack and Big Mac exchanged glances and chuckled along with the old mare, before AJ went out and headed back towards Sugar Cube Corner. It was late afternoon, but she knew she’d have enough time to visit her new children before visiting hours were over.


Scootaloo frowned as Applejack brought her and Sunset (Diamond Tiara was at a sleepover with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Twist and Silver Spoon) into the hospital. The farm mare was hiding something, something big. She could sense it. The way AJ kept looking up, a small smile on her face.

A few moments later they arrived in Sweet Dreams and Bright Skies’ room. Dreams’ horn had finally been fixed, though you could clearly see the cracks where it had been broken off.

Skies’ bandages around his stump were gone, showing skin where light-blue fur was yet to grow over again.

Both young ponies smiled as the three came in and waved.

“Hey, Scoots, Sunset, Miss Applejack,” Dreams said as Applejack took the two foals out of the carrier and placed Sunset on Skies’ bed and Scootaloo on Dreams’.

Applejack wore that smile again. “Ah’d say ya’ll don’ gotta call me Miss Applejack, Dreams.” She looked to Skies. “You neither, Skies.”

They both looked puzzled, before Skies spoke. “Are we meant to call you Mrs Applejack? Er, wait, that doesn’t sound right.”
Applejack chuckled, then closed her eyes. “Now, after ya both are better, Ah’ll take ya home, okay. Nurse Redheart says ya should be allowed outta bed in a few days.”

Both ponies’ ears droop. “Oh, okay,” Dreams murmured. “Will you bring Scoots to come visit us from time to time?”

Applejack snickered. “Ya’ll have ta ask Twilight ’bout that when she gets back.”

Both ponies and their foalified friend slumped, looking down.

“Though Ah s’ppose ya’ll can go visit her yerselves when ya chores on the farm ’re done.”

All four ponies looked to her, saying, “Huh?”

“An’ who knows, maybe Twi will bring Scoots around for visits.”

Scootaloo cocked her head in confusion. “Abblejack, what’we you tawking about?”

Appplejack’s snicker became a warm smile. “You two won’t be going back ta the orphanage when ya get outta here.”

Dreams and Skies looked at each other in confusion, then looked to Applejack. “Why?” Skies asked, slight worry on her face. “Did they kick us out or something? I thought Firm Hoof was gone and they got a nicer pony to manage the place?”

Applejack chuckled. “Ya don’ gotta go back cos ya’ll have a home at Sweet Apple Acres now.”

They still looked confused, though Scootaloo and Sunset’s eyes widened. “You mean dey—?”

Applejack nodded and smiled at the filly and colt in turn. “Welcome to the family, you two. Yer Apples, now.”

Dreams’ eyes widened, while Skies still looked confused. “But, I don’t think Granny Smith could adopt us. She’s too old.”
Applejack nodded. “She didn’t. I did.”

Dreams’ eyes brimmed with tears, before she lunged forward and wrapped her good leg around Applejack’s neck. “Thank you!” she sobbed. “Thank you so, so much... Mom,” she whispered the last word.

Skies’ eyes widened as it dawned on him what Applejack meant. “Y-you mean we... we have a...?”

Applejack turned as best she could to him while not pulling out of the hug Dreams was giving her, tears soaking the orange mare’s coat and said, “Yeah, surgarcube, ya do. I adopted you both yesterday. Yer both the newest members of the Apple Family.”

For a second, Skies looked like he was about to cry, but then he coughed, rubbing a hoof over his eyes. “J-just got some dust in my eyes. Makes ’em water.”

“Sure, son, Ah understand,” Applejack said, knowing from dealing with Rainbow Dash that some pegasi were too stubborn to just admit that they were crying.

Suddenly, she realized what she’d just called him. Son. She’d called him her son so casually and... it felt right.

The two foals were cheering and laughing, congratulating the two ex-orphans on their new family.

Applejack got to stay a lot longer than last time, now that the patients she was visiting were her family. Still, the time came when she had to bid her new children goodbye and headed out with the two foals.

She briefly stopped at the front desk, asking just how long until Sweet Dreams and Bright Skies could leave the hospital. Nurse Tenderheart smiled, “Another day or two, dear. After that, you can take them... wait.” She looked through paperwork, looked surprised for a second, then smiled. “Yes. Two more days and you’ll be able to take your children home, Miss Applejack.”

“Just Applejack, if’n ya don’t mind, Tenderheart,” Applejack corrected. “Like Rarity, Ah feel a lot older than Ah really am when other ponies call me “Miss”, 'nless is a business thing.”

Tenderheart nodded. “I understand. Have a good even, Miss— I mean... Have a good evening, Applejack.”

Applejack tilted her Stetson. “You have a good evenin’ yerself, Tenderheart. Later.”

With that, she walked out, the two foals in the carrier bouncing and laughing with each bounce.

Applejack arrived back at the library a few minutes later. She fed and burped the girls, then got herself something to eat, bathed them and put them to bed.

After a little debating, Applejack got into Twilight’s bed, so she’d be close to the foals if they woke up during the night and went to sleep, thinking about how excited those two young ponies were as they laid in their hospital bed, knowing that, when they got out, they wouldn’t be going back to the orphanage, but to their new home, with their new family.


Over the next two days, Applejack visited her children and told them about their new family. They’re mouths dropped when they learned just how big the Apple family was. They’d gone from having no family, to probably the biggest family in all Equestria!

When the day finally came for Dreams and Bright to be let out, Applejack came without Scootaloo or Sunset, having left them with Pinkie Pie.

It was very late in the afternoon and she was walking alongside her the two young ponies, both of whom were being pushed in wheelchairs by Nurse Redheart and Tenderheart.

Bright had said he wanted to walk himself, a sign the Earth Pony recognized right away as the stubbornness of pegasi, just like she had seen in Dash many a times over, about wanting to act as if they weren’t as banged up as they looked, which Applejack knew he was all too well.

Dreams shook her head as the Pegasus pouted while they were pushed trhough the hospital and entered the lobby.

“Seriously, little brother, you don’t have to act so tough,” she said, shaking her head, then wincing as it hurt a little. She still hadn’t fully recovered yet and the reattachment of the piece of horn she’d lost had been giving her headaches, which Doctor Stable had said was because her magical energies were realigning themselves in her horn.

“Hey, stop calling me “little brother” like that,” he said, shooting her an angry glare. “You haven’t been my big sister for long, you know.”

“Now, that’s enuff, you two,” Applejack said firmly, yet softly.

The two younger ponies stiffened for a second at the sound of the tone, having heard it many times before, shortly followed by some very physically painful memories, before remembering that it wasn’t Firm Hoof or one of his lackeys (as both Rainbow Dash and Bright had taken to calling them when referring to those who’d sided with how Firm Hoof ran the orphanage), but Applejack and that she wasn’t just some random pony, but their mother.

Applejack was a little saddened when she saw the two stiffen at her firm tone. They must have been through worse than she thought for just a firm tone to make them freeze in fear.

They reached the lobby, where the nurses let the two young ones get out of the wheelchairs. They struggled to stand for a few moments, wobbling as they got use to only standing on three legs, but righted themselves eventually.

“Now, they’ll need to rest for a few more days, though they won’t have to remain bedridden anymore,” Nurse Redheart explained to Applejack, giving her a large yellow file, which the mare proceeded to place in her saddlebags.

“Got it,” she nodded, glancing at the two younger ponies, who smiled at her, to which she smiled back.

“Also, they’ll have to take these pills with each meal for the next couple days,” Tenderheart said, reaching behind the front desk and giving her two bottles of blue and yellow pills, one marked unicorn, the other Pegasus, “to ensure their injures heal completely.”
“Got it again,” Applejack nodded, bagging the bottles. “Anythin’ else Ah need ta know ’efore we go?”

Redheart shook her head. “Everything you need to know is in that folder.”

“Okay then,” the farm mare tilted her Stetson. “Well, thank ya kindly fer takin’ good care of ’em, ladies.”

“Thank you, Nurse Redheart, Nurse Tenderheart,” Sweet Dreams smiled, closing her eyes.

Bright just looked away, a bored expression Applejack had come to learn from Dash on his face. “Yeah, thanks for, ya know.”

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle. She had a feeling he and Dash would get along just fine when they met up, though since Dash was still away performing with the Wonderbolts, that meeting would have to wait.

“Come on, you two,” she said, starting to head for the door. “Time to see yer new home.”

Both of their faces brightened and they hurried as best they could after her, staying close, Dreams calling one last goodbye to the nurses, who waved back chuckling.

When they got outside the hospital, both young ponies gawked at the large stallion standing in front of them. He had a red coat, a short-cut blonde mane and tail. His eyes were a slightly lighter shade of green than Applejack’s and his Cutie Mark was half a green apple.

At once, his size intimidated the two younger ponies, reminding them of the ponies that had always beaten them at the orphanage.
Applejack took notice of their quivering and nuzzled them both. “It;s alrigh’. This here’s my big brother, Big Mac, yer uncle. And don’ you worry none. He may be big, but he actually a big softy, ain’t that right, Big Mac?” she finished, looking up at the stallion.

“Eeyep,” he nodded, giving a small kind smile to the younger ponies. Then he frowned at Applejack. "Hey!"
They both glanced at each other, then at their mother, who nodded and they relaxed a little, then giggled at Big Mac's response to the underhoofed comment.

Big Mac was hooked up to a cart, the kinds they used to carry their goods to market or for delivery. Today, however, it was being used as transport for two ponies who couldn’t walk on four legs again just yet.

Once the two were settled into the cart, Big Mac headed off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack following alongside the cart.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the farm. The Pegasus and unicorn couldn’t help but stared, open mouthed as they saw the hundreds upon hundreds of apple trees that lined the fields they were passing, before they looked at the approaching farm.

Big Mac walked through the gate and kept walking until he stopped outside a large red barn.

Dreams and Bright glanced at each other, confused. They’d thought the first place to stop would be the house. Were they not meant to go into the house? Was Applejack making them sleep in the barn?

“Come on, you two,” the farm mare’s cheery voice cut into their trains of thought. “The s’rprise is inside.”

They glanced at each other again, before getting out the cart and walking into the barn. It was dark. Both young ponies suddenly felt uneasy. This kind of thing had happened before to them, back at the orphanage and it never ended well for them.

It always started with walking into a dark room, then, they’d find themselves surrounded by either the bullies or the ponies running the place and would wake up the next day, bruised and battered.

Suddenly light exploded into the barn, blinding them as a cacophony of voices shouted “SURPRISE!”

They were about to bolt, even though their eyes had yet to adjust to the light, to escape the ponies about to attack them, when they realized there hadn’t been any malice in the shouts. They’d been... happy.

Their eyes finally adjusted to see the barn was filled with ponies, a hooful they recognized, like Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Scootaloo and Sunset, but there were a lot of other ponies too.

They could see an alabaster unicorn mare with a curly dark-purple mane and tail, a yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane and tail, two ponies they recognized as the town bakers, the grey Pegasus that was the mailmare they’d talked to once when they’d gotten the chance, who was standing next to a brown Earth Pony wearing a green tie, a mint-green unicorn with a lyre, practically the whole town as far as they could tell.

And standing in front of them all was a pink Earth Pony they recognised as Pinkie Pie, for who didn’t know Ponyville’s premier party pony?

The barn was covered in balloons, streamers and everything you’d need for a party, including foods the two young ponies had never gotten to eat back at the orphanage.

And, on the wall at the far back of the barn was a large banner that said “Welcome Sweet Dreams and Bright Skies to your You Were Orphans, But Now You’re Not Because You’re Members of The Apple Family and Congratulations on Getting Out of Hospital Party” in big yellow letters.


Applejack smiled as she watched her sister and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders welcoming Bright and Dreams into their club, giving each of them a cape like theirs.

At first the two had been anxious around so many ponies, as if expecting at least one of them two attack, but had eased after a while and started enjoying the party.

“Not bad, “Mom”.”

Applejack turned to see Rarity standing next to her, holding a cup of punch in her magic and holding another out to Applejack.
She took it, smiling. “Thanks, Rare. Ah just hope Ah c’n give those two a good home, be the ma they deserve, ya know?”

Rarity nodded, sipping daintily from her cup. “Trust me, Applejack, you are going to be a wonderful mother. Frankly,” she lowered her voice, a saddened look coming to her face, “I think what you did was for the best. I hate to say it, but nopony would have adopted them, not without knowing their story. They would have just glanced at them and brushed them aside.” She sighed. “It’s a shame certain ponies a like that.”

A look of shame crossed her face.

“Rarity?” Applejack was worried by that look.

“I... I’m ashamed to say that... I would probably have been one such pony, had I not been told by yourself about what happened to them.”

She didn’t meet the farm mares eyes.

Applejack blinked, then shook her head. “Rare—”

How can I call myself bearer to the Element of Generosity when I’d do something so selfish?!” she wailed dramatically, yet at a volume that only Applejack heard, before Rarity’s fainting couch appeared and the unicorn fell onto it.

The farm mare shook her head, walked up and put a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder. “Listen, Rare, ya’ll feel horrible about that and that’s a good thing.”

When Rarity stared at her with a wide, horrified stare, she elaborated.

“What Ah mean is, ya’ll know those thought ’re wrong. Other ponies who woulda just left those two behind wouldn’a thought twice ’bout it, even if they heard after about what they’d been through. Sure, they’d feel guilty ’bout it fer a while, but they’d never do nuthin’ ’bout it neither.”

Rarity sobbed, looking up at Applejack. “And how do you know I wouldn’t be like that, myself?”

“One, o’cos yer my friend and two,” Applejack smirked. “I know ya’ll’d through a big fit and run straight to the orphanage an’ adopt ’em yerself without even thinkin’ ’bout it.”

Rarity furrowed her brow.

Applejack snorted. “Well, Ah do know you, Rare. Ya’ll admit it, Ah’m right, ain’t I?”

Rarity blushed, looking away before she sighed and nodded. “Yes, Applejack. I probably would, without even thinking about it at all.” She blushed deeper. “I mean, where would they have even slept?”

Applejack chuckled.

Hours later, the party finally came to an end. The sun was starting to set and everypony started heading home, wishing Applejack and her new son and daughter good luck as they left.

Once everypony was gone, Applejack and her family turned to the two newest members of their clan. Both was lying against some of the hay at the back on the barn, Apple Bloom lying right next to them. All three were fast asleep, exhausted from the party.

Scootaloo and Sunset had been taken to bed an hour ago, having fallen asleep. Granny Smith had taken them, so Applejack could spend more time with her new children.

The three adults chuckled, Big Mac walking over with Applejack and picking up and hoisting Apple Bloom onto his back, while she hoisted Dreams and Bright onto hers.

They went inside with Granny Smith, parting as Big Mac went to Apple Bloom’s room, while Applejack went to her foals room, gently laying them into their separate beds.

She smiled as she watched the two young ones sleeping. They looked so cute she couldn’t help but smile wider.
She leaned down and kissed each of them on the forehead. Bright scrunched his nose, causing Applejack to have to stifle a chuckle. Even in his sleep he was a stubborn Pegasus. He’d fit right in.

Dreams, on the other hoof, shifted a little when she was kissed and murmured, “Night... Momma.”

Applejack’s heart melted at that and she couldn’t help but nuzzle the little filly, before slowly tiphoofing out the door.
She looked at the two of them, smiling, her hoof on the door. “Right well, you to, and welcome to the family.” She closed the door and all was quiet in the Apple Family house.

Author's Note:

chapter 22 is out.

promised myself i'd get this out today and i have. well, technically it's night now here in Australia, but that's besides the point.

next chapter, twi's comes back and we learn a bit about what happened in canterlot.

hope you liked this chapter, please comment even if you didn't and feel free to point out any mistakes i've made.

until next time, goodnight everypony