• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,280 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Chapter 13 - Family Time

Chapter 13
Family Time

Both foals blinked, glanced at each other, then smiled.

Twilight and her family walked over to the foals and smiled back at them.

At that moment, gurgling noises sounded and both foals blushed.

“Someponies hungry?” Twilight asked and they both nodded sheepishly, covering their faces with their forehooves .

“Come on, everypony,” Velvet said, ushering the others out and following them. “Let’s give them some alone time.”

Twilight lay down and Sunset went straight to a tent and began suckling. Twilight put a wing over her daughter, giving her some privacy, despite everypony having left the room.

As Sunset nursed, Twilight noticed Scootaloo was looking at her oddly. There was an uncertain look she was wearing that Twilight couldn’t place.

“Scoots?” she asked softly and the foal looked away, blushing. “Is something wrong?”

“I... um...” Scootaloo seemed to be worried about something.

“Honey, what is it?” the mother asked, giving her a warm smile. “You can tell me.”

“Pwomise you won’t teww anypowny? Not ewen wainbow?”

Twilight nodded. “I promise, honey. I won’t tell, not even Rainbow.”

Scootaloo sighed and looked away. “I feew wike you wuv Sunset mowe dan me.”

Twilight was shocked. “Honey, I love both of you exactly the same,” she said warmly, keeping the shock from her voice. “Why would you think I love either of you more than the other?”

“You’w cwoser too her,” she replied, a few tears welling in her eyes.

Twilight shook her head and her voice became a little bit firm. “Honey, I love you both as much as the other. There are no favourites in this family.”

“Weww den...” Scootaloo’s blush grew stronger, not meeting her mother’s eyes. “Can I—? Can I...?”

“Yes, sweetie?” Twilight was a bit worried now. Whatever was troubling Scootaloo, it seemed big.

“CAN I NURWSE FWOM YOU TOO?” Scootaloo cried, then put her hooves over her mouth and looked away.

Twilight blinked. “But, you don’t need to nurse, Scoots. Why would you...?”

She trailed off as it dawned on her. Nursing was a strong bonding experience between foal and mother. She was doing that with Sunset... while Scootaloo was left out. She thought Twilight didn’t love her as much because she wasn’t sharing the same bonding time her mother was sharing with her little sister.

Twilight smiled. “Come on, honey. It’s lunch time.”

Scootaloo turned back to her mother, tears still in her eyes as she stared blankly, obviously not believing what she’d just heard.

Twilight chuckled and levitated Scootaloo closer, moving her wing before coving both her daughters and lowered her to her free teat.

Scootaloo, seeming to realize she wasn’t dreaming, clamped down on the teat. A few seconds after the warm milk from her mother went down her throat, she started suckling quickly.

“Whoa, easy, Scootaloo. Slow down,” Twilight said, putting a hoof gently on Scootaloo’s head. “If you drink too fast you’ll get a tummy ache.”

Scootaloo did as she was told and started whimpering happily as she suckled, making Twilight smile warmly.

“Now, it’s only until I start weening Sunset, okay?” she said, stroking her eldest daughter’s mane. “When she starts weening, you’ll have to do the same, alright?”

Another whimper was her answer and Twilight lay her head down and waited as her daughters drank their milk.


From the other room, Twilight’s family watched through a crack in the door.

Velvet cooed as she watched Twilight start nursing Scootaloo.

“I don’t quite understand why Scoots wanted to nurse when she doesn’t need to,” Shinning said, an eyebrow raised.

“She wants to be closer to her mother and sister,” Cadence replied, sighing contentedly as she watched Twilight nursing her daughters. “I think it’s sweet.”

“It is sweet,” Velvet nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks. “It makes me miss when I’d nurse Twily. She was such a sweet filly.”

Night Light wrapped a hoof around his wife’s shoulder. “We could try for another, if you want to, dear?”

Velvet turned to her husband, the look of wanting to raise another foal in her eyes. “Really, honey? But, I’m not sure I can bear a child again.”

Night Light smiled. “So? We’ll adopt. I’m sure we can find a foal at the orphanage in need of a loving family. And Twilight knows mare who can help you with being able to nurse again.”

Velvet hugged her husband. “Oh, honey! You’ve just made me the happiest grandmother in the world.”

Night Light chuckled. “A mother and a grandmother. You’re quite the multitasker, aren’t you, Velly?”

She playfully nudged him in the ribs and they all returned to watching as Twilight fed and bonded with her daughters.


After about twelve minutes, both Sunset and Scootaloo seemed full and moved away, big smiles on their faces as they mother sat up.

As Twilight burped her daughters, her family returned, warm smiles on their faces.

“You were watching, weren’t you?” she asked as she patted Scootaloo’s back, waiting for the burp.

They all looked away, blushing.

She smiled. “Just don’t do it again, okay? That’s private time.”

They all smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry, honey,” Velvet said, walking over and nuzzling her daughter. “I just couldn’t help but watch my little Twiley and her foals. And, well, once I started watching...”

Twilight chuckled. “Understand, mother. Bet I stirred a few memories, huh?”

Velvet blushed again, answering the question in ways words couldn’t.

At that moment Scootaloo burped, then cuddled into her mother, content in a way only a foal can be.

Everypony Daaa’wed as Twilight gently lowered her eldest child onto the mat next to her sister.

Then came something that probably would’ve happened as soon as the girls had woken up if they hadn’t needed feeding. Presents.

Twilight’s father gave both fillies a jumper, each with the cutie marks of all ponies present.

Her mother gave them each the latest Daring Do book. Since she was good freinds with the writer A.K, Yearling since junior high, she’d gotten two pre-release copies for her two granddaughters, both signed by A.K. Yearling herself.

Cadance’s horn glowed and a clear crystal bracelet appeared around Sunset’s left forehoof while a cyan crystal version of Rainbow Dash appeared in front of Scootaloo, who squealed in delight. The mane and tail even had rainbow colours like the real deal.

Scootaloo grabbed it and started playing happily with it.

Twilight turned to the alicorn of love, an eyebrow raised. “Is it wise to five my baby daughter a crystal doll? You know how easily it could break, right?”

Cadance gave a gentle smile. “Don’t worry, Twilight. Those are made from special crystal designed so foals can’t break them. They also have a spell that stops them from swallowing them,” she grinned, seeing the question in Twilight’s eyes as she glanced at Sunset’s bracelet.

Satisfied with the information, the mother joined her family in watching the fillies playing around for a while with their gifts.
After a while, she got the girls to put down their gifts and levitated Scootaloo and her sister into the baby carrier, which she then levitated onto herself, tightening the straps with her magic.

“Shall we go?”

Everypony nodded and they all headed out.

They’d planned on walking around Canterlot, just enjoying a family outing with the girls.

As they walked through the streets, many ponies stopped and Daaw’ed as they watched the two foals bouncing happily in their carrier.

Eventually they reached Pony Joe’s Doughnut Shop. It wasn’t a fancy establishment, but the family all had fond memories of the place and Twilight couldn’t help noticing Sunset squirm a little in her straps, both from excitement and nervousness.

Sunset had told Twilight how she’d known a guy name Joe in the other world who’d had a doughnut shop too. When she’d learned from Twilight that there was a pony version on him in Equestria, she’d been delighted, knowing, once she could keep down solid foods again, she’d be able to enjoy something from her last children, even though she was in a whole other world.

As they entered, the scent of the delicious pastries washed over them, making them all, especially the foals, sigh.

“Twilight,” Joe called from the counter, making all heads of the patrons currently in the store turn and gasp as they saw three members of the royal family entering such a humble place.

“Good afternoon, Joe,” Twilight smiled as she led her family to a spare table, then walked over and placed their orders.

“And who’re dese little ones?” Joe asked, noticing the foals in the carrier after having written down their orders. “You foalsittin' fer somepony.”

Twilight chuckled. “Actually, Joe, these are my daughters.”

Twilight realized her mistake the moment the last word had left her lips.

All chatter stopped and the shop went dead silent.

Joe was starring open-mouthed, which made the two foals giggle, though they did it quietly.

“Yer... a mother now?” was all Joe could managed, though Twilight could see at least fifty questions flashing in his eyes, trying to all come out at one and failing in doing so.

Twilight nodded and, realizing the situation she’d unwittingly created, turned to address the store at large.

“I thought the papers would have already known this, but I will say it now. These are my daughters, Scootaloo and Sunset Shimmer-Sparkle,” she declared with an air much like Celestia, or she at least hopped.

A few seconds of silence. Then a huge rouse of applause came from everypony in the store, all congratulating their princess on having children.

Cadance stood up and calmed everpony down after a few minutes and they all returned to what they were doing, though their chatter was now on a whole other topic, each conversation the same one.

“Well,” Joe chuckled as the chatter returned to normal volume. “Congrats, Twi. Who’s the dad?”

Twilight shook her head. “I adopted both of them, Joe. There’s no stallion involved in this.”

Joe looked surprised for a second, then gave a warm smile. “Just like a princess to give a chance to two foals in need of one. 'Specially when that princess is you, Twi. So, what would the little princesses like, or can’t they eat my delectable treats yet?”

Twilight gave a small shake of her head. “Sorry, Joe. Scootaloo’s the only one who can keep down stuff other than breastmilk, and that sadly doesn’t include anything you have. Though I can guarantee they’ll be very happy when they can and lvoe everything you've got.” She winked.

“You bet!” Scootaloo grinned, looking up at the menu on the big board above Joe’s head.

He blinked. “Did she just...?”

“Answer you?” Sunset giggled. “Yes. She did.”

He stared blankly. “They can already talk? How old are they?”

“One yeaw, fwee monfs, one week,” Scootaloo said, holding up a hoof.

“Jus fwee monfs, fwee weeks fwor me,” Sunset replied.

Joe stared dumfounded at the fact the foals had not only told him their age, but that they’d answered as if knowing what the conversation was about.

“I’ll explain later, Joe,” Twilight chuckled. “Let’s just say, my daughters are a lot smarter than the average foal.”

“So I can see,” Joe nodded, moving to fill their orders, while still looking dumbstruck.

After they’d all, save the foals, enjoyed some of the delicacies that you could only get at Joe’s shop, they got up to leave.

As they were leaving, Twilight hoofed Joe a long roll of parchment she’d had Spike write while they’d waited for the orders, telling him to write a summary of everything that had happened since Sunset had come to Equestria.

With a nod confirming he understood it would take too long to explain in person, and his store probably wasn’t the best place to do so and that he’d have to wait read what she’d given him until after work, they all left.

As they all made their way back to Twilight’s parents’ house, both foals sleeping soundly as they bounced in their carrier, Spike suddenly belched a green flame and a scroll with both Celestia and Luna’s seals flopped into his hands.

Twilight took the parchment and read it out loud:

My dear Twilight,

I know you came to Canterlot to visit your relatives and introduce your daughters to them and them to your daughters, I must ask you on behalf of my sister to come to the palace.

Something has happened that will interest you and I cannot aid my sister with the advice you can.

Please inform Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armour that their presence is requested too.

I am sorry for interrupting your time with your family, but Luna would very much like your help in this matter that arose only just last night.

Your princess,


PS. Bring the girls with you. I know this will interest them as well.

Twilight finished reading and turned to her family.

“I wonder what could be so important that Princess Luna needs all three of your at the castle so urgently that she’d request it while you’re all here?” Velvet pondered, putting a hoof to her chin.

“I don’t know,” Cadance said, shaking her head. “But she wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t important. I do wonder why she thinks girls will like to see this, though.” She rubbed her chin as well, deep in thought.

Twilight nodded, rolled up the scroll and stored it in one of the saddlebag compartments of her attire.

“I’m very sorry about this, you guys,” Twilight said to her parents, giving each of them a hug. “We’ll be back as soon as we’re done, okay?”

Night Light chortled. “Honey, we knew when Cadance and Shining got married that we’d have times like this. We fully understand, your royal duties for Equestria come first.”

“We can wait til the five of you come back,” Velvet nodded, smiling like any proud mother would.

Twilight sighed. “Thank you, mom and dad. We’ll return as soon as possible.”

With that, the three adult ponies, plus the two foals riding coach headed off towards the palace, each all wondering what Luna wanted to show them all.

Author's Note:

here it is, chapter 13, finally, i got the computer to myself and was able to finish writing it and then post it.

What could Luna possibly have to show Twilight that it couldn't wait? You'll all have to wait and see. i will give a clue though. 3rd

anyway, sorry it took so long. been using the iPad so much i was wondering if I'd ever get to use the computer this week.

now, for those wondering, yes, i will be going through with velvet getting another child, but it wont hold anything bigger than the main story, nor will it actually move forward during twi's stay in canterlot.

also, for those curious, yes, i purposely decided to make scootaloo drink breastmilk, but for the reason stated, to bond with her mother like her sister does. i just noticed as i reread the previous chapters after scoots was put in the mix that that bond wasn't with scoots like with sunset, so i decided to fix it.

anwyay, i'll see about chapter 14 now. please read, comment and enjoy