• Published 21st May 2012
  • 33,517 Views, 3,092 Comments

MIA - Gravitys Rainboom

After activating the slipspace drive Jorge is teleported to a strange new world.

  • ...

Chapter 2: KO Computer

KO Computer

By ten o’clock the party was in full swing. Most ponies outside had set up a makeshift dance floor and, before long, the entire area had turned into a massive rave. DJ-Pon3, who was head banging so fast it looked like her neck was about to snap, had conjured hundreds of glow sticks and was now using her magic to create a stunning light show. Meanwhile, inside the barn things were a lot calmer. Or at least as calm as a party could be with Pinkie Pie attending; and in Ponyville, that only happened to be every party. The giant cupcake was eaten fairly quickly, but that was probably due to the fact that the party pony ate half of the entire thing by herself.

Despite having a few hundred kilograms of cupcake inside her system, Pinkie decided to organize a marshmallow eating contest which, to nopony’s surprise, she won. However, what did surprise everypony was that Rarity came in a close second. Unfortunately, she lacked the logic defying capabilities of the pink earth pony and therefore had to excuse herself to the bathroom to… cleanse her system.

Shortly after, it was time to open the gifts. Due to the number of ponies attending the party the amount of presents that Pinkie received was staggering. Some even brought two or three gifts for the pink mare, as a thank you for all the parties and presents that she had given them in the past. Despite the large number of gifts however, the whole affair went by faster than expected seeing as how Pinkie Pie had torn through the multi-colored pile of boxes like there was no tomorrow. Rarity in particular was left in a state of shock at the destruction of her gift's container; especially since she had spent over two hours wrapping it, and Pinkie had torn through it in .02385 seconds (Dash was keeping track).

However, the look of utter bliss on Pinkie Pie's face was worth the mess and chaos of her unwrapping techniques, and she had personally thanked each and every pony for their gift. She had practically squealed in joy when she put on Rarity's present. The necklace was composed of a beautiful emerald green chain that sparkled in the light every time Pinkie turned her head (which was a lot). The necklace also had a large ruby hanging from its center, which was modified with magic to mirror Pinkie's coat's pink hue. The center of the ruby was replaced by a sapphire which, again thanks to magic, was the same color as Pinkie's eyes. Everypony agreed that Rarity had outdone herself.

Other presents were not as flashy but no less special for the pink mare. Fluttershy gave her a custom built house for Gummy, with a built in pool featuring water lilies and reeds to match the alligator's natural habitat. Applejack gave her a dozen jars of Zap-Apple jam and a barrel of cider she had been saving for months. Rainbow gave Pinkie her special, 'lucky' sunglasses. Upon receiving said glasses, Pinkie disappeared and returned wearing a baseball cap (which was twisted) and a second necklace with a golden S that had two lines running through it. Pinkie then proceeded to sing the most bizarre song anypony ever heard. It was less like singing and more like creating a rhythm out of a random assortment of beats she made with her mouth. Strange music aside, when Twilight unveiled her gift she essentially managed the impossible by making Pinkie Pie (and everypony for that matter) completely, one-hundred percent speechless. The lavender mare had re-created one of Discord's chocolate-milk raining, cotton candy clouds. When Pinkie Pie was given the cloud, she once again shot up into the air and through the ceiling in excitement... and returned twenty minutes later.

Shortly thereafter, everypony dispersed and returned to enjoying the party in whatever way they deemed most pleasurable. For Applejack and Rainbow Dash this involved re-starting their previous confrontation and turning the event into a miniature Iron-Pony competition; as the two spent the rest of their time at the party participating in dozens of contests to determine once and for all which of the two was the better mare. From eating contests, to races, to improvised dance battles, the competitions got progressively more ridiculous as time went on, until Twilight was forced to finally put an end to the silly affair after Rainbow Dash suggested a diving contest in the chocolate fountain.

Having kept both of her friends from hurting themselves and making a mess, Twilight took a seat next to one of the tables in the barn. The music from outside was muffled by the barn's walls, something which she was thankful for due to the lingering headache that continued to throb inside her skull. She gently began to feel the back of her head with her hoof and, sure enough, the bump was still there; fortunately though, it was not as large as before.

“When I get back to the library I’m going to have a little talk with Spike,” grumbled the purple unicorn.

“Ahem, mind if I join you darling?”

Twilight turned around to face whoever had addressed her, although she had a pretty good idea who it was. Sure enough, Rarity was standing a few feet behind her, smiling contently but still a light shade of green from the eating contest. “Of course Rarity, you don’t even need to ask. What's up?”

“Well, after your little scene earlier I just want to make sure you’re alright.”

Twilight cringed at the mention of one of her scenes. “Yeah, sorry about that,” she muttered, a twinge of embarrassment in her voice.

“Oh please darling, it’s no big deal. We all have our… let’s say dramatic moments, shall we?”

Twilight smiled at her friend. She’s right. So what if I got a little carried away? It’s only because I want to see my friends happy. “Thanks Rarity. You have no idea how embarrassing it is.”

“Hush now, Twilight. You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” Rarity stated firmly. “Now then there was something I wanted to ask you about.”

“What is it?” asked Twilight, as she took a quick sip of Berry Punch's latest concoction.

“Well, I just wanted to know if you had a special somepony for this upcoming Hearts and Hooves Day.”

To say that Twilight was surprised by Rarity’s question would be a bit of an understatement, as she then proceeded to do a spit-take all over the now soaked unicorn. After a minute of hacking and coughing, Twilight managed to breath in enough air to respond with something that somewhat resembled normal speech. “You… *cough*… me… *cough* *cough*…Hearts and Hooves Day!?!”

Rarity, who was trying desperately to fix her mane, which had been disheveled by the spit take, had understood what Twilight was trying to say and blushed furiously; so much so that she began to resemble Big Macintosh to some degree. “What!?! No! That’s not what I… what I mean is do you have somepony you might be interested in?”

Twilight sighed in relief. “Oh thank Celestia. I…I mean not that I w-wouldn’t mind if yo-” she was interrupted by a white hoof being shoved into her mouth.

“It’s quite alright darling… just don’t mention it again...ever.”

Twilight nodded. “Well, I don’t really have anypony in mind. I mean, I really don’t think about those kinds of things to begin with. What about you?”

Rarity started blushing even more. “W-well, one c-could say that I-I have my eye on somepony.”

“Really!?” cried out a voice from behind the unicorns. “Who!?!”

Rarity jumped in surprise. She whipped her head around and saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash behind her. The former had a worried, almost crestfallen, expression whilst the latter was wearing a large, evil grin.

How long have they been standing there? thought Rarity nervously.

“Soooo Rarity. Who’s the lucky stallion?” asked Rainbow Dash with false innocence.

“I-I…” Rarity trailed off, her mind blank due to the sheer embarrassment of the situation. She hadn't planned on telling anypony but Twilight, but now the proverbial cat was threatening to escape the proverbial bag.

Rainbow ignored her friend’s nervous stuttering and continued questioning the white unicorn. “Ooooh, I bet it’s that Fancy Pants guy isn’t it? He sure was a hunk!”

Rarity mouth had begun opening and closing without emitting any sound. “Or maybe it’s Big Mac! Now, he’s hot!” stated the cyan pegasus with a somewhat dreamy look in her eyes, completely oblivious to Rarity’s behavior.

“’Scuse me, that’s mah bother yer talkin’ about!” exclaimed Applejack indignantly.

“Oh, come on Applejack, you know it’s true.”

Applejack replied by gagging and turning a shade of green. Later that night, she would be haunted by horrifying nightmares involving her and her brother that no amounts of alcohol or therapy would help erase from her memory. Meanwhile, Twilight was starting to get a little worried about Rarity. When I get back to the library I’m going to reread a few of those medical books I have. I don’t think Rarity’s supposed to have enough blood for that kind of blush.

After managing to hold in the contents stomach, Applejack decided to save her friend from further embarrassment. “Come on girls, let’s leave Rarity alone. She obviously doesn’t wanna talk ‘bout her... crush.” The cowpony muttered the last word with some difficulty.

“Rarity has a crush?” asked Fluttershy from behind Twilight; they had barely heard the quiet pegasus and were surprised that she had been listening. This, however, was the last straw for Rarity.


Everypony in the barn stopped what they were doing to gape the alabaster unicorn. All of Rarity’s friends were taken aback by her outburst, and stared at her in shock. All except Fluttershy, who was shaking uncontrollably and cowering from the white mare. Rarity, realizing what she had done, began apologizing profusely to the yellow pegasus.

“Oh Fluttershy I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you like that. Can you ever forgive me?”

“It’s okay Rarity” muttered Fluttershy in response.

“Yay, group hug!”

“Pinkie where did you-” Twilight was cut off as she and her four friends were pulled into a bone-crushing hug by the party pony.

“Now that Rarity’s not a Meanie McGrumpy Pants about her special somepony anymore, let’s go dance!”

“Does everypony know about my cru-?” Rarity was interrupted by Pinkie dragging all of them outside towards the dance floor. They soon found themselves in the middle of the massive crowd of dancing ponies, their senses being assaulted by the blaring music, bright lights, and the smell of sweat permeating from the crowd.

After wiggling her way out of Pinkie’s iron grip, Rainbow Dash shrugged and flew up to dance with some of the other pegasai. Rarity began to spin and twirl around the dance floor gracefully. Despite being accustom to more sophisticated forms of music and dance, she managed to keep up with the beat of the electronic beats quite well. Applejack stomped around the dance floor, lacking in all the finesse that seemed to radiate off of Rarity. Twilight once again proved just how much of a shut in she was by dancing the most adorkable dance anypony had ever seen. Pinkie simply bounced around Fluttershy, who was standing ramrod stiff in fear, not familiar with that kind of environment.

After half an hour of nonstop dancing, Twilight stumbled towards Pinkie Pie, who was still bouncing happily despite having sung three musical numbers since they had all started. “Wow… Pinkie… you sure… have… a lot of… energy” wheezed Twilight.

Pinkie giggled at the exhausted unicorn. “Yup, can’t say the same about you though.”

“Yeah, I… Pinkie your tail is twitching!” yelled Twilight in alarm. She immediately covered her head with her legs in anticipation for any potted plants, anvils, carts of hay, or pianos.

“Oh yeah, that’s been doing that all night, I kinda stopped worrying about it a while ago.”

“Really!?!” Twilight was ecstatic at the possibility of finally having proof that Pinkie’s ‘Pinkie Sense’ was bogus.

“Yuppers. When I finally noticed, at first I was like ‘oh no something’s gonna fall’ but after a while I was all ‘hmmm m-m-m-a-b-y n-n-n-o-th-th-ing w-w-w-i-l-l-l h-h-h-a-p-p-p-e-n.”

“Uh… Pinkie?” Twilight slowly backed away from Pinkie, whose tail was twitching so violently that her entire body had started shaking.

“O-o-o-h n-n-n-n-o-o i-i-t-t-t’s a d-d-d-d-d-d-o-o-o z-z-z-y-y!”

All the other ponies on the dance floor noticed something was amiss and began backing away from the shaking earth pony, who was now shivering so violently that she was nothing more than a pink blur. Some of the dancers voiced their concern, confused more than anything else at the pink pony's random behavior and oblivious to its implications.

Something’s wrong, thought Twilight. I’ve never seen a doosie like this before.

Pinkie Pie’s body started convulsing and morphing into strange shapes, her neck twisted and her body inflated like a balloon. The air started to feel odd to Twilight. All the hairs on her back rose, and she could feel goose bumps all over her body. She couldn’t describe the odd sensation. The atmosphere around her began to feel distorted… electric. As if she was receiving a constant flow of static directly to her body.

Time seemed to slow down for a few seconds and the air started to bend, as if there was an intense heat in the air. Everypony had begun outright panicking at that point. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the air a few feet away from Pinkie. The light expanded and turned into a large sphere that continued to grow. Lightning began to shoot out of the orb; one bolt struck the sound system resulting in a small explosion. The screams of terrified ponies couldn’t be heard over a loud hum that was being emitted from the large ball of light. There was a mass panic and the crowd of ponies rushed into the already over-crowed barn. A few of the dancers were lightly trampled but they picked themselves up and entered the barn, uninjured.

Soon the only ones still outside were Twilight and her five friends. They all shielded their eyes from the growing orb, and managed to avoid being blinded by the bright light. Twilight could see Applejack yell something to Rarity, but the white unicorn gave no indication of having heard. Fluttershy was shivering and appeared to be sobbing, while Rainbow Dash was doing her best to calm her distraught friend. Pinkie Pie continued to shake uncontrollably, completely oblivious to all the chaos occurring around her.

Finally, as quickly as it had arrived, the giant sphere of light shrunk and disappeared. Everypony looked up to the spot where the bright light had appeared, and breathed a sigh of relief. However, just as everypony was ready to come out again, the sphere reappeared in the exact same place, only this time it was even larger and instead of being a bright white light it was completely black. Twilight had never seen anything so dark before in her life and instead of the hum it had previously emitted, there was utter silence. It was as if the orb was sucking all the sound out of the area. The quiet was suffocating. Twilight couldn't help but briefly wonder whether this was what being in vacuum felt like.

The large sphere just floated there for a few minutes, no longer expanding. Twilight cautiously approached it, her heart beating furiously in her chest. She continued to advance slowly until she stood right under the strange object; her fear slowly gave way to curiosity. She was unsure of what to do. This was an entirely new scenario for her. It wasn't every day that a bright sphere of light appeared in the sky without warning. She was briefly tempted to reach out to it with her magic but before Twilight could conjure a spell, a large object fell out of the dark orb and landed right in front of her. Twilight reared back in surprise after the object hit the ground with a loud *thud* and quickly looked up to the dark orb just in time to see it close and disappear.

Twilight looked down at the thing that fell from the sphere. It’s huge!, was the unicorn’s first thought before she mentally face-hoofed. Duh, real astute observation there Twilight, but what is it? That question rapidly became one of thousands as Twilight's analytic mind began pondering the event. She cautiously circled the strange object, trying to deduce what it could be and why it was here. Twilight reached out tentatively and lightly touched it. Hmmm, it seems to be some kind of machine. She suddenly remembered that she had more pressing matters to attend to. Twilight turned back towards the barn and saw ponies starting to trickle out of the structure, each one of them asking questions about what had happened.

“Is it safe?”

“What was that thing?”

“Where did it go?”

“What happened to the music?”

“Hey dude, do you think I can fit my entire hoof in my mouth?”

Admittedly, some questions were more intelligent than others. “It’s okay everypony, whatever that was it’s gone now,” assured Twilight in a very business-like tone. “Because of the damage to the sound system and this recent commotion I think It would be best if everypony just went home and…” Twilight trailed of when she saw the looks on everypony’s faces. She had never seen anypony so scared in her life. Even Rainbow Dash, who prided herself on her courage, had a look of pure terror etched on her face; but worst of all, they were ignoring her! They were all staring at something behind her.

Well that’s just rude, thought Twilight indignantly. She was about scold them for being so impolite, when she was stopped by a loud groan coming from behind her. She turned around and what she saw surprised her. It shocked her. It scared the living daylights out of her! The creature…machine…thing was a whopping seven feet tall! It was entirely made of metal save for a small area near the top that was composed of some sort of orange glass. It was mostly gray and brown except for some brief flashes of orange and yellow on it here and there. The thing seemed to sway back and forth for a few seconds before groaning again and falling forward.

Twilight managed to jump out of the way before the thing crushed her. Nopony moved a muscle; they just stared at the object without uttering a sound. The silence was eventually shattered by a loud yell coming from inside the barn.


Everypony turned around and saw Spike rushing across the debris filled dance floor towards the aforementioned unicorn.

“Spi-?” Twilight was tackled by the purple dragon, who seemed to have forgotten that he was wearing a lamp shade on his head. Is he…crying?

“Did it hurt you?” sniffed Spike, his eyes red from tears that were flowing out of worry for Twilight’s safety.

“No Spike, I’m fine.”

After confirming that Twilight was indeed ‘fine,’ Spike jumped off of her, wiped his face, and tried to save face from the emotional outburst he had. “Oh yeah cuz… you know… I was worried that I would have to clean up the library by myself tonight.”

Twilight smiled knowingly at Spike, who was examining his tail like it was the most interesting thing in the world. “Sure Spike, whatever you say.”

“Twilight, Spike!”

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy all rushed towards their two friends to make sure everything was alright. When they got to the duo, they all paused to stare at the large mass that had almost crushed their friend.

“What is it?” asked Fluttershy in awe.

“Looks like uh Minotaur made uh metal,” observed Applejack as she cautiously poked the metal beast. “Minus the horns uh course.”

“It looks more like some sort of machine,” stated Rarity as she examined the so-called ‘machine’. “Ugh, it’s absolutely hideous!”

“Whatever it is we should move it before somepony gets hurt,” said Twilight, already taking charge of the situation.

Pinkie shot her leg into the air like a foal that was eager to answer a question in school. “Ooh, ooooh pick me pick me!”

Twilight sighed; she was not in the mood for Pinkie’s randomness, as this whole situation had caused her previously subsided headache to resurface. “Yes Pinkie?” she asked, clearly lacking any enthusiasm whatsoever.

“I say we take it to the library.”

“The library? Why?”

“Duh, because the author says so,” answered the pink pony while she winked towards the sky; thus completing the mandatory breaking of the fourth-wall, which was essential for every respectable fan-fiction.

Nopony said anything for a full minute while they stared at their giggling friend, who was waving at the sky.

“Pinkie you are so random,” deadpanned Rainbow, finally breaking the silence. She then turned to address Twilight, “but she does have a point.”

“What!?! I agree that we can't leave it here but why do I have to keep the potentially dangerous…thing in my house? Why can’t any of you guys keep it?”

“Well it can’t stay at my place unless it’s charmed to rest on clouds.”

“Ah don’t want that thing anywhere near mah little sister, plus the barn's uh mess.”

“The animals around my cottage might to get hurt.”

“Look at it, it’s positively filthy! I am not letting it anywhere near my home thank you very much. Besides you know how curious Sweetie Belle can be.”

“Ugh fine.” Twilight then turned her attention to all the guests, who were still keeping their distance from the strange object. “Alright everypony calm down, everything’s okay. I’m afraid the party’s over however, so you should all just go home.”

“Awww come on we were just getting started! I mean nopony’s even hammered yet! Are we really gonna let a couple of explosions, some weird portal thing, and a giant monster ruin this epic party?”

“Sorry Vinyl but I think it would be best if we all went home.”

Vinyl mumbled a reluctant ‘fine’ before salvaging what was left of her equipment and heading home, followed by the rest of the guests. Before long the only ones left were Spike and the girls.

“Alright Spike hop on, I’m going to teleport us and this thing back to the library, you girls should stay to clean up.”

“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay, sugercube?”

“Don’t worry Applejack, as soon as I get home I’m locking this thing in the basement and writing a letter to Celestia.”

“’Kay Twi. And if this thing gives you any trouble, call me and I’ll turn it into a pile of scrap in ten seconds flat.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary Rainbow. Well, goodbye everypony. I’ll see you guys tomorrow and hopefully this’ll all be cleared up by then.” In a bright flash of light, Twilight, Spike, and the foreign object were all teleported back to the library.

Celestia, that thing was heavy! Twilight climbed up the stairs from her basement and, after locking the door, collapsed on the floor of her home.

After arriving at the library Twilight had spent over three hours searching for any information in her books about the strange object that had fallen out of the portal. Finally, at the insistence of Spike, who was nervous about the metal ‘monster’, Twilight decided to carry it into the basement. She was surprised at how much the thing weighed. She knew it was going to be heavy but she was not expecting she was going to have to exert herself so much just to levitate the darn thing for a few measly minutes.

Worst of all, the machine didn’t even fit through the doorway no matter how she twisted and turned it. Surprise quickly turned to frustration, which in turn became exhaustion as she was required to use a large amount of energy to carry the thing. Finally, after ten minutes of trying to shove it through the door, Spike suggested that she simply teleport it down there instead. Twilight then used what little energy she had left to face-hoof and do exactly that.

“Spike… take a… take a letter” panted the purple unicorn.

“Okay Twilight, but catch your breath first.”

“Okay, okay, I think I’m good. Now, listen carefully…”

Dear Princess Celestia,

I apologize for writing at such a late hour, but I’m afraid this is a matter of utmost importance. Earlier this evening, while attending a birthday party my friends and I had organized for my good friend Pinkie Pie, I witnessed a strange phenomenon.

“Pheno… Phenami…”

“P, H, E, N, O, M, E, N, O, N”


You see, during this party a bright white light flashed out of thin air. This light seemed to be a result of a large, mysterious, glowing sphere which was composed of some foreign energy. As far as I can tell, it was definitively not any sort of magic; or at least none that I’m familiar with. This sphere began shooting lightening and emitting a loud hum. After some time, it seemed to collapse in on itself and was soon replaced by and even larger orb, except this one was dark and wasn’t generating any sound. I believe it was a portal because, before disappearing, a strange object fell out. I think this object is a machine of some kind but I am not sure, as it appeared to be standing for a few seconds before collapsing. Thankfully nopony was hurt and I am now keeping the object in the library; however I am unsure of what to do and would appreciate your advice.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

After proof reading his handiwork Spike sent the letter on its way with a burst of green flame. “Now what, Twi?”

“Now I think we should go to bed.” To emphasize this point Twilight let out a loud yawn before struggling onto her hooves and making her way up the stairs to her room.

Spike shrugged and followed Twilight upstairs. Works for me.

Meanwhile, down in the basement, among the primitive computers and electronics that populated the dusty storage room, a creature that was not of Equestria was stirring. The metal beast’s eyes fluttered open and briefly took in the scene in front of him before groaning and passing out once more.