• Published 21st May 2012
  • 33,517 Views, 3,092 Comments

MIA - Gravitys Rainboom

After activating the slipspace drive Jorge is teleported to a strange new world.

  • ...

Chapter 1: So It Begins

So It Begins

Celestia’s sun was shining brightly on Ponyville that beautiful summer morning; as it invariably did every morning, as a matter of fact. There was naught a cloud in the sky for as far as the eye could see, leaving a veritable sea of blue over everypony’s head. A large column of smoke rose up from the Everfree forest, probably as a result of a fire; although it had been an uncharacteristically wet summer so there was no worry that it might spread towards the village. In truth, the light scent of sulfur it left was actually quite pleasant. It smelled of a fireplace during autumn, or that of smoked mahogany; and best of all, it did nothing to taint the freshness of the air. Off towards the rolling hills that lay east of the town, there came a stunning rainbow fresh out of the weather factories at Cloudsdale.

It was a perfect summer’s day.

Yup, them weather ponies sure out did themselves this mornin’, Applejack thought cheerfully as she hauled her apple stand towards Ponyville. Couldn’t ask fer a nicer Sunday.

She sighed contently. Taking her produce towards Ponyville’s Sunday market was one of her favorite parts of the week. With all the work that taking care of the farm required, Applejack was rarely ever allowed to simply enjoy nature or the peace of the outdoors.

She took a deep breath of fresh air, and sighed a second time. The ruffling of leaves in the wind mixed with the chirping of birds was music to her ears. She lazily turned her head and admired the beautiful trees that grew along the dirt road. These large timbers were truly a sight to behold. Dwarfing any regular tree, this majestic vegetation was grown using unicorn magic with the purpose of making them large enough to protect anypony from the beautiful, albeit hot, sun. They were quite breathtaking.

“Course, they ain't as nice as mah apple trees” Applejack chuckled to herself.

A few minutes later Ponyville began to appear over the horizon. As Applejack approached the quaint village, she could make out other ponies pulling similar stands towards the center of town. To her right Applejack saw Carrot Top tugging a cart with a small smile on her face, clearly eager to begin selling her harvest. When she saw the orange cowpony she paused to wave. Applejack grinned and waved back; they may have been competitors but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be friends.

The streets of Ponyville began to get progressively more crowded as Applejack made her way towards the town's plaza, where the market took place. The apple farmer kept a steady pace, stopping occasionally to greet a friendly face or two. She paused when she reached the entrance of the square. The market was already underway and ponies of all shapes, sizes, and colors were strolling past stands, making purchases and socializing among themselves.

Applejack considered herself a country pony through and through. She hated the hustle and bustle of the big city, and that was one of the many reasons why she found Ponyville such an appealing place to live. But if there was one thing about big cities and crowds that she enjoyed it was large markets they held. Heralding the price of her wares to ponies passing by her stand, the satisfaction of a sale, even haggling with a particularly stubborn costumer; it was a kind of excitement that was unparalleled, and she loved every second of it.

Applejack quivered in anticipation. This was what she lived for; well, this and bucking apples of course. She couldn't wait. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself to enter the chaos of the square. However, no sooner had she taken a single step that she was blinded by a clump of mud that that landed right on her face without warning.

“What the…?” she exclaimed cleverly.

Applejack turned towards the source of the projectile, ready to tell off whoever had the nerve to fling it at her, only to see Roseluck struggling to get her own stand moving. It was stuck in a large mud puddle, and Roseluck herself was covered in the gooey substance from head to hoof. She was pushing the stand as hard as she could but to no avail. Roseluck decided to give it one last shove which caused her to slip and fall face first in the puddle.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!” she wailed in frustration. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes while she looked at the stand dejectedly.

“Need a hoof there?”

Roseluck turned around and saw Applejack smiling weakly at her.

“Huh?” asked Rose.

Applejack couldn’t her help but grin at Roseluck’s intelligent rebuttal. “Yer stand.” The cowpony pointed towards the aforementioned stand, which was slowly sinking deeper into the mud. “If Y’all want ah can buck that sucker right outta there for you lickity split.”

“Oh, uh…” Roseluck was unsure. On the one hoof, Applejack was the most reliable pony in town; but on the other hoof, she was afraid that Applejack’s kick could damage the flimsy wooden structure. Roseluck looked at her stand, and then back at Applejack. She was reluctant, but what other choice did she have?

“Sure,” she muttered. At that moment she noticed that Applejack’s face seemed to be smeared with mud. It didn't take long for her to connect the dots.

“Oh my gosh Applejack, your face is covered in mud! Did I do that? I am so sorry.”

Applejack shook her head and smiled. “Don’t y’all worry 'bout it, this aint even close to as bad as the pig wrasslin’ contest at the Canterlot rodeo last year.”

At the mention of pig wrestling, Roseluck tried, and failed, to suppress a grimace which Applejack was more than happy to ignore. She gingerly made her way towards Roseluck’s stand an examined it for a few seconds before swinging around and giving it a controlled but firm buck. It instantly rolled out of the puddle and back onto a dryer part of the street.

Applejack looked at the stand and smiled smugly. She once again turned to face Rose who stared at the orange cowpony as if she had just saved her life.

“Thank you very much Applejack! If it wasn’t for you, I might’ve had to wait until next week to sell my flowers.”

“Don’t mention it,” replied Applejack modestly. “T’werent nothin’”.

Roseluck made her way towards her stand and pulled out a large sunflower

“Here, to show you my thanks, I’d like to give this to you on the house.”

“Ah appreciate the offer Rose, but ah couldn’t take that without payin’.”

“Please, it’s the least I can do after you helped me,” insisted Roseluck as she placed the sunflower in Applejack’s hoof.

“Well, that’s mighty kind uh you.” Applejack wasted no time in popping the yellow flower into her mouth, and began chewing enthusiastically. The sunflower seeds gave a satisfying *crunch* as the cowpony enjoyed her treat.

“mmmmmmmm,” She groaned in satisfaction

“Glad to see you like it,” chuckled Rose. “I’ll see you later tonight okay.”

“seemf yaph,” said Applejack between bites. When she was done eating she began to once again haul her produce towards the market.

Yup, today’s gonna be a good day.

By the time Applejack decided to go get some lunch she had sold all of the apple pastries that Granny Smith and Apple Bloom had baked the night before, and most of the apples without a hitch. A few of her friends had even stopped by to chat. Big Macintosh had showed up a few hours after Applejack arrived to help her out, and decided to stay at the stall to sell the remaining produce.

Applejack made her way towards Ponyville’s library to discuss that night’s plans with Twilight. The studious unicorn was supposed to be organizing the evening’s events, and Applejack wanted to make sure that everything was going according to plan.

As she walked through the town’s streets she began to hear a strange noise.

She lifted her head to try and see were the sound was coming from, only to be blinded by a bright white light. As she shielded her eyes in vain, something heavy fell on her and knocked her breath out.

Applejack rolled whatever it was off her and got a good look at the strange object. She had never seen anything like it. It was completely covered in ash and appeared to be twitching slightly.

Applejack cautiously brought her face forward to get a closer look. A pair of yellow eyes popped open and startled the orange earth pony.

“Gah!” she exclaimed as she reared back from the black creature. Applejack starred back at it until its eyes started looking in different directions. “Ditzy Doo, is that you? You nearly gave me a heart-attack!”

“Oh, my bad Applejack,” replied the mailmare sheepishly. “You know how lightning can be.”

Applejack helped Ditzy up, “It's okay, just surprised me is all. Don’t y’all worry about it none Miss Doo.”

“Please, call me Derpy,” replied the gray mailmare. “That’s what my friends call me.”

Applejack snickered. She couldn’t help but find the nickname a little ridiculous. “Sure thing Derpy”

“Oh, hey! I heard that tonight’s party is going to at yo-“ Before Derpy could finish, she was interrupted by an apple being violently shoved into her mouth.

“Are you crazy!?” whispered Applejack fiercely, her eyes wide with fear. “What if she heard you?”

Derpy spit the apple out of her mouth and looked at Applejack with puzzled expression. “Come on Applejack, don’t you think your acting a little paranoid?”

Applejack wasn’t listening. She kept glancing around their surroundings nervously, her eyes occasionally hovering over an overturned bucket or bush.

Derpy just shrugged and started heading on her way. “Ah well. See you Applejack, and sorry about your hat!”

Applejack instantly stopped examining a particularly suspicious bale of hay. “Mah hat?” She pulled her father’s old cowpony hat from her head, and started inspecting it for anything out of the ordinary. Sure enough, the brim was slightly torn along the front. While to the average pony this little tear would be less than noticeable, to Applejack it was as if her very soul had been ripped. This was her hat, and it was as much a part of her identity as her cutie-mark, maybe more so. Her eyes began to get moist as she stared at the damage done to her late father’s hat.

Twilight’ll have to wait.

Small beads of sweat trickled down Rarity’s forehead. Her tongue stuck out slightly in and uncharacteristically un-lady like manner but she barely noticed.

She was too preoccupied to notice.

All of her concentration was being exhausted on one task, one essential task. She was in the zone. She had to be, it was by far one of the most important and taxing things she'd ever had to do in her life. This was what all those years of training and working as a dressmaker had prepared her for. THIS. WAS. IT.

Rarity’s horn glowed as she added the finishing touches to her latest masterpiece. Careful Rarity, careful. This is the piece de résistance, and you mustn’t ruin it, she thought nervously.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she levitated a crimson ribbon and gently placed it on top of her creation. “Done,” she sighed in relief. She began to admire her latest creation. Everything was perfect; there was not an element out of place. She was hypnotized by its stunning beauty; it was unlike anything she had ever seen. Her pupils dilated as she basked in its magnificence. Its splendor would be sung of in ballads for generations to come. All would flock from far and wide to admire its mesmerizing artistry. Angels could only dream to some day match even a fraction of its grace and elegance. In short, it looked marvelous.

Indeed, it was the most marvelous looking box in all of Equestria.

A knock at her door snapped Rarity back to reality. Before answering, she levitated her masterpiece and delicately stored it in her closet. “Just a minute~” she sang and made her way towards the entrance of the boutique. She was surprised to find a distraught Applejack on the other side of her front door, and could immediately tell that something was amiss.

“Hello Applejack, what’s the matter?” she asked, somewhat worried.

“Rare, somethin’ terrible’s happened.”

“Oh no!” Rarity instantly began to think of all of the things that could fall under the category of terrible, and her mind locked on one possibility. “Darling, does she know?” Rarity emphasized the word 'she' with a glance to a nearby sponge basket.

“No, this is worse!”

“Applejack!” Rarity gasped. “Please don’t tell me that this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!”

“It is!” Applejack wailed, no longer able to contain her sorrow. “It’s… It’s…”

Rarity leaned towards Applejack, and held her breath in anticipation.

“It’s mah hat!”


“Mah hat Rarity. It’s broken” explained Applejack, tears starting to run down her cheeks. “I’ve had mah hat ever since mah daddy passed away and now it’s torn.” She stared at her hooves, ashamed by what had happened. “It was the last connection I had to mah father and now it’s gone”.

Rarity was about to tell Applejack off for scaring her, but upon seeing her friend's expression decided against it. She stared at the orange earth pony and felt her heart wrench. She had no idea of the sentimental value the hat possessed for her friend, and had simply assumed it was a crude fashion statement.

Rarity gently lifted Applejack’s chin with her hoof and gave her a small smile. “All right Applejack, let me take a look”

Applejack nodded weakly and handed Rarity her most prized position. Rarity began examining the headwear, twisting and turning the cowpony hat as it levitated with the aid of her magic. It only took the dressmaker a few seconds to find the small tear in the hat’s brim. Rarity couldn’t believe her eyes; from the way Applejack was acting it was as if the darn thing had burst into flames, but this little tear was practically nothing. And I’m the drama queen? Rarity glanced back towards Applejack, who was looking at her with pleading eyes, and smiled.

“Don’t worry Applejack; I’ll be able to fix this.”

Applejack sniffed and looked uncertain. “You will?”

“Of course darling, have you ever doubted me?”

Applejack decided not to mention that time at Twilight’s slumber party and instead beamed at her friend. “Thanks Rare, you have no idea how much this means tah me.”

Rarity made her way towards her sewing machine, her flank brushing against Applejack's side as she did so.

"Now it will only take a moment to- Applejack are you alright? You seem a little flushed."

"Oh, it's cuz ah've been out in the market all day and... you know... sun and all" Applejack chuckled nervously. Rarity just shrugged, and turned back to the matter at hoof.

After a few minutes of Rarity working her magic (literally), Applejack’s hat was good as new. Rarity said as much as she handed it back to its rightful owner.

“Nice job, Rare. Now that ah think about it ah was makin’ a big deal outta nothin’” Applejack laughed as she wiped her cheeks. “So how much do ah owe you?”

Rarity looked shocked at the orange mare. “Applejack! How could you even think I would charge you for this?” she scolded. “You are one of my best friends, and there is no way I would expect money from you.”

“Are you sur-“ Applejack was cut off by Rarity, who place her hoof on the orange ponies lips to silence her.

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life,” she replied. “Now come, we have to prepare for tonight's events; and by the way, you really shouldn't work outside for too long dear, even with your hat. You're cheeks seem redder than before. Now we better hurry, I don't think we have much time to spare.”
Applejack glanced at the clock hanging from Rarity’s wall.

Gettin’ here must have taken longer than ah thought, mused the farmer bashfully.

“Sure thang Rare. I was gonna talk to Twi 'bout borrowin’ the new Daring Doo book, but ah guess we’ll have tah meet her at mah barn tonight.” Applejack made her way out of the boutique with Rarity in tow.

“I’m sure she’s at your barn this very moment getting everything ready. Besides, Dash probably took that book from Twilight days ago.”

The two mares shared a laugh. The cyan Pegasus had practically become addicted to the popular book series, putting off everything from napping to weather management in order to sate her unending lust for Daring Do adventures. Eventually, after particularly nasty storm that went unchecked, the Mayor had to step in and tell her to get her act together.

Rarity and Applejack made their way to Sweet Apple Acres at a brisk pace, chatting about their plans for that night. Applejack had wanted to bring her stand back with them, but Rarity had insisted that she leave it at the boutique for the night. While Applejack had adamantly argued against the idea, she was secretly relieved that she wouldn’t have to drag it all the way back to the farm. Ah guess ah’m more tired than ah thought.

“Hey Applejack! Rarity!”

Both mares looked around to try and find the source of the voice. They both looked towards the sky simultaneously and, spotted a multi colored blur speeding strait towards them at a break-neck speed. Rainbow Dash, they both thought as the Pegasus slowed down and descended right in front of them.

“Where the hay have you guys been!?” yelled Rainbow Dash, visibly annoyed. “We’ve been working our butts off at your barn since lunch, and you two are here strolling! Twilight’s even been there since morning!”

Applejack narrowed her eyes and marched straight up to Rainbow Dash. “And what do you think we’ve been doin’ all day!” she snorted. “Ah’ve been workin’ all mornin’ sellin’ apples; tryin’ tah make a livin’. Not that you would know anythin’ ‘bout hard work now would you?”

Rainbow Dash glared at Applejack, ready to charge. “What’s that supposed to mean!” she snorted between gritted teeth.

Applejack pressed her face against Rainbows, all the while without breaking eye contact with the cyan pegasus. “Ah think y'all know what ah mean.”

Neither one of them said another word, simply choosing to glare at one another, pawing the ground whilst growling. Each was waiting for the other to make the first move, and it seemed that their confrontation would go on for quite some time if not for an impatient unicorn, who had gotten tired of the entire affair.

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash yelped in surprise as they were pulled away from one another by Rarity’s magic. The unicorn glared at both mares like a mother who had just caught her children trying to steal cookies from the pantry. “I cannot believe you two” she scolded. “You’ve been together for less than ten seconds and you’re already about to start a hoof fight."

“She started it!” complained Rainbow Dash.

“Ah started! Why you-“

“I don’t care who started it, I’m finishing it!” yelled the exasperated dressmaker. “Now I want you two to apologize to each other this instant.”

Both mares started to protesting before cowering under a glare from Rarity that could give Fluttershy’s infamous ‘Stare’ a run for its money.

Rainbow looked over towards Applejack and muttered a barely audible “sorry.”
Applejack replied with an equally enthusiastic “me too… er… whatever.”

“There. Isn’t it wonderful when we can solve our problems like civilized ponies?” Rarity asked cheerfully only to get a couple of annoyed grunts in response. She chose to ignore these before starting to make her way towards the farm again.

Rainbow and Applejack slowly got up and sullenly followed her, occasionally glaring at each other. After a few minutes of silently marching towards Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow looked over towards Applejack as an idea suddenly popped into her head. She grinned malevolently as the cowpony continued grumbling to herself.

“Hey Applejack?”


“Raceyoutothebarn!” shouted the cyan pegasus right before blasting off towards the Apple family barn.

“Why that little…” muttered Applejack before galloping after the blue mare as fast as she could.

Rarity simply stared at the two and sighed.

They’re like children.

When Rarity finally arrived to the farm and entered the barn, her jaw hit the floor. Her eyes were the size of platters as she inspected the scene in front of her. The spacious room looked like a candy factory had just exploded in it. Red licorice hung from the roof’s beamers like edible streamers. The floor was littered with bubble-gum, caramel, gum drops, chocolate bars and other assorted treats. To her right she spotted the largest chocolate fountain she had ever seen.

From the top of the fountain flowed the darkest, purest of chocolate; the center of the fountain was spewing liquidized, white chocolate, and both came together and mixed in a pool and the bottom which was inundated with regular, melted, milk chocolate. However, it was not the chocolate fountain, but what lay next to it, that truly astounded Rarity. For next to the fountain there lay a massive king-sized bed composed of thousands of fluffy white marshmallows... which itself was lying on top of another flattened, giant marshmallow. Oh my! Rarity thought as she stared at the sea of puffy white treats, her mouth beginning to water. She would never admit this to anypony due to the amount of teasing she would receive as a result of her appearance, but Rarity loved marshmallows.

She managed to tear her eyes away from 'Marshmallow Mountain', as she decided to dub it, and turned her attention towards the center of the barn. There in the very middle of the red structure was a cupcake the size of a small cart surrounded by hundreds of other, regular sized cupcakes. The only reason that it could be considered a cupcake and not just a regular cake was because, like its smaller counterparts, it too was incased in a pink wrapper. On top of said cupcake stood a life sized statue of a pony made completely out of cotton candy.

Rarity spent two minutes gawking at the cupcake in awe before being snapped out of her shock by a sharp shriek. She made her way around the gargantuan baked good and spotted a disheveled Twilight who looked like she had long since lost her grip on her sanity. Next to her was Spike, who was cowering away from the purple unicorn in fear.

“No no no no no noooooooooo!” screeched Twilight in frustration. “The lollypops on the walls have to be pointing towards the entrance at a sixty degree angle, not a fifty degree angle!

“B-but Twilight” stuttered Spike.

“Not buts Spike, everything. Has. To. Be. Perfect!”

To emphasize this point Twilight’s eye twitched and her hair became an even greater tangled mess, something which Rarity had thought impossible.

Well, this has gone on long enough.

“Ooooh Twiiiiiliiiiight~”

Twilight turned around to face Rarity, her left eye twitching the entire time. “Listen darling, with all due respect, maybe you… should…”

Rarity trailed off as Twilight slowly made her way towards the dressmaker with a sickly grin on her face. She came within inches of Rarity’s muzzle before whispering in a deranged tone “Yeeeeessssss?”

“Uh… well… you see…” Rarity gulped, her courage completely drained by the crazy mare right in front of her. Dear Celestia, she’s completely mad!

Rarity chuckled nervously

“Well d-darling. Um… maybe you should take a teeny, tiny, miniscule… break”

Twilight’s pupils shrunk to the point where they were no longer visible. She stared at Rarity for a full minute, effectively unnerving her friend even more than she already had.

“Break?” she muttered. “BREAK!?!”

Twilight began hyperventilating as her gaze continued to pierce the unicorn in front of her.

“Are you insane?” she asked; the irony completely lost on her. “The clock is ticking Rarity and everything has to be perfect! Do you know what will happen if even one tiny little thing goes wrong?” Just as Rarity was about to answer, Twilight began ranting again. “It’ll all be ruined and I’ll have to leave Ponyville forever or face the shame! Do you want that? Huh? Do you? DO YO-“


Rarity was shocked to see Twilight’s eyes roll back into her head. The purple unicorn slumped and fell onto the ground with a loud *thump*. Rarity looked down at her friend and found a comically large bump protruding from the back of Twilight’s head. When she glanced up to find the source of said bump she saw Spike standing over the unconscious mare clutching a dented frying pan in one of his claws and a solemn expression on his face.

“Spike! How could you?”

“It needed to be done” replied the dragon flatly, something which Rarity was not used to due to his well-know, secret, crush on her, which usually caused him to address her in the sweetest of tones; not the somber voice he had now. Rarity glanced down at Twilight and sighed. “Is she going to be all right at least?”

“Sure, this isn’t the first time I’ve had to do that, you know? She’s just been a little stressed lately cuz we got a new shipment of books we had to catalogue. She’ll be fine.”

“Very well, what do we do with her then?”

Spike shrugged. “She should wake up in fifteen minutes, give or take. I guess we could chuck her there while we wait.” He pointed towards a pile of hay in the corner of the barn. After gently chucking Twilight, Rarity turned to Spike.

“Right, now what’s left?”


Rarity stared at Spike in confusion. “Nothing? Are you sure?”

“All that’s left is to get everypony here and wait."

“Well then what was all that fuss Twilight was making?”

Spike sighed, “Rarity, I don’t know whether you heard or not, but Twilight was freaking out over the correct angles of lollypops. Lollypops! You know, as in something nopony has, does, or will ever care about.”

“Erm… Good point.” Wait, am I forgetting something? “Spike… where’s Applejack and Rainbow Dash?”

Spike pointed to a corner of the barn were the two aforementioned mares were currently locked in a hoof wrestling contest.

“They’ve been like that for the past half hour.”

“Oookaaayyyy… then what about Fluttershy?”

“She’s with you-know-who, and she’s gonna bring her here at around six o’clock.” Spike stated matter-of-factly.

“But what abou-“

“I’m gonna get everypony in about twenty minutes.”

“Huh? Well I guess everything is ready the-“ Rarity’s eyes widened as she was suddenly struck by a sickening realization. My present! I can’t believe I forgot the present! Now it was Rarity's turn to hyperventilate. Rarity you foolish mare, how could you forget it? You’re the element of generosity for Celestia’s sake!

Spike noticed that something was wrong and began to get worried. “Uh Rarity, are you okay?”

“No Spike, I’m not all right.” she replied. “I’ve just realized that I’ve forgotten my present.”

“Oh.” said Spike, unsure with what the big deal was. “You know, I could pick it up for you while I’m getting everypo-“ Spike was unable to finish, as he was quickly scooped up in a pair of white legs and subjected to a crushing hug.

“Thankyouthankuouthankuouthankyou.” gasped Rarity. She then proceeded to give the purple dragon a long kiss on his right cheek.

“Haz uh wha ge guaaa willlll opa lve.” gibbered Spike, who shortly after stumbled out the door.

Rarity giggled as the infatuated dragon left. She another look at the barn and smiled. Tonight’s going to be marvelous.

Forty-five minutes later the barn was abuzz with hushed voices from almost a hundred ponies. Practically all of Ponyville was there, and those that couldn’t fit inside the big red structure were hiding behind it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had long since finished their contest, with the latter perched on a cloud over the barn keeping her eyes out on the horizon. Twilight had woken up with an agonizing headache that was not helped by all of the noise, and Rarity was desperately trying to keep ponies away from Marshmallow Mountain.

How much longer? thought Twilight while she massaged her temples hoping to Celestia that it wouldn't be long. Her prayer was soon answered as Rainbow Dash flew through the barn doors and told everypony to hide.

The lights were immediately extinguished and a hush descended on the crowd. The tension in the room was so thick one could cut it with a butter knife. Eventually, two figures stepped through the entrance of the barn, their features hidden by the darkness.


Needless to say, the crowd’s roar caught both ponies by surprise. One of the two, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, was cowering behind the other, a pink earth pony whose mane was blown back by the sheer force of the shout. Twilight stepped forward to greet the newcomers.

“Happy birthday, Pinkie!” she exclaimed excitedly. “The girls and I organized this party just for you, and look, the whole town is here.” she said, gesturing to the crowd.

Pinkie Pie just stared in shock. This had not been the first time she had been thrown a surprise party by her friends, as last year, after suffering a teeny, tiny, major nervous breakdown, her friends had organized a smaller, more personal get-together in the same barn. But this… this was spectacular! The party pony began shaking uncontrollably before shooting through the ceiling like a rocket. A few seconds later she descended and gave her closest friends a group hug.

“Girls I… I don’t know what to say” whispered the energetic mare who, for once, was at a loss for words.

“Aw, there ain’t nothin’ tah say sugercube. It was actually all Fluttershy’s idea.”

Fluttershy simply squeaked in response.

“Well what are we waiting for?" shouted Pinkie Pie. "Let’s party!”

The crowd cheered in response and, as if on cue, a white coated unicorn with purple shades began playing music. Pinkie bounced towards the dance floor, elated. She was wearing a smile that seemed to cover ninety percent of her face.

She was so happy, that she didn’t even notice her tail beginning to twitch slightly.