• Published 30th Jan 2014
  • 3,142 Views, 59 Comments

Megaman Starforce: Friendship is magic - Brony117

The year is 220X...Extraterrestrial life has been discovered...but there has been an accident...and earth had been invaded...only one person can stop the invasion...his name...is Megaman!

  • ...

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Boss Battle: Taurus Fire

With no time to prepare, Taurus Fire shoulder charged Geo, Causing him to fly back several feet. Forcing himself to get up, despite the pain, Geo fired a few shot from his buster. It caused some damage, but it wasn’t enough.

Taurus Fire shoulder charged again at Geo. But before he could make contact, Geo drew a battlecard to even the odds.

“Battlecard: Air spread!”

Firing the Air spread stopped Taurus Fire in the middle of his attack, causing him to be temporarily stunned.

Bonus Card: Wide sword.

Earning a bonus card, Geo swigged the wide sword on Taurus Fire, causing him to fly back a few feet and dealing more damage.

“Grrr!!! No more fooling around! Taurus flame!”

Taurus Fire Stood back up, took deep breath and blew fire at his opponent.

Seeing this made Twilight shout.

“Geo bring your arms up!”

With no time to think, Geo brought his arms up as he was covered in Taurus Fire’s flames. As the flames died, Geo was inside a purple barrier that protected him.

“Woah! What is this?” Said Geo.

“It’s a barrier,” Said Twilight. “It’s what protected you from the flames. When you block, the barrier will appear and protect you from any attack.”

Suddenly, Taurus Fire punched through Geo’s barrier and send him a few feet away.

“Well…almost anything…”

Geo stood back up and readied himself again.

“Ow…Warn me quicker next time!”


Geo drew his next battle card.

“Battlecard: Cannon x3!”


With the combine of 3 cannon shots, it caused more damage on Taurus Fire.

“Grrr!!! You’re starting to get on my nerves!”

“Geez! He’s tough!” Said Geo. As he drew more battle cards.

“Battlecard: Sword x2!”

With both swords on his arms, Geo charged at Taurus Fire head on and slashed much as he could on him.

Taurus Fire blocked Geo’s attacks with his arms, but it still hurt him with every strike.

With every attack hurting him, Taurus Fire shouted.


With one last strike, Taurus Fire punched one of Geo’s swords, which shattered into pieces, grabbed him, and began to squeeze him with in his hands.

Geo screamed in pain as he struggled to escape from Taurus Fire’s grasps.

“GEO!!!” shouted Twilight as she witness the situation in horror as she couldn’t do anything.

Applejack appeared next to Taurus Fire, laughing at Geo’s pain.

“Hahaha!!! That’s right! Scream! Scream as you die slowly!!!”

Twilight appeared next to Geo, and begged.

“Applejack, stop please! Let him go!”

“Then tell me where is the element! Tell me where it is, and Ah’ll let him go!”

Twilight had no choice, she couldn’t risk Geo’s life she has to reveal the location of the element, she had to-

“Twilight don’t!” Geo screamed. “Remember what you said, believe in you! I believe you won’t give up that easily! I believe we can get through this! I believe-“

“Ah heard enough, Taurus Fire, finish him!”

With that said, Taurus Fire began squeezing harder. Causing Geo to scream louder.


“NO!!!” Twilight shouted.

Seeing this caused Applejack to laugh.

“Heheheh! Hahaha! HAHAHA!!!!!”

Being crushed, Geo couldn’t breath. He tired to escape from Taurus Fire’s grip, but he couldn’t escape! His vision was beginning to blur, and then, darkness was all he could see.

Darkness, that’s all Geo could see. He wondered if that’s what the afterlife felt like when you die…



Geo looked around to see his father, but he couldn’t see a thing.

“Geo, open your eyes son!”

”Dad…where are you!?”

“Don’t worry about me, worry about the situation that’s going on right now! Open your eyes!”

“Dad! Don’t go!”

“I’m sorry Geo, but my time here is limited.”


“Good bye, Geo…”

“Dad! DAAAAAAAD!!!!”

Opening his eyes, Geo found himself still in the grasps of Taurus Fire.

When all of a sudden, Geo felt a rush of power with in him! His eyes glowed white, and his body was surrounded in a purple aura! Geo then grabbed Taurus Fire’s hands, and released a wave of energy, sending Taurus several feet away.

Seeing this shocked Twilight and Applejack.

“WHAT!? NO! THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!!” shouted Applejack.

“Geo…this power…this…this is my magic!” Said Twilight.

Freed from Taurus Fire’s grasps, Geo raised his buster and charged it.

Seeing Geo readying his weapon, Taurus Fire shoulder charged straight at him.

Geo stood there, still charging his weapon.

“No!” Shouted Applejack. “Ah won’t give you the chance to attack!”

Applejack ran towards Geo to stop him from shooting.

“Applejack no!” shouted Twilight as she ran after her.

Getting closer and closer, Taurus Fire, was ready to finish this fight once and for all! The same goes for Applejack running faster than Twilight as the unicorn was still behind her, trying to catch up to her.

At the same time, Applejack and Taurus Fire made it towards Geo and about to stop his attack.


The buster fired.


The busters blast fired a huge blast that blew away both Applejack and Taurus Fire.

Screaming in pain, Applejack and Taurus Fire couldn’t do anything as they felt the pain of the blast, knowing they lost.

As the blast ended, Applejack laid on the ground unconscious. Next to her was bud, back to normal, free from Applejack’s control and miraculously unharmed.

With all that energy wasted on the buster, Geo fell onto his knees breathing heavily, wondering where all that energy came from.

He then saw Twilight running towards him.



“Geo! Are you alright!?” said Twilight with concern.

“I…I think so…but…that power…what was that?”

“Believe it or not, the power you felt was no other than magic!”

Hearing this shocked Geo.

“Wait, what!? Magic!? I used magic!? But…But how!?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll worry about that later. Right now, we have a problem to deal with.”

Twilight then turned to the unconscious Applejack and the three children.

“Bud, Zack, Luna!” shouted Geo.

“Go ahead and check up on them, I’ll check up on Applejack.”

“Applejack!? Why would you-“


“Alright! Alright! Just be careful.”

Geo walked towards the trio and check to see if they are alright, while Twilight checked on Applejack.

Twilight walked towards Applejack to see if she’s ok, and wanted to know what caused her to become hostile. As soon as she got close, Applejack’s necklace disappeared in a flash.

“It’s gone! But how?”

“Twi-Twilight…?” said Applejack as she slightly opened her eyes.


Applejack didn’t respond back as she fell back into unconsciousness.

“Applejack, what has happened to you?”


Hearing her name, Twilight turned around to see Geo walking up to her.

“Geo, everything alright?”

“Yeah, the others fine, especially Bud.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Yeah, but still...how did they here?”

“My only guess is that when Bud transformed, part of Applejacks energy must’ve spread to Luna and Zack. But don’t worry, they’ll be back to the real world soon.”

“Good, all we have to do wait right?”

“It seems that way, as soon as they return, Applejack is coming with us.”

Hearing this shocked Geo.

“What!? Why would you-“

“GEO! Just…trust me. Please?”

Geo didn’t say a word as he couldn’t believe Twilight was about to bring an equestrian that tired to kill him into his transer! He wanted to yell at her, but then he realized Applejack was her best friend, she was really shocked who was chasing her the entire time since she arrived. He decided to let it slide for now, for he had a bigger problem to worry about.

“…Alright, I trust you. But there’s something I want to know.”

“What is it?” said Twilight as she knew where this conversation was going.

“Applejack said something about ‘the element.' What is it?”

“(I knew it…) *Sigh* I guess you could say its one if their most precious treasured items, something that should stay out of their hoofs.”

“If you have it then, then that means the other equestrians will come after us!”

“Yes” Said Twilight with regret. “I sorry I dragged you into this. If the equestrians take ‘the element’ away from us, it’s all over for earth! We have to protect it!”

Geo said nothing as he took in all this information.

“Your not in this alone Twilight,” said Geo as he broke the silence. “What’s going on right now sounds like an invasion to me. It’s true you dragged me into this, but all I want to know is what happened to my dad.”


“I know

about your promise and I want you to keep it. But after all this is done, I want to know what happened to my dad. No tricks, no lies, and no more keeping me in the dark!”

“Geo…Alright! I understand, after all this is over I promise to tell you everything.”

“Then we are in a agreement, what’s the plan?”

“Well, we’ll the equestrians again eventually, so we need to prepare. We got very luck this time, all because you used magic, my magic.”

“Does than mean I need to train?”



“Nagh…w-where…where am I…Bud?”

Geo turned around to see Luna barely awake. He then ran towards her while Twilight grabbed Applejack and when inside Geo’s transer.

Next to her, Geo gently raised Luna’s head.

“Hey, hey, take it easy. Don’t move.”

“Bud…where’s Bud?”

“He’s fine, Bud’s back to normal.”

“Did…did you save us from that monster?”

“I did, and don’t worry it’s gone.”

“Really…? Who…who are you?”

“Um…well…uh…m-my name uh…(Twilight, help me out here!)”

(“Why me?”

(“I can’t tell her my name! If I did, I don’t know what would happen!”)

(“Ok let me think…Magic man?”)

(“What? NO!”

(“Sparkle man?”)


(“Then what do you suggest!?”)


Suddenly, Geo remembered something a long time ago.”

“Hey dad, what is that on your desk?”

“Hm? Oh this? Well Geo, this old thing is called a ‘PET’. Which stands for ‘Personal Terminal’, basically it’s the same ones we have called transers, but only better.”

“What’s the difffrence?”

“Good question! Both the PET, and the transer can access the net, act as a phone, and can store memory information. But there’s a difference, The PET carried a program called a ‘Net Navi’. A Net Navi can act as a “Navigator’ to help you access almost anything, the transer however, can let you do it by yourself with out the help of a Net Navi!”

“Really? Is there a Net Navi in the PET?”

“*Sigh* Not anymore kiddo, The Net Navi out lived its use. It was very special to my great grandfather, believe it or not this thing is at least a hundred years old!”

“Woah…what was the name of the navi?”

“Its name…its name was…”


Geo looked at Luna and gave her his new name.

“My name is Megaman!”

With that said, ‘Megaman’ Laid Luna’s head down and pulsed out.

“Megaman…?” said Luna as she closed her eyes and passed out.

“Wake up you lazy bums! Wake up!”



“Come on you two, get up!”

Bud and Zack stood from the ground wondering what happened.

“Bud…?” said Luna.”

“Prez…?...What…what happened?”

“Your…your Bud right? Our Bud?”

“Of course I’m Bud, why wouldn’t be?”

“I felt like I was in a nightmare…you transformed into a monster…”

“A monster?”

Suddenly, Bud remembered what happened, he talked to a mysterious figure that promised him power. But the price was the control of his body and he witnessed the horror what it did.

“Prez…I…I’m sorry! I didn’t know that weird thing was going to turn me into a monster…and the property being destroyed…was me…all because of you told me you’d cut off our brotherband…that’s why I gave myself turning into a monster because of the thing told me it will give me the strength to prevent me from being alone…”


“Now you know the truth behind everything…so if your going to turn me in do it! I deserve it…”

Hearing Bud’s words hurt Luna, would she turn Bud in for the property damage he’s caused? Or would she forgive him?

She made her decision .



“I want you to meet me and Zack outside in front of the school, 6:30 AM Sharp! We have a lot of work to do if were going to clean the damage you caused! Don’t be late or I’ll make you regret it!

“Prez…does that mean-“

*Sigh* I swear, having you as a brother makes my life harder than it needs to be. Oh, and one more thing. Use your strength in this group, after all you are the strongest in the group.”


Zack spoke to Bud.

“Isn’t that great Bud? You can stay in the group!”


A few feet away from the trio, Geo stood there witnessing what he saw.

“It seems Bud telling the truth to the others has set him free from the loneliness he suffered a long time ago before he met them, with others accompanying you and lending their support, you can break that loneliness and free yourself from make the mistakes you will regret alone.”

“What?” said Twilight as she couldn’t believe the wise words Geo spoke.

“N-Never mind,” said Geo as he shook his head.” What matters most is that everything is back to normal.”

“Yes…But not everything. Our fight with the equestrians has just begun, and we have to stop them!”

“Do you think we can? I mean we’re facing an entire planet. You’re planet!”

“I don’t know, but we have to fight back for the safety of your world and or else innocent bystanders will get hurt.”

“…You’re right, we can’t let that happen!”

“And we won’t! We’ll stop them, Together!”

“Yeah, together!”

To be continued…