• Published 30th Jan 2014
  • 3,143 Views, 59 Comments

Megaman Starforce: Friendship is magic - Brony117

The year is 220X...Extraterrestrial life has been discovered...but there has been an accident...and earth had been invaded...only one person can stop the invasion...his name...is Megaman!

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

3 days later. Geo’s living room, night time.

“And for tonight’s news, a mail box in Echo Ridge was completely destroyed in the hours of morning today. Recently, there have been other incidents. From bicycles, roses, mail boxes, as well as wear houses are being destroyed across the town. And what’s strange is that they all have one common. They are colored red! The satella police are investigating weather these incidents are related.”

“A rash of incidents? That’s not good.” Said Geo as he ate a bowl of cereal.

“It sure doesn’t sound good.” Said Twilight as she also ate a bowl of cereal. “All that matters is that no one was hurt.”

“Yeah…hey Twilight, you don’t think it’s the equestrians that are behind this is it?”

“I doubt it, these incidents doesn’t sound like them. Red bicycles, roses, red were houses, and red mail boxes, very suspicious…”

“Yeah…anyway, let’s go to the vista point…tonight’s going to be clear for the stars to shine.”

Twilight smiled and replied back.

“Sounds good, it’s been awhile since I’ve star gazed”

Geo rose from the couch as Twilight went in to his transer and left the house.


As Geo exited the house.


“Geo, what’s wrong?” said Twilight with worry in her voice.

“You’re not going to believe me but, I…I sense something.”

“You sense something? As in, something is going to happen?”

“Something like that…”



“It’s probably nothing, must be your imagination.”

“Yeah…must be…” said Geo as he hoped Twilight was right.

(“Some imagination ,”) Thought Twilight. (“How is it that Geo could sense anything? We only merged a few times…I wonder...”)

After a while of walking towards the vista point, Geo and Twilight entered the park, sat on a bench and looked at the stars.


“Twilight…” said Geo as he broke the silence. “About my dad…can you tell me anything more about him? Like, is he safe? Is he alright?”

“I don’t know Geo…I don’t think it’s the right time and place to discuss about that.”

Geo then shouted.

“At least tell me something!”

Twilight knew she couldn’t keep things in the dark, she knew how much Geo cared about his father. Perhaps she could tell him at least some information about what happened.

“…Well, what happened was-“

“Well, well, well look who it is. What are you doing at a time like this? Geo Stelar?”

Hearing voices, Twilight quickly entered Geo’s transer as he turned around to see where the voice came from.

“Ugh…not you…”

“What’s with the face?” said Luna. “Anyway, someone like you all by himself at this time at night looks suspicious. Are you the one causing all the trouble around town?”

“What!? It’s not me! Why would you think that?” said Geo.

“Relax, just joking. You don’t have to get so worked up. You don’t look like the type who could cause all that damage, even though you beaten Bud the last time.”

“Bud? Is he ok?”

“Bud is doing fine.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Yeah. Anyway, gotta go. Me and the boys are patrolling the area to search for the culprit.”

“Patrolling the area for the culprit? Are you sure you three can handle it?”

“Of course we can! I’ll do what ever it takes to keep my town safe!”


“What do you think? Want to join us?”

“Sorry, not interested.”

Knowing it Geo was going say that, Luna decided to let it slide.

For now.

“Alright then, don’t stay out too late. Who knows what dangers are out there for they may find you, instead you finding them. Oh! And come to school!”

With that said she left.

“*Phew* Talking to her made me tired. Time to head home.

Leaving from the park, Geo walked towards home ready to head to bed.



Geo turned around to see a green truck pull up in front of him, and a familiar voice was heard from it.

“Well,well we meet again…”

“That voice…”

From the truck came out Luna, Zack, and Bud.

“So what do you think?” said Luna. “Nice truck huh? I’ll give you a ride if you want!”

“I’m ok,” said Geo. “I rather walk. Anyway…”

Geo looked at Bud and said.

“I’m really sorry about what happened the other day! I don’t know what came over me!”

Bud didn’t reply back as he stood there staring at Geo.

“Well, see ya!”

Geo then walked away leaving the trio alone.

“That Geo has some nerve turning down another invitation just like that!” said Luna. “He’s going to be in trouble with a capital ‘T’ the next time we meet! Just you wait Geo, I’m going to find a way to get you to school. Some way, somehow!”

“Uh Prez,” said Zack. “it’s time to go.”

“*Sigh*Fine, lets go.

Luna and Zack went back into the truck while Bud still stood in front of it.


“What’s wrong Bud?” said a voice from Bud’s transer. “Isn’t this the perfect moment to get revenge? You can get back at him for beating you easily by showing the Prez your powers!”

“Show Prez…my powers…?”

“Yes…your powers…”

“Bud come on!” Shouted Luna. Get in here and drive!”

Bud slowly raised his arm and shouted.


A flash of light surrounded the area, blinding Luna and Zach.

As the light died, a huge figure appeared from the light wearing very heavy armor colored red, with flames bursting out of its elbows, and long bull horns coming out of its head. Making it look like a Taurus like creature.


“AAAAAAAAAH!!! MONSTER!!!” Screamed Luna.

Suddenly the ‘monster’ disappeared.

“Its… Its gone…” said Zach.



“Huh? Z-Zack…A-Are you using the driving card?”

“N-No! Bud does!!!”


Halfway home, Geo was about to cross the street.


*Beep* *Beep*


Geo turned around to see a familiar green truck, coming at him fast.

Very fast.

Getting closer and closer!

Geo then ran fast as he could from the truck.


A voice came from the truck, it was Luna.

“Hey! Can you hear me!? This isn’t me doing the driving!!! Its Bud! He transformed into some kind of monster and took posses of the truck!!!”

Zack’s voice was also heard.

“Gah! The controls won’t respond, not even my transer can’t do it!”

Geo continued to run.

*Huff* Huff* Transformed into a monster!? Twilight!”

“I knew it! That pawn was just a decoy to cover the equestrians presence! That boy Bud, he fused with the equestrian and took ever the trucks comp.!”

“Yeah I kinda figured that part out! The part where Bud fused with the equestrian actually!”

“Right! But can you at least run faster!”

“I can’t run any faster! But most importantly, why is he chasing me!?”

“Maybe its because punched him three days ago!”

“Hey! That was all on you! You took over my arm and punched him!”

“Doesn’t matter now! Just run! We have to come up with a plan to fight that equestrian!”

“I would’ve come up with a plan if there wasn’t a truck trying to run me over!!!”

“Then we need to find a place to hide, pulse in and stop that truck!”


Geo wore his visualizer and looked around for a wavehole.

After a while of searching

“Found one!”

Without another word, Geo rolled towards the wavehole, making the truck miss it’s target.


Wave road-Echo Ridge.

Pulsed in, Geo took in large deep breaths.

“*Huff* *Huff* What now?”

“We’ve got to get inside the truck’s comp. and stop that equestrian that’s causing this mess!” said Twilight, “When the truck passes under us, jump!”

“Got it!”

Geo prepared himself.

“Here it comes…jump!”

Coming at high speed, the truck passed underneath the wave road Geo is at.

Until it passed the second he was about to jump.


“…Uh Geo?” Said Twilight.

“Yes Twilight?” said Geo.

“You missed the truck!!!”

“I know I know! I can’t jump onto something very fast!”

“*Sigh* Then we have no choice but to stop it with force. (“If only my magic was strong enough…”) Perhaps the magic buster or a battle card should be enough to stop it.”

“W-Wait a sec! If we do that we’ll hurt the others!”

Then what do you suggest? Cause an accident that will be enough to stop the truck?”

“An accident…? I got it!”

“Ah! What are we going to do! What are we going to do!” Shouted Luna.

“I don’t know! I don’t know!” Shouted Zack.

Suddenly, something caught Luna’s attention.

“Huh? Uh…Zack? Why’s there a car a few feet away from us?”


Zack saw the car a few feet away from them.

“Gah!!! Where going to crash into it! There’s nothing we can do about it!”

Both Luna and Zack screamed as the truck got closer and closer the car and-


Car comp.

“Nice work Geo!” Said Twiilight. “Using the car from this morning to stop the truck is one way to cause an accident!”

“Yeah, I figured it was the only way to stop it.” Said Geo. “Plus I hate to be the person to explain their insurance company how their car is wrecked.”

“Can’t imagine how.”

“Still, I hope the others are ok.”

“I’m sure they are, right now we have to stop that equestrian!”

“Alright, lets go!”

Truck comp.

After transporting out of the car comp. and into the truck comp. Twilight spoke.

“This frequency…there’s only one equestrian here. But whose is it? It’s very familiar…we need to venture further, come on!”

“Twilight wait!” Said Geo. “What’s the rush!? Why is this equestrian so important!?”

“I don’t know! We just need to look for it!”

“Ok! Ok! If this equestrian is so important, we’ll look for it.”

Twilight smiled and said.

“Thank you, I’m sorry I am acting this. Its just…I need to know who’s chasing me.”

“I understand, lets go!”

“Heh, alright!”

“Uh…Wha-What happened?” said Luna opened her eyes and saw herself in a place she did not recognize.



“Zack? W-Where are we?”

“Your guess is good as mine?”

Luna turned around and saw ‘Bud’ standing a few feet away from her and Zack, controlling a steering wheel with a screen on top.

She shouted.

“Bud!!! What were you thinking of bringing me and Zack to a place like this!?”

“Grrrr!!! I’m gonna crush that jerk, Geo! I’ll show him who’s the strongest! And then I’ll show you Prez, that I’m not worthless as you think!!! Grrr!!! Where is he!?”

“Strongest? Worthless? Crush Geo? What are you talking about?”

Bud didn’t respond as he continued his search.

“Hey! Aren’t you even listening!? Bud!?”

Suddenly, a figure appeared from nowhere.

Both Luna and Zack took a step back.

“Whoa!” Shouted Zack. “Wha-What is that!”

“Hehehe, stop wasting yer time and breath! You’re friend Bud here is under my control!”

”What!?” Shouted Luna. “You…You changed him like this? Why!? Change him back now!”

“Ah don’t think so! You see, there’s a reason he’s like this. Ah found him all by himself, sayin things about being alone. So Ah gave him the power to prevent than from happenin! And you Prez, are responsible for the situation he’s in!”

Hearing this shocked Luna.

“What!? I caused him to become like this!? But how? Unless…I said that I would cut our brother band! But, I didn’t mean to-“

“Grrr!!! You talk too much! Ah don’t care what you say! Ah won’t change him back! And it’s time for you to take a nap! Both of you! Hahaha!”

A flash of light appeared from nowhere and blinded both Luna and Zach, making them slip into unconsciousness.

“Hehehe! Now since that’s out of the way, back to business.”

The mysterious figured turned around to continue its work.

Until a bright light flash behind it. The figure turned around to see another figure in blue armor.

“Huh? Who in the pits of tartarus are you!?”

“It can’t be…”

Twilight appeared from Geo’s transer, and spoke the figure.

“It’s you!? You’re the ones chasing me!? No…No! No! It can’t be!”

“Twilight, do you know this equestrian?” Said Geo.

The equestrian’s appearance is very similar to Twilight, except it had no horn. Its coat was bright orange, green colored eyes, 3 dotted freckles on its cheeks, blond hair and tail, a brown cowboy hat on it’s head, and the symbol of 3 red colored apples on its flank. But what’s strange is that it has a golden necklace around it’s neck with the symbol of an orange apple.

“Yes,” said Twilight. “and her name is AppleJack.”

“Well, well, well,” Said Applejack. “Twilight Sparkle…What a surprise to see you here.”

“Yeah, a real surprise to see you here too. But if you’re here, then that means-“

“The others are on their way here! So far, Ah am the only pony here who made it to this planet! By the way…”

Applejack pointed to Geo.

“That human, did you posses him because it was the only way to stop me?”

“No, he chose to transform when his town was almost attacked by viruses. ‘Your viruses.’”

“Oops.” Said Applejack playfully. “Speakin of humans, have you seen my human? Bud!”

Hearing his name, Bud turned around and walked towards to Applejack.

Seeing Bud in his EM wave form, Geo was Shocked.

‘Wha!? Th-That’s Bud!?”

Geo took a step back, seeing this made Applejack laugh.

“Hahaha! Eeyup! You picked a real good human to merge Twi! As you can see, my host is much stronger, faster, and taller than yours!”

Twilight shouted back.

It doesn’t matter who my host is! I will stop you!”

“Hey Twilight,” said Geo. “You never told me how you met Applejack.”

“You never told him how we met?” Said Applejack. “Why Twilight, that hurts my feelins. Is that how you treat somepony without telling them that Ah, am one of yer best ‘friends’?”

“Friends? You mean you’re with her!?”

Twilight didn’t respond back.

“Wait, she said one of your best friends…then that means-“

“She’s one the friends that disappeared…” Said Twilight.

”But she’s right here, right in front of us! You should be happy!”

“Not when she’s causing trouble! And she did disappear! The Applejack I knew was my friend! My sister…”

“Touchin…Real touchin…but too bad Ah am going to have to cut this moment short, because ah am here for one reason. ‘The element’ where is it!”

Hearing this shocked Twilight.

“The element!? You really are trying to invade this planet!”

“That’s right! The king demands it! And you know why! Using Bud’s body was the only was to lure you to me! Bud! Or should I say…Taurus Fire! Destroy them!!!”

With that said, Applejack merged back with Taurus Fire and readied to battle.


“He’s coming!” Shouted Twilight. “Get ready Geo!”

“I…I can’t! I just can’t!”

“What!? Why!?”

“How am I supposed to fight him at all! I know the lessons but-“

“But what!?”

“You heard what Applejack said! Bud is stronger, faster, and perhaps tougher than me!”

“Geo, Don’t believe what Applejack says! It may be true that Bud is Stronger than you, but your better than to think that way! You can’t let anyone push you around! Believe you can do it, believe in the abilities you’ve been gifted, believe in me!”

Hearing Twilights words surprised Geo, could he really beat Bud in his new form with her help? Could he defeat him and save him from Applejack?

“Twilight…Alright! I can do it! I believe you! Let’s go!!!”

Geo readied himself as he faced Bud, now named Taurus Fire, in a battle to save Echo Ridge.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Hey Guys I'm Back! I am very sorry for the year late chapter, I've been very busy with my Assassins Creed Fanfic because everyone was telling me to keep updating it. but now I'm taking a break from that fic, and working on this one for a while. don't know how long but I'll work on this for long as I can because my other fanfic is popular. so enjoy this chapter as I type down the other chapter. would've been longer but decided to keep you guys in a cliffhanger. Oh how evil am I. HAHAHA! Anyway I hoped you still followed this fic for quite some time hope you guys give me some more time to work on it. Until then see ya!