• Published 28th Jan 2014
  • 3,049 Views, 88 Comments

The Spears of Chaos: Wrath of Screwball - Discorded SheepcityUSA

A cult of Discord worshipers learn of his reforming, and are disgusted with their god. Now they obey another spiritual deity...None other than Discord's spawn, Screwball...and she plans on finishing what her Daddy Discord won't.

  • ...

Back to the Library

The Mane 6 and Discord were heading back to Twilight’s Library to try and find a way to defeat Screwball, and they were all talking to each other nervously…all except for Twilight and Discord.

Twilight was seething with anger and didn’t seem to feel like talking to anypony at the moment. That little brat had done the one thing that Twilight could not stand more than anything, and that was to insult her intelligence. If she had her way, that monster would be on an all-expense-paid trip to the deepest depths of Tartarus.

Discord however, looked pretty depressed, and for once in his life, wasn’t able to enjoy the ensuing Chaos that plagued the town around him. Nopony, I shit you not, NOPONY had ever called him boring in his entire, long-ass life before about an hour ago. And by his own daughter no less!

"I'm not boring am I Fluttershy?" he asked, sounding pretty torn up.

Fluttershy shook her head.

"Discord, don't ever say that. Screwball is just a little filly having a tantrum; I don't think she really meant that." she said, trying to make him feel a little better.

Discord gave a warm smile to his friend.

“What exactly are we supposed to do now? Can’t Discord just discipline his kid?” Rainbow Dash suggested.

Discord teleported in front of Dash in a white light.

“Have you ever tried grounding a Chaos Demon spawn? It’s a nightmare I tell you!” he said, now wearing a brown fedora and a clawed glove over his lion’s paw.

'Well, he sure got over that quickly' Fluttershy thought to herself

Once the ponies and the Chaos God reached the library, they noticed that one of them wasn’t present.

“Uhh, has anyone seen Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

Not far behind them, the party pony could be seen chasing down a giant cupcake that had sprouted hooves across the soap-covered streets of Ponyville.


“PINKIE!” Everypony yelled in unison

Upon hearing her friends, a bewildered look appeared on Pinkie’s face.

“Huh? Wha-AAAAAHH” Pinkie screamed as she slipped on the soap and tumbled toward the library, landing right at Twilight’s hooves. She looked up at her friend and gave a sheepish grin, which resulted in a facehoof.

Twilight opened the door with her magic…only to find the library in shambles. There were books everywhere, furniture was busted, and Spike lay on the floor covered in bruises.

“OH MY GOSH! SPIKE!” she screamed upon seeing the condition of her assistant. She ran to his side to try and help him get up.

“Twilight…uuugh.” He mumbled.

“Can you stand up?” she asked.

Spike managed to get on his feet, but not without letting out a groan and cringing in pain.

Discord once again teleported, and took a look at what was left of the library.

“Yeesh, what a dump.” He said.

Upon seeing that, he received a death glare from the ponies.

“Oh, I mean uhh…the dragon isn’t hurt is he?” he asked.

“Spike, what happened here?” Fluttershy asked.

“There were these unicorns wearing black hoods. They came in here tearing everything apart. It looked like they were looking for something. I fought them off the best I could but-“ Spike was interrupted by a raging Rarity.


Everypony stared at Rarity, shocked by her sudden outburst.

“…Remind me not to tick her off.” Discord whispered to Applejack.

About a half-hour had passed since the Mane 6 had come upon the wrecked library. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were helping Twilight fix everything, Pinkie was looking over the checklist that Twilight always seemed to have on her person, and Fluttershy was tending to Spike’s injuries, with a bit of help from Discord, who had supplied kiddie bandages that had images of his face on them. They both explained that the cloaked unicorns were members of the Spears of Chaos.

“Well that’s all fine and dandy, but remind me again why Discord is here.” Spike said.

“His daughter Screwball is leading the Spears of Chaos, and I suppose he feels obliged to help dethrone her.” Fluttershy explained.

Spike shook his head, processing what she said.

“Wait, what?! You have a daughter?!” Spike asked.

Discord nodded.

“Yup. Buuuut it looks like she’s hit that whole “I’m a badass rebel that’s gonna replace my old man as the Spirit of Chaos” phase.” Discord replied.

Spike scratched the top of his head.

“Woah. Never pegged you for the type to have a wife and kid and stuff.”

Discord laughed.

“Wait, you seriously-Hahahahaha! Are you kidding? I made Screwball using my unlimited amount of Chaotic power. Nopony can tie down ol’ Discord!” he said, proudly pounding his chest with his lion hand.

Discord then came to a sudden realization.

“Wait, I just added more fuel to the shipping fire didn’t I?...DAMN IT!” Discord yelled at the readers.

Spike and Fluttershy looked at each other with confused expressions, but shrugged it off as Discord being Discord.

Meanwhile downstairs, Twilight and her friends had managed to fix the library up for the most part, and she managed to organize all the books back on the shelves.

“Umm…Twilight.” Pinkie said nervously, which was pretty out of her usual, bubbly attitude.

“What is it Pinkie?” She asked.

Pinkie hesitated for a minute.

“Ya alright there sugarcube? You look like ya’ll saw a ghost or somethin’.” Applejack said.

“Well, one of the books is missing.” Pinkie said.

Twilight facehooved.

“Oh that’s just great. I’ll bet those Chaos jerks took it just to get under my skin.” Twilight groaned.

“Ummm. I think it may be a little more serious than that.” Pinkie mumbled.

“Well don’t keep us in the dark darling, which one was it?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie handed the list to Twilight, who looked over the whole thing. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw which one was missing.

“Oh that is so not good.” She whispered…

Amid the absolute insanity of Ponyville’s Chaos, Screwball sat upon her horned throne that once belonged to her father. She sat there with an evil grin, petting a pink pony that looked like it was some sort of big ball of fur with a dopey expression on it’s face. Screwball looked at her masterpiece of a world and giggled.

“Hehehehehe. I just love my artistic vision, don’t you Fluffles?” she asked the pony, which responded by sticking it’s tongue out and zooming around her throne like some sort of car.

“Uhhh…alright?” Screwball said in confusion.

She proceeded to conjure a juice box. She sucked on the straw, which sucked all of the color out of the box and into her mouth, causing the juice box to turn grey. She looked at it for a second after drinking it, and then proceeded to throw it behind her. A large explosion could be heard in the distance.

“That joke never seems to get old.” Screwball said.

At that moment, one of the cloaked unicorns approached Screwball’s throne and bowed before her. He was holding a book with his magic.

“Lady Screwball. I come bearing something that may aid in your takeover.” The stallion said.

Screwball raised an eyebrow.

“Well spit it out then! If you know something that can help cause more of this glorious Chaos of mine, you’ve GOT to tell me!” she squealed, sounding rather excited.

“Of course, my liege.” He said, flipping to a very specific page in the book and handed it to her. Screwball took the book in her hooves and read the contents of it’s pages.

“Hmmm...The Al-i-corn…Amulet? “This ancient artifact blesses the user with untold power, and none other than it’s user can remove it once it is around it’s hosts neck…” Screwball read.

Her insane smile grew wider upon the book’s revelation, and she started laughing.

“Hehehehe. Ooooh yes. Mamma want…” She said menacingly...

Author's Note:

Oh crap. Screwball knows about the Alicorn Amulet now...This shit storm is gonna turn into a shit HURRICANE when she gets her hooves on that thing.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the chapter. See you all next time. :D