• Published 28th Jan 2014
  • 3,050 Views, 88 Comments

The Spears of Chaos: Wrath of Screwball - Discorded SheepcityUSA

A cult of Discord worshipers learn of his reforming, and are disgusted with their god. Now they obey another spiritual deity...None other than Discord's spawn, Screwball...and she plans on finishing what her Daddy Discord won't.

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The Chaos Tornado Touches Down

The once-peaceful Ponyville had been turned into an absolute jumbled mess of craziness after Sweet Apple Acres had turned to Chaos. The same, cotton-candy clouds filled the sky, sending a giant storm of chocolate milk across the town, the sun had been turned into a giant disco ball, and many of the animals had turned into vicious and muscular thug versions of themselves.

After seeing what this blizzard of crazy was doing to the town, Princess Twilight Sparkle desperately tried to find her friends to help fix everything.

“I thought Discord wasn’t gonna do this again. I can’t say I’m surprised, but what made him go berserk all of a sudden?” Twilight mumbled.

“Twilight, you’re talking about a spirit of uncontrollable Chaos here. It only makes sense that he’d do something like this.” Responded Spike, who had been walking beside her the entire time.

Twilight’s train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a ton of different instruments being played at the same time. She looked in the sound’s direction to see Pinkie Pie playing an excessive amount of loud instruments, leading a parade of Parasprites away from Ponyville. She led them out of the town’s entrance, getting far, far away…

“Oh, hi Twilight!” Pinkie exclaimed, somehow appearing directly behind Twilight, which made her jump back in shock. How is that possible? Because Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie.

“How’d you...uhh nevermind. Have you seen everypony else around Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie gave a very fast and energetic nod.

“Uh-huh! Rainbows up in the sky trying to get rid of these clouds, but I’m not sure why, I mean it’s chocolate rain for Celestia’s sake…just give me a second.” Pinkie said that all in one breath, ran under one of the clouds, and drank a large amount of the chocolate rain spewing from it. Twilight rolled her eyes at her friend’s sugar-crazed antics. Once Pinkie had had her fill, she ran back to her friend.

“Aaaaanyway, I also saw Applejack in town, grumbling something that didn’t sound very nice about Discord making a mess of her farm, and Rarity was being chased down by Parasprites, which you saw me just get outta town, and then I popped up behind you and was all “Hi Twilight!” and you got all scared and…”

“Okay Pinkie, we get it.” Spike interrupted.

Suddenly, a blue blur fell straight from the sky and slammed into the ground next to the ponies and dragon, kicking up a lot of dust.

“Hi Dashie!” Pinkie squealed.

Rainbow Dash looked a bit less enthusiastic though.

“Okay…OW! STUPID CANDY CLOUDS!” she yelled.

“Are you alright Rainbow?” she asked, sounding concerned.

Dash got up on her hind legs and stretched out her back, trying to get rid of the pain.

“I’m just fine. What I wanna know, is why Discord’s making everything go ape shit again!” Dash shouted.

Twilight and Pinkie nodded in unison.

“We’re trying to figure out the same thing. From the looks of it, Discord’s turned evil again.” Twilight said.

At that moment, Spike’s cheeks inflated, and he let out a large burp, followed by a flash of green fire, and a scroll.

Twilight picked it up with her magic, and scanned her eyeballs across the paper, quickly reading it.

“Princess Celestia needs us in Canterlot immediately. Rainbow, find Rarity and Applejack. Pinkie, get Fluttershy.” She said.

“Will do Twilight.” Rainbow said.

“Yeperooni!” Pinkie shouted.

Her friends darted off in different directions to find the other ponies.

“So, what’re you gonna do Twilight?” Spike asked.

An angry expression came across Twilight’s face.

“I’m gonna get Discord down here, and give him a piece of my mind!” Twilight yelled.

Twilight focused her magic, and her horn started to glow a light purple, the light becoming ever more bright by the second. After a few seconds of charging her magic, Twilight released it out in front of her, causing a giant flash of purple light, making Spike slightly squint his eyes, trying to block out the light.

A few more seconds passed, and the light disappeared, and in it’s place, Discord was seen headbanging, wearing a pair of earbuds, and playing an air guitar.

“Discord…” Twilight growled.

The Chaos God didn’t appear to hear her, as he was too occupied with his music.

“Discord…” she said again, raising her voice slightly, sounding annoyed.

Discord still paid the alicorn no mind, and continued to dance to his tunes.

Now Twilight was pissed.

She used her magic to rip the earbuds off of his head, and flew up to his head before he could react.

Discoooord!!!” She yelled right in his ear.

His eyes grew wider and his teeth had clenched in a way that looked incredibly uncomfortable upon hearing Twilight’s rather loud voice. Discord’s head then proceeded to explode. About a second later, a new head sprung out of his neck, and Discord twisted a lion finger in his ear, trying to recover his hearing.

“Yeesh. Give me a heart attack why don’t ya? If you needed to talk so badly, you could’ve just said so.” He grumbled.

Twilight wasn’t amused.

“Can it Discord. What’re you thinking turning Ponyville into all of this! Have you learned anything?!” She yelled.

Discord had a confused look on his face.

“Whatever are you talking abo-“ Discord was going to continue, but after taking a look around, he knew what she meant. All of Ponyville looked like something that only Discord could conjure up, especially a large flock of flying pigs floating overhead, and giant pillars of butter breaking out of the ground.

“Well this is unexpected…but I love it! I commend whatever mad genius did all of this!” Discord exclaimed, admiring the chaotic landscape.

“Stop playing dumb Discord! We know you’re the one behind this! Nopony else is demented enough to cause this much Chaos!” Spike yelled, pointing an accusing claw at the monster.

Discord chuckled a bit.

“Oh please Spikey Wikey. As much as I want to, I couldn’t possibly take credit for all of this. My dear friend Fluttershy had me reformed, remember? Honestly, would I lie to you?” He asked, with a halo appearing over his head and pinching Spike’s cheeks, much to his annoyance.

Twilight gave an unimpressed stare.

“Well that’s a tough one.” She said with obvious sarcasm in her voice.

“You must believe me Twilight, I wouldn’t dare think to do anything that would upset my bestest friends in all of Equestria…for the most part.” He said.

It looked weird to Twilight, but it looked like Discord was trying to actually be sincere…in his own, freaky, weird way.

Maybe he really didn’t do it.’ She thought to herself.

“Oh would you just look at all this wondrous Chaos. And for once, I actually am not taking punishment for it. I am loving every second of this chaotic masterpiece of a town!” Discord said, raising his head up to one of the pink clouds, poking a straw in it, and proceeding to suck the chocolate milk from it. When the contents were emptied into his mouth, Discord sucked the straw in as well. A second later, he burped up a flurry of butterflies.

'Of course, I’ve been wrong before.’ Twilight thought again.

“Alright. If you didn’t do this, then maybe you wouldn’t mind accompanying us to Canterlot to speak with the Princess about finding out who did.” Twilight said.

Discord frowned. Although he no longer felt the absolute gut need to plunge Equestria into eternal torment, he still wasn’t much of a fan of Celestia’s attitude, and tried to avoid Canterlot as much as possible.

“Awww. Do I have to? I’m having such fun here…uggh fine. I suppose that is what a friend would do.” Discord groaned.

“Good. But remember one thing here. I’m trusting you Discord. DON’T make me regret that.” Twilight responded rather menacingly.

Discord put a paw over his heart.

“You have my word Princess Twilight. I swear I won’t try anything funny.” Discord swore, now wearing a clown nose and multicolored wig.

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Oh right.” Discord said, snapping an eagle claw, causing the clown accessories to disappear.

Afterwards, Twilight, Spike, and Discord went to search for the rest of their friends. Unknown to them, a group of three black-cloaked ponies had observed the whole spectacle.

“Ugh. He’s worse than I thought.” One of them complained.

“Indeed. Truly pathetic.” Another said.

One of the figures, which appeared much smaller than the other two, preferred to stay silent. One of the stallions turned to the smaller pony.

“Lady Screwball. What do you suggest we do?” he asked.

The tiny pony removed her hood, which revealed her still-spinning beanie and her demented, purple eyes.

“Stay here and have a little bit of fun. I’ll keep an eye on daddy and the elements. After all, if I’m going to spread my pwecious Chaos, I have to make sure absolutely nopony can get in my path.” She said with a slight giggle, drinking the glass part of a cup of chocolate milk, and throwing the frozen-in-place milk at the ground engulfing the purple filly in a cloud of brown smoke. When it cleared out, she was gone.

The two stallions looked at each other and grinned with evil smiles.

“You heard the lady. Let’s get out there and enjoy the Chaos!” one of them screamed.

“Hail Screwball!” The other yelled.

A while later, the elements and Discord had arrived in Canterlot and where on their way into Princess Celestia’s throne room. There was sort of a tense feeling in the air between Discord and the ponies, and everypony noticed it and were walking rather slowly…well all except Pinkie Pie who still bounced around everywhere she went. At first, a few of the royal guards gave Discord some dirty looks, but that was put down almost immediately by an icy stare from Princess Twilight.

“Honestly, the nerve of some ponies. I’ve done nothing wrong.” Discord complained.

“And how’re we to believe ya? It’s not like you haven’t lied before.” Applejack said, looking at Discord suspiciously.

“I wouldn’t put it past you to do something so excessively insane to Ponyville.” Rarity said.

Discord’s ears lowered and he had an annoyed look on his face.

“Oh that hurt so very badly. And here I thought we were getting along so well Miss Rarity.” Discord said with fake, overdramatic despair in his voice.

Rarity narrowed her eyes.

“There are so many things I want to say to you right now…but being a proper lady, I can’t say them.” Rarity grumbled, swaying her mane out of her face.

“Oh for the love of…Fluttershy, you believe me don’t you?” he looked at his friend with a trembling lower lip and puppy-dog eyes.

“Of course I do. Now can everypony please stop blaming Discord for all of this? Everypony is innocent until proven guilty you know.” Fluttershy said to her friends.

Discord let out a relieved sigh and wiped a bit of sweat off of his forehead…which dripped to the ground and burned tiny holes in the floor.

“Fluttershy, Ponyville’s been turned to crazy-central! Who else is nuts enough to do something like that!?” Rainbow Dash asked with a bit of anger in her question.

“Umm, I don’t know…” Fluttershy said in her usual whisper.

The 7 slowly approached the doors to Celestia’s throne room, which were quite gigantic. It must take an awful lot of magic to open these things. One of the doors was enveloped in a yellow aura and slowly creaked open.

Upon entering the throne room, everypony present gasped at what they saw. Standing next to Princess Celestia was her younger sister, Princess Luna…who’s horn and mane happened to not be present on her head. The lack of a flowing mane that looked like it was made from the night sky, or no mane at all for that matter, made her look absolutely ridiculous.

“Umm…looking good Princess Luna.” Twilight said with a sheepish smile.

“Uhhh, indeed. It’s really umm…stunning.” Rarity said with that same fake grin.

“Yeah you look uhhh, real super de duper!” Pinkie said.

Discord on the other hoof didn’t even bother...

“Hahahahahahaahaha! I’m sorry. I-I just…I just…Bwahahahaahahaha!” Discord laughed really, really hard, floating in the air and holding his stomach.

Twilight face-hooved, and her friends did the same.

Luna’s ears lowered in annoyance, and her face grew into an irritated frown. Obviously, she didn’t find it as funny as Discord did.

“Discord, that’s enough” Celestia said calmly but sternly.

Discord wiped a tear from his eye with his eagle claw, gasping for oxygen.

“H-Hey. A-At least I didn’t lie like everypony else.” He said, still with a hint of laughter.

Celestia desperately tried to get the subject off of Luna’s lack of hair.

“So my little ponies, I’m sure that you’re quite aware of the ensuing Chaos in Ponyville right now.” Celestia said to her subjects.

Everypony nodded.

“Now before you go pointing any hooves, I’m going to point out, once again, that I am NOT responsible for it…as much as I want to be.” Discord said, assuming that Celestia was going to accuse him of causing it all.

“You don’t need to worry about that Discord. We know you are not responsible for it…or our-er…my current condition.” Luna said.

“WHAT?!” The elements yelled in unison, excluding Fluttershy, who doesn’t like to yell.

“Believe me, I was just as surprised as you are when Luna told me what happened. Care to clarify, Sister?” Celestia asked

Luna gave a reluctant nod.

“Very well. It is rather embarrassing, but it is relevant to the current situation.” Luna sighed.

The ponies all gathered around the alicorn sisters to listen, with Discord hovering above them sitting in a leather recliner and eating popcorn.

“Alright, so this is what happened-“

After spotting the Spears of Chaos in the garden reviving Screwball, Luna immediately flew down to their level to confront them.

HALT YOU TRAITOROUS SWINES! WE COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE WHILE THOU STILL HAS THY LEGS!” Luna shouted in the strongest Royal Canterlot Voice she could muster.

The four stallions jumped at the sound of Luna’s very loud way of speaking.

“Damn it! We’ve been detected!” One of them yelled.

Luna aimed her horn at the four unicorns, and started charging her magic. The ponies knew they were no match for the Princess of the Night, and were prepared to die at her hoof. Many more seconds went by, and the ground started to rumble from the intensity of the alicorn’s magic, and her eyes were glowing a deathly white. Screwball looked between the Princess and her rescuers. She didn’t look very afraid for somepony staring death right in the face. The unicorns however, were petrified. They quietly awaited their fate, waiting for Luna’s magic to strike them down…

But nothing ever came.

Instead, they heard the sound of somepony chewing. They opened their eyes to look at Screwball, who appeared to be eating something that was a mix of dark black and purple on what looked like a stick.

Luna was surprised that her magic wasn’t working, but what she saw in Screwball’s hoof shocked her even more, and she felt an unusually cold breeze on her head.

“I-Is t-that…my MANE?!” She yelled.

Screwball stopped chewing for a moment to answer.

“Mmph. Maybe.” The filly answered with her mouth full.

Upon closer inspection, Luna could see that the cone she was eating her mane off of, was in fact, her horn. That would explain why her magic wasn’t working.

The stallions saw what Screwball did to Luna, and desperately tried to keep their intimidating composure, trying not to laugh at how ridiculous she looked without a mane. One of them took the opportunity to use their magic to levitate one of the nearby statues, and throw it over the alicorn, pinning her to the ground. Luna tried to push the stone figure off, but to no avail.

“Nice work, Miss Screwball on saving our flanks. If you don’t mind, could you please come with us? We have very much to discuss.” One of the stallions hissed.

Screwball, who was still eating Luna’s mane, shrugged.

“Whatever, freaky. You guys really shouldn’t dress so depressing though. It looks boring.” Luna heard Screwball say as they galloped out of the gardens to Celestia knows where.

Afterwards, Luna had lost consciousness…

“The guards had heard my Royal Canterlot Voice and came to my aid, but that little abomination still has my horn.” Luna said, ending her explanation.

“Whoa whoa whoa, hold up. So let me see if I got this straight. These Spears of Chaos guys resurrected a demon spawn specializing in Chaos, you tried to stop them but the demon pony used her powers to steal your horn and eat your mane?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

Luna’s face turned red in embarrassment and she nodded sadly.

“So now we have those terrorists running around wherever they please, and their new master causing Chaos all over Equestria.” Celestia said.

“Y-You mean it isn’t just Ponyville?” Fluttershy asked.

Celestia shook her head.

“Unfortunately, no. We’ve gotten reports that several other cities all over the kingdom are under siege with the same problems. Las Pegasus, Manehatten, Appleosa, EVERYWHERE is infested with Chaos.” Celestia answered.

Everypony in the room whispered nervously to each other, shocked at what the Princess had told them.

Surprisingly, the only one who remained speechless…was Discord.

Author's Note:

Get ready everypony...There be a shit storm a' comin.