• Published 6th Jan 2014
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The SweetieMash Chronicles - Justice3442

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

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Chapter 6: Seeing Red

The SweetieMash Chronicles

Chapter 6: Seeing Red


Once again, Button Mash exited the red schoolhouse into a bright, warm, Ponyville day. His propeller beanie spun rapidly in the breezeless afternoon. He trotted down the familiar steps, his saddlebags jumping up and down slightly as he ascended unto the worn path leading from the school.

“Gee, it sure is boring around here,” he announced as he stretched his arms to the sky and rolled his eyes. He returned to standing on all fours and looked about as if expecting a response.

“Hey…psst…” Button said, leaning over towards a plump, grey colt with tussled dark brown hair, and a fork and knife cutie mark.

“Uh, yeah?” the colt replied.

“Could you say, ‘My boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for’?” Button asked.

“Oh… uh… alright… My boy, this peace…”

“No, you need to really pronounce the ‘oi’ in boi,” Button Mash insisted.

“Erm…My boi,” the grey colt began again, “this peace is what…” He paused, “Line?”

“…all true warriors strive for,” Button Mash informed.

“…all true warriors strive for,” the colt finished.

Button gave a smile and a satisfied nod. “I wonder what Sweetie Belle is up to!” he said. Button stood patiently and scanned the horizon.

“…Am I supposed to say something here?” the grey colt asked.

“No, a wizard on a flying carpet is supposed to show up,” Button replied.

“Uh…why would a wizard on a flying carpet show up?”

“Because Sweetie Belle and her minions have seized the island of Horsodai.”

“…Why would Sweetie Belle do that? Does she even have minions?”

Button scrunched his brow together and thought about this, tapping a forehoof against his chin. “Huh…I guess she probably didn’t seize the island of Horsodai. Oh well, guess it’s my heroic duty to go look for her!” Button declared enthusiastically. He turned to the grey colt and nodded, “Thanks, you’ve been a big help.”

“Uh…sure,” the colt replied with a perplexed look as Button happily continued on his way.

Button sauntered down the path, and once again began scanning his surroundings for Sweetie Belle. He grinned wide as he spied the white filly and her two friends chatting enthusiastically with each other next to a house.

A happy grin on his face, the brown colt approached the group. Target Acquired… Stay on target… Stay on target…

“Hey girls, what’s…”


Button’s eyes shot open wide. Abort! Abort!

The three fillies raised their forehooves high together and quickly lowered them back to the ground.

“Alright girls,” Scootaloo said, “let’s head out to the hospital and each grab an armful of medical waste.”

“Ya know… this doesn’t exactly sound very hygienic… or safe…” Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, “We’ll be wearing rubber socks, d’uh.”

“Oh… right!” Apple Bloom replied, satisfied.

“Hey, did either of you hear Button Mash just now?” Sweetie Belle asked as her ear twitched and she scanned the area.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchanged grins and looked back at Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle, you’ve got that colt on the brain,” Scootaloo said with wide grin.

The white unicorn crinkled her brow at the orange pegasus. “I do not!” she insisted squeakily.

“It’s no big deal,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah mean, we like Button, too…”

“Well, not as much as Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo corrected.

“Well, of course not!” Apple Bloom agreed.

“I don’t like him!” Sweetie Belle insisted.

From around the corner of a building, a set of brown ears perked up, the conversation suddenly rather relevant to the listener’s interest.

“…I mean… ” Sweetie Belle continued, “I do like him, but… I don’t like, like him…”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged glances once more and looked back at Sweetie Belle.

“Come on, you at least, like, like him,” Scootaloo insisted, “whenever we try to do something not Cutie Mark Crusader related you try to see if he can come along.”

“Yeah, and yer always going over to visit and play those video games of his,” Apple Bloom added.

“Well… ” Sweetie Belle trailed off and glanced to her side, “we are really good friends…” she insisted as redness began to seep into her cheeks like drops of red food coloring added to two glasses of milk.

“No, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo said, “us three, we’re really good friends.”

Apple Bloom nodded her head up in down in agreement.

Scootaloo pointed an orange hoof at the Sweetie Belle, “You and Button Mash are at least a level above that.”

“Now if ya said you didn’t like, like, like him, that’d be a whole ‘nother story.” Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo turned towards Apple Bloom, “Now that I wouldn’t have questioned.” She returned her attention to Sweetie Belle, “You gotta be more honest with yourself, I mean, it’s pretty obvious Button Mash like, likes you…”

Sweetie Belle stopped pretending there was something interesting to behind and to the left of her and looked back at her friends. “Do you… do you really think so?” she asked, her cheeks now a nearly luminescent shade of red.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo pursed their lips and scrunched their brows slightly.

“Yer serious?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo sighed, “She’s serious…”

“Sweetie Belle, Button goes out lookin’ fer you almost everyday after school!” Apple Bloom said.

“Yeah, and he invites you over to play games with him on the weekends!” Scootaloo added.

From his hiding spot, Button paused and thought about the fillies words. Wait…That means I like, like Sweetie Belle? Because I like to hang out with her? I mean… okay… I do try to see her everyday and see if mom will let me have her over for dinner…

“Well…I mean…” Sweetie Belle began, “he invites you two, as well…”

“Yeah, if we’re there,” Scootaloo pointed out. “He doesn’t go looking for us!”

Button Mash continued his thinking. …and I guess I really like playing video games with her. But that’s just because she’s getting good and I get this warm, fuzzy feeling whenever I look over at her and see her concentrating as she stares at the screen…and…

Button’s eyes suddenly went wide and his pupils expanded into the newfound space. …oh…

“Uh…erm…” Sweetie Belle searched for something else to say as her brain tried desperately to sort out Buttons potential feelings for her as well as her own for him, “well… his mom likes having me over, and…”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and sighed, “Alright, have it your way, live in your palace made out of lies. Just remember that lies don’t stack.”

“They don’t?” Sweetie Belle replied.

Scootaloo shook her head. “No, lies are all…misshapen… and like…bulgy and stuff…” she explained as she held her forehooves up and attempted to mime odd shapes using them.

Button Mash continued to sit around the corner from the three fillies, contemplating his newly discovered feelings. I guess… I guess I just go up to her and tell her how I feel? I mean, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom seem to think she like, likes me, and they’re pretty on the ball.

“Wait… so lies are like… round?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“No, they’re more like a bulbousy, oblong shape,” Scootaloo explained.

Button nodded to himself satisfactorily and smiled. Alright, I’m going to walk right up there and tell Sweetie Belle how I feel.

“Uh, girls?” Apple Bloom said. “Ah think we’re losing focus.”

Button Mash turned, and trotted out from around the house.

“You're right,” Scootaloo said, “That medical waste isn’t going to gather itself up.”

The three turned at the sound of soft rustling and looked out into open space near the corner of the house.

Button pushed his saddlebag clad back against the house and held his breath as his nervous eyes peered towards the home’s corner. He began to slowly slide his body away from the three fillies. Alright Button, you can do this, you’re just like Solid Snake… you know… except he’s part snake.

“Huh, thought Ah heard somethin’…” Apple Bloom muttered.

“I thought I saw something…” Sweetie Belle said. “Something…brown?”

“Oh my GOSH, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she threw her forehooves towards Sweetie Belle. “Just tell Button how you feel after we’re done crusading. I’m sure there’ll be enough time tonight to get in some video games and smooching!”

“I’m not going to smooch Button Mash!” Sweetie Belle shrieked. Redness suddenly returned to her face as she sheepishly stared at the ground, “You know…unless he smooches me first…”

Apple Bloom started giggling, a small rolling laughter that quickly increased in volume.

Scootaloo looked at her white unicorn friend and smirked, “And we just hit like, like, like!”

Having successfully shimmied his body to the other end of the house, Button dropped to all fours and trotted away. I guess I can tell Sweetie Belle how I feel when they’re done crusading… I mean… assuming she doesn’t need to be quarantined or anything like that…

Button paused, and stared out into open space, completely lost in thought. Wait… what if she gets infected with something serious?! What if she turns into a zombie!? Button’s ears flopped down and his eyes began to fill up with tears, “Sniff… I’m not… I’m not sure I can take out Sweetie Belle! Even if she was a zombie… Button suddenly held his head up high and stared out resolutely. No! I won’t let that happen! I’ll stop Sweetie Belle from becoming a zombie and keep her safe from any undead that cross our path!

Button turned and broke into a gallop, “Hang on, Sweetie Belle! I’ll save yo-OOF!”



Button Mash’s attempt at heroics was caught short as the oblivious colt ran headlong into two, young earth ponies. One was pink with wavy-purple hair that had a white stripe through it, the other was dark grey with lighter grey hair tied up in a braid.

“Watch it, geek!” Diamond Tiara hissed as she picked herself off the ground, dusting dirt off her pink fur.

“Uhg, that idiot knocked off my glasses!” Silver Spoon said as she, too, rose to her hooves and dusted herself off.

“Ooops… Sorry,” Button said. He peered out in front of him and noticed a pair of blue framed glasses. He leaned forward and lightly gripped one of the tips with his teeth, stood up, and offered the pair to Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon shot a glare at the brown colt and snatched the glasses in her forehooves. “Thanks duffus, now they have your spit on them,” she said as she rubbed the tip of her glasses against her forearm.

Button puffed his lower lip out, “I’m really sorry…”

Diamond Tiara adjusted her tiara, lowered her eyelids slightly, and focused her eyes on Button’s beanie, “What the heck is up with that dorky hat?”

Silver Spoon put her glasses on and joined her friend in squinting at the hat, “Yeah… how the heck is that thing spinning?”

Button glanced up at his hat. “Oh this? Yeah, I don’t know how it does that…” he admitted.

“I meant, ‘why is it so lame?’” Diamond Tiara said.

Silver Spoon tittered, “It is pretty goofy looking. I can’t believe anypony would be dumb enough to think that looked good.”

Button’s bottom lip began to quiver.

“Hey! I know this kid,” Diamond Tiara stated, “he’s that weird colt that’s always playing those beeping things and hangs out with the blank flanks.”

“Oh yeah…” Silver Spoon said. She craned her neck and looked at Button’s side, “No wonder, he’s a blank flank, too.”

Button’s eyes began to dart back and forth between the two fillies as his eyes filled with water.

“I’m surprised he’s not with them now,” Silver Spoon mused.

Diamond Tiara narrowed her eyes at Button and grinned wickedly, “Maybe they got sick of him, and told him to buzz off. I mean, you can hardly blame them…”

“No…sniff…” Button said weakly as he fought back tears, “they’re all my friends…” They like me, right? I mean, they invite me to play with them…

“Wow, a blank flank that isn’t even good enough for the rest of those blank flanks,” Silver Spoon said her smile suddenly mirroring her friends, “I think we found a new level of pathetic here.”

“What are you, their charity case?” Diamond Tiara asked as she cocked her head to the side and widened her grin. “Do those three think they’ll get pity cutie marks if they let you hang around with you long enough?”

“But… but Sweetie Belle…” They’re not just hanging out with me because they feel sorry for me! Right? RIGHT?!ehehh …ehh heeeHuaaaaHuaaaa…

His fashion attacked, his friendships called into question, Button began to cry and wail as tears streamed down his face.

“Oh my gosh!” Diamond Tiara said as she held a forehoof up to her mouth and glanced at Silver Spoon. “He’s actually crying!”

“What a loser, oh my gosh!” Silver Spoon said.

The two fillies looked at each other and exchanged malevolent grins.

“Blank flank! Blank flank! Blank flank!” They chanted, tormenting the brown colt as Button continued to cry.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes shot open wide as her ears stood straight up.

“Uh oh…do you two hear that?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ah’d know that tortured sobbin’ anywhere, that’s Button Mash,” Apple Bloom said.

The three fillies turned and looked down the path they had begun to trot down on the way to the hospital and spotted the crying colt and his two tormentors.

“Looks like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon found themselves another victim,” Scootaloo said.

“We have to help him!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “We can’t jus’ leave him to be bullied by them.”

“Well, d’uh!” Scootaloo replied. “Right, Sweetie Belle…? Sweetie Belle?”

If Sweetie Belle heard her friend, she made no sign that she did. Too far… Too far… She stared out at the scene in front of her, her eyelids slowly drifting downwards as her emerald eyes darted from the two bulling fillies, then to the bawling brown colt, then back to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The left side of her lips pulled up to reveal teeth clenched as hard as the young filly could manage. Her pupils shrank to pinpricks framed by her angry eyelids as she focused a glare of red hot rage on her targets.

It’s ON now!

The white unicorn let out a high pitched, blood curdling shriek, leaned her head down, and charged down the path.

Author's Note:

Readers of The Wheel and the Butterfly may have noticed I reused something here. This is probably a case of SweetieMash influencing the other, actually...

Also, now I an't get this song stuck out of my head: