• Published 6th Jan 2014
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The SweetieMash Chronicles - Justice3442

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

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Chapter 12: Rebuild: You can (not) make amends

The SweetieMash Chronicles

Chapter 12: Rebuild: You can (not) make amends

“Now why the hay would Ah taste like apples?!” Apple Bloom cried.

“Well, I mean… it’s in your name…” Scootaloo replied.

“That don’t mean it’s how I’m flavored! Why do you keep even bringing this up?”

“…I’m hungry.”

“Oh for Celestia’s sake… HEEEEEELLLLPPP!” Apple Bloom shouted.

OUCH! Stop it!” Scootaloo said. “I’m sure they’ll come looking for us soon.”

“If they haven’t all been dragged away, ya mean!”

“It’ll be fine!” Scootaloo insisted. “I mean, all we heard was Cheerilee scream a bunch of times. It’s not like anyone broke the door down to the bathroom.”

“Maybe Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are still stuck, too!” Apple Bloom sighed, “They’re so lucky…”

“Why would they be lucky?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, they’re stuck in a room with a toilet for one.”



“… I bet Sweetie Belle tastes like marshmallows…” Scootaloo uttered.

“Seriously, what’s up with you and wanting to eat your friends?”

“I already told you! I’m hungry!”

“Well it’s weird! Ah mean, have ya ever thought about what you might taste like?”

“WHAT?! Ew! Gross! Why would I do that?!”

“…I bet you taste like chicken…” Apple Bloom said.

“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” Scootaloo cried.

“Well, Ah thought we should talk about it… Ah mean, we earth ponies are stronger and more resilient than other ponies, so chances are… Ah mean… if we’re here long enough that one of us dies in here…”

Scootaloo paused and thought about this. “… HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPP!”

Ow! That is loud!”

“Just shut up and help me scream for help!” Scootaloo said.


“… Did you just giggle?” Scootaloo asked.

“Wasn’t me,” Apple Bloom said.

“… Is somepony out there?” Scootaloo asked.


SWEETIE BELLE!” The two trapped ponies cried in unisons.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…!” A chorus of laughter erupted from outside.

“What… everypony?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“Oh man…” Scootaloo uttered.

There was the sound of a soft ‘click’ followed by the lid to the chest being opened up. Soon Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were staring into Button Mash’s smiling face as the young colt attempted to stifle his laughter.

“Hi… heh… Scootaloo. Hi… hehe… Apple… heh… Apple… HeheheAHAHAHAHAHAHA…!” Button Mash fell onto his back and began rolling on the floor laughing.

Scootaloo shot him an unamused look before looking up into the room at Sweetie Belle and Love Tap.Tthe former was trying to hide a giant grin and the latter had a camera pulled up to her face.


Scootaloo gave both Love Tap and Sweetie Belle the same expression she had given Button Mash. “How long have you three been listening?”

Hehehe… Sorry girls,” Love Tap said as she lowered the camera, revealing a large grin. “We actually rushed in when we first heard you cry for help, but when we heard what you two were talking about we couldn’t help but listen in.”

Scootaloo began to remove the train and train tracks from her wings as Apple Bloom looked out with an indignant expression. “Scootaloo was the one who brought it up! I jus’ wanted to get out!”

Pffft… whatever…” Scootaloo said dismissively as she rapidly flapped her wings and sent train tracks flying in all directions. “You were the one who figured would be eating me if we were trapped for too long.”

Sweetie Belle continued chuckling to herself as Button picked himself off the floor with a happy smile on his face. “So what do you think I’d taste like?” he asked the two fillies in the box.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchanged a quick confused glance.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow as she looked back at Button Mash. “You want us to tell you what we think you’d taste like if you died and we were forced to eat you to keep alive?”

Button Mash nodded his head up and down enthusiastically.

“… Just checking…” Scootaloo muttered.

“Uh… chocolate?” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Horse?” Scootaloo said with a shrug.

Love Tap and Sweetie Belle continued giggling to themselves as Button Mash shot Apple Bloom and Scootaloo a blank expression. “I don’t get it,” he said flatly.

“Oh, whatever,” Scootaloo said. “Just help us out.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom each held out an arm. Button Mash hooked his own arms with the pair and attempted to pull them back as they both tried to climb out of the toy box. Almost immediately, the toy box tipped forward spilling Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and a heap of toys on top of Button Mash.



“AAAAH!” Button began flailing his hooves about as he laid under girls and his random assortment of toys. “Help! I’ve been buried alive! I think we’re all trapped in an avalanche of my things, girls!”

Scootaloo looked down at Button. “Uh… I think you’re overreacting just a tad there, buddy.”

“No… it’s okay girls…” Button said as he swallowed. “I want you two to know it’s okay if you two need to eat me for the good of the group,” Button declared with a serious expression.

Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo. “Is he serious?” she asked.

“I have no idea…” Scootaloo replied.

Love Tap simply chuckled to herself as she snapped another photo.


“Hey! Get off of him!” Sweetie Belle squeaked out as she rushed forward.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and pulled herself from the mass of foals and toys.

Apple Bloom also stepped out of the toy pile Sweetie Belle ran up to Button Mash. She immediately began fussing over the young colt as she hooked her forearm around his and pulled him out of the mass of toys.

“Apple Bloom and I are fine, thanks for asking!” Scootaloo said sarcastically.

“Are you okay?” Sweetie Belle asked as she helped Button Mash up to his hooves.

Button left his arm hooked around Sweetie Belle’s as he smiled. He looked deep into Sweetie Belle’s emerald eyes with his amber ones. “Yes, thanks to you.”

“…What?” Scootaloo said flatly as she watched the two foals.

“It’s fine…” Sweetie Belle insisted as a small smile and a light pink hue entered her cheeks. “You would have done the same for me.”

Button nodded as he reached for one of Sweetie Belle’s forehooves with his own. “Anytime…” he whispered out.

“No, seriously!” Scootaloo cried. “What?

“Uh, guys?” Apple Bloom said. “Ah don’t think being buried in toys is that big of a deal.”


“Oh, Button Mash!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle!” Button Mash responded.

The two foals leaned forward, wrapped their arms around each other, and began snickering before both of them erupted into fits of laughter. “…hehehehehehahahaHAHAHAHAHA…!”

Scootaloo sighed. “They’re messing with us!”

“Ya sound almost disappointed,” Apple Bloom pointed out.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” she said dismissively.

Love Tap chuckled as she lowered her camera. “Alright everypony, we have a big day ahead of us. Ms. Cheerilee gave me a damage toll. Let’s go downstairs for dinner and sort out what we need to do.”

Scootaloo furrowed her brow at the napkin in front of her as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom sat to either side of her and quickly scarfed down French toast.

“Uhh… Mrs. Button’s mom, ma’am?” Scootaloo called out.

Love Tap swallowed the bit of food in her mouth. “Yes, Scootaloo?”

“This isn’t really a ‘damage toll’, is it?” Scootaloo asked.

Love Tap shook her head. “No, it isn’t,” she admitted.

“It is, in fact, a poorly drawn sketch of the school with an equally poorly drawn hole in it, isn’t it?”

Love Tap nodded. “Yes, that’s correct.”

Scootaloo sighed. “Pony feathers…” she mumbled to herself as she slumped back in her seat.

“How do you think I felt?” Love Tap said. “That’s exactly what Ms. Cheerilee handed me.”

Sweetie Belle looked at the napkin and frowned. “Ms. Cheerilee drew that? Did she draw it with her flank?”

The table erupted into a series of giggles.

Hehehe…Sweetie Belle!” Love Tap said in a chastising tone as she made a half-hearted attempt to hide her grin. “That’s not appropriate!” Love Tap’s smile dropped as her face went serious. “I’d imagine she was pretty upset when she wrote it...” Love Tap paused and added, “… And drunk…” under her breath.

Button Mash leaned over and examined the napkin. “What’s this part that’s scribbled out at the top, mom?” he asked as he pointed out to a scribbled out bit near the top.

“Never mind that, Button,” Love Tap said. Like hay I was going to let the kids stare at such foul language.

“This don’t seem so bad,” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“It doesn’t?” the rest of the table asked in surprise.

“Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo began. “Are you looking at the same drawing we all are? I’m pretty sure Sweetie Belle could draw better than this!”

Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded. “That’s true…” She suddenly paused and knitted her brow as she thought about Scootaloo’s words a bit more. “HEY!” she cried in a protesting tone.

“I like your drawings, Sweetie Belle,” Button Mash said.

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Hehe, thanks!”

“Not the drawing!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “The damages! Ah mean it’s all just a bit of wood an’ a few windows an’ some paint. We have extra at the farm.”

Scootaloo rubbed a forehoof under her chin. “That makes sense, I mean… it seems like your family is always raisin’ barns or rebuildin’ something on the farm.”

“Especially after we accidentally destroy it!” Sweetie Belle said cheerfully.

Button Mash took off his hat and placed it on his chest. “That poor gazebo…” he uttered as he stared off into space.

Love Tap raised an eyebrow at Sweetie Belle as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom quickly elbowed her in the sides and shot her dirty looks.

“Uh… whoops…” Sweetie Belle said sheepishly as she began to blush in slight embarrassment.

Love Tap decided to ignore the comment. “Well… I guess that at least answers the question as to where we’re going to get materials in the morning. Though, I hope we can manage to actually put it all together right!”

“Ah can do it!” Apple Bloom said confidently.

“Oh?” Love Tap replied.

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “She pretty much rebuilt our clubhouse into the great treehouse it is today!"

Scootaloo nodded. “You should have seen it before she fixed it up! It looked like… well…” Scootaloo held up the napkin with one forehoof and pointed at it with her other. “Kinda like this!”

Love Tap smiled. “Sounds like we have a plan.” She turned and looked at Apple Bloom, “Of course I’ll pay your family for all the material.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “No ma’am! Ah helped blow a hole in the school too! Anyhow, we have a lot of the stuff on hand, Ah don’t think anypony would notice.”

Scootaloo knitted her brow at Apple Bloom. “Apple Bloom, when someone offers you money, you say ‘yes’.”

“Well that ain’t exactly honest, now is it?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Your sister would be proud.”

“She also might start askin’ about where I got the money from.”

“Oh…” Scootaloo said as realization quickly set on her face. “Good point.”

“At least my sister isn’t mad,” Sweetie Belle uttered.

Button smiled. “Maybe she was happy you defended me!”

Scootaloo chimed in, “Also you were only going to blow up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’d imagine Ms. Cheerilee being less upset about that, too!”

The group quickly erupted into another chorus of laughter, and even Love Tap raised a forehoof over her mouth as she quietly snickered to herself. She quickly cleared her throat. “Alright, well Button and I will swing by the farm extra early to help grab the supplies. Now everypony eat up, you should get home soon and get to bed early. I certainly don’t want anypony working with tools and nails while half-asleep.”

Button nodded. “Sure, mom!”

The fillies in the room also replied with a chorus of acknowledgement as they turned towards their food and began chowing down on the stacks of French toast in front of them.

Love Tap sighed to herself as she stared at a picture of her family sitting on a salmon-colored dresser next to the bed. She sat smiling next to an equally happy-looking stallion with a dark brown coat, spiky black mane, amber eyes, and black mustache. Below the stallion was a teenaged colt with a light-reddish brown coat, short black mane, and sapphire-blue eyes. The colt wore a smirk, which Love Tap always joked was his attempt at looking cool in photos. Below herself was Button Mash who looked up at the camera with a bright, happy smile.

Love Tap focused her attention on the stallion in the picture as she began to speak, “Well Chip, I guess I probably could have used your help today…” Love Tap said as she stared at the stallion in the photo. “Kind of helped blow a hole in Button’s school…” She pursed her lips slightly. “Not my proudest moment as an adult, but I think I made the kids happy even if we all got in trouble for it.” Love Tap smiled at the photo. “Guess you would have tried to stop me, huh?” She shook her head. “Listen to me… talking to you like you're dead or something… I guess I could always write this in my next letter…” Love Tap gave a quiet sigh before she continued speaking to herself, “… but maybe I’m hoping to avoid a lecture about keeping a cool, level head when it comes to our kids,” Love Tap said with a smirk.

“Hey, Mom?”

Love Tap looked up at her doorway as Button Mash stood in it. “Yes, Sweetie? What is it? You should be in bed,” she said as she placed the picture back on the dresser.

Button nodded and smiled. “I know mom… I just wanted to thank you for helping me rescue Sweetie Belle and say that you’re the best mom ever.”

Love Tap mirrored her son's smile and hopped off the bed. She trotted over to Button Mash and wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you, sweetie. You’re the best son a mother could ask for.”

Button smiled as he returned the affection.

“Oh, and sweetie?” Love Tap said as she continued to hold onto her son.

“Yeah, mom?”

“Don’t tell your father or Gibson about today, alright?”

“Sure, mom.”

Love Tap broke the embrace and smiled once more at Button. “Good boy. Now get to bed, we’ve got a big day ahead of us.”

Button nodded and smiled. “Alright, mom.”

Ms. Cheerilee sat in front of her damaged school house and yawned. She replaced her yawn with a scowl on her face as she attempted to shake some of the morning dew off her front legs, followed by her back ones. Although she would not be expected to help fix the gaping hole in the side of the school, last night’s alcohol combined with the rather early start today was making being up and about much less fun than usual. She waved over a couple of young fillies that trudged through the misty fog towards the school.

“Sweetie Belle…” Scootaloo uttered as she squinted out at the schoolhouse with heavy bags under her eyes. “No offence, but next time you get detention, I think I’m going to vote to let you stay there.”

Sweetie Belle shot her friend a scowl. “Okay, but it was your idea to blow a hole in the school…”

“I thought somepony would shoot it down!” Scootaloo cried. “How was I supposed to know that Button Mash and his mom would be all crazy about you spending an hour or two alone in the schoolhouse?”

“Speaking of which,” Sweetie Belle began, “where are those two?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “I’m sure they’re coming in from the farm now. There will be plenty of time to play kissy face with your colt friend after we fix the school.”

A tinge of pink crept onto Sweetie Belle’s cheeks as she began to protest, “That’s not what… I mean… I wasn’t…” Sweetie Belle paused briefly. “… You don’t think he actually—”

“Good morning, girls,” Cheerilee said with a bit less enthusiasm than what she could usually manage.

“Good morning, Ms. Cheerilee,” the girls called out in their half-awake state.

Cheerilee simply nodded. “Nice to see you two could make it so early.”

“Uh… right…” Sweetie Belle uttered.

Scootaloo managed to fight off the urge to backtalk her teacher. I mean… we did sort of blow a hole in the school… She settled for giving Cheerilee a little scowl.

Cheerilee sighed. “I know it’s not fun to be up this early, but I’d really like you all to make some headway on the school before classes start.”

We know…” the two fillies huffed out.

Uhg, when is Apple Bloom going to get here with those other two?” Scootaloo griped. “If I’m going to be up this early I’d at least like to be doing some—”

Scootaloo paused mid-sentence as a long shadow suddenly cast itself towards the school. The two fillies and Cheerilee looked up as a mare crested a hill with a cart piled high with lumber, supplies, and two foals laying on top of it all. Love Tap doggedly trudged onward, her heavy cart in tow.

“Looks like our hero is here,” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.


Scootaloo frowned. “And it sounds like our hero isn’t a morning pony.”

Cheerilee managed a smile as Love Tap approached. “Good morning, Love Tap! Looks like you managed to get everything you’d need to fix up the school.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Love Tap said as she approached. “Let’s just get this over with…” she uttered as she removed the work collar attached to the cart from her neck and lowered a pair of brown saddle bags off of her back.

“HEY! NO FAIR!” Scootaloo cried. “Why do they get to sleep in?!” she said as she motioned to Apple Bloom and Button Mash, who were both laying sprawled out on top of lumber fast asleep.

Love Tap shrugged. “They didn’t add that much more weight. I told them both they could get a little more sleep in between here and the school.”

“But that’s not faaaaaair~!” Scootaloo wined.

“Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said, “give them a break! They were both up earlier than us!”

Scootaloo sighed, “FINE! Just help me wake them. I’ll go poke Button.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Alright, then I guess I’ll wake Apple Bloom…”

Scootaloo suddenly frowned. “Wait a minuteYou should poke Button!” she declared.

Sweetie Belle furrowed her brow. “Why me?”

“‘Cause you might blast me if I do it!”

“What?!” Sweetie Belle cried. “Why would I do that?!”

“What if he starts crying?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh…” Sweetie Belle said with a slight blush. “… Alright, you have a point.”

“OH!” Scootaloo grinned mischievously. “Maybe you could wake him with a kiss!”

The blush on Sweetie Belle’s face suddenly went from a couple pink puddles to a sea of red. “WHAT?! I couldn’t… I mean… We’re just foals, and…”

Love Tap giggled to herself as she watched a very flustered Sweetie Belle attempt to process the idea of her waking Button up with a kiss.

Cheerilee shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re encouraging this.”

“What?!” Love Tap replied. “She’s adorable and she makes my son happy! How could I not?”

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. “Well alright, but you all need to get started.”

“Fine!” Love Tap huffed out before muttering “… Kill joy…” under her breath.

“What was that?” Cheerilee asked in a warning tone.

“Nothing, Ms. Cheerilee…” Love Tap replied.

Cheerilee frowned. “Alright, well… could you please go wake your son? This whole you talking to me like I’m actually your teacher is mildly unnerving.”

“Uh… Yeah…” Love Tap agreed. “Sorry, old habits die hard, I guess…” she said as she trotted over to the cart.

“Hurry it up, will you!” Scootaloo cried.

“I’m… I’m gonna!” Sweetie Belle said as she inched her face closer and closer to Button Mash’s. Sweetie Belle pursed her lips.

Zzzzzzz… Oh, yeah Sweetie Belle…” Button murmured out.

Mere inches from Button’s face, Sweetie Belle froze at the mention of her name.

Zzzzzz… Grab that fire-flower…zzzzzz…” Button Mash grinned. “…Yeah, you’re on fire now…”

Scootaloo chuckled. “See! He even dreams about you!”

Sweetie Belle turned back towards Scootaloo with a panicked expression. “I can’t do it!”

“Oh, come on!” Scootaloo cried.

“Shouldn’t you be waking Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I’m getting to it!” Scootaloo replied.

“Uh, girls?” Love Tap interrupted. “Maybe I should wake Button.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo suddenly frowned.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to kiss him!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“What?” Love Tap said as she raised her eyebrow. “No! I’m just going to wake him gently, that’s all.”

“Ooooh,” Sweetie Belle uttered. “That makes more sense.”

Love Tap trotted up to Button and began gently nuzzling his face with the side of her head. “Button, sweetie? It’s time to get up.”

Zzzzzz… One more level, mom…” Button murmured out.

“Button,” Love Tap said gently, “you’re not playing a video game, you’re sleeping…”

One of Button’s back legs twitched “… Snort… But I’ve almost beat this World! I’m sure the Princess is in this castle!”

Love Tap paused. “… What world are you on?”

Zzzzz… Six…” Button answered.

Love Tap shook her head. “Sorry, not that one either.”

Button’s eyes slowly opened as he scowled out into open air and his mouth pulled into a tight frown. “Awww, lame!” Button declared. He looked around his surroundings and he greeted each pony as he saw them. “Hi, mom. Hi, Scootaloo.” He smiled as his amber eyes drifted onto Sweetie Belle. “Hi, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Good morning, Button.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Would you two stop making googly eyes at each other and help me wake Apple Bloom?!”

“WE WEREN’T MAKING GOOGLY EYES!” Sweetie Belle shrieked.

Love Tap and Cheerilee winced as the young unicorn’s voice reached octaves that would give the local wildlife a headache.

“Sweetie Belle, dearie,” Love Tap began, “sorry, but it’s a little early for mommy to be dealing with that level of noise.”

The group went silent as everyone turned and stared at Love Tap who looked about the group with confusion.

“…Did you just adopt Sweetie Belle?!” Scootaloo cried.

Cheerilee merely sighed and shook her head, and grumbled something about the time of day and something to do with manure.

“Huh?” Love Tap said. “Wait… what'd I say?!” she said as confusion mixed with a touch of concern.

“Yay!” Button Mash cried as he jumped from the lumber pile. “Now Sweetie Belle can hang out with me all the time!”

In stark contrast to the excited colt, Sweetie Belle had a very serious expression. “Wait… does that make us brother and sister, or husband and wife?!”

Button’s eyes shot open as he attempted to consider the implications of either situation. “Uh… wow… I didn’t think about that…”

“No, really!” Love Tap cried as the concern in her voice elevated. “What'd I say?! What'd I say?!

“Would all’a ya pipe down!” Apple Bloom said in an irritated tone as she jumped off the lumber pile. “Yer goin’ to wake all of Ponyville the way ye’re carryin’ on!”

The group again went silent.

Apple Bloom looked up at Cheerilee and nodded. “Good morning, Ms. Cheerilee.”

Cheerilee smiled back at the young filly. “Good morning, Apple Bloom. Alright, now that everypony is awake and ready—”

“Good morning, Ms. Cheerilee,” Button interrupted.

“—Good morning, Button Mash,” Cheerilee said without missing a beat. “Right, now that everypony is—”

“HOW CAN SHE BE UP THIS EARLY?!” The group heard a frantic-sounding filly cry out.

The group turned to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon getting what seemed to be a very early morning gallop in.

“WHO CARES?! JUST KEEP RUNNING!” Diamond Tiara answered.

The two fillies quickly made their way down the streets of Ponyville as a happy-looking pink pony bounded down the street after them.


The children and even Love Tap quietly snickered to themselves as they watched the scene unfold, the excitement suddenly casting a positive light on the fact that they were all up so early.

Cheerilee turned towards Love Tap and shot her an unamused scowl.

Love Tap glanced up, catching the expression. “What?!” she cried.

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. “And Pinkie Pie is chasing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon all over Ponyville, because…?

Love Tap shrugged and shook her head. “How the heck should I know?!” Despite her best efforts, tiny hints of a smirk appeared on her face. “Maybe somepony told her they could really use a friend.”

Cheerilee just shook her head. “Whatever,” she huffed out. “Well, you five better get started.”

Love Tap looked back towards the hole in the school and frowned. “Riirrght….

Scootaloo sighed as she looked at the hole. “Ah man, this is going to take forever!” she moaned out.

Apple Bloom shook her head. “It doesn’t look so bad! If we all work together we can get it done in no time!”

Sweetie Belle smiled and giggled to herself. “Hehehe…

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow as she glanced at Sweetie Belle. “Let me guess, you just thought up a song for this…”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “You betcha!”

Button Mash smiled excitedly. “Oh boy! Sweetie Belle’s going to sing?!”

Scootaloo nodded. “We all are, you included.”

Button Mash frowned. “Me?! I don’t know how to sing…”

Sweetie Belle trotted up to Button and placed a forehoof on his shoulders. “Don’t worry, you’ll pick it up in no time, trust me!”

Button Mash looked at Sweetie Belle and turned towards Scootaloo and Apple Bloom who both smiled and nodded. Love Tap also smiled as she trotted up to the group.

Sweetie Belle lowered her hoof to the ground and cleared her throat.

“There’s no need to worry,” Sweetie Belle sang out as she trotted out in front of the group.

“If we work together, we will be done in a hurry.”

“All we need to do is to join together and work as one”

“And before you know it our work will be doooone.”

“I’ll grab the wood,” Scootaloo sang as she grabbed an armful of lumber from the cart.

“And I’ll grab the nails,” Apple Bloom sang as she fished out a hammer and nails from the cart.

“I’ll make sure we don’t miss any details,” Button Mash said as he happily took a measuring tape to the hole.

“Together we will see this through,” Love Tap sang as she took the other side of the tape measure in forehoof.

“The damage done we will undo,” the group sang as they began to join their voiced harmoniously.

“Nail that plank and turn that screw,” Sweetie Belle sang as she began to screw a window frame together with a screwdriver she held aloft with magic.

“And before you know it we’ll fix the schooool,” the group sang in unison.

“Because there’s nothing we can’t do if we work together.”

The five ponies began to rhythmically work out each of their jobs.

“With teamwork we will maaake everything all better”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle began passing wood and nail in a line towards the front of the school to the beat of the song and as Love Tap quickly removed the damaged bits of wood from the school. Apple Bloom and Button Mash quickly hammered in the replacement planks they received.

The group continued singing.

“We’ll fix this mess”

Love Tap grabbed a paint can with her mouth off the cart and trotted it over towards the school.

“We’ll make this right,”

Scootaloo followed Love Tap’s example as the heavy can fell to the ground in her mouth.

“We’ve seen our errors”

Undeterred, Scootaloo dragged the heavy paint can over towards the school.

“So hold on tight.”

“We’ll fix up the school on time,” Sweetie Belle sang out.

“And then everything will be subliiiiime~!”

“Oh, nice one, Sweetie Belle!” Button Mash said.

“Thanks!” Sweetie Belle replied as she stared out at the now mostly finished, wood grain school wall. She and Button Mash quickly ducked inside the school as Apple Bloom began nailing in the last few planks.

“I’ll clean inside,” Sweetie Belle sang as she levitated a broom and began sweeping away dust and splinters.

“We’ll paint the walls,” Button Mash and Scootaloo sang as they painted opposite sides of the school wall.

“This task ain’t small but we’ll do what we can,” Apple Bloom sang as she lowered her hammer and wiped sweat from her brow.

“We have a plan,” Love Tap chimed in as she held a large shovel in her forearms and scooped bits of the broken school into the cart.

“We’ll see it through,” Sweetie Belle and Button sang happily as they wrapped up their jobs inside the school.

“The damage done we will undo,” The group sang in unison again as they began tidying up the inside of the school.

“Nail that plank and turn that screw,” Sweetie Belle and Button Mash sang as they repaired a desk.

“And before you know it we’ll fix the school,” Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Love Tap sang as they helped repair the damaged items in the room.

“Because there’s nothing we can’t do if we work together,” The group sang as they began tidying up the inside of the classroom.

“With teamwork we will maaake everything all better”

Button Mash, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo all began scrubbing surfaces, as Sweetie Belle and Love Tap ran mops over the classroom floor.

“We’ll fix this mess”

“We’ll make this right,”

“We’ve seen our errors”

“So hold on tight.”

“We’ll fix up the school on time.”

Soon the scrubbing and mopping was finished, and everyone set their cleaning tools aside.

“And then everything will be sublime”

The group looked around the classroom in satisfaction as every surface seemed to glint cleanly in the morning light.

“We’ve come together,”

Love Tap walked over to the classroom entrance and opened it, holding the door open.

“We’ve fixed this mess,”

The foals lined up neatly and walked towards the door.

“We’ve made this right.”

The children began to exit the school and walk back to the side of the school.

“We’ve seen our errors”

Once the children were out, Love Tap walked out to join them.

“So hold on tight.”

Finished, the group exchanged happy smiles and hoof bumps. Sweetie Belle and Button Mash exchanged a quick hug.

“We’ve fixed up the school on time”

The group all threw their forehooves in the air as they sung the last line.

“And now everything is suuubliiiime~!”

As the collection of foals plus one adult mare finished. They all looked at Cheerilee expectantly.

Cheerilee’s mouth hung agape as she turned from the group and looked over the freshly repaired wall of her school house. She looked up at the city’s clock tower and took note of the time. She sighed before she addressed the group. “Good job, but I’m afraid I’ll see all of you in detention after school.”

The children began responding in disappointed moans and protests but they were soon cut off.

WHAT?!” Love Tap cried. “That’s outrageous!”

Cheerilee narrowed her eyes and focused her attention on Love Tap. “You all committed a destructive and dangerous act! Now it’s fortunate no one was hurt, and I’m pleased and impressed you all fixed the school so… absurdly quickly. However, I’m afraid I can’t just let you get off like that! If the other students find out they can blow holes in the school and get away with it just so long as they clean up their mess, who knows what will happen!”

“But…” Scootaloo said in a protesting tone. “… But… they probably wouldn’t be as good at it as us!”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Blowing a hole in the school, or fixin’ it afterwards?”

“Both!” Scootaloo said.

Love Tap shot a glare at Cheerilee who was more than willing to mirror the expression. The children present went quiet and put on tense expressions as they looked back and forth between the pair of adult mares.

Love Tap considered her options. Well, I can deck her, but that’d just get me in more trouble and I really don’t want to resort to violence in front of the kids… Also, she’s mad too and just might swing back, which would set an even worse example for everypony.

I can argue with her which probably wouldn’t get me anywhere. Love Tap’s expression softened slightly. She’s angry and she has every right to be… I’d be upset if someone willfully blew a hole in my home, even if they fixed it quickly… I guess I can’t be too mad for Cheerilee doing what she had to do, even if I don’t exactly care for how she handled everything…

Love Tap gritted her teeth. “How many days?”

Cheerilee softened her glare back to her tired expression. “Just one. You did all fix the school after all. I believe just a few hours of quiet reflection should wrap this up, don’t you think?”

Love Tap pursed her lips. “Fine. I guess that sounds reasonable.” She looked over the foals with an apologetic look. “Sorry, kids…”

The foals present merely shook their head.

“It’s alright, mom!” Button exclaimed. “One day isn’t such a big deal.”

“At least we’ll all be together,” Sweetie Belle said in a cheerful tone.

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah! I mean, just a day of detention for blowing up the school! Totally worth it!

Cheerilee leveled a glare at Scootaloo.

“Uh, Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom said. “Ms. Cheerilee is standing right here!”

“…Ooops…” Scootaloo said as she looked up at her teacher with a pensive smile.

Cheerilee tilted her head to the side. “I can extend detention out a few days until we hit a number that makes it seem not worth it.”

Scootaloo bit her lower lip and chuckled nervously as her eyes darted from side to side. “Uh… right… I’m sure a few hours in detention will give me adequate time reflect on the ermconsequences of my actions.”

Cheerilee nodded solemnly.

Love Tap smiled. “Well, we have some time before school. How about I treat you kids to a big breakfast out and I can have dinner ready by the time you’re out. How’s that for a job well done?”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Well, that sounds like a great way to celebrate.”

“Yay! Breakfast!” Button Mash cried as he stood up and flailed his forehooves about happily.

Cheerilee cocked an eyebrow at Love Tap. “You do realize I said ‘all of you’ when I mentioned detention, right?”

Love Tap’s jaw dropped as she stared back at Cheerilee. “You can’t be serious!”

The children present looked on in surprise before the four of them attempted to stifle giggles.

Cheerilee furrowed her brow. “You encouraged and aided minors in committing destruction of public property! Of course I’m serious!”

Love Tap glared out angrily at Cheerilee. “What are you going to do if I don’t show up?! Call my parents?! I’m a little old to get in trouble for skipping detention!”

Cheerilee nodded. “True, but you’re never too old to talk to a city judge.”

Love Tap’s eyes widened. “You’re threatening me with jail if I don’t go to detention?!”

“You’re lucky you’re not already in jail!” Cheerilee declared.

The kids stopped snickering and went back to quietly watching the two adults sort this out between them.

Love Tap paused and thought about this. She sighed before she continued to speak, “I thought this whole 'treating me as a student' thing was ‘unnerving’.”

Cheerilee’s expression softened as she rolled her eyes. “Believe me, it is! But you’re the most to blame here! I have to at least make sure you get as much punishment as the kids!”

“Well…” Love Tap began in a sullen expression as she glanced down at the ground, “… I guess I can’t really argue with that.” She looked back up at Cheerilee. “Fine… if fixing the school and reliving my not-so-fun school days will keep me out of jail, I guess I can waste a few hours in detention.”

Cheerilee just smiled. “Great! I’ll see you after school then.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Love Tap said in a dejected tone. She looked back at the foals present. “Come on, everypony, let’s get breakfast.” With that, Love Tap walked over to the cart and leaned down to retrieve her saddle bags. She placed her muzzle in between the two bags and lifted her head, allowing the bags to slide down her neck and onto her back. She began trotting away from the school, the four foals followed.

Soo…” Apple Bloom began. “Ah guess we all sort of got off lucky.”

Scootaloo chuckled. “Heh, I’ll say! Guess Ms. Cheerilee’s soft-hoofed approach kinda works both ways…”

Love Tap merely grumbled something incomprehensible under her breath.

Sweetie Belle looked up at Love Tap with a concerned expression. “Are you alright?”

Love Tap smiled down at Sweetie Belle. “Fine, just a little annoyed, though it beats jail, I’m sure.” She sighed before she continued to speak, “Mommy just hasn’t been in detention for a very long time…”

Button Mash and Sweetie Belle’s eyes opened wide as they exchanged worried glances.

“Uh, mom?” Button Mash said. “IS Sweetie Belle my sister now, or am I married to her?”

Love Tap’s eyes suddenly widened to match the concern in her son’s and Sweetie Belle’s face. “Wait… what'd I say?!”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged grins as they began laughing to themselves. HeheheheHaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…!

“No seriously!” Love Tap cried out in a slightly panicked tone. “WHAT DID I SAY?!

Author's Note:

For those wondering, Gibson was created by JanAnimations, he appears in the Button's Adventure 2 Animatic. His physical appearance is mostly guesswork by me. Chip, on the other hoof, is there because I sorta didn't want to go through the entire story while having to juggle with the idea that Button's Dad is just perpetually away.

You can read some young Gibson and some Chip in Eleven Months if you want to (or haven't already :derpytongue2:).

Thanks to MythrilMoth for a bunch of corrections and Tired Old Man for a bunch more corrections and some suggestions I used.

Thanks for reading!