• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,791 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...


Applejack woke up the next morning next to Rainbow Dash. Though you wouldn’t know it from looking at her, the Pegasus was an early riser, though her napping was partly compensation. She was already awake, waiting for her Earth Pony friend.

“Feeling better?” she asked.

“Yeah. I am, thanks.” She stretched.

“If there’s anything else...”

“I appreciate it, really, but there’s nothin’ you can do. Mom and Dad are gone, nothin’ can change that. I just needed to cry it out.”

Rainbow Dash tilted her head as Applejack got up. “OK... but if I even think there’s anything wrong, we’re having a talk, got it?”

To her surprise, the cowpony grinned. “Got it,” she said. Then her smile faltered. “Well... I guess there is one more thing we need to talk about.”

“Sure thing. What’s up?”

That got Applejack to smile again, if only briefly. Ever alert for her friends. Loyalty couldn’t have picked its champion better.

“Rainbow... I guess you noticed how I’ve... well, I guess I’ve been tryin’ to fill in fer Twi since she left.”

The Pegasus nodded. “Can’t blame you. Twilight was the one to keep everything straight. Somepony needs to do her job.”

Applejack nodded. “I think that somepony needs to be you.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “What?”

“You led us all out of there while I was blubberin’ about my parents, and you kept it together better than I have. You...”

“AJ, stop it,” the Pegasus said, getting right in Applejack’s face. “I was pressed against the wall. And we got lucky that Chrysalis was a grade-A idiot. You would have done just fine if those illusions...”

“I should have been able to get things together. I...”

“Applejack, if you keep talking like that, I will hit you.”

The Earth Pony shut her mouth. As rough as Rainbow was, she never made threats like that unless she was angry.

“Applejack... look, would you agree Twilight’s a good leader?”

“Y-yeah, of course...”

“Well, is she perfect? Has she always kept it together? No, she’s messed up. You don’t need to be perfect, Applejack. Twilight didn’t either. She didn’t need to. She had us to fall back on... most of the time. You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to let us be there when you need us.”

Applejack actually stared at Rainbow Dash a moment, causing the Pegasus to become a bit unnerved. Then she smiled.

“What happened to you?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Huh?”

“I can hardly believe this is the same mare who let her ego get the better of her. I don’t think I’ve ever heard something so level-headed come out of you.”

The Pegasus blushed. “I guess being a mom does that to you.” Then, realizing what she said, she blushed deeper. “Look... try one more mission. If it fails... I’ll take you up on your offer, okay?”

The cowpony smiled. “Come on, let’s get breakfast.”

The two mares left the room and began walking down the hallways.

“So... if you don’t mind me askin’, what was in that letter?”

Rainbow Dash nearly stopped at that. She hadn’t quite remembered. “I didn’t read it. Not yet.”

“...Are you gonna?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash took a breath. “I put a lot of thought into it after you fell asleep last night, and... yeah, I think I will. I know you guys saw a bad side of Gilda, but she wasn’t always like that. She... well, back when we were going to flight school together, she was different. She would always be there for me when I messed up on the obstacle courses, or when my father had to miss my races to work. When she had to go home, I felt so alone until I met Fluttershy. When I found out what she had done in Ponyville... it was like she wasn’t her anymore.”

Applejack nodded. “I guess I can get that. I’ll be willin’ to talk to her if... wha?”

Rainbow looked ahead and saw the source of Applejack’s confusion. Big Macintosh was coming out of one of the rooms along the hallway, looking around nervously.

“Big Mac?”

The stallion whipped and looked at his sister in shock. “Applejack. Uh...”

And then Princess Luna came out and wrapped her forelegs around him. “It’s still rather early...”

Then she noticed the two mares.

“Oh. Um... Hello Lady Applejack, Lady Rainbow... Um…”

Both mares had their jaws wide open. But while Rainbow Dash looked amused, Applejack just looked shocked, her irises shrinking to the size of pinpoints.

“...Perhaps we should get breakfast,” Luna said, then dragged Big Macintosh down the hallway and away from the two shocked friends.

“...Looks like that carnival worked out better for him than we thought, huh?” Rainbow said at last.

“Huh... Wah ... Huh...”

Breakfast proved to be an awkward affair for Luna and Big Mac, as it seemed to be comprised of being stared at by everypony but Celestia, who just had a smug look on her face.

“Sister,” Luna said, sounding like she was restraining from using the Royal Canterlot Voice, “why didn’t you tell us the Bearers had returned?”

“Hmm... must have slipped my mind,” she said, taking a spoonful of oatmeal.

Applejack finally found her voice. “How... Long...”

“Since the Summer Wrap Up,” Luna said finally.

“...Does he live up to his name?”

Rainbow!” Applejack yelled as both she and her brother blushed.

Rarity looked quite upset to. “Honestly, Rainbow Dash, Luna is a crown princess, you should know better than to ask...”

“I’m hoping.”

Rarity and Applejack’s jaws nearly hit the table while Mac just disappeared under the table, an impressive feat considering the size.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were laughing. Fluttershy was tittering despite herself. Celestia just looked as smug as she could.

“In all seriousness, while Macintosh and I have been intimate, we haven’t crossed that line just yet.” Luna placed a wing around her coltfriend.

“Take your time, Luna,” Celestia said. “Believe me, savor it before you become bored with it.”

“Bored with it?”

“Trust me, after twelve-hundred years, it loses its charm.”

Rarity had her head in her hooves. She couldn’t believe the two most prestigious ponies in Equestria were having this conversation.

Celestia took another sip of tea before continuing. “In all seriousness, I’m glad both the elder Apple siblings are here. I have something important to tell them.”

That got the pair to pay attention. “Yes, Princess?” Applejack asked.

“While I sent some workers to help on Sweet Apple Acres, I also had a royal accountant do an audit on the property. The results were... less than pleasing.”

Applejack blinked. “Huh?”

“I’m disappointed that the family is just scraping by. With how successful your products are, it made little sense that you be just scraping by.”

“Thank you,” Rainbow Dash practically shouted, turning to Applejack. “Are you going to try and deny her on this?”

It looked like she would, as Applejack looked like an animal with her back against the wall. “Now hold on there, Princess. I don’t recall this bein’ important to the Crown...”

“It is important, Applejack. The Elements of Harmony rely on you being in synch with the others. If you were ever to lose the farm and had to leave Ponyville, that could have disastrous effects. It is imperative to Equestria that your farm remains open.”

Applejack opened her mouth to argue with this point, but found that she couldn’t. So Celestia went on.

“You have issues with how you handle money, so I’m going to do something about it. First off, I’m advancing your farm a fifty-thousand bit loan, interest free, to get your equipment up to date.” Applejack opened her mouth to object, but Celestia talked right over her, silencing the mare. “Secondly, I am assigning a financial advisor to your farm. I can’t force you to listen to him, but I’m afraid I must insist. Finally, I’m assigning you and the rest of the Bearers a stipend. It won’t be nearly as much as Twilight receives, but it should supplement your income enough to avoid any... unpleasantries.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up. “You mean we’re going to start getting paid to be heroes?”

“Yes... though not all the same. Since you already receive money as a trainee in the Wonderbolts, you will simply get a modest increase. Rarity’s business brings in plenty of bits, and so hers will be small as well. For Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie, however, there will be enough to supplement their salary to compensate for all the time they must spend away from work.”

“Ooh! Neato! I can add that to the patent money!”

Now the table stared at Pinkie. “Um, Pinkie... what patent money?”

“Oh, somepony say that flying machine I made when I wanted to talk to Dashie while she was hanging out with Gilda and he apparently thinks I’ve revolutionized personal travel as ponies know it and now he wants to give me a whole bunch of bits and royalty for it!”

They all stared at Pinkie.

“Uh... I think you mean ‘royalties’,” Fluttershy said.

“...Maybe I better rethink your stipend,” Celestia said, her stunned expression looking rather novel on the normally calm princess.

“That wasn’t even my best invention! He didn’t even want to look at the Party Cannon Mk III.”

“Yes, well...” Celestia said, turning to Applejack. “I trust you will not object to my offer?” She glanced at Big Mac, who seemed to still be stunned at everything that had happened that morning.

Applejack was about to protest, but stayed silent. She had just been proven to herself that she was not as capable as she thought. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad idea...

“...Alright,” she said at last. “You win, Princess.”

“About time,” Rainbow Dash said. “Thank you, Celestia.”

“Of course, my little pony,” she said. “I always look out for my subjects.”

There was a silence at the table as everypony silently chewed.

“Is this where you’ve been going on those ‘poker nights’?” Applejack finally asked her brother.

“Y-yeah,” Big Mac admitted. “I was gunna tell you soon, honest, but... well, Luna said it was a delicate matter.”

“My sister says one of us taking a consort would be rather frowned upon in today’s society,” Luna said, sighing. “I miss the royal harem.”

“Stop! Stop!” Rarity said. “I don’t want to hear anymore!”

“And that’s my point,” Celestia said. “Ponies want to see us as perfect. Taking mortal lovers seems to bring us down in their eyes.”

Perfect... Applejack thought back to her conversation with Rainbow Dash just a few days ago. Princess Celestia had failed several times in her history, she must have, yet she maintained her regal air. She thought about asking her, but thought better of it, at least right now. It wouldn’t be too hard to get a private meeting with her to ask in secrecy.

“So... yer relationship with my brother is always gonna be a secret?” she asked Luna instead.

“No. Just until we’re ready to be married. There will be a flurry of rumors, but they will not be as long lived if they follow us through the dating process.”

Celestia smiled. “But, enough on my sister. As long as I’m arranging this stipend, is there any other expenses you feel being a Bearer causes?”

There was silence for a moment.

“Well, I’d say somepony that could watch Scootaloo while I’m busy, but the Apple family can handle that well enough,” Rainbow Dash spoke at last.

Celestia nodded. “Still, having one of the servants act as a housekeeper for you might not be a bad idea.”

“I doubt I’d have enough work for her.”

“She’d be assigned to clean all your houses once a week. Consider it a small bonus among everything else. I guarantee she can care for Scootaloo if there is ever the need.”

“...Do you mind if I interview this mare first?”

Celestia smiled. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t ask.”

Author's Note:

If you don't read the comics, Luna and Big Mac had kind of a date in Issues #9-10. Yeah, I'm using it. Just a background thing, not a big story line.