• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,798 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...

Open Wounds

The five ponies had walked through the jungle, Applejack straining from the weight of the Sun Stone on her back but never once complaining about it. The small band had debated traveling through the night in case Chrysalis realized her error and returned in a rage, looking for them, but a combination of common sense and sheer exhaustion ended that plan.

They set up camp and Rarity began cooking that night’s dinner. While Fluttershy and Pinkie had a chat, Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to talk to Applejack, who had elected to sit apart from the group.

“Hey, AJ,” Dash said, putting a lot more care into what she said than she usually did. With the cowpony only acknowledged her with a blank look she went on. “Look... I think I have a pretty good idea what you saw in that dream world...”

Pain flashed across Applejack’s features. Rainbow Dash stopped for a moment in a flinch, but decided to keep going. “If you... you know, what to talk about it... I can...”

“Once, when I was a filly, I got hurt so bad I needed stitches,” Applejack said. Her voice was so quiet Rainbow Dash had to strain to hear her, but it silenced the Pegasus all the same. “They told me not to do anythin’ so bad, but I didn’t listen. I went runnin’ through the fields, an’ my stitches broke. The whole thing reopened.”

The cowpony took a deep breath that Rainbow Dash heard a sob in. “The whole thing felt like that. Ma and Pa ain’t comin’ back, I made my peace with that... but then...”

Rainbow Dash put a wing around her, not even bothering to check to see if anypony could see her being sappy. But Applejack held her composure. In fact, she pushed the wing off. “No. Not yet. When we get home I can have myself a cry, but as long as we’re in trouble...”

Rainbow Dash looked at her. She opened her mouth to object, but stopped. What she said made some sense...

“Okay, but we’re not done. We’re having a better talk once we get home.”

There was silence for a moment.

“I... how do you do it, Rainbow?”

The Pegasus blinked. “Huh?”

“How could you be so together after that?”

“Oh. Well... in my dream, I was Captain of the Wonderbolts, married to Soarin. It’s all going to happen anyway. Well... maybe I’ll never patch things up with Gilda.”

Applejack nodded, and after a pause Rainbow Dash spoke. “Can you keep a secret?”

The cowpony nodded. “Sure thing.”

“In that dream... Scootaloo was calling me Mom.”

There was a silence. “Does that bother you?”

“I... I don’t know. I take care of her, I’m all she has. And...” She took a deep breath. This was definitely going to cost her some coolness points. “I do love her. But... her mother? I guess I never thought about it before. I do everything a mother does...”

Applejack grinned. “Finally settlin’ down, huh?”

“Never,” Rainbow Dash said, grinning right back. Then she frowned. “I never asked Pinkie how she got out of it...”

“Silly, it’s because my life’s going great.”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash jumped as they realized the pink Earth Pony had suddenly appeared next to them.

“Pinkie, don’t do that!” Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie giggled. “Wow, deja vu!”

Both of her friends tilted their heads. “Huh?”

“Nothing. But anyway, there was nothing that machine could show me that I didn’t already have! My parents finally came back, and the Cakes still love me, so it’s like having two mommies and daddies, plus I have two sets of twin siblings, and they’re all so sweet, and plenty of friends in Ponyville! I guess if I want anything it’s for everypony in Equestria to be happy, but I know I can’t do that so instead of wasting time wishing I could I just do what I can!”

The others blinked.

“Wow... who would have thought Pinkie would have everything together the best?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Whatever. Come on, let’s eat. I think we earned it.”

That night Fluttershy and Rarity kept watch. They were out again by morning, where throughout the next day they had a fairly boring return trip. Any troubles with animals were dealt with quickly with Fluttershy’s Stare.

Finally, on the morning of the third day they arrived at the Llama outpost. After tying the Sun Stone in a large bundle so nopony or Llama in the outpost could tell what it was, they went in.

Sergeant and Captain greeted them, and quickly loaded them on the eight hour trip back to Canterlot. It was every bit as boring as the first trip, but somewhat calmer, since it was the most comfort they had had in days. They finally dipped into the last of the untouched rations, a small victory feast.

They arrived in Canterlot to find Celestia waiting for them. The five ponies who left the chariots bowed in respect.

“I’m thankful to see that you’re all okay,” Celestia said, motioning them to rise. “Forgive me for asking, but is the fact that you’re back a sign that the mission was successful?”

In response, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash lifted down the wrapped Sun Stone. Using her magic, Celestia unwrapped the prize.

“Yes...” Celestia grinned. “This is it... It’s really it!”

The Princess of the Sun lifted the item out a bit to gaze at it. “By the Creator... an actual artifact from the Age of Megan...” She quickly rewrapped it. Then she spoke to the Bearers. “You’ve done well. I’m very proud of you, my little ponies.”

Applejack tipped her hat. “Aw shucks, it weren’t nothing,” she said.

“Oh really?” Celestia said, her lips forming up into a sly smile. “Then I suppose you don’t want a trip to the Royal baths to clean yourself and a nice long rest before returning home? Buffet included, of course.”

“In that case, it was totally something,” Rainbow Dash said quickly, hoping to get in before Applejack’s insistence that she was just doing her duty.

Celestia’s smiled turned warmer. “Well then, while I get this to a safe place, my guards will escort you to where you can get cleaned up. I’ll meet you at dinner to discuss things further.”

The group thanked Celestia as she watched the Bearers be escorted away. Once she had stood there long enough to be polite, she lifted the Stone in her magic and began walking towards the deepest parts of the castle.

She traveled the hallways, heading to the same vault that previously housed the Elements of Harmony. After dismissing her guards, she opened the seal.

She placed the Sun Stone inside and resealed it. Then gave a smile. In just a few moments, the spells she had weaved inside that vault would transport the Sun Stone to its real resting location. Any would-be thief would attack the vault first and find nothing. Even against Discord, that might give them some time.

She strolled out of the room. She needed to have a word with Daring Do first, and the Bearers next.

“Pinkie, please, could you show some restraint?”

Rarity was angry at the moment because Pinkie was shoving another batch of hay fries down her throat. The Unicorn wanted to cringe at her friend’s disrespect of a royal hall, but Princess Celestia didn’t seem to mind. She sat in her chair, drinking tea and eating her snacks.

“Feast on, my little ponies, you’ve earned it.”

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were certainly following that advice, but the other three present were eating more calmly. Applejack’s table manners had a lot to be desired, but she wasn’t gulping down her food as she usually did.

Celestia took another sip of tea before continuing. “There is another motive I had for calling you all here.”

At that, the five ponies looked at her. All stopping except Pinkie, who was still munching on a bite of a daisy sandwich.

“What is it, Princess?”

At Rainbow Dash’s question, Celestia went on.

“First off, I’ve sent Trixie into Everfree to train under Zecora.”


Everypony save the Princess jumped at Rarity’s outburst, though in retrospect none of them could claim to be surprised. The Unicorn stood.

“Princess, you...” Rarity stopped, took a deep breath, and continued in a more calm manner. “Princess... I know Trixie isn’t entirely to blame for her actions, but are you sure this is wise?”

Unphased by Rarity’s outburst, Celestia spoke. “Trixie has shown a willingness to change and atone. She behaved herself, even without a horn ring. I think we can give her the benefit of the doubt.”

“Yes, well... Sweetie...”

Celestia held up a hoof. “I understand your concerns, Rarity. Trixie is restricted from coming into town unless one of you is accompanying her. It will be trivial to make sure Sweetie doesn’t see her.” Celestia took another sip before continuing. “But Trixie’s your top priority for the next few days.”

The five looked at each other before turning back to Celestia. “Beg pardon?” Applejack asked.

“This is both part of Trixie’s punishment and education. She has to go into Ponyville and face the ponies she’s wronged in a public apology. I’m going to be talking with Mayor Mare about her working off the damage she caused around town in that time.”

Rarity looked nervous. “I suppose...”

Rainbow Dash nudged Rarity a bit. “Um, you said you know it wasn’t entirely Trixie’s fault...”

“I know it wasn’t,” the Unicorn said, “and I know that I should be more forgiving... but I just can’t.”

“You can, Rarity,” Celestia assured. “Maybe not yet, but you will. I agree you shouldn’t force Sweetie into anything, but I think it would be beneficial if they were to speak together. I’ll leave that entirely to your discretion.”

“I... thank you, Princess. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Celestia nodded, then returned to addressing them all. “Now then, the next order of business... I ask that you stay on call for the duration of Twilight’s absence. I have a feeling that this will not be the only mission you are called on.”

That got looks of surprise from everypony. “What?”

Celestia smiled at Rainbow Dash’s response. “I’m afraid your duty isn’t done yet. I have... researchers looking in on more artifacts. Something tells me I know what the Changelings are up to...”

“And what about looking in on the leak?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It’s being handled as well. We’ve peeled through most of the ponies we know had a connection with Olive Branch, and with that almost over, we’re searching through official personnel. I’d say it will take a good deal of searching, but we should be able to find something soon.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Well, that’s a relief.”

Celestia went on. “I have a feeling that we’ll know what Sunset’s source is before too long.”

“Thank goodness,” Fluttershy said.

“Now, I want you to eat up and then rest. You deserve a rest. Oh, and Rainbow Dash, I have something for you.”

The cyan Pegasus blinked. “You do?”

“It seems that there was an eyewitness who testified at Trixie’s hearing, one who knew you quite well. A Griffon named Gilda...”

What?” Rainbow Dash yelled. At the same time, Fluttershy gave a frightened squeak and slunk down underneath the table.

“She had to go back to her post, orders from the higher-ups I’m afraid. But she wrote you a letter she asked to be delivered. I’ve left it in the room I’ve prepared for you.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “I... I need to go...”

In a flash the Pegasus was out of the dining room.

“Rainbow...” Rarity called.

“No. Let her be alone for right now. She probably has a lot to think about.”

Rainbow Dash stepped out of the shower, feeling much better. After taking a few minutes to properly wax her feathers, she stepped up to the bedside table.

The letter was indeed from Glida, she recognized the signature. The mare had always prided herself on being a mare of action, always knowing what to do next. Even having to apologize to Twilight after the wedding hadn’t been as taxing as this, as she knew what had to be done, even if doing it would be painful.

But here... should the letter even be touched? Should she accept any apology? Gilda had run out on her for nearly three years, and had been needlessly cruel to ponies Dash liked.

Then she remembered her vision. I wanted Gilda back in my life...

She shook her head, then shoved the letter into the drawer. She’d make her decision tomorrow. Right now, there was another more worthy of her time.

She left her room, nodding to a pair of passing guards. She went right into the room next door. Taking a deep breath, she went in.


Rainbow Dash realized she could hear water running. Applejack must be taking a shower of her own. Unfettered, she simply sat in a chair and waited.

After a few minutes, the sounds stopped. A minute more and Applejack came out of the bathroom, her hair still damp and loose.

“Wha... Rainbow, what the hay are you doin’ here?”

Rainbow silently got up and put a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “We’re not in the jungle anymore.”

“Yeah, I know...”

“I told you. We’re going to have a talk. I’m not going to leave you hanging after all that.”

“Rainbow,” Applejack looked away. “I’m fine...”

Rainbow Dash, with a surprising amount of gentleness from her, placed a hoof under Applejack’s chin and made her friend look at her. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you’re over what happened. If you can do that, I’ll leave.”

Applejack’s eyes locked onto Rainbow Dash and her mouth opened.

Then tears began to appear in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash wrapped her wings and forelegs around her friend and held her close as the normally stoic cowpony let her pain out.