• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 10,589 Views, 488 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil - Superdale33

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls. Sora travels to a world that holds a powerful magic, which he must protect from the impending Darkness while searching for his lost friend, Riku. Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

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Chapter 9: Admirers

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship’s Turmoil
Chapter 9: Admirers

After the scene at the Library, Sora and Roxas made their way over to the counselor's office. Roxas still needed to go through his orientation, even though he really didn’t want to. He may not have been through school, but he didn’t want to start, if having to do homework in the fake Twilight Town was anything to go by.

While Roxas was inside the office, Sora waited outside right next to the door, leaning against a wall as he crossed his arms. He was trying to figure out how to best deal with the problems that were piling up. Not just with Xehanort, Vexen and Zexion, but with the girl that Roxas had seen as well. What did it mean? And would the girl pop up again? Sora knew that Roxas wouldn’t make something like that up, nor would he be going insane. That would just be crazy.

Sora was shaken out of his thoughts when the door opened beside him, and Roxas stepped out, sighing as he did. Closing the door behind him, Roxas glanced at Sora, who held his fists up in anticipation for Roxas’ next words.

Facing him fully, Roxas put a hand on his hip. “I apparently got the same classes as you,” he stated like it was a new trivial fact. “Cadance said it would be better to have classes with the same transfer student.”

“That’s great,” Sora cheered, jumping up a bit, and causing Roxas to give a small smile at his enthusiasm. “Rainbow Dash is in the same home room. We can all hang out together.”

Roxas gave another sigh while shaking his head. “That’s great and all, but what about the Organization? They’re our main priority.”

“Actually,” Sora said slowly, putting a hand on his chin, “I’m supposed to protect the magic of friendship while searching for Riku. And the best way to do that is to have classes with them.”

“What about Riku?” Roxas asked.

“I can’t leave this school,” Sora explained, feeling saddened slightly from that statement as he rested his arms by his side. “So the only way to find him is if the Organization uses him again.”

Roxas raised a brow, eyeing Sora with scrutiny before looking off to the side. Roxas knew how important Riku was to Sora, and in a way, Roxas kind of missed him too. It was probably because of some shared feeling with Sora, but he still had it. Sure, Riku had beaten him with darkness, took him away before he could defeat Xemnas himself, and stuck him in a simulated Twilight Town, but he was willing to look past that. It was all for a greater good, right?

When Roxas thought about it, why did he want to fight Xemnas so badly at the time? It was obvious that he wanted to stop him before he created the artificial Kingdom Hearts, but… it felt like there was another reason for that course of action. A deeper, emotional reason.

“Roxas?” Sora asked, standing mere inches away from Roxas’ face, causing him to jump back and return to reality. “I lost you there for a second. Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” Roxas answered a little too quickly. “I’m fine. Let’s just get going.”

He stepped past Sora and walked down the hallway. Sora stared at him for a moment, wondering what was going through his head. Maybe it was the girl that he had seen, and if that was the case, what did Roxas know about her that caused him to act like that? Deciding not to go too much into it, Sora took off after Roxas, slowing his speed when he caught up to walk beside him.

“You know,” Roxas said, his eyes looking to the ground, “I never found out what happened to Axel.”

Sora blinked at Roxas, facing forward as he brought a hand up to his cheek to scratch it idely. “It’s kind of a long story,” Sora admitted with a small chuckle.

“Well, I’m not heading to class any time soon,” Roxas said with a shrug, and Sora didn’t really have any obligations either until classes ended. With that, Sora delved into what Lea had gone through after Sora had awoken from his year long sleep.


“No, no, no!” Sunset Shimmer shouted as she paced back and forth in the empty gymnasium, flipping through the pictures she had taken of Sora on her phone. She could not find anything discriminating over him that she could use to her advantage. The most she was able to get was a small crush that he had with Fluttershy, and that wasn’t enough to be able to effectively smash his reputation into pulp.

With a grunt of frustration, Sunset closed her flip phone and stuffed it into her pocket. She wouldn’t be able to take down Sora the same way she did with Twilight Sparkle, though admittedly she only partially did it, as she was able to bounce back up. There was only one option open to her: lying about him. With a new kid like him, it wouldn’t be hard to make something up. Plus, the students in the school were pretty gullible when it came down to it.

As Sunset thought over what she could do, a small wicked smile grew on her lips. The details were falling into place as she worked a plan in her mind.

“That’ll put a stop to that no good kid,” she said to herself, rushing through the double doors and out of the gym. When the doors shut, silence reigned inside of the room, the only noise coming from the hum of the lights.


“Axel got a keyblade!?” Roxas exclaimed with surprise, leaning away from Sora as if he had gone mad.

Sora laughed, his hands behind his head as they both walked down the still empty hallway. “I keep telling you, Roxas,” Sora said with another chuckle. “It’s Lea now. He’s not a Nobody anymore.”

Roxas was still reeling over the fact of his best friend’s new weapon, but he was still able to calm himself enough to respond to Sora, rolling his eyes at the same time. “When you spend a year with a guy,” he said with a bit of sarcasm in his tone, “you tend to stick with his old name.”

“Point taken,” Sora nodded with a smile.

The two of them entered into the main lobby, glancing around and observing the area with boredom. They didn’t really have anything to do, and their minds were running blank with what to talk about. After a few seconds, Roxas took a deep breath before turning to Sora.

“Do you know when classes-?” Roxas started before a bell rung through the hallways, causing the two to jump in surprise. Students poured out of the nearby rooms, chatting amongst themselves instantly as they crowded the once empty lobby. Sora and Roxas were bumped around, becoming separated from the mass of people moving around.

Sora found himself swiveling every time someone brushed by him, and he apologized each time. “Excuse me,” he said with his usual overly cheery grin. “Pardon me, my mistake, sorry, didn’t see you there.”

Then Sora lost his footing, and with all the chaos that was around him, he tumbled to the ground easily. Instead of trying to get up and possibly get knocked down again, Sora lied down on the ground, his arms splayed out beside him as he gave a tired sigh. His eyes wandered to the ceiling as everybody around gave him a wide berth. Luckily, the area was clearing after a few minutes had passed, everyone leaving to wherever they were going. The area grew relatively quiet at that point; not completely silent, but not really loud either. Before Sora could make any sort of movement, somebody stood over him, looking down at him with a smile.

“What are ya doin’ down there, partner?” Applejack laughed, bending down with a mirthful smirk, putting her hands on her hips.

“Oh, you know,” Sora joked with a small grunt of silliness, “Just laying around.”

Applejack giggled for a moment before extending a hand towards Sora, who took it with a hand of his own. As Applejack pulled, Sora pushed himself to his feet, standing once again. He briskly wiped his shorts, wanting to keep them somewhat presentable as Applejack spoke.

“So how’d it go?” she asked, her face turning worried. “With Principal Celestia, I mean.”

Finished with his quick cleaning, Sora shrugged. “It went okay. She just gave us detention. Roxas needs to keep an eye on Twilight, and I’m helping Fluttershy clean the hallways.”

“Well, that’s right kind of ya, Sora,” she said with a smirk. Applejack found her mind drifting off, wondering if the time Sora and Fluttershy spent together would get them together, but quickly shook those thoughts out. “And I’m glad Roxas is watchin’ Twilight. She’s been workin’ on that project of hers so long it puts Big Mac’s work ta shame.”

“Big Mac?” Sora questioned with a curious look. He always loved learning about his new friends, and other relatives were no exception.

“Yeah.” Applejack nodded. “He’s my big brother. Also have a little sister named Apple Bloom.”

“Oh yeah,” Sora remembered, his face lighting up, “I ran into her at the library. She was working on some music with her friends.”

Applejack chuckled, “Sounds ‘bout right.”

It was in that moment of silence between the two that they heard hushed whispering behind Applejack. Sora leaned to the side, peeking past Applejack to see two girls giggling with each other as they pointed towards Applejack. Applejack gave a brief sideways glance at them before looking off to the side with her head tilted down, rubbing her arm for comfort as she frowned in sadness.

Sora was able to put two and two together, and looked sad as well as he turned back to Applejack. “Hey, are they…?” Sora trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence in hope that he was mistaken.

“It’s nothin’, really,” Applejack played off with a wave of her hand, her voice breaking for a very short moment. Sora wasn’t so sure, but didn’t really explore the topic, unsure whether it was right to press Applejack. Sora and Applejack stood awkwardly with each other, not sure what to say to each other. Eventually, Applejack shook off her demeanor, grabbing a hold of Sora’s arm as he lead him away from the gossiping girls, who only laughed quietly at their behavior.

Sora allowed Applejack to lead them away, and she let him go when they stopped near the trophy case. Applejack brought her hand up and lowered her hat down to cover her eyes, though Sora could still see the sorrow that was on her face. But he didn’t want to upset Applejack further by questioning her about what that was about, and this was taken further when Applejack cleared her throat, pushing her hat back on top of her head.

“So, uh, where’s Roxas?” she asked, changing the subject as she gave a forced chuckle.

Sora gave her a sympathetic look for a moment before responding. “Not sure,” he admitted slowly, still put off by his friend’s sudden misery. “We got separated when the bell rang.”

It was at that moment that Applejack’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a green-colored flip phone. With a swift move, she flipped the phone open as she looked at the screen with slight bewilderment. However, as her eyes went back and forth on what the text said, her face broke into a grin.

“What is it?” Sora asked, quite glad that Applejack was able to give a real smile as he walked over to her. Sora looked into the phone, and upon seeing the text message himself, he blinked in bafflement. “Nurse’s office?”


Roxas was pushed and shoved by the students all around him, and he was starting to become angry because of it. He tried to get through without resorting to violence, but had only little success. He was able to make a break to a hallway, finding it slightly empty, especially when compared to the overcrowded lobby.

Roxas took a few deep breaths, appreciating that he had a bit of space to move around. He turned towards the group of mobile people, glaring at them as he muttered, “I almost miss the castle.”

He turned right around and bumped into someone by accident, knocking the person to the ground with a cry, books dropping to the floor in a large mess. Roxas caught himself before he could fall to the floor, and because of his mood, he was uptight about someone running into him as he looked at the person at fault with a furrowed brow. All he saw was Twilight, rubbing where she had landed as she groaned. His face instantly softened, feeling guilty for what he unintentionally did and felt.

“Oh, Twilight,” he said, kneeling down and collecting a few of the books that were laying on the ground. He wondered where Spike was, but figured Twilight had him in his backpack. “Sorry.”

Twilight, let out a quick release of breath and smiled, swiveling to her knees to pick a book up. “It’s alright, Roxas. I should have seen where I was going.”

“What was stopping you?” Roxas asked, handing her a book, not noticing how rude he sounded. That’s when he read the title of a book he had in his hands, which was actually pertaining to astronomy. He brought the book closer to himself, studying the cover with contemplation. “You’re studying other worlds?”

Twilight, with an arms full of books in a stack, took the book from Roxas’ hand, adding it with the others. “Yeah,” she answered, her eyes twinkling as she stared off in wonder. “After you and Sora told me all about those other worlds, it made me want to know more. So I gathered all the books I could from Miss Cheerilee about other worlds.”

The two stood back up to their feet, and Roxas saw how many books she was actually carrying. She had her hands extended down to her waist, and the books were built all the way up to her head.

“Do you need any help with that?” he asked, gesturing to the immense amount books, but Twilight shook her head.

“I’ll be fine,” she said, walking past him. “I just have to watch my- Ah!”

The books leaned in a certain direction, causing Twilight to try to save it, only to fall back. Roxas took action, catching Twilight before she fell again by wrapping his arms around her waist. Of course, all the books fell to the floor, and Twilight gave a sigh of relief.

“Thanks, Rox…” she started, but when she looked up at him, she trailed off as her mouth remained agaped. She was close enough to feel his breath against her face as he looked down at her. He looked so cute to her suddenly. What really encaptured her were his eyes, with their light blue color and innocence. It was like she was looking up at the sky itself.

“You alright, Twilight?” Roxas asked, and she was snapped out of her trance, jumping out of Roxas’ arms with a blush on her cheeks.

“Uh, y-yes, I’m fine,” she hastily said as she brought her hands together and intertwining them. She didn’t know what to think as she swallowed nervously.

“That’s good,” Roxas said with a nod, walking past her towards the still very crowded lobby. “I’ve gotta find Sora before he gets himself into trouble.”

“Oh, wait!” Twilight called, putting a hand on Roxas’ shoulder. He looked back at her with curiosity, and Twilight realized she was touching him. She jerked her hand away, nursing it like it had been struck as her blush intensified. She wasn’t this jumpy before when she helped Roxas back to her house, though she had help from Shining in carrying Roxas. Even still, she never noticed how… lonesome he was.

Roxas waved a hand in front of her face, once again knocking her back into reality. “Are you sure you’re alright?” Roxas questioned, and Twilight turned away. “Your face is awfully red. Maybe you need to see the…” Roxas rolled his hands as he tried to think of the word before pointing at Twilight when he thought of it. “nurse. Do you need to see the nurse?”

“That…” Twilight started, but changed her answer on the fly, not realizing what she said until she said it. “Would be nice.”

“Okay, I’ll take you there,” Roxas said, quickly picking up a couple books that were lying on the ground. He remembered Twilight’s response before, and looked up at her, who was still blushing. “You don’t mind me helping this time, do you?”

“N-No!” Twilight replied, giving an anxious smile as she played with her hair. “Why would I mind? I don’t mind.”

Roxas opened his mouth to remind her what she had said before, but thought better of it. Instead, he closed his mouth, smiled, and picked up the rest. “Come on, then,” he said, standing tall on his feet, shifting the books in his hands to have them sit more comfortably. “Let’s get going.”


Sora and Applejack walked down the hallway, heading for the Nurse’s office where Roxas and Twilight were. Sora had his arms crossed, still confused about something. “So why are they at Nurse’s office?” Sora asked, his stomach rumbling at that moment as he placed a hand over it. “During lunch?” he added with a touch of sadness.

"Well, the message didn't say," Applejack explained with a smile, "but Twi was pretty desperate to talk with us.”

"Who else are we meeting with?" Sora asked, glancing around. The hallway was completely empty; everyone must have gone to lunch.

"Rainbow's practicin', as usual," Applejack said with a grunt. "Rarity and Fluttershy are somewhere or other. As for Pinkie Pie, she’s-”

“What’s wrong with this stinkin’ contraption!?” a male shouted from a room up ahead, causing Sora and Applejack to stop in their tracks. Applejack didn’t really react to the yell, looking over with a blank expression. For Sora, however, he was balking over the voice, for he found it recognizable the moment he heard it.

“Is that Pete!?” Sora exclaimed, bolting for the door.

“Get away from us, ya wierdo!” the voice of Apple Bloom shouted, making Applejack’s heart nearly stop.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack shouted as Sora reached the doorway, sliding to a halt the rest of the way. The room was completely empty except for the familiar fat cat that was Pete. Sora knew at least Apple Bloom was in the room as well, but Pete was blocking his view. Applejack was beside him at that point, her expression a mix of anger and fear.

“Maleficent gave me this thing, and it don’t even work!” Pete grumbled, shaking what looked like a red colored radar with a handle where he gripped it and a short antenna on top. “Humph, if she weren’t so much more powerful than me, then I’d…”

“Just leave us alone!” the voice of Scootaloo shouted, making Sora angrier, knowing that Pete must have been holding all three of the girls. “What did we ever do to you?”

“Aw, shut your trap,” Pete said with a wave of his free hand. “I just need to find this magic using this doohickey and then-”

“Stop right there, Pete!” Sora shouted, rushing towards him with his keyblade.

“Wha?” Pete said turning around just in time to widen his eyes at seeing Sora. Before he could do anything, however, Sora leapt forward, and twirled around with his keyblade, smacking Pete and sending him tumbling to the ground off to the right. He miraculously missed any desks, which littered the entire room. With his presence gone, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were revealed standing there, awestruck at seeing Sora using a giant key as a weapon.

“Whoa,” the three said simultaneously, their jaws dropped. Sora didn’t really notice, getting into a fighting stance as he kept an eye on Pete, who was picking himself up while rubbing his head. Applejack, meanwhile, made her way to the three girls, standing in front of them protectively.

“Dag nabbit!” Pete cursed, stomping a foot as he gazed over to Sora, “You had to get involved in this too? Of all the rotten luck.”

Sora didn’t respond, and instead faced Applejack. “Take the girls and get Roxas. I can handle him.”

“You got it. Just be careful, ya hear?” Applejack replied, gently pushing the girls out of the room. They obeyed, but still stared at Sora as if he would do something else that was awesome at any moment. Sora nodded at Applejack’s words before turning back to Pete, finally speaking to him as the girls left the room.

“What are you doing here, Pete?” Sora growled, gripping his keyblade. He knew the reason, of course, but he was going to hear it from him first.

“Probably the same thing as you, kid,” Pete shot back, pointing a finger at Sora. “I’m going to find what Maleficent sent me here for, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Did you already forget what happened last time?” Sora smirked, relaxing a bit as he remembered who he was dealing with.

“You bet I did,” Pete laughed, making his hands into fists and putting them on his hips. “Just you wait.”

Putting his pointer finger and thumb in his mouth, Pete whistled loudly. Dark orbs quickly appeared in between Sora and Pete, dropping off a group of heartless, some of which landed on desks, before disappearing as quickly as they appeared. The Heartless were completely foreign to Sora, or at least from what he could see. Large kite shaped shields were held by whatever heartless stood behind them. The edges were blue, with a gray front and the ever present Heartless symbol in the center.

Sora raised a brow at the new enemies as one of them peeked around its shield, allowing Sora to get a good look at it. It was actually quite small, maybe a head taller than a Shadow Heartless, but it had a boxed helmet on with a mailslot-like hole in the middle, showing it’s glowing yellow eyes. On the spot, Sora called them Shielders for the time being. The heartless hid behind its shield again as Pete threw his head back to laugh.

“Let’s see how you handle this!” he shouted, bouncing from foot to foot like a boxer. Sora simply glared at the enemies he had to fight before two of them leapt forward, approaching him. Sora headed for the nearest one, and the shield glowed when he was close enough. Thinking fast, Sora jumped up just as the shield shot forward along with its heartless, allowing Sora to go over it without a hitch.

Sora landed behind it and pushed off his feet as soon as he did, slashing through the unprotected side of the Shielder easily. The Shielder dissipated, fading out of existence as a crystal heart floated out and up before disappearing itself. Sora brought up his keyblade to block another Shielder, who had done the same attack. It stumbled back from the failed attempt, and with the opportunity, Sora gripped the top of the shield with his free hand, forcing it down as he pushed himself up. With the Shielder exposed, Sora sliced through it with his keyblade.

Sora then dodge rolled toward Pete and out of the way of two other Shielders who had charged forward, missing completely. Seeing an opening, Pete put his hands together to form a blue explosive ball, then he threw his hands back and rolled it like it was a bowling ball. Seeing the incoming explosive, Sora slid towards it, putting his keyblade in front of his feet. The ball shot upward once it made contact with the keyblade, slowing to a halt midair. Sora quickly braced himself with his keyblade by swinging it back like it was bat. When the ball fell and it was at the ideal position, Sora swung, knocking the ball back towards Pete. It hit his face, causing him to clutch it as he hopped around.

“Ouch! Ow!” Pete shouted in pain.

Sora didn’t have time to enjoy it as he was hit by a Shielder from the side, sending him flying at the wall. After he slammed into it, he crouched slightly from the impact. Sweeping over the room, he spotted half a dozen Shielders still spread around. One of the shielders charged forward, but Sora simply jumped back and leapt off the wall. He slashed at the Shielder below him and did a front flip to finish off the move.

After landing, Sora noticed three of the Shielders coming at him from different sides, so he twirled his keyblade a moment before holding it off to the side. A ring of rotating flames surrounded him, burning the three the moment they got close enough, destroying them.

Sora turned to the last two, who stood by the door, but before he could take action, Roxas ran through with both of his keyblades drawn, slicing through the Shielders with each one. Sora blinked at his sudden appearance as Roxas sighed, lowering his keyblades as he gave Sora a small smirk.

“Can’t leave you alone for a moment, can I?” he said, and Sora simply smiled at the remark, shouldering his keyblade. They heard a loud and annoyed groan, and when they looked over, they saw Pete clutching his head as he stomped around in a small circle.

“Why do ya gotta be like this, huh?” he yelled, causing Sora and Roxas to glance at each other with a knowing look. That was when Applejack and Twilight ran in the room, stopping just behind Roxas.

“Who is that?” Twilight questioned, referring to Pete and making Applejack wonder the same thing, though she was still mad that he would corner her younger sister.

“He’s Pete,” Sora explained, turning towards them. “He’s working with a witch named Maleficent to take over all the worlds.”

“That’s part of it,” Pete chuckled, “We’re looking for that special magic in this here world, and when we find it, you’re gonna regret crossing us!”

“Oh please,” Roxas grunted with a shake of his head, standing nonchalantly. “Even when I faced you down, you weren’t that great.”

“Not so great!?” Pete repeated, gripping his hands tightly. “Oh, that’s it! No more mister nice guy!”

Taking a long breath, Pete rolled one of his shoulders, before clapping his hands in preparation for what he was going to do. The four friends braced themselves, waiting for whatever may appear. Lifting up a hand, Pete snapped his fingers, a burst of magic forming because of it.

A pool of Darkness appeared on the floor, sending any remaining desks to the walls, almost knocking over the four friends. A large heartless was emerging from it, going up like it was standing on an elevator. When it was completely in view, the four friends knew what they were dealing with, though Twilight and Applejack were much more frightened.

The heartless was three times as tall as the Shielders, looking much more lanky and limber. It’s main body was relatively thin, with a dark gray color that was on the borderline of black. It’s head was simply a spike, with a zigzag line for a mouth and yellow circles for eyes. In each hand was a square shield, much thinner than the Shielders own shield. Each shield was dark blue and lined with red, the recognizable Heartless symbol in the center of both of them.

“Whelp,” Pete sighed with a bored look, “I’d love to stay and see how pummeled you’ll be, but I’ve got searching to do!”

And with that said, Pete ran for the door, going around the Heartless as he tried to escape. “Hey! Not so fast!” Sora said, moving to intercept. Roxas was already in Pete’s path, readying his keyblades for some action. Unfortunately, a shield was slammed between Roxas and Pete, catching Roxas off guard. Then, suddenly, the shield pushed forward, hitting Roxas and sending him away from the door.

“Roxas!” Twilight cried as Sora was still approaching Pete himself. But again, another shield was smashed in between him and Pete, forcing Sora to halt and jump to the side, narrowly avoiding a strike from the heartless.

When Pete finally reached the doorway, he turned to the room and gave a big pompous laugh. “Later, losers!”

Sora backed away to stand by his friends as Roxas got to his feet again, staring down the heartless. The heartless stood tall before crouching low, giving a heavy roar as his spike simply bent backwards where the mouth was.

“I guess we have to deal with this guy first,” Sora announced, and Roxas nodded as his answer. Sora faced Applejack and Twilight, jerking his head towards the doorway as he said, “You guys need to get out of here.”

“I know we can’t do much to help,” Twilight admitted, facing down a moment before looking back to the two keybladers with determination, “But there must be something we can do!”

“And there is!” Pinkie said, appearing with a wide devious smile behind Applejack, causing her to jump away in shock. The others stared at her a moment before Pinkie gave a frank look, jabbing a thumb towards the door. “I walked in while you guys were talking. Duh.”

Everyone glanced to one another, silently accepting this fact and not the other where Pinkie was a teleporter. Roxas turned to the large boss, which was ready to fight. “I’ll keep him distracted,” he declared. “You guys think of something!”

As Roxas jumped forward, Pinkie stuck a finger into the air. “And we can skip the thinking of something!”

“Why’s that?” Applejack asked with a raised brow.

“Because I have this!” Pinkie said, whipping out what appeared to be a small pink cannon with two blue wheels from behind herself. “I call it the Party Cannon, trademarked! So what do you think?”

Sora hesitated a moment, not sure what to think as he rubbed his chin. “Uh, it looks great,” Sora said, gesturing to the cannon, “But how is it going to…?”

Sora trailed off, remembering when he used cannons back in another world, and a smile grew on his face. “Pinkie Pie,” Sora said, making his free hand into a fist as he held it up to his chest, “This’ll do just fine.”

Pinkie smiled widely, putting her hands behind her back. Twilight wondered what Sora could have in mind, but didn’t voice her thoughts as she moved the planning along. “Whatever you do, Sora, do it fast. Roxas is having trouble.”

One look at the situation with Roxas and the heartless boss was all that was needed. Roxas bounced around, trying to catch a weak point, but the boss blocked any and all attacks, easily moving its shields around. Roxas jumped in the air, trying to jump over the shields, but the heartless simply brought them up, knocking Roxas back with one of them. He landed on his back a few feet away from Twilight, who briskly made her way over to him, kneeling down beside him as she lifted him up.

“Come on, Roxas, Sora has a plan,” she explained as Roxas stood back up, throwing an arm around her shoulder to hold him up.

“He loves taking his time,” Roxas grumbled, digging into his pockets for a potion that Sora had given to him earlier.

Seeing that Roxas was out of the way, Sora jumped behind the cannon, pushing it slightly to aim it at the heartless. The heartless, noticing the upcoming attack, brought its shields to bare, making it look more like a wall. Sora smirked at how well his plan was going so far before addressing Pinkie.

“When I give the signal, Pinkie,” Sora instructed, “Shoot the cannon.”

“Aye aye, sir,” Pinkie said, standing to attention with a salute. Nodding, Sora ran off to the side of the boss, drawing its attention as it retracted its shields to block whatever Sora might throw at it.

Sora made for the wall, running up it a moment before saying, “Now, Pinkie!”

Without a hint of hesitation, Pinkie put all her weight into her hands as she slammed her palms into the button on the top of the cannon. A low boom resounded in the room, and a colorful cloud of confetti, streamers, and balloons shot out. Though the celebratory items did nothing to the heartless, it did change its motives as it shifted its shields to block the cannon, thinking it was being attack by that.

That left the heartless open to attack for Sora, who took advantage of it immediately. At the top of his wall run, he launched himself off, moving over to the exposed arms. With a spin, Sora allowed a bit of magic to seep into his keyblade, and with a quick swipe of his keyblade, a thin wave of magic shot out, cutting the heartless’ arms clean off. The heartless roared in anger, the shields going limp as they tumbled down.

With the heartless defenseless, Roxas, feeling much better thanks to the potion, rushed forward, jumped up and hacked and slashed at the exposed enemy. By the time Roxas was finished, Sora had landed, and with another swipe layered with magic, he cut the legs clean off as well. The heartless fell forward, along with Roxas, who landed beside Sora.

(Stop music)

As soon as the heartless touched the ground, it faded away, black wisps trailing off of it as a large crystal heart floated out, disappearing after a short time. And then it was completely gone, the only indication that a battle had taken place was the mess of desks all along the walls. Everyone took a deep breath, glad that it was over as they relaxed their bodies.

“Awesome!” Scootaloo suddenly shouted, causing everyone to whirl their heads towards the doorway, seeing the three young girls leaning into the room. They each had a look of astonishment, ignoring everything else around them, including a glare from both Applejack and Twilight.

“I thought I told ya’ll ta stay in the Nurse’s office,” Applejack said sternly, crossing her arms. However, the three girls were still staring at Sora and Roxas, their jaws dropped

“And miss all this?!” Sweetie squeaked. “No wonder Fluttershy is falling for him!”

Sora instinctively knew that Sweetie was talking about him, causing him to scratch his cheek with a single finger, looking away to seem inconspicuous. He didn't know Fluttershy liked him, and it caused him to give an embarrassed smile.

Roxas gave a chuckle at their little admirers, knowing that he and Sora would have to explain everything to them later. However, he quickly frowned as a thought passed his mind. “Shame Pete got away,” he said with a shake of his head. “Now we really have a mess on our hands.”

“Yeah,” Sora agreed, allowing his keyblade to disappear as he crossed his arms, driving out the thought of Fluttershy for the time being. “The Organization, Vexen and Zexion, and now Maleficent and Pete.”

“More meanies being mean?” Pinkie asked, her shoulders slumping.

“I’m afraid so,” Roxas sighed, nodding. They were dealing with three different groups, all vowing to get a hold of the magic of friendship. Sora and Roxas sort of wished they had some more friends to help them out a bit.

After a moment of silence, Twilight finally spoke up, “Let’s get some lunch. It’s been a long day so far.”

Everyone agreed to this, and they all headed for the doorway, leaving behind the mess caused by their little engagement.